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tv   Cavuto Live  FOX News  May 4, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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minor disturbance, the minor violation of the rules and regulations of the school. the minor things that in terms are included in the code of conduct, then, if you don't deal with that directly, they become much bigger and we're clearly seeing that in campus after campus after campus. neil: all right. that's a former police commissioner of new york and also served in that capacity in los angeles. not too many have done that, but he says the common theme here is that once let loose, protests don't just quietly go away. they are calming down a little bit, but no guarantees this weekend. matt finn following it. >> hi, neil. it's very calm here right now, a major contrast to how this site looked over the past couple of days. you could see behind me, the police are monitoring this location here at nyu. kind of expected to be this calm, fairly earlier in the day today, but it's a much different scene just last night. hundreds of pro palestinian
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protesters gathered right outside of nyu and made their way it washington square park. ultimately they dismantled the encampment here at nyu. and people were quickly given notices to appear. at george washington university, yesterday, staff unfurled a large american flag above the anti-israel protest there. and later in the day, protesters projected a genocide joe signal onto the american flag. and at ucla, the campus was trashed. bulldozers came through and clearing out remnants of the camp. countless pieces of debris, lawn furniture and tents were put into dumb stars after protests this week. and keeping an eye on nyu,
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washington square park, at the new school and other locations here throughout the city, neil. neil: thank you very much for that, matt finn, following all of that at nyu. in the meantime, there's been a move afoot in washington to address all of this anti-semitism with a measure that overwhelmingly passed in the house on a bipartisan basis to crack down on that. it's sort of a jump ball and the senate to get similar support there. congressman adam smith of washington kind enough to join us. congressman, back and forth on the campus uprisings, some worse than others. how do you think we'll go through this in the days and weeks ahead? i put in the context, as i mentioned, some guests of 1968 whether that's fair or not, that this will carry through right to your party's convention in chicago this summer. are you worried? >> yeah, no, it's distinctly possible. there are multiple things going on here. first of all, people have an absolute right to protest and express their opinion about whatever issue they want to express it about. you know, second of all, the
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war in gaza is a huge humanitarian crisis and a significant problem that we need to address and discuss. another big issue is there has been undeniably anti-semitism tinged within that and people tend to lump that altogether into one and when you have to distinguish that, in my opinion. but, yes, i think this is an issue that isn't going away. really the biggest thing right now is what the biden administration is working on in egypt with various different partners to try to get a cease-fire and to improve the humanitarian condition in gaza-- the situation in gaza. but, yeah, this is going to be a challenge going forward, no doubt. neil: i wonder, even for your own party, congressman, what this means. i found it curious that chuck schumer has gone along with mike johnson, the house speaker, to invite benjamin netanyahu to speak to a joint
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session of congress. senator schumer was among those that could be, and should be looking at elections again in israel, and that created a great deal of controversy. is he, too, you think feeling the pressure? >> well, we're all feeling the pressure. i mean, look, this is-- like i said, it's a humanitarian crisis, a horrible situation, it has the potential to spread even worse. we saw iran's attack on israel, there could be a-- you know, a much bigger war between israel and lebanon. how do we, you know, put the right policies together to stop that? you know, and domestically, we also have to make sure that while people have a right to protest and that president biden said it best, you have a right to protest, you don't have a right to create chaos for the lives of everybody around you. and striking that balance is not going to be easy. so, yeah, this is without question a pressure-filled time to be a public policy maker. neil: i don't want to overstate this, congressman, but is he being too cautious? is he trying to be too much threading the needle to not
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maybe do something more dramatic and make a bigger statement on this? i don't know, i mentioned with a prior guest he should have the president clinton sister soldier moment to take on a powerful group within the democratic party and say, no, no, this is going too far and i'll risk losing you to gain the better part of the country. what do you think of that? >> yeah, let me make two points. the first one you're not going to like and the second one i'll say something a little more fox friendly, shall we say. neil: i don't care about being fox friendly or not, trust me, or anyone friendly or not, but go ahead. >> i'm just joking around, neil. he's a lot more forceful than donald trump and j.d. vance and a bunch of republicans have been about right wing protests and trying to justify the attack on the capitol and sport it much less speak out against it. and joe biden made it clear he does not support that chaos,
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and i wish the republicans would do the same for right wing and then we'd have balance. yeah, i think, with the protests, they're fine, but what i encountered is intimidate or silence who disagree with you. i tried to have a town hall meeting a month ago and i have been having town hall meetings for a long times and done a lot of people their tate add lot of people and angry people show up and able to have a discussion. this group was determined to shout insults and make sure that nobody else could be heard. i don't think that's right. i think that the instances of vandalism and other efforts at intimidation. personally, yes, i think it would be better if the democratic party stood up and said we're against that. yes, we think the voices of people who want a cease-fire in gaza should be heard, the pro-palestinian voices should be heard, but we think that other voices should be heard and when you take actions that silence people and you see that in the protests, people try to
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walk through these encampments who aren't part of the team and they get surrounded and shouted at. that's the part, the effort to intimidate and silence any other voices that troubles me. and yes, i think speak out-- republicans should have spoke out more against it when it was happening on their side. neil: yeah, and it gets too vitriolic on both sides, you should read my e-mail in that regard. i want your take on how everyone can bring this down a notch or two. it's not coming down a notch or two. are you worried that left unchecked, this could really get out of control. the violence could get out of control. someone said it would be like the george floyd protest back in 2020. and some go back to 1968. i don't know, pick your year or your problem, but do you think the president should do something more dramatic than to make a quick statement, as he did, again, criticizing violent protests, but maybe doing something more?
