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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 4, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> that's my is not for him. >> is that the white house today? yeah, the farces with him. i've got so manyhim. sabers. >> that's the campaign in action. thmpaignlaura celebrity drop by. and other people talking forsidt the campaign. you saw what the president does when he comes out thiss is going to be a brutal few months until november. >> i can't believe you didn't hit mick jagger at the new orleans jazz fest trashing your daughter there. >> and we went out to louisianal now. all right, raymondaura, great to see you. thanks so much. that's it for us tonight. make surat's it ighte you me onl media. remember, it is america nowreve. forever. and pete hegseth is in for jesse watters and he takes i foa all here. that's next. panelo on judge jeanine pirroini along with harold ford jrrr. d g
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joly, j.d. pavlik and greg g gutfeld. it'sit's 5:00 in new york city at six. you want happy greg?e yo u has "the fi. >> death squads hamas caucuss ca is demandinguc more chaos whilet denying the threat to jewish students t that jewish studentsm face from anti-semitic mobs. the nypd up two more anti-israel protests clearing encampments at nyu and the new school. it was a less confrontational scene compared to madness at uclmpared ta and columbia, we protesters obeying orders, and the police to disperse and get out of their tents. but leave it to the squad to give cover to the mob. the radical progressive lawmakers are downplaying anti-islamssiv autism. is >> my message is the same to a jewish student, to a palestiniastudent,n student.
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to everybody that it is really to educate yourself about what is anti-semitic, about what? >> islamophobic. i visited the columbia encampment las>> ibit and they c completely peaceful. i also metef with so-called pro israel students when i there just to hear about the anti-semitism that they have experienced . and they told me it has beenn ol minimal. it has been overblowown byn by e media. >> oh, my god. what if thisge jeani thinks that anti-semitism is overblown? >> maybe they should help clean up one of these encampments which are littered tonsgraf of anti-semitic graffiti and hate filled posters? >>fi the nypd discovering these signs in nyu property whicht slg bear terrorists terrorist slogans like death to israelanse and death to america, and jewish students at stanforrd
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snapping this disturbing photo of a man, a hamas headband on campus. the white house is dismissing criticism that biden played both sides of the card after the president called out both islamophobia and anti-semitism. >> lately, we've been seeing a lot of vile anti-semiticcampus rhetoric on campuses. doesk islamophobia is just as big of a problem on campus as anti-semitism? >> the president's always going to call oualways gt all forms oe always. it is our it's part of who were. are. as as we talktry about our freedom and our democracy, to disagree and agre e each other even. about this war. >> all right , katie thell out president is going to call out all forms of hat ae, irrespectie of the fact that we're in an inflection pointt , anti-semitim in this country. and there's no claims right now of islamophobie isa here. >> why do you think you t the president is doinghi that? i
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woll, he is really worried about losing michigarrn and tlao part of the squad. democrats like to say the squad doesn't have a lot of influencae far left in the party, but she is the one who has been driving thise is t movement against joei and he's very worriesd about not being able to get these votes in november. but i want to focus in onovemben some of the comments that jamaal bowman, congressman, made. >> for example, he saidti-say the anti-semitism, which is just racism, is minimals . well, are we now going to accept a minimal amountg to a of racism according to that standard? i mean, this is not minima?l. te >> what we are seeing here. and the reason why the squad is so focuseas isocused od on tn the israel u.s. relationship is because it's tarica, good relationship for america. >> and of course, they don't like this country doy it standst and the foundation of it. andand so when you move forwar. and how this is going to work, this is going to get worse, because democratoingo ges in 20 tolerated a lot of this violence. they're tolerating a lot of it ating a t of iw. and when they sayef they're peaceful and i was
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in an encampmentul, they it by definition is a violent place to be because are taking over property that is not theirs. and they're blocking people from gettin areg in and e of it. they're blocking police officers. and it's always interesting to watch 's alway them break all ofe into the rules they know are there. >> and then when the police come bre in, break up their illl occupation of a public space whilillegae, they're going after jewish students and rapping george washington in hamas paraphernalia that they're then the victims and they can no longer function in normal society. >> you know, greg, it really is stunning that jamaal bowman, a congressman, wouldout an actually come out and say the media is overblownd or not, you know, this anti-semitism. it's spoken to these students. >> it's shocking. >> ggalmost as if he's accusin the media of pulling some kind of alarm, like a fire alarm. >> maybe that's what i was getting at. this truly, though, its gettin movement and that it's one long, steaming pilvement, e of .
