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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 3, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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he like that. >> that is mark hamill at the white house today. the farce is with him. that is the campaign and action. celebrities dropping by and other people talking for the campaign. you saw what the president does when he comes up. this will be a brutal few months. >> laura: i cannot believe he did not hit mick jagger at the jazz fest. >> i did but we went long. >> laura: raymond, great to see you, thank you so much. that's it for us tonight, make sure you follow me on social media. remember, it is american now and forever. and pete is in for jesse watters, he takes off from here, that is next. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ]
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>> pete: welcome to a special edition of "jesse watters primetime". 8:00 pm on the east coast and 7:00 pm and god's country. i'm holding down the fort on friday night. anarchy rippling through america. seemingly from coast to coast. the core tenets of our republic are the target of an anti-american, pro terror she hawed. that is what they call it. that is what they are. the kind of images you thought were reserved for the war on terror that we saw overseas have come home. statues of george washington defiled with islamic scarves covering his face? and the words genocidal warmonger spray-painted on them. at george washington university. and radicals sporting hamas headbands trying to turn our college campuses into the third world. [ shouting ] [ bleep ] [ shouting ]
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[ shouting ] [ shouting ] [ shouting ] >> pete: but just like in the after mentioned war on terror, the battle may have been a bit messy. but the good guys never waver. while they scream to burn it all down, the brave men and women in uniform rushed into action. we sought from the nypd to the police in portland. [ shouting ] [ bleep ]
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[ shouting ] [ bleep ] [ shouting ] [ shouting ] >> you are under arrest! stand clear of the barricade! >> pete: 26 states, over 2000 arrest. almost half of the little playskool radicals at columbia weren't even college kids. they are anarchist or marxist or both, my perfect combo. they live for chaos and infiltrate young minds in the process. do you remember bill ayres, obama's body? the former underground cofounder, the group that bombed the pentagon? will he is back and he was seen lecturing at the university of chicago liberation zone. that right there tells you where
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the battle lines are drawn. but this week proved the american spirit will not be broken. while police restore law and order on our campuses, patriotic campus kids restored our hope. [ chanting ] [ chanting ] >> pete: regarding the american flag while spring breakers were clawing to take it down. remember, most of these children run even alive on 911 but they have been taught what we used to know in our dna. that you never caved to terrorists. the united states president could learn a lot from these frat pros. because while hamas and nt for raged this week, the president wave the white flag. first it was $6 billion in student loan bailouts catering to the activist themselves. and this week the biden white house announced, get this, they were welcoming so-called palestinian refugees into the country with open arms.
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>> is the administration working to admit into the united states refugees from gaza? if so, how would the administration share the hamas infiltration? >> since the beginning of the conflict, we have helped more than 1800 american citizens and a family sleep gaza. many of whom come to the united states. palestinians may be eligible for a variety of existing pathways to enter the united states such as immigrant or nonimmigrant visas. we are constantly evaluating policy proposals to further support palestinians who are family members of american citizens and they want to join them in the united states. >> i will read for my paper now because i know this answer is terrible. they are not allowed into egypt but we are welcoming them here? instead of radical activist for gaza, know we get actual radicals from gaza? that's a heck of a bargain. if you think that campus will pack up their bags and stop their, of course they won't. they think they are winning and
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have reason to think so under genocide joe, that's what they call him. give them an inch and they take a mile and then they built a kind camp around it. and colleges are caving. rutgers university said they had to eight of the 10 demands from their arab spring breakers r it includes scholarships for refugees from gaza and agreeing to fly the palestinian, kurdish and more flags on their campus. i guess we are all part of it, to r colleges would rather caved to the will of the marxist and the will of the patriotic majority. when the minority marxists can't even tell you what they are protesting for. >> were you protesting for? >> no comment. >> are you are here today? >> we are organizers. >> i want to ask you. >> official statement from the organizers only. >> wire you protesting? >> just to be a part of the cause. >> what is the cause? >> i'm not the right person to talk to. >> i want to see the empire fall! >> what empire?
