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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  May 5, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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& friends" weekend. starting with a fox news alert even the left is warning the nationwide anti-israel protest they could be bad for joe. >> but it may be biden's vietnam. will: plus former president trump is back in court this week after hope hicks took the stand what to expect as the new york trial continues. rachel: some roles are enough ryan gosling revealing how his family influences his movie selections. third hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. ♪ ♪ will: going to fire -- pete: that is chicago. will: i see it now. pete: skyline game coming you're looking and watch and you identified chicago. will: wanted to speed in so i fired -- pete: can't come in hot you have
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to let it marinate a little bit. i get real close. sears tower gave it away. not called sears tower we learned that last time we did chicago. renamed someone else bought it. lost the naming right so it is called something else. i don't know what it is. someone from chicago can let us know. but man, rachel and i are winning on the skyline game this morning. rachel: you said boston. will: you got chicago -- rachel: because you said boston. will: felt like it win. i just fired. i didn't think i didn't look. pete: story of your life. [laughter] will: fire then aim. pete: i like to find the target and then boom -- will: not me i spray baby. rachel: and then you missed. will: rarely, quantity. pete: volume shooter. will: police arriving at the
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university of southern california moments ago after anti-israel protesters refuse to leave their encampments overnight. rachel: demonstrators are disrupting dozens of college commencement ceremonies including this one yesterday at the university of michigan. pete: madeleine rivera joins us now with the latest. hey madeleine. reporter: usc issued warning for protesters to take down their tents now law enforcement is on campus. usc says opposed on x the los angeles police department is clearing the center of upc if you are in the center of campus, please leave people who don't leave could be arrested. about two hours away from here, at the university of virginia and charlottesville, clashes between police and pro-palestinian supporters, the universities president says a peaceful protest began on campus tuesday. but protesters put up tents on friday and started using mega phones violating school policies. when they refused to leave state and local police stepped in, even pulling some people by their arms. virginia state police say pepper
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spray was used to break up the group 25 people were arrested. >> and in michigan pro-palestinian protesters interrupted the university of michigan's commencement the group marched across center aisle holding palestinian flags and signs, here's what an alum had to say. >> i've been lifelong michigan fan supporter of the university my entire four years really it is my dream school and to have this happen to me in the most important day of my four years is really troubling and i just don't understand why the university and president isn't taking action necessary to remove these anti-american anti-israel individuals from the commencement and broader university. reporter: and chicago 68 people were arrested on the grounds of the art institute they were charged with criminal trespass property. police say they refuse to comply and move to another location it appears that site is now clear.
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some pro-palestinian protesters want to hold demonstrations outside the democratic national convention this summer. and they're putting pressure on the city of chicago saying their first amendment rights are being violated. and their lawsuit the coalition of groups say the city working with the democratic national committee is exercising its authority to deny these organizations respective applications for parade permits with insight or sound or convention that fears that protest could disrupt the event. will, pete and rachel. rachel: thank you. pete: you talk about those fears there are prominenet lawmakers not only historic but could be a huge problem for use. listen to a couple of democrats. >> i am thinking back and other people are making this reference that this -- may be biden's vietnam.
