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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  May 3, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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[ cheering and applause ] >> thank you. i love you america. >> good evening it is 11:00 pm on the east coast and 8:00 here
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in los angeles in this is america's late news fox news at night. and breaking tonight the battle of the flags. the palestinian flag has flown on so many college campuses this week but today administers at george washington university ordered the large american flag directly above a sea of pro- palestinian protesters. you see right there flying high on the statue of george washington. and earlier this week the nypd toward down a palestinian flag and raise the stars & stripes once again on the university of new york's campus in these unc frat brothers defended the flag amid pro- palestinian protests on their campus. more on that later. those of course our snapshots of the campus chaos that is gripped so many colleges this week. campuses have been trash. learning has certainly been lost in graduation ceremonies have been canceled.
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while many protesters argue a powerful point has been made. certainly some universities will never be the same. we've got fox team coverage here in los angeles but first let's go to alexis mcadams on the ground in new york city. it's been a long week for new york colleges and frankly for you. how does it look out there tonight? >> long week in new york city for those police who have been on the scene really trying to keep control of those crowds and tonight things have been pretty calm out here just compared to the last few days and talking a pretty good weather on a friday night that wasn't going to be the case but earlier today police conducted the sweeps at college campuses in manhattan and taking a look at the screen on the right -- left was nyu and police moving around 6:00 am with a rough wake-up call for protest they're starting to clear up in gaza, solidarity encampment at 6:00 in the morning and then moving to the liberal arts college called the new school protest were very chaotic last night in the area. the nypd says the schools called
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them for help yet again. this afternoon faculty members at nyu world picketing saying they were against the disciplinary action the schools are giving the student protesters. watch. >> you cannot be calling yourself a university if you arrest your faculty and you arrest your students for a peaceful protest. universities must be a free exchange of ideas and of free speech and protest. >> not all of those protests at the universities have been peaceful. we saw that right here at new york city. nyu and nypd had to come to hamilton hall where they barricaded the area with. 1 could consider nypd have outside groups coming and even bringing in weapons to try to cause trouble we see it on the ground almost every night. jonathan. >> jonathan: great work. thank you alexis mcnett it -- mcadams. here in los angeles a stark contrast on how on campus protested to the top colleges in california if not in the
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country. uec la and usc have been handled by their respective administrations. here in la taking a closer look at that story tonight. good evening. >> and did we are. the usc president feeling the heat over handling of the protest that brought the campus over the last 2 weeks with dozens of faculty calling for her to step down after canceling graduation and angering parents and met with the leaders of the pro- palestinian movement for talks several times in the hopes of working out a deal to end the chaos which did not happen. instead the team called in the lapd resulting in 93 arrests. an interview with the los angeles times on monday she said quote i believe that all along the way we have made the right choice. and at ucla more than 200 protesters were arrested on thursday morning a day after counter protesters targeted the pro- palestinian encampment there. students and professors were among those taken to jail including 1 professor that released a statement on why she canceled class. quote the police destroyed my
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backpack with a class test in it as well as my apartment keys and a large knife and did not return it to me and was not possible to have class. when asked by fox news if you want professors and students who were arrested thursday be prosecuted or suspended, governor gavin newsom providing the same response he posted to x. on wednesday in part quote the law is clear the right to free speech does not extend to inciting violence vandalism or lawlessness saying those involved should be held accountable including through criminal prosecutions, suspension or sis but -- expulsion. after the night of violence at ucla classes have been canceled and an investigation is underway to the response to the nahum. >> jonathan: thank you so much. with fortunate to have with us now to discuss the latest development -- development on the ongoing on-campus unrest the usc president who is actually directly involved in the discussions between students and the usc administration. rate to have you here and thank
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you for coming in this friday evening. get the usc in a moment the first want to ask about the extraordinary scenes we saw play out tuesday night with the clashes between protesters and counter protesters at ucla and then the police clearing out those protesters. what did you make of that? >> we often think about outside agitators as people who are among the protesters themselves. this time it's not outside agitators in the form of pro-israel agitators who came and pulls the heckler's veto if you will of the violence was a way of saying we don't like what you're going to say we can as bystanders ramp up the response in such a way that the university will come in and veto >> it did seem like a real frustration by that pro- israeli group. >> absolutely. >> jonathan: the ministration wasn't doing nothing there. >> in their view they weren't but the police were supposed to make sure violence doesn't break out and violence broke out.