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>> from the u.s. to israel, the empire that is propped up by capitalism! free palestine, free congo, free sudan, free hayti, freep hawaii, free puerto rico, liberation for all! >> free ice cream. speak to the organizers. this is who we are relinquishing our campuses to. the more we given, the crazier they get. during vietnam, unit with the protesters wanted. avoid the draft and stop the war. but these radicals today have been programmed to want anarchy. you heard it. death to israel, death to america, death to jews, death to the christians, death to the west. it didn't happen overnight, this indoctrination has been going on behind the scenes for decades. i have been a part of warning about this. going into great detail on how we got here in a brand-new special on fox nation and the update to poison ivy, watch. >> it is unbelievable. the jewish kids are hiding in their dorms and afraid to go to
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class because they have been ostracized. because of all of these demonstrations and all of these kids that are pro- hamas. not pro- palestinian, pro hamas. which is the most bizarre thing that you could ever imagine. >> a princeton professor joins me now. professor, things for being here. you are one of my mentors as an undergraduate, you have been there longer than i have an ivy league school. so were you surprised by the level of radicalization we're seeing on campuses right now? >> peter, it is good to be with you and thank you for inviting me on. i'm sorry we have to talk about such a distressing subject. yes, i'm surprised at how extreme it has gone and the large number of students that have been recruited into what i believe is a very bad because. >> is this outside recruitment, or are these children showing up at princeton or other ivy league schools were already radicalized where is it happening?
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>> i have been worried, as you know, about indoctrination going on universities for my entire 39 years as an academic. entirely here at princeton. but i think the big change any past 10 years or so is that students come to us preindoctrinated. the ideologies that were rampant on campuses even back then have no filter down into high schools and even middle schools. so students come to us already deeply immersed in identity ideology what we some times call woke ideology. their heads filled with the stuff and it is very difficult to get them to open their minds. but it is our job is faculty to do that and so i take it on. >> most people don't know this, professor, you created quite a foothold for freethinking at princeton with the james madison program where ideas are actually freely exchanged. when that happens, what happens at a campus? i know princeton is not perfect, effort from jewish students at princeton who were still facing
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a lot of anti-semitism. but at least a free exchange. we were forced to explain your position, which the marxist don't have to a lot of other places. >> we founded the james madison program, american ideals and institutions nearly 25 years ago in the millennial year of 2000. and it is a place in our university, not the only place but it is a place in our university where we have genuine diversity of opinion, we have genuine exchanges of ideas where students are entitled to and in fact encouraged to speak their minds but also encouraged to listen to other people, listen to criticisms of their views and learn to be self-critical, learn to be their own best critics. the whole purpose of an institution of learning is to get at the truth of things. weary truth seeking institution and that means we have to acknowledge our own fallibility, that we can be wrong about things. we need to be open to criticism and open to other people's ideas. and in the program here at princeton, we do that and i'm proud to say that this year we have our largest number of
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undergraduate fellows. 270 of the students are now undergraduate fellows of the medicine program at princeton and these are outstanding young men and women. outstanding. >> that is fascinating. conservatism, faith, american founding is celebrated. professor, things for a little encouragement in a dark night tonight. thank you professor. >> pleasure, thank you pete. >> pete: despite claiming this national uprising is put israel and hamas, you know these terrorist sympathizers have been parroting the same left wing talking points we have been hearing for years. >> we demand that you stop the harm it has caused in palestine, chicago and beyond! this includes explicitly acknowledging such harm as well as implementing a communal account will program and disbanding you see. >> disband the cops and give reparations to everybody. if there's one thing we know for college radicals who have taken over campuses around the
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country, it is that they hate the police. most of these colleges were too scared to bring in the cops when the settlements first took root and when they finally sounded the alarm, the insurgents did everything they could to kick the cops out. [ chanting ] [ chanting ] >> off our campus! off our campus! >> pete: but once tensions got too high and the counter protests started clashing with the encampments, guess with the college radicals blamed for the escalating ball -- violence? >> they do not care about our safety or our lives. they would rather watch sp killed than to protect us. >> they stood in a line and watched and then they stood in a line and move forward a little bit more to start disbursing or whatever and they pushed us closer to the zionists. they moved in and did not do
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anything. >> so whiny! call your mom. but here's the thing. those radicals saying that the cops did not do enough to stop the violence, they brought it upon themselves and are actively calling for the police to be abolished. you cannot make this stuff up. so here's the moral of the story. maybe think about not attacking the people who are supposed to defend you and then come crying back to them for help. an attorney and retired nypd asked inspector joins me now. we giggle a little bit at that but that is there expectations. i should not be harmed, i live in a bubble. but if someone confronts me for my views, for my violent views and the cops show up, the ones i wanted to get rid of, they should protect me do nothing wrong in the process. >> you have to be perfect. you know what the great disappointment of this entire occupation has been? that no one has been hurt. there have not been any serious injuries. >> you mean about the protesters? >> this is what they are dying for. that's why every time the cop
