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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 3, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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that's this weekend, 10:00 a.m. eastern time. see you then. ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪i'
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>> i'm judge jeanine pirro withh harold, brady back greg and dana. is 5:00 in new york city and this is the 5.s "t >> ♪ ♪ the squad hamas caucus is demanding more campus chaos while denying the threat jewish students face from an anti-semitic mob the nypd busting 2 more anti- israel protests clearing out ringencampments at nyu it was lt confrontational compared to madness at ucla in columbia with some protesters obeying orderssr from the police to disperse andf get out of their tents. but leave it to the squad to give cover to the mob. the radical progressive lawmakers are downplaying anti-semitism.
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>> i would say to everybody that it is really important to educate yourself about what is anti-semitic, what is islamaphobia.week >> i visited the columbia encampment last week and they were completely peaceful i also met with so-called pro- israel win i was there just to hearve about the anti-semitism they experienced anexd they told me t was minimal it's been overblown by the media. >> if they think anti-semitism is overblown maybe they should help clean up 1 of these encampments littered with tons d of anti-semitic graffiti and hate filled posters the nypdth discovered signs which baredte terrorist slogans like death to israel and death to america and" jewish students at stanford
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university snapping this photo of a man wearing a hamas headband on campus the white house has dismissed criticism ao biden played both sides of the card after he called out islamaphobia and anti-semitism. >> we've been seeingti anti-semitic rhetoric onc this does he think it is as big a problem on campuses nanti-semitism. >> he will call at all forms of hate always it's part of who wer are in the country we talk about freedoms and democracy to disagree and agree with each other so the president will call out all forms of hate respect to the effect we are at anuntr inflection point with anti-semitism in this country and there's no claims right now of islamaphobia why do you think
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the president is doing that? >> he is worried about losing michigan they like to say thelo squad doesn't t have influenced far left in the party but she'se the 1 driving this movement against joe biden is verybe worried about noint being able o get these votes in november i do want to focus in on the comments jamaal bowman made for examplea. he said the anti-semitism which is just racism is minimal will we accept a minimal amount of racism according to that standard it's not minimal whatng we h are seeing here the reason they are so focused on turning down the israel u.s.tion relationship is because it's a good relationship for america they don't like the country what it stands for the foundation of so when you move forward and look at how this will work it will get worse because democrats in 2020 tolerated this violence they are tolerating it now and when they say they are peaceful
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the encampment by definition is a violent place to be because t you are over property that isn't there's blocking people fromin getting ing and out of it they are blocking police officersays interesting to see them break the rules they know where they and win the police come in to break up their illegal occupation of a public space aft while going after jewish students wrapping george washington and hamas paraphernalia they are than the victims and they can no longerlo function in normal society. >> it's stunning that jamaal bowman congressman wouldgres actually come out and say the media isy over blowing this anti-semitism i have spoken tosi these students it shocking to t >>g: it's most if he's accusingn pulling somed alarm. m like aay firearm maybe that's wt i'm getting at this truly is a movement that it's 1 long
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steaming pile of crap it's the worst protest in america history and try to figure out why it strikes me is so physically repulsive so a glee e and i was thinking about it when you have an ideology the execution of gays and nonversion females we n can say obviously it's bad it's brutal and induces suffering bua there is another element to the evilness the intent, pleasure intabsolute certainty that cauc the actions to happen on campus we are seeing people being murdered we are seeing people be executed with very your sing are the seeds need to hear the voices you can hear that certitude and blind dogma and hate to. that is why it's so comical with this because you aren't seeing
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jews do this it helps answer the question why these protesters seem so ugly. s they seem aimless angry deadly certain but still it get aren't energetic but deeply unwell ali lot ofke energy look sickly i believe that's because they are physically and spiritually sick because they're operating from a punitive ideology they don't t wish to create anything butan destroy in their ugliness therefore is not just physicalsl it reflect the 8 ugliness of their soul it's not islam it's an iteration of marxism that absorbed the worst elements of a religious dogma. he says it's about power. what they are doing is they happen to align themselves with a group of people and that's why they haven't read about it theyv don't
