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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  May 5, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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rusher mark. >> i think tim scott would be a great choice. i don't know if you will pick him. -- kind of an outlier i would be very interested in it. >> that would be weird for me to have the cell phone number of the vice president of the united states. i never thought i would have that, of course he would actually block me if that happens. thank you for joining us on a sunday night. >> thank you. >> thank you for spending part of your sunday with us. i hope you have a great week ahead. until next week you can find us online or on the podcast. good night from south carolina. ♪ that is how fox reports a sunday cinco de mayo. i am john scott. thanks for watching. >> hello everyone.
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welcome to the big weekend show the big story tonight start your engines for trump t30. >> a hero's welcome for the former president the formula one miami grand prix a few hours ago s trump waved to the crowd one day after he sidestepped the competition for his running mate in november. the rumored bp contenders were all on one stage at the rnc spring retreat in palm beachll f where it was announced a massive 76 million-dollar fundraising haul for the last month.orasorre we break down the potential running mates.spon >> allowing the president to squeeze potential running matesm
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bup t they are not sharing toome many details. >> we will not speculate on the vp. i saw this weekend the amount of talent we have in the republican party is extraordinaryd. those that can serve the country and multiple ways. >> there are names that are in the next i'm honored to be in the nexte my but it is a true testament. >> look forward to the people coming to support the republican national committee and demonstrates the strength and resolve coupled with pull numbers and then the realityan.e bided the master of disaster is the worst president our country has seen that's why people are rallying around president trump he will be the 47th president of the united states. a governoroubl prospects may be in trouble doing damage control for shooting and killing her 14
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-month-old dog 20 years ago. it is laid out in her upcoming book. afterwards she said she also killed their goat.e >> i want the truth to be out there and to understand that these animals were attacking mgy children. we live on a farm and a ranch and tough decisions are made. >> south carolina senator also says he is spoken to trump about the vp pick. >> guys certainly will do have a decision within the next 60 days. he did not bring enough and i did not bring it up. >> he did not reveal that indiana governor pens as his 2016y 16..te until jul >> the table is fired up. we are all in agreement is that nobody wants out the code governor to be the vp pick. i think there is no going back. we could spend the entire hour
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talking on that as we have backstage. bullets talk about the others. let's bring upi wanttalk the fun of course under florida, new york, florida, north dakota governor and still on the list current north dakota governor. which of those excites you the most and why? >> there needs to be a big red x on the dog killer. what is good about campaigns as you learn about people.hi they say things that are important whether good or bad. people handle stress and their character or lack thereof. this is what is important in this regard. but at the same time we have heard the talent bench is deep and that is true but the benefit
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this time he knows what he is getting into a before he did not. he presumed that everybody is on the same page and what success but not in washington. now he knows. f we are looking at a dynamic he expected things from penske did not he needs a teammate and not a frivolous decision and he knows that and he also knows the seriousness of what it means. he was thinking had for the country and i would except do l noeat second-guess president trump. for whoever he wants he understands what is at stake all of the individuals would be fabulous. also sarah sanders and i mentioned mike pompeo and some people got upset. but all hands on deck. we have a big job and he has one term to do it. but the person in that spot has to be able to be a ringer 28 ana 32. >> there is discussion about
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checking a box. the left needs to check a box. they are married to that on the republican side not so much but is there still some sense of having to pick somebody that has some type of x factor beyond being qualified? and if so which one of those potentials is the best fit? >> conventional wisdom has been probably a woman or person of color. i think that was played with the current president with his runninnistrati.i urgs here are the names those are raising and this could be the head fake a very goomad chance. trump knows who it will be or he
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does know if he's making this on the fly he has several months to make it. i'm not sure why people would be upset with pompeo i think it makes a lot of sense he's not checking those identity boxes but look at hi s resume. >> that is the problem the deep history within the government which implies he could surpass that environment. i like him. i think it would fit fit somewhe very nicely. >> but as trump secretary of state cia director and more importantly than the resume is the steadiness whoever chopsticks even throwing out pompeo i think the most important factor for a lot of voters is reassurance people are not reassured by donald trump those who love him will vote for him no matter what there is universal people tha vott trump needs that needs extra reassurance. low drama. that type of person is important spee and that's a genius behind
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like pets. >> but the beauty of the trunk agenda with america first that identity stuff goes out theone window with they are lined up it is a. clear vision and if you take out the enormously unfair media depictions of donald trump and what turn some republicans off they are 70 or 80 percent like a border, american energy independence. and everybody goes in the samedn direction with that agenda obviously it helps to pick somebody doug would be a brilliant choice and somebody p who is a calming influence thart will help.
