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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  May 3, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> some of the job losses could signal the start of slower employment reports going forward. temporary jobs get shed first. manufacturing gained but lost 5,000 jobs over the past three months. overall a good report for the market. we'll see what the next inflation report and see what that says. if that is going up and employment is down that's bad. >> bill: nice so a see you in washington, d.c. >> dana: before we go we need this. a teacher snaps a rare shot in oregon that has birdwatchers chirping. the blue rock thrush caught on camera the first time ever. only native to europe and asia. not sure how this happened but it happened. it might not happen again for decades. experts call it the bird of the century. >> bill: do you think the bird took the boat? >> dana: that's a good point indeed. harris faulkner is next. here she is. >> harris: we begin with trump versus new york. the trial is in a short morning break right now so we can catch
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you up. a lot has happened already. and we'll continue to bring you moment by moment coverage. keep an eye on the right box on your screen when this resumes. whatever we're doing, that is where you are going to see what's popping up now and what's popping up next. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." a dramatic and disturbing statistic. more than 2,000 arrests tied to the campus protests and hating jews and hating american movement, whatever it is. all part of the crackdown on campus hate spreading like wildfire. look at this. [shouting] >> harris: so they've arrested two plus thousand people and in new york nypd officers have taken apart another anti-israel encampment just this morning. this time at new york university. so they are hitting every campus
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they can at this point. does it feel organized? we'll get into it. absolutely you bet. the department's deputy commissioner posted pictures of the signs at nyu. they call for death to america, death to israel. and it also released some body camera footage of the raid that happened on tuesday at that hall. hamilton hall at columbia that they had taken and then police took it back. [shouting] >> harris: we can watch as an officer is using a saw to cut through chains and barriers to get into the building. and police have arrested the anti-israel trespassers there. so you know there are crimes involved that were trespass
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crimes, so on and so forth. not to mention the destruction. do their tuition fees have to pay for this? please tell me the taxpayers don't have anything to do with this. that's not going to ride smoothly with new yorkers. city officials later revealed that about 1/three of the people that they had arrested had no affiliation with the university. so they weren't students or faculty, no administrators among them. they were agitators from off campus. something we've been telling you to watch for. through all of the evil and the darkness, some rays of faith, hope and goodness shining through. [crowd chanting usa, usa. ] >> harris: student at rutgers in new jersey faced down anti-israel protestors on campus chanting usa and waving the american flag. these students at university of north carolina, chapel hill,
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were rehanging the american flag after agitators, students on campus as well protesting tore it down and hung up a palestinian flag. none of that. they've reversed that. old glory is flying. another student there held up an american flag as protestors were throwing rocks and water balloons. unc students are speaking out. >> there are still patriots in this country that want to fight and would sacrifice themselves for this flag, this country. >> i just wanted to really protect my country and something i would give my life for. >> harris: fox news correspondent molly line is at nyu now. i couldn't believe it, right, when we saw another school falling to an encampment. it didn't last long. >> that's right. the nypd moved quick today and
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made 56 arrests between here at nyu and at the news school not far away in manhattan. they moved in swiftly. bused rolled up at 6:00 and the power watching has begun at nyu. here at nyu the encampment a rough wake-up call. people stumbling out of their tents as officers arrived sending warnings about leaving this area and warning of arrests if they did not leave. there were arrests made, of course, they moved on their strategic response, officers also with the news school in manhattan where protestors gained access and occupied a number of campus there. they had the same demands. divest anti-israel noting it was the news school that called them as well as nyu to disburse illegal encampments. officials say there are outside forces behind these protests. >> there is somebody behind this movement. there is some organization
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behind this movement. the level of organization that was seen in both of these encampments here and at columbia. there is somebody funding this. there is somebody radicalizing our students. >> since april police have been making arrest across the country. 2,000 people arrested at 44 college campuses across 24 states, harris. >> harris: molly, thank you very much. now let's get back to former president donald trump's new york criminal trial. that was a short morning break. they have already resumed just starting again seconds ago. four days in court for the three weeks with november fast approaching. the former president again has torched the trial because he spoke at length this morning on his way in. let's watch. >> the courthouse instead of being in georgia. we're in a courthouse instead of
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being in any one of i would say ten states where i would like to be right now. we have ten states. we were marked down to be in georgia today where we're doing very well in the polls, by the way. that's where we were supposed to be. we were supposed to be in ohio tomorrow and supposed to be in florida on the next day doing -- campaigning. essentially campaigning. so now i have to go through this trial day after day. >> harris: all right. to help make sense of what i said it was four days a week in court. they take wednesdays off. so we have several more weeks of this and november is fast approaching. senior correspondent eric shawn is outside the new york state supreme court now. eric. >> hello, harris. former president trump arrived this morning he was in a mood. he said he may file a lawsuit today to try to overturn the judge's gag order on him.