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>> jonathan: we were live all night with that and it was extraordinary to me that for 3 hours i saw all of this violence and did not see a single police officer. it seemed like extort meant. >> that was jaw-dropping and they could've intervened and quelled that very easily and 1 can only wonder coming back the next night and use that as a reason to disband everything. so it's ahead scratcher. >> jonathan: to usc now where you are and you are involved directly with these negotiations between president and the students. the major graduation ceremony has been canceled and the protesters are still there. a group of them in the park and after the initial response by the lapd president backed off and allowing the group to stay. it's a big contrast because it for the moment at least it seems peaceful at usc. >> makes you wonder what was the original justification for bringing in the lapd over safety concerns but it doesn't seem
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like it's been especially unsafe since the times that they retook alumni park therapy no outbreaks and violence. i was there the first day when they were starting, they were, you know, meditations and yoga sessions out here. a poetry reading over here. 1 has to wonder if it was necessary to bring the lapd versus the president herself sitting down with students and singlets have a conversation and let's see if we can find some common ground. >> jonathan: so where are we now? because graduation ceremonies all of the big 1 hasn't taken place yet. smaller graduation ceremony's beginning on wednesday. >> it's a ticking clock here -- >> it is a ticking clock. we've had 20 plus satellite graduations and they happen at alumni park and it's going to be a sight of perhaps 3 or 4 of them. so the administration would definitely like to have that space for the graduations. the students who are occupying it want some of their demands met before they're going to move. we're going to see if there's 1 to be any way to reach some kind
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of middleground before wednesday >> jonathan: it was watching some of the video you gave us just there on the talks that were going on on thursday i believe it was or wednesday. we have not crossed a line i believe between free speech and violence in the expression of violence at usc but we seem to be on edge. >> at this point we haven't and the real violence for the students in my conversation with the president was when the lapd arrived and started, you know, handling students in a heavy-handed way. a number of the students are jewish for peace. some of my students, you know, the people were saying we want to make the camp is safer for jewish students. many of the jewish students were among the protesters who were arrested and they say i don't feel safe here with the lapd laying hands on me while i'm trying to protest. >> jonathan: 10 seconds.
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does the president have your support? >> as long as she can in good faith reach some common ground with the protesters absolutely but she has to make that effort to preach that common ground. >> jonathan: it's been a pleasure having you think you so much on this friday evening. turning now to the law enforcement perspective on all this we are joining by a retired nypd inspector and a fox news contributor. you and i spent many hours together this week watching i think with mines that were boggled to coin a phrase. at the lack of law enforcement response on the campus at ucla to begin with. professor was just talking about that and do you think they got it right ultimately? >> i think they got it right at ucla after much delay because when they went in they got it done with how great despite the fact that the encampment at ucla was heavily fortified and the wind i saw those plywood
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barriers that was it tied together and i thought it was actually going to be a lot rougher than it was but it goes to what you and i were talking about that night. if you call the police in and allow them to do their jobs they're going to get it done. ucla became what usc did not. that was a very depiction of what was going on at usc. there were agitators all over these campuses, professional agitators and let's remember that all you hear here is things like from the river to the sea which is the eradication of the state of israel. hamas is embedded in that and i don't want to hear anybody decrying hamas and i have to say that usc's instance by acting early you didn't get what you got at ucla and as a result he or and my weren't boggled relative to usc. >> jonathan: and what about the nypd action that we saw earlier at columbia? that seemed to be a textbook operation. planned in the way that the la
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response at ucla didn't seem to be planned well enough were quickly enough. the nypd operation said to me really textbook even though at a different context and the campus where they can't effectively lock it down rather than a public university. >> the difference was leadership. the nypd planted out and they knew had to go especially after these characters took to the building and the nypd has done this kind of thing and as i said it's part of the institutional memory and it was leadership there. in la and at ucla, they're just seemed to be no leadership because you had 3 different agencies and who was it that could've been the umbrella over all 3? you've had a county agency, estate agency in a city agency. who sits over all of those? the governor. and where was the governor? where was gavin newsom? the mayor was mia as well and you did some to hold a press conference and reassure the public and tell everybody this thing is going to be handled and we are putting together an
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attack plan and make sure that you tell the protesters that they have a deadline and to get out otherwise they are moving in with the police and that's it. instead they let it go on and it grew and it grew and you and i saw the results. >> jonathan: it's been great being with you all week and i hope you and everybody else has a peaceful weekend. thank you so much. for more perspective tonight let's bring in a couple of students who have experienced the campus chaos up close. i usc grad student along with the ucla student and campus reform correspondent. let's get to ucla first. what do you make of what happened? >> so the police came yesterday and now everybody is gone. over the last couple of days it's been very heartbreaking with the violence. i was at the protest on wednesday night around 1:30 pm civic time and what i heard was diverse from israel. at the zionists out. i heard all this stuff going in with the fireworks going in the encampment.
