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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 4, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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it changes your smile and how others smile at you. clearchoice network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants, and they can change yours, too. because a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. that's this weekend, 10:00 a.m. eastern time. see you then. ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: hello,
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>> i'm judge a jeanine alongford with harold ford. d greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." [laughs] are you happy, greg? this is "the five." ♪ ♪ the squad's hamas caucus is demanding more campus chaos, while denying the threat to jewish students that jewish students face from anti-semitic mobs. the nypd busting up two more anti-israel protests, clearing out encampments at nyu and the new school. it was a less confrontational scene compared to madness at ucla and colombia, with some protesters obeying orders from the police to disperse and get out of their tents. but leave it to the squad to give cover to the mob. the radical progressive lawmakers are downplaying anti-semitism. >> the same to a jewish student,
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to a palestinian student, to everybody, that it is really important to educate yourself about what is anti-semitic, about what is islamophobic. >> i visited the columbia encampment last week, and they were completely peaceful. i also met with so-called pro-israel students when i was there, just to hear about the anti-semitism that they have experienced, and they told me, it has been minimum. it has been overblown by the media. >> judge jeanine: but if the squad thinks that anti-semitism is overblown, maybe they should help clean up one of these encampments, which are littered with tons of anti-semitic graffiti and hate-filled posters. the nypd discovering these signs and nyu property, which bear terrorist slogans like "death to israel" in "death to america."
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and jewish students at stanford university snapping this disturbing photo of a man wearing a hamas headband on campus. the white house is dismissing criticism that biden played both sides of the card after the president called out both islamophobia and anti-semitism. >> lately, we have been seeing a lot of violent anti-semitic rhetoric on campuses. does he think islamophobia is just as big of a problem on campus as anti-semitism? >> the president is always going to call out all forms of hate, always. it is our -- it is part of who we are. as a country. as, when we talk about our freedom, our democracy, to disagree and agree with each other, even about this war. >> judge jeanine: all right, katie, the president is going to call out all forms of hate. irrespective of the fact that we are at an inflection point with anti-semitism in this country. there is no claims right now of islamophobia.
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why do you think the president is doing that? >> katie: well, he is really worried about losing michigan and rashida tlaib, part of the squad, democrats like to say the squad does not have a lot of influence, they are the far left of the party, but she is the one who has been driving this movement against joe biden and he is wary worried about not being able to get these votes in november. but i to focus on some of the comments that jamaal bowman, congressman, made. he said the anti-says that mutism which is just racism is minimal. are we now going to accept a minimal amount of racism according to that standard? this is not minimal, what we are seeing here. and the reason why the squad is so focused on tearing down the israel u.s. relationship is because it is a good relationship for america, and of course, they don't like this country and what it stands for and the foundation of it. and so when you move forward and how this is going to work, this is going to get worse because democrats in 2020 tolerated a lot of this violence. they are tolerating a lot of it now.
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and when they say they are peaceful and i was in the encampment, the encampment by definition is a violent place to be because they are taking over property that is not theirs and they are blocking people from getting in and out of it. they are blocking police officers. it's always interesting to watch them break all the rules they know are there and then when the police come into break up their illegal occupation of a public space while they are going after jewish students and wrapping george washington and hamas paraphernalia, that they are than the victims and they can no longer function in normal society. >> judge jeanine: you know, greg, it is very stunning jamaal bowman, congressman, would actually come out and say the media is over blowing, you know, this anti-semitism. i've spoken to these students. it's talking. >> greg: it's almost as if he is accusing the media of pulling some kind of alarm. >> judge jeanine: like a fire alarm? >> greg: maybe that's what i was getting out. this is a movement, one long
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steaming pile of crap. this is the worst protest in american history. and i'm still trying to figure out why it strikes me as so physically repulsive, so ugly. and i was thinking about it. when you have an ideology that encourages the execution of gays and also nonvirgin females, we can say it is bad and brutal and induces suffering but there is another element to that evilness. it's the intent, the pleasure, the absolute certitude that causes those acts to happen. and on campus we aren't seeing people being murdered. we aren't seeing people being executed. but what you are seeing are the seeds of the ideology that are being planted. when you look at the faces, and hear the voices, you can hear the certitude, the blind dogma. the hate. and this is why it is so comical when they equate anti-semitism and islamophobia.
