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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 4, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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virus back in march. with tthat prevented, they say, investigators from being able to determine just how workersn x might have been exposed to the virus on that farm the. >> what's more, since then, at least nine states, again, accordin g to the cdc have allegedly detected cow infections froted com virus. you get a ballot box, you get a box. that's what some critics are saying. le. s hope they're wronge ksng. kevin, thank you very much. law, unfortunately, that isr to all the time we have left for tonight. >> remember, you can catchnigh e weekdays at noon on outnumbered right here on the fox news channel. unch tune in at noon. eat your lunch with us. gutfeld next. sean's back on monday. >> have a grea u is t weekenbac
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yes, it did. i know. i know. i know. i know. i know. i couldn't agree more. it's friday. so you know what that means. let's welcome tonight's gas. she's as holy as a southernst o host of fox newsfo shannon bream. while are still snoring, he's on air being boring "fox and friends" first costar kyra.. she's petite, not neat appla and refuses to eat. sh best selling and c author and fox news contributoor catherine and he's large in charge and still listens to debarge.
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"new york times" besststens totg author, comedian and former nwa world heavyweight. all right. yeah, maybe. o before we get to some new stories, let's do this. greg's leftovers. >> i mean. yeah, it's leftovers wheree di i read the jokes we didn't use this week. it has always. thit's my first time reading them, so if they , we'll send sene campuso a colleg wearing a i hate palestinians shirt. that joe biden used. e worlite house correspondents to show the world he's not too o old to be president.t he d >> but he did show themid he's too old to eat dinnerthem. ozzy osborne wants to perform d again, saying, i'd like to do a f gig without falling over. same, said one old man.
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yeah, an ice cream shop worker in minnesota fired for accepting a $100 tip because the shop's owner, some elderlyym customers have dementia. gee,enti i. >> which customer tipped her hair? federal officials say that in 2023, older americans were built out of more than point $4$ billion by online scammers. pri in related news, president biden took out a reverse mortgage on the whitde house house. so california has been rankedbe one of the most dangerouense places to raise a family. murdhe bright side, it has been ranked one of the safest places to murder a family. good news for shannon. male ozempic users sayings of one of the side effects of the
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drug is erectile dysfunction . the but despite that, most of the patients look greats looket. all right, why do i sign up for this one? you love it. another boeing whistleblowerer has died suddenly. >> that makeins two whistlestlel blowers dead. well, imagine workinow g at boeing right now. thankfully, the company has asked all its employeethankfs concerns to refer to the c chapter in the human resources manual in case you die suddenly . they have another chapterstle that says no whistleblowinblowg >> a shop in san francisco has] named may national month because. apparently we need a month for that. what a bunch offs. shing.
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and his blushing yes. in her new book entitled no going back kristi noem details time she had to shootaina a difficult and trainable dobleg who i thought she was talking about me. i tht shsaid one man. >> oh, google it. if you don't get joke. eddie van halen's ex-wife. shared in a documentaryy that her ex was into drinkingth drugex ws and cheating on her. yep. another woman surprised by a rock star acting like a rock star. comingstar, a documentary featut a shocking exposé of a bearurin] in the woods. the california lawmakers introduced bill banning
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excessive homework. because if there's one thingf the world doesn't need, it's smarter. californians there's washington, d.c. mayor muriel bowser is boasting that her city has gone an entire week without a murder. cu wow. congratulations. ons.and in the last 10 minutes,d i haven't called joy bay ugl jy yet. the biden administration announced they will declassify po l declast as serious drug in orr to court young voters. they also declassify federal to court dead voters. >> oh, i know. ounced mcdonald's has announced plans to make their largest burger ever e larg, and it's already been pn endorsed by a panel of trusted expertd experts. the number transgender troopstrg
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in the u.s. army hasen doubled since 2020, prompting this new design of the famous sam sam poster. e rele >> u.k. police released a poster of a wanted criminaasrl that people think looks a lote like secretary of beat footage. when asked if he was concerned,m mayor pete said what? me worried a mr. softy tracking app has the ability to locate every ice cream in nyc and you won't believe the guyanli who createevd it. >> all right. god to the new. so after spoiled rioters caused distress, someone else cleaned up the mess. so as cops break up encampments e mess ss colleges, we'rewe a seeing the litter and destruction. the protestersreing the litter .
