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tv   America Reports  FOX News  May 3, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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( ♪ ) >> all right here we go real time from in the courtroom donald trump is facing new york his former communications director hope hicks says she learned from a "wall street journal" article that she -- when she was on trump's plane getting ready for a hanger rally in ohio she received the email just as they were landing "wall street journal" article would outline karen mcdougal's story purchased by the "national enquirer" but never published. and wanted comment. again, she was reached out to buy media to try and respond and now they are getting her real-time reaction to some of the things that were happening around donald trump with all of this. thank you for watching. "america reports," send or you there? sandra are you there? >> i have to go through this trial day after day, the trial
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is we are winning this trial. if we had a fair trial and a fair judge i don't think he would've allowed this trial to take place. everything is legal. they are doing this because for politics they want to get biden elected. >> sandra: here we got a big day of testimony in new york's criminal trial against former president donald trump perry former president, his former aide i should say hope is that my kicks is on the stand they are facing questions from prosecutors. we are following every moment of this. welcome everyone i am sandra smith in new york, john gray to be with you. >> john: going to be with you, sandra i am john roberts this is america reports. before we keep going i have a question perry did you run up 12 flights or did you take elevator? >> i casually took the elevator, i had seconds left tv magic. >> john: all right while you were a runner in college. still got it in you.
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taking the stand and talk about her transition from working with the trump organization to working for a presidential campaign. >> sandra: hicks was also a question about that 2015 meeting at trump tower where former "national enquirer" publisher david packer agreed to bury negative stories. making a direct connection of hiding payoffs to karen mcdougal and a stormy daniels to trump interfering with the election. >> john: we have our all-star legal eagles lined up standing by with analysis but first -- >> sandra: shannon bream outside of the new york supreme court, shannon what do we need to know what has happened so far? >> sander and john they are on a quick lunch break for now but i have to tell you there was a bit of a murmur kind of an audible gasp inside the courthouse when
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hope hicks was announced as a next one to take the stand. she is a murky witness that everyone wants to hear and see. you will remember days ago david packer who was once the publisher of the "national enquirer" hinted she was part of the 2015 meeting at trump tower that involved a number of people strategizing how to protect then candidate donald trump and his efforts to become president donald trump. today she testified she could not run for a specific meeting with president trump and david pecker she was a part of but she remembers conversations on phone calls between them which was negative for other candidates people like ben carson and others, ted cruz so she has a lot of information a lot of knowledge about that but did not say she was in the 2015 meeting at so many people and the prosecutors feel is really critical to this entire case. she has also been asked quite a bit about the access how i would take how they came to find out about it, what was the conversation in the campaign was there panic?
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was she aware of reaction to the tape? and this is one of the things that defense has fought about again and again to give it away from the jury. they are hearing about "access hollywood" tape again. is it probative of what the case is actually about which is allegedly falsifying business documents with respect to a payment to stephanie clifford known as a stormy daniels it is the kind of thing you have to think the defense will tack down to their list of things they will talk about and appeal whether or not the jury should hear about this "access hollywood" tape and hearing it repeatedly. guys? >> john: judge has not allowed to be played in court saying it would probably be prejudicial but there certainly hearing a lot about it and the content. i remember when it landed on the campaign trail october 7th 2016 like 1,000-pound bomb. and clearly it had a lot of reverberations on trump tower as well. the strategy of the prosecution seems to be delay a case that when that tape came out trump became so desperate about
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quashing an ever bad stories that might come out that he was willing to do things like pay off stormy daniels, have karen mcdougal paid off. how do you think they're doing and trying to make that case? >> i think you are right. that seems to be the path they are going down to say all of these things were connected. there was a panic, this was specifically about quieting stories that could hurt the campaign versus somebody who may want to quiet a story because they wouldn't want their wife to find out. they are continuing to say this is a campaign issue. will be interesting to see if the jury finds those links together but again, this is a case about counts against alleged or president donald trump or well-defined business documents. the jury has to be drawn back to that, the defense has to do a good job at trying to take away the emotion from these deals and allegations and women stepping forward and "access hollywood" tape, can they do that? i mean the jury asked to put these things aside so they are not probative of the guilt of something but we will see if they are able to do that again paired we have talked about the
