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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 5, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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into high gear. the former president met with many of the biggest names up for the number two spot this weekend. welcome to "fox news live," i'm mike emanuel. following the donor retreat, the trump campaign says it raised more than $75 million in april, up from the if amount the campaign took back in march. madeleine rivera is live in our nation's capital with the very latest on the veep stakes. >> reporter: hey, mike. the rnc spring donor retreat allowed former president trump to squeeze some of his potential running mates, but some of the candidates aren't sharing too many details. listen here. >> i don't want to speculate on the vp thing. here's the good news, and i saw it this weekend, the amount of talent that we have in the republican party is extraordinary. he doesn't just have a one of of voices -- choices for vp, he has a bunch of choice toes for the cabinet. >> i'm honored to have my name in the mix, but it's a true testament to the strength of the republican party.
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>> reporter: kristi noems prospects may be in trouble. she's doing damage control for shooting and killing her or 14-month-old dog 20 years ago. the story is laid out in her upcoming book. after killing her dog, she says she also killed their goat. >> i want the truth to be out there and to understand that these animals were attacking my children, that we live on a farm and a ranch and that tough decisions are made many times. >> reporter: ohio senator j.d. vance is another big name. he's expected to join trump for a fundraiser in cincinnati on may 15th. he told shannon bream last week on "fox news sunday" he hasn't broached the topic of veep stakes yet with the former president. >> i've never spoken to him about being vice president. of course if he asked me, i'd have to think seriously about it because i think it's really important that he win. >> reporter: don't expect an announcement anytime soon. remember, trump didn't reveal hen this-indiana governor mike pence as his running mate until mid if july 2016.
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mike: let the speculation begin. let's bring in our political panel. with me today is lauren tomlinson and democratic strategist jim kessler. welcome to both of you. let's talk veep takes, what do you say? -- veep stakes. here are eight names who were at this trump fundraiser last night generating some of the buzz. scott, vance, rubio, burgum, noem, steph initiation donald and and ramaswamy. here is senator scott on the running mate focus. >> we had no conversations about the vp pick, to be honest with you, to be clear. i hope that the president will choose a person who helps the country unite and heal. i certainly expect to have a decision from president trump in the next 60 days or so, but he did not bring it up. mike: lauren, lead us off. what is your assessment? >> my current assessment is how shocking this is, how different it is from 2016 when we had a
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very robust discussion, public discussion about who was going to be his vp, and there was a lot of news stories about it. people were all a talking about it. you can tell that the campaign is different this time around because the trump people have told the vp candidate, do not discuss the nominations process, do not discuss the selection process or we won't consider you nymph and i think that's -- anymore. so i think that's significant because they're kind of dodging. rubio did the best pivot to be like, oh, that's nice, we're not going to talk about that. kellyanne conway, you remember, wrote an op-ed to talk about how she suggested he bring on a woman as vp. but, listen, i don't think that the people that were at the donor conference last night are necessarily going to be just vp. i think cabinet, that's ca exactly right, it's kind of the supporters du jour of everyone he's considering for a bunch of different positions. and i think, ultimately, it's going to be who can not suck the air out of the room and give donald trump the space he needs
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to be donald trump but also be a fierce defender for him in the national media. mike: congressman donalds also out talking today. let's play him. >> the campaign is in great shape is. donald trump is not going to wither under these attacks. it's only going to make him stronger, and the polling demonstrates this. we're now leading in all of the battleground states because the people are seeing that donald trump has the strength to stand against the radical left. mike: jim, in this shows the former president knows how to skin rate media buzz, right? >> yeah -- generate media buzz. >> i think they'd be crazy not to put nikki haley at the top of the list. you pick your vice president because you're trying to -- you've got vulnerabilities that we're true thing to -- trying to overcome. he's doing horribly among women and very poorly among republican moderatesful nikki haley helps you in both of those cases. you look at the other eight, i don't think they help him there. he mix picked mike pence last time in 2016 because he had a
