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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  May 4, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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it's a magnificent piece of art. although i must say i have seen better looking hotdogs especially ones you can actually eat. but artists i put that in quotation marks because they are not able to beat an actual hot dog here. they of course have to make a political statement out of all of it. excesses leave your politics at home. enjoyed the hotdog. >> i want to hotdog and now it backfired. >> exactly. >> it looks good. [laughter] >> any hotdog does. that doesn't for us will see you tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. eastern for the big weekend show. "life, liberty & levin" starts right now ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪. mark: hello america i am marco levin this is "life, liberty & levin" saturday per with two great guests we have leo to rell and victor davis hanson. but before i get to them did you see president biden's speech the other day, if you blinked you probably missed it. not so much a speech kind of a statement. this man is so thoroughly pathetic. he has no moral center. he says that we believe in free speech and of course violence is not free speech so you kids behave yourself there. we can't have anti-semitism but we also could not have a slot a phobia and so forth and so on. so for his base probably good enough this will not go down as one of the great speeches in american history and this is exactly what we needed. it will not go down as a profile
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encourage because it's not what he is he has linguine for a spine. this man is truly pathetic. at a time when eat at great president, great statesman, great leader we do not have one. we have the exact opposite. here's the speech. absolutely useless. too little too late, joe. something's going on in this country how many news organizations have played for you what took place on october 7 we have a lot of it. it's on the internet. we have a lot of it the monsters who perpetrated the heinous crimes of inhumanity took at the video. they were very proud of it. itthe 47 minute video until the
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hamas nazis murdered people, raped people, butchered people decapitated, cut off their breasts, shot them in the groin mass rape have you seen on tv? cable or network? no you have not, why? you have a video that is not show the worst of it. video the terrorists are just going through the festival field showing all the kids they murdered, shot in the back. shot in the chest. shot in the head. have you seen any of that on tv? no you haven't seen any of it. what took place in the third rate the concentration camps
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were finally discovered general eisenhower among others so it took place we do not get video in our media. our main media of october 7 it is too gruesome. hamas and other destroyed them or they have the terrorists there or they had their munitions there. we see that over and over and over again but we do not see them on october 7. we'll see some empty buildings. oh yes, we will see bullet holes. oh yes with the host to tour the areas and tells what took place but you will not see the video that exists, why is that? it's called censorship that is white. you can see it online the mass media are most will go to the
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news you will not see it. let me tell you of a different time. the end of world war ii is coming, as history unfolded reports april 19 , 45 general eisenhower imported members of congress and journalists to see the newly liberated camps. the death camps so they could bring the horrible truth about nazi atrocities to the american public. are we seeing that today? the horrific acts, no we are not. late 1944 in early 1945 allied troops defeated the german army they moved across into termite they encountered tens of thousands of concentration camp prisoners. it goes on to say the first camp liberated by u.s. forces was a sub camp the main camp would be liberated one week later. when soldiers of the fourth
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armored division entered that camp they discovered a piles of a body some covered with lime other partially incinerated on pires. tires. the gaslight nature led dwight d eisner supreme commander of thee allied forces in europe to visit the camp on april 12 with general george s patton and omar bradley. after his visit eisenhower cable general george seat marshall the head of the joint chiefs of staff in washington describing his trip to the death camp. he said the things i saw a bag a description. the visual evidence in the verbal testimony of starvation, cruelty and bcl to sell of her overpowering to leave me a bit sick. i made the visit deliberately in order to be in a position firsthand evidence in the future. they develop their tendency to charge to propaganda. eisenhower cable two marshall per april 19 , 45 and i quote
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german concentration camps for political prisoners in which conditions of indescribable horror prevail. from eisenhower to general marsh are for eyes only. i visited one of these myself and show it that whatever has been printed on them today has been understated. if you would see any advantage in asking about a dozen leaders of congress and a dozen prominent editors to take a short visit to this theater and a couple of c54's i will arrange to have them conducted to one of these places where the evidence of bcl t and cruelty is so overpowering to leave no doubt in their mind about the normal practices of the germans in these camps are. i am hopeful some british individuals in similar categories will visit the northern area to witness similar evidence of atrocities. and eisenhower the same day received this response. your proposal has been cleared and approved by the secretary of war and the president.
