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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  May 5, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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t we got to sell our houses! (vo) well, almost perfect. don't worry. just sell directly to opendoor. (woman) yes! (vo) close in a matter of days. when life's doors open, we'll handle the house. why choose a sleep number smart bed? can it keep me warm when i'm cold? wait, no, i'm always hot. sleep number does that. save 40% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed or 0% interest for 36 months. shop now at >> it is the 9:00 a.m. hour on "fox & friends" weekend. starting with this. reportedly now slowly retreating on the university of south carolina, that's police, after clearing out anti-israel proest theres from encampments. you inning new happens, we'll let you know. >> the courtroom doesn't seem to be phasing trump's presidential campaign which raked in $76 million in april. >> wow.
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>> donald trump is not going to -- he's not going to weather under these attacks. it's only going to make him stronger. >> new polls out this morning reveal trump is the favorite to handle top issues. rachel: not so funny, politico is asking why late night shows won't roast president biden. i think i know why. we'll see if we can get why with tom shalub. this is the final hour of "fox & friends weekend" and it starts right now. ♪ m mommy's all right. ♪ daddy's all right. ♪ they just seem a little weird. >> he's got the monocle out. >> take that shot. take that camera. >> get camera one. this is a -- i'm going to go jersey shore. all right? jersey shore. what have we got. it's not a skyline, it's a sceneic location. >> i don't know. rachel: i really don't. i feel like it's west coast. >> we need to identify it faster. rachel: i feel like it's west
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coast. it feels like california. i'm going to say santa barbara. >> we need the i'd fire. identifier. if you're listening on sirius xm radio we apologize. >> this is gulf port, mississippi. >> the sun's just coming up. rookie move for me to chime in on the east coast. jersey shore. >> i've been in gulf port, had some of the best seafood in my life. i wish i could remember. they said down in florida they've got the dorado, the marlin. down here ins mississippi we've got the flounder. he said you know what the lesson is? a whole lot of loving going on in the mud. what's the name of the seafood place? >> good acg accent. >> pure m mississippi you.
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r.rachel: he's a big fan of regionalism. i love that about will. you were talking about what to get your mom and your wife and you were doing the same thing and yesterday we had a great woman on, her name is lisa canney, she's the president of a pro life women's health center called guiding star. and the proceeds for -- we work a lot with heritage. look at this. this is a beautiful -- this is their mother's day edition. >> you some. rachel: this is like a -- awesome. rachel: this is like you diaper bag. >> you can fit a small human in here. rachel: they also have candles. grab that one. >> good ideas for mother's day. rachel: these are great ideas. go to or go to guiding star. i recommend you go to the guiding star website. it is such an incredible center. pro life center for women and
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women's health the way it should be tone and proceeds will go to them and we're really excited about that. >> aawesome gear for a great cause. >> we start our final hour with a fox news alert. police reportedly clearing out anti-israel encampments ucc's campus. rachel: demonstrators are disrupting dozens of college commencement share a mow anies. i can't -- share ceremonies. i can't stand that. including this one at the university of michigan. >> reporter: law enforcement ent moving pretty quickly. they removed the remaining encampment and protesters within an hour. this comes after the university posted on x the los angeles police department is clearing the center of upc. if you're in the center of campus, please leave. people who don't leave could be arrested. the media says the lapd is retreating but members of the
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university's department of public safety are still on the ground. it's unclear if any arrests have been made. 25 people were arrested at the university of virginia over the weekend after state an local police tried to clear testers. they put up tests and used mega phones. some people got physical and tried to assault law enforcement. virginia state police said they used tear goose gas to break ue group with some protesters being pulled by their arms. watch here. pro-palestinian supporters marched across the center aisle during comment machines at them. they briefly interrupted proceedings. in chicago 68 people were arrested on the grounds of the art a institute. they refused to comply with requests to leave and move to another location.