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problem with evangelical voters. so i think the smart choice is to pick someone that helps him with where he's weak. mike: interesting. so elise stefanik was talking today about the new york criminal trial. let's play her. >> this is a political witch hunt against joe biden's opponent if who is donald trump, and it's because democrats cannot win at the ballot box. the fact that they have a gag order on president trump in the midst of a general election campaign shows how desperate the democrats are. mike: since trials are part of the reality of this cycle, how critical are strong defense of the former president? >> i think pretty critical. but i unfortunately for the trial, a lot of the discussion has already been had, these accusations have already been lobbed against president trump for years, so i don't know how much of an impact any of the accusations for this trial are going to make on his re-election campaign. however, i think these types of defenses, again, show trump who is on his side and who isn't which is the more important test, i think, within the republican party and for his
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future administration, less so for hows it is affecting the public perception of him. mike: jim, what about that? >> i think if trump is making his vp if choice on who defends him best in a trial, it's a dumb way to go about it. look, i don't think these trials are going to have much effect on donald trump's popularity unless he testifies. if he testifies, then he's going to commit if perjury because he did have sex with those will, and there was hush money there. but, or you know, voters already know that. [laughter] they've already taken that into account. so i think, you know, far be it from me to give donald trump advice, but he needs to pick someone that's going to help him with women and with republican moderate voters, and if he goes with the ones who defend him best on the trial, he's missing an opportunity. mike: okay. we expect marjorie taylor greene, congresswoman if georgia, to go after speaker mike if johnson. some democrats are expected to stand up for the republican house speaker. i asked congressman jake
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auchincloss about that yesterday. he's play him. -- let's play him. >> speaker johnson, with whom i have substantial political differences, he governed, and he stood up to his extreme maga flank, so i'm going to vote to peck him. mike: lauren, it is political season. democrats want the majority back. are you surprised? >> not entirely, because i don't think johnson would have brought up that ukraine bill without having discussion with some of the democrats beforehand, so i think there was probably some sort of -- i know he also felt strongly about a how important it was to defend if our allies and fund our allies after some of the briefings with the intelligence community. but i also think he wouldn't have taken that risk unless he knew i it was going to be okay for him politically. the democrat accurates had telegraphed previously it was going to be okay, and a tate like massachusetts, i think that some of these democrats are going to be lauded for, you know, bailing him out, basically. what i think is ridiculous is that marjorie taylor greene, a single person in the house of representatives, can cause this
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much chaos and continues to want another so. and i think that is going to be a bigger problem as, you know, the republicans have to continue to deal with this chaos caucus that, you know, continues to try to muddle things. mike: jim, your thoughts? >> democrats will bail him out. mike johnson is in a better place as speaker than he was a month ago. nancy pelosi was an incredibly effective speaker and and leader of the democratic party for 20 years because what she was able to do was point to the progressives and say i'm one of you, but you don't get this, this is going to the moderates. they're the majority makers. mike johnson had his moment where with he did that. it worked out. you know, marjorie taylor greene has a plan. it's not going to work, it's going to help mike johnson even more. mike: all right. lauren, or jim, thanks very much. >> thank you. mike: president biden facing backlash over his handling of the anti-israel protests across the nation as some slam the president for not doing can enough to stop the chaos op our
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college campuses. lucas tomlinson is live at the white house with more. lucas? >> reporter: mike, we are six months away from election day, and donald trump is ahead of president biden when it comes to the youth vote, trump leading by 18 points. earlier on "fox news sunday," senator marco rubio blamed president biden for not doing enough to stop the violence on campus protests. >> joe biden should have spoken about them very early in this process. his failure to address this early on and make very clear whose side he was on has just fed this. >> reporter: recall less than a month before the october 7th massacre our colleague, bret baier, interviewed mohamed bin sallen monowho said his country was close to normalizing relations with israel. some think that's e what sparked a hamas with iran's encouragement to launch the attack on israel. here in washington yesterday, jake sullivan said the u.s. would not sign a defense agreement with saudi if it dead did not normalize relations wees israel first.