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all isl it it is as focusing re towards the misery they experience in their own lives as its breed more resistance and death to america so it started out as pro- palestinian then i went to anti-semitic than it went to destroy israel and outa. stepped america how far does this go agree mimic of a lot ofo democrat friends andf aboveican begins none of them are believers like congressman bowman in the things he was not a serious position that's what i was set at the people protesting i can understan
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respect what he was saying if i urge the kid not to be violent or hateful or frightened or intimidate jewish people every right to protest he didn't say that which is alarming on a big level known saying to hamas except the deane il the secreta in the region they have a goode deal on the table to getos tahostages released i don't see anybody in these protest sayingn we want to cease-fire because we are concerned about gazans or palestinians a to greg's point they've taken on a whole other a regime of ideas there are people out saying except the claimant deal going before congress we do a disservice to these kids were paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to go to school at these universities with these people here if you believe so firmlyzi you're protestinngg organize around issues run candidates for
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office vote in elections don't deny kids an opportunity for those paying hundreds ofs of thousand dollars an opportunityo to be educated. b finally cops should be allowed on these campuses we've seen what's happened we've beenng b texting back and forth about them so the school is on the wes west coast summit argue don't want to do it i thank you haveeo to put police and law enforcement on campus as quickly as possible to give them a sense of security, your students,je winon-jewish students sisters aa george washington university has concerns of her own safety as a. freshman she's not jewish andis fears for her safety is concerned about her safety and as classmates who are jewish as well. c >> some ofal the lost students called for cancelations of the exam because of the trauma i think about the whist as they-y are compared teao the 17 -year-olds that the idea of just
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carrying weapons and fightinges for people's lives these are american kids an kd a lot of thm are whiskers. >> the violet's we witnessed as shaken many of us we know this is to be the same for theev majority of our classmatesen let many of us shaken.ft m best of luck guys can't wait for this one-mile isolate 1 more a thing you're beingre very kind there's no way you could be talking to him saying i haven't talked to jewish kids you don't feel friendly fethd 5 them on td showoe. so we've had them on that weo th have on the radio than other kidson the specifics about howea they're being threatenedte about yourself in such a position tosy be easily disputed i did about 15 of them live was like my parents told me to come home i refuse to give in to it lessen
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was at nyu we have met columbia my points in the primary wh would he go more radical than he is came uicp blame the cops philadelphia said i can call me a call the cops as for after a peaceful demonstration you think you're giving them the same credit.guys >> of said exactly the opposite of that were not giving the credit. stomach missing the people you know that was authentic is peaceful i don't believe this is thisauthentic. >> do you text back and forth? ratesh more this up after the break.eful lines your peaceful protest t you don't du wan threaten. j >> guys more thieas is coming u. coming up anti- israel
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protesters reach new levels of r stupidity that soy boy squaduad storming the campus with garbage can. with garbage can shields. ♪ ♪
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putting the most advanced technology into people's hands. generation after generation. tool after tool. again and again. bringing you the most reliable network of authorized sales and service dealers. always moving forward. we lead. others follow. >> ♪ ♪ down from going them radical if more owns the adequate -- accurate as a description. >> you are under arrest stop.
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>> looks like the giants running game.bu is the burst from the campus library with garbage can shieldk only to be quickly shut down by the cops before cops shut down the ucla gaza encampment getting hands on a list of their demands want to be let revolutionaries gluten-free, zi and food zip ties shields epi pensns balance blood sugar legacy prevent septic shut not just divestment from israel the rest in for a buffet of left-wing policies. >> given the fact the university of california is founded on colonialism's inherently violent institution the perpetuates war and violence abroad.