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because you are not seeing jews dues this. it helps answer the question, why these protesters seem so ugly. they seem aimless, yet they are angry. they seem deadly certain, but they are still ignorant. they seem energetic but deeply unwell. like they have a lot of energy but they look sickly. i believe it is because they are physically and spiritually sick, because they are operating from a punitive ideology. they don't wish to create anything but to destroy. and their ugliness therefore isn't just physical. it reflects the ugliness of their soul. but it's not islam. it's an iteration of marxism that absorbed the worst elements of a religious dogma. because at its base, it's not about allah, it's about power, and what they are doing is they just happen to align themselves with a group of people upset about something. and this is why they haven't
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read about it. they don't care. all it is is about focusing their rage toward the misery that they experience in their own lives. >> judge jeanine: you know, harold, one of the disturbing things that they found, nypd, on the nyu campus, was these, you know, posters, you know, let repression breed more resistance and, you know, "death to america." on the nyu campus. it started out as pro-palestinian, that it went to anti-semitic, then it went to destroy israel, now it is "death to america." >> harold: it's unacceptable. look, i have a lot of democrat friends and i have a lot of republican friends. none of my democrat friends are believers like congressman bowman, the kinds of things he was saying. i don't think it is not a serious position that i believe he has taken from i certainly don't equate that with my party. two, we have said, i don't understand, the people who are out protesting, i can underst
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understand, what he was saying, if he said, look, i have urged the kids not to be violent. urged the kids not to be hateful and not to threaten and try to intimidate jewish citizens. they have every right to protest. but he did not say that, which is alarming on a big level. no one is saying to hamas, except the deal. secretary blinken is in the region. they have a good deal on the table to get the hostages released and gain a seat fir ceafire. i don't see anyone in the protest saying they want a cease-fire because concerned about gazans or palestinians. to greg's point, they have taken on a whole 'nother regime of ideas. i think we talked about yesterday, except climate change, except the climate deal going before congress. we do a disservice to these kids, to the kids who are paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to go to school at these universities. with people out here. if you believe so firmly and strongly in the things you are protesting, organizing hard issues, run candidates for
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office, but don't deny kids an opportunity, kids who go to school and paying hundreds of thousands of dollars and an opportunity to be educated. and finally, cops should be allowed on these campuses real soon. there should be no -- we have seen what has happened. we are texting back and forth about an episode of one of the schools on the west coast, and some would argue that you don't want to do it. i think you have to put police and law enforcement on campus as quickly as possible to secure students and give students a sense of security. jewish students, non-jewish students. my sister is at george washington university and has concerned about her own safety there is a freshman. and she is not jewish, and she fears for her safety or is concerned about her safety, her classmates were jewish, as well. >> judge jeanine: you know, brian, they have called some of the law students at columbia have called for cancellation of the exams because of trauma. i think with such widths as they are compared to the 17-year-old who go into the idf and start
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carrying weapons and fight for people's lives. these american kids -- and a lot of them are -- they are just wusses. >> brian: some of the quotes, the violence we have witnessed, irrevocable, shaken many of us on review. we know this has to be the same for the majority of our classmates. the events of last night have left many of us shaken and our peers worry. best of luck, guys. can't wait for you when my life is on the line. if you are being very kind. congressman jamaal bowman is lying. he is not telling the truth. saying i haven't talked to jewish kids i don't feel threatened. we have had five of them on the show that greg does not like, that morning show, "fox & friends." we have talked to them online, on the radio, then the other kids who have specifics about how they are being threatened. so why would you say that and put yourself in such a position to be easily disputed? alexis mcadams probably did 15 of them live. how do you feel? what is it like? my parents want me to go home, i refused to give into it. the last one was fordham, nyu,
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columbia, so that is a flat li live. why would he go more radical that he is right now? larry nassar, that horrible d.a. in philadelphia, how could columbia call the cops after a peaceful demonstration? to me, i think you are giving them the same credit -- >> harold: who have a mic and my giving credit? >> brian: these guys -- >> harold: the opposite of this. >> brian: going against the vietnam war, you know that was authentic. i don't believe this is authentic. >> greg: do you guys really text back and forth? >> brian: when it makes your show better. >> greg: good to know, harold. >> judge jeanine: coming up, guys. >> harold: they are not being peaceful. you can protest about whatever you want as long as you are peaceful and do not threaten and intimidate people. >> judge jeanine: guys, we have more of this coming up, so. coming up, anti-israel
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protesters reach new levels of stupidity. the soy boy squad storming the campus with garbage can shields. ♪ ♪ on medicare? have diabetes? when enjoying life's special moments are you left guessing which foods are right for you? with the freestyle libre 3 system you'll know your glucose and where it's headed no fingersticks needed. freestyle libre 3 manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. so you can focus on those special moments. covered by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin. talk to your provider or visit
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♪ ♪ >> brian: it's billy joel. great. [laughter] donald trump: the anti-israeli protest student protesters radical left morons and i think that is a pretty accurate description. >> yeah. >> you are under arrest.