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>> the integrated vision is bilateral understandings between the u.s. and saudi arabia combined with normalization between israel and saudi arabia, combined with meaningful steps on behalf of the palestinian people. all of that has to come together. you can't disentangle one piece from the others. >> reporter: diplomatic hama maneuvering there, mike. five blocks from here is george washington university where the statue of our first president remains defaced. a group of republican lawmakers visited the campus last week including byron donalds. >> what you are seeing is outside agitators but then also a radical professors who are the ones who are ginning up this hate, creating these encampments. you have students going along with this, unfortunately. so university presidents have a responsibility to clean up their campuses and protect the civil rights of all students. >> reporter: house oversight committee chairman james comer
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wants to hold a hearing in the near future. he wants to see gw's president, the d.c. mayor and the d.c. chief of police to ask why the gw president wanted the police to clear the encampment and the police refused to do so. of mike? mike: lucas tomlinson live on the north lawn, thanks very much. a anti-israel protesters continue their demonstrations on college campuses across the nation this weekend with some protesters even interrupting the university of michigan's graduation ceremony. this as two new york synagogues were evacuated yesterday because of bomb threats. if matt finn is here with the latest. hello, matt. >> reporter: hi, mike. it's been weeks of chaos and unrest here in new york city. police ultimately dishasn't ifinged unlawful encampments at nyu and columbia, and we can report there's relative calm at this hour. however, the anti-israel protests have been flaring up all over the country beginning at the art a institute of chicago. police arrested 68 pro-palestinian protesters there. chicago police say the school
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requested officers remove the demonstrators who set up tents on campus. out west at u or sc before sunrise this morning, the l.a. times reports the usc campus police and lapd officers cleared an everyone campment at the center of campus, no arrests reported. and video shows the cleanup of the usc encampment this morning. blankets, tents, posters left are behind. earlier this week at ucla, front loaders cleared out dumpsters full of debris, countless pieces of plastic, lawn furniture, tents and garbage. here in new york city three synagogues and the brooklyn museum received false bomb threats yesterday. the jewish community here in new york has been on edge since the october 7th. attack. also here in new york, police dismantled encampments at columbia university and nyu. today new york mayor eric adams addressed outside demonstrators showing up on new york campuses. >> when you're on college grounds and you do not attend
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that college, you are an outsider. and then when you train people to do destructive things, you are an agitator. >> reporter: it was a very dramatic moment at usc -- ucla earlier this week when it was dismantled after the protests turned violent there this week. the l.a. times has a piece out questioning if any of the other encampments are simply on borrowed time right now. we are aware of encampment at schools like harvard and u-penn. mike. mike: matt finn reporting live, thanks a lot. joining me now to discuss what she's experienced on her campus at george washington university, freshman hannah kraut. hannah, welcome. >> thanks for having me. mike: it's a pleasure to have you. i'm sorry for the circumstances. for those not familiar, how tense has the is situation been on the george washington university campus here in our nation's capital? >> i find that this everything going on on campus is very tense. i think that everything that's going on at the university, it's facilitating a very unsafe
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environment for many students. not just the jewish students. i find that a lot of people have been targeted, harassed, and it's honestly very disheartening to see that the place i used to call home has now turned into such a tense and chaotic environment. mike: did you ever imagine this would happen on your college campus? >> i hate to say it, but i'm really not surprised. after october 7th, almost immediately, there have been posters plasteredded around campus saying zionism's racism and making jewish with students look like terrorists and look awful. and it's very -- again, it's very disheartening to see it. so when i first saw places like columbia, harvard, penn, they all started to have these encampments, i just knew it was a matter of time before they infiltrated george and something like that did happen. mike: you are a freshman a hong way from home, you're from the great state of texas. have you or any of your friends thought about transferring? in yes. a lot of my friends have thought
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about transferring. most of my friends did end up going to ut in austin x and they did handle that situation, in my opinion, quite well. a lot of my friends that went out of state like drexel, one of my friends, her door got burnt on the campus. can and i know that it's really hard for her, and i wouldn't be surprised if she did want to transfer. can if it's really unfortunate to say this, but i know a lot of my friends have had many awful experiences on their campus, and it's been an option for them. mike: congress is pressing for action. here's house oversight chairman james comer. >> we're going to have an emergency hearing wednesday with the mayor and police chief of washington, d.c.. we're -- >> hands off d.c.! hands off d.c.! >> -- the washington police working with campus police to insure the safety of jewish students. mike: what more should president biden, congress and the d.c. mayor do when it comes to george washington university?