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but the agenda is what matters. >> trump is such a star he needs to remain the start. but there is a an article that e have all been talking about with the vp search and how it's different this time was 2024 are more aboutal personalitity and how he'll want someone who looks good on television but not outshine him. or not polarizing to the megabase was some record of being a winner and probably looking for a politician but a lot of voters out there don't like to have to pick between trump and biden and one of the complaints that comes up as they are both older o throw in marco rubio or ronik desantis that is younger does that help?
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maybe they need youngblood. >> so many things are at stake so many people worry about the economy that we are at the existential point there is less considerations of who the second person is. frankly there was no one in the gop tofrankl outshine to put one narcissism. a so trump is the man with the flexibility is not just the presence of someone who can help him get things done because it will be the swamp against them and desantis i like that idea. he clearly has a future but needs experience to get throughp nikki haley.e. now maybe not as vice president but an important role. >> actually the age thing does matter because generationally that is interesting but you have
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two leading contenders 77 and 81 people will think more frequently a contingency plan. that is a detriment to biden. knowing he was on deck potentially in the think that something in hansons the importance of this decision.omeb >> trump lisa pick somebody who can carry on the america first trumhep agenda. but you are picking somebody potentially for 12 years not four or eight. it has to be somebody is tough who can go into washington and not be >> call somebody up from aaa if they need to be called in. it was great to see him at the granreatprixd pre- but a big wed show was still ahead. >> the spontaneity it seems to me that. >> coordinated chaos months
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before. >> young people have a wonderful reason to vote for joe biden. >> that is the claim from the biden campaign but voters are saying otherwise and later m another bias is brewing as enchatgpt has a big leg up two n in the workplace
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this is a shell energy 100% renewable electricity plan lighting every soccer match at shell energy stadium. we're moving forward with the houston dash. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress.
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♪ welcome back to the big show >> welcome back to the big weekend show the university southern california back open tonight after lapd.n hoped the campus clear out the anti- israel encampment by threatening arrest. usc president finally taking a tough stance today saying it was time to draw a line. but this has come weeks after the craziness has began. already canceling the may graduation ceremony citing security concerns. similar not stopping protesters from university of michigan happening this weekend. one graduate told "fox & friends" earlier officers intentionally ignore srom commdn
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policy. >> you spoke to university officials and police and they confirmed they were violating the now it is university frankly we erno longer recognize we have feared for months this would happen and it happened but nobody did anything. >> rules don't matter if not enforced. fox news correspondent has an update on all of the chaos breaking out across the cam campuses. >> we can report calm however across the country there are pro- palestinians encampments popping up heading south university of virginia with a massive police presence yesterday on the unlawful encampment after more than a week of tension.
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today they use pepper spray driving away at least one drter tenpeopl ring down tents tents. at least 25 people arrested. in michigan yesterday pro- palestinian protesters interrupted a commencement with antiwar chance waving the palestinian flag but no reports of arrest. former republican senator from nebraska those protesters do not have the right to host unlawful demonstration. >> we tell all natonoightst studentras there are two things we will affirm over and over. we will always defend your right to free speech and free assembly and also we have defen r time ae and manner restrictions. you don't get to take over the whole university. you don't get to barricade yourself into a building. you get to disrupt somebody else's commencement. we don't allow protest inside but we have rules. >> right now early teens -- -- l.a. times is a piece questionin>> queatorg if the des are operating on borrowed time considering police are moving in and dismantling the encampment t we are aware of her protest flat schools at harvard and you pen l
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and we will keep you updated throughout the week. back to you. >> who is behind all of this happening on collegel campuses? activist train students forhs months. those for justice in palestine calls on them to stand strong until they divest themselves of investments from entities in doing business with israel. in march there was a resistance 101 training scheduled which lasted nearly two hours in the coordinator encouragantudee stus to build an international cradle of resistance according to a recording posted on youtube. >> this is a radicalized far left party that joe biden isthat today lawlessness and our nike -- -- anarchy. >> so an organization and this
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is very much involved. >> i'm so glad we have the video down at university of florida with ben sass and i shouted about yesterday now interviewed on another nota. e. h it is refreshing to hear an adult be the adults and its way what free speech is and what it is not we have rules if you break and there are consequences and they have not had a big problem. is almost mind blowing he is not the norm but theavles aneque exh think that is the explanatory factor why this is so crazy. a >> the way he presented in contrast to biden's speech he was forced tconto give earlier. but this does not happen in florida or texas. yes there might be protest