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>> well, the idea that this is on the president is misplaced in the first place. i mean, look, these things are happening on college campuses and universities and on the local level and efforts need to be made amongst cities, counties, universities. neil: no, it's the president first. and jfk when he saw what was happening to blacks in the country, he made an address that imperilled his support in the south at that time. so it does have to be the president, doesn't it? >> no, it doesn't have to be just the president. neil: i'm not saying just, but he's the guy with the biggest microphone. >> understood and he did make a statement. and i just said in answer to your previous question if it was me i would have made a slightly stronger statement and emphasize the need to not silence and intimidate opposing voices, but he made a statement and made it clear how it should be handled. so, yes, it's going to be a challenge going forward, but i'll say, democrats have done more to say that this shouldn't happen when it happens on the
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left than republicans have when it happens on the right and i don't think we should forget that. neil: all right. they're both sort of turned layer back on something at the same moment. we'll watch, congressman. very good seeing you. adam smith, the beautiful state of washington. sometimes it gets to be a little heated in at that state as so many other states. in the meantime to a different washington, washington d.c. and what was happening at a certain university this week. take a look. >> ♪ free, free palestine. ♪ >> all right. that was the scene at george washington university and defaced the statue of george washington ap it remains defaced. a high school senior was among those looking at going to gwu, i believe, and made an early decision on that so obviously a very smart young man and nate, did any of the stuff you saw of
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this week, make you think differently about going to that school? >> well, i'm still going to gw. i earned my spot at the elliott school of international affairs. neil: wow. >> and one of the reasons why i chose gw was because of its diverse student body and the ability to have respectful, fact-based conversations with other students at the university, but when i go, i know that i'm also joining gw's vibrant and diverse jewish student body and when i attend in the fall, i will make sure that i'm holding the administration accountable for when they fall short in protecting all of their students and making sure that we all have the equal access to the educational resources that we're paying for. neil: well, nate, i talked to a lot of the jewish students at gw who don't feel the university is doing that. >> i agree that the university is not doing enough.
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we are seeing our campus defaced. yesterday i was horrified when i saw the american flag on gw's campus in the u-yard taken down and replaced with the palestinian one and i think it's time for the administration and americans across the country to wake up and realize when these hateful mobs protest death to america, and chant death to israel, it really means death to our western values and death to our american way of life and that's terrifying. neil: as a jewish young man, it wasn't just gw, don't want to finger them, of course, this occurred at dozens of institutions, colleges and some from conservative states and some from liberal locals, the same issue, hate for israel. hate for israeli policy. how does that make you feel? >> it's horrifying. as a jewish student that's graduating from just a month, i
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should be excited to graduate and start that new chapter going to college, figuring out the rest of my life and what it's going to be. jewish students across the country should be excited to do that. but i know that we all are now questioning will we be safe on our college campuses next year? will we be safe in the classroom? because across the country, during these protests, we're seeing faculty members participating and actually helping these encampments. neil: how do your parents feel about you still indicating you want to go to gwu? >> my parents, while they are worried about the anti-semitism that's across the country in all college campuses, especially at gw, they're proud of me for sticking to my core and my core values and pushing ahead because i'm not alone when it comes to this. i am so proud of jewish students going into college
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next year and jewish students already in college across the country for facing this hate and relentless mob with strength and with courage. neil: you're a remarkable young man. i can't believe i'm talking to a high schooler here. >> thank you, thank you. neil: best of luck to you and i hope your family as well. nate neustat, an incoming freshman at george washington university no matter what, he's going on. and the latest on donald trump j trump in florida today. and it's also going to be kind of showing off his potential running mates, there are six of them. we'll spell it out after this. lowe's knows new projects come with questions. so, we have answers. like how to keep your yard looking lush. which paint color matches your bold style. and with the mylowe's rewards credit card, you can save 5% every day. you got this. and we got you. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred...