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as well as implementing aunta communal program of reparations disbanding and expanding employer assisted housing reducing emissions by a 50% by 2030. >> a don't even know where to gh with this. to make anthony ouchi called you can take the masks off its incredible what we are seeingatt another they're listed demands are out. they also had a little medical centre were you could go and if you had a bruise or a scrape and get the proper lotion underneate that as well so what you thinkha about this now that we know more about them you think that maybee they are not the cutting edge of the next generation of would-be american seals we. w >> i saw professor today fromon
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nyu he was bemoaning the fact police being called on the campuses to break up violent protest the right to protest he overate to vandalize or be violent work. >> they also forced the police chief into a building because he is worried about his welfare is just laughable but that theirac people saying these things we are covering up because it's really happening people actually want economy from the standpoint they want an economy not relian, on fossil fuels we can or disagree or agree with that people want more housing for professors or teachers agree or disagree when you wrap it in this box here is not going to bn taken seriously by anybody that could actually be a part a change we told the university of chicago to divest.
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go to a different >> katie president biden ints worried about losing their votes >> universities deserve everything they are getting wita thist with they are the ones whe cultivated this ideology saying dishes been hundreds of thousands of dollars market -- marxist fear you see a playere while a a lot of this is very serious and never use the clan j of og more than i have over the past week to describe these people demanding the vegan and gluten-free food no bagels because so be connected to the jews. no bagels no bananas or nuts they demand thesan te other this actually want guys if you're going to have a revolution bring your own supplies you need tot o have them ready to go there isy some good news country of iran
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is offering scholarship them iis further have a great soccer team giving the people together? >> it's shallow virtual signaling who would've thoughtd garbage can shield what ever be effective. really they never took a shotk h glass right they are so used tod having their demands cateredre they now expect actual catering you better hope starbucks doesn't require resumes for breese openings is likely so before when they cite trauma this is s a slap in the face to the families of the victims of october seventh if i was a cop were the police department and arresting these people i would have a cell set up with a video playing never long documentaryg doof the brutalities of that dat and at them witness the truem brutality have them sit alone in
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a cell listening to that mostts tapes ta victim's parents talkg about debtor missing children s countless videos of her rainy anand muslim leaders giving destruction to what they would do to gays and adulterers because they need someone or something to burst theirble. entitled bubble used to be colleges did that college gave you experience to learn aboutrna the world notes designed to protect you from the world she can sit there with your you poisonous thoughts and as you noticed the majority women angry women who have allowed themselves there so miserable. o will they get out of this i don't know judge remember a timr in college people when studyingt because they hadhe to get of a time. now what do you say to your kid rather kid show but discipline
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then say they made a garage shield and charts a cup. >> there talk about the fact they would know yes to pick up an ar 15 and actually if the go to work. on what else there asking for asking for the morning afterg- afpill nobody sleeping with tha. they want climate change orey formula coul wd the letter how d they trash environment there clueless boiled aleta stupid hypocrites and 1 more thing right there is the truth. if they say their wishes i will say it if i have to. in the break that they can't take exams think about the
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thousands of other kids were just pay for tuition they can gy to the schools trying to study mid the musithe c and the cursig and the crazy anti-semitismd th going on there are the ones trying to study there the ones being intimidated and they have the right to be protected thesee guys are upset because thes police are coming on campusrow. because they are creating a problem the majority of thesend kids are good kids and we haven't said it enough.lo these art e just freaks. >> some of them aren't students. >> 15% of the marknts.. it's wonderful. >> university of north carolina you go. >> they've all given in to the demands of these numbskullsde coming up coming up the liberal
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>> ♪ ♪ they 11 in the trial against donald trump the prosecutionnint bringing their ninth and biggest witness yet longtime trump aid testified she recalled but said was an apostle she was in and d meeting between donald trump pecmeeting credible disco to go the entire case and as usual donald trump is blasting the whole thing. >> the governmenalt in particulr the office of the districtth attorney just letting violent
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crime run rampant all over the city is a vicious radical left lunatics soros backed i just want to wish everybody a very good weekend we have a conchy to treated to rebuild the country is gone to hell it's a nation in decline it comes as his case faces more embarrassing arrasetbacks. 's exlawyer said he would not use the term hush money to describe the payment to daniels with the liberal media even admitting the cases basis.we >> i've seen little evidence a presented yet of the spirit cursing level little evidence of trump's direct involvement in getting this accomplish mimic an lot ofg. that is probably goingo come from michael cohen.