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for, but usually quickly squashed because law and order still means something but where the money comes from the organization the students may be educated but actually they areog instructed they are instructed to d, tho these things oppressis glamorized they want to be a part od f something this is what they have chosen but they don'to even realize but the university can quickly change their mind if real consequences were m enforcd unfortunately there have the intestinal fortitude to do juste that. >> defending nypd because the squad says this is polic me brutality we cannot believe this happened and we will watch the mayor defend the policr dende f. >> i looked at it and it was concerning tloo me that we would not overstep our legal authority when i use the term outside agitators but when you are on college grounds and you do a nod attend thes college, now you ae
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silent and when you train people to do disruptive things you are the agitator. >> so if you pull a journalist a lot of them would say it is far t oftoo harsh for your that i sa full of the american people. 16 percent say it is too much of a crackdown. that sounds about right it is the fringe but yet it is overrepresented in congress and media. >> the concern it is a fringe but how much is represented on college campuses? but the beautiful thing about the first amendment it is an opportunity for people to embarrass themselves. you do it out in the open it is a pressures valve you can say your peace and that is great. you still have to enforce the
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law and at the very least you can i have people who are not even students that are camping on your campus. this ithis is ridiculous. as soon as you start enforcing basic law and tell 60 percent of the protesters they are arrested who weren'u tht even students, e things get calmer and it is nice. >> we talked about "the wall street journal" piece showing there is trading going on for also from "politico" showing there is dark left wing money bankrolling this frotm s georgetu soros and is significa. >> they give money to the groups that organize the dynamics. since you are looking at democratic supporters and dnc and democrats, americans have to see this not as organic or
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natural but funding the same dynamic that creates the chaos. the reason then you have ach problem with the police doing their job is because so few have seen it. so then you see the police doing theiu seing r job. that is their job. 25 people at usc once again, so few people even in columbia .shutting down university with hundred.ouple how does that happen unless you have forgotten how to enforce the rules and tht hae law? >> or so sympathetic you are not willing to dthouo it. >> coming up, next it's getting .dark out there. a new poll showing the president struggling with younger voters and what is his campaign have to say about that? neck. >> and people have a wonderful reason to vote for joe bidens i. .
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>> welcome back to the big we can show a new poll shows support for the president is slipping. in the voting groups that he needs the most. >> biden seems to be struggling with key demographic groups he needs to win big be stands a chance to be reelected. >> there is a significant softness for support of biden among core democratsts.ho >> many republicans want biden to speak up sooner.
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>> he's should have spoken about the very early in the process and the failure to address this early on and to make clear who sidey on he is on. reason why he will win this election is we have democratic protesters putting a headrest on the statue of george washington and then frat boys who are defending the american flag and joes biden refused for two weeks to come out and denounce it. that is the 2024 election. >> biden supporters rested the defend. > very st the president camee other day as he has always said he understands people have a right to protest but they have to do so peacefully. when it turns violent is when things have to andhings ha t be. >> bernie sanders have compared the antiwar protests coming to a head at the dnc in chicago whert the convention is taking place iothis summer. i
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>> this is very different circumstance. >> but according to "politico" some donating are also the presidents biggest donors. >> that poll shows trump is beating biden and had a 24-poing advantage young people have a f orwonderful reason because they are interested in climate, freedoms taken away and relief of studening take ot debt >> they also want to keep them quiet. shorter speeches is the strategies. >> we believe in quality over quantity. we believe the things getting to the point of what is going on. republicans can see right through thns ce biden strategy o
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get voters through the student loan handout. >> if you start to give away hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money with that we are borrowing to giv give awf be borrow from the chinese andd given away those citizens understand that is pre- election please vote for us because we are relieving your debt so at what point does that crossover? people want things to be fair.ot i think it is clear they are buying votes at a scale we've never seen before. >>g remarkable you have the pol a 30-point swing effectively. bided losing theou whole backdrp trump moves ahead and the suggestion that it is climate change. there are plenty of good things to vote fos r biden but isn't it about to fill up your tank or br the house to be married or have
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children and know what there future looks like? >> that's why the president is so vulnerable the issue is day today that the people are strugglingat looking at the softness it jumps off the page trump leading among young people almost at parity among hispanics with the black support nowhere near the level it needs to be i but what i will say look at the abc news poll the top line among adults trump is up by two points between 46 through 44 over bi biden. among likely voters biden is up for points over trumps. now we have seen in so many poles that are likely as peoplee to vote with democrats they can
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get those people ballots and they counted. there are occasional voters are those who have not registered. he has huge leads but are they reliable to show up? that is the overwhelming obsession of the rnc for the next six month? eionas. >> we look at the holes and they are remarkable but yet it isn't a poll of feelings. you're concerned about the same thing? >> yes . t maybe that have the enthusiasm for their guy but for theat aprocess and they are great at the process. that's why i have to give it up to scott and tries to connect with the frat boys are anybody that goes to a rodeo or country concert and wants to make sure people are registere ad.4. it will be the process that will win in 2024 and republicans need to get their process down. if they can bring all those people then they.