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the gag order prevents mr. trump from attacking witnesses, jurors, court staff and family members there. many court observers think the former president wants to overturn that gag order to be able to attack a witness who has attacked him. presumably to fire back on his former lawyer and now one of his main critics, michael cohen. >> the gag order stops me from talking about people and responding when they say things about me. we have people saying things about me and i am not allowed to respond. this judge has taken away my constitutional rights. >> in court the cross examination is finished. the district attorney technician who extracted recordings and photos from michael cohen's i-phones. he used one to secretly record his boss, trump, talking about how they would pay karen
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mcdougal's deal for her to keep quiet about the alleged affair with her. that was two months before the election in trump tower. mr. trump is heard on that recording telling cohen to pay by check. >> i spoke to allen about it. when it comes time for the financing. >> what financing? >> we'll have to pay. >> check? >> there you hear it, check. legal experts say the fact the former president says that means the defense can claim that he didn't think there was anything wrong with this deal. the deal was legit because a check, of course, leaves a record of a transaction and if they were trying to hide it, it would have been in cash. also they point out that nowhere on the recording is the former president heard talking about linking mcdougal's deal to anything about his election. right now the court back from recess. on stand is a manhattan district
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attorney parra legal. to monitor everything the former president says or posts on truth social, twitter, facebook, everything else. she testified she has reviewed 10,000 posts. 10,000 posts of the president so she is talking about that right now. >> harris: i just want to get this straight. the recordings that we're hearing, did the president know he was being recorded? >> we don't know that. one can assume at the time he did not know. that he was being recorded. that michael cohen was sitting in his office in trump tower, i've been there. you can sit right in front of mr. trump's desk and he has the iphone in his pocket someplace and making that recording. so one would think that his boss did not know it at the time. that's one of the things that's coming out in this trial. >> harris: so much for client/attorney privilege. great job. check back as the news warrants.
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thank you. paul mauro, attorney, retired nypd inspector and katie cherkowski. great to see you both. i want to start with you, katie. if the president didn't know he was being recorded and he would assume, as any of us would you have client/attorney privilege what do you say about the fact the whole world is hearing those tape recordings now? >> there are one party consent laws that allow for recordings . when we look at this, this was president trump's attorney. he sounded very much like he was taking legal advice. michael cohen had previously tried to suggest trump was -- it sounds like cohen is calling the shots. consistent with the other testimony. this was cohen's deal. trump may or may have not been informed by all parts of it. it'd sounds like an attorney/client relationship. this is advice he took from his
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own lawyer. >> harris: i'm curious how his own lawyers now will use that in court. let's get to this. one editorial accuses judge merchan of election interference against the trump campaign. a source told the daily caller, the gag order says it applies to the president himself. and then it prevents him from instructing or ordering anybody else to do it. so legally that basically applies to anybody who works for him and since he is considered basically the chairman of the campaign or the top dog of the campaign as this quote says, the campaign applies to everybody on the campaign staff. so paul, they have gagged everybody with this order. what if somebody just decides i want to speak out for the president? i want to say, you know, on his behalf michael cohen is lying about such and such? does he get punished for that? >> that's the question here. even as judge merchan has said, this is all a case of first impression. that means this is the first
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time this jurisdiction has been with a lot of these issues. you have a presidential candidate. a former president who owns his own social media platform. we have a unique set of facts here. let's take it down to street level. if you are john or jane q. public and looking at michael cohen going on tiktok to make a buck by criticizing and making trump a character ki tour and trump isn't allowed to file a rejoinder and saying michael cohen crossed the line and not telling the truth, you really start to feel this whole thing is rigged against him and that's just how it feels. >> harris: you are talking car ki tour. the dol in a jumpsuit. follow the money on this, too. there is so much here that doesn't make any sense for this case. it is salacious. you are with me for the hour.