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>> i believe that what they are doing there is completely unacceptable. it's very disruptive, and it's not okay. i think that the mayor needs to put pressure to evict these students off campus. it's making finals season very, very tense. it's making a very unsafe environment on campus, and i think that congress and biden, they both need to understand the severity of the situation. because at the end of the day, universities should be safe for all students to matter what they believe. and this encampment is inciting violence on our campus. and i think that they need to, they need to evict these students. mike: so this is not just a washington with d.c., george washington university problem. we've also seen the problems at columbia university, nyu. the new york city mayor sounds like he's had enough. let's may him. >> that's our flag, folks. don't take over our buildings and put another flag up. that a may be fine to other
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people, but it's not to me. it's despicable that schools will allow another country's flag to fly in our country. so blame me for being proud to be an american. we're not surrendering our way of life to anyone. mike: does it surprise you how weak some universities have been in response to this crisis? >> absolutely. i find that ut did a very good job of shutting down the situation. just like what the mayor just said. when they have flags of the -- that are not america's flag hanging, i think it's very weak when they don't evict these students, when they don't take action among these students. at my university specifically, i think that there has been a lot of talk about condemning these actions but little action has been taken, and the administration's been very ineffective. mike: hannah if kraut, george washington university freshman, you've shown a lot of courage
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coming in here today. i'm sorry for the circumstances, but thank you the for sharing your story with us today. >> thank you so much for having me. mike: the mystery deepens in mexico as a fourth body is discovered where u.s. and australian surfers if went missing. that story's next. ♪ trust safelite. this customer had auto glass damage, but he was busy working from home... he scheduled with safelite in just a few clicks. we came to his house... then we got to work. we replaced his windshield... ...and installed new wipers to protect his new glass. >> customer: looks great. thank you. >> tech: my pleasure. >> vo: we come to you for free. schedule now for free mobile service at ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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this is gonna be epic. [ barking ] it's what the poster said. do you want to make out or? nope. i meant yes. he's a bon garçon. i give amazing sponge-baths. can i get a room? [ chuckling ] ♪ ♪ chef's kiss.
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♪ >> the federal government is threatening to sue iowa for doing the job the federal government won't do, securing the border. and, you know, if that administration spent half as much energy actually securing the border as they do suing those of us that are upholding the law, we'd be in a much better situation. mike: that's iowa's attorney general responding to the justice department's threats to sue the state over a new law making it a crime for a person to be in iowa if they've been previously denied ad mission to the u.s. iowa attorney general bird has indicated the state is not likely to agree to the federal terms. the mysterious deaths in mexico as a fourth body is found in a popular tourist area not far from the place three surfers if' bodies were found. christina coleman is live with the latest details. hello, christina. >> reporter: hi, mike. yes, our fox affiliate is reporting that a fourth body was found in the same area as the other three bodies we reported
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on yesterday. the fourth body was identified as a rancher who went missing several weeks ago. he was reportedly the owner of the property where all of the bodies were found. authorities recovered all four bodies in a well in the mexican tate of baja, california, about 130 miles south of san diego. the attorney general there said it's highly likely that the other three bodies found in this same location will be identified as the missing surfers. during the search their families and friends identified them as jack carter rhodes and swraik and kay lemm robinson, two brother withs from australia. the mexican authorities say the pickup truck belonging to the american surfer was found burned near a remote area along the coast. they believe it was set on fire. two men and a woman have been detained on suspicion of kidnapping. the lead prosecutor in baja, california, told "the new york times" that her team believes the three suspects tried to
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steal the victim's vehicle and when they rezested, one of the so manies shot them and tried to dispose of their body. one of their good friends tells me he will never visit this area again. >> i'll be honest, i'm never going to go back down there. it's done for me. and i know a lot of the folks that i've talked to in our network, they're done as well. we live close. we're in san diego. so it's right here. it's been our backyard for a very long time, and we've been going to mexico, at least for myself, a 15 years. and that's stopped now. >> reporter: mexican authorities have not officially determined a cause of death for the victims yet. they're conducting forensic testing and colming through the area for -- combing through the area for more ed. mike in. mike: christina coleman, thanks a lot. ceasefire talks between israel and hamas are at an impasse. the very latest next. ♪ still working. in the kind of work that i do, you are surrounded by people