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forms plans are being formulated to be kept advised. this is what eisenhower wrote in crusading europe in its pages and in his book for the same day april 12 , 45 i saw my first horror camp it was near the camp i've never felt able to describe my emotional reactions when i first came face-to-face with the indisputable evidence of nazi brutality and ruthless disregard of every shred of decency. up to that time i'd known about only generally or through secondary sources. i am searching however at that i have never at any other time experience equal sense of shock. i visited every nook and cranny of the camp because i found my duty to be of a position to testify about these things in case they ever grew up at home for the belief or assumption of the stories of nazi brutality were just propaganda. some members the visiting party were unable through the ordeal to go through it. only did so but as soon as i return to patton's headquarters
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that evening i sent communications to both washington and london. urging the two governments to send instantly to germany a random group of newspaper editors and representative groups from the national legislature. i felt the evidence was immediately placed for the british at publix and in fashion i would leave no room for cynical doubt. all these displaced persons the jews are in the most deplorable condition for years they have been beaten, starved, and tortured. a night the soldier, as they knew him, speak at april 25 , 45 to members of congress and the journalists who had been shown the day before. he said it quote you on the cell one camp yesterday there are many others. you are responsibility expand to a great field and informing the people at home nothing is covered out. we have nothing to conceal. that treatment they received in the german concentration camps is almost unbelievable. i want you to see for yourselves
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yourselves and be spokesman fore united states. 1945 dwight eisenhower 2024, may. you have seen nothing. empty buildings, empty fields. people speaking of what occurred. there are videos, in detail the videos of what took place on october 7. the american media are concealing them. they are censoring them. why? because they are graphic beyond description. they are unimaginable. and yet in doing so, they're giving aid and comfort to the terraterrorists, to ironic commo hamas, to hezbollah to the houthis they give aid and comfort to the islamists and their front organization
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students for justice in palestine, the jewish vote, they are giving aid and comfort to the marxist and islamist professors of which there is a fusion you see it on tv every day. faculty, administrators, and our colleges and universities. joe biden's speech is pathetic. he is sympathetic. antony blinken and key have stirred anti-semitism not only in this country but around the world with the blood they have used to accused netanyahu and his government the israelis in the idf. the forces of righteousness the forces of self-defense, the things they have said about them. the accusations they have made against them. has fed this hate october 7, was led by iran but funded by the biden blinken administration. by lifting restrictions had been placed on them by donald trump. for the link $100 billion into that regime so we could rearm itself.
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arm hamas and the others, weakness, appeasement, intentional funding of the enemy, we did not even see this during world war ii. but we see it today. in this speech biden gave waiting a week's truly months a subject he skipped at the state of the union address with rabid rampage vial of violence, threats, anti-semitism and jew hatred flowing through colleges and universities. his voters, his faculty. his base the bestie could do with a short think burger of a statement he did not get up and say i will not tolerate this as president of the united states. there is good and there is evil. there is no moral equivalency. i am directing the attorney general of the united states but i am directing the head of the civil rights division of the department of justice. i am directing the department of education and the secretary secy
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there in the office of civil rights. i am directing my secretary of dhs to get to the bottom of this. i am directing the fbi find out who is funding it. we all know i've done three shows on this now. it was finding it? communist china, qatar, hamas other enemy states. democrat billionaires through dark money. and others same billionaires, darker groups that are finding the biting campaign. you know this president is so pathetic he cannot put its own campaign aside. his politics aside. sometimes you just do the right thing because it is right but he won't. and so he sends an blinken to israel to trash the jewish state. blinken is over that kissing every terrorists backside, funding them. funding them who do you think they are rooting for the next election? joe biden does not say that only
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praised law enforcement but these rioters the hitler youth that should be expelled from these colleges but they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. i am asking my federal departments to look into this to ensure no civil rights act has been violated every other law that we have it. i am asking congress to pass laws to protect jewish students. an hour at universities and colleges, no, no, no. joe passed a plate with the hamas wing of his party the dark money and billionaires that are finding all of this. that is joe biden. he is a chameleon. he is power-hungry. he wants money it is about him. it is about his money is not about the country. he will do anything to win reelection he will do anything for power. when the history books are written it will be too late but when they are written joe biden
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will be remembered. he will be remembered like the third reich and the ivory tower is remembered at harvard, at columbia, at the university of virginia, at guilt and so forth and so one with a gave aid and comfort to nazi germany. joe bite is giving aid and comfort to the modern nazis and iran, hamas, and our own country. the hitler youth and they spew their hate in fort lauderdale, florida parts of california, new jersey, dearborn, michigan you speak out against them in his speech? not once. god willing will be done with this man and his insidious regime in a few months. we will be right back. (♪) the best way to solve a problem is to keep it from happening. (♪) at evernorth, we combine medical and pharmacy data with behavioral health data to identify members in need of care.
