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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 4, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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which she said quote what the processors has antithetical to who we are in and what this university stands for. i don't normally root for north carolina or the tar heels but after this week at >> do not tell me or for ducal? >> absolutely. >> they ought to make his chancellorship permanent pickwick that should indeed. remember if you have your own hit or miss be sure to send it to us at je are on fnc. that is it for this week show. thank you to my panel i and to l of you for watching. hophope to see right here next week. ♪ [background noises]
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arthel: graduation at the university of michigan interrupted by anti- israel protesters videos showing them marching down the aisle u.s. navy secretary carlos a delivered commencement day remarks. senior year for many college students marked by chaos campus has struggled with fall out from weeks of unrest. welcome to a brand-new hour of "fox news live" i am a heartfelt novel by jonathan. >> good to be with you, arthel i am jonathan hunt eric shawn is on assignment more universities across the nation are taking action against protest encampments looking to restore order on campus. that is exactly what happened at the university of virginia and charlottesville this afternoon. state police faced off with hundreds of protesters at an encampment after declaring an unlawful assembly. police in riot gear then moved in. arresting protesters and dismantling tents for the drama today at capping off a wild week
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at universities across america. shark tan"shark tank" investor n o'leary said somebody's protesters could lose job offers because of their rolls in the demonstrations. >> i think when you're in your 20s are very passionate get that everyone goes to that process. but think about it for think about what happens next in 10 years why did you get that job why didn't you get on the board? what can you get a loan? i am telling you why right now because i saw you do it and you lied to me on your resume you never broke the law. well you did whether you get caught or not does not matter to me as an employer. that is why you should really think this through. arthel: the police response to these protesters are under intense scrutiny some officers are using force to clear the encampments. while other departments are resisting pleas from school to take action. defense attorney for martin d.c. police detective ted williams is on deck with his thoughts on the
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law enforcement response would. but first rowing tip matt finn. matt is live at nyu and new york city. it's quite there now that is nos not always been the case. >> arthel, they're meant weeks of chaos and unrest here in new york city. this afternoon we can report comb here at nyu. from what we see, calm throughout the city. in fact it was see right now police officers outnumber any civilians here within this sectioned off zone on the nyu campus. as it was a much different scene right here last night. hundreds of pro- palestinian protesters gathered right outside nyu some using umbrellas to shield the camp from cameras ultimately dismantled and removed nyu encampment and took 59 people into custody last night. in the upper midwest the university of michigan a short while ago this afternoon pro- palestinian protesters interrupted the graduation ceremony there chanting antiwar
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messages and waving the palestinian flag. no reports of any arrest there. headed south the nation's capitol george washington university yesterday staff and furled a large american flag above the anti- israel protesters. later on protesters projected a genocide joe signal onto the u.s. flag out west in los angeles ucla wrote palestinian encampment there was quite literally trashed bulldozers came through clearing out the remnants of the camp countless pieces of debris, lawn furniture, plastic, tense but into dumpsters there after protests turn violent their in los angeles this week i'm back live in new york we are keeping our eye on any potential protests here in new york city. nypd manning the campus at nyu. we have not seen a single protester all day today. arthel: alright matt finn live at nyu thank you very much.