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>> but to having come from the left one thing i always tell people is the left organizes. all of their ideas they know how all hortheyk and getting out te because they are confident in their organizing. >> this is the achilles' heel because conservatives want to live life in politics is a way to go about it. the process is all they care about. so they get very good at it but what i do think that poles are goofy and you have to be careful
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but that 30-point swing is extraordinary i would not have believed it possible at any point over the last eight years you can see his swing like that among those voters from biden to trump but this has happene ke trud as biden has pulled out all the stops to pander to these voters as city substitute teacher could tell you that young people can sense pandering and desperation and dishonesty it's like biden as a substitute teacher and they are telling him stop istopt alry he can do whatever he wants to as illegal or disgusting as it is to buy votengs by paying for student loans andentd forcin others, they see through it. >>ough i love how they say qualy over quantity. >> everybody agrees, shut up.. >> it is remarkable they say his weakness now that's what started
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with a punched israel in the nose and that was a signal. surferrfers murdered their popur surfing spot in the mix -- -- in mexico and the drug cartel mayv. be involved. >> chatgpt is giving and unfair advantage to the workplace. next. . ♪ believe it or not baby... you could earn your... master's... for under 11 thousand! master's degree for under 11k in less than a year. earn your competency - based master's at university of phoenix.
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try killing bugs the worry-free way. not the other way. zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. they work continuously, so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly.
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we're here with chris counahan of our local leaffilter. so chris, tell us how leaffilter is different from every other gutter protection on the market. with leaffilters, patented filter technology, there are no gaps, no openings, no place for debris to get in at all. and we install leaffilter on your existing gutters. it's a permanent solution. you'll never have to climb a ladder to clean out your gutters again. that's amazing, chris. tell me about the process. simple and easy. just give us a call, set up an appointment. we'll come out and give you a free gutter inspection. if they're sagging, we'll repair them. if they're broken, we'll replace them.
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if they're in good shape, our local team will install leaffilter in as little as a few hours. wow. and i understand you guys have a lifetime no clogs guarantee? we do. it's actually a lifetime transferable no clogs guarantee. you know, that's peace of mind and then some. so, how do people sign up? to schedule your free inspection. call 833-leaffilter today our agents are standing by. or visit ♪ welcome back to the big weekend show >> welcome back to the big weekend show the mystery deepens into the murders of surfers near a popular spot iinton mexico. we have the update from los angeles. >> bodies were found during the search for the three missing surfers all for bodies. found in
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the mexican state of baja california 930 miles south of san diego.0 miles ou it is reported the fourth was identified as a rancher who went missing several weeks ago reportedly the owner of the property where the four bodies were found it's unclear how they died or if the death is e viconnected.he the california attorney general says is highly likely the other three bodies of the missing surfers. during the search family and friend identified them from sarn diego, and two brothers from australia. that going missing during a camping and surfing trip. two men and women have been detained o andn suspicion of kidnapping and the pickup truck belonged to the americans surfer was burned along a remote area and the believe it was set on firethey belve i.
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"the new york times" is told they believe they attempted to steal thhee vehicle and once resisted one suspect shot them and try to dispose of their bodies. authorities have not determined the cause of death but they wili conducned day us thet forensic y proceed with the investigation. back to you.rist >> what is brewing in the workplace? chatgpt overwhelmingly associated men with positions of power like ceo while women were linked to lower positions of power like secretaryik . i think we have some better statistics from the fortune 50 0 companies that female ceos account for 10.6 percent.
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>> we have work to do but obviously you liberals are running the ai because that is where the sexism and racism and homophobia lives. some peoplhobie will remember my mother was always unemployed during the carter years. and the help-wanted ads were separated there were jobs for men and jobs for women. not so long ago and it was vice president, manager but for women, secretaries andesid assistance. this is a mentality embedded in a certain