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show if they start screaming like there's no tomorrow because many have never been manhandled in the slightest as you and i both know. but it is part of the ethics, they want the bragging rights of having been arrested, they don't want any of the negatives, obviously when you get them to appreciate it, you want to be processed and can't believe they may have a record. and let's enlarge the scope your. we don't have to speculate on that because think about our current president. he is known to tell a few tall tales. two of them had to do with arrests. he said he was arrested with nelson mandela which never happened, says he was arrested on the porch of a black families porch during a desegregation march, a desegregation demonstration. none of even the progressive media can find any evidence of that, that did not happen either. so the point it is one of the things that they want to embed in this whole thing and it is because this is a professional class of agitator driving all of this. the college student's are useful idiots, they come and go with every couple of years we had occupied. professional agitators who know
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how this work. they work its. it is always the same message. just think about this. how it must feel. nypd is a minority right now. think how it must feel for black cops out there to have these clowns chanting in their face that they're the same as the kkk. >> we will talk about this more later. when i held a riot shield during the riots in 2020 i was in the national guard, i have never heard more racist, bile things. >> they think they can get away with screaming terrible stuff. i sought during the blm particularly, the black cops took a lot of grief. >> how are they doing, how's the force doing in light -- you're right, they have to be perfect. i thought it was great they held a press conference portraying how they do this. but how do you feel they are going? >> they're doing fine. this is an old institution, nypd has been around, they know what are doing. this goes for lapd and the la county sheriff's, et cetera. once the green light is given to these units, they know how to do it as we have seen. they surgically do it.
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it is just that the political class did there is until he gets to the point -- what is the expectation of these protesters? they built a little bedroom fort and so as a result of the nation of israel is going to disappear? i don't think so. >> great insight. all day long i watch when the channel, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> pete: john kerry, nancy pelosi and al gore, what you need to know. you z
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>> pete: back with a fox news alert. april's job numbers came in and they are way weaker than expected. falling about 70,000 short of what economist predicted. and on top of that, unemployment actually rose up to three-point line%. remember, biden is the centrepiece of the campaign.
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there's nothing else he can run on. he has been trying to convince us that the economy is as strong as an ox. but the numbers tell a very different story. here's trumps plan from today on turning things around. >> the numbers just came back and they are horrible. and they say that not happily, i say that unhappily. my plan for jobs is to drill and bring energy down, close of the border and get rid of all of the criminals that are being allowed into our country. >> pete: sounds good to me. sounds it would help wages as well. the presidential medal of freedom is the highest honour a civilian can receive in our country. ronald reagan presented the metal to mother teresa. bill clinton awarded one to rosa parks. trump gave one to elvis presley in babe ruth. well today, joe awarded 19 people with the presidential medal of freedom. or is he calls it, the presidential freedom of metal.
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>> ladies and gentlemen, my fellow americans, i congratulate the presidential freedom of mumble -- medal recipients and families. >> biden decided to give the freedom of metal to some of our favourites. nancy pelosi, al gore, john kerry and mike bloomberg. how did these people earn the highest honour in the land? they have dedicated their careers to knee capping freedom in pursuit of their own self interests. al gore and john kerry spent their careers killing our economy with government-funded climate junk. they got rich. bloomberg created a nanny state in new york regulating what you can eat and drink. no big gulp for you. that does not sound a lot like freedom. and nancy pelosi lifelong politician as you know with a perfectly timed stock trades, why does she get a metal? january 6th. >> on january 6th, she stood in the breach and defend a democracy. with her husband paul, they set up to extremism and it took
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absolute courage. history will remember you as the greatest speaker the house ever had. >> pete: rachel is the cohost of fox and friends weekend any perfect guest for this. i thought you may have some suggestions and reactions. >> i do have some suggestions. but first i want to say i had not thought about the middle of freedom until the last time i thought about it was rush limbaugh when he got it. this was a man who truly loved freedom, loved america. i don't think joe biden could have picked three or four people -- >> it is the freedom of metal. so maybe that's what it is. >> maybe. maybe that is the issue. because these are the people most committed to taking away your freedom and destroying the american way of life. these are elitist, about rush, he was a man of the people that can connect with everybody. these are millionaires,
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billionaires in the case of bloomberg. who do not care that their caviar climate agenda is ruining the economy. they do not care that they are killing american jobs or killing american energy. it does not matter to them. so this is actually very on brand with this administration. because let's face it, they have totally alienated themselves from the middle class and they pick these recipients who do not give a damn about the working class or the middle class. and they are so bad that even those coddled protesters hate joe biden and all of these recipients. so i did have a list of some suggestions. so i thought america's frat boys, they could use the middle of freedom. donald trump, he never gives up on america. elon musk for absolutely caring