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>> former president trump is attending the spring get together. marco rubio, tim scott. elise stefanik and switching gears after his former advisor hope hicks gave bombshell testimony. hicks formerly working for fox corporation, access hollywood, how the campaign was racked with worry and shock. they're trying to make the case that the fallout from the tape caused trump's teams to squash stories about his alleged affairs, but his attorneys argue that the contents of the tape are irrelevant to the case against him. >> the judge is highly conflicted and should not be allowed to the judge in this case. he's trying to make it as salacious as possible allowing testimony that has nothing to do with the case.
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>> at one point hicks got emotional on the witness stand. during cross examination, she mentioned how trump was concerned about what his wife, melania trump, would think. she says he was worried about how this would be viewed at home. hicks also took aim at michael cohen saying he would do things that weren't helpful. he used to like to call himself mr. fix-it, but only after because it broke it first. trump paid $9,000 for his gag order violations. prosecutors want the judge to fine trump for four more alleged violations. neil. neil: thank you for all of that. madeline. in the meantime, we want to draw your attention to the protests across country and you've heard a thing or two about them. but one thing that something that benjamin netanyahu is considering in israel, that could ignite them all over again. whether you're a fan or not. we connect. veteran homeowners need cash but worried you can't get a home loan because of your credit? here's great news. at newday
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>> well, what if i told you these campus protests and it's all about israel and how the president responds to what's going on in israel and particularly now with talk that at least benjamin netanyahu is saying, an attack on rafah is still on, regardless of these negotiations with hamas, regardless of the fallout of campus violence in this country. lucas tomlinson following that from the white house. >> that's right, neil, after days of silence from president biden on the college protests across the country. the president addressed the nation from the white house on thursday. here was his message. >> so let me be clear, peaceful protest in america, violent protest is not protected, peaceful protest is. the dissent is essential to democracy, but dissent not the
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right so students can't finish their semester and college education. >> and made the following comparison. >> i am thinking back and other people are making this reference, that this may be biden's vietnam. i worry very much that president biden is putting himself in a position where he is alienated not just young people, but a lot of the democratic base in terms of his views on israel and this war. >> it's a good argument. you know, i never argue with history. i tell people all the time, history ought to be our teacher. >> jim cliburn was given the medal of freedom from president biden yesterday, a lawmaker who many think are responsible for biden's 2020 victory. other democratic colleagues were honored such as al gore, john kerry, and nancy pelosi. the white house earlier pushed back on any comparisons to
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vietnam. >> joe biden ended the longest war in american history and just succeeded in convincing both parties in congress to make crucial investments in our national security. >> and we talked earlier about the protests on george washington university's campus just five blocks away, neil. house oversight chairman james cobert want to see why the encampment stands and the statue of george washington remains defaced, and the police were called, and refused. and many think the mayor is responsible. neil: i bet lucas would know the answer to this. the fact that democrats agreed-- actually sometime ago to be fair, to make chicago the site of their convention this year, surely it had come up, the last time we were in chicago for an event it wasn't that great or that's the one reremember and
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wasn't that great. and how did that go down and did anyone in retrospect say not the sharpest of move. >> there was an effort from the lawmakers in chicago, great sports, great history. we doesn't have to talk about the chicago bulls, the cubs even the white sox and a great place during the summer with the weather it's a major city, but in terms of where we are now, certainly, this decision to put the democratic convention here in chicago this summer, i think that was before a lot of these protests on college campuses boiled over to the point where we are today. neil: and to be fair, the weather was good in 1968, but not the political weather. and any regrets, saying this was probably not wise? >> officials have been talking about this, any chance it would be moved? it's too late, the ship is underway. neil: and the all the poconos
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hotels are booked anyway. that's good to know. i knew you would know. thank you very much, lucas tomorrow lynn sn tomlinson on that. general, i want to get into the middle east and i did want to pick your brain on this growing fear of escalating violence in the country and it does get to be a national security issue if it gets out of hand as it clearly was in '68. does that worry you, general? >> neil, first off, it's great to be with you. sure, like most americans, i'm paying very close attention to this and of course, we have a long history of peaceful protests in our country, something that's constitutionally protected, but when it trips over in violence and threats and intimidation and obstruction of other people's rights, then that's not right and it has to be addressed. you know, here in the state of minnesota where i'm coming to you from, we had some protests out at the university here, but