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[inaudible] a line of police officers holding back a group of about 100 anti- israel protesters at georgia state university yesterday afternoon. and as police responded protests across the country there is criticism from some over the amount of force being used to clear out on-c on c on-campus pg and encampments some cities the police are refusing to take any action just yet. >> they asked us to come back and engage in the operation again. that is when i shut it down and said i'm not doing that again. we absolutely are not going to go in and sweep out the peaceful protest just because they are occupying a space on your campus that you would like to use for something else right now. >> let's bring in ted williams
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fox news contributor and defense attorney who previously worked as a homicide detective for that d.c. metro police. ted, great to see you. you and i have spent many hours this week together discussing law-enforcement responses. i want to look at one of those first of all there's a study and differences. tuesday night ucla one of the big incidents of this week across the entire country. we saw the riots taking place. that's actually the clearing out of the campus i think. so on tuesday night was the anti- israel protesters clashing with pro- palestinian protesters that is some of the violence there. there was not a law enforcement person insight for hours that night. and then the next night, wednesday night they did come into the early hours of thursday morning the police completely dismantled that encampment led
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by the california highway patrol. what did you make of the weight this bizarre situation played out over two nights in l.a.? >> jonathan i have got to tell you we are involved what i would define as it internal war in this country. there h is always been a straind relationship between his studens and law enforcement. when we looked at ucla the other night, you and i were pleading, begging for it law enforcement to come into that area. jonathan, as you know it was over three hours before it law enforcement officers got involved in that area. jonathan, there is something going on in this country that is bigger than what we are watching here on television with the students on these various campuses. i have to believe we have from international positions in this country we have got sleeper
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cells here that are encouraging the violence we are seeing in these demonstrations. jonathan: ted there is a lot of talk as well the various law-enforcement agencies have to wait to be invited in. that might be true on a private university campus such as columbia where the nypd were eventually invited in and did a textbook operation for it on a public university campus like ucla if there is outright violence taking place, surely the police department has a sworn duty as law enforcement officers just to get in there and stop people from getting hurt. >> jonathan you are absolutely right. when you are looking at public universities and you are looking were laws are being violated. law enforcement officers do not have to wait. they can go in and immediately. i was wondering i listen to the
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chief of police there in denver saying unless there is some violence that he is not going in. yes we believe in peaceful demonstration in this country we have a first amendment right to peacefully demonstrate but when those demonstrations get out of hand like it ucla, law enforcement should have gone in and they should have got it right away. that was a national embarrassment as far as i'm concerned. jonathan: so what is the line? when do they cross the line in the first amendment rights disappear? is it simply shouting at jewish students for instance? is it harassing them and following them is that preventing them from walking across campus freely or is it actually when they physically attacked them. where is that line and is it easy to draw that line? >> first of all the line is set up is not easy to draw. what you have to look at as if students are peacefully
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demonstrating there is no violence. for whatever they are saying they have a first amendment right to speak out. it's when they cross that line like at columbia and the other r nights it. they went in what name the hamilton building and they started destroying and started holding individuals hostage for some period of time. that is what across the line. it crosses the line when their acts of violence. intimidation of student should not happen on these campuses also. but again, jonathan there's some outside forces. there is a need for complete investigation of what is taking place on these college campuses all over this country right now. jonathan: ted, your analysis over this week with us as all of these events unfolded has been invaluable to our viewers and it is so again today. ted williams thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you my friend.
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get up, take a stand. arthel: more scenes from campuses across america at the university of chicago there were tense at moments between anti- israel demonstrators and pro- israel counter protesters. in portland, oregon protesters were seen charging at police officers at portland state university played the city's mayor condemning those demonstrators. >> if you believe damaging those businesses or trashing the library on a university campus will impact events in the middle east, then you are delusional. arthel: this is the encampment at the university of california irvine just 50 miles south of ucla. that schools chancellor said they are continuing discussions with protesters. meanwhile president biden is