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nuclear now looks like.e a landfill matching the rest. california. well done, protesters. in just a fe done w days, you dids year what it took the homeless years to accomplish with skis d row. w. tons of graffiti cover university buildings, which is the most rioting these students have done all year. the garbag done ale left behindc by people who regularly chastise you oveha r the. it's now like every liberal city. all that's is a boarded upd up walgreen's and a blm mansion. ya now campus employees are left cleaning up the mess. cleaniyou're paying for it. meanwhile, at portland state, u. police moved in to break upoccua the occupation of the campus library wherticampus le happene] yeah. wow. a
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nice shield, sir. flops a lot. is i this is what happens when nerdss from the drama club their own props. i only hope they saved a few trash cans because they're going to need them for w their resumes. >> but that's still not resum as funny a as. >> this classic moment when they crack. es >> that makes 301 times i've watched it. t from >> here. straight from new paltz, new york, the school's president pathetically listens as protesters claiool'm tents on campus should be allowed because sometimes they have hammockse ale generators all thh time.
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hants are a problem. i know that isn't our policy. hammocks are also in the policy thatd forhas been ignore years on end and is used in our marketing campaign. licy n that we're using the policy now, but we haven't been using it to thowe nog to te hammocks k it. okay. the hammocks don't see a permanens don't staret high rs nice out. armmocksou are out pretty much 24/7. when i see our marketing and social media team very i se for want of time. thank you for noting it. that's like saying it's okay to kill people because sometimes hillary clinton doeslb . but i'm no fan of hammocks either. the netting makes my bare look like a honey baked ham. we also saw these losers demanding food delivery becauses their lives are in danger. >> do you want student s to dies of dehydration and starvation or get severely ill? even die they disagree with you. this is like basic humanitarian aid. we're asking for likthis ie, co. people please have a glass of water? >> n>>o.
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they are so used to havingthey'r their demands catered to. they literally now demand catering. never have people so li who contributed. >> so little demandettd much. and so this may be the most hilarious protest in history, ti but in this comedy, it's easy to forget how hatefut'l really are. so let's do some reminding. so l you have an ideologyy that that encourages the execution of and unmarried you want, wewe can say that evil. it's obviousay because it' it's brutal and it causes suffering. but there's something just evil . and it's the intent, the pleasure and the certitude driving those evil acts. now, we aren't seeing these acts on campuse ev, obviously,cp but what you are seeing in those spaceuss, voices are te seeds of them. that certitude, itude, the blind dogma, the impulse for retribution, the spore b an october 7th. it's why you can't equate islamophobia, anti-semitism. w
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>> and this helps answer whyith the protesters seem so naive,aï yet angry, ignorant but deadlyve . >> passionate, but also deeply unwell. they are physicalldey and spiritually sick, but they are operating from the manual of a punitive ideology. and i don't mean islam. i mean another iteration of marxism that simply absorbs new allies. they don't wish to progress, but to punish. alliesey don'tso as we scan the, you see a profound uglinesyos. it's not just the appearances. it's the souls. and no laughing matter here. shedding shannon in that leather. >> you look like heaven's angele . >> what?, the you see what they did to the campuses, the graffitigr, sly y obviously, you could paint over, but that's actual destructioovern criminal.d they
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and they will probably will not be charged for it in.ll. >> the taxpayers will foot the bill. as a lawyer, what say you?shanno >> and that's shannon. what say you? well, what i say is it's hard for them what y is to expect us to take this seriously when they haven't taken it seriously. the planningseriously when t th. and to be fair, maybe b some of them. this is their first revolutione. has not gone well.ey they're putting out demands of, you know, list're punds of. they want vegan meals, they want electrical generators, they wanal gener t zip. what are they going to be doing with that? they also are askingg to for prescription meds. if you did not plan your protest appropriately canns , i don't know why otherme b people are supposed to come bail you out and somail e say what about their resumes? they're going to a criminal record. all of those kinds things. i would not hire them because of their ideology or if i'm an employer, i would say these people cannot handle basic tasks. >> yeah, they did not plan thish well. >> and so for that reason, as an employer wouldn't be intereste inal recd. d >> hmm. you know, todd, a lot of people don't know, but thatt non were e the protester, mainly against the ban of khakid sas.