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mike: moments ago israel's president addressed the israeli nation at the holocaust day ceremony opening in jerusalem. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his -- is in attendance as well. netanyahu said this morning israel's willing to pause gaza fighting in exchange for hostages but cannot accept demands for an end to the war and a withdrawal of forces from gaza. jeff paul is in tel aviv tracking this story. hello, jeff. >> reporter: hey, mike. yeah, we are learning that hamas has reportedly ended this latest round of negotiations in egypt. they're now heading back to qatar to meet with leadership there about their next moves. at the same time, cia chief william burns, who was also in egypt, is heading to qatar as well. he's going to be having an emergency meeting with the qatari prime minister there as talks between israel and hamas over a potential ceasefire if deal appear to be nearing collapse. qatar and the u.s. are expected to exert maximum pressure if on both israel and hamas to keep
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negotiating. hamas if leader reportedly said today that they are pushing for both a full withdrawal of israeli troops and a come prehence i have ceasefire. -- comprehensive ceasefire. net an ya sue says they can't accept that, and if they did, the next october 7th would be only a marry of time. the israeli defense minister says hamas does the not a appear to be serious about reaching some sort of deal. >> translator: we are recognizing worrisome signals that hamas is not planning to accept any deal or agreement with us, and the meaning of this operation in rafah and the entire gaza strip in the very near future. >> reporter: while talks appear to be falling apart, israel today ordered the closure of the qatari-owned al-jazeera the office in israel, reportedly pulled from the main a cable provider in israel and broadcasting equipment was also reportedly confiscated.
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prime minister netanyahu saysal ya zero a rah's reporting has harmed israel's national security adding it was time to remove the hamas mouthpiece if a statement. in a statement, al-jazeera called those allegations false and rejected them. they also said israel's ongoing suppression of the free press is an effort to conceal its actions in gaza. one other quick note, mike, that we are learning tonight, that while israel and hamas are blaming each other for the negotiations falling apart, we are learning from a couple different reports out there that there is a chance that hamas could return to egypt in two days to continue the negotiations. we'll be watching. mike? mike: we'll follow it. jeff paul live in tel aviving thanks very much. let's bring in the founder and chairman of's israel defensive security forum, he's held several roles in the idf during his years of service. amercer welcome -- amir, welcome. >> thank you.
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mike: what is your assessment of the war at this stage, sir? >> well, israel at this stage controls the northern part of gaza, and hamas have retreated to last stronghold which is rafah. all the a capabilities, the leadership, almost all the hostages, it's all in rafah, and this will enable israel to destroy hamas -- [inaudible] and to release the hostages. hamas is stalling. they are trying to -- international pressure. they don't really want to release hostages. and israel cannot wait anymore. maybe a few days, but eventually israel will have to launch a ground incursion and destroy hamas and bring all the hostages back, not just some of them. mike: prime minister netanyahu's
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still trying to cut a deal in exchange for a temporary ceasefire. are you hopeful a deal can be reached? >> well, i'm not very optimist ec. i mean, of course israel would be happy to get hostages alive and even for -- [no audio] a ceasefire which is 40 days, but there is no scenario where where israel can stop the war. stop the war means israel lost the war. it means hamas can build itself again. and hamas is an organization needs to be destroyed. israel cannot agree to any reality where hamas if stays in control of the gaza strip. mike: you're encountering some pressure from some american officials. a democrat in the u.s. senate said he favors conditions for u.s. aid to israel. let's play it, and i'll get you
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to respond, sir. >> we never want to see innocent women, children, old people getting killed. that has happened at a pretty high rate here. i brought this up with netanyahu a number of times and with the defense minister. they have to do a better job with. i want to see some changes here. mike mike what's your reaction, sir? >> well, israel excels at fighting according to international law. israel does everything it can to move the society from this area, to minimize collateral damage, but we're fighting a vicious enemy, and we have to win decisively. this enemy massacred 1200 citizens and soldiers in one day, and this is not something we can live with. so israel has to do what's good
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for israel. even if it's without the blessing of the administration. what the administration is asking for is not to go into rafah. it's basically saying to israel we expect to win the war, and this is not something that israel can accept. mike: what more needs to be done about the iran threat, sir? >> iran is a global threat. it's not just a regional threat or it's not just a threat against israel. the way to deal with iran is international coalition led by the u.s. of we need u.s. leadership globally and in the middle east. we need it for our region. we need this normalization with saudi arabia but not by asking us to end the war. we need to win the war and we also need a to coalition. and we need the u.s. to pose ad credible military threat on iran to stop its aggression, to stop the buildup of capabilities,
