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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 5, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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eric: dozens of protesters being arrested as police empty another israeli encampment this is at the art institute of chicago. these loud rallies and disruptions are showing no sign of slowing down colleges and universities working to try to fortify security measures because it is time for graduation ceremonies as these disruptors that some say are pro- hamas threaten to disrupt even more events. take a look. this is yesterday protesters interrupting the commencement ceremony at the university of michigan. they chanted anti- israeli slogans and paraded palestinian flags. guess what the students and the parents did? they cheered. the demos are hauled off after interrupting commencement but welcome to a brand-new hour of f"fox news live" i am eric shaw. hi arthel. arthel: hello everyone i am arthel neville.
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aziz rallies container from coast-to-coast to more schools are cracking down for the university of southern california protesters finally going along with administrators and clearing out their encampment. this is after police surrounded them and threatened to arrest them. it comes a day's before commencement events are set to begin. in a new york city nypd worn student protesters are being radicalized by outside anti- israel agitators. eric: matt finn with the very latest was going on across the country at these demonstrations that are continuing and really pacing people off. >> owns it and why you all day yesterday and was just there this morning for those meant weeks of chaos and unrest here in new york city. we can out reports there is calm at nyu and other schools across manhattan at the latest check. there are anti- israel protests clearing up all over the country being at the art institute of chicago. police arrested 68 pro- palestinian protesters there
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yesterday. chicago police said the school requested officers remove the demonstrators who set up tents on campus. protesters were demanding the institute divest israel condemn condemned the occupation of palestine. heading south at the university of virginia yesterday after a week of turbulence that massive police presence moved in on the unlawful encampment. it shows police forcibly dragging away at least one protester and 25 people were arrested. back here in new york dozens were arrested at columbia and nyu this past week. police it dismantled in encampment at nyu friday. it took 59 people into custody. herhere is new york mayor adams this morning. >> who want to protect democracy in the right to protest. but we have an obligation when those protests reach the point of violence as the president stated, we have to ensure we use a minimum amount of force to terminate what is perceived to
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be a threat. not only by our intelligence but also the school and college officials. >> out west and encampment at ucla was dismantled after turn violent this week the los angeles times has a piece out outrioutright now questioning if the other encampments are simply on borrowed time given what we are seeing. we are aware of encampments at schools like harvard and the university of pennsylvania. eric: alr all right matt, thanku so much. arthel: skyler is a senior at george washington university in d.c. were protests are now in their 11th day. she joins me now. skyler, first of all do you know with the protesters once? what you think about their demands? >> so yesterday they're holding a press conference where they talked about what they wanted their demands. they want divestment from pro-israel companies pray that my full disclosure of investments and endowments from the university. they made it abundantly clear unless the school complies one
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100% with their demands they will not be leaving. arthel: what you think about that? >> i think that on one hand the university should be transparent in their investments. but on the other hand the weight this money is invested is nearly impossible or very, very difficult to fully divest. i think the protests needs to be a little bit flexible in their demands in order for a safe and comfortable campus for everyone. arthel: were you involved in any of the protests? >> yes i was counter protesting the first thursday it started last week thursday, friday, saturday until i was actually by police. i was peacefully protesting holding my israeli flag. i was not saying anything. it was clear they did not want me by spitting at me, harassing me and taking my picture over all making for like a very unsafe environment to even just stand there. arthel: it is okay for the pro-
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palestinian protesters to be there but they did not want you there? is that what you're telling me? that's what seemed like. an mpd officer asked me if you would please leave he was instigating and he was getting complaints from me being there. if the pro- palestine encampment is to be there, so should i. arthel: i understand you want d.c. police and mayor bowser to take action. what would you want them to do? what's it's really difficult question. as we are seeing other campuses is becoming very violent very fast when the police step and they have a commitment to for the safety and well-being of all students. not just zionist not just the people in the encampment so i'm not sure what i want them to do. i just want this to end peacefully. arthel: i understand. so, i believe you have one year left do you plan to stay there? do you think you will complete your senior year there? >> this is actually my senior