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fact there are attorneys on this jury they will be probably a little bit more methodical about getting to what is the crime, you know are these dots connected question what do we get beyond a reasonable doubt question work there is plenty for the jury to consider that the defense team argues is not relevant to this particular c case. >> sandra: shannon i am still catching up as i was running to the studio on some of the last emails before they took the thee minute break. >> i heard. >> sandra: i'm trying to wrap my mind around possibly what do you believe the former president as he exited it is known he gave a thumbs up to the camera although he did not say any anything. usually does that at the end of the day. how do you think he would say this is going based on what has transpired so far in the courtroom? >> he does seem more engaged today sitting at the defense table he seems to be sending notes and whispering back and forth primarily with the attorney todd blanche and others on his team. he does seem like he is little more actively involved in talking about what is going on
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in the courtroom as part of his defense. he was very subdued as hope hicks took the stand she seemed shaky and nervous and she said to the jury i am very nervous. it was clear from the beginning she was uncomfortable. i think it was interesting to a lot of us too that she has not had communication with formal president trump since fall or summer of 2022, so she he is obviously very interested in what she has to say today and seems actively engaged in a way we are not seen in other days. >> john: from what i know of hope hicks and i interacted with her a lot as munication instructor at the white house and the press secretary of the campaign prior to that the last place she wants to be his front and center in the limelight. but she did say something interesting that i did not know about at the time. that is that there were rumors of another tape out there. and she dispatch michael cohen to look into that. apparently that came up as a dry well there was nothing there. but then there was also this
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idea when "the wall street journal" article was about to hit regarding karen mcdougal, she actually went so far as to ask: two called david parker and she called david packard find out what was going on with that article. >> yes with the prosecution's direct examination of her you heard about all that scrambling of being notified and reporters being tipped off that a story was coming and you are right. cohen has been known not only as an attorney but as a fixer. so he is part of these conversations that hope is relating again and again from the stand that she was part of trying to track these things down, quiet these things down, and certainly the conversations with david parker were ongoing multiple times. phone calls and other communications with all kinds of people in his circle, hope hicks testified she had known david pecker before she had known from because she worked in p.r. for a long time so she had familiarity with him by the what the prosecution is trying to get to
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is there was a sense of panic on the campaign trail that these were related to the campaign and not just personal issues for donald trump. >> john: if i can just put a button on that too, hope hicks testified that pecker explained that mcdougall was paid for fitness columns it was very legit and that's with the contract was for. hicks went on to say she believes she spoke with cohen before pecker she doesn't really remember the conversation with cohen but michael feigned that he really didn't know what i was talking about. so cohen was clearly trying to keep it under wraps. >> yes and you can see from what she has testified to so far that there were multiple lines of trying to keep things under wraps in the closing days heading into the final debates and also to the final ballot box. and people getting there to make their decision. she talks about knowing as these things came out including the "access hollywood" tape that it would last multiple news cycles it was huge news and they knew they had to get some sort of
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control of it if they could. >> sandra: shannon, we know you are there and we will stay in touch with you as that is set to resume in the courtroom shortly. the trial. and we will check back in with you soon, shannon, thank you. [chanting] >> it's despicable the school will allow another country's flag to fly at del mcfly in country. >> this may be biden's vietnam. >> john: minutes from now scheduled at 1:30 white house we pressed on the chaos caused by anti-israel protests nationwide the nypd in new york moving and
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early this morning to move a protest and came in on nyu's campus after they asked for help paired we have fox team coverage on peter doocy on whether the biden administration will open civil rights investigations into brazen acts of anti-semitism at those protests, but we begin with molly limes and mall you watch the new york police movement this morning what did you see? >> john they made quick work of this site at nyu they were moving fast and fact they cleared two encampments the one at nyu including some at the new school they made 56 arrests in total all in manhattan. that right after 6:00 a.m. sleeping protesters roused from their tents. they were warned of arrests via police bullhorn if they did not leave the illegal encampments swiftly come the nypd moved within hours the tents and the trash were gone nypd's tragic response also where they had