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they have improved the burden by any stretch of the imagination something has not beeninly established as far 9 days and is what can we say about the involvement. >> we need the receipt s. >> don't jump as it deniede reports he's falling asleep during court stating you're saying untrue social i close mya big beautiful eyes close time" listening intently and taking it all and so judge where is this all going if even cnn's admitting admitting they have an improved -- approved -- proved its case beyond reasonable r doubt. >> is continuing on a vein. even by a pro- democrat anti-e n trump jury. remember everybody said they abo could be fair but just about everybody hates donald trump that's the obvious thing about the jury but the significant thing is that when he testified the head of ami the tablet said
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he didn't discuss this didn't discuss it as a campaign contribution he would not as you just said a great was hush money he said it was commiseration which is it courting the w contract and denieasd it was huh money. today we had hope who didn't lay a figure on -- finger and don'tt jump we're day 11 with the ninth witness and nobody is touched donald trump what this tells me is that michael cohen is the key here and trump and his lawyers will destroy them i think there's something important to go back to which is fundamentalp lethe people of an obligation to prove this case beyond a reasonable doubt doubt to tell12 people is has to be unanimousre and if there is an explanationla other than what the prosecution suggests that is reasonableub doubt there sot hope said today when he heard about the
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information about 1 of the women he said don't let her getting the newspapers i don't wonderwa seeing anything that is proofant positive that it was not about t campaign contribution it wasand about saving his marriage and he didn't want to get in trouble which is a classic example of why men enter an das. >> if it is he's the big witness he will save the case.the >> and these guys davidson. they make the other lawyer look like a good marshal these key witnesses are so slimy they leave a trail behind them. in the simplest terms possible the key witness is the same person who supply trump with the advice tha t gautam charged it's like a patient having the wrongd kidney removed the hospital and dr are suing the patient for malpractice give a hundred coatt of paint on this turd it's still a turd and seems like trump is
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flushing it down a toilet by the way in terms of the sleep thing trump has to embrace it if there's a time and place to p sleep it said there should brinn kea blanket and neck pillow have some ambient music on the side because you know what he shouldn't devote any attentiondn to't this because it's all a fae will the jury see it as a farcea i don't know but everybodyat paying attention now sees it for what it is smarter fabricatedis than joe i biden's memories. >> resting his pitiful blue eyes what you think about will happen here. a >> i tend togr agree if the jude in 1 big aspect as we get to a jury at some point with let out what i've read that says theresh was a crime here embarrassingg insulations may bean been nothig criminal i think the jury couldd be fair i think those 2 lawyers
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namely you want lawyers there to be able to help people earn rates are intrigued about somee of the salacious things set i de tend to agree with the fellow. have it on in the background things in the courtroom ite doesn't appear that what theym, have to prove that they can prove. >> it seems like the pollinghas shows they haven't proven a politically to the american people which is what they are trying to do given that they cat prove there is a client -- crime committed there. >> they're shifting the narrative that he does carehe about his family only thed sa campaign. he said he wantea tod his familo be proud of them towards the end of the testimony reported -- ore poorly broke d down and started crying goes if you met her she
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is the kindest when things come at trump from everywhere she's e of 3 people running astray 6 campaigns never lost always cal, under pressure and rhonda graf another 1 nicest people you'llni ever meet they are not build for and deserve >> and she moved oomn from the world of politics 5 years ago there try a dragger back into ii let her live her life.s >> the fastest up nextup. >> ♪ ♪ there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis.