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♪ ♪. mark: welcome back america we are here with her friend leo wrote civil rights attorney, fox news contributor and dear friend of mine. you are also a teacher. you so it is and has been taking place at ucla and all over the country. civil rights attorney, the idea of the federal government does not have enough authority does not have enough police state power with the fbi, u.s. marshals, the ability to monitor, the ability to find the
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funding sources deal with the funding sources, use domestic terrorist and statutes for the idea the fbi sits on the side lay with this counterrevolution of marxism and islamic's going on. destroying our educational system the idea of the attorney general says nothing for nothing effective. the president of the united states and blurts out a few comments but nothing effective. nobody is directing the federal government to address what is taking place in this country. we have never seen anti-semitism, jew hatred in america like we have seen before. what you make of this? >> first of all let's be very clear let's not use the first amendment to describe the criminal anti-semitic conduct at that happened at ucla, school which is a national embarrassment and throughout the entire country. listen the there is enough fedel law and protection that is not being used by the biden administration, why? they are playing politics let me mention something i'm sure you
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know title vi civil rights act i'm old enough to remember when black kids were protected by the federal government in the 50s and 60s. joe biden has abandoned jewish americans throughout this country. jewish americans deserve the same detection as any american citizen in this country but he is playing michigan politics how dare they allow these criminals to dominate these universities and then be released on the street? where are the federal chargers? where is the department of education? cut off their funds. cut off every nickel and dime of federal taxpayer dollars to these ivy league schools and colleges that promote hamas and the palestinians over there. where's the fbi investigation? where is merrick garland? or is the power of the federal government where the federal marshals to escort jewish american kids to school? nothing. the federal government joe biden have given these terrorists the green light to attack, harm,
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damage, and denied jewish americans to exist in this country. it is embarrassing and shameful. thirty-six leo, you and i are old enough to remember and at least you have read dwight eisenhower sent the military to ensure the little black kids could go to school with little white kids. when orval was standing in the doorway of that school. in high schools too. joe biden is a pathetic excuse for president of the united states. he did not order any action by the federal government and the pathetic speech that he gave he did not say am going to send the u.s. marshals down there as you point out to make sure those jewish kids can go to school and you better get out of the way. he did not condemn the universities, the president of the universities who are now negotiating with these hitler youth. to boycott israel. to ensure they have a palestinian professors a certain
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number of seats set aside in all kinds of things of that sort. i have to believe that he supports this his party is partly funny democrat billionaires through dark money soros, the tides foundation, all of these entities from the left that are funding joe biden's campaign. it is worse than silence when you say something that means nothing. what you make of this? >> he has given them the great light in the situation you mentioned little rock, arkansas in 1950 several marshals s semi eisner 1962 federal marshals sent to university of alabama. now let's be clear there's a power and authority and deterrence in the federal government. what's talk about the money. follow the money. the democrats are compromised. joe biden is compromised. university is compromised by dark money. by george soros money by the rockefeller foundation money. that is why they will not say a word and it's not just joe biden
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it is the democrats in california, in new york, crickets. they are allowing jewish americans to be harmed. to be intimidated in my lifetime in your lifetime this is happening in america we are not segment munich 1939 we are talking about america 2024. there needs to be a complete overhaul in that white house immediately this upcoming election because we have to protect jewish americans. if not they are in harm's way. mark: i thought it was pretty funny when biden talks about he is there to protect free speech. tell him it was he there to protect free speech when his attorney general issued a memo threatening parents but was he there to protect free speech when department of justice is randy cap graham of the suture to protest against abortion and abortion clinics? was he there to protect free speech when fbi other instrument tells of the federal government for setting up this information
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committee and putting the shoulder on social platforms to silence free political speech? was he there for the first amendment when his fbi was secreting itself into various catholic churches? the idea this guy stands for the first amendment or any of the bill of rights as a joke is it not? >> absolutely moves not for so it shows like yours and fox news, i will say this to every time i'm on the show. he is protected by 90% of the media do not want to mention any names, cnn and msnbc, "new york times," "washington post," los angeles times. they protect him if we do not have shows like yours at fox news this country would not know the truth the truth is not being told to the american public. it is getting out there. we have got to keep hounding the truth to the american people because they do not know they do not know the truth. mark: we will be right back.