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someday through water bottles at each other and the cones. and so a lot of violence has been present during these protests. >> jonathan: doesn't make you angry at the administration there? doesn't make you angry at the protesters? does it make you angry at the lack of law enforcement response initially? who do you blame for this. >> i blame both honestly. the protesters took over the hall and they gave us to a building which was uncalled for but the chancellor should have done something as well. ucla officials are very's -- small and and the 1 -- number 1 priority should be protecting students and we have random people coming in. >> jonathan: the usc president has said that that is the northstar as she put it. protecting the safety of students. is she doing a good enough job? >> i think up until now i would've said absolutely not and that's basic on campus earlier today. as i was taking my graduate photos of for the upcoming
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ceremony i was actually followed and harassed by some agitators on campus in and around the encampment. and to be honest i think they should be taken more steps to enforce the campus policies that these people are openly breaking. >> jonathan: as a student there, graduation, the major graduation ceremony has been canceled. the smaller ceremonies will still take place although the professor was just saying there could be a flashpoint before then. how do you react to the idea that the big graduation ceremony, the big 1 will not be happening? >> it's a disgrace to be honest. it's a disgrace. my first graduation sermon he was supposed to take place during covid. >> jonathan: you are the class of 2020 from high school? >> me and all of my peers now had the celebration ripped from them. the joyous occasion we worked very hard for anything university has responsibly to safeguard our students and i think there's 1 thing i want to add as well. he was he has instituted a
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policy of containment for this issue which has not been successful. i watch students top usc's fences today annually people that were impacted by the policy are the students who are now unable to get to the classes. unable to study in the libraries for their exams, unable to take their finals. it takes me 3 times more time than it usually does just to get onto campus because of the way they locked it down. >> jonathan: just to wrap it up real quick, has violence trumped free-speech here? how do you see that? >> i think everybody has a right to free speech. when we have people screaming kick the zionists out that changes the mind. >> jonathan: just in and mark thank you for having you here and mark i hope you get to enjoy a real graduation. it is a tragedy for the class of 2020 ripped from covid to see the ceremony. thank you both for being here. for for more insight into these protests trace gallagher hooked
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up with a special guest. to get away trace. >> the former education secretary great to have you on the show as always. what do you think about what's happening across the country with these anti- israel protest that we see popping up and dropping down on campuses here? your thoughts on that? >> it's terrible and it's 1 of the most elite campuses and colleges and there's been a lot of focus on outside agitators and indeed there are many of them pack may be happen some places. but there's also what i call the inside agitators that's the faculty who are egging on the outside agitators and egging on the students. criticizing the police. now calling on the university to account for having called the police. this just tells us what a mess a lot of our universities are and to the degree that is exposing sunlight here, that's a good thing.
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>> and do you say and you have heard that a lot of comparisons between these protests in the protest in vietnam in 1968. is there a comparison in your estimation? >> it's worse now. we have gotten worse. i didn't favor the protest against the war and 68 but i had friends who did and felt strongly about the war. some went to canada, you know, i was in a principal position at least. but there was an arguable position. it's not an arguable position to say that jews should be eliminated. what kind of nonsense is that? it's crazy. this is just insanity and then our president wants to invite palestinian students to come to the u.s. and study. 92 percent i think was the number of palestinians voting for hamas. does he really want to import hamas students into our universities anymore than we we already got on these campuses? >> and bill it troubles me
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because you wonder in all of this where is the civil rights division of the doj? these are anti-semitic protests in many cases across the country. if these were kkk protests they would be shut down in 30 minutes and these things have lingered and lingered and where is the doj? >> absolutely and where is the department of education? i've heard just before we went on that there was apparently some investigation by the department of education in georgia. because muslim students are complaining. well, you know, i don't really know what that's about. it may have merit but goodness gracious this other thing is screaming for its. these students as well have to be accountable. if the faculty is the inside agitators, the students are the inside agitate a bowl. a lot of them have been groomed from middle school through high school to believe that this is a