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>> ♪ ♪ time for the fastest first show us the meaning of being cringeno he the denver's water departmena
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drop the back straight boysback parity said with tips for limiting watery music saying some saying you guys know this others not. judge backstreet boys and whatas are you thinking? here's the thing i think after covid-19 everybody puts out a video or album i think that's fine they're having a good timen in mccrory putting exclamation point on gutfeld? >> redoing and expose it's a behind-the-scenes okay you and think you could have been a boy , yoband you would have been kit
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the quiet ladykiller in the back with the harmonies you're the only 1 he doesn't end up going into rehab. >> would you be? >> the wisecracking front man then is a deep dark secret that only dr drew can solve. m >> a good prov move because they did the video for a dead cress so if you want your grass todays follow their advice. we can dance on the weekends are saying pick my place would say this i enjoyed this.njoy i'm upset these water people are better dancers and i am second r want to know why they say tellto me what why not why don't we the
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colorado river california gets more water than any site. >> there's no excuse because: th they have an ocean and they des should desalinate. >> up next sale of the sparkles literally blue costume on his popular robot spot making it dance for some reason people freaked out calling a nightmare feel surround the dancing frame what are your thoughts on this? >> tell me why. i just don't like it there for rescues i don't need another 1 would you do that?f >> i'm fearful they would attacu and kill you. they can dance move go a lateral integrate vertical. >> do you think when they poop it looks like a little smurfs? this is a killing machine you
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put a baseball cap on about oldt tank it's still a battle tank it's a machine dines is designen to do things sparkles is not an appropriate name unless it's a drag name we don't know this b will be perfect for a children's birthday party if they step out of line sparkles eat some ally put remember it's designed to carry your luggage walks behind you puts the luggage on that's what you do.: or for your show for example got in the crossfire here.cros gutfeld all day long. [ laughter ] >> people dress up the real dogs why not dress up your fake dogso >> and doing it later tonight. i see this is what we do on real shows the gun fox and friends were you wander in and sputter o about anything.>>
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>> ♪ ♪ >> greg: a little "paradise city," medieval style. first question: what is something you are kind of snobby about? right? things like wine or cheese or whatever that crap is. katie, what are you snobby about? >> katie: what in my snobby about? i don't know, i don't think i'm snobby -- >> greg: guns? >> katie: may be. and ammunition. bad. bad ammunition jams. what it want that. >> greg: what's a good animal? >> katie: a brand? >> greg: yes, what do you think i'm asking? >> katie: there is lots of friends come i don't want to discriminate. >> greg: all right. brian, what are you snobby about? >> brian: is that similar to what you want? i hate gum chewing. i immediately think less of them. >> greg: snobby about certain behaviors as good. >> brian: so i did okay? >> greg: did all right. harold, snobby for or against something? >> harold: i am snobby about
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the fast food. i like popeyes, like chick-fil-a, and i like this new thing raising cane's. i am very particular about chicken, especially fried chicken. >> greg: judge? >> judge jeanine: i am snobby about people who lick their fingers when they eat chicken or something like that. i have seen that and i am like, where did they learn how to do that? >> greg: that's disgusting. i guess i am snobby about language. i'm very snobby about people who used to many catchphrases. like "let's unpack this at the end of the day, i won't be around." that's why i don't watch "fox & friends." >> brian: stop. >> greg: what age did you consider yourself an adult? judge? >> judge jeanine: 16. >> greg: oh, was that the first time? >> judge jeanine: [laughs] >> greg: you drove? let me finish the sentence. >> judge jeanine: no one cut you off. >> greg: she is not denying it. harold, what age did you consider yourself an adult?
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>> harold: probably 14. i got my first summer job and i was 13. >> judge jeanine: i got mine when i was 12, so they are. >> greg: i was a paperboy when i was nine! >> judge jeanine: i worked in a dairy. >> brian: good parenting, 9-year-old out and about knocking on doors. who raised you? >> greg: raised by wolves. what about you, brian? why did you consider yourself an adult? >> brian: i would say i got my working papers and i walked the streets for a job and the first person that hired me was jerry seinfeld's dad. >> greg: oh, wow. >> brian: before jerry was famous. a sign shop. what would you do? help you around here. okay, so i would go out in the truck with the guys and hold the ladder and throw stuff off the truck and next thing you know seinfeld was the most famous comedian in the world. >> katie: saying he is walking the streets for a job? >> greg: no, i just -- [laughs] it's funny that seinfeld's dad made signs. it used to
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>> brian: he wouldpaint himself. >> katie: as soon as i learn how to talk. >> greg: you were a very mature baby. >> katie: i guess so, yes. >> judge jeanine: how about you? >> greg: i'm going to say... i guess when i was 17. >> judge jeanine: is that the first time -- >> greg: under a tree. walking a dog. with a dog. [laughter] the officer frisked of me. all was well. all right, "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ well done, viv. you got the presents, the balloons and the raptor cake. now, how about something to put a smile on your face? aspen dental provides complete, affordable care with dentists and labs in one place plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance... and 20% off treatment plans for everyone. quality care at a price worth celebrating. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner.