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lyndon johnson with respects was a very good president brought forth pieces of legislation and chose not to run because of opposition to views on vietnam. and i worry very much that president biden is putting himself in a position where he's alienated not just young people but a lot of democratic base. >> i never argue with history. i was around during vietnam. i was around during president lyndon johnson great society programs, they brought on vote rights he brought on -- the medicare, medicaid all of those things, that made us a great society. he was the internet of and all of that. went down the drain because of vietnam. will: all of the references to what happened in 1968 they do match up. it is a little uncanny because
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that pete and i are going to go off the wall on parallels between 2024 ands the protest of 1968. pete: yeah. details like rfk there's an rfk in both. timing, polls, yeah it is really -- rachel: parallels but these guys are old bernie sanders, so many of the top members of the democrat party they remember that time. and they're trying to -- to, you know, remind joe biden that this could be a replay. will: what's joe going to do about it, though, it doesn't feel like something he has an immediate answer to. where does it stop? let's ask some of them might have a thought on that. pete: hey shannon great to see you as always. how do they manage the fallout from this if you're the biden campaign or white house and you hear things like this? >> they're trying to walk a very fine line you heard the president's remarks few days ago he was under pressure to come out to be more forceful and say something. he completely denounce the
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anti-semitism he talked about the chaos and disruption that those are things that have to be held accountable. so he was clear on that. but he has continued to say you know people need to understand that there is hurt on all sides in that -- he said he also condemns people who don't understand what's going on with palestinians. so i think they're trying really hard to figure this out and caution from everywhere. david brooks has a piece in "the new york times" he talks this and worries protest are tweal helping trump he says now democrats are viewed as ones with the cultural elite, supereducated republican are now viewed as heart of america, the working class, and he thinks that spells real trouble for the white house. rachel: these are planned. i saw i was telling will and pete i saw a flyer that was sent to me by somebody in chicago he found it and two months ago saying organizing for the dnc convention in chicago. so they're already organized these you asked the question like what are they going to do? these are democrat voters and the people organizing it are big
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democrat donors like george soros. so i think they know what to do it is just whether if they want to do it or not. they say if you try to separate who is being a part of the trouble they're not students and not a connection to the campus so you have to ask the question are these professional organizers yes trace it back where's it coming from and who is involved clearly universities are identifying a lot of these people are not kids not students they're not enrolled. so it does beg a lot of questions. i mean white house has resisted so far the pressure for the president to call in national guard, i mean, we've hit the an anniversary of kent state and that is painful a bad moment in u.s. history. so they've really pushed back saying that stuff is up to governors but there are also questions of department of education, has opened tons of investigations over last few months into universities.
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not only only the issues of anti-semitism but they're also responding to complaints against what they call anti-palestinian discrimination an investigation in columbia about that. but will the attorney general step up? i don't know. will: shannon let's talk about the trial of drump in new york we saw testimony this week from hope hicks. give us, though, would you mind -- so, obviously, the other big story is the fact that donald trump is tied up in a courtroom in new york. where are we in the prosecution case and we haven't yet seen michael cohen how much longer do you expect the prosecution to go and then we'll have the defense where do you feel like we are? we're not even at halftime yet. >> hope hicks when she was testifying at the courthouse, and she was the first kind of big name person you know how they've held the witness list very close. to the vest, so when they announced next up for the prosecution hope hicks there was literally a gasp in that room like oh boy she was supernervous
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when she got started emotional at times throughout the day. but yeah we're going start getting i think to the more high profile witnesses are we going to hear from mcdougal stormy daniels also prosecution has a ways to go with the team that it's bringing in but the fact is, as we've observed over the first few weeks of this, what's happened is nobody in that courtroom seems to like michael cohen the prosecution has to keep him rehabilitated enough to be kind of their key witness in the whole thing while also acknowledging he's been called a liar by a federal judge and that, he's admitted to doing things that work to his own benefit and clearly what is happened with some of the prosecution witnesses, they've actually had some things to say that have been beneficial for the defense how co chen cohen was and that it was about him and probably surprise that some of their witnesses have been in some ways good for the defense. pete: shannon real quick both
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claimed victory over hope hicks testimony and confirmed everything she's -- and then others saying she defended. what do you think the jury saw there? >> well that's the thing i can't see the jury because i would love to see their faces see how the different people are hitting with them and connecting or not connect there was a point after she said on the stand i'm nervous and that was clear. that she started to address her remarks to the jury and a little bit more comfortable kind of making a connection with them she said things that good for the defense and president trump worried about his family and stories getting out an prosecution said it was about the campaign and payments about saving his campaign but she had a lot to say that the family relationship and that worried him the most and prosecution will say she talked about the dirty deal she talked about worries for the company and this being a bombshell access hollywood came out so both sides are able to claim some of what she said was good for them. rachel: who do you have on the