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this is the worst protestth in american history. o >> and i'm still trying to figure out why. it strikesfi me as so physically repulsive. so ugly. >> and i was thinking about it. when you have an a ideologbout y that encourages the execution of and also non females, where you can say obviously that this is bad, it's brutal, it induces suffering. >> but there's anotherering bu t to that evilness. it's the intent, the pleasure,le the absolute certitude that causes thosasure, e acts to happen. and on campus, we aren't seeingg people being murdered. >> we aren't seeing people being executed. but what you are seeinbut whg a seeds of the ideology that are being planted. >> when you look at th wheneoices, and hear the voices, you can hear that. you can hear y the the blindma. dogma, the hate. and this is why it's so comical when they equate anti-semitic. ism and islamophobia, because it doesn't you're not seeing
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jews do this. it helps answer the question why these protesters seem so ugly. they seem aimless, yet they're angry. they seem deadly. certai th but they're still ignorant. >> they seem energetic but deeply unwel seem endeeplyl >> like they have a lot of energy, but they look sickly. and i believe that's because they're physically and spiritually sick. >> because they're operatingog from a punitive ideology. >> they don'y.t wish to creatent anything but to destroy. and their ugliness, therefore,eg isn't just physical. it reflects the ugliness of their soul. but it's notline . ation of it's an iteration of marxismelen that the worst elements of ats religious dogma because at its base, it's not about allah, it's about power. and what they're doing is they happen to align themselves with witmselveh a of people upsn about something and this is why they haven't about it. they don't care.
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all it is is about their rage toward the misery that they experience in their own lives. >> you know, harol d, one of the disturbing things that they t thd on the nyu campuse nyu was these, you know, postersca say, you know, let repression breed more resisting and, you know, death to america. now,u campus. >> so it's you know, it started out as pro-palestinian. thens it went to anti-semitic, then it went to destroy israel. nothenw it's death to america. >> how far? it's unacceptable. >> look at this.i this i have a lot of democratha friendve as and i s and have a t of republican friends. none of my democrat friends are believers likef my. congressman bowman, the kinds of things he was saying, i don't think it's not a serioui don't s that i believs he's taken. i certainly don't equate taken that with with my party to we've said it. i don't understand the people who are protesting. . would have respect
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i can understan congressman boehner respected what he was saying. ifnd, whats saying, if he said,e the kid not to be violent, urge kids not to be hateful and not to threaten and try to intimidate jewishto. they have every right to protest. but he didn't say that which but he did thah is alarming on a big level. >> no one's saying to hamasexcet accept the deal. secretary blinken's in the region t deal. they have a good deal on the table to get the hostages release and to gain a ceasefirte . >> i don't see any one of thes e protests now saying we wantafir a ceasefire.anyone ie because wc concerned about gazans and we're concerned about palestinians. to greg'on about s, they've taken on a whole nother regime of ideas. >> w i mean i think we talkedda about yesterday who people are saying except change accept the climate deal that's going before congress. o thes >> we do a disservice to these kids, to the kids who arewhe paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to go to school at these universitieso firm with these people out here. >> if you believe so firmly in storming the things you're protesting, organizedly h around, issues one candidates for office vote in elections. >> but deny kids any, kid
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opportunity. kids who go to school who aren paying hundreds of thousands of dollars an opportunity to be alloatedop and. finally, cops should be allowed on these campuses real soon. there should be no. we've seen what has happened. it's little brian. we ahe're textin g and fortouht an about an episode of one of the schools on the west coast. and it's, you know, it's -- it's some argue that you don't want to do it. i think you have to pu u havet policeossibl and law enforcement on campus as quickly as possible to secure students or give students a sense of security. jesh studeh itngton unewis is my my sister is atha george washington university and has concs concerns about hen safety there as a freshman. >> so and she's not jewish notcr and she fears foner her safety r is concerned about her safety. she is her classmates who are jewish as well. >> you know, brian, they havele called some of the law students at columbia have called forf a of the exams because of trauma. >> but, you knowe exams caus i h about how it was such wusses. >> they are compared to 17 year olds who go into the idf, start carrying weaponsd star, ft