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year i graduated in two weeks. so looking back at my time, i think anti-semitism and anti- zion's sum has been lurking in the shadows we've always known it was there. but fred rainier there is vandalism of a torah, swastikas are being thrown into buildings but anti-semitism is always existed but it's debit reached a peak quite like it has since it came it started. arthel: i'm sorry i best write the notes they gave me. so tell me this. you are graduating in two weeks. do you think what you are at leaving behind as the new normal? >> are really hope not. i walk on campus and feel very unsafe feel very afraid they clearly do not want this year. yesterday at the press conference they were chanting zionist offer campus now but it's very clear they do not want to engage in dialogue. a very large portion of jews are
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zionist so underlying the anti- zionist is anti-semitism but i'm hoping this is not the normal normal. everyone on campus has the right to feel safe and comfortable and can walk to class fear free. arthel: absolutely, absolutely i understand after our interview yogoing to rally for holocaust remember date. does it have an even greater significance this year? >> i think absolutely. that happens every year in order to memorialize the 6 million jewish lives lost during the holocaust. this year we are memorializing the lives lost during october 7 and the health of our hostages that are still in gaza. arthel: i hope you get those demands i'm very sorry for what happened of course. i went to end in our last 30
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seconds together, do you have a message for the administrators of george washington university? >> yes. the administration needs to work very hard to ensure the safety and well-being of all students on this campus. the protesters, and and the encampment are clearly in violation of university policy and they need to take action against the students that are breaking rules. arthel: skyler, i wish you were at last few days few weeks on campus is not the way they were. but i do know you have a very bright future ahead of you. we thank you for sharing your thoughts and concerns with us this morning. thank you and good luck. >> thank you. eric: president biden has been catching flak from both sides of the aisle over camp i anti- israel protests. lucas' life at the white house on that. >> on "fox news sunday" senator marco rubio said president biden needed to do more earlier to prevent the rise of violence on
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college campuses. why so biden should've spoken about them very early in this process. his failure to address this early on and make very clear whose side he is on has just fed this. >> but yet a director to cairo. he is now headed for what is being reported as an emergency meeting with qatar prime minister to tell me he talks with hamas art near the verge of collapse. "fox news sunday" ranking intelligence committee acknowledge the challenge negotiations. >> you never sound too optimistic about any negotiation in the middle east. we can get whatever it is a temperate break in the fighting so that the hostages can be released, not something that never gets mentioned here. that i think would be a good step in the right direction. >> five blocks and wears the campus of george washington university made the statue our first president remains the base gw's president want cops to clear out.
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they refused house oversight committee james comer what's in a white byron donalds who visited gw last week with comber' spock earlier on fox and friends. >> what you are seeing this outside agitators. but then also radical professors the ones who were ginning up this hate. creating these encampments. you have students going along with this stuff unfortunately. university presidents have a responsibility to clean up their campuses and protect the civil rights of all students. >> they want to hear from gw president and d.c.' mayor and te chief of police. thbilby given the commencement address to the rest of the george washington university class with biden's former press secretary jen psaki. eric: meanwhile there's a scary scene outside the white house last night to take a look at this. a car spit into a security barrier we do not have the video, killing the driver the secret service said there is no threat to the white house police
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said they are investing in it right now only as a traffic crash. it has not been publicly identified not know if he intentionally smashed and the barrier to kill himself or if it indeed was a mishap authorities are investigating that drivers background to try to find out. arthel: we have major news for everyone as a more rain is hitting flood ravage south texas today. yesterday at waters and the swollen river reach the rooftop of some homes sparking mandatory evacuations and dramatic rescues. madison scarpino is live it. >> called the worst flooding days have seen and that there is used to flooding but were keeping an eye on everything still were monitoring local storm chasers, the radar even more heavy rain today as expected to make things even worse. so far official said crews rescued hundreds of people. photos and videos were seen out
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of southeast texas are intense cars and houses submerged teams are rescuing people from rooftops, on roads and rain over the last few weeks in houston and in nearby neighborhoods filled up the reservoirs soaked all of the grass. officials say the water had nowhere else to go. here's a body cam video of one rescue yesterday. houston police saved a man and three dogs who were trapped in eight -- 10 feet of water per this happened in a trailer park where the river enters lake houston. despite the devastating damage a lot of people in the area say they are just relieved their families are safe. >> honestly all of our kids are out. our pets are out, we are out. >> as mentioned we are seeing even more rain today. the national weather service said that once the rain and rivers will still be swollen for days or even weeks after that.