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now it appears the site is cleared. there could be more trouble for chicago this summer when the city hospitals the democratic national -- hosts the democratic national convention. some protesters want to hold demonstrations outside of the event. a group of organizationses are suing chicago aledging their first amendment rights are being you violated. they say the city working with the democratic national committee at t is exercising to restrict the organizations. they offer the city's offer for an alternative parade route is an effort to protect prime minister boris johnson the message. >> the -- protect president biden from the message. >> they're disrupting class,s disrupting finals and disrupting grad wegraduation for students d families as well.
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a graduate was there and he joined us what it was like in the stadium at the university of michigan. >> the protesters, 100 in number, decided they wanted to interrupt the commencement ceremony for 8,000 graduates and their families. i've been a live long michigan fan, a supporter of the university an it's my dream school and to have this happen to me in the most important day of my four years is troubling and i'm just really speechless with what happened. my family's been supporters of the university of michigan for my entire life. my parents went to the university of michigan, my grand parents went to the university of michigan had. we love the university of michigan. it's become a university we frankly no longer recognize. this was my fear for months that it would happen. it happened and nobody did anything about i we're questioning our support for the university moving forward. >> it's staggering to watch. the administrators said for the weeks no banners, no flags, nothing allowed at commencement.
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and then when it happened they did nothing. if you told the students here are the rules in a private -- in this university, the ceremony, and had then they break the rules, there's no consequences? sounds like the left these days. rachel: they stayed there the entire time. think about these parents who paid for this college. that day is as much for benny as it was for his parents who were supporters, graduates, you alumni of the school. it brings up an interesting point. i remember when my husband was in college. had were a lot of crazy stuff happening at the university of wisconsin as well and when he got into congress and a he saw what was happening in madison, it was hard to get gop-ers to do anything about the crazy stuff on campus because they're alumni and they have this idea that they have to be loyal to uw or they're sentimental about their days in college. but as he said, they don't recognize this place anymore. >> get over it.
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get loyal tour country, stop being loyal to the woke schools. >.>> new polls out by abc this morning show voter preferences right now, it showses donald trump 46%, joe biden 44%. >> that's a sampling of over 2,000 adults, very recently. it came out moments ago from abc confirming a lead for donald trump. >> when you include third party candidates, 42% to donald trump, 40% to biden, 12% to rfk junior with jill stein and cornell west pulling another 3% and when it comes to cornell west and jill stein you can draw pretty clear correlation pulling from joe biden. rfk there's mixed research on which way he is pulling from trump and biden. >> another interesting glimpse from the poll, brand-new data, what are the top issues amongst voters. the economy and inflation have been at the top and remain at the top. everybody feels it. everybody knows it and lot of
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them are pointing fingers at the biden white house considering how good the economy was during the trump years. you have crime and safety right there as well. protecting democracy, you know, a nebulous idea of what the left believes they're doing, healthcare and then immigration too and the left -- as as we talked about yesterday, the biden administration's is trying to do everything they can to work with mexico to stem the flow, bring the numbers down a little bit but it's so bad for them politically. people aren't forgetting. rachel: they're suing iowa. iowa passed laws to get rid of illegal immigration in the state and the biden administration is suing iowa so it's all very -- it's obvious where their position it. the top to issues, the economy, inflation, when you ask voters, this is part of the poll, who they trust most to handle those top issues on the economy, trump by 14 points, trump by 14 points on inflation, by 8 points n of crime, and safety, so all the top issues people think trump
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can handle it zephyr what jumps out to me is the top issueses according to voters, four of the top six, four of the top seven are issues that are dismissed by the biden administration as unreal or uncovered by main stream media, they're telling you the economy is in great shape, inflation is under control, it's a falsehood about crime and safety, that it's not true, that everything is down, they're telling the voters those are not reals problems and the voters say those are some of my issues. protecting democracy, a nebulous concept that's used to sort of being a rallying cry for the left. >> clue for going after your oafter youropponent. some are saying you're wrecking the constitution and that could go in that corner too. rachel: the off the wall, i thought it was interesting to
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see the parallels, made me think about bbenny and what was happen michigan and how things have changed and i thought about how back then the radical kids on the campus we couldn't say that the democrat party necessarily created those radicals. but now you have the situation where the radical kids that were there at the commencement and all the commencements across the country, they were indoctrinated and c created by the democrat party and now it's like the insane asylum, the patients are in charge and they don't know what to do because the patients are turning on the democrats and joe biden. the whole thing is a big mess. i thought you broke it down really well. >> very kind of you. thank you. >> we had a previous conversation with the iowa attorney general because here is another example of policies intentionally pursued by the left which are having tragic consequences across the country. illegal immigration is not just about texas, arizona, california.