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for people's lives. these american kids and a lot of them aren'tan , they're just wusses. yeah. i mean, some of the quotes, sses.e quotese have witnessed, my dear revoke was shaken manynh of us on the review. we know this has to be the same fo of ourajorityis classmates. the events of last night has left many of us shaken and our peer and ours. okay, best of luck, guys. i can't wait to hear my verdict when in my life, something likei one thing i get. >> you've been very kind. congressman jamaal bowman is lying. he's not telling the truth. there's no way you could be talkingg th. say, i haven't talked to jewish kids. they don't feel threatened. we've ha reatenedwe have d five of them on the show that greg does not like. that morning show boxing friendt likes. other >> so we've had him on and weecc have talked to them. i have him on radio. then he gives me the other kidsd who have specific to out how they're being threatened. y so why would you say that and put yourself in such a position to be easily disputesuch ad, whh is mcadams probably did. >> 15 of them lied. how do you what is it like?go hm what? my parents want me to come home. i refuse to. i refusee, re to give in to it. was f now, the last one was a fouror
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to me at nyu. mbia, so. so that's what i like. he's troubled by 20 points in the primaryt live. why would he go more radical than he is right now? larry krasner out blames? the cops that horrible day on philadelphia. he says how could the columbia call the cops after a peaceful demonstratioration?n? to me, this coward, i think you're giving them the samea mi credit. >> i give you the these guys. you know, i've been saying that said the opposite of an issue about this statement in the credit finish. . >> i'm just saying the people that also have a civil rights going against the vietnam war, you know. >> exactly. that's you know, that was authentic. thentic.i don't think. yeah, but i don't believe this is authentic. i don't reallys text to get rea you guys really text back and forth when it makes your sholl >> harold what i wish i could help really talk about is udge jea, but all i'm saying is they're not being these guys. they're not being peaceful. n protest about whatever you want. as long as you're peaceful, you don't threaten people, intimidatepeacefulnd dt threat e of this, coming out. >> so coming up, anti-israel protesters reach new levels.
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stupidity. the soy boyz squadthe so stormig the campus with garbage cans, shells had gotten back in a long haul town. we've never spoken. es didn' but you told us many things but you told us many things that you love stargazing, hatebi parallel parking, and occasionally your right foot gets a little heavy. the lexus s didn't begin in the studio. it began with you. >> did you know swing is your favorite news programs for just $40 a month? my favorite news for just $40 a month. >> it's my favorite stretch. just $40 a month. news for $40 a month. sling lets you do that. >> i'm excited to announce we're having a huge mypillow sale. and here's a few examples by one of our mypillow to point owns. yeah get another mypillow 2.0.
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it's your water, your way so available at walmart drink so coca and you can totally go, oh yeah, great. >> donald trump calling the anti-israeli protests student protesters radical left . and est studrs rai think that's a pretty accurate description. yeah that that. oh, all right.
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>> it looks like the giants running game. it looks like d-da looksy. iots but for dummies or for idiots anti-israel mob charging at cops at portland state university, bursting from the campus library with garbage cans from th only to be quickly shu down by the copsco. >> but that's at all the brazen stupidity before cops shut down the uclay. gaza encampment. we did that.wa we watched that live in the morning. tch th in the bil but pollution getting his hands on a list of their demands. they want to be revolutionaries asking of th for vegan and glutn free food. zip tiesd, shields, epipens. you know, they have balance, blood. but i think it's to prevent a septic shock. ut ask and it's not just divestment from israel that they're asking for pro-hamas studentsin. they're also demanding a buffet of left wing policies. >> given the fact that the university of california founded on colonialism, it's a violent institution that perpetuates war abroad.ence
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>> we demand that you support the pentagon and its mob in palestine, chicago and beyond as well , plementi implementing a community accountable program of reparations. thisommunall accounta band and bcb expanded employer sponsored housing decarbonizing and reducing emissions by 50% by 2030. >> this happening is real, but i don't even know wherewitht to go with thihis. anthony barrett, you just called. you can take the math. so if anybody agreesu can take it's incredible what we're seeing now that.are >> their list of demands are out. plywood was also used. i saout, pw they had a little mm center, harold, where people can go in if they had a bruise oedicwhere per, a scran get back dean and the proper lotion to put underneath, well. putting it back in as well. >> so what do you think about now that we know more about them, do you start to think that they're maybou stt e the cutting edge of the next generation of would be american navy? >> well said. the i a professor on today from nyu and he moaning the factk
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i think was on our network or even among the fac thatt police are being called onto campuses to break violent protests. he goes we have a right to protest. does have a right to protest. but you nevetest. r to vandalize or write, to be violent again.chie >>in i also add that they force the police chief into a building because he was worried his welfare. loo >> sorry, go ahead. no, no, look, there's this is this is so laughable.e, >> but it's ther be are peopleut are actually saying theseuse it things and on and we're covering it because it's really happenin'sg people who actually want a new economy and want a new economy from the standpoint that we want an economy that is not reliant on fossil fuelt relians. you can agree or disagree with that. people who want more housingor g for professors and teachers, you can agree or disagree with that. >> but when you couch itthis box and wrap it in this box here, it's not only that serious it's -- it's it's -- it's something it's not going to get take tn seriously by anybody that can actually be a part of changing the universityto chicago that did this or to not