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spending the weekend and delaware at catching heat from both sides of the aisle as frustration grows over his handling of the campus protest. lucas thompson is life at the white house with how the anti- israel chaos is complicating his reelection campaign, lucas what can you tell us? >> that is right. after days of silence and president biden after the sometimes violent protest on college campuses across the country, the president spoke to the nation thursday and this was his message. >> so let me be clear peaceful protests in america, violent protest is not protected. peaceful protest is. it's essential to democracy but dissent must never lead to disorder or denying the rights of other students can finish a semester in their college education. >> senator bernie sanders and many historians have made the following comparison. >> i am thinking back in other people are making this reference
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that this may be biden's vietnam. i worry very much that president biden is putting himself in a position where he has alienated not just young people but a lot of the democratic base in terms of his views on israel and this war. >> it is a good argument. i never argue with history. i tell people all of the time that history ought to be our teacher. >> jim clyburn was given a medal of freedom here at the white house yesterday a lawmaker who many think is most responsible for biden's 2020 victory. some of biden's other democratic colleagues were also honored such as al gore, john kerry, nancy pelosi a our own from outside the nation's capitol seven temple of the gold medalist katie a swimmer also recognized as well the white house earlier pushback on any comparisons to vietnam. >> to buy and ended the longest war in american history and just sucsucceeded in convincing both parties in congress to make crucial investments in our
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national security. quick speaking of vietnam era protest, many historians are making that connection going back to 1968. although one major difference the protesters to date many of them wearing face masks and not speaking to the media. arthel: lucas tomlinson, thank you. jonathan? jonathan: a jewish owned a bakery in atlanta has been vandalized the owners have received hate mail as new data show anti-semitic incidents have skyrocketed since hamas began the war last october with this invasion into israel. madison scarpino is live a very quick 60% of all anti-semitic attacks last year happen after october 7 edison anti-defamation league. and bert university here in atlanta is one of the many schools for police shut down
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anti- israel protests. jewish owners of a cookie shop right off of the campus say the store is been receiving threats people are vandalizing it. >> that open the dog door they saw the flag and they said we won't buy here and what you are a murderous you support genocide we are going to tell everyone. in some usage and pull people away don't buy here they are murderers. >> they say since all of the protests things are getting worse the husband and wife owners moved to the u.s. from israel a few years ago were in the idf. the couple's are displaying an israeli flag in the store since the start of the war. saying things went downhill from there. for example the store received an e-mail just last week saying in part quote your store is going down unless you stop supporting a country that murders, tortures and commits a genocide but they say threats and attacks like this happen tw.
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they are not alone for just last week in texas a synagogue got a bomb threat saying in part quote everything will blow up and blood will shatter everywhere. the rabbi there says is not the first time this is happened. on college campuses a number of jewish students who say they feel comfortable telling other people they are jewish has a drastically dropped. back to you guys. jonathan: madison scarpino live thank you. see phyllis take a look at the weather now there is dangerous flooding is forcing rescues and evacuations in southern texas. millions of people are under flood watch. in some areas officials are urging people to leave or shelter in place as rivers of surge. one driver had to make a quick escape after her car plunged into a flooded creek. take a look. >> you are literally driving right into it what you doing? what is this person doing?
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alright so onlookers did help this woman reaches safety as current swept the car away. this a flooded threat is far from over by the bite fox weather expects another round of heavy rain to pound the region on sunday. jonathan: amazing pictures. crews and meantime are working to repair a busy stretch of i 95 in connecticut. causing a bumper-to-bumper traffic for two days in a row. if firing tanker ramp damaged an overpass forcing crews to shut down both directions of the highway. connecticut governor ned lamont has pledged to reopen all six lanes for rush hour on monday morning. arthel: right jonathan, there is a tragic development of mexico three bodies were found in an area it were three surfers including an american went missing last weekend.
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we'll have new details for you on the investigation and that is next. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) always dry scoop before you run. listen to me, the hot dog diet got me shredded. it's time we listen to science. one a day is formulated with key nutrients to support whole body health. one a day. science that matters.