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short of a deal but israel did not send a delegation and is content you threatened a ground invasion into rafah. the dow playing a full into the war. mexican authorities are investigating after three bodies were found in a popular tourist area or in american into australian spanish last week. the three surfers were on a camping trip in mexico baja california state when they disappeared official said there's a high probability the bodies are those of the missing surfer snout back to "life, liberty & levin." ♪ welcome back america we are here with our buddy leo cirillo. of yes and no questions we can develop them if you do not mind the prosecutor alvin bragg is a locally elected d.a. does he have any authority whatsoever to investigate let alone bring a case based on federal campaign law? >> no precooked of the judge in this case have any
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constitutional authority federal or state of any kind to gang a defendant who is not threatened the judge. has not threats in the prosecutor print is not threatened a witness but is merely characterizing what is happening to him and defending himself against a podcast her. >> it is a tough question, no "what about collateral evidence all this information been brought in about individuals about newspapers and all the rest set up absolutely nothing to do with the so-called 34 charges that have been brought against the defendant donald trump. is that probative or is that a violation of the defendant's due process rights? >> absolutely no. not admissible and admissible. >> you have a judge who's a daughter has raised tens of millions of dollars on the case the judge is overseeing and making rulings on and she is a democratic activist raising money for adam schiff. raising money for chuck schumer's pack, the jada judge have a responsibility not just
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obvious, the appearance of conflict to recuse himself in hand the case to another judge yes or no? >> yes. >> when the trial is held in a district it was this judge has elected the prosecutors elected by the same people that is overwhelmingly democrat. not just a regular so-called defendant but a former president of the united states they demonstrated they do not like and they voted against. is it a jury of his peers to have a trial held in blue manhattan, yes or no. >> no. mark: now here's the problem in your note as well as anybody else. where'd you go to fix this in the middle of a trial? you try to go to the appellate court? do try to go to the bar but they're all controlled by the same party they know what is going on. they know this is going to be reversed on appeal but the goal is to get a conviction on any one of 34 counts. thirty-four counts of nothing to get a conviction before the
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election. to give joe biden a campaign issue and his immediate campaign issue. there's nowhere to go. my question to you it's a very serious question. if a d.a. is going to get involved in federal matters in the nicest department of justice has a go to federal court until that judge to cut it out. where it does donald trump go? >> right now, right now we cannot go anywhere because the system is completely controlled by the democrats. he has no outlet. let's not use we are using words like trial per this is not a trial this is a witchhunt. he is not a judge. this individual with a black robe on is a member of the democratic party let's not call him a judge. that assaults the legal system. there is nothing about this proceeding.
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this incident that is a trust nothing is not the legal system not the way group in law school. and something else other than a legal proceeding. >> isn't it true, leo terrell the number three guy the department of justice left this prestigious to work for letitiaa jane to try to bankrupt donald trump and a hop, skip and a jump to manhattan to a lower off of the district attorney's office in the case against donald tr trump. the judge made small contributions should have made no contributions. the fact the attorney general of the united states is not taken action to intervene in this case in manhattan and say wait a minute that is federal jurisdiction in order to protect the jurisdiction of the federal government. isn't this evidence of what the jury in the visible hand behind the whole thing?
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>> is all about power and control. the biden administration could not win at the polls. they could not. they need trump off the ballot. they have tried unsuccessfully but think it is for the u.s. supreme court. but, this case this incident is not a trial. it's not going to stop president trump from winning in november. it delays his ability to campaign but he is doing an effective job. but it is a conspiracy among democrats to stop that leading candidate from becoming the next president. i've got news for you. it will not work. donald j trump will be our next president. mark: i want the american people to understand how to radical this ministration is it is a regime and starts of the top or joe biden's always been radical. he cited with the white racists and segregationists when he came to the senate. he supported a bill. he sponsored at the targeted black people in the inner-city.
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he has never reversed course and his own view. now he attacks americans being what he was. americans are not and he sit still, it does not take a single effective action while jew hatred is a bleeding out all over the place and democrat party strongholds. leo terrell own to thank you my brother. god bless you. >> god bless you mark levin, the great one. mark: thank you brother. we will be right back.