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it's largely been deescalated and kind of moved it into the dialog realm here so i think it's important to engage on this and look for ways to keep these protests peaceful and look for ways for people to express their opinions. i think it's also important to make sure that people understand the complexity of the situation. now, what we're talking about here, and in gaza, is an extraordinary complex situation that most americans don't really have a full appreciation for the full security concerns that israel is dealing with here. neil: yeah, and we might get reminded again. i know you were just there and i want to expand on that a little bit, but benjamin netanyahu made it clear that regardless of these ongoing negotiations with hamas, about a temporary freeze in activity and freeing hostages, the rafah attack is still on of a time and place of his choosing, i get all of that, but it would likely be even more a source of angst in this country and the
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college campus, though well past the school year, but might not stop sympathetic protests regardless. what do you make of that, general? >> i think the fact that the israelis appear to be taking some time to think through the options here. they're obviously giving maximum opportunity for the cease-fire and hostage negotiation discussions to continue to move forward on this, and i think they're thinking through their options here and i think they're trying to be as deliberate as possible. and i think they do have to take into consideration not only the advice they're getting from the united states, but from a variety of other countries around the world. it appears that they're doing that and it is possible to accomplish military objectives and at the same time, take care of the population and i think that's the real task that's before israel and i'm glad it appears that they're thinking through this very, very carefully. neil: do you think this campus disruption we've been seeing in
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this country, might be another reason f for benjamin netanyahu to hold off? he wouldn't draw that publicly, but do you think that's part of his thinking? >> i don't know, i'm not sure i can get into the mind of prime minister netanyahu. he's got a lot he's dealing with here. certainly, i think it has an impact here on our policy makers, decision makers. and as it always does, so, yeah, i mean, that's part of the discourse, i think. neil: general, chuck schumer is open to having benjamin netanyahu, the protection time he comes to the united states, address a joint session of congress, and speaker johnson has said the same. i believe this would be the fourth time of a sovereign foreign leaders has spoken to a joint session of congress, i believe that's a record, but what do you make it all and particularly coming from chuck schumer who is quite critical and advocated for elections in israel? >> i think it's a good sign.
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it's important to realize that the united states has an extraordinarily long relationship with israel. we are their principal partner. we've been working with them for decades now in terms of their overall security. so trying to get things into a dialog realm i think is extraordinarily important. it's always better this way and better to be engaged than it is to just be criticizing each other in the open media. it's important for both sides to kind of come together and have the decision. neil: thank you very much. good seeing you again. be well. >> thank you, bye-bye. neil: in the meantime here, we were mentioning speaker mike johnson. i don't know if he could even be around for that moment that benjamin netanyahu comes to address a joint session of congress. there's a move timing out. after this. y tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive.
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it was really discouraging. but golo's so easy, the weight just falls off. > >> once he became speaker, he has become a man that none of us recognize. now we have hakeem jeffries and the democrats coming out and embracing mike johnson with a warm hug and a big wet sloppy kiss and so next week, i am going to be calling this motion to vacate, absolutely calling it. neil: all right. marjorie taylor greene has been threatening for some time. next week is the moment she's going to act on that, a motion
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to vacate the speaker and toss him out. what kind of support does she have for that, and welcome dan crenshaw from texas, congressman, by the way. what do you think. >> she needs her time in the spotlight and it's been a while and one last ditch effort to get attention is what she's looking for. there's not a lot of support for this. i really don't know how many members would actually vote for it. i do know it won't pass. i think that's been made pretty clear there's a very, very long and strong majority that will table the motion, meaning that it just reverses so we don't even vote on it. and it's based in what exactly? that mike johnson brought bills to the floor that were necessary for our national security, that the vast majority of members wanted to vote on, allowing the democratic process to move forward, our process that we have in our constitution to
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move forward is apparently the crime of the century according to these people. which would warrant a motion to vacate? the problem i have with mccarthy, too, and they say that they're siding with democrats, that the uni party. the real uni party is between the far left and far right. we would have no military, they would be defunded, we wouldn't have a government, defunded. no agencies, and foreign spies, terrorists and they would let putin win on be on the border. and the reaction is, it's not a good one. they're so mad they make a motion to vacate the speaker. they make it so the speaker
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cannot. and i've worked for supplemental packages and a lot of us. she has never, tom massie has never done anything on that front. never written legislation on asylum reform or anything to do with border security and a lot of us have. they make it impossible to have leverage with a very slim majority and turn around and punish the speaker when they can't make a deal that we want, and then they say, oh, it was all their fault and now the real patriots are taking over. it's a game and voters have to stop falling for it. neil: i'll put you down on a maybe on what she's considering. [laughter]. neil: let me get your take. let's say that she does overcome some of the hurdles and a vote like kevin mccarthy was going through. that's a rollerrama, and for all i know your name could come up for speaker ship.