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about freedom of speech. how about the truly peaceful protesters of the pro-life movement? the ones that are in jail right now? kid rock and john rich, we know they love freedom. the classical school movement? you and i can appreciate that. and how about our u.s. border patrol? >> that is a great list. how about the guys that cleared out columbia, i'd like to add them to. but it is probably more likely to go to paul pelowski, and gavin newsom. i think the list is correct but a little off brand for big joe. >> may be paul pelosi needs the hammer instead of the metal. >> it's metal. rachel, "to see you. we wish you well. see you and nine and a half hours. biden could jail another political rival. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> pete: fox news alert, the doj invites another political rival. this time a texas congressman and his wife. the charges include conspiracy and accepting over half a million in bribes from foreign entities. now the feds rated the home two years ago as part of a probe into business ties to the country of azerbaijan. they were told at the time that he was not a target of the investigation, that's what they say. and a statement today, he says both he and his wife are innocent. remember, he is one of the few pro-life democrats in congress and has been critical of biden's wide-open border. that seems interesting to me. today, donald trump sat in a freezing courtroom for day 11 of the delusional trial of the century. his former advisor took the stand. testifying that she did not recall david packer who ran the national enquirer, agreeing to
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help the trump campaign. hicks also dumped cold water on the prosecution star witness, the admitted liar, michael cohen. saying he often inserted himself into campaign activities. they told the court, quote, he used to call himself mr fix-it. but it was only because he first broke it. all in all, a pretty good day for trump. he is saying thank god it's friday. >> the government and et cetera and in particular, likely this office of the da which is letting violent crime run rampant over our city. it is a vicious, radical left lunatics, the da sought as an act. so i just want to wish everyone a very good weekend. >> pete: had a good weekend! and for all of the chaos surrounding the politicized case, it does not seem to be
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moving the needle with voters. a majority or not paying attention. to them it is just more white noise surrounding the election and more election interference. now that kind of number is triggering severe cases of trumped arrangement syndrome and hollywood. and robert de niro needs serious medical attention. >> i don't think they understand how dangerous it will be if he ever god for bid becomes president. and nazi germany they had it with hitler. they don't take them seriously, it looks like a clown, acts like a clown. mussolini, the same thing. the guys a monster. it's almost like he wants to do the most horrible things that he can think of. and it is [ bleep ] scary. >> pete: so trump is a big mean monster but robert de niro seems to be method acting for another mob movie with this unhinged advice for joe. >> i used figuratively when i say punch him in the face, a bully punch in the face, the trumbull -- trouble trump is he
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is not a bully, he is a stupid bully, he is sick. he is genuinely a sick person and somehow has been allowed into our system. >> you have played a lot of bad guys. would you ever played donald -- donald trump? >> never. there's nothing about him, not one redeeming thing in him that i can see, ever. >> pete: such an angry man. so who is the real bully here? the guy patiently attending court every day or the president who used his own justice department to put him there in the first place? the former assistant treasury secretary joins prime time now. monica, i don't know if you have seen that clip, that is how the left characterizes trump as they have lost their mind for a long time. but how do you think they feel right now about day 11 of court as more and more evidence is showing this thing is a sham? >> you know, it is so interesting because the left and
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the imperial media and all of trump's enemies cannot believe that the man is not just still standing, but that he is thriving. part of what is getting rides to the outburst and all of this anti- trump psychosis which is worse now than it has ever been, is because donald trump is now leading in all of the swing states by huge margins. like way out of the margins. so the frustration that has been building and anti- trump the last seven or eight years is now exploding because they cannot fathom that donald trump will win a second term. >> new polling that came out today shows the double-digit lead, a 10-point lead on the national poll and the number we showed shows that most americans see exactly what this trial is and they are not paying attention. so as the left panik's, what did they do in that panic? >> it makes it increasingly
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dangerous because when they're backed into a corner like a cornered rat, they will ratchet up all kinds of behaviour. and we saw this over the last eight years since donald trump came down the escalator. you can expect all manner of lashing out, we see it now on college campuses with this kind of revolutionary activity trying to burn down the country. this time around it is backfiring and working for president trump. and it is working for the republicans because just like 1968, people want law & order restored and donald trump is promising that, plus a booming economy and unenforced border, rebuilding our military and rebuilding our cities and restoring peace in the world. all of the things that he delivered in the first term, you will deliver in the second term. people know that, they want it back and so the backlash is only going to continue to build. >> exactly right and joe could not contain the chaos brought it home if you wanted to. thank you so much.