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i'm grateful. see you in a moment. the white house on cleanup duty again. they must be exhausted. will home depot have any mops left. the president is using a choice word for one of our closest allies as a nation. >> the word xenophobic is a very negative word to use against an ally. is that what he meant? >> harris: he called japan xenophobic. wow. president biden broke his nine-day silence on the anti-semitic jew-hating chaos on college campuses across america. critics say too little too late. >> the president is weak, the president is soft. his speech was mele mouthed. he doesn't want to offend the protestors because he doesn't want to lose votes. >> harris: tulsi gabbard is in studio and will sit on the mezz next. -at home, like you want.r.
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>> president biden: there should be no place on any campus, no place in america for anti-semitism or threats of violence against jewish students. there is no place for hate speech or violence of any kind whether it's anti-semitism, islamaphobia or discrimination against arab americans or palestinian americans. it is simply wrong. as president i will always defend free speech and i will always be just as strong in standing up for the rule of law. >> harris: if you were getting a sense of deja vu. that was live during this hour yesterday. we've had 24 hours to try to digest those few little words that he took nine days to say about the chaos and the hate that have taken over america's colleges and universities.
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critics are ripping into him. his delayed reaction and what they say was a weak and politically calculated response. it was certainly legally written. every word of it. one headline has this explanation. biden tries threading the needle on campus protests in the israel/hamas war. yesterday on "focus" senator john kennedy says he knows exactly why biden is doing this. >> the mayhem you see is an effort to put pressure on president biden and it is working. president biden, with respect, he is old, he is weak, he knows he has to have the hamas wing of the democratic party to be reelected. he is scared, as my dad used to say nervous as a pregnant nun. >> harris: oh, with respect, he said it all. the trump campaign echoed in writing biden refused to outright condemn the pro-hamas, pro-genocide mobs. the sad truth is that he needs
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their votes. more headlines are taking the president to task today. a political decision. joe biden ends his silence. another, biden fails the campus protest test. his fear of taking on the crazy left poses a real threat to his re-election chances. far left senator bernie sanders with this dire warning for biden. >> in terms of his campaign, i am thinking back and other people are making this reference, that this may be biden's vietnam. i worry very much that president biden is putting himself in a position where he is alienated not just young people but a lot of the democratic base in terms of his views on israel and this war. >> harris: actutulsi gabbard. for love of country, leave the
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democrat party behind is her new book. tell me about leaving joe biden behind yesterday because that was -- a lot of people are criticizing it was too little too late. >> statements like his waiting nine days and then having this weak statement that is unbecoming of the president of the united states during a time of crisis is one of those reasons why i left the democratic party. he talks about his commitment to uphold the rule of law, his commitment to defend free speech, and yet we are seeing here in his response his failure to do so and his record throughout his administration of not only failing to defend free speech but deciding who gets to speak and who should be censored. his words are fairly meaningless and his lack of honesty and directness in speaking the truth that yes, we defend free speech. all students should feel safe in their campus. to stand against anti-semitism
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and call out what is a pro-hamas, pro-radical islamist ideology taking over these campuses where they are advocating for genocide against our fellow americans. that's what is happening and what he refused to say. >> harris: ironically they are calling for genocide for him, too. genocide joe. some of the signage has his name on it, which i say ironic, i don't often use that word. you would think he would have a whole lot to say about this. >> you would. it makes me wonder how closely he is paying attention to what is really going on here and recognizing that while this is happening on our college campuses today, the greater threat is one that threatens our fundamental freedom and frankly civilization because hamas as a terrorist organization, like other islamist groups. their goal is islamic rule. exacting shr iya law over the