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guaranteed. get leaf filter today. call 833 leaffilter or go to as easy as 1, 2, 3 mark: welcome back america here is one of article america's wiseman victor davis hanson for jumping on pollsters or political commentators i bring on people who can help inform us about what is going on in this country. through a perspective of history or philosophy or economics victor davis hanson is the tip of the spirit is to brag about coming out tuesday, the end of everything. help warren descended to annihilation there's a live
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ancient history in here. for example he talks about the destruction of the aztec empire and so forth and so on. why is this important? these empires were also supposed to last forever. and they did not last forever. what happened? and is it happening to us today? victor davis hanson it's always an honor and pleasure to have you. this is a fantastic book. i learned more about ancient history than i could have imagined the end of everything and get this in or any major bookstore. why did you write this book and hide how do you tight to the american republic today? >> wars usually end with a surrender or humiliation or defeat. every once in a while they end not just an slaughter but the complete erasure of civilization language religion. i was interested when did this happen these rare occurrences could they happen again? there is kind of a paradigm that
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targeted people are very naïve. they do not realize they are not as preeminent as they thought they were. they have no appreciation for the type of people who are outside the walls that want to destroy them for they misinterpret the intent of the enemy. a lot of that is contemporary really relevant. especially here in america. we think we are as preeminent as we wthey were we set up the posr order we are very strong but we are not continuing that supremacy. whether to borrowing a trillion dollars every 100 days or the pentagon has been a weaponize, politicized, were not spending enough on defense and that money we do spend is not well spent. we are torn apart at home. our enemies abroad are sensing that and our friends are worried. they look to us and unfortunately these examples i selected from history everyone
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thought someone would save them. that venetians will sail up at the last moment the carthaginians will set somewhat will attack rome from the rear. it does not happen bro they're on their own they are not prepared and very naïve about the existential threat that confronts them. i was worried there's a lot of parallels here in the present age as well. mark: one of the most effective thing to do in this book as you explain these tremendous empires that existed before. and they don't exist anymore. they disappeared. you explain how that happens? explain how that can happen in the united states of america. my question to you is this. you write about these things you have a fantastic column. you come on tv these are swirling around your mind all the time you must be an enormously enormously enormously enormously frustrating as it is to me to watch what is taking place in the united states today
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with the knowledge of the empires of ancient history and modern history and saying stop do you understand what you're doing to yourself? does this administration understand restoring to our country does that run through your mind? >> it does and it sort of tragic because all of these weaknesses and challenges were apparent but they were neglected or ignored until the 11th hour people woke up and said wow. alexander the great is outside our walls or cortez wants to destroy us. and it is too late. when i was writing the epilogue in this poster since the book was written i look at our elite universities they are made evil. these students are arrogant. they are not well trained they do not know the basics of analysis language composition, computation. and yet they are very arrogant. they are descending into a mid-
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evil anti-semitism that we thought disappeared for the modern west but it is a back and away we have not seen and a century or maybe even further. no one is saying anything about it. there is one good thing about the clarity. we do not have enemies outside the walls yet. we dispelled a lot of myths in the last month. one of them as being pro- palestinian is equivalent to being pro- hamas. they used to say there is a difference for there is no difference. everyone said for anti- israel does not mean or anti-semitic there is no difference we know that they hate jews, it is the same. everybody said the democratic base is a left wing know there is one democratic party it's been taken over by the left. everyone said stanford, princeton, harvard, yale, or the preeminent elite use institutions. these are the cream of the cream know they are not. they are not, they are not. mark: is sick fantastic book the
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end of everything on order it now it will show up at your doorstep tuesday morning. we will be right back. smarter at every stage of your business. take full control of your brand with your own custom store. scale faster with tools that let you manage every sale from every channel. and sell more with the best converting checkout on the planet. a lot more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify.