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it's about all 50 states and the federal government refuses to enforce the law. if you're here illegally, commit crimes, they're not willing to he deport people. states are saying hey, we're going to pass laws that allow us at the state level to arrest and deport people here illegally especially people who commit crimes. what's the biden administration threatening to do? as you mentioned, rachel, sue iowa so they can't deport illegal c criminals. here's the attorney general of iowa talking about that. >> the federal government is threatening to sue iowa for doing the job the federal government won't do, securing the border. if the administration spent half as much energy securing the border as they do suing us who are upholding the law, we would be in a much better situation. iowa won't back down. we'll defend our law, even if the federal government is going to you sue us iowa has an immigration problem. we're not a border state. we're a long ways from the border. now every state is a border state with the border so out of control and iowa is impacted by
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high man trafficking, crime, all the illegal drugs and cartels operating freely on both sides of the border and we're worried about suspected terrorists who are inters septembered at the southern border. -- intercepted at the southern border. we remember what it was like when we had a secure border with president trump and we want that back. rachel: it's hard to believe the biden administration with i'll the problems they have, their p priority is let's sue ia for trying to get rid of criminal illegals. in what world is that a priority for any american? >> like joe biden coming to new york city for a sit down interview with howard stern while campus protests are raging out of control. they don't care about that. they're trying to -- they are he elites whose talk to elites and the problems of the people are only to be leveraged for political advantage when they work. when they don't, you try to ignore them or hope they down play it they media. rachel: it's super revealing. >> it is. >> the department of defense is under fire.
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they had a hearing on dei making its way into the military. before the hearing, they moved it to a virtual hearing to ensure i would assume that there's very little opportunity for any type of pushback, any feedback. i think threw some people out ahead of time who were anticipated to provide rebuttal. this made people upset. lieutenant general rod bishop, a air force veteran, is saying marxist ideology is being forced on servicemen. listen to this. >> unfortunately, it's unadulterated, undeniable, easily proven marxist based ideology that's being forced down the throats of our servicemen. i talk about t marxism, people y let's be positive. if it didn't come from the frankfurt school which was previously known as the marxist school that he set up shop in columbia of all places, sill a
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hot bed of lefti leftist ideolo, then where did it come from. you said the leaders of today don't seem to have the moral courage to stand up against this. they're too concerned with their next -- >> dei is everywhere in the pentagon. this was a hearing to talk about how they're going to advance more diversity, equity and inclusion in t the pentagon. the outside group said they wanted to provide public comment. they closed the actual meeting. they were you afraid of the pushback. they limited the virtual meeting to 100. the general didn't get into the virtual meeting. the back lash is one way. share anything why are you bringing racism into the military. the military was the first natiointegrated institution. when i served in my platoon, black, white, hispanic, that's not what you saw.
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we all bled army green. the pentagon doesn't want to hear it. here's what we know. i read about this in the book. there's tons of examples by the way. diversity is not our strength. the military says it all the time. diversity is our strength. no, it's not. our unity is. our unity makes it good at our job. equity is the opposite of merit. the military is supposed to be a merit based institution. the inclusion, what that means is if you're a first or different trans, we've got to push you to the top. it's not a reflection of combat experience or how good of a leader you are, it's we need the first in this place or that place. when we reached out to the department of que defense, we dt hear back. the biden's department of defense is going to hate the book of. when they're exposed and we give example after example, units are told well no, no, that training is cass fide. classified. if you share that to the media, you're in trouble.