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world. as these young students are susceptible to grabbing hold, the more you will see happening like countries in europe where they are implementing that in freedom loving countries in the west. >> harris: anti-israel protestor have defaced a statute of our first president at the university that bears his name. they draped a scarf and flag around his face. acts like this one and protests across the country are showing the organized effort by the far left to radicalize our young people and nypd deputy commissioner laid it out this way today. >> it is propaganda, social media. it is -- students are already passionate and upset about an issue and now a person whispering in that your ear we should take over the building or something like that. when young minds are in that state it is pretty easy to be
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influenced by somebody who is a professional at manipulation. >> harris: you have to check this out. the "wall street journal"'s lead editorial today outlines what it calls rules for campus radicals in 2024. it highlights a website that has become a clearinghouse for anarchists, antifa activitys and radical left its and offers tips and strategy to break the law and indoctrinate the people. some home time reading for people who want to cause a resistance. expect resistance to yourself. a crime think field manual. all the steps you can do to fight back. we're seeing some of that. >> we're seeing it before our eyes. this is not just a grassroots movement that has bubbled out of nowhere. clearly organized and well-funded. the objectives are very clear. i talk about the influence of this ideological warfare that
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terrorist groups are waging here and around the world and have been for hundreds of years. the failure of our leaders to wage that warfare in return with that superior what it means to live free in a free society, the foundational principles that are our country, and so we have a situation now where you have people who hate freedom, who hate america, and are trying to destroy us from within are so far making great progress. >> harris: who are the uber wealthy who can do this sort of human movement? they literally are telling them what to say, putting them into positions. people who can come onto the campuses and throw down the tents and take them up when kids are arrested. >> it's well documented at this point that george soros is one of the primary funders of this. with this specific campus protest filled with hamas apologists to the tune of ten to 12 million that you put forward towards this. i have a feeling there will be more where that comes from.
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>> harris: i know through his venues like axe with the bridges being shut down. coast to coast, there were fingers that were pointed directly to mainly the soros family. alexander, his son, has taken over for george and more of an activist. >> this is where leadership is required to have strong and steady leadership, to speak the truth. president biden is clearly worried about being labeled as islam fob himself. we need a president to defend our freedoms and uphold the rule of law. >> harris: tulsi gabbard, great to see you. thank you. court is back in session and you can see. watch the box on the right here as we begin to kind of get into gear to tell you moment by moment as we have our reporters and journalists inside the courthouse. historic criminal trial of a former president, donald trump, in new york city.
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we've just learned former top trump aide hope hicks is the next victim. stay with us. -- next witness, excuse me, next witness, my bad. fulton county prosecutor fani willis back in the spotlight today. the georgia state senate hearing testimony today on claims she misused state and federal funds in the trump election meddling case. our panel is back in "focus" next. i hear it all the time. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900
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>> harris: the witness is on the stand. hope hicks is now testifying in the new york versus trump trial. back with the panel. paul mauro and katie. news from the courtroom. michael colangelo is handling the direct examination and that was a little shift inside the courtroom. hope hicks was just sworn in. trump was watching her as she was walking in and she joked quote, unquote, i'm really nervous. katie, your thoughts about this witness and testimony that they are about to see. >> well, i think the prosecution is really hoping to draw out some more direct information about donald trump's direct involvement in this discussions regarding the payments to stormy daniels. we'll have to see what memories hope hicks still has. she has made certain statements in the past that some have
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considered inconsistent about her memories about this. at the end of the day this is a criminal trial. the prosecution needs proof beyond a reasonable doubt that donald trump committed criminal offenses. all the smoke and collateral circumstances can corroborate some involvement. a tough hill to climb. without direct proof. is this showing that donald trump was obsessed with winning the election he would have done anything. $130,000 doesn't seem much if he was so concerned about in terms of losing this election. even judge merchan suggested such an amount wouldn't have much impact of somebody of his wealth. it's an interesting attack. certainly she will have some direct information. whether it can get them over the burden of proof will be doubtful in my mind. >> harris: direct information, paul. your thoughts. >> she was his press secretary