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because a nuclear iran will be a threat globally. this is not just about israel. and it's very hard to stabilize the middle east without american leadership. mike: thank you so much for your time and your analysis today, sir. >> can thank you very much. ♪ mike: ukraine marks its third orthodox easter at war with with its eastern region coming under fire by russian drones with casualties and fires reported. ryan chilcot is live with the latest. hello, ryan. >> hi, mike. well, the war in ukraine continues and appears, in fact, to be intensifying. russian forces today claiming that they're seized the village. if cop firmed, a strategic victory, a tactical victory for the russians as they move west and try and claim all of the donetsk region. this footage, check this out,
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provided by the associated press was shot on friday above that town. as you can see, every single building in this drone bootage has been damaged. and as you may have noticed, the town appears to be completely devoid of any people, at least they are not sticking their heads out. just a little glimpse of the front that doesn't get captured on camera very often. that didn't stop ukrainians, the vast majority of whom are orthodox christians from celebrating easter today. easter falls on a different day in orthodoxy, today is a huge holiday for the orthodox, even more important than christmas on ukraine's third easter is since the war began. president zelenskyy declared god is on ukraine's side. in d.c. president joe biden issued a statement congratulating orthodox christians on the holiday saying, quote, in this sacred season, we hold people who are suffering from war and persecution especially close to our hearts. we will continue to pray and work for peace and justice for all people.
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the vast majority of russians are also orthodox christians. president putin attended an orthodox easter mass led by the head of the russian orthodox church who has been very outspoken and a very fierce supporter of the president and the war. needless to say, mike, that fact has caused a lot of division amongst the orthodox in russia and ukraine. many ukrainians no longer recognize the russian orthodox church. and needless to say, despite the fact that today is the hole. >>iest day of the year for the -- holiest day of the year for the orthodox, there has been no lull in the fighting. mike? mike: ryan, thanks very much. for more on the russia-ukraine war, joining me live is the polish foreign minister. welcome. >> hello. mike: great to have you. so ukraine is marking its third ott docks easter with combat still -- orthodox easter with combat still going on. what's your assessment, sir?
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>> well, it's a mixed picture. russia has reingained initiative on land, but ukraine has defeated the russian navy in the black sea and is now able to export its grain to the international markets. ukraine has also successfully denied russia air domination over its territory but, unfortunately, has -- is running short of effecters for patriot batteries, and the russians are hitting not just power stations, but also civilian targets and also, i'm told, some gas storage facilities. mike: the u.s. director of national intelligence offered this assessment week. let's play it. >> by targeting critical infrastructure, moscow aims to create logistical hurdles that impede ukraine's ability to move forces and supplies to the front, and these a aggressive tactics are likely to continue, and the war is unlikely to end
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anytime soon. mike: do you agree with that assessment, unlikely to end anytime soon? >> i do. and in addition, i think the russians are trying to ruin the ukrainian economy and to cause another wave of refugees. these are all forbidden tactics. tease are war crimes. mike: after months of debate, the united states congress authorized $61 billion for ukraine. will that change the trajectory of the war? >> we are grateful to europe, to president biden and also to speaker johnson for finally passing this package. it means that the u.s. is coming up to roughly what europe spends if on helping ukraine. we are at roughly $120 billion each. and i just hope the equipment, manufactured in the united states, will get to the front line to help those heroes defend their country. mike: poland's spending about 4 of gdp on defense which has been a big issue, about whether nato allies are spending their fair share. 4% is significant.
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what else can non-nato countries in your neighborhood do to help against this russian threat? >> well, 4% is not just significant, it's the highest in nato, including the united states, and we are proud of it. mike: fair enough. >> and we are urging all allies to do what we pledged ourselves to do at the new nato summit. because we don't know if putin will stop. putin is threaten,ing other countries. he's a threat to all of us. we rallied around the unite when you were attacked on 9/11 the -- the united states, poland alone sent a brigade first to iraq, then to afghanistan. we now need you in central europe. mike: good point. all right. so this summit, nato summit will be in washington in july, the 75th anniversary. a significant milestone. what do you expect? >> going back to basics. nato was founded to deter an aggressive russia in the guise of the soviet union. we again have an aggressive
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russia, but we won the first time, and i think we'll prevail the second time too. mike: thank you so much for your time and assessments today. >> thank you. mike: houston, texas, is at risk for more dangerous flooding today as rain pounds the region. that story's next. ♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein.