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it could be a lollapalooza here. >> it won't work, no one who can get 218 republican votes at this point. the conference is partially divided and the more likely scenario you would see, the speaker designee, who johnson put in had place the same as mccarthy with patrick henry and that's the likely scenario. neil: hakeem jeffries could roll in there as the speaker, right? >> you'd have to get some republicans to actually vote for him. look, there needs to be-- this is a longer conversation. we need to have rule changes to the election of speakers and removal. i think there are unserious people in the conference to wreak havoc. i wouldn't say take control, but definitely to wreak havoc. they did not run on any platform of getting things done for their constituents, right, they ran on a platform
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appearance to fight. i've heard this behind closed door. heard them say it's better to loose and appear that we're fighting because appearing to fight is what gets you the extra fund raising dollars and what they've become good at is blaming the law, some so-called establishment. the definition, there's no establishment when 4% can take out a speaker. i'm asking voters stop falling for it. there's appearance of fighting here. it's an appearance and nothing more. they're not fighting for anything, they're fighting for your attention, a different thing. neil: maybe i do or don't want to talk about this, the polite of your fellow congressman, he henry cuellar, and he's fighting for reelection. >> it came out of the blue and i know as much about it -- you probably know about it than i
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do at this point. it's unfortunate, he's been a long, widely respected as a democrat we can work with and actually talk to, as a colleague here in texas. so you know, i have yet to form an opinion on this. i want to see what the charges are exactly and what's true and what isn't. but it's-- that would be a real shame if that were the case and the second time in just the last year to have seen such a major case of bribery. neil: yeah, you're talking about the senator menendez in the 0er house body, legislative body. could i get your lay of the land on these protests here? there's been a move-- well, a couple of your colleagues who want to take away aid from some of these institutions and some going so far as to say if any of these protesters, especially the ones arrested, are getting student loan forgiveness, they shouldn't. where are you on that? >> i like both of those solutions. when we say defund
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universities, people don't always know what they're talking about. and it's more complicated than that, right? because the universities get so-called funding through grant programs, et cetera. neil: right. >> some are state universities and so in theory it's easier to defund them, but it's the state decision. of course, there's federal money here and there. i've had a bill, i think passes the first amendment muster test, but also directly targets the dei problems that we see, basically does not allow universities to require dei statements, to require statements that imply some sort of racist intent which dei statements often do. what you're seeing on campuses today is just a very problematic, longstanding trend that's occurred over the last 15 years or so of this coddling of student activism. look, students are basically teenagers, they've never had many life experiences, but looking to be warriors, looking to have a cause for something and they'll find it, even if
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it's a che guevara t-shirt think is their social justice icon and now it's hezbollah, social justice icon. whatever it is, students, they don't know that much. it's up to adults and administrators to actually say you don't know that much that's why you came to the university to actually learn and put away the stupid signs and free tents and stop this entitled sense of-- what is it, become an entitlement to violence and go back in the classroom and actually learn something and read a book. but instead they're coddling it, making the situation worse for years, and this is the kind of culmination that you see as a result. neil: well, you speak your mind, congressman, i'll give you that. always good seeing you. >> good to see you. neil: the dei is referring to diversity, # equality and inclusion. and some say they took politically correct too far. the 150th anniversary of
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something that's iconic, nothing do with politics, everything to do with horses and always about the kentucky derby. kelly is down there at churchill downs. kelly. >> neil, the two most exciting minutes in sports. i've got all the fun for you and a special treat after this.
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>> you know, i've always wanted to go to the kentucky derby, but if they insist that men had to wear hats, it just wouldn't happen because my head is so big. anyway, kelly is there at churchill downs. she looks great, but i'm telling you, kelly, this is a big-- this is the 150th race, right? >> how lucky am i to get this assignment, neil. neil: absolutely. >> like you said, today is the day. post time, and a 5 million dollar purse.