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and the recipient of the phone call when people started asking about the infamous access hollywood tape. first inquiry. there is a theory embedded in this case that a lot of what trump did relative to these hush money payments comes from the fact he was concerned about his image with female voters. so i think there may be an attempt by the prosecution to try to draw some sort of line between that tape, hope hicks advisement an the hutch money payments. the fallacy embedded in that is the following. this has nothing to do with what is charged. the mcdougal payment. it is trying to show a pattern and practice. mcdougal, her payments aren't charged in the case. it is only one instance. so does that make a pattern and practice? that's what's in play relative to the weinstein decision. trump's side is saying this is all extraneous and weinstein overturned case they brought in too much stuff to dirty up my
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client for lack of a better term. that's the tension in this. she is there to try to support the prosecution's idea that trump did all of this because he was worried about women voters. >> harris: i get that in terms of where the prosecution hopes to go. they can't go any farther than truthful statements. they will need some consistency from hope hicks. katie, what do you say about her past in terms of what's been reported inconsistent statements about that? maybe it's lack of memory, we don't know. >> ultimately it will be up to the jury how much weight they give her testimony and believe about her credibility and whether she seems to be misremembering things intentionally or whether it's genuine. >> harris: how would you know? >> that's up to the jury and the judge will instruct them for the weight and idea of how much they give to each witness's testimony. it is solely within their discretion as they make their decision. each side will have their chance to question her and attack her
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as the case may be. but that discretion lies solely with the province of the jury. >> harris: paul, you wear a lot of hats for us. we'll lean on your courtroom experience now. how do you prepare your client to sit there and watch the people who were closest to him, some of whom have had lies in the media, continue to tell them. michael cohen goes on night every night. he will go to an envelope opening if it will take down trump. how do you prepare your client for that? >> it goes to the idea whether or not donald trump is going to testify. obviously donald trump clearly has a very thick skin. his relationship with hope hicks is quite good and friendly with the family even though they haven't spoken in a number of years. where the rubber hits the road is if he were to take the stand. this judge has been very broad
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in how much he is letting in. so that is a real crap shoot. if donald trump takes the stand, it will be some fireworks. all bets are off about what he can be asked. there will be hearings before that to set the parameters. >> harris: is it a good idea? >> i'm leaning no at this point. donald trump will talk if he wants to talk. this case seems to be collapsing under its own weight. i haven't seen a compelling prosecution witness yet. >> it is ultimately donald trump's choice whether he testifies. there is a lot of information he can be cross-examined on collateral to the issues and a huge attack on his credibility. he made many statements publicly about this to the extent he can. ultimately it is a risk for sure and maybe not necessary. >> harris: appreciate you two with me all hour long. they are back in it. hope hicks is on the stand right now. former communications director for former president trump.
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we're all over the trial and bring you moment to moment along with my guests. we'll move on for now. hundreds of arrests and all of the things that have been going on. i know the word is chaos. some of it is violent. hate speech, threats, destruction, it's defacing. it's so much. occupation. ucla, portland state university in oregon. one professor blames the jewish hate protestors but points the finger at what she calls zionist mobs. the left remains divided on israel's war with hamas activities and the party may be panicking over the campus protesting and what it means for their election chances. watch. introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it.
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>> harris: we have breaking news. fox news source saying democratic texas congressman henry cuellar has been indicted into the united states business people with foreign connections. the feds raided his home and they raided his campaign office in 2022. at the time, his counsel had said cuellar was not the target of the investigation. cuellar just released a statement saying he and his wife are innocent. we'll keep you up to speed on what happens with this. [shouting] >> harris: ucla, wow, they finally arrested another 200 people there and all the anti-israel jewish hate protesting that was going on. here is one professor who supported the defund the police movement in 2020.