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>> brian: it looks like the giants running game. it looks like the day but for dummies or four idiots. bursting from the campus library with garbage can shields. only to be quickly shut down by the cops. but that is not all the brazen stupidity. before cops shut down the ucla gaza encampment, we watch that live in the morning, bill melugin getting a list of their demands. asking supporters for vegan and gluten-free food, zip ties, shields, epipens, and balance blood sugar. and not just divestment from israel but asking for pro-hamas students and a buffet of left-wing policies. >> given the fact that the university of california is founded on colonialism, it's inherently a violent institution. it perpetuates war and violence abroad. >> we demand that you repair the
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harm it has caused in palestine, chicago, and beyond, as well as implementing a communally accountable program of reparations. disbanding you cpv, disbanding employer-assisted housing, and reducing emissions by 50% by 2030. >> brian: is this happening? i don't even know where to go with this. anthony fauci just called. you can take the masks off. it's incredible what we are seeing. now that their list of demands are out, plywood also used, i saw, they have a medical center where people can go if they have a bruise or a scrape and get vaccine and the proper lotion to put underneath, as well. so what do you think about this? now that we know more about them, do you start to think that they are maybe not the cutting edge of the next generation of would-be american navy seals? >> harold: well said. i saw a professor on today from
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nyu, and he was bemoaning the fact that he was on a network earlier bemoaning the fact that police are being called on to campuses to break up violent protests because we have a right to protest. he does have a right to protest, but you do not have a right to vandalize or be violent. >> brian: forced a police chief into a building because he was worried about his welfare. >> harold: look, this is so laughable, but they are people who are actually saying these things, and we are covering it because it's really happening. people who actually want a new economy and want a new economy, not reliant on fossil fuels, you can agree or disagree with that. people who want more housing for professors and teachers, you can agree or disagree with that. but when you coached it and wrap it in this box here, not only is it serious, it is something that is not going to get taken seriously by anybody that can actually be a part of change. you tell the university of chicago to divest, get off --
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they have every right -- >> brian: right, exactly. katie, president biden is worried about losing their vot votes. >> katie: the universities deserve everything that they are getting with this. they are the ones who have cultivated this ideology, saying that you should spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on phds about marxist theory, and now you are seeing it play out and while a lot of this is very serious, as you talked about in the first block, i've never used the county moji more that i have over the past week to describe these people who are dg vegan and gluten-free food, no bagels, of course that would be connected -- they don't want bagels because the jews, no bagels for them. no bananas, no nuts. than they demand all these other things that they actually want. it's like, guys, amateurs. if you're going to have a revolution, you've got to bring your own supplies. you got to have them ready to go. >> brian: you talked about this last time but there is some
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good news. the country of iran is offering scholarships to their university with a great soccer team. you think people should go right there? >> greg: no, this is all up you, shallow virtue signaling. who would've thought shields made of plastic garbage cans would not be effective? apparently none of these kids ever talk shop class. you know, these guys are so used to having their demands catered that they now expect actual catering. better hope that starbucks doesn't require resumes for those barista openings. you know, i guess what bugs me most about it, like we said before, when they cite trauma, this is a slap in the face to the families on the victims of october 7th, right? if i were a cop, if i were the police department, and we were arresting these people, i would have a cell set up with a video play that hour-long document duty, the brutalities of that day, and force them to witness
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the true brutality. alone in a cell, listening to that, as well as tapes of victim's parents talking about their dead or missing children. i'd also get countless videos of iranian leaders and other muslim leaders giving very specific instructions on what they would do to gays and adulterers because they need someone or something to burst their entitled bubble. it used to be colleges did that. remember you went to college to gain experience? to learn about the world? now it is designed to protect you from the world, so you can sit there with your poisonous thoughts, and as you noticed, the majority of them, women. angry women who have allowed themselves -- >> brian: you have to look very close. >> greg: they are so miserable. will they get out of this? i don't know. >> brian: hey, judge, i remember a time in college when the problem was people were not studying because they were having too good of a time. you're partying too much. get back to work. now what do you say to your kid?