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get look they have every right to do i think one in >> bk right. will thin >> i mean it's haiti. president biden is worried about losing is their votes.vot. look, the universities deserve that. >> they're getting with this. they're the ones who have cultivated this one, ul saying that you should spend hundreds of thousands of dollarsd spen on phds about s marxist theory. and now you're seeing itnow youy out. and while a lot of this is very seri talked about in the first block, i have never th more thanwn emoji i have over the past week to describe these people who are demanding vegan and gluten free food. no uten-fre, of course, because that would be like, what are you saying? bagels is no bagels for. hey de them bananas. no, i'm that's it's like and then they demandmaings tha r things that they actually want. re and it's like guys, amateurs if you're going to have a revolution, you got to bring your own supplies. and i know you tal ies.k i it ready to go. >> i know you talked about this last night, but there is some good news. t here the country of iran is offering
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scholarships. shiraz university. ihow they got a great soccer team. so, i mean, do you think they so many people should go right., shiraz? this >> yeah. no, no, this is alis alll pure shallow virtue signaling. who would have thought that? like shieldso woul made of plass garbage cans wouldn't be effective? woe everly, none of thesticans took shop class. evers so usedthese guy to having their demands catered that they nor w expect actual catering. now, they better hope that doesn't require resumes for those barista openingst req >> but if i were, you know,bout i guess what bugs me most about it is like lik we said bee when they cite trauma. >> yeah, this is a slap in thevm face to the families of the victims of october seven. sright.i were t if i were a cop or if i were the police department and wewoud were arresting these people, i would have the cell set up a video playing that hour long documentary of the brutalities of that day and force themorce to witness the true brutality
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had them sit alone in a cell of listening to that, as well as tapes of victims parents talking about theiim's par r or missing children. >> i'd also get countless videosso of iranian leaders and other muslim leaders giving very specific instructions on what they would do to and adulterer or adulterers becausdoe they need someone orhr something to burst their entitled bubble usedollege to be colleges. did that remember you went to college to gain t a experiena to learn about the world. now it's designed to protectrn,u from the world so you can sitth there with your poisonous thoughtswiisonou and. as you noticed, majority of them women write, angry women who have allowed themselves to go to pot. so you have to look at their clothes. verylose. miserable. >> will they get out of this? i don't know. i got a go girl moment. e in c >> no.ol hey, judge, i remember a time in college when the problem wa le were sd people studying because it happened too good a time. >> you're partying too much. get back to workof now. what now? what do you say to your kid? i'd rather a kid show a lacky rm
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discipline in partying too much. they come home and tell me i made a garage shielde and telr a garbage bag shield and charge that i drove the car judge j. gb and that's what i was talking about in the earlier block when- i was talking about the fact that these woods wouldn't know what it's to be in the idf to pick up ainn ar-15 and actually have to go to war. i mean, you know what else are asking for asking the regime for the morning after tel i mean sleeping with that. yeah i got and then i'd climb>> they won't jud change your forma and if you look at the litternd and how they trash the environment these these kids are clueless spoiled, a leaders stupid hypocrites. t> okay and that's jus starters. e >> i want to say one more thing, okay? is thag. >>t had it? >> yes, yes, yes.>> here's the truth. sathey that they're traumatizing these wusses because i don't want to say the othewantr and ty can't. >> well, i will say it>> i briaf in the break. okay. in the break that theye ex can't can't take exams. think about the thousands
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of other kidamout thnds who wors to pay for tuition, whose parent tos sprayed so that they could go to these schools who are trying to studg y amid the music and the cursing and the crazy antics that'ss gon going on.g they're trying to stud.y. they're the ones who are being intimidated and they have the right to be protected. and these guys are they're upset because of plansd. et come are on campus because they're creating a row. and finall cy, the majorityd kis of these kids are good kids. and i think we should sa ay it e haven't said it enough. >> i mean, there are a lot of good kids. these are freaksood and don't kw why aren't even students? >> j, 50% of them't are fighting back with their american flags and they're tauntingeards be bae up university in north carolina at ole miss, ole miss, western, brown, rutgers and university of minnesota all have given in. yeah, they're beginning to give in to the demands of theseg to v these numskulls. >> all right. coming up, three judges. noay, let's go.