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terrible country and shame on them for picking up on this. i can't stand that picture of george washington draped in that flag. the hamas flag. somebody should just go over there and rip it off. >> but you had to love the picture of those university of north carolina students raising the american flag and bringing down the palestinian flag. >> absolutely. good for them. >> and lastly i just want to touch on you touched on this briefly but it seems like the president who spoke for the first time yesterday about this whole thing is trying to do both sides. he's trying to placate everybody in this thing. >> and he won't. you saw that in the university of alabama where they were yelling from both sides. the palestinian side and the pro- israeli side what they thought about biden. and it was the same vulgar
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cheer. 1 quick note i would say to you is a fan of the sec, did you notice how many hamas encampments at sec schools? none. except for the university of texas where they got rid of it very quickly. so it's not a national problem, it some ways it's located here and there and to many places but not everywhere. >> roll tide. bill bennett always great to have you on the show and thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> jonathan: up next courtroom witnesses describe it as the most riveting testimony yet in the new york criminal trial of the former president. former trump 8 and confidant hope hicks compelled to testify truly compelling on the stand. we have a live report from new york city. it later in the nightcap it's quite a rage or. a group of frat brothers who
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defended the american flag at the university of north carolina getting rich quick next to a gofundme account set up to pay tribute. let us know what you would do with all that money. we will read the best responses in the nightcap. auburn alabama, take a look at that. home to auburn university and finally waterford connecticut. did you know the frisbee was invented in connecticut? you learn something every night when you watch fox news at night. if you can't join us live don't forget to set your dvr and watch us any time. we will be right back. . with a rapid dry core that locks in your heaviest gush quickly for up to zero leaks. always discreet- the protection we deserve! to advance the future of golf, pga of america chose t-mobile for business. with a 5g powered innovation hub to analyze player
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jonathan: dramatic
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testimony today and what is of course the first ever criminal trial of a former president. from x. trump insider hope hicks, we have the -- details outside new york state supreme court. quite a day in court. >> today we got insight into former president donald trump's mindset in the days leading up to the 2016 presidential election when women came forward and stories went public of alleged affairs that trump denies. 's former advisor hope hicks testified that trump was very much concerned about his family and he didn't want anyone embarrassing coming out during the campaign that would hurt his family and he would very much want to make his family proud of him and he was concerned specifically with his wife former first lady and strong -- instructing hope hicks that newspapers were not delivered to the resident so that she might see articles detailing the
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allegations. hears trump speaking after a busy day in court. >> i was very interested in what took place today. i am not allowed to comment on any of that. it's a gag order which is very unprecedented. >> at the beginning of her cross-examination today hope hicks became emotional on the witness stand. and before that prosecutor and former top doj official michael colangelo question hope hicks. he asked her about meeting former american ceo packer. she doesn't recall participating in the meeting were packer promised to help the trump campaign. also former lawyer michael cohen disrupted himself into campaign activities. hope hicks claimed cohen like to call himself mr fix-it but said he only fixed things after breaking them first. to tate trump disputed evidence
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of a recorded conversation with cohen discussing the stormy daniels payment. trump posted on truth social the tape played today well good for my case was cut off at the end in the early stages of something very positive that i was in the midst of saying. why was it cut off? at the other top trump paid $9000 for a fine for 9 separate gag order violations. he said while entering the courtroom today that his lawyers are going to challenge the gag order because they believe it is unconstitutional and the trial would resume at 9:30 monday morning with a new witness on the stand. sending it back to you. >> jonathan: thank you for being here late on this friday night in new york. for more on this let's bring in a criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor david gelman. what did you make of hope hicks as a witness? either her prosecution or how much they benefit of the defense here?
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>> i will tell you 1 thing. the prosecution i think are having a very strong drink tonight because nothing that came out of the testimony from hope hicks had anything to do with the matter and it didn't affect president trump whatsoever. when you are a prosecutor your job is to make sure that your witnesses are doing the right thing and that you prep them the right way. i don't think they ever looked at her, let alone talk to her until today because what she said had no bearing on 1 the allegations against the president and 2, anything to do with the actions that they are accusing him of. i believe that today was not a very good day for the prosecution. >> jonathan: there's been a lot of talk over weather foreman president donald trump would testify himself, the judge made it clear that that gag order doesn't prevent him from testifying and he can do that so sort of in a sense daring former president trump to do so.