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arthel: it is not over yet but i'm so glad they rescue the doggies. madison scarpino thank you. mark: the reports of the southern border crisis may be costing us hundreds, hundreds of billions of dollars a year. they'll be the center of a house a budget committee hearing this week picked up next the chairman of that committee texas and congressman jodey arrington will tell us exactly how much ching chang it is costing you and me. to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. always dry scoop before you run. listen to me, the hot dog diet got me shredded. it's time we listen to science. one a day is formulated with key nutrients to support whole body health. one a day. science that matters.
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speak but the mystery surrounding t 23 sir first disappeared in mexico has intensified this morning a foportthe body was reportedly fn the same tourist area where the american into australians and vanished last weekend for christina coleman is alive with the latest on the investigation. christina, this is getting to be more bizarre. tell us more perplexed bizarre indeed the four bodies were found in a well and the mexican state of baja california. about 130 miles south of san diego. it is unclear how they died or if their deaths are connected. our fox affiliate in san diego it was reportedly forth the body was identified as a rancher who went missing several weeks ago.
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he was reportedly the owner of the property where the four bodies were found. investigators are coming to the area for more evidence and conducting tests on their finding britain baja california attorney general said it is highly likely the other three bodies found in the same location will be identified as the missing surfers. during the search their family and friends identified them as a jack carter wrote from san diego and jake and caleb robinson two brothers from australia. >> i went the world to know how credible these men were a lot of things are said to people passively but even in life they were bigger than life they were the light in every room. carter, callum, jake could walk in a room to be friends with everyone and went their legacy to continue to live on. >> the three tourists went missing during a camping and surfing trip last week mexican authorities say the pick up truck along to the american surfer was found and burned it near a remote area along the coast they believe it was set on
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fire. two men and a woman have been detained on suspicion of kidnapping part prosecutor and baja california told the "new york times" her team believes steal the victims vehicle when they resisted, one of the suspect shot them and tried to dispose of their bodies. mexican authorities have not yet officially determined a cause of death for the victims. they say they will conduct forensic testing on the evidence as they proceed with this investigation. arthel: it's tragic and very sad as well paid christina coleman, thank you so much. eric: we have heard a lot about the impact of the crisis at the southern border but not so much on the real cost to american taxpayers to continuing flood of migrants. this week house budget committee will hold a hearing on that as a recent homeland security committee report says the amount could reach, get this up to $451 billion a year. the chairman of the house and budget committee texas a replicant congressman jodey
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arrington joins us now. half a trillion a year can we afford this? >> we are a bar at 1000 a second $8 billion a day. we are borrowing to join a year just to fund the federal government that continues to grow and encroached on the lives of the american people. we cannot afford it. we are off the rails the national debt is unsustainable. this administration added $7 trillion to the national debt we are spending hundreds of billions of dollars for the border crisis. the social costs of public safety, security the mentoring cost is unprecedented. as a fiduciary the tax payers we want to highlight what it's costing the american taxpayer at every level local, state, federal government. by the way it breaks down to about $9000 per illegal immigrant in this country but we
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do not even spend that for the most vulnerable american citizen is part of the recklessness and fiscal responsibility. we've got to rein it in and change course. eric: this may be one of the first times i have heard it break down for per migrant. you are saying our tax payer money is $9000 for each of migrants? >> that is correct. 9000 we spent a little over 6000 for medicaid beneficiaries. these are the most vulnerable, poorest, sickest americans. we are paying into the nose for illegal immigration at all levels. rather the state and local governments bear the greatest burden. and they cannot borrow from china. where they have to offset it by cutting services to their citizens or they have to get
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back into the pocketbooks of the citizens of their states. it's education at 70 billion across the country. we will have a guy at our hearing a world county people there criminal cases you have to adjudicate from 134 before biden took office to now 15000 criminal cases. that is $10 million that is one added too and in 54 counties in the great state of texas. this is unconscionable and we have got to expose the fiscal implications of this for taxpayers for the american people. mark: how do they deal with this? and new york city mayor adams had to announce and budget cuts he said that migrant crisis cost about $4 billion a year but he prettysaid he spending more on migrants than on the fire department, the parks department
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and the sanitation department combined. at what point does the stop question of what should the biden administration do to stop this insanity? looks very simple, enforce the laws. the laws on the books say we must detain. with very effective programs for border security. and for stopping illegal in the previous administration for this present is exactly what works for to remain in mexico, stop, catch, release, just restoring the rule of law and defending our sovereign border. but for the first 100 days virtually every day of this first 100 days of this administration president biden had executive order that unraveled this. of the daily show of people, crimes, dr drugs record migrant deaths. it's almost immeasurable. it is not immeasurable in terms of what is hitting the taxpayer.