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mark: welcome back america. if you are going to read anything you're going to get a book i want you to get this
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book. the end of everything how warren descended to annihilation by victor davis hanson. you can get at right now, any major bookstore. it comes out fresh off the presses on tuesday morning. i read this book. i learned a tremendous amount. it is so compelling is so relevant to what's going on today. it's very, very important. a couple quick questions here, victor. how long did carthage survive before it was destroyed? >> 800 years. 1100 constantinople, 1200 years 1100 years the aztec empire about 300 years that is what was so fascinating that it all came to an abrupt end so quickly when they thought they were in rome given the longevity of their empire. mark: are about 250 years we are not the same america we were two years ago, five years ago, 50 or hundred years ago is that correct? >> it is that is was striking how quick the client comes it is
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almost sort of like the old hemingway it was gradually then suddenly bankruptcy that is what happens is gradually you do not detected then it just appears. i think we woke up about a year ago and decided what dhec happened to america question work we did not realize was accelerating the geometric rate the chaos and confusion in decline. >> is part of the problem victor davis hanson that there are people out there who are banging the pots and pans they are ringing the alarm bells you have, i have, some other have. but it is interesting but kind of dismissed and we go on with our lives rather than the other side they are insomniacs for power. they are insomniacs for revolution. you see it in our streets. you see in the democrat party pretty seat in congress, exceeding media companies seated and entertainment. where is the average citizen who loves his country they are loving the country in not busy preparing revolution. so i guess my question to you is, guess several really figured
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out how do we promote liberty without tearing exploiting liberty to destroy liberty? >> it is a really good point. i think most people that are traditionalist and conservative say i cannot take this anymore going to move to a red state. i'm not going to watch the oscars are turned off and be a take and the people i do not watch the tony's i do not go to movies but that is not enough this late date we have all according to her stations and got to stand up and say i am going to vote i'm going to give the money to a candidate such as i can. i'm going to be active in going to press the left. i'm going to enter into a debate with them and argue with them. you got to be active because they control the institutions and they are taking over the country and it is not enough just assembling to isolate myself on my farm and i'm not going to get out of going to go to small-town america and see if i can re-create an island in the sea of insanity it's not enough
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anymore. 's receipt way saves very, very important people think but all the interactions they have every day and all the opportunities they have every day to try and i don't get into people face is to try to have a rational discussion with the zealots, not with the fanatics but with people who may be kind of out of it, not focused, it may be on the fence. that is an opportunity for our pulp verb fear in thomas paine out there to do something there are tons or millions of us are tens of millions of us do a little bit more in her own lives that we might have a shot, correct? >> absolutely. we cannot be fearful or be captive our fears we are going to be called to reactionary or too radical to be commonsensical. for example we are borrowing a trillion dollars over 100 days. we can stop that. we can stop 10 million people coming in tomorrow if we want too. we do not have to let these universities get free income on
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multibillion-dollar endowments we can tax it very easily. but, w we try to discuss things like out they say you're racist, you are mean. we have to ignore that. the power is in our hands if we exercise it. >> we ought to as i write we ought to use the movement against these colleges and universities. boycott the funds sanctions they do not have a god-given right to all of our money they do not have a god-given right to beat radical soviet style breeding grounds. our state legislatures, our congress, our department seemed to focus on how faculty is hired how administrators are hired. we need to do a surgical operation on what is taking place on these campuses. final word? >> you are absolutely right. harvard, yale, princeton, stanford they said were private know you're not really private you participate in a $2 trillion subsidized student loan you get tax-free endowment. you get multi- million-dollar grants from the government you
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do not obey the bill of rights. we can stop that we can enforce rules. they are dependent on us we are not dependent on them big bucks we are dependent on you victor davis hanson the end of everything how wars dissented on annihilation. very, very, very important book any major bookstore comes out tuesday i encourage you to order it make sure you give a copy to a few knuckleheads around so they can educate themselves too. victor, thank you my friend and god bless you for. >> thank you mark i deeply appreciate it. mark: we will be right back.
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ava: i was just feeling sick. and it was the worst day. mom was crying. i was sad. colton: i was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. brett: once we got the first initial hit, it was just straight tears, sickness in your stomach, just don't want to get up out of bed. joe: there's always that saying, well, you've got to look on the bright side of things. tell me what the bright side of childhood cancer is. lakesha: it's a long road. it's hard. but saint jude has gotten us through it. narrator: saint jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food, so they can focus on helping their child live.
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ashley: without all of those donations, saint jude would not be able to do all of the exceptional work that they do. narrator: for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the life-saving research and treatment these kids need. tiffany: no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. narrator: join with your debit or credit card right now, and we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. nicole: our family is forever grateful for donations big and small because it's completely changed our lives and it's given us a second chance. elizabeth stewart: saint jude's not going to stop until every single kid gets that chance to walk out of the doors of this hospital cancer-free. narrator: please, don't wait. call, go online, or scan the qr code below right now. [♪ music playing ♪]
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welcome back. i want to read something for michael, american marxism. at the beginning counterrevolution to the american revolution in full force. can no longer be dismissed or ignored artist devouring society and culture, swirling around everyday lives and ubiquitous in our politics, media, schools and
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entertainment. most mostly unreliable subterranean movement, it is here, everywhere. you, your children and grandchildren are immersed in it. it threatens to destroy the greatest nation ever established along with your freedom, family and security. the primary difference between the counterrevolution and american revolution is that the former seeks to destroy american society and oppose autocratic rule and the latter sought to protect american society and institute representative government. this election between those who love the country and those who don't. we love the country, the people we seek to defeat hated is that simple. see you tomorrow night on life liberty and the main sunday. ♪


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