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word. more than at least something that i'm 17 years old riding my bicycle and i see this car. i look back to the from the road and i got shots. ties me up. i couldn't find a horse much smaller. he was. >> next thing i know, i'm in the fight for my life. surviving a serial killer. streaming now on fox nation. sign up at fox nation .com. >> we have breaking news as stories develop across the world. a lot of fast moving action on capitol hill. get smart insight on the top headlines. we'll be covering all of it. the story with martha maccallum weekdays at three on fox news channel. america is watching because it's time now for one more thing and greg, first, oh, what a show. tonight we have the angels. shannon bream, pod pyro kat timpf tyrus. >> that's tonight, my favorite segment, by the way, going
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to be a big new show anyway. >> all right, time to play the audio. let's play it and then we'll go around the table. . all right? okays play. t do y we've said everythinoug. what is it?? a burger. what is it? that would be awesome. you play this game. oh, okay this .. bird. harold. she said a bird. but that's generic. can you. can i. do you have to specify the burger? she. she gets it. specify y the bird. you could win $1,000. that is a take your time. we've got plenty to get. yeah. now that is a fish. it's a fish to fish. a it's like fish. it's a brilliant. all right, keep a parakeet. okay. not just one. keep, but a parakeet otter orke a . do you knoetw why you don't win? but let's show it is a cat.eerkt so the cat from the oakland zoo
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. and that's it. that's a protective murmur that we were lookinga ectiver . yes, it would be standing on guard. look at that. it's an adorablen't he. your cats are going to high five in the water. ca nn you turn now? >> okay.just all this man wanted to do would just enjoy enj o a beautiful day on the beach and eat his lunch. >> what all of a sudden mushe a hawk. it was circling about, swooped down and steals a sandwichsw mae by like he didn't even know what hit him. it was planned that it was not.o >> yeah, of course it was.f he's. he's like,lyco they're ready for it. >> i have it to my crew. filmed some guy eating just sitting there. his girlfriend. all right. he doesn't have a girlfriendesn judge. >> just this mom captured this adorable moment whenable her daughter was reunited with her favorite pretzel vendor. her school m is right around the corner from here. she's a four years old, so she's been there. heard me sayye her her entire le over two years. and this pretzel car got been off for a fears.w days. and she she saw him and ransh right to him. the mom was concernee saw d for
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a moment and realized where she was running. he always good for a high five for her. a bottleing where of water. >> and, you know, i loveh stories like this to her all. o'briefir n all right.wa >> here we go. special thanks to klif for are they going to start airing our showtos tomorrow, starting on may six, on monday, over in dallas. thanksg ou so much, guys. >> appreciate that. your career is going off a cliff. yeah. so that'going a s like a legende station party. okay, i guess i'm done. e. all right. one more to veteran named jack. milton was a sophomore at western kentucky university when he was called to active we. t >> he went on to earnatgr a bachelor's degree there, or maryland. they couldn't attend the graduation because he was deployed to vietnam. be d , the 100aduati year old finally received the diploma. and there are nearly 60 yearsma. ago, he said at the ceremony. and a part of this was the best . he also served in the korean war, so congratulations to him. wow. all right. >> ath the table. >> do you want to live to your 100? ,yeah. >> okay. all right. that's it for us. have a great night. what was[ ♪


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