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show today? >> we've got senator marco rubio on the vp short list allegedly and congressman jim hines ranking democrat on the house intel committee and jason the virginia attorney general there have been some serious crackdowns in the last 24 hours on campuses there and talk to him about that. will: we'll be watching fox news sunday. see you guys. >> my daughter sent me a tiktok video of some have those palestinian protesters and it was interesting one that was kind of going viral it was a young woman she said, i wrote my whole essay to get into school about how i was an activist now they're mad at me which was an interesting thing. you know, going back to what is joe biden going to do? this whole system of training a activist is their system. and now they're like this isn't working really well for us at this moment right before an election what can we do? i thought that was really telling -- [laughter] >> turning now to some headlines
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start with a fox news alert hamas is taking responsibility for an attack on a kibbutz in southern israel near a crossing that was used for aid trucks just days ago. israeli media reporting multiple people are hurt after an estimated 30 rockets launched to israel from gaza. no word yet on the exact number of victims. now iowa isn't backing down. to the biden administration over new state law what facilitates arresting importing illegal immigrants despite white house threatening to sue the state. if the bill was not suspended by tuesday. iowa attorney general breanna byrd joined us earlier to discuss. >> the federal government is threatening to sue iowa for doing the job the federal government won't do securing the border and you know if that administration spent half of much energy actually securing the border as they do suing those of us that are upholding the law, we would be in a much better situation. >> new law goes into effect in iowa on july 1st. and yesterday with derby day racing not just for horsing group of dogs that's a doberman
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all dobermans. my dog -- saddling up just down the road from louisville and kentucky there you go the pup in the number three position uma out on top. the race raises money for personal protection dogs for families who need them. and those are your headlines. pete: your kind of race. the excitement like will physically perked up right reading headlines. rachel: we have to put a picture of dogs -- will: dobermans. rachel: not on cinco de mayo? pete: you're right we have food coming by later on this hour. first let's get to the real derby 150th kentucky derby a race for the history books coming down to the closest three horse finish we've seen in more than 70 years. >> forever young -- come these three coming down the wire. who's is going to be --
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with the derby it is a photo -- or was it sierra for between them catching freedom. finish fourth a photo finish. >> joining us now on heels of that finish, kenny mcpete that was about as close as you could get. what were you feeling in that moment? >> bit of a nail biter there. you know, having raced horses here at churchill downs my entire career i had a pretty good bird's-eye view of whether we won the race or not and felt confident that he did win there was a small monitor that was to my right so i was able to watch the slow-mo when they hit the wire and was pretty -- i was for sure that he did win the race so just an amazing feeling. you know we work really hard in this sport. these horses are -- they're just amazing, amazing animals, and for those that dongt know a lot about it. it's a --
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just a real honor to be around such special, special thor thoroughbreds. >> i don't know how it gets closer. that was a nostril you won by maybe a nostril. so is that the closest race of your career? >> well we won the preakness with skydiver she held off awe then toik win preakness one of the few phillies so you either win them on the front or come in from behind to try to nail them at the wire and we fortunately got there in time. but you know, you know, look for every win photo there's a winner and a loser. you know we feel fortunate brian hernandez did an amazing job riding this horse and those who watch this race and the job he did he snuck through on the rail and it was a brilliant job for a jockey. >> what set mystic dan apart it wasn't the favorite in the race was it muddy conditions part of it.
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he run a previous race in mud that done pretty well how did he maintain that one inch lead at the end? >> well i think he was a little under the radar for a couple of reasons he had a brilliant race in the southwest at oakland park in arkansas. a couple of races back, and then we made a decision to skip another race called the rebel because the weather had gotten a little off there during the winter and she had to shift the schedule and when we skipped rebel we weren't talked about much which was fine. we wanted to put all of our eggs into the arkansas derby see if we could wean this race lance and cheryl banks all from arkansas. they're around hot springs and star city gould a lot of people are proud there. but when we skip the rebel then we were third in the arkansas derby and then i think people kind of put us on the maybe he's not good enough. but we had a reason in the arkansas derby a little rough trip and got hung on the
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outside, and in this case in then yesterday he was a rail trip, and the post position really made a big difference when he drew the three. >> so you skipped that race to rest him up? >> we skipped yeah we skipped rebel because we didn't want to run him back in three week he's not a very big horse he's a modest sized horse. beautiful horse, and what i call an old soul this horse is so intelligent he's quiet. easy to be around, i could probably put my granddaughter in there who is two and we would never -- hurt her at all. he's just a really kind horse to be around, and you know they all have different personalities and his case he was so calm yesterday in the to get through, and then ultimately run, and you need a horse to keep its composure and he did that for us. will: ken any i hoped you save up for the framing bill. the only real question is which
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picture will you get framed the overhead or on the side from the photofinish. >> we won the oaks the day before so that was unique so probably put those together somewhere. and you'll have to create sol wall space. we won big ones in the past but yesterday in the day before, ultimate. will: congratulations thanks for talking with us about it on "fox & friends." rachel: thanks kennedy former president trump is taking a break from court to return to his campaign. what we're learning about his potential vp picks after an impressive fundraising haul. pete: tammy bruce joins us live on how the trial seems to be helping trump. ironically on the trail -- that -- >> nice to see you. hi.