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west point, that curriculum is classified, if you share it, you're expelled. they don't want to be discovered. like the teacher's unions. they know what they're doing. rachel: it's so interesting, the leftists, the markists, they need captive audiences. they have students, they have to be in school. that's when they get them. they pennish them if they have a -- punish them if have a different point of view. they won't get promoted. why are we having a discussion about allowing marxism, communism into the military? why are we letting communists write the rules in our military? >> we know politicians, left wing politicians are going to push ideologies. my issue is with generals that allowed it to happen, to say i'm done, i'm not going to let you poison my unit, not going to let you go backwards on issues of
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racial integration. i want the best fighters out there. they didn't do it. they caved. they give in on stuff they knew wasn't good. and others get promoted to the top and biden did it, obama did it. pretty soon they're just worried about dei and trans issues. what if we have to deal with china? what will we do? throw pronouns at them? military families are saying i don't want to be part of this nonsense. rachel: anyway. >> in case you thought i was passionate on it -- the book is war on warriors. the book comes out in a month. you can preorder it now. rachel: i'm going to throw this paper. [laughter] >> enough. rachel: enough. >> you poison our schools, poison everything else. don't poison our mill i tri. --military. rachel: you know what's at the bottom of it? it's a lack of courage. >.>> chinese money laundering
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criminals teaming up with mexican cartels you accord cartels according tou.s. offici. what is their goal? next. what can i do to make a better cotton crop? we believe that the best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable farming techniques. from our sheets to our blankets and quilts this is a product that can be passed on. it could be a family heirloom. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20.
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with absorbine pro, pain won't hold you back from your passions. it's the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. rachel: a chilling new investigation revealing china's' role in the deadly fentanyl crisis and is petrifying rise
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across america. lawmakers say communist china is offering subsidies to companies to manufacture the deadly drug as part of a money laundering scheme. the executive director for the center for a secure, free society joins us now. joseph, great to have you on. so explain this whole money laundering thing. i was thinking china was doing this fentanyl thing because i have a dea agent on saying that they were providing the fentanyl to the cartels because they just want to destroy america. 200 americans are dying a day. >> thank you, rachel, for having me on. first, we saw this b balloon effect take place around 2017 where historically was lebanese mafias from latin america that were laundering money for mexican drug cartels started to shift to chinese money
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laundering organizations. they basically undercut the lebanese mafias substantially. they charged 15% for laundering money, the chinese mafia does it for 1 to 2%. they weaponize chinese communities throughout latin america, mexico and the united states and they use the shadow banking system tied to chinese national banks. rachel: there's a pro fit pro t motive. you've been on the forefront, waving a flag and warning america about the presence of china in latin america, that they are taking over. just give me top line, what should americans know about china's presence in latin america? what they want to do in the western h hemisphere. >> over time, the united states has been blessed with geography,
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had major oceans that protected us from major world wars. china has done this in an as aue metric fashion, through -- as's asymmetric fashion. they've been using this throughout the united states. rachel: there's a desire to militaryize inside latin america and they're taking over resources. what can lawmakers do right now? i was heartened to see they're having hearings pout the money laundering be but we're still having an 800% increase of you cchinese national military age men comeing across our border. >> the fentanyl trafficking, we need to go after chinese banks. there's chinese banks that enable the bankers, the brokers to move the money laundering
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apparatus in favor of the mexican cartels and the chinese banks are afraid to get any kind of sanctions. we need to look at that and congressional authority needs to point in that direction. rachel: sounds like the financial services committee. congress can do something about that, correct. >> absolutely. they have the authority. rachel: joseph, always grateful for all your research and work latin america. it's coming here. it's affecting us and it's in our neighborhood and you keep reminding us if the neighborhood is sick, we're all going to get sick. thanks so much for all you're doing. >> thanks, rachel. always a pleasure. rachel: no laughing matter, apparently late night hosts largely avoiding roasting joe biden despite plenty of material. tom shalu is not as generous. he's going to join us next. ♪
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>> this morning the big question is no laughing matter as politico wonders why late night comics avoid roasting joe biden on their shows, despite his trouble navigating stairs, there's nothing on television like chevy chase mimicking president ford's stumbles. late night hosts y appear to viw themselves as -- they see themselves as defenders of democracy even though they're late night comedians. >> they said that in the article, defenders of democracy. they love using that phrase. the idea of democracy, they keep trying to tie it back to january 6. so the whole idea is that republicans are bad for democracy but this is --