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i would rather a lack of discipline and party too much, come home and tell me i made a garage garbage can shield. >> judge jeanine: that's what i was talking about in the a block when i was talking about the fact -- these wusses would not know what it is like to be in the idf, pick up an ar-15 and go to war. you know what they're asking for? they are asking for the morning-after pill. >> greg: no one is sleeping with that. >> judge jeanine: and climate, they want climate change reform and you look at the litter and how they trash the environment, these kids are clueless, spoiled, elitist, stupid, hypocrites, okay? and that's just for starters. when i want to say one more thing. >> brian: okay. like i had a choice. [laughter] >> judge jeanine: if they say they are traumatized, these wusses, because i don't want to say the other word, and they can't -- i will say if i have to -- >> brian: come on! in the break. >> judge jeanine: in the break.
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they can't take exams. think about the thousands of other kids who worked jobs to pay for tuition, whose parents scraped so that they could go to these schools, who are trying to study the made the music and the cursing and the crazy anti-semitism that is going on. they are trying to study. they are the ones who are being intimidated. and they have the right to be protected. these guys are upset because the police are coming on campus because they are creating a row. and finally, the majority of these kids are good kids and i think we should say it. we haven't said it enough. i mean, there are a lot of good kids -- these are freaks. >> harold: some of them aren't even students. >> judge jeanine: fordham said 50% of them aren't beards before their american flags and their taunting. >> brian: could be a wake-up call get >> judge jeanine: university of north carolina. >> brian: the university of minnesota all given in. beginning to give into the demands of these numbskulls. judge, is it okay?
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>> judge jeanine: lets go. >> brian: the liberal media now forced to admit that alvin bragg doesn't have the goods on donald trump, exclamation point. i mean it. ♪ ♪ progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial auto quote online. so you can get back to your monster to-do list. -really? -get a quote at life with afib can mean a lifetime of blood thinners. and if you're troubled by falls and bleeds, worry follows you everywhere. ♪ over 400,000 people have left blood thinners behind
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tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. ♪ ♪ >> katie: day 11 of the democrats lost their trial against donald trump in the prosecution bringing in their ninth and biggest witness yet, hope hiclongtime trump aid hope. in a meeting between donald trump and david pecker. critical to bragg's entire case. as usual donald trump blasting the whole thing up to record. >> the government, doj, et cetera, and in particular, this office of the d.a. which is
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letting violent crime run rampant all over our cities, it is a vicious, vicious, radical left lunatics, the d.a., sorrows-backed, so i just want to wish everybody a very good weekend. we have a country to build. we have to rebuild it. our country has gone to hell. we are a nation in decline. to be >> katie: that comes as alvin bragg's case against trump suffers more embarrassing setba. stormy daniels of foster's ex-davidson said he would not use the term hush money to describe -- and the case is weak. speak a precious little presented yet that trump wasn'tg above. getting this accomplished. correct me if i'm wrong. >> a lot of that is going to come from michael cohen.