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here is a mention the former president made of that after court today. listen here. >> the gag order is not going to testify. the gag order will to stop me from testifying about people respond when they say things about me. people saying things about me and i'm not allowed to respond. this judge is taking away my constitutional right. >> jonathan: so you're the president's attorney, the former presidents attorney let's say do you put him on the stand? >> no. right now it is too early to tell. you've really got to let go the prosecution and go through their motions if you will and have the rest of their witnesses testify. and now right now if i was the president's attorney he wouldn't testify or at least i would say don't testify. because right now nothing has really fazed him. it's like a boxing match. he hasn't been punched. so right now no. but that could change.
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>> jonathan: and then david obviously michael cohen is going to take the stand and i think 1 thing we learned from hope picks today is that nobody likes him. how difficult a witness for the prosecution is he going to be an terms of making the jury believe him, which to some extent means making them like him? >> you are exactly correct. hope hicks said that he really only has 1 interest and that is michael cohen. and that is a theme that has gone on to part with this trial. if we witness who testified regarding michael cohen doesn't have anything good to say about him. that prosecutors i think may be second-guessing themselves of anything regarding michael cohen being a witness because frankly, he is not going to do very well. >> jonathan: great to have you with us tonight. thank you so much. up next republican lawmakers are not happy with what they've been seeing at some of the country's most elite universities and that
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>> jonathan: that wasn't on answer answer tonight we got the answer. the texas democratic congressman and his wife have been indicted on conspiracy and bribery charges for allegedly accepting
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$600,000 in bribes from azerbaijan -controlled energy company and a bank in mexico. in exchange he allegedly agreed to advance the interests of the country and the bank. the couple denies the charges and early surrendered to authorities before on a $100,000 bond each. for more on this let's bring in a political analyst and california gop delegate. great to have you both here and i want to come to you first put first of all i want to point out with the doj said about this. this is a quote from their statement. the bribe payments were allegedly laundered pursuant to cham consulting contracts for a series of front companies of middlemen into shell companies owned by his wife who provided -- provided no legitimate contracts. oval situation and not good for democrats either. >> it's not. again what's goose is good for
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the gander and republicans for fraud and bribery as well so looks like there's a problem on the left so when you mix things and with everything going on and with the current political environment it does not look good and we see how the factly out in the case and see how it affects this very election that is clearly not a clear path forward for democrats or republicans. >> jonathan: to the statement here, he said i want to be clear that both my wife and i partook in congress would be consistent with many of my colleagues and with the interest of the american people. it seems to me like a veiled threat and you're all doing it. >> and he is right. the truth is that everybody seems to be going to washington dc and coming back filthy stinking rich. >> jonathan: surprise
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surprise. >> is not a shocker and she's right is having both sides of the aisle. >> jonathan: so what do we do about it? >> just those cases that should be pursued with the excess rules and do you notice they make all sorts of rules for the rest of us to follow the exempt members of congress and i think they might want to change on that insider trading stuff. >> jonathan: standby and i want to come back to you for talks on the campus chaos but there may be consequences for these universities for the anti- israel protest and our senior correspondent has those details tonight. good evening. >> republican lawmakers believe the federal government is slow to pro possible civil rights on campus. the gop demands action. >> do you think right now this administration is upholding title vi? >> we are with the resources we have we are here to request
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additional investigators. in 2009 the number of cases and we have 58 less people. >> asked for an additional $22 million in the spending cycle to hire more investigators and open up additional probes. expect that to be a flashpoint especially after republicans and to trim funding for the department of education. >> the government is trying to cut about 25 percent. and the result was by funding. >> reporter: the gop also wants to slash funding for universities which members believe failed to protect jewish students. >> if you're going to break the law and violate title vi of the civil rights act, you were going to have your federal fund removed. >> reporter: universities receive more money from the federal government and from any other source. that's why the gop is ready to curb funds bound for hire and. lawmakers prep spending bills for the fall. >> we are taking a look on how to condition that money and how
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they handle their campuses in situations like this. >> reporter: democrats are torn about the demonstrations ravaging college campuses. they are mindful of first amendment rights and concern over human rights. >> students or students and you have demonstrations and that's just part of being a college student. >> reporter: but there is a schism among democrats in the middle east. that provide threatens to shred the democrats coalition ahead of the election. jonathan? >> jonathan: what about that that this is all fracturing that democratic coalition? do you believe that is a serious problem for president biden and the ticket? >> it is absolutely a serious problem. again president biden is going to be forced to pick a side or step aside is what i say. if you look at michigan with over 100,000 folks who go on to say we don't want to deal with you joe biden because of this war, that is critical. we knows about 4 or 5 states that are making a decision on