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this on top of the cost of living crisis $1300 a month for families they are spending more because of inflation, interest rate hikes. this recklessness this fiscal recklessness is it permeating every facet we went to highlight the border crisis in particular. we think it is important for every american to know. it's not just security it is fiscal impact and fiscal responsibility. eric: why do you think the presidents pursue those policies? >> i can only he thanks there is a political benefit for having illegal immigrants come into this country. i do not see that. the polls suggest the hispanic community every minority community is moving away from this president. people who have migrated hear from other countries in the latin american countries were socialism bankrupted their company. they had a lawlessness in their
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streets they went law and order. they want a secure border. they want good education. they want peace and tranquility as we promise of the constitution. it is not going to work out for president biden but more importantly for the country it has been a calamity. an absolute catastrophe. it is costing real money. it is real money to the taxpayer because they cannot borrow from china. they are having to make deep cuts it is unconscionable. that's the norm of this demonstration or illustrate a half years. so we were finally just pay taxes yet the tax forms and you saw all of this stuff. we don't get back from the irs where the money goes too. we think the reaction of the average american taxpayer would be? if we get a little letter with our tax refund this is by the way, this is how much the $9000
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each migrant is what it is costing you. do you think that would affect the public policy? >> you better believe it. i am sounding the alarm on that part have a budget process reform that does just that for taxpayer receipts that lights up how much taxpayers are paying in terms of the federal budget. how much of the debt of the taxpayers are paying which is about $250,000 per taxpayer right now. yes we have to put this at the four of every taxpayer. it's easy to watch the national debt clock at 30 virtually dollars and counting and be lulled to sleep if there is no implication for this. the fact is a debt crisis would undermine the economy. our national security. not only that but our leadership in the world and our children's future. we have to wake up and do something about it. and the border cost is just a
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one of the many frivolous un- wasteful and unnecessary spending going on throughout the people's government. were going to expose it. >> i checked it might receipt at sam's club i don't understand what we can't do with our taxes. texas congressman jodey arrington thank you. arthel: thank you. cease-fire talks are still ongoing and the israel/hamas war are we any closer to an actual pause in the fighting retired general jack keane on that coming up next. raising you was no bed of roses. are you getting me anything for mother's day? go to oh my gosh! wow! gorgeous! i feel like royalty. thank you. happy mother's day. happy mother's day!
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arthel: police in california investigating a shooting that left seven people injured overnight. four of them are in critical condition. the others injuries reportedly not life-threatening. the gunfire erupted by the way outside of eight nightclub in long beach. police are still looking for a suspect. eric: hopes maybe did make with the cease-fire in the israel/hamas war. talks entered in cairo without any agreement both sides are blaming each other for the impasse. jeff paul live in tel aviv with the very latest on this. >> we are learning delegation from hamas has ended this latest round of talks in egypt. the head back to qatar that will meet with leadership about their next moves. we are also learning at the same time cia chief william burns who is also in egypt will be heading to qatar as well but he'll be meeting with the prime minister of qatar for emergency meeting
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as talks between israel and hamas appeared to be collapsing. qatar in the u.s. are planning maximum pressure on israel and hamas to keep negotiating. reportedly said they're pushing for a full withdrawal of israeli troops. and a comprehensive cease-fire. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu said they cannot accept that part if they did the next october 7 would be only a matter of time. defense minister said hamas does not seem to be serious about reaching a deal. >> we are recognizing worrisome signals hamas is not planning to accept any dealer agreement with us. that meaning of this operation and the entire gaza strip and then very near future. >> talks appear to be falling apart israel today ordered the closure of qatar owned tv office
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in israel. the network has since been pulled from the main cable provider here in israel for the networks are broadcasting equipment was reportedly confiscated part prime minister netanyahu says the reporting has harmed israel's national security adding it was time to remove the hamas mouthpiece from the country but in the statement al jazeera called those allegations false. they pushed back against them. saying ongoing suppression of the free press is only meant to conceal their actions in gaza. eric: prime minister going to root out all of the hamas terrorist. jeff in tel aviv, thank you. arthel: alright for more on this right now we are bringing in retired four-star general general jackkeane fox news senic analyst. i am just seeing reporting from roxio's u.s. is put a hole on a shipment to israel. i want to get your reaction to that report it we have not