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>> okay. coming up, the liberal media now forced to admiadmit that ala bragg doesn't have the goods on donald trump. >> exclamation point. >> i mean, it. she wants can areva, your brain health, mary janet. health, mary janet. >> heyfred..., eddie. now, frazier frank, frank, brad, how arain heale you. >> brad fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory join the mareeba brain health challenge. meanwhil the code is not working that you really need to . we're going to get in a minute. we're going to get in a minute. okay vacatioing, to hold. >> meanwhile, at a verbal when other vacation rentals leave hanging dry, one where you can reach a human in about a minute, you're calling. some people find theirs at an early age, others later in. no matter when you find it, consider lucky because it becomes your everything.
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rampant all over our city. >> these are vicious o, radical left-wing lunatics. the v.a. saw soros back. so i just want to wish everybody a very good weekend. we have a country to and we have to rebuild it. our country has gone it. to . >> we're a nation in decline. that comesline. alvin bragg's ce against trump suffers more embarrassing setbackss tr >> stormy daniels ex lawyer keith davidson, said he would nosot use the term hush money to describe the payment to daniels and the liberal media is starting to admit the case is weak. >> i've seen precious little evidence presented yetspyet that that trump wasn't floating above. >> i mean, i've seen very little evidence of trump's direct involvement in gettingge this accomplished. so correct me if i'm wrong. no, you're right. ttccompliscorrect if i'm a of o michael cohen. >> prosecutors certainly haven't proven their entirael cr
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case. you know, their burden now by any stretch of the imagination. r case, burden bbut something te has not been established thus far. th haseight or nine days in as a what was the what can we say aca about the involvement of the actual different legal states? >>lndant? meanwhile, donald trus denying reports that he keeps falling asleep during cour t saying untruths, social quotes, and simply those my big, beautiful eyes, blue eyes sometimes listen intensely and take it all incial. so, judge, where's thisd all going at? eventake cnn is admitting that e prosecution has improved its case beyond a reasonable doubt or at all. >> well, if they continue along this vein, there will be an vei, acquittal even by a pro democrat anti-trump jury. okaye an. jur >> now, remember, everyone said they could be fair, but just about everybody hates donaldst about trump. i mean, that's they're honest and there's a jury. signif >>ic but i think the significant thing is that david pecker, when he testifie davidd, the the head of ami and the tabloidit
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said that he didn't discuss this with donald trump and he certainly didn't discus s. was a >> the fact that this was a campaign contribution, davidson would not you just said agree it was hush money. >> he said it was consideration, which money, was of a contract. >> and he denied it was hush money. and then today we had hope hicks. hope hict lay finger on donald trump. o we're in day 11 withs, and n the ninth witness, and nobody has touched donald tel >> so what this tells mels tha is that michael cohen is theere. key here. >> and trump and his lawyersinkh will destroy him. i think there's something very important to go back to whener i a fundamental the people have the obligation to prove this cas e a reasonable doubtable out to 12 people. it's got to be a unanimous verdic tme t. >> and if there is an explanation other than what theo prosecution suggests, that is that is reasonablen doubt right there. so hope hicks said today abat trump, when he heard about the information coming ououngt i don't know about which
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woman he said, don't let melania get the news papers. >> i don't want her seeing waything that is proof positive that this was not about a campaign contribution. this is aboumpaignt saving his marriage and he didn't want to get in trouble, which is a classic exampllewhice. >> women enter into nda. well, greg, if michael cohen is ultimate witness, i'm sure he'll save the case. >> yeah. and then you put in this guy. david said, these guys make michael avenatti look like thurgoodl avenat. . i mean, these key witnesses are so slimy, they leave a trail behind thethey lm. >> in simplest terms, the key witness, michaels, cohen, is the same person who supplied trump with the advice, got him charged. >> so, again, it's like a patient having the wrong ang o removed and the hospital and the doctor are suinge. patient for malpractice. >> you can give 100 coats of paint the turn on this. it it's still a . and it seems likl a turde trumps