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several campus buildings among the protest demands in new york "divest" "and ties to israel" but some chanting and propaganda threatened violence which includes signs at nyu that read "death to israel, death to america" >> i hope you captured, i know you captured the complete hatred for israel that was beind and to be hatred for the nypd being spewed by the use of the school. that is something that is upsetting as a father and as new york city people, correct? >> since april 18th police have detained, arrested roughly 2,000 people at arrests all around the country at least 44 college campus round 24 different states. >> john: law enforcement the latest, as always thank you. >> sandra: we have yet to hear whether the justice department wasn't here or any action with civil rights investigations in these hateful acts of
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anti-semitism peter doocy is at the white house now, a big question this hour, peter, now we are waiting on this briefing to begin we are told it is sliding back a little bit, 1:45 p.m. eastern time, is there any sign of action on this, peter? >> there may be a bit of movement here, sandra. and nothing has happened yet but we know white house anti-semitism task force met this week to focus on three things a source familiar is telling us. campus security, online and anti-semitism and federal coronation with law enforcement to protect jewish communities. we know while there have not been any civil rights investigations opened by the doj, our team over there is telling us there are discussions about potential civil rights investigations. at the moment the fbi's main goal in addressing protests is assisting local police we are also hearing more about what exactly took president biden so long to come out and speak about the company, campus protests even if it was just
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for 4 minutes. >> he doesn't need to follow anyone or follow someone else. it has nothing to do with anyone following anyone's lead, the president has been a leader on this. >> the only time we expect to see president biden today is later this afternoon on a medal of freedom of event where award winners include john kerry and al gore both general election runner-ups. sandra? >> sandra: peter, what do you think will be the big questions in that room today? maybe don't give away exec and what you will be asking but what do you believe will be the hot topics? >> still the campus protests because president biden, it was helpful to hear him come out and talk about this for 4 minutes yesterday, but there have been weeks -- they have been weeks of build up here. everybody in the briefing room has been tracking it pretty much nonstop a lot of people have been up all night watching what is happening at campuses on the west coast. so there is more to know about
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president biden's position and the white house response particularly what the fbi with the doj are going to do or not going to do than just the four-minute trunk we got yesterday. i think will be dominated by campus protests. >> sandra: we will be watching for that a lot of potential news could come from it. john? >> john: all right, developing story from capitol hill just across the street texas democrat henry cuellar has been indicted by the apartment stomach department of justice today. they raided his home in 2022 as part of a probe into u.s. businessmen with ties to azerbaijan. chad pilgrim is live on capitol hill with the latest. this comes as quite a surprise because i was told he was not a target of this investigation. >> that's right, john. henry cuellar maintained his innocence after the raid he is the former chair of the house azerbaijan caucus and just last
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month cuellar's attorney said he was not the target of an investigation. now in a statement cuellar says he sought legal advice from the house ethics committee he says "the actions i took in congress were consistent with the actions of many of my colleagues" cuellar has always cooperated in the probe. >> sandra: so you will cooperate meaning there is an ongoing investigation? >> we will cooperate with law enforcement when they ask us to do that. >> why was there a raid? >> again, as i said, we will cooperate if there is any questions on that issue. >> the doj has not unsealed the indictment yet, we are told that could come later today. a cuellar is running for reelection in a massive district that runs from san antonio to the border. he said today he is not dropping out. turgor republicans are in a runoff later this month. that will determine cuellar's up one of the solitary
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president biden carried the district by seven points, house number credit leaders announce their support for cuellar last year, he faced a major primary challenge from the left in 2022. be 11 is one of the most moderate democrats in the house. he is also pro-life. back to you. >> john: chad for us, thank you, now this. >> they have been violence every single day. on the first night mike close friend, lonnie, was physically assaulted and pushed off the lee for holding a sign condemning hamas. >> sandra: you will remember that w ucla med student talking about the volatile situation on our campus. our next guest is a jewish student who says her professor forced her to attend an anti-israel demonstration. wait until you hear what happened to that professor. the student joins us live just ahead. you're the first to know when high rate debt is stressing your budget. but your family's service
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>> john: some pictures out of cambridge, this is interesting on the campus of the venerable institution of the massachusetts institute of technology where there is a pro israel demonstration set up on the college, this demonstration has been put together to support jewish students that this group of students say are being unfairly targeted by the pro-palestinian anti-israel demonstrations. let's listen in for a second here. >> 2024 the shadows of intolerance are large but together we are powerful force that can push back the ties of bigotry and hate. we are here to declare in one resolute voice that an attack on the identity of one student is an attack on us all.