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150,000 people will be on site to watch the festivities. we can feel the energy radiating inside churchill downs. the event is full of tradition and we got a firsthand look at one of the most iconic parts of the race for you, neil. it wouldn't be the kentucky derby without enjoying a mint julip. who better to show me the best recipe than the first female master for reserve, elizabeth. let's look at the special anniversary. what goes into this. >> we have the honey rose mint julip. honey simple syrup infused with rose and we put that in the glass and greatest two ounces of bourbon for the greatest two minutes. and pouring that into the glass and there you have the special mint julip this year. >> looks delicious, love that you showed us this.
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and it's a unique mint julip. over the course of the weekend 120,000 will be enjoyed. >> right now, fierceness is the morning favorite, but looks like sierra leone is picking up late momentum and also a 15-- excuse me, $15,000 bottle of woodford reserve that elizabeth developed. if you want me to pick it up for you, you can venmo me and we'll be done. neil: we'll be talking. kelly, the most exciting two minutes in sports. i guess that would be. thank you for that. and also, i don't know if donald trump will have time to be watching the kentucky derby today. i do know he's going to be biz any florida today. he's meeting with a lot of big donors and he's also showing off his six or so potential vp picks. he'll be a busy guy, after this. mom genes. she passed them down to you.
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and decide for yourself. >> all right. all eyes on donald j. trump. not in new york, he is in florida and busy talking to donors and maybe showing off vice-presidential picks that are out there. and this is to catch up with a major g.o.p. fundraiser when it comes to the key bundlers and putting the money, flopping it together and helping candidates that might need the help. i'm always intrigued by some of the numbers i hear out, that donald trump's problems in court cases notwithstanding, he's raising a whole lot of money, i think they're saying a million a week, i could be off on that, a little more now because he does seem to be polling well and donors might be more willing, to see that,
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and opening up and giving him more money. how do you see it? >> well, it's a combination of the trials going on, which i feel like a lot of the donors are starting to soften, neil and that he's pretty much pinpointed and enough is enough. the other thing that's going on that's on most of the donors that i talk to, out of 10 donors, nine of them are harping and harping and harping not only what's going on with the trials in new york with donald trump, but furious about about the school protesting and besides themselves and think the country is headed in the wrong direction. so they're loosening up their wallets, 100%. where they used to be a little turned off of trump and didn't like his bedside manner, they don't care. now with everything going on in the country, they're full tloten going towards him and loosening up their checkbooks and some donors, i'm not going to him, i'm not going to do it they're loosening up and going ahead and giving and shows me the momentum is back with donald trump.
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whether they like it or not. the momentum is back with the fundraisers and momentum with his base was always there, couldn't rock the base, but there were a lot of big donors that were hesitant and they're coming up. you see the huge fundraiser that john paulson did, and hey, guys, we have to open up our checkbooks. neil: and they were following that. you mention what's going on and the rising violence and all of this and of course, donald trump after thursday, after he met with the fdny firefighters and similar to thank the police and the like and a talked, a lot like some say richard nixon did, that it's becoming a dangerous country and it resonates. i wonder what you thought about potential picks, tim scott, j.d. vance, elise
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stefanik, kristi noem, and i don't know after the dog thing. who shouldn't be on the list? >> well, i think that kristi noem, i don't mean to laugh, but everybody that i've talked to is just like, that's it. you know, kristi noem, shooting the dog-- >> she lost the-- >> it's beyond citbizarre and-- >> could there be others? let's say she's off and that's premature on our part, but, the other five, is that it? could there be a surprise addition here? >> we're dealing with donald trump, nothing for sure, there could be somebody out of the business sector, we don't know. the first question that you asked me, you know, what did i think about what is going on with parading some of the potential vp candidates to some of these donors? brilliant.
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that was brilliant and wondering if this was a strategy of chris, pretty much at the helm with the donald trump campaign and representing with the rnc as well? i've worked with him he's a brilliant strategist. it gives the donors, a taste or a feel being involved with the trump campaign. these types of things, don't happen where you've got donors kind of interviewing or going around and milling around with potential vp candidates. neil: we'll watch closely. noelle, always learn a lot. we'll see whether some are added and if kristi noem survives the dog thing and will bark another day. and we don't know. we do know that fox news will be on top of it. see you monday. because you... you are not doing this. save with drivewise and get a rate based on you.
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