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>> the country club after both i your nominee had to take a stand. >> a lot, you were on the fronte lines. i was. yes, you were the rosaster of t golf cart. oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. nod e a st, you know, i just cat with the niners, gave me the handshake. oh. ll do you think they'll face any real punishment? pu? eyaim to be a lawyerreal >> kind of.. we look, we know they won't. and that's what's so wrong, becaus wrong e we have a society right now where there are no consequences, any bad action., n and that is not how you run a society. few other observations, greg, that video of them running videof themwith the garbage ca. it looks like those individuals much never watched sport before, much less participatediv in one second. thoss need to give those cop across country huge propsrops because not only you can fight for that, not only not only didd they risk their lives and their
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safety to go into what clearly was an unknown situationt cl for a lot of them, but they literally went into a human septic tan wenk to do so. none of those people showered for days leading up to that. l >> and finally, my last piece of red meat for the basee of. i that's why here. >> for those that are vegan, i think the best punishment art would be lock him in an roomh with a big, juicy steak, literal red meat for the base. t out before you let you get the car. i figured it out. he figured figured out everybod and only took me three yearson on thi os show. so he's your chairs? %. yeah, 110%. yo, cat. . thi >> is it possible that this isn't the worst protest ever? it's jus t that it doesn't have the romantic lens like we've always seen the 60s mil in the seventies through 60 film. >> it's grainyfilm.
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. it's kind of like it's cinematic, but all this stuff is ot al stuffn phones. >> we see everything but, like,l the pettiness. e thcould it be this protest whe a lot like this all along or. d i can't believe you didn't bring up you chicago. their list of demandbring upgo oh, yeah. we had on the list dental dams, plan b and hiv tests. okay, so two things like first of all, the obvious thing is like, what are you guys doing over doin there? i yeah, yeah. d the second thing, though, is they did not asid k. yeah, because there was no>> fot in there. >> like hiv testhe hiv ts over. you got hiv. putting the cart before the horse there. ngright. >> right. by the way, where does that shirt from? where ifrom?>> i ai'm selling l kat timpf scarf. thank you. yeah, yeah, yeah. there's also.
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there's mugs as well. there's mugs as well. beautiful model.. >> i feel like the boomers, they own all the homes in this country, but theul hand of us can, at least on the shirts and thos e mugs.os >> and these are normal arreall right, here's tyrus. are you a hammock guy? i backpack. i'll make one out of you and toss. >> you know, i do. just agree with mr. perot on one thing, prince lovers don't need props. they razors? >> yeah, they should get razors. they should get some money let' in your face. read meter. i don't. >>don't need to beg for it. i can get it iit.. e? but yeah, no, they're not
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the they are the worst because their commitment is based on camera time. mm-hmm. because if you're really down to protest, where's the hunger strike? i'm sa yeah. you know, i'm saying, like, to the point where because in the seventiesyi, they diddi hunger strikes and they were there to the point whereer stro the side was like, what do you want? it's day 13. likee whatu , what do you got?s a it's day 20. gregory went down there a year . drinking water and stuff. boy was protesting. sodrng water whileesting. they'i committed. they're doing it for this because this is the only time she's going to get that much attention. that's where they ask for stuff . they're not really down for anfi of it. and another thing is this. they they've been given a wonderful solution. >> the beautiful, entertainingbi university of iran has offeredfu them all scholarships. i say we all get a gofundmeim together and get them some tickets.
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that's how you do it, todd. i didn't have to ask. i've been served. we mu. all right, we must move on. can a song the mile high keepene denver from running drr fry? >> hiding your fungus damaged toenails yet? clear, healthy looking toenails with not nail clarifying gel. in a clinical study, 90% of males improved. no matter how many years you struggle, narcotics works. finally, flip flops after 20 years for fungus damaged toenails by none except walgreens, walmart, rite aid and cvs clinically proven effective made in the usa and money back guarantee career and healthy looking nails next . missing out on the thingsan a you lovedd-o because of asthma and get back to better breathindon'th the centro an
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. as you know, denver suffers from extreme and accelerating drought conditions. but enough about the broncoss. . so bad, in fact, that back in 2021, the first ever federal emergency water shortage declaratio federaln was declare. but fear not helpful water tipse are. my needs water where they get hard to they leave all these dry days as their water line fail me. i >> i don't know about you, but i've never felt more motivated to conserve water. i wantrve wate more that way.