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jonathan: mexican authorities have found three bodies during the search for an american and two australian friends who went missing last weekend. the three surfers were on a camping trip in baja california
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when they disappeared authorities say there is a high probability the bodies are those of the missing surfers. christina coleman is alive here in l.a. with the latest. >> guess that is right. reuters is reporting in baja california state attorney general now says the three bodies are highly likely to belong to the three missing tourists. during the search their families identified them as a check at carter road from san diego and jake and callan robinson two brothers from australia. today i had a chance to speak to bradley one of their good friends take a listen for. >> carter has a fiancé she's honestly heartbroken and they were extremely close to their families. there is a huge part of their lives they are not confrontational they are the friendliest people carter is fluent in spanish it's a shock and we want to know the truth and what actually happened. that is up to the governments to work together and make that happen. >> mexican authorities to the
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pickup truck belonging to the american server was found burned near a remote area along the coast. they believe he was set on fire two men and a woman have been detained on suspicion of kidnapping. to lead a processor in baja california told the "new york times" for team believes the three suspects tried to steal the victim's vehicle when they resisted one of the suspects shop them on tried to dispose of their bodies. our fox affiliate in san diego was reporting after mexican authorities found the three bodies in a well near a beach they found a fourth body in the very same location. the deceased person was identified as a rancher who owned the property was reported missing several weeks ago. hess says he will never visit this popular surfing area again. looks i will be honest i will never go back down there it is done for me. i know a lot of the folks i've talked to and in our network they are done as well. we live close. we are in san diego so it's right here it's been our backyard for very long time we
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been going to mexico at least for myself 15 years and that has stopped though. we may had a false sense of security. >> officials with the fbi, u.s. state department and the baja california office are all working this case. jonathan: christina coleman andn los angeles, thank you. >> we have seen a massive increase in the number of rents and more attacks globally in the last year which went up as much and 74%. u.s. entities were the most heavily targeted with attacks against the healthcare sector roughly doubling what they had been the year before. arthel: director of national intelligence warning congress about an alarming rise in cyber attacks the number of ransom were attacks worldwide grew as much is 74% 2023. one of them targeted united health group whose ceo testified he paid a $22 million rent
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somewhere i should say a ransom after data was hacked, listen. >> the decision to pay a ransom was mine. this was one of the hardest decisions i have ever had to make. and i would not wish it on anyone. see if i will bring in cyber security expert morgan wright chief security advisor at sentinel one. we have talked about this before. we have received these warnings before from intel. what is different now? >> arthel, there is a unique thing here people do not realize many of the rents and workgroups they operate out of russia because we don't have extradition treaty. what analysis is been done about where the ransom payments go? they will use things like bitcoin or crypto currency you can see where they go. so many of these go back to russia. a lot of this is don't the implicit approval of the russian government and there's a reason why because anything that disrupts the united states right now is good for vladimir putin.
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the russian gre of the military intelligence was responsible for the most damaging ransom or attack called back in 2017 it was supposed to hit only ukraine but it jumped at us when it took out merce the huge shipping line. arthel: what does it mean to have your healthcare information stolen? >> that is probably one of the worst things that can happen for a variety of reasons for number one at your very personal information it is some of the most sensitive in the lucrative information if you are a hacker you can get if someone gets their recipe for dog food from a company it's like okay, you may lose some revenue but this is about -- make the amount of revenue loss and shut it down the amount of information and data that is tied back that's now in the hands of hackers this is what makes it extremely invaluable that's why he paid $22 million for it. the other at worst a part of this could be of state actors get hold of this information of these groups are collaborating, with china, with russia they
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have stolen healthcare information before this could be something that would be very disruptive from an intelligent intelligencestandpoint or even y standpoint. arthel: house so? expound on that. >> we track the help of our units down to the company level the army does a com, dod doesn'e look at what potentially someone might be afflicted with. if we know a certain group of politicians, certain group of leaders have certain conditions that we can exploit that's additional bible intelligence there is nothing worse than finding out that somebody's exploiting you because you have a genetic condition or a cancer condition and they find ways, which russia does to deny you or kidnap people in the sense you come across with the don't the wall street journal reported admitted to brittney, they did not have the access to things that you need. that use that to extort things and a lot of times it's money or geopolitical favors. arthel: so how responsible are these groups that harness our healthcare information?