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[cheers and applause] >> john: there you have a message from mit they have a stage set up on the steps they are. they have pictures of some of the hostages that are still being held by hamas. we will keep watching to see if a counterprotest erupts around it. we have seen that in other areas across the country. but really an interesting counterpoint to what we have seen at college campuses across the country for the past couple of weeks. one of those places, ucla, where at the campus is quiet and clean just one day after law enforcement cleared out an encampment and arrested more than 200 anti-israel protesters. our next guest is a ucla student who says the school enabled the disruptive behavior and now must take a step against it. the editor and chief of ucla's jewish magazine and a former president of the student board at ucla. it's great to have you on. we will get you to react and what we are seeing on the campus of mit and just a second but i
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wanted to ask about a particular incident that really is i mean amazing when you think about it. that is one of your professors took you and the rest of your class as a exercise to the middle of the pro-palestinian anti-israel camp. and then he proceeded to get arrested and your final exam was canceled? tell us about that. >> hi, john and sandra, thank you for having me on today. i wish it were under different circumstances. what we have seen at ucla is a cultivation of behavior that has started before the encampment. it starts a used certain framework that teaches students to see things in the binary of oppressed versus oppressor. for example last week in class students were learning about the protocols of the elders of zion, a historical anti-semitism. and refused to see this hatred as anything other than
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discrimination against a generic majority, against a generic minority. there sort of framework that students are believing whether you want to call it marxist, postmodern, or anything else reduces the historical jewish experience down to that of any other minority. it is no surprise to see why the students cannot the need for a jewish state and seeing the empty stomach anti-semitism has reared its ugly head wherever jews have gone. i think it's a very tantalizing to discuss the camps as an academic exercise but the reality is jewish students still have our loved ones held hostage in gaza area and many of us lost people we love on october 7th. and if this is not an abstract academic theory for us. >> sandra: we hear your story, bella, so many of us listening to this and so many college students who are living through this, jewish students who cannot walk on their campus and feel safe or get spit on him and it has been an absolutely horrific thing to watch. did you ever think that we would
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be here? do you see any end in sight or de-escalation to this? >> i never thought it would go this far. knowing the history of anti-semitism and the jewish people, it seems like a very naive thing for me to say. ucla always seemed to be a dream. for me i came here because i thought and i know the jewish community still is so beautiful, but what we are seeing is people justifying and celebrating the murder of jewish people. and if you had told me a year ago that hamas terrorists would come and fly rape people, burn babies in their cribs, and my peers are celebrating it i would not have believed it. >> john: a lot of folks we have had on fox news have made the point that for some reason these college campuses to a large degree turn a blind eye to discrimination against jews by