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>> prosecutors have not proven their case, the burden by any stretch of the imagination. something that certainly has not been established thus far, eight or nine days in, what was -- what can we say about the involvement of the actual defendant? >> we need the receipts. >> katie: meanwhile donald trump is denying reports saying he is falling asleep in court. singh and truth social" i sometimes cause my big beautiful blue eyes and take it all in." prosecution has not proven its case and a reasonable doubt or at all? >> judge jeanine: if they continue on this vein, there will be and acquittal even by an anti-trump jury. just about everybody hates donald trump, on this jury. but i think the significant thing is david pecker, when he testified, the head of ami, and
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the tabloid, said he didn't discuss this with donald trump, and he certainly didn't discuss the fact that this was a campaign contribution. davidson would not come as you just said, agree it was hush money, he said it was consideration, which is part of a contract. and he denied it was hush money. and then today we had hope hicks. hope hicks didn't lay a finger on donald trump. so we are in day 11, with a ninth witness, and nobody has touched donald trump. so what that tells me is that michael cohen is the key here. and trump and his lawyers will destroy him. i think there is something very important to go back to end it is fundamental. the people have the obligation to prove this case beyond a reasonable out to 12 people come it has to be a unanimous verdict. and if there is an explanation other than what the prosecution suggests, that is reasonable doubt right there. so hope hicks said today that donald trump, when he heard
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about the information coming out, i don't know, about which woman, he said, don't let melania at the newspapers, i don't want her seeing anything. that is proof positive that this was not about a campaign contribution. this was about saving his marriage, and he didn't want to get in trouble, which is the classic example of why men enter into nda's. >> katie: well, greg, if michael cohen is the ultimate witness, i'm sure he will save the case. >> greg: this guy, davidson, they make michael avenatti look like thurgood marshall. these key witnesses are so slimy they leave a trail behind them. in simplest terms, the key witness michael cohen is the same person who supplied trump with the advice that got him charged. so it gives like a patient having a wrong kidney removed and the hospital and the doctor are suing the patient for malpractice. you can give 100 coats of paint on this turd, it is still a turd
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and it seems like donald trump is brushing it down alvin bragg. if there is a time and a place to sleep, it is there. he should bring a blanket and a neck pillow, may be a little cocoa, have a low ambient music on the side because you know what? he shouldn't devote any attention to this because it is a farce. the judges right. will the jury see it as a farce? but everybody is paying attention now sees it for what it is. this is more fabricated than joe biden's memories. >> katie: just resting his beautiful blue eyes, harold, what do you think is meant to happen here? >> harold: i tend to agree with the judge on one big aspe aspect. this will get to a jury at some point. thus far, what i have read in the public narrative, there is nothing that says there was a crime, embarrassing and salacious things but nothing criminal here. i differ with the judge in this regard. i think the jury can be fair and i think this jury, i think those
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two lawyers on that jury, if you are in president trump's shoes, you want lawyers there to be able to help, if people are enraged or intrigued by some of the salacious things. i tend to agree with the fellow on cnn we played. i have not read or seen anything come i have it on in the background, just kind of read the things, we are not in the courtroom, obviously, but it doesn't appear what they have to prove that they have proven. >> katie: brian, it seems like the polling has proven they have not proven it to the american people which is what the left are trying to do, cannot prove a crime was committed here. >> brian: they only want to show he only cares about his campaign, doesn't care about his family, he came out and said he did not want to melania to know, deeply embarrassing, wanted his family to be proud of them, that was hope hicks. towards the end of the testimony, she broke down and started crying. she came back, sorry come at it just goes -- you met her.
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she is of the kindest -- >> judge jeanine: she is so sweet. >> brian: i've seen things come at trump from everywhere, 6 campaign, never lost it, always call him, always pressure, and you realize -- monograph is another one -- these are the nicest people you want to meet and all the sudden worldwide scrutiny they are not billed for it and they deserve better. >> katie: also she moved on from this world of politics five years ago and now they are trying to drag her back into it. let her live her life and leave her alone. all right, "the fastest" is up next. ♪ ♪
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♪operatic music♪ ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ you were made to find inner peace. we were made to track flight prices to paradise.
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♪ ♪ >> harold: welcome back. time for "the fastest." first outcome of the meaning of being cream g. denver's water department.