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rachel: well this weekend donald trump is trading the new york city courtroom for mar-a-lago much prettier place hosted high profile republicans at the rnc spring meeting. including those rumored to be on his vp short list. rng and legal troubles don't seed to be hurting fund raising
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efforts as campaign reveals they've raised 76 million dollars in april alone. >> tammy bruce joins us now. >> hello good morning. will: start with vp here are the names right now are at the top of the discussion list. senator j.d. vance of ohio and rubio of florida and doug burgum and tim scott. your thoughts? >> well the talent bench is deep. and everyone in the gop that says this is all hands on deck effort so whether you're going to be the vice president or in the cabinet, or heading up some special committee, we've got cleaning up to do and fixing to do. so your favorites might not be on the list you're going to see them i would think even individuals because this is not about donald trump but saving the country he can do it and it means whether you're a nikki haley, you know, whether you're mike pompeo that is a name that should also i think be on that list that you're looking at people who have got to have a commitment to this country
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first. america first, we mean it. we're going to mean it for the next hundred years so this is not going away an donald trump might not be here forever he's not a mortal and might want him to be but young, new people i think of sara sapgders and kayleigh mcenany people been in the white house and know what's going on and what washington will do i think nikki haley think of the country first this is about bringing the nation together. the gop republicans understand this now it is about independents about democrats and it's about republicans who are like still shivers a little bit get your act together you see what's going on out there. we have a job to do. >> within the republican party there's also at least among base there's some frustration with some of even with some of the names that you brought up because one of the issues i think people are sick of wars i really think people are sick of wars and money going wars and they don't know they're not even tracking them they admit there's
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no transparency in it. so you look at all of the names is it time for us to clean the house as neocons as well so it is a little more about what the base wants? >> as we've seen with -- you know, joe biden and how the world's reacted to weak people, and cowardess with children who have parents who do not watch and do not care and do whatever they want they're going bring out the worst in people strong leadership men and women who know just like when trump was president you've got people who will adjust, you don't need to like clean house. neocons can become -- they can adjust to the nature of what that the real world requires perhaps never learned what about we can really do with peacetime and what strength we saw a bit with reagan peace through strength we can get there again. so it is about changing a mindset and expectation of what normal is. normal is changed. and it is gipping to change again and it is gong to stay with the normal is.
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rachel: i'm going to vote for tammy. >> look i'm a middled age woman i want to make sure young people, your children, have a world to look at. i don't to be on my death bed thinking my gosh there's more riots. rachel: i don't my kids to go to war. >> in order to have that not happen strong economy an economy that's strong but individual people that the bad guys will always be bad guys. there are always be war it is not going to end unless america has a president whoever it might be that says enough is enough. and we can't keep going back and forth that's what's exhausting. >> if you want more of this and you do big weekend show tonight 7 p.m. eastern time. check it out with guy benson tammy and charlie and then you have an upcoming book called fear tell us about it. >> it is fear itself that looks at the use of fear to control society. of course part that have is war. part of that is, you know,
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exploiting pandemics, exploiting what the border is. getting people come pliengt so they don't complain that's where leadership comes in. trusting the american people, and taking away that need to control us by getting us isolated and afraid and cowarding in a corner it is ancient technique used right now every day and it is about courage. will: i think we forgot in the time of prosperity it is the base level human motivation that can be manipulated and we were reminded in the past three years. of those -- >> we will be through the rest of this year so it is courage, and we've got this one. we've got it. rachel: wow so much hope. >> preorder july 23rd but we're in good shape here very exciting. fear itself. fear itself. pete: got it tammy bruce. from ryan gosling to flo rida a big week for hollywood dray a
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ma. joins us live for the latest edition of my pop culture roundup. introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla.