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who will be the president of united states and michigan is 1 so they are asking him to move forward with a cease-fire and you still have other folks in the democratic party that are saying that no, this is, you know, an opportunity for people who support israel to be able to also have their say so students should be safe on their own campus. it's putting president biden of the democratic party in a very sticky situation and will absolutely affect them at the polls. with colleges with removing student loan debt. right now college students are not pleased with the left because they're not getting very clear direction. >> jonathan: and roxanne with the democrat they're saying students are students. do you believe that the republican side is right that this has to be investigated if they crossed the line? >> i'm a little bit cynical today forgive me but the strongly worded memo that congress lives in is not how you get things done. and the truth is that the approach that said they are
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taking in california and senator brian jones and james gallagher the assembly let's defund actual students. if you participate in the stuff and you start -- stop kids from attending class and it's not that college aren't meant to be safe spaces but they are meant to be educational spaces and if you can't get to class than i'm sorry you blown up the whole thing. >> jonathan: and teslin final word to you. would you agree that some of these protests very clearly crossed the line from free speech into something much worse? >> any time you have people who are in fear of their life or people being harmed or things that go beyond just strong words of course it should be investigated and be safe for any student to go from college or have a different 7 opinion. young folks continue to make their voices heard but when it's a problem and people feel they are unsafe and should be corrected. and so it looks like that's what it isn't what i want to say is
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this is becoming more about campaigning more so than it is about the students unfortunately. it's about what does this look like for democrats? and if president biden and democrats are going to take a hard stance or are they more concerned about how to fix them and their election? that's what i'm looking at, to see what is the principal and the values that they are really standing on or is it just we want to play it safe and play both sides and not really give a strong answer because we want to get people to the polls and that's not going to work either. you're going to have to pick a side. >> jonathan: in such a critical election year everything becomes about campaigns and politics. thank you both so much for being here. pleasure to talk to you both this evening. first up and tonight's viral videos. take a look at this very persistent span you named pj who was attempting to cross a statue of richard harris into playing a game of fetch with him. the puppy was confused as to why
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the statue wasn't taking up on his offer. pjs owners say the 9 year old spaniel is obsessed with playing and will find a pebble at the stranger's feet in the hopes of playing around fetch with them. unfortunately he will get this statute to move. on another baseball field 1 beekeeper got to through the ceremonial first pitch of the dodgers versus diamondbacks game after you save the day when a colony of bees took over the field. that beekeeper was 45 minutes away when he got the call and rushed over to chase field stadium to take care of the buzzing situation. and his hilton contained the bees the crowd cheered wildly and holding out for a hero blasted out through the stadium. if you viral video to share hit us up at fox news night on social media. more than $500,000 has been raised for a group of north carolina fraternity brothers who have defended the stars &
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stripes from pro- palestinian protesters. what should the students to with all that money? what would you do if you were them? let us know. we will read the best responses in the nightcap. get up out of
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bed. joe: there's always that saying, well, you've got to look on the bright side of things. tell me what the bright side of childhood cancer is. lakesha: it's a long road. it's hard. but saint jude has gotten us through it. narrator: saint jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food, so they can focus on helping their child live. ashley: without all of those donations, saint jude would not be able to do all of the exceptional work that they do. narrator: for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the life-saving research and treatment these kids need. tiffany: no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month,
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>> ♪ ♪ >> we are back with the nightcap crew here tonight when frat boys make canoes it's usually for doing dumb things but a group of frat brothers at umc is being applauded for protecting the stars and stripes from pro- palestinian protesters this weekend about 500,000 or more a go fund me page what should they do with that 500,000. you are known for your rangers what say you? >> a group of frat brothers $500,000 what could go wrong? all they would say is what not to do. no vegas fellows but do remember you've a long life ahead of you. >> david you? >> have the rage or just like old-school the movie. vince vaughan get a big celebrity and have a huge party
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at the university will never forget epic. >> roxanne? >> i'm a teacher so have a rage or and put in escrow for the next decade of rangers. >> to their moms, you give it to their parents. >> we had 1 comment on social media that i really liked. 10 k for the rager, 490,000 in legal fees for said rager. my thought is giving it all to charities of traumatized children both sides of the war hate to put it on a serious note but that would be nice. thank you for watching america's late news fox news at night i'm jonathan hunt in los angeles yo will be relieved to know trace night. >> ♪ ♪ppin keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon.
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that's this weekend, 10:00 a.m. eastern time. see you then. ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪


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