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rain in the forecast. madison scarpino is tracking the story for us. hello, madison. >> reporter: hello, mike. and flooding might stick around for at least a few days or maybe even a few weeks because those rivers are still going to be really swollen. but we're keeping an eye on all the current conditions, monitoring local storm chasers, the radar. and there is still a flood watch in effect. effect. >> this is the worst flooding that i've ever seen in my career, and i am a native of the area. so i just, i can't remember a time when we've had the river quite this high. >> reporter: and, mike, photos and videos we're seeing out of southeast texas are intense. cars and houses submerged, teams are rescuing people from roof topps, on roads. crews -- rooftops. crews are saving an a malls. and rain over the last few weeks in houston and nearby neighborhoods filled up reservoirs and soaked the grass,
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so the water a had nowhere else to go. the houston area is one of the most flood-prone regions in the country. many people there lived through the devastation and destruction caused by hurricane harvey in 2017. but still some say it doesn't get easier. >> it's very he's heartening, very disheartening just to watch people lose everything time and time again. my shop over on the white sands, it's probably 4 and a half, 5 foot deep. >> reporter: texas emergency management is now telling people to start reporting any damage to homes or businesses. they're hoping to get the resources to help rebuild as quickly as possible. and just a quick update from the national weather service for people who maybe live in this area or have family or friends who live in this area, mike, they said that there's a break in activity right now. we noticed this morning the rain was really coming down. it seems to have kind of paused. but they are watching another round of storms that should be coming in here soon, so we'll
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keep you updated if there's any more really significant flooding, more than there already is, mike. mike: important update. madison scarpino, thanks very much. health officials unveiling details of a texas dairy worker who caught the bird flu from a sick cow in march. the worker did not have symptoms typical of influenza but instead had a case of pink eye. the bird flu spread to nine states. the cdc says the risk to human health for the general public is low. the weekend's top sports and entertainment headlines are next. ♪
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mike: basketball sensation kate lin clark made her professional debut friday night for a wnba
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preseason game. the indiana fever star and all-time leading ncaa division i scorer led her team with 21 points in the loss. clark will make her regular season debut on may 15 -- 14th. ♪ ♪ >> a bit of a fail-biter there. just an amazing feeling. we work really hard in this sport. these horses are, they're just amazing, amazing animals, and for those that don't know a lot about it, it's just a real honor to be around such special, special thoroughbreds. mike: the trainer for mystik dan reacting to his 18 to 1 shot horse winning the 150th kentucky derby in a photo finish, the first time in nearly 30 years that the derby was won by a nose. sierra leone finished second and forever young finished third. midwest ific dan will now head to the preakness stakes in two weeks. madonna broke the all-time record last night for a
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stand-alone concert when more than 1.6 million people attended her free concert in rio deya flare row, brazil. the material girl performed as part of her celebration with world tour. the attendance record had previously been held by the rolling stones. on "fox news sunday," shannon bream has an exclusive interview with florida republican if marco rubio and house intelligence committee ranking member, connecticut democrat jim himes. set your dvr or check your local listings for time and channel. and finally, it is orthodox easter today in the holy land. people celebrating the holy fire with thousands of pilgrims there ahead of orthodox easter. jerusalem's church of the holy she pull kerr was el lumbar nighted by worshipers at the site where with jesus was buried after crucifixion. the celebration is takings mace with hey hearts with war -- heavy hearts with war in the
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holy land. we wish everyone a happy orthodox easter as we continue to pray for peace in all parts of the world. that is all for this hour of "fox news live." "fox news sunday" is up next. i'm mike emanueling thanks for watching. and to my fellow orthodox christians, happy easter. ♪ ♪ (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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♪ no. ♪ -no. -nuh-uh. ♪ yeah. oh. yes. ♪
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oh yeah. yes. isn't this great? yeeaahhhh!! ♪ yeah, i could do a cartwheel in here. oh hey! would you like to join us? no. we would love to join you. ♪ ♪ ♪ i am a shannon bream in days of crackdowns after weeks of ot


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