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>> with change healthcare they say it was a server that is not detected but a lot of times overseeing in these places the running software that is not up to date is not the most modern periods from a defensive standpoint it would be like looking at seal team six and they are armed with black powder rifles. not exactly something that strikes to the heart of the enemy that got to modernizer technologies. we cannot use less ai we have to use more ai we've got to get to the point we are automating our responses to these attacks so machine speed attacks got to have a machine speed response that has kept the speed of light. what you have to do the final point is that we have to make it so expensive for an adversary to attack us we build our walls we extract a price from them and we make it economically not feasible for them to continue attacking us. but until we modernize that's a tough thing to do. arthel: until we modernize these kind of attacks and minutes? or is there any way u.s. intel chiefs can deflect or prevent
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some of these cyber attacks? >> that is in the hands of the people who are the targets of these attacks apart is ultimately responsible for them to defend their networks to improve their networks. now, director of national intelligence a cia in intelligence community can help us by saying i think these groups are doing this but this is their tactics, their tradecraft. at the end of the day it's up to you to lock your doors and windows of your house of the government. quickset everyone is equipped to do that but listen morgan wright i always appreciate information on this topic will see you again, thank you for joining us today. >> event, arthel. see if i buy the way in her intro to this segment we showed video of denver health the company that was hacked with united health group. we apologize for the air, sorry for that. sue for growing concern for brittney spears after the pop
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superstar was reportedly involved in a fight and eight los angeles hotel this week. what she is saying about the incident and calls for new conservatorship coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ you were made to find inner peace. we were made to track flight prices to paradise. ♪ no. ♪ -no. -nuh-uh. ♪ yeah. oh. yes. ♪ oh yeah. yes. isn't this great? yeeaahhhh!! ♪ yeah, i could do a cartwheel in here.
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jonathan: hopes, she did it again pops start brittney spears and back in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons on thursday there were multiple reports she was involved in a fight with her boyfriend at a hotel in los angeles. paramedics were called but brittany apparently refused treatment. because later posted a video on instagram show showing her ankls severely swollen but in a separate post she called reports of a fight fake news. her behavior sparking concern among her fans. some suggesting spears may need a new conservatorship. three years after her first one ended. let's bring an mercedes coleman criminal defense attorney. mercedes, before we get to the legal options here, your thoughts just as a human when you see brittany apparently going through the kinds of things was also often before and
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prompted the first conservatorship. ask jonathan, it is heartbreaking. i have been a brittney spears fan for very long time. like a millions of other people they look and cheer and were so happy to see her finally get a chance to take advantage of the fact that she is no longer has this unbelievably stringent conservatorship over her. so like others in 2021 we all celebrated we cheered her on. she was able to drive her car. she had a money shed cash money andin her hands she was able tot her nails done. all the things we took for granted in fact she posted on instagram reels she's buying a candle she was not allowed to put candles on. so all of these things and it's heartbreaking to see her mental condition may be in such a state conservatorship is something to be considered. but that's really extreme to talk about all that means. >> sheet fought so hard and her
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fans a fought so hard to get her out from under that first conservatorship. surely nobody wants that kind of stringent regulation of her again. so what are the options? i think we can put up a list of some of them here in california and there are options. >> there are definite options if there is a consists of your concern about her mental well-being and she poses a threat to herself or others you can do a temporary hold. you can certainly do some sort of intervention. she is an adult. part of the problem is to try to get her to have a psychological examination. just one of the criticism and when the conservatorship ended back in 2021 is judge and brenda penney was the presiding judge never ordered a psychological examination of a brittney spears because she said the original conservatorship was voluntary back in 2008 so why would they