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♪ tell me why ♪ ♪ don't worry in the sunshine ♪ ♪ don't let it all evaporate ♪ >> harold: denver's water department dropping this backstreet boys parity replacing the heartthrobs lyrics with tips for limiting water usage. earned a shot up from the actual band saying "you guys nailed us." judge, you are a backstreet boys fan, do you -- >> greg: likes all boy bands. >> judge jeanine: really? here's the thing. i think after covid everybody thinks they should put out a video or an album. i have no problem with that, i think it is fun. having a good time. >> harold: put this on exclamation space my point on gutfeld? >> greg: doing an expose. behind the scenes. harold, you could have been in a boy band. >> harold: thank you.
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i will take that as they complement. >> greg: the quiet lady-killer in the back that provides harmonies, and you are the only one that doesn't go to rehab. >> judge jeanine: who would you be? >> greg: i would be the wisecracking front man. who then has a deep dark secret. >> harold: katie? >> greg: dr. drew can solve. >> katie: very good p.r. move because they did all of the video in front of dead grass. >> greg: that's true. >> katie: don't want your grass to die. it's good to save water in the west, i agree. >> harold: is this something -- >> brian: pick my place, many stages. i would say this. i really enjoyed this. i am very upset that these water people are better dancers than i am. number one. and number two is come i want to know why. they say "tell me why," why -- why don't we water --
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>> judge jeanine: you want to know why? >> greg: the colorado river. california gets more water than any city. >> katie: they have an ocean and should desalinate. >> greg: if only watters was here. >> harold: coming for lassie. say hello to sparkles. boston dynamics slapping a glittery blue costume on a dog called spot and making it dance. that has people freaked out and calling it nightmare fuel. we are in a dancing theme here. judge, what's your thoughts on this one? >> judge jeanine: why? >> brian: tell me why. >> judge jeanine: ♪ tell me why ♪ i don't like it. i am for rescues. why would you pay for that? >> brian: i am fearful of them. they could attack you and kill you. these things can dance and move and go lateral, they have great vertical, and they do look real. >> judge jeanine: [laughs] >> greg: do you think, harold, that when they poop, it looks
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like little blue smurfs? you put a baseball cap on a battle tank and it is still a battle hang people this is a machine designed to do things. sparkles is not an appropriate name unless it is a drag name. we don't know. this would be perfect for a children's birthday party, you know, they step out of line, sparkles will just eat them alive. but remember, this thing is designed to carry your luggage. walks behind you, you put your luggage on top, that is what you use it for. >> brian: or defuse a bomb. >> greg: your show, for example. [laughter] >> katie: i am in the cross fire here between kilmeade and gutfeld. people dress up their real dogs, why can't they dress up their fake dogs? >> greg: exactly. >> brian: i cannot believe you took notes on the robot dog. >> greg: i am actually doing it later tonight. >> brian: okay, fine. >> greg: this is what we do on real shows. on "fox & friends," you just
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wander in and sputter about anything. >> brian: you don't know what we do, you never seen the show, ever. >> katie: i need a flak jacket, that's all i'm saying. >> harold: "fan mail friday" is up next. ♪ ♪ i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) always dry scoop before you run. listen to me, the hot dog diet got me shredded. it's time we listen to science. one a day is formulated with key nutrients to support whole body health. one a day. science that matters. everyday chaos. this mother's day, help mom take it in stride with thoughtful gifts from weathertech. from playing in the rain with muddy cleats on the floorliners. to dirty camping reminders in the cargo liner. spunky toddlers testing out the all-purpose mat.