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flushing it down. alvin bragg's toilet. by the way, in terms the sleepnl thing, trump is going to embrace it ifvig' a time ande place to sleep, it's thereep. l >> he should bring a blanketa and a neck pillow. maybbld ae little cocoa, have a little ambient music e. ?he side becaus >> you know what? he shouldn't devote anyev attentioote ann to because it'sa farce. judges. right. will the judge see ie dges righl the jury see it as a farce? >> but everybody who's paying attention nowis payin se. for what it is. >> this thing is more fabricated than joe biden's memories. memo >> so he's just resting. his beautiful blue eyes heraldrs . >> what do you think happened here? i don't i don't know. >> harolgreee. >> the judge in one big aspect,e the jury, this will get to awh jury at some point. thus far, what on what i'vat i e read the public narrative, there's nothing that that says there was a crime or some embarrassing thingsings b that salacious things, but there's nothing criminal here. >> i differ with theut i in this regard. i think the jury can be fair. and i think this jury i think
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those two lawyers on that jury will. >> if i were if you're it juryie president trump's shoes, you want you want lawyers there to be able to help. >> if indeed people are or are enraged or intrigued by some of the salacious things being said. >> but i to agree with theot fella on cnn, we've played i've not read or seenn anyt, haven'ta the background and kind of read the things that we're nothings,t in the courtroom, obviously. but it doesn't appear that what they what they havbut ite to pre that they have proven it yet. >> and brian, it seems like the polling show it seemovens ty also haven't proven it politically to the american people, which is what the left hasnot provto the a tr, given that they clearly can't prove there's been a crime committed here in terms of what they want to do. they want to show that he only carescommitte sh about the he onlygn, do cares about his campaign, doesn't care about his family. and as you said, he camees h out and said he didn't want anybody to know. it was deeply embarrassing. he wanted his familyo melani toe proud of him. that was politics. the other thing is, towards the end of the testimonys hope reportedly, she just broke down, started crying. oh, she did? yeah. so they had to havde a pause.etr they go, i guess she's done now. she came back to be sorry. and it just goes to, if you've
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met her, she's like the kindest person. >> shef t -- so efficient and tk i've seen things come at trumprr from everywhere. >> she was one of three people running his 26 campaige,3 runnt 16 campaign. never lost it. always, always under pressure te and you realize it's a running e is another one who's a long time assistant. these are the nicestet you wante to meet. now all of a sudden, they got worldwide scrutiny, passing a bille it and for it, and thee better. >> so she moved on from this: al world of politics five years ago. and of course, now they're trying to just drag her back int year aretrying to. it let her live her life. leave her alone. all right. the party's up nex l right,t. work, play, think, relief, work ,play, link, release. the only in one extended release formula for dry plu been >> i thought water would help
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water department dropping this backstreet boys parodyver'r the heartthrobs lyrics with tips for limiting water. >> the splash street boys earned a shout out from the actual bin frog band saying, quote, you guys nailed this judge, your backstreet boys fan that you were you. >> and let m backstr e water used to just the results old boy band know how really that's right here here's a thing you know what i think you have to cope with everybodyi think that they should put out a video or an album. i have no problem with that. >> i think it's fun. they're having a good time. great. s on exclamation ame. point on. >> gutfeld we are actually doing a exposée myeld? on the p yeah, it's -- it's a behind the scenes , you know, herald i look at you and i think you could have been in a boy band . arold: t >> could have you definitely could have. you would have been like, take that a take s the compliment wod
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have been kind of like the quiet lady in the back thats provides harmonies. yeah. ha yand you're the only one that doesn't go into rehab. >> oh, would you be? i would be the. the wisecracking front manwise frontman who then has a deep, dark secrecr t. i. yes. hey, dr. drew, can solve>> that can be a very good pr movee because they did all the video front of dead grass. >> yeah, that's true. do you want your guys to die? follow their advice. but no, it's good to save water in the west. >> i agree. i thought they should. it doesn't dance on the weekendsst, i age. on the. is this something i would say on the corners? i take my place. it's a meeting stages. i would say this. i really enjoy thid sas. >> i am very upset that theseop water people are better dancers and itle are and the rule and nr two is i want to know why this l is a. e wh >> tell me why." why, why do i do it? why do we. yeah, why do why don't we water- trying to do it right now? what get-s the most from why?