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♪ ♪ all right well it is time for another pop culture roundup and this time we have tomi to get in touch with the latest hollywood drama we're going to start off you know people are crazy ryan gosling after he explained how he selects movie roles he says, quote, the decisions i make i make them with 'haveeva with our family in miepgd first that seems like a great thing to do. there are family values still left in hollywood maybe not many. many few and far between but him actually saying that saying that
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i want to have films that my female can enjoy that doesn't put any of us in a dark psychological place i think that that's a stand-up thing to do as a husband and a father. so you know, maybe there's a little conservative just budding inside of ryan gosling. >> a story on her not along she's staying home with the kids and taking a break from hollywood and she probably doesn't want her husband making out or doing nude scenes with strangers i don't blame her this is great. >> upbeat stories that he likes barbie others that he's done. i mean it is nice when your whole family can watch what you do i give it up for him maybe hollywood can reform itself from within. >> i don't know why they didn't call you for barbie. floe rider enjoying transitioning into more music and kick off concert series on fox so beyoncé floe rider what's up with all of the pop stars hip-hop star movies now into country. >> country is hot right now
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everybody wants to be in country and nashville tennessee we're happy to hear it despite popular belief the country music genera, fans, artist very welcoming, very open-minded that's why you're seeing all of the people welcome into our genera. because the fans are qeet frankly best fans of the nicest fans, fun estefans attractive fans, pete knows it well that's why he came to tennessee. rachel: i couldn't agree more ultimate entertainer i don't care in hip-hop, country when he did that concert series it was just off the hook. >> i think todd split his pangts at the one of the shows. that's a testament. >> following will he also split his pants on the show. he's that's right -- okay move over american dream goal of many gen-z women and plane ya women is now to be a dink. it stands for dual income. no kids, i'm not loving this trend tomi -- tomi: i have to spar with you on
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this a little bit i happen to be a dink that doesn't mean i'll never have children but i have to say this. a lot of gen-z millennials can't afford to have kids right now. but you have to take time if they have to be responsible get themselveses into a good financial position. get themselveses into a good relationship, and make sure they're marriage is working. rachel: if i waited i would have no kids. >> maybe this is responsibility coming out of millennials will take it might wait a while and that's okay. i'm okay with that. rachel: i love where you're coming from but i think nothing grows up up and make you a better person and plus it is best part of life. i'll be watching you i don't think she's going to be a dink for long. met georgia la is tomorrow in nyc guess who was named best dressed at the white house correspondents dinner none other than than our own kennedy look at her. she was the queen -- she was the queen of the prom
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here. >> kennedy is outside of the bobs and did something different as she does but happy to see fox news and personalities of fox news get a little bit of attention a little spotlight and often the bud of the jokes at these kind of events but nice to see recognition for kennedy finally some spotlight on the folks i believe are the best dressed best looking in television. maybe i'm biased but i believe so. rachel: i'm with you 100% i saw the pictures and it was the best looking tables. it was. 100%, and that is, i mean, we love kennedy. i just love that she was -- just shouted out she's the best dressed. tomi: everyone at fox news can attack a joke there were several references to fox news there not only looking good but glowing from within. and even at nerd prom look at you can't beat fox news you can't beat kennedy i love the outfit i think it is beautiful. i don't know if any foxers are going to be at the met gala maybe a surprise appearance.
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rachel: she's beautiful inside and out tomi it is great having you. great job breaking down hollywood. by the way don't forget to catch the kitchen table podcast we have great things that came out this week including the following the new trend of young men wanting to know more about king baldwin it is trending on tiktok we'll discuss and break that down as well thanks tomi democrat déjà vu unpopular incumbent campus protest and a kennedy campaign making waves not our kennedy. i think it is rfk jr. will and pete go off the wall with the shocking parallels between 2024 and 1968. and the hard learned lessons dems were portioned to learn then that they're going to have to learn again. stay with us. but he was busy working from home... he scheduled with safelite in just a few clicks.
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some of the same issues that led to republican victory then could happen again that's what has got democrats so worried right now. bernie sanders james clyburn saying does this look like vietnam it wasn't good for lbj. >> talking about what happened in 1968 lyndon approval rating at all term low for him at 36%. and the u.s. involvement in vietnam was what everyone thought was dragging down his approval ratings. as a result he ended up not seeking reelection. pete: reading the room realize he's losing base and majorities people. he also saw that eugene mccarthy in the new hampshire primaries so grassroots bubbling up against him and rfk entered so the father of rfk jr. enters the race assassinated before he could potentially win the nomination. >> hubert humphrey against richard nixon.