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these protesters and if it will white kids stopping black students from coming on campus it would be a whole different ball game. that actually happened at ucla. a black student named malagro jones was accosted and post on tiktok about a. you have to wonder, is his experience going to change views at all? there is the white students preventing him from walking anywhere near the camp area in one of the protesters acknowledged that when somebody tries to walk through the camp they surround them to prevent them from going through. so they are actually restricting access and the passage of students at ucla. how in any way is that okay? >> it is not okay. i have seen my peers on social media equivocate on what happened to jones here and saying he was a pro-israel agitator but when they forcibly remove students and press it makes you wonder what they are
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trying to hide. we saw what they were trying to hide. jewish students and community came and cleared the encampment, put away trash, got rid of vandalism, and some of the vandalism was textbook anti-semitism. things like "we don't want them here" with the star of david being the o. things like stars of david on the ground saying step here. if this happened to any other minority, if students were blocked from going on there way to class, if they were lgbt or a variation minority and people did not stand up and they could not be written off as anti-israel protesters, as pro-israel protesters, excuse me, i think we would be seeing lots and lots of outrage. it's a vicious double standard. >> it is an emerging story too is the of parents seeing this happen and they're outraged "the wall street journal" was featuring that this morning. bella, thank you for coming on. we want to hear your story and
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other student's stories and we appreciate you joining us. >> john: think, bella. >> thank you for having me. >> that's our flag, folks. they take over a building that for another flag up. it may be fined to other people but it is not to me. >> sandra: new york city's mayor defending the red, white, and blue and slamming the demonstrators seen raising a palestinian flag after pulling down old glory. >> john: rosanna scotto on what's going on and what needs to be done to protect american values. i may not be in perfect health, but i want to stay in my home, where my family visits often and where my memories are. i can do it with help from a prep cook, wardrobe assistant and stylist, someone to help me live right at home.
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questions about why so far there are no probes into it. we will more as soon as it comes up. >> my uncle died defending this country. and of these men and women but their lives on the line. it is despicable that schools will allow another country flag to fly in our country. so blame me for being proud to be an american. and i thanked commissioner daughtry for putting our flag back up. we are not surrendering our way of life to anyone. >> sandra: for a message right there new york city's mayor calling out those disrespecting the american flag, pulling it down, and in some places like this even replacing it with a palestinian flag. rosanna scotto is here. imagine that being, i don't know, imagine the fact we have to highlight the new york city mayor as in support of the flag. that is where we are today and
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rosanna some of these images of the palestinian flag going up -- what is happening? >> i don't know. this is america and we are not giving up just yet. we had mayor adams on good day new york recently. he talked about this radicalization of our young people. in fact today the police department tweeted or ex-80 they talked about influencing these young people these agitators who is funding this movement, who is leading this movement question mike the police department said this morning we found numerous disturbing pieces of literature in both encampments we are talking about columbia and the cuny university and it says basically and clearly death to america. this is on our college campuses. this is not just about hamas and how israel is treating the people in gaza. this is more than that.