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>> so proud, inspired by our students who have had a calm, contained, peaceful encampment. but every night mobs have attacked the encampment and ratcheting up this violence. >> harris: the facts do not support what she was saying. the video doesn't show them to be peaceful and quiet. it wouldn't take hundreds of police officers to go in and get them if it had been. police in oregon took back control of that main library on campus at portland state university. body camera footage shows graffiti and trash all over the building, inside they got in there and had torn everything up. portland mayor ted wheeler says the protestors are delusional if they think their actions will impact events in gaza. it won't feed any palestinians or save anybody from the war. he is absolutely right about
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that. even the progressive activist al sharpton has a take on it. >> what is troubling me about a lot of this is they've become the cause. i think they've lost the message. how do the democrats, how do all of us on that side say january 6th was wrong if you can have the same pictures going on on college campuses? don't make a parallel with january 6th. >> harris: they talked right over him on mesnbc. you can make the comparisons with what people are seeing on the screens and the host talked over him. we won't talk over william la jeunesse. >> nationwide, 2,200 arrests in the campus protests forcing the universities to answer this question. do they enforce consequences for those who violate school rules
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and the law or not? almost 400 faculty at ucla are demanding full legal and academic amnesty for those arrested and for those trashing the campus. also ucla's largest employee union says it may strike a file a labor complaint against the protestors. 199 were charged with trespassing. >> a cause i believe in and surrounded by fellow students and proud to be arrested. >> portland state police arrested 12, four were students and retook control of the library. now filled with graffiti and trash. >> i have seen one of the most peaceful protests and see the cops out here and i'm outraged at the intensity of the situation. i don't think it was as bad as they made it out to be. >> washington state two dozen tents popped up yesterday. in wisconsin police removed 34
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tents only to see students erect 30 more. while in denver students rejected an offer from school officials to take down the tents in exchange for a $15,000 donation to the international red cross. >> i think it is them trying to buy us out instead of meeting any of our demands, which include divestment. we are not interested. >> there is another option, harris. students, if you are dismissed from any u.s. college because of a protest you can get free tuition to attend university in iran. we'll see if that works. >> harris: none of what they are doing wouldn't get punishment by death in iran. they don't have free speech. >> i know. i don't think -- >> harris: not the right to become a mob. see how it works out for them. thank you. fox news alert now. former trump communications director hope hicks is testifying right now and we have some details coming in. she is being questioned by the
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prosecution directly by about trump's relationships with different people like michael cohen who worked in his organization. i want to bring back our panel now, paul mauro and katie cherkowski. she started working for the presidential campaign when trumped walked up to her and said we're going to iowa. she was he was exploring the opportunity. trump officially announced hicks recalls spending so much time working on the campaign that she eventually became his press secretary and as press secretary, she would plan events, communicate the campaign's message and facilitate anything external facing for the campaign and schedule media events. we're getting information about their relationship in addition to those of others. paul, i will start with you this time. >> i'm sorry, so yeah, obviously
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what they are doing is painting the picture of hope hicks as being an intimate of the campaign and somebody who saw all the inside goings on including potentially decisions made as to how to keep donald trump's public image pristine enough to get him over the line. as i mentioned earlier, the concern was very much his status with female voters. and hicks seems to have been quite involved in that and, of course, that ultimately could have led to the payments that were made allegedly to stormy daniels and to karen mcdougal for the purposes of non-disclosure. >> harris: katie, i want to ask you about something else. on direct, it is matthew colangelo, who we know worked for both the obama and biden administrations and their d.o.j. at one point he asked just moments ago hope hicks what she knows about cohen. hicks says she believes she met michael cohen before working at
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the trump organization while working at a different p.r. firm. cohen was an attorney and hicks says she doesn't know of what specific work but says cohen was involved in license deals and some projects. katie. >> i think ultimately with hope hicks, she is somebody that has come out publicly and been critical of donald trump's position on the election. if she gives any favorable information it will be hard for the prosecution to attack. she is not necessarily a direct ally of the president. her knowledge of michael cohen is going to be important, although regardless of what she says about him, his credibility will be completely annihilated on cross examination. certainly the idea that he was an attorney, that he was recognized as somebody that works in the field and somebody that president trump was relying upon at that point is a very credible position. but beyond that, i think it's going to be a matter of her personal knowledge of donald trump's direct involvement with any of these deals. >> dana: they are going deep with this and painting a
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picture. hicks describes ronna graph as trump's executive assistant and says she was crucial for how everything ran on the 26th floor. the relationship was one of mutual respect. we have about 20 seconds. paul. >> so i think one of the things we have to remember about hope hicks here is that she has made prior statements and she was also in the grand jury. she is constrained by that. she has to be consistent with those statements or could be impeached. she is there with a very broad mandate, i believe, from the prosecution. but she is not total carte blanche here. >> harris: we'll continue to cover it here. so glad you could both be with me on "the faulkner focus" on this fine friday. thank you very much. "outnumbered" after the commercial break. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards
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