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republicans are strong right now because the voters are responding to the fact that things -- >> in the democratic process. >> yes. so the democratic party is the least respectful of democracy as a party since, i don't know, the communist party. [laughter] >> it' it's yo amazing. the late night hosts are hosting fundraisers with democrats. jay leno you wouldn't see them doing a fundraiser with -- >> johnny carson would make fun of both sides. this ship has sailed. they act like this is a new thing with joe biden. but for president barack obama, the press and the comedians couldn't have been more gentle. if they were going to mock obama, they would mock how awesome he was. you know, that was their thing. and we've got plenty to do with, with joe biden. to tell you the truth, i don't mind the other comedy shows
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because we've got a show called gutfeld and a he allows me to mock joe biden all the time. that's why we're cleaning up in the ratings. >> you're part of the number one show in late news. no one else will tell the vocation we -- jokes we tell oe fox news channel. this is from last night. this is from s saturday night live. >> your daughter must feel so supported when these out there. >> what's that now? when who's daughter is out there. >> at the protest. >> no, man. you bugging. alexis vanessa roberts better have her butt in class. let me find out she's in one of them damn tents b instead of the dorm room i paid for. i'm supportive of y'all kids protesting, not my kids. alexis vanessa ain't crazy. she ain't talking about he free
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this, free that. you know what ain't free? columbia. i'm busting my hump to pay tuition. >> it's a light touch. >> we have people, if you look at morning joe, they're admitting this is a disas tear for democrats so -- disaster for democrats, these pro efforts pr, anyone of a certain age they remember what happened in the 60s and 70s. my parents were kennedy supporting democrats. after all of that that went on at the convention with the democrats in chicago, they started to move to the right and they became part of the reagan revolution and i think even morning brew said the same thing when he said that the reagan revolution was about what went on in the '70s and the protests the and a everything. it's going to happen again. probably. >> we broke that down on off the wall, richard nixon ran on law and order in a world of chaos and i don't feel like there's a lot -- how can -- late
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night comedians can provide some cover. how will they he defend democracy in that case? >> the thing is, they can't and they shouldn't. that's the sad thing is that the fact that they -- you know, it's like they have -- if they're using the war and they're having ststephen colbert be one of ther soldiers, that's a bad sign. >> know your lane. we know at "fox & friends" we're a morning show. we do serious news. you're up early watching us, you don't want doom and gloom all morning. let's have fun too. you have a funny character, make fun of the gay. -- fun of the guy. they'll watch. >> they've been -- steven somen colbert is for a specific audience. they're going for the left of the democratic party. >> we all go to bed with greg gutfeld and tom shillue. >> that's right.
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good to see you. >> thank you. it's no wonder the economy is struggling, biden white house economic advisor going y viral after stumbling over the administration's handling of inflation. it's fascinating what he said. sunday morning anchor host maria bartiromo joins us next. ♪ go on take the money and run. ♪ go on take the money and run. ♪burn get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. every day, more dog people, and more vets are deciding
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rachel: we're back with some headlines starting with a fox news y you alert. trash and torn down tents are all that remain from the anti-israel encamp p tment on usc's campus. police responding to the scene overnight warning protesters they would face arrest if they didn't leave the area. demonstrators seem to have left the area peacefully. it's unclear if any arrests were made. but the place is super trashed, definitely not environmentalists. union firefighters in washington state and boeing have been locked out amid a pay dispute, this coming months after failed negotiations between boeing and the international association of firefighters local 66. it's the first time in more than 40 years a group of firefighters have been on a lockout in the united states. the union telling abc news, quote, they're not thinking about our people. they're thinking about the all
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mighty dollar and how much they the can save. finally, a pro an l angler reelg the in an alligator snapping turtle and said it didn't come easy. >> i've never seen a turtle that big. his head was up, he would try to get to me. s his head would slowly turn and follow me. he wanted to get me, that's for sure. rachel: it wasn't the first big cat for westin last year. he was part of a team that caught an alligator that weighed nearly 300 pounds. viewers asked did he throw it in? the answer is yes. there we go. let's turn to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth for the fox weather forecast. that was a creepy turtle. >> it was. i can't imagine pulling that out. so prehistoric and scary. we have a lot more severe weather this week. it's been an active period across much of the plains. we're not done yet.