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require one at that point? there could be many things that could be done but ultimately an intervention is the first step in the psychological hold you can render someone at least temporarily to be in the care of a mental health professional to have that happen as well but that could all be explored. jonathan: could the judge when she ended the original conservatorship, she went from those stringent regulations to essentially nothing. was there a middle range she could have done or did she not have that option at the point? what was your great questions. she could have used some other means not the stringent conservatorship we know she was subjected to. there could have been a temporary one at least and there was for a period of time. there was someone who is overseeing her easing her way into complete freedom. she also has very comparable defense attorneys that can help guide her. we know matthew rose and guard
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it is her attorney does as an attorney that is it represented her that was the individual that helped her in the conservatorship. there were things that could have been done i don't say drop the ball, no one likes to criticize or judge. we were not sitting there we did not listen to the testimony that came in. but ultimately the psychological evaluation had been held and there were at least some findings that she needed additional help, mental health help should the judge could have ordered additional assistance he think brittney spears into her independent life as opposed to ending it almost entirely. jonathan: i think a lot of us were shocked recently when brittney lost the case effectively against her father jamie and he got a 2 million-dollar payout to pay for everything we heard about his behavior during the conservatorship how did that happen? >> it certainly went undisclosed all the particulars have been
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kept out of the public eye. we do not know the negotiations that took place. ultimately they settled the case that was rendered. he had a lot of experts apparently this is what is been reported, that jamie spears had a lot of experts to manage brittney's affairs that cost quite a bit of money had lots of lawyers, other professionals, medical health professionals mental health professionals. so there was apparently a lot of fees that need to be expended in order to manage his affairs that was part of what we were dealing with was just the amount of energy and of course all the other focus on trying to keep her of errors in place was very expensive. >> i know you and all of us wish brittney the very best in the future. mercedes thank you for being here today. >> my pleasure thank you. arthel: yes jonathan we do wish brittney well. so listen, to florida teens are
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facing felony charges after they were filmed dumping trash into the ocean on sunday video shows a group of teens tossing their garbage overboard up the coast of boca raton. the footage went viral it sparked a fierce backlash. the state fish and while that commission says 16-year-old michael kirby and 58-year-old charles ruth turned themselves into authorities this week they were charged with a third-degree felony of causing pollution they now face up to five years in prison and a $50000 fine if convicted. former white house communications director hope hicks capped off a dramatic week of test may former president trump's manhattan criminal trail yesterday. x got emotional on the stand. marilyn rivera has more. >> hope hicks broke down in tears at one point she testified before former boss friday. hicks who worked for fox corporation for a time as well laid the trump campaign went
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through after the first learned about the infamous act as hollywood tape back in october 2016. she described how the campaign scrambled to respond to the content but she says this test my ski for prosecutors trying to make the case the fallout from the tape fueled trump's team to try and squash negative stories about his alleged affairs. >> within the prosecution made headway in all of these witnesses just by showing president trump wanted to make sure the stories did not get out for. >> hicks also medicine for her president trump was concerned about what his family would think. hicks testified he asked for newspapers not to be delivered to their home saying trump did now not anyone to be hurt or embarrassed by anything that was happening on the campaign. she criticize michael cohen who she said would go rogue do things that were frustrating to campaign staff but she sent you he used to like to call himself mr. fix it but it was only because he first broke it.
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cohen is expected to be a key witness in the case today trump is back in palm beach, florida he is h headlining the rnc donut retreat mingling with wealthy donors and possible running mates as he once again slams the trial for keeping him off the campaign trail. >> i'm outside the we are in the courthouse instead of being any one i was take 10 states were i would like to be right now books trump said it would not make a decision about a vp until closer to the republican national convention in july. arthel: madeleine rivera at thank you. see for signs of a potential breakthrough in cairo where the cia director arab negotiators are trying to hammer out a gaza cease-fire deal between hamas and israel. the latest on those fragile talks cap next. when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot.