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the colorado river? >> california gets more water >>o ri. and there's no easy way for california to do that. they have an ocean and they shoulthey havd. ly wat >> they don't. but we just mess with here. robotstehere are coming for lasa >> say hello to sparkles. awesomy e, slapping a glittery blue dog costume on its popular cabot called spot and then making it dance. >> for some reason, it has people freaked out in calling it nightl. e fue so we're on a dancing theme wha here. judge, what's your thoughtsudge on this one? >> why? >> tell me why now? tell mewhat i get?why >> i have four questions. i need another one. woi why would you say that? feaf >> i'm a little fearful of them. they could attack you and kill you if you were going the wrong way. these things couldance dance th could move. they go lateral, they can go. they have great vertical and they don't look realan. >> do you think vertical? do you think that when they , it looks like little smurfs? >> blue smurfs? look this is a killing machine.u thank you.
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you know, you put you put a baseballrfs?ap cap on a battlt tank. >> it's still a battle tank. this is a machinilag peoplee ist to do things. sparkles is not an appropriateh. name unless it's a drag name. >> we don't know. >> this would be perfect for a children's birthday party. you know, if they step out of line. sparkl birthda e will just eat them alive. >> but remember, this thing is going to be this thing. it's designehing id to carry your luggage, you know, that walks behind you. >> you put your luggaghind youe. >> that's what you're going to use to diffuse a bomb or diffuse your shell. example. >> if i was supposed to know where i was. it's every fire here you wanttwe to see for yourself. i'm in the crossfire here. but don't kill me. i got so proud of you. so u i am how people dress up. they're real dogs. i get. they dress up their fake dogthe: exactly. but i can't believe you took notes on the robot dog because e ou actually doing it later tonight. oh, okay, fine. yeah it. so this is what we do. a real show, like a fox and friends, where want to just wetter about anything.
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>> a little paradise city medieval style first questiontin what is something your kinde kid of about right you know like o things like wine or cheese or whatever that is katie what are you snobbapy about?: wt >> what am i snobby about? yeah, i don't know. i don' t. i'm sorry about guns. do you have, like, the civic guns? maybe? ye s. yeah. ammunition and ammunition jams. wh. >> what? what's a good ammo? uh, you knowt', brand? greg: y >> yes. what? what do you think i'm asking? there's lots of brands. i don't want to discriminate. all right, brian, what do you snobby greg: a about?: is t i.hala i know what i don't like. what that similar to whar ou wa. okay, but i hate gum chewing and people come chewing i immediately think less of them. >> that's. that's good. yeah. th. greg: sy abou about behavioa so i did okay. yeah, you did all right, harold . >> i'm snobby for or against. something. i'm snobby about theby for o fo
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i, i like popeyes.i i likelike fil a, and i like ths new thing. raising cane's. i'm very particular about chicke n, and especially fried chicken. >> wow. oh, george snob. i'm about people who lick their fingers when they're like eaout peopt chicken or somethine that. >> and i've seen that and i'm like, welllike,, where did they learn how to do that? oh, that's disgustin g, i guessy i'm snobby about language, a very snobblanguay about peoplh who use too many catch phrases like, let's unpack this. t be >> at the end of the day, i won't be around. that's why i don't watch "fox and friendsnd."" stop yell. this show. >> i tell you. what age did you consider yourself an adult? um. judge? tha 16. 16. what was that tht thefirst e fie you drove? all right, let me finish g: she i the sentence. >> nobody cut you, and she's t denying it.ha harold what age did you consider yourself an adult u