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tell me what you can see that is taking your heart. tar. ate >> stay there. now got to hand it to them. that's not bad, considering it i spent decades since the backstreet boys made anyonte moist. >> o h, todd, you were actually. >> lot of people don't knowe in you were in a boy band called the brooks brothers. ye boo -s. yeah, we were awesome. we crushed j.crew. >> you know, that was a j.crew banana. i was brooks brothers. i thought we were the best. ohooks brogh that's really goodg
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thank you. the two live j.crew crew. >> what is persuasive? t >> is this a wise way to spend money? distknow, i was pretty sure the most disturbing video of the week wa os. >> the video of the protests. i stand corrected. yes. so men, you mentioned the pointg 25 years ago, way to strike while the islands are hoo wae w you really got after the youths out there all of whom are my age now. >> and then finally, if i live d in denver and i see this, i'm turning on all my faucets, i'm turning on my sprinklers 24/7 and i am flushing my toilet with reckless abandon. they need to be taught a lesson that'sbandon. ht not right. >> all right, kat, very strong. we didn't take any prisoners with the brooks brothers band. but you guys are a capella. >> i worry about it. yoorry abo, kat, you don't have. >> so we don't have, like, wee s
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can't really. >> i mean, we can't really lecture poor we. or can we? let's do it. yeah. i dot have outside. yeah, you don't have outside sun. but i think this was not persuasive. not just because it's not really particularly because was of the song, but also i was noticing when i watched noi wao, the grass, and it lik looks like they're like, do it i the way we say to do it.look at it's all brown and dying. yeah. look at that. yeah, yeah. i want you grass. when you grab your grass look you tl your are going to talk about how you put me probably on drugs or something. yeah. ari come on, at least find some living grass. think about it.water also think about all the watereh you need to clean that thoseos, you know, cost. >> what are they called? outfits, outfits, clothinget those. kyra's all right. smakers know the maker of coors pledge to brew their beer os with 22% less wa? what would be left?
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>> i don't know. i've been. 30ve been gainfully for about 30 years now, so there was no need, for coursthere. s o >> look, the money that theyney spent on thisps, they could have bought a ton of water bottlea s and passed them out. yeah. you know, when this is the w problem with woke america, they try to make everythin g fun . >> it's a drought. om okay. show some dead cattle with theac bone out.s rott people fighting over the streets for a bottleedople >> water that is in intensive care. hey, i don't want someone i don't into my house to steal my yard hose, so maybe i'm going to be conserving my water like it's a drought. we're all going to die. okay, so conserve your water. >> now, if i'm sitting at home, eat my tv, i might go,o you know, maybe i'm just going to take a bath tonighth toni. or you know, i'm saying, like,give instead of a shower, give them real information tnformati. y and then the best part, of course, is at the end, they had the dryer. yeah. who was way off, you know,
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about keys and, you know, the little rockefellert th a bad you were in the the one at the at the.n't hitting >> no, i'm just saying, sometimes you've got to tellso the truth instead of tryingo do to make it cute, because all you really wanna do is go punch somebody's drink of watesr . >>net, i'm going to get a little factual on you. gets >> do you know who gets the most water from the colorado river, california ? the most of their water rights are ear mike earmarkede impe the imperial district in southern california. >> so this is actually strict i water rights, just like that movie chinatown. remember that whol like thate m? great about water rights? why does california caus e all the problems? >> well, a lot of the stuff gets litigated where i spent a lot of my time ostuf , the supremeup court, because water is a really valuable commodity out westreme a and they are suing eh other left and right. listen, going into this, i was preparedg into t. >> absolutely hate this video and i didn't know. yeah, i kind of loved it. yeah. the voices are not bad, right? there are numerous costume w