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take a look at the map. monday is our begist threat. we could be -- biggest threat. we could be looking at large, destructive tornadoes, tornado alley in the peak season which is may, big month. we'll be watching this. tuesday, wednesday,s moves to the east across a bigger population zone. showers moving across the mid-atlantic and the northeast today, a gloomy day. things improve tomorrow. this morning we have rain across parts of texas. we've had incredible flooding this week across texas. we've got to get through today and then things improve for us, this is the precipitation coming over the next seven days, we'll see a little bit of rain across parts of texas but not that bad a once we're done with today. across the west, dealing with snow, here we are in mid-may and this week bigger rain comes in across much of the ten see and mid-mississippi river valley, ohio valley, watch for the potential flood risk today. >> i had some viewers saying
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that turtle was 200 years old. >> glad it's back, still living. >> growing question about the bidenation's grasp on the economy as the economic advisor seems to struggle answering basic questions. >> why does the government even borrow? >> well, the -- so the -- i mean, again, some of this stuff gets -- some of the language that they -- some of the language and concepts are just confusing. >> sunday morning futures anchor maria bartiromo joins us now. maria, he's got to know the answer to that question. he's got to be smarter than that. maria: yeah. well, good morning, will. will: good morning. maria: one of the tenets of so-called mmt or modern monetary theory is the idea that government budget deficits do not matter. excessive spending does not matter because the debt and deficits don't matter because
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for countries like the united states, because the u.s. prints its own money so we can keep p printing money and you do not need an engineering degree or economic phd to understand the impact of excessive spending. that's not true. debt and deficits do in fact matter and we all know that just from living our lives in the last 10 years to understand that the $7 trillion that was spent in the three years under joe biden by the democrats led to 40 year high inflation so it's very simple. mmt, this modern monetary theory he was trying to explain that can get complicated in fact is not true. governments cannot just keep spending and taxing their way out of it. we know that. we lived it. we've seen inflation at 40 year highs. all we have to do is go to the drugstore or grocery store and know that everything is expensive. so unfortunately when you have politics get into economics, it gets pretty muddy and that's what happened and let me tell you, this is not the only of government official that wall
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street and business types are talking about this weekend. in fact, they're talking about janet yellen because she got real political this weekend as well. she used a speech at the mccain institute in arizona to go wildly political and that sparked so much conversation on friday on wall street. i was hearing it from a lot of people. here's one line you i want to play for you at the speech out of sedna. she said recently dam democracys come under threat, especially terrifying on january 6. she said i understand this is not usually the speech you might here from the treasury secretary but undercutting democracy undercuts the foundation of sustainable and inclusive growth. she's trying to connect the two because joe biden unleashed diswrien a swing state of -- janet yellen to a swing state of arizona to go politic and people were disappointed with janet yellen just the way they were disappointed in the monetary
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modern theory conversation by jared bernstein. >> and the line, inclusive growth. everything is weaved together in every answer. what do you have coming up on sunday morning futures,. maria: this is why the american people are voting donald trump in all of the polls because people have more confidence and we've seen it from the polls, they have more confidence in president trump handling of the economy than joe biden's handling of the economy and that's what we're talking about this morning. we've got a great show coming up. we are going to talk about the ramifications of all of these college protests with elise stefanik, the woman who exposed anti-semitism in america in college campuses months ago with those hearings with the university presidents. we're going to talk this morning about what impact she sees% all of this, are we going to see moves to cut federal funding to some of these universities that have not kep jewish students sa. we'll talk with lara trump about the fund raising going on the in