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confirmed it here at fox news but that is what roxio's is reporting again that u.s. has put holds on an animation shipment to israel. what do you make of that, sir? >> i think we need to get the facts before we can speculate with that is. maybe a perfectly legitimate reason for that or it may be an indication the united states is changing their policy and fully supporting israel. i think we more information. arthel: fair enough. let's move on to why you're here. do you think a cease-fire deal is imminent? what would you consider a reasonable deal? >> i think we look at the facts of the case certainly we have not had negotiated seen cease-fire and relay since in re november why is that? frankly you have got to look at the principals who are making the decisions and what their positions are. the leader of hamas in gaza he is the principal making the
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decisions for none is a political masters in qatar at or atthe negotiating table in c. he is the decision-maker. and since the hostage release in november that was driven by the fact israel's military pressure in northern gaza was signi significant, they were taking significant casualties, hamas that is pretty wanted to reposition some of those forces so he could preserve them. the six week cease-fire in hostage release gave him the opportunity to do that. why did they have the hostages? it's on precedent they'd taken wholesale hostages before but i think they did that based on the advice they got from their masters, the iranians. there are two things involved here they want their own survival using hostages to guarantee that and they don't israel to stop the war and leave gaza and use hostages to gain that leverage. november, what has happened, he sat on the table two things a permanent cease-fire and a complete withdrawal from israel.
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obviously that is not the position of the decision-maker in israel. which is obviously prime minister netanyahu and his work cap next. what they are seeking and certainly it is uppermost in their mind is the hostage release. they've had a six week cease-fire proposal for weeks and months on the table to accomplish that very similar to what happened in november but completely rejected by hamas for the reasons stated by the other thing is the military operation and rafah. they know full well the leaders of this organization that are still alive are in those tunnels and rafah as our 45 effective for italians. they do not with them to be able to survive but rearm and re- equip and attack again weeks or months. the other thing they're interested in, is on the southern border of israel that runs along the egyptian border is called philadelphia core door.
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along that corridor it's a 9 miles in length are the tunnel complexes that they smuggle all the arms and ammunition and from egypt into hamas. they know they have to destroy that. even if they destroyed the italians in rafah and kill most of the leaders those smuggling tunnels would be used to rearm and re- equip hamas. they've been the main sustainment of their weapons and ammunition. so the military importance of the operation and rafah is uppermost him prime minister netanyahu for short. the other thing is hostage release he has used pressure at home for that. so those in the position that these leaders have, which make it intractable and is accurate reporting as he is saying i want a permanent cease-fire and i want the withdrawal of israeli troops. if i cannot get a permanent cease-fire now i want to see a clear pathway and a guarantee
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that will happen eventually. i do not believe the israelis can agree to that. i think that is the basis for the impasse that we have. that is the reality of what is taking place on the ground. so everybody understands this, he has lost closer 25000 hamas fighters. in his mind the martyrdom of the summer of 35 thousand gaza citizens from elderly folks to women and children all included and that. he is willing to lose more fighters and willing to lose tens of thousands of more gazans in his mind moderate for the cause. that is the diabolical and sinister nature of what we are dealing with here. we can never lose sight of who they are and what they are about. he believes he is winning this war because of the widespread international condemnation of israel. the president of the united states a publicly opposing
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israel's war aims and now and the rise up of certain students around the world supporting hamas as well as supporting the palestinians. that, in his mind, as a strategic victory. the sacrifice of what i laid out in his mind is worth it. and he is willing to do more of it. and remember, it is all about the eventual destruction of the state of israel. and he believes he is succeeding at that goal. and that makes fundamentally an agreement between these two parties pretty unlikely without a major concession by hamas. arthel: i am going to leave it there. you laid it out all on the table. i don't have a follow up. you have covered everything i was going to ask you and it does seemed like we are in a pickle that's going to be tricky to get out of it. i know you're watching it closely and of course will have you back to give further analysis on this.