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and set changes. as we've all talked about. there was a lot of money spentef on thing and time away from work and offices. i think so. couland timewa wd that money han spent differently. good question. i was good until i sawn. if we i don't know if we have video of this, the menacing dancing toiletng dancis. >> yeah. who looks very frightening, has got sort of a tool and he's kind fhas sort and of hitting ht of like he's going to show up at your house, like, i'm going to take care gonw business.e ca >> well, i might be inside trying to take care of this. bui migh, and they're therehere to police how i'm doing it. >> spoliceo was with them until the dancing toilet. >> i would love to have a dancing toilet . . you don't? yeah, i know exactly how to shut it up i kn. up next, why don't they take tal us, all of me? well, you talk about taking a . aboui don't know.last j >> it's very odd. that's about your last joke. ohokthat's. oh, that's it. that's one too many. >> you are disinvited from the brooks brothers reunion tour. no, he's not my ticket of furry
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robot howard, who likesri-zon to dance aroune.d type two diabetes. >> discover the olympic tri zone. >> oh. >> oh. oh, oh. >> then i got the power of three, lowered my a-1 c cv risk and lost some weight and studies. >> the majority of people hear c under seven and maintained it.der seven and i'm under 7%. that lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack or deathdon adults with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adultsneedles se needl lost up . i lost some weight. ozempic isn't for people. type one diabetes don't share needles or pens or we use needles. use needles. don't take those epi . your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasi if allergic to it, stop those impact and get medical help impact and get medical help right awayr proble you get a lumbar swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain or an allergic reaction. seriouking ozeylurea s side effey include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. ma problems or changes taking
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a step back with a sulfonylurea or insuliny may wors may increa blood sugar risk side effects like nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, mainlyoz kidney problems. >> living with type two diabetes we ped well is about the power you t of three with those empthiy, we plan to offer retirement, but i wish we had more cash. >> you think those toward any idea that they can sell their life insurance policy for cash. so they're basically on ar poli gold mine? >> i don't think they have a clue. that's crazycior cash. ev. well, not everyone knows t coventry, so thousands of people sell their policiehers for cash, even term policies. i can't believe they're just sitting up thereli sitting on allall or this cash. >> if you own a life insurance d policy of $100,000 or more, you can sell all or part of itma to even return policy fort cash or a combination of cash and coverage with no future premiums. >> so i want you to tell them they're sitting on a gold mine and you have no idea. hey, guyhear anys you're sittina gold mine teacher that i don't hear anything anymore.
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are you making each day? try super vader advanced the number one selling formula in its category made with pros defend triple action blend through help reduce urges to find it at walmart or these retailers. we got another clip found it's video of the day. hey. hey. hi t's videof e dao agree is roy advancing. well witness this dog's dancingy second video of the day comesn from boston dynamics i know who unveileddynami a friendly fd covered version of their robot dog spotion of t introducing sp oh, where's christine?
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no, when you nee d her, by the t way, cat, she's going to be on tuesday. >> so should be fun, huh?. bring that night. >> great. yeah, well, i got to say, jeans really likes her now. oh, yeah. oh, i bet. oh, yeah. what do you make of this? this masquerading this machineris machiy is something . >> well, you know who he was. must be really worried b about this few puppeteers. >> yes. oh. ooh. like there's i feel like there's probably not that many. >> and not that many o of those jobs as it is.w robo yeah. and now robots are going to bets doin areg. that'
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>> that's true, but it is hards to find puppeteer work. hard tuppeteeri lived with one >> did you really live with a puppeteer? yeah, when i first started. startewhen you first hired me, s living with a puppeteer in brooklyn, a legituppeteer. >> a puppeteer in brooklyn? yeah. that's who you hired . oh, man kyra's, you know, it's like. on a on a putting a onesie machine gun. it's still a yeah, it's still a machine gun. like literally, last week, the same cute fuzzy dog had a a flamethrower. s just because you sprinkle it up, it's still a death machine . >> yeah. the only thing is with th thingg for itown my might slow down my water attack a little bit. >> yesk , but yeah, i don't kno. what was this fors goin the terminally ill, but you're going to scare that. who is going to be here in the want to see this coming upth u to him. yeah. i mean all the movementsto are robotic and lack any soul or lif any se it's scary.