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is about us now. >> john: rosanna what got me the most was the force with which he said it. remember this is someone who said subway crime? it's just the perception of crime. now he is out there trying to be as forceful as he is to be sure the american flag is flying. i looked at that and i said wow, who is this guy? >> he really took it forcefully and he mentioned his uncle died for this country and he put himself on the line as a police officer in new york city. he loves the city. you can tell he loves this city because he loves the nightlife as well but he is also trying to clean up what is going on right now. and is very concerned about what is happening all over our city putting so many people in danger. young people, giving up everything and at this point we don't even know who is infiltrating these young people
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because we have no know the police department is telling us more than half of the people arrested in the last few days were not even students. >> sandra: this is a staff walkout having live in new york city at nyu. when you sat down, rosanna, i said and they won't even show their faces. i mean, so many of the protesters here have face masks on. >> they have masks on and they are not worried about covid. there worked about their next job. i talked to someone in human relations and basically they hire people and they will be doing deep dives into every person's social media when they hire them. they don't want to have this kind of trouble in their company. these people are smart enough, these young people are smart enough to know this could impact their future. >> john: what we are seeing we are seeing the staff at new york university but also a faculty i don't know if any of these folks
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are members of the faculty or just administrative staff but we have seen faculty throw in with the protesters and schools across the country. we talked to bella brandon who had her final exam canceled because her professor of that particular course was arrested and could not conduct the exam because he was otherwise indisposed. and then there was this idea of growing radicalization on the college campuses across the country. here is what mayor erica adams said about that. >> there is a movement to radicalize young people. i will not wait until it is done and all of a sudden acknowledge the existence of it. there is a global problem. young people are being influenced by those who are professionals at radicalizing our children. >> a lot of talk from the mayor, a lot of talk from people in other cities as well in these professionals who are coming in
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and take an vulnerable young people and twisting their minds to the cause. >> one woman they are keeping an ion has been in all these college campuses in the last few weeks. she is pretty known. she has been a protester, and agitator for decades now. you are wondering how does she pay her rent? how does she stay alive? how does she get her milk and eggs? who is funding this? the mayor's very concerned about this as well. where is this money coming from? >> follow the money. it will never steer you wrong. just to make mention some of the good stuff happening out there, the group of unc students, rosanna, we talked about when you sat down as well the students defending the american flag. you've seen the images like this. one of the students, dance topple a student at unc they are protecting the american flag during an anti-israel protest will join us live coming up. >> and they had a gofundme page,
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right? they are partying and i heard they might be giving some away to charity which i think would be a great move. >> rosanna great to have you. >> thank you both. >> john: thanks, rosanna. >> and in georgia. in the courthouse instead of being in any one of i would say ten states where i would like to be right now. we have ten states. >> sandra: is still in a brief break right now that new york versus trump trial is expected to continue soon with more testimony from the longtime aide hope hicks. fox news legal editor carrier bond is up next on the testimony we have heard so far outside of the courtroom but because it'sd - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader
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trial will continue shortly when the jury will hear more testimony from longtime trump aide hope hicks. here to bring it all the scary ckerrieurbahn what you think thp shake was from what we've heard so far? >> the prosecution really wants that tape to be played and the judge has repeatedly told them it would be very prejudicial to donald trump. and plain man speak that means unfair. because the audio really has nothing to do with the case at hand which is why the prosecution wanted introduced and played because the name of their game all along has been obscure, obscure, obscure and equate in the jury's mind at jury with illegal except it's not. >> sandra: carrie, i just want to read this because the trump
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campaign did make it known a few minutes ago that there would be an update from the former president himself on his truth social account which just hit. the former president just not tweeted, truth socialed out this is not a trial, it's a political campaign, a witch hunt just like the highly conflicted and biased judge juan merchan wanted to be i'm sure crooked joe biden in particular and his friends will be thrilled they are getting away with this corrupt, ancient, and highly political attack on this 2424 opponent pair the former president then says "these eight year old stories that came out prior to the 2016 election the voters have already and loudly spoken and have nothing to do with this fake case" he says brought by a crooked d.a., alvin bragg should not of been allowed to be used. virtually any legal scholar call it a sham and a disgrace, election interference it is an insult to american justice.