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arthel: russian space agency
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failed to launch a new heavy lift rocket from its far eastern space complex earlier this week. it was part of an effort to beat the u.s. and colonizing the moon. meanwhile lawmakers on capitol hill voiced concern to secretary of defense lloyd austin about a more menacing aspect of the new space race. jennifer griffin has the very latest. >> the command to abort the launch has been issued for grace for the second time in a year at russia's space agency failed to launch a new heavy lift rocket from its far eastern space complex part of an effort to beat the u.s. and colonizing the moon. a third launcher failed to see the same date defense secretary austin face questions on capitol hill from lawmakers concerned about a more menacing aspect of the new space race. new intelligence suggesting russia is developing and tight satellite nuclear capability that would threaten u.s. space assets if using, but it couldn't
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blind the u.s. military. >> it would have devastating consequences. >> concerns about antisatellite weapons and space go back to 2007 when china first fired a ballistic missile at one of its satellites to demonstrate the new capability and threats. house intelligence committee chairman mike turner raised alarm bells two months ago after seeing classified intelligence that suggested russia planned to launch eight nuclear antisatellite weapon in space. >> i believe this is the cuban missile crisis in space. this administration is sleepwalking itself into an international crisis. last week russia vetoed u.s. and japan sponsored un resolution reaffirming 1967 outerspace retreat: convert nations to prevent eight nuclear arms race in space china abstained. national security adviser jake sullivan called out russian president vladimir putin who was said publicly russia has no intention of deploying nuclear
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weapons in space if so he asked why did russia vetoed the resolution? at the pentagon jennifer griffin fox news. >> fighting continues in the gaza strip as negotiations fora cease-fire deal heat up in cairo. the wall street journal reports israel has given hamas a new and deadline to accept its terms. ryan chilcote has the details from london. >> site jonathan for a delegation from hamas is in cairo the egyptian capitol considering a proposal for a cease-fire from the israelis and by all appearances, there is considerable progress. that at least according to the egyptian state media. egypt is in a mission to know because egypt is actually inside the room alongside the united states the director of the cia is in cairo the saudi's and the qatari's have all been working on this deal but once at least
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in the short term what is at stake is what happens next in rafah. the wall street journal has a given hamas or one week and ultimatum do or die kind of proposal to accept their cease-fire offer or face an assault on rafah israel said is serving as a safe haven for the last remnants of hamas fighters which as you know have long vowed to destroy prime minister benjamin netanyahu is always that israel will go into rafah no matter what interesting to see if his position has changed bigger picture what is at stake here is the prospect it's only a prospect we could be getting closer to the beginning of the end of the seven-month war. the deal would see hamas release somewhere between 20 and 33 hostages but not all of them, partial hostage release in exchange for a 40 day low in the fighting.
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that could be the beginning of course more longer it cease-fire so the two sides are talking bring the discussions are underway. one egyptian official just toyed reuters news agency the egyptians are cautiously optimistic that a deal can be done. but we are not there yet. so for cautious optimism better than no optimism live in london thank you very much.n we will be rightne back. fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours so dave can be the... deliverer of dance. ok, dave! let's be more than our allergies. zeize the day with zyrtec. ♪(fun music)♪ mom, can i help? camping was fun, but it looks we brought the woods back with us.
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arthel: check this out. arizona humane society got a big surprise when a good samaritan thought they were bringing kittens into the shelter. it was quickly discovered they were actually baby, oh my gosh so adorable baby foxes. the shelter spokesperson said the baby foxes were transferred to southwest wildlife conservation center which, identifidentify them as a great. they will undergo rehabilitation and be released into the wild when they are old enough to be on their own. so sweet, oh my gosh so sweet. jonathan: how cute are those? as ryan chilcote ordered earlier negotiators are inching closer to a cease-fire deal in gaza.
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even there's a temporary truce is really is bound to finish its admissions to completely destroy hamas sm will get insight on "fx news live" tomorrow at noon eastern with general jack cain. we also get into the border crisis with texas congressman jody harrington thank you for having me today, arthel. arthel: thank you for being with us. tomorrow eric and i at noond eastern.mi and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) always dry scoop before you run. listen to me, the hot dog diet got me shredded. it's time we listen to science. one a day is formulated with key nutrients to support whole body health. one a day. science that matters.
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