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>> yeah. if my like if my daughter's getting her tonsils out and here comes the robot dance. i mean, she'll be in for trauma like nobody, but, you know, it's just you what it is. >> it's just going to be something that carries your luggageour lugg ng t, you know? it's not going to be a pet. shannon,s this is like one ofse those things where we call it a dog because it's on four legs, but it's justcolour a to be you going to put it's like it's basically going to be a coffeee table. that moves. >> well, my question is to who is thi o iss for and why when we t know there is a deadly, heartless killing machine underneathhely heart? every time people see these videos, they're horrified and have nightmare thes about tf put something fluffy on top of it, then makes me ask the question like, whyt makes ms trying to integrate this into our hearts, in our homes in any war mey jack gutfeld, answer her no. >> i mean, no he always sides with the robots. the apocalypse answered gutfeld. >> but wait, thank god. go ahead. well, to me, this is sort lino we'clowns who we knowrt of them are terrifying and scary. >> but we've all seen the movive all e where they're in their cute
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disguises and look all cute. but then they show up at the carnival ande bu and start killingerybod everybody. >> i know i'll never trust this dog. you know, ity. g. is. thank god we do have a robot here today, todd. as you know, it's kind of interesting because, you know, it's they claim it's a robot, but it's you can't call something robot if it's programed, if there's somebody off on the side going iff ons a robot has to betonomo autonomous. i think this is false i thg. sinus >> i also think it's stupid also. why if you were dressing it upyo as a dog, why did you dress it in drag? yeah, this is a drag dog. eyesdrag. you' it's a drag. you are so red meat today. what to.hat is happeningreday. a robot dogs. we're dressing in drag masksjusg on fire right now. this is great for us. i just got a segment forot monday's seg monday show.. >> i pitched drag robots. also. is this the image you want? like whes pih isn robots come af all of us? yeah. this glittery drag. dylan mulvan uy robot going aftg
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hao w x-box going to be 10,000. >> i think it's funny. we can't controli thin our bords when we're telling other countries how to control their. yeah, that's a laughtelling well you that's nuts. you know todd. piss just nice to see joe on a country that is in america. >> yeah. red meat served. well done. e. 1don well, it's crazy. is there was a line in that article. i love it. one of japan's leaders in response writes, it's not that we're xenophobic, xenophobic. we're being cautious japaers in responst is not thati your failures. >> and that'ng your fas that's g smack in the face. and it does underscore this notionithis noti that joe tried to pute out there. we're a country of immigrants. yes,e you're right. and those immigrants that weren't illegal came the proper way, work their tail off, became part of th theree dream and then got the american dream for themselves the people that are coming over now that are illegal, are doing itee
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the way and they're justcking on the taxpayeonr. >> oh, keith, you all right? well, honestly, like, todd has got so much red meat going on,ra i'm worried my cholesterol is up sitting here. i don't need crestor. what's a tea? when we were in the brooks brothers van, you got a lot of tea. got a lot of tea. a blow. was that. i wa ds that wrongon't? i don't know. janet. janet, there is a point. obviously, japan is xenophobic. >> hgodzillay treate to . uestio here's my question. this is not on camera becausewaw it was at a fund raiser.righ >> so all we get from the white house is we get transcripts of these and reports of thest ee so i'd like to see it. i want to know, was he reading off the prompter? because, you know if you put it in there, he's going to say it. so i want to know was it scripted? >> and the person who put it in there, the word xenophobic, obviousloy got a deal with them,
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but it's most likely it was just off the cuff. off- that' what he really thinks because that's why the white house doesn't want him going unscripted in this th of thing. t and japan, this is sort of like the guy that you're dating. he's like, i am craz iy about you. >> you're awesome. he's telling other people she needs lose £10 and i'mu yoellin. >> yeah. what is japan supposed to think about this? maybe he did when he said xenophobic cat. he met xena warrior princess. >w >> i wasn't allowed to watch that. um, yeah. i like how kirby said it. well, he didn't. he just was saying that immigrants are an important part of this country. it's like, well, if that's what he was saying, he could have just stoppewhatd it.e part >> they're sort of adding the part where he was like, you know what? wa als. 'm, you no i'm japan, i'm like, bro, where did that come from? no one's even talking about japas evn right now. >> it's crazy. it's you know what it is? it's like the oppositepposite trump where trump will say nice things about everybodyll say, l,