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the former president obviously putting that out there, during the break. >> he is right that these were all all out there before people went to vote. in fact one of the pieces of evidence introduced to the state today was "the wall street journal" article that revealed the "national enquirer" had paid karen mcdougal to kill the story and people knew that before they want to vote and again that is not illegal. people may think it is sleazy but it is not. i did think it was interesting today the prosecution made the decision to have the former number three from doj, matthew, question hope hicks. that's an intentional choice. one that shows they are important to their case but it's a bit of an intimidation tactic. bringing in the big guns to question her and i am sure that she knows that when they question her. >> i want us to our protests across the country and you spent
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time at the doj working for bill barr. if this were white students prevent a black student or black students from coming on campus which would be a whole nother ball. that did happen at ucla to a fellow named malagro jones. on "america's newsroom" this morning. here is what he told bill and dana. >> i was stopped by anti-israel protesters who mistook me for someone of jewish background. they said i was an israeli agitator. and physically assaulted me on friday. the last time i was on campus they actually punched my brother in the head. they reached into their honey pocket and claimed they had a weapon. >> john: this pump set up a little bit but this has been happening to jewish students for a while now where is the doj here? >> i don't know and frankly i am
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troubled by it for a couple of reasons. one, merrick garland promise during his hearing that enforcing civil rights law would be a hallmark as its 10-year. very important a top priority. second, he lost members of his own member don my family and the holocaust and he forgot we talked about that in public when sharing he has cried about it aw this is near and dear to his heart. third, it is not that hard to open a set of federal civil rights investigation this is what it would require. merrick garland talks to the civil rights in a talk to local attorney of where it is going like ucla would be the u.s. attorney's response will that division out there and it would go against white house counsel's office and that's where i think would be the problem. it has been very evident that politics are at play here and i have wondered if it's the white house that is putting the stops on merrick garland going forward at this investigation.
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>> john: agent so. >> sandra: kerri, thank you. now this other story, another boeing whistle-blower found dead after calling out the company's 737 max problems. what we know about his sudden passing plus this. >> the president is weak, the president's soft. his speech was merely mouth to because he doesn't want to offend these protesters because he doesn't want to lose votes in michigan and minnesota. let's call it exactly what it is. >> john: we are awaiting the white house press briefing where it's expected to be pressed again with the anti-israel protests across college cam campuses. brand campus got a stern warning for those in his state and he will join us live coming up.
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>> although it no wars questions please. but i want to say once again -- >> sandra: this is happening right now. you have a former president on trial at new york state supreme court. you have anti-semitic protests happening on college campuses all over the country. and mark hamill is at the podium at the white house press briefing pier and i'm not a huge "star wars" fan but maybe that is exciting for some.
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an interesting move on the white house as there are big news events happening all over the country. john? we will keep watching this. >> john: may be some advice yoda would bring for the president, try not, do or do n not, as that is transpiring a second boeing whistle-blower has died just to go months after the first one did. dan springer live in seattle but the latest on what seems to be a rather bizarre occurrence. dan? >> yeah there is no evidence these are anything but a coincidence. joshua dean died tuesday of a staph infection. he was fired a year ago by a spirit of boeing supplier that builds the fuselage of the max plane stared at the time dean said it was retaliation for him blowing the whistle on manufacturing defects. spirit said in a statement yesterday our thoughts are with josh deane's family and the sudden loss is stunning news at spirit and for his loved ones. now john barnett died less than
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two months ago of a suicide. he was about to testify in his lawsuit against boeing. burnett worked on the 787 dreamliner in charleston, south carolina, and had raised concerns about production quality there. boeing meantime is still going with the fallout of a blowout of a 787 max nine in january they said the part was missing four key bolts when it was reinstalled and rented. just before delivery to alaska airlines. the fbi has opened a criminal investigation and has sent all the passengers a letter saying they may have been victims of a crime and the justice department has until july to decide whether or not to drop criminal charges stemming from two fatal crashes of boeing max eight planes in 2018 and 2019. the company has paid out $2.8 billion in fines and penalties in lawsuits but some of the victims of the families are fighting against this prosecution agreement between the doj and boeing. no one boeing employee was
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brought to trial for those crashes and he was acquitted by a jury. back to you, john. >> john: dan, thank you. we are for president trump's criminal trial, his former white house aide hope hicks takes the stage. they will join us to break down the testimony from hope hicks coming up. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ my psoriasis was all over. then psoriatic arthritis. who knew they could be connected? for me, cosentyx works on both. cosentyx helps real people find clear skin. and in psoriatic arthritis,
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