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the trump campaign and a how it is that president trump is able to raise money and meet with donors in the little time he has not sitting in a new york courtroom. john ratcliffe is a former prot prosecutor. he -- prosecutor, he has a few things to say about the new york manhattan da's trial. we have breaking news on the classified documents scandal that president biden is trying to fight and robert. had urr said he won't charge him becauses he's a well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory. there are issues with regard to trump that he will bring out. ray kelly will talk about crime, can new york be saved? crime is spiking all over the place, not just because of a wide open border, not just because of bad policies, we'll talk about that with ray kelly, the former commissioner of the nypd. we've got a big show and we've got breaking news coming up. i'll see you in 10 minutes. >> we'll be there in 10 minutes. you wouldn't have thought i
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barked at you, but it's thee tore, he's in studio. maria: great theodore, awesome. >> he's ready for the television debut which starts in just a moment right before we see maria. it's time for theodore, summer is fast approaching. he was barking. you heard it. chip wade is here, by the way, i forgot. focused can on theodore. time to get our top gear to get away from your phone, spend more time outside this summer. did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit
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hi, i'm kevin, and i've lost 152 pounds on golo. i had just left a checkup with my doctor, and i'd weighed in at 345 pounds. my doctor prescribed a weight loss drug, but as soon as i stopped taking the drug, i gained all the weight back and then some. that's when i decided to give golo a try. taking the release supplement, i noticed a change within the first week, and each month the weight just kept coming off. with golo, you can keep the weight off. if you've ever grilled, you know you can
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count on propane to make everything great. but did you know propane also powers school buses that produce lower emissions that lead to higher test scores? or that propane can cut your energy costs at home? it powers big jobs and small ones too. from hospitals to hospitality, people rely on propane-an energy source that's affordable, plentiful, and environmentally friendly for everyone. get the facts at
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rachel: summer days will be here before we know of it which means we'll a want to spend more time outdoors and off our screens. >> here with some gear to help us do just that is diy expert chip wade. what's up? >> summer's about having fun. it's also a time to treat our pets. this is from springer pets, a travel water bottle. some have hard cups, some have silicone cups. you can squeeze it and let it go and it drains back in. it comes with carbiners for your belt and backpack. >> you go for a walk and you've got the dog. >> color coordinated treats ooh, it's a dispinser. it just lets out just enough.
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another great thing for pets, an all in one pet grooming machine. we're ac actually grooming, cutg the fur and it is attached to the vacuumist allows you to clean your car, clean furniture. it has a blower attachment with a separate air channel to keep everything clean, that's adjustable up to 140 degrees. it's going to dry the pets 50% faster than a hair dri dryer, there's a lot going on. rachel: a lot of people are grooming their own dogs because of money. >> we love our pets. we don't love it when they make the brown spots. this is canine correcter from turf titan. it screws onto your garden hose. you can water it right in. it has microbes that get rid of the brown spot. it's safe for family and pets, a
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full arrests a nail from turf rescue scans retinas of the insects to find out colors and textures they're attracted to. they make the traps. they are you attracted, they stick to it. find it at last up, we've got outdoor power equipment. they have cyber system, lets you charge a battery in eight minutes. we have the products from feather weight string trimmers to -- i can never keep you guys on track. all of this is up at cr he andwadeworkscreative.. rachel: do that again. >> close up. super close. [laughter] ♪
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♪ and i think it's gonna be a long, long time ♪ pete: that's new york city. that's the u.n., building. >> that's london. rachel: that's london can. pete: that's new york city -- will: that's london. [laughter] pete: get out of here. rachel: good job. will: i win again. pete: what do you mean you win again? will: i always win. as you can to, subscribe to the will cain show, guess who we have this week? dave ramsey, carrie urban -- carrie urban, and you don't want to miss that this week. pete: pretty cool. the will cain show. will: trying to put a competition together. pete: see you next weekend. rachel: bye, everybody. ♪ ♪ maria: good sunday morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining us


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