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president resigns vice president -- walks in as the standard bearer of the party. let's fast forward to today. i said remember that 36%. because joe is at a historically low number as well. 38.7% has a lot of people wondering if he's got the ability to win. >> vietnam was dragging down lbj biden stance on israel contradicting to his low ratings. pete: afghanistan was beginning of the plummet of the ratings as well as ukraine and the war there unpopular so multiple wars. will: pete mentioned it rfk father entered in '68 he's now running against joe biden. pete: michigan a lot of people say reason -- reason biden is having trouble being clear with a messaging he's worried about 100,000 votes in a swing state there's a big muslim population tlaib is worried about let's vote uncommit sod biden won the state but lost to nobody in the court of public perception. will: let's focus on foreign wars in joe biden case focus on israel and lbj case vietnam
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affect the presidents at the team in '68, 53% of the americans believe sending troops to vietnam was a mistake. pete: yeah and dickson ran on winding down the war. ultimately wot a clear plan of what that would look like because it was unpopular growing in unpopularity with americans. will: video here protest across the country, opposing the war in vietnam. the sounded a lot like this. [chanting] lbj -- [chanting] got to go. >> sounds similar will and in both cases mostly democrats protesting against a democrat president. so when you look at approval disapproval, of the way joe is handling the war 71% disapprove that's a combination of people
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not doing enough for the palestinians or not doing enough for israelis so from both sides of the poll numbers. will: look, we've seen in the last week, last two weeks on college campuses. that's what they saw as well in '68 across college campuses. protest all over the country. pete: recognize these buildings footage from 1968 this is columbia university and hall they broke into was hamilton hall. the exact same spot of student unrest in columbia. except many this time they barricaded themselves inside for a week. and the police had to come in underneath from tunnels to get them out if you think what was bad -- at columbia it was worse in '68. will: here's what it was as you point out pete it was hamilton hall outside of columbia and again, columbia does one example it was on numerous still is college campuses across the country. pete: difference here is that in vietnam they were clear about their commands it was hey stop the draft end the war that's what they wanted. here it is a nebulous mix of
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revolution and marxism and pro-hamas sentiment so a nasty narly rising up of this left wing extremism that joe made alliance with initially now he doesn't know how to handle it. will: does it stop when school ends this semester does it stop at college campuses? or does it go to the democratic national convention that's what happened in '68 politico wrote this week don't forget about the backlash to the 60s. point is, all of these protest and in their write up we understand the political consequences of the upheaval became clear. pete: unpopular democrat president rfk in both scenarios hamilton hall and now here we are back in chicago same place where they had their convention in 1968, 600 protesters arrested 100 protesters, 119 police officers treated for injuries they knew they didn't have the ability to stop it and they didn't it that's the fear this year organizations are saying they'll be there if will: 70-plus already planning to protest during the four-day
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democrat convention. we saw this week, it turns out these campus protests organized for months. here you have months of leadup to the democratic national convention. pete: what happened in 1968 richard nixon won a campaign on law and order given all of the lawlessness across the country. he won 302 electoral votes from 32 states in 1968. will: against hubert humphrey right now today donald trump versus we assume, and it is for now, joe biden. we'll see where the parallels to 1968 end. pete: that is operative point for now if polls keep going down will it always be? will: we'll see. pete: all right that is it and we're going read the tees that says rachel should read it. rachel: i'm here. i'm watching you. [laughter] pete: cinco de mayo celebrating with mouth waters recipes that with mouth waters recipes that will have you saying give me more per --
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>> everything looks delicious what do you got here? >> this is a mix of steak, chicken, sausage which is chorizo we have cactus and mexican cheese grilled we have quesadilla and fixed fajita chips and salsa and margaritas to celebrate and shots, of course. >> we have a hundred -- i'll pass this to will. he loves good empanada. >> they have the crispy bubbles on them. >> mcdonald's apple pie when we were kids. you've got that same exact texture which is so appealing. everything is made from scratch so fresh. >> what is the key to a perfect margarita. we have fresh lime juice, the
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