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retired general jack keane thank you is always frequent sure, great talking with you, arthel, thank you. stay where she broke down that stand to testify against the former present on friday. what effects will help hick's hickstestimony have on the tria? who can take the stand tomorrow? will break it down next right here on "fox news live." when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot. ♪ [ cellphone whooshes ] [ sighs ] that's why progressive makes it easy to save with a commercial auto quote online so you can take on all your others to-dos. already did. see if you could save at
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so richard, mystics was close to the former president. it was difficult and emotional for her to testify against him in the courtroom. some legal experts as she helped the defense of theirs that she help the prosecution. she talked a lot about michael cohen. what you see happening this week? >> i see the prosecution alan bragg's office and the manhattan district attorney's office i feel like this was a blow to their case in this instance. hope hicks testified she was part of the white house team in the communications during the campaign she testified the payment was not about election interference but about public embarrassment. that certainly deals a blow to the prosecution because the prosecution is saying the ex- presidents made these payments in order to help his campaign she sank know, this is personal reasons. this is the same thing we have
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seen previous presidential candidate use, jon edwards used when he was accused of making payments to a woman who was the prosecution claims as election interference of the jury finds it for personal reasons' we were here's what she set on both sides of the coin what ms. hicks testified to was quote he was concerned how it would be viewed by his wife. and he wanted me too make sure the newspapers were not delivered to their residence that morning. that's when the wall street journal revealed the stormy daniels payment. to get on the testimony she also said this, quote. everything we talked about in the context of this time. and this time frame was about whether or not there was an impact on the campaign. can you have both going on at the same time on one level he is concerned in the jury try to
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navigate that? >> so what is going to happen at summation basically the prosecution will take all the evidence the testimonies part of the evidence for their going to take all that testimony on their going to mold the fact remember what hope hicks said everything was about the campaign and then they're going to bring in michael cohen on it's going to testify citizens all about the campaign was into the recordings it's all about the campaign. don't be fooled, it was out for personal reasons. that's what is going to come into shape. they're going to use that x excerpt and say remember this is public embarrassment he too don't have the paper delivered. this is personal reasons. he really respects his wife and so forth. that's what the jury's going to chew on so yes you can have it both ways. that is the beauty of our legal system is you get to mend these stories this testimony together to create your own story to the jury. eric: in terms of michael
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cohen's credibility the defense lawyer they're going to hammer on that. what you expect that's going to be like? >> that is going to be key you are defense attorney like i have been, you are going to hammer michael cohen. you're going to hammer the fact he does not personally like the ex-president he is a vendetta. he's a convicted felon on his way to prison you're going to hammer out all that stuff that he is just not credible. and that he is doing this for his own good. so that is going to be key the defense is preparing for michael they know he is the linchpin in this matter in this case. see for serve time for tax evasion he now denies. here is also what ms. hicks said about that she said the stormy daniels payments and that was at least while they were in the white house she had a conversation with the president at the time her testimony said this and let me read it to your quote to president trump was saying he had spoken to michael and michael had paid this woman
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to protect them from a false allegation that michael felt like it was his job to protect them. he did it out of the kindness of his own heart she said. she also said i would say it would be out of character for michael. it did not know michael to be especially charitable person or selfless person. some would say she's not really buying what the president claimed that michael cohen did and i didn't know anything about it at the president is actually revealing he knew about this payment when he denied he knew about it at all. >> there are two things here. sure, there are two things here. one is the fact the defense can say this was all up michael cohen set up this was based upon his advice and the president took his advice on what should happen we know it you can use the lawyer defense as a defense. this was not my idea of this is might lawyer's idea. that's what the defense is going to focus on part of the sink in the prosecution is going to sit look at this testimony once again for hope hicks that this
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is not something michael cohen would do on his own. this is more likely and if you look at the other evidence the fact trump may or may not -- make the ex-president may or may not testify pretty but that altogether is going to a back to the jury. whether or not they believe which story the defense or the prosecution site it's very interesting with the facts of the evidence here is that it can go either way. now i want to say this. eric: 10 seconds left. >> in and the prosecution in the sense of. eric: will get cut off by the computer it's not me although i do have to get up early. we get up at 6:00 a.m. in the morning tomorrow on fox news channel. richard, good to see you. we'll see what happens another week starting tomorrow morning at 9:30 a.m. as of the court gavels. we will be right back. i've got to go. ok. bye. mom! (♪) -thanks mom. -yeah. (♪)
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