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a biden boater goes berserk, right back.
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>> pete: the entire country is laser focused on pro- hamas encampments, illegal's are still pouring into our borders at a rapid pace. nearly 200,000 illegal encounters occurred in march and that is what we know of, this is not the ones that got away and it does not seem to be slowing down. this is all part of joe's elaborate pet plan, abandon everyday americans and cater to illegals. in a campaign event, biden told his supporters that our economy is thriving and this was his words, not mine, because we welcome illegal immigration. he said, quote, why is china stalling so badly economically? why is japan having trouble? because they are xena phobic. they do not want immigrants. immigrants are what make a strong. not a joke, not hyperbole. i can't stand those phrases, because we have an influx of workers who want to be here and want to contribute. it is not just a liberal talking
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point, biden is pro- illegal rhetoric is strategic. news this week, we learned that 80% of biden's illegal flights for migrants were sent to florida. which if you ask me, sounds like a bit of political payback. not a bit, a lot from martha's vineyard. for more control, they are angry. there wasn't enough free handouts, biden is green lighting recipients that work with obama care of. but the rally for latino voters is actually still backfiring on him, it turns out that supporting illegal immigration does not guarantee you the latino vote. some groups are actually giving him the cold shoulder. >> i spoke off the record with some newscasters and they said they were pushing them the right way and they had trump on. they would not allow biden commercials on. and they didn't have biden on for a long time. >> when they jump ship, you know
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you are losing the hispanic vote. and if it wasn't worse for biden already, texas is not becoming the blue state democrats were hoping for. they want to turn texas blue. the texas hispanic policy finds trump leading biden with latino voters in texas by a margin of 12 points. this is more than a warning sign to democrats. joe biden better get strategic or it will be lights-out for his reelection. a florida congresswoman joins us. and thank you for being here. does it surprise you that joe's strategy is import illegals? and weiss and not working for him? >> it does not. in fact, they could not be happier that this is backfiring. for a long time, this administration has largely taken the hispanic voting demographic for granted. remember his wife called us breakfast tacos and joe biden thought that getting the hispanic boatmen playing justin bieber music last cycle.
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there is an issue for the voting block, being mexican-american, is the economy. and too many of us, are second and third generation from people that came here the right way. so to be completely disrespected and then treated as stupid by this administration and they are talking puppets, is rightfully so that they are backfiring with the boat. >> pete: is it xena phobic to believe you should secure your own borders only have people coming in legally? >> absolutely not. and fact we know a united states air force veteran and i'm the granddaughter of immigrants and what i will tell you is that it is not racist to want border security and certainly not xena phobic. in fact, it is probably one of the most responsible and humanitarian things you can do. as you know open borders are contributing to human trafficking and fortunately we are seeing that this administration is not only complicit in ignoring that and also the trafficking of women and children, but also from their own words, treating emigrants that are coming here as the help and basically have been caught saying if it weren't
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for immigrants who would pick the crops. >> we heard that's what she said, that's the way they view it and they are losing. thank you for your time. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> pete: the war on our warriors coming up next. start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> pete: in the past few weeks we have watched as young radicals clashed with police. clashed with patriots and with the patriarchy. there because this time is hating junes and loving hamas but the real issue is with america. the big st. anne. watching the street clashed remind me of my final army deployment. it wasn't overseas. it was right here at home in our nation's capital. in june of 2020 after deployments in cuba iraq and afghanistan i held a riot shield
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outside the white house with the army national guard. clashing with elm rioters and antifa anarchists. we held the line. black soldiers, white. the reason these men held the line with such honour and discipline was all the things about them that the left hated. they were normal, strongmen with honour. guys who refused to let what made them different distract from the unity and brotherhood. men who put others first and didn't try to be the centre of attention, men who refuse to see themselves as victims. men with a rocksolid sense of self and i got that in large part from the american military. we held the line. and at that moment i had a bit of an epiphany. the antifa and blm rioters on the other side of us were not very different in our soldiers. in fact, we were quite similar.