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oh, north korea. >> and then he behind the scenes, he'l hl rip you a new one. biden does the opposite. he'll slap does the you on the backp publicly and then all over you in public. not a what? why? i don't know. i think maybe he's senile. i mean, it's not even a joke. pl i hate to tell you people. maybe he's just been on tee too long. yes, teach, we learned so much w here. t of all right. up next, the last part of the show. we asked her things you want to kno w know. >> we all salute the brave men and women who serve in our military and protect our streets. they're true heroes, but they often couldn't do what they do without their powerful partners. the canine heroes. we don't always think about, from explosive detection to hunting bad guys and working search and rescue, saving lives abroad and right here in, our home communities. but due to limited
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yep, you're watching mailing ita . let's go fast. soilit we get a few in.t's yo first question, what's your favorite smelurell froml fm cat head shannon sheldon green, who? that's her husband. yeah. wow. oh, that smells like a man. like a man. what does that man like? tak >> he can take care of business. oh, my god. oh, you got it. first the leather. yeah. yes. all right aside from desperation. thank you. what is your favoritt isur favos why do i come here for this? in the ilk of joe biden.bate
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my kids. after we bury them, dry them and put them in their pjss. >> it's nice, but it's also creepy. oh, pirate's your favorite smell. >> oh, the smell of thanksgiving in the kitchen, man. done. thanksgiving day. that is nice. that is nice, cat. i love whe.n i'm worried i migh smell and then i check and in't. don't. that's the best smell of all. i was going to say coffeeit i like to smell a car deal. yeah, it drives me crazy. and then i have to go. the bathroom. of right. smell coffee. i have to run to the bathroof u all right. i knew it. all right. this is a great questiontion frm jay chisholm. did you ever. did you ever get the birds omd the bees talk from your parents? >> cat?>> n i know. not beyond. like, don'eyond dot. yeah. god, what's that now? >> there was there was a talk
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that. >> yeah, interesting. i'm not familiar. you ever had the bees. birds and the bees kids just arrived from the stork? >> yeah. do you. did you ever get it? no. i know. that's how my kids just arrived from the store. oh, gosh. i never had the talk. in well, the mailmaterest miliar.s inn said tyrus. arriv i learned about the birds and the bees from the one legged biker lady named claire. >> that'm s how.reg: t oh, boy.ha all righty. >> r oh, shipe could do a lot. with that single. the word the word wasn't big enough for claire. >> now, shannon, you know, it was in the context wasn' of the sunday school lesson that stuck with you. >> people really love each other. god brings them together. celebrate the sacrament of marriage. >> yeah. and then the rest of it. and then they just get downmarr and dirtiaget of i greg: ty. that was clear. i believe it is. >> become one my mom. i will never this. when i asked her where i came from, she literally pointed down there came up.
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>> she came from out heregs. between the legs. that's what my mother said's wh and it got even more graphic. but i won' evet get into, oh ma, we have time for another one. what event were you most anxious participating in?yo and when the time came, you found there wasn't much to have been anxious about?nx ioustodd it was the first time on tv. i don't get up on my head like this is your momenlike tr mot, s it up. and i went to cover an indiana i nes movie premieremovie . like, wasn't like a high level journalism i covered. it was fine. and here w wase are today gettig roasted once per month by greg gutfeld pirates. oh, my. my first wrestlemania. i was where you, stephanie mcmahon, said to me she's like, just think of it. r >> you're performing in front of a city. like, that's not better. yeitt's s. and >> and she was right. you could feel the heatsh and electricity from 70,000 people watching like this
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cat getting married. hat's oh, that's a good one.a that's a good one.very tim >> that's good. shannon, every time i come on the show now, i kno w i'm going to get in trouble, so i just stand for it. wosow. first i'm going to say my first i i went, i took a vacation and didn't drink for the entirei vacation, and i thought i was going to be crazy. and it re actually as good vacation. >> you want to tell me what you are? crazou want ty crazy. don't go away. wellt go awa, with flonase, alls don't have to be scary spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase allgood also try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. >> why is it so hard to find a good pro to work on your house? what i look for is someone
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