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,well, probably 14, but i gotd my first summer job when i was 13. i got mine and i got my job. so there i was, a paper boy.i was when i was nine, i worked in ae dairy. >> that's a good parenting. a nine year old out in about an hour. oh, yeah you. wh yeah. i was raised by wolves. all right. what about you, brian? when did you consider yourself an adult? >> i would say i got my working papersi woulmy and i walked thes for a job, and the first person that hired me watsinfeld jerry seinfeld's dad. oh, and before jerry was famou'w ,he had a sign shop, and he said, what would you do? i go, i help you around here. he sai around ouldd okay. he so i would go out in the truck with the guys and hold ladd and supportan the truck. >> and next to, you know, seinfeld was his most famous comedyn the wo, the world.e is >> do they go after him for saying he's walking the streets for a job?r a job? >> no, i just i find it in at -- job. 's it's funny that seinfeld's dad's made dad signs.d to >> yeah, it was said that he used to be outside, didn'tt s
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paint himself on every side. >> yeah. all right, well, you're painting pictures. probablyelf on : as as soon as i learned how to talk. >> you're very matur youe, baby. yeah. so. yes. yes. yeah. how about you? >> jud jeanine: how about i'mi'm to say, i guess when i 17, was that it was a lonely, nice under a tree walking the with a dog and the officer frisk me all was well. >> all right, one more thing. so next it's comodo orange days shot the year's biggest selection of kubota equipment and get 0% pr for 84 months or up to 30 $300 off select compact tractors find your nearest dealer at kubota orange days .com. >> so we think about these we think this when it's time for an update or a complete remodel rebirth is with you every step
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going to be a big new show anyway. >> all right. time play the audio. >> let's play it and thenm, we'll go around the table. all right? okay. we've set pretty what is it, a bird . what is that? what did you play? oh, okay harold. bird. she said a's but that's generic. can you. can. do you have to specify the bird she gets? you can specify the bird. you win $1,000. that is. specif take your time. we got plenty to get. yeah, that's>> right bird. that is a fish. it's a fantastic fish. that's a fis>>a fih. it's like fish. it's a brilliant. all right. turkey, a parakeet brill. okay. not just one, keith, but a parakeet otter or a akeet.>> not who? .you know what? you don't wi n. let's show it is a the cat fromo the oaklanw.d zoo.
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and that's a that's a protective murmur that we were talking. when he's standing on guard. look at that. isn't he adorable? . your cats are going to high five. all right, man. water can be difficult now.. >> right? turn now. okay. all this man wanted to do would just oy a beautifth enjoy a beautifuy on the beach and eat his lunch when all of a sudden mushe ag a hawk. that was certainly about swoop. salmon steale swoopss sandwich w by like he didn't even know what hit him w it was plant of o they had it. >> it's not. yeah, of course it was. urwas. readyhe's totally like ty for it. i happen to like who films eatis some guy eating just sitting there his girlfriend all right he doesn't g>> hesn't ha a girl. judge this mom character this adorable moment whenen her daughter was reunited with her favorite pretzel vendor, her school right around the corner from here. she's a four years old. so she's been there her and sa y her entire life. only two years. and this pretzel cart got been off for a few a and she she saw him and ranfee a right to him. the mom was concernew d for a moment, then realized where she was running.
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he always good for a high five for her. a bottlendering e of water. >> and, you know, i love o stories like this. to harry o'brien. boall right.wall >> a we go. special thanks to klif. they're going to start airing our shows tomorrow thank startig on may six, on monday, over in dallas. thanks so muchou. r is >> appreciate it. looks like your career is going off a cliff. yeah, no, that'sf a legendarya station pd. okay, i guess i'm donele. all right. one more to veteran nameone.d jack was a sophomore at western kentucky university when he was called to active dutaty. >> he went on to earnhe cou a bachelor degree, the university of maryland. they couldn't attend the graduationld because ben wa deployed to vietnam. vi, the 100day year old finally received a diploma and nearly 60 years ago, he said of the ceremonies. and a part of this was best.rvei >> he also served in the korean war, so congratulations to him. all around the table. >> do you want to live to your 100? ,yeah ♪ ♪ i


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