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we're both passionate, both brave. we did not fear pain or the other side could do to us. we believed in righteousness of our cause. at any other time in american history those protesters would have fought injustice by joining the military. but today we are on separate sides. the same goes for the hamas supporters in our streets right now. why aren't these kids fighting for justice with uniform or a flag on their shoulders? this is exactly the type of same pool of people that all my soldiers in gitmo iraq and afghanistan came from. the same neighbourhoods, the same emotional framework. the exact same public schools. what changed in the past 20 years? why are these brave men choosing hamas instead of antifa instead of the airborne. well first under obama and now biden the pentagon across all
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branches has peddled the social justice messages of gender equity, racial diversity climate stupidity and the lgbtq2s+ alphabet soup inside the ranks, and they are recruiting pushes. only 1 problem. there aren't enough lesbians from san francisco who want to join the 82nd airborne at the same time these very same adds turn off the young patriotic christian men who have traditionally filled most of our ranks and women. so they don't join in the first place where they leave early or my case they get pushed out, and they're called an extremist by the very same army that they loved. yup that happened to me. that's 1 of the many stories for my new book the war on warriors which comes out on june 4th and can be preordered right now anywhere books are sold. thankfully there is still more of us then them. the hamas activists allowed but also masked skinny and marginalized. across america from small-town to small-town there's still hundreds of thousands of
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patriotic strong manly man right right for recruitment. think the boys at unc and rectors. the military just needs to speak to them and stand alongside them they will give their lives for this country but this country and our military has to show that it values them first. the left scorns these types of men but america needs them. black, white, rich poor, rural urban america needs strong men and women to defend us. david is a medal of honour recipient and has seen a lot of the most dangerous places on planet earth. what do you think? dc and is that same comparison of the bravery of our generation and how these kids completely misguided? >> first of all every time i come on you bring up the lesbians or 82nd airborne. i'm just telling you your book battle for thee and mine really opened my eyes to what i'm seeing right now on college
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campuses and what i just heard your monologue it really is emotional for me because you might look at education today and think all is lost but the daily say that about our military is the day america is lost. so this is a call to action for people to fix our institutions and by becoming a part of our institutions. it's a call for action and more importantly it's optimistic because that's what we have to have in bad times throughout american history. it was the american spirit. it was hard work. it was discipline. it was tenacious nurse. the world war ii generation are great because they knew they were at war. they knew who their enemies were and they knew they had to win. so i heard your monologue and i'm thinking, this is it. you've got the answer. we have to fix this being involved as citizens and pushing
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back against injustice, we are going to use the word injustice. we have to save democracy because it appears to be on the line. >> pete: i ends the book writing a letter to my son about if i would want them to serve or not. i hear from that's all the time saying i don't know if i want my kids or grandkids serving. part of that is because they feel like they've been betrayed by the leadership of the military which is laid down while left pushed political priorities into the ranks that had nothing to do with being lethal, nothing to do with killing terrorists like you did in falluja so they are worried if they give their son or daughter to this institution that they are not going to ease and that be fixed? >> absolutely can be fixed. by the way we've done that throughout our history. whether it was from the gilded age going into world war i. every time we look at our major policies and military.
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we assume don't ask don't tell is a military policy. it was not. that was congress pushing its will on the military. when you look at all the times the military wanted to integrate its forces it was a president who was also premiering ku klux klan movies in the white house at the time woodrow wilson but it was a president that said no we don't want this. the military has actually been a reflection of that evolution in america and most importantly it's our last line of defence. when we hear death to america in america, we all have to be at a higher condition of alert and that means, you know, what is christopher wray the fbi doing. was congress doing? what is our military doing right now? we spent a lot of time fighting white radicalism. it appears that there is an air force guy setting himself on fire. bradley manning wasn't exactly a
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trump delegate. there's a left-wing faction radical out there. >> pete: no doubt i'm watching live pictures right now for hamas protest in chicago. it's a product of our education system but david as you said it's 1 thing to lose harvard. it's another to lose the marine corps. and really have 1. other we protected him fight for it or we lose it. david thank you for your service and everything have done for the country and talking about the war on warriors. it is out any computer it. everything we talk about we talk about in the book as well. thank you david. that's all for tonight. remember watch fox and friends weekend tomorrow at 6:00 am eastern in about 9 hours. kevin o'leary john rich, andy mccarthy plus janice and of course rachel campos my man will came all be there. kayleigh mcenany coming up next. >> welcome to the special addition of hannity.


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