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(reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: a little "paradise city," medieval style. first question: what is something you are kind of snobby about? right? things like wine or cheese or whatever that crap is. katie, what are you snobby about? >> katie: what in my snobby about? i don't know, i don't think i'm snobby -- >> greg: guns? >> katie: may be. and ammunition. bad. bad ammunition jams. what it want that. >> greg: what's a good animal? >> katie: a brand? >> greg: yes, what do you think i'm asking? >> katie: there is lots of friends come i don't want to discriminate. >> greg: all right. brian, what are you snobby about? >> brian: is that similar to what you want? i hate gum chewing. i immediately think less of them. >> greg: snobby about certain behaviors as good. >> brian: so i did okay? >> greg: did all right. harold, snobby for or against
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something? >> harold: i am snobby about the fast food. i like popeyes, like chick-fil-a, and i like this new thing raising cane's. i am very particular about chicken, especially fried chicken. >> greg: judge? >> judge jeanine: i am snobby about people who lick their fingers when they eat chicken or something like that. i have seen that and i am like, where did they learn how to do that? >> greg: that's disgusting. i guess i am snobby about language. i'm very snobby about people who used to many catchphrases. like "let's unpack this at the end of the day, i won't be around." that's why i don't watch "fox & friends." >> brian: stop. >> greg: what age did you consider yourself an adult? judge? >> judge jeanine: 16. >> greg: oh, was that the first time? >> judge jeanine: [laughs] >> greg: you drove? let me finish the sentence. >> judge jeanine: no one cut you off. >> greg: she is not denying it. harold, what age did you
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consider yourself an adult? >> harold: probably 14. i got my first summer job and i was 13. >> judge jeanine: i got mine when i was 12, so they are. >> greg: i was a paperboy when i was nine! >> judge jeanine: i worked in a dairy. >> brian: good parenting, 9-year-old out and about knocking on doors. who raised you? >> greg: raised by wolves. what about you, brian? why did you consider yourself an adult? >> brian: i would say i got my working papers and i walked the streets for a job and the first person that hired me was jerry seinfeld's dad. >> greg: oh, wow. >> brian: before jerry was famous. a sign shop. what would you do? help you around here. okay, so i would go out in the truck with the guys and hold the ladder and throw stuff off the truck and next thing you know seinfeld was the most famous comedian in the world. >> katie: saying he is walking the streets for a job? >> greg: no, i just -- [laughs] it's funny that seinfeld's dad made signs. it used to
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>> brian: he wouldpaint himself. >> katie: as soon as i learn how to talk. >> greg: you were a very mature baby. >> katie: i guess so, yes. >> judge jeanine: how about you? >> greg: i'm going to say... i guess when i was 17. >> judge jeanine: is that the first time -- >> greg: under a tree. walking a dog. with a dog. [laughter] the officer frisked of me. all was well. all right, "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪
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>> it' it is time for onore more thin we have the angels. t that ihes tonight. my favorite segment. ♪ going to be big news show.
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anyway, the audio let's plate tplay thewill go on the judge woody think what you think? ask what is it a bird, or what? okay. >> harold question she's had a bird that is generic. cliques have to specified the bird or she gets the whole bird writing specify the bird you could win $1000. d that is a come take your time. >> that's a fish fish? a porpoise? what a you guys are brilliant a> parakeet a not just one but a ky likeparakeet otter or beaver. >> you know what? you don't win but let's show, it is eight from the oakland
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that's a protective murmur it is making. he doesn't when he standing on guard. isn't he adorable? >> give him a high five. >> is my turn now. all this meant wanted to do wasb enjoy beautiful day on the be beach. all of the sudden wash the hocks was circling above swoops down and steals his sandwich he did not know what hit him. >> it was planned they had filmed progress of course itwas. was. he's totally they are ready for it. who films some guy eating just sitting there? what's his girlfriend becaussie> does not have a girlfriend judge. >> he does.>> >> 's mom capture this adorable moment her daughter was reunited with their favoritt whe pretzel vendor the school is right on the corner she is four years old but she's been that let's sayre her entire life, only two years the pretzel cart guy a bit offth for a few days she saw him and ran right to them the mom washi concerned and realize where she wam.s writing.d.
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always good for a high five for her and i love stories like this for. >> meat too. >> special day to klif the mice are airing our shores tomorrow starting o spen may 6 on mondayr in dallas thanks so much guys wl appreciated look like your careers going off ooa cliff. legendary station. i >> i guess i'm done. [laughter] as a sophomore at western kentucky university is called to active duty but he would on toy. earn a bachelor's degree but could not attend the graduation because he was deployed to vietnam.eplo on tuesday the 100-year-old finally received his diploma and earned nearly 60 years ago he said at the ceremony was a part of this the bestie also servedce in the korean war print soth congratulations to him. >> are on the table to want tole live into our 100? >> yes for. >> okay that's it for us. have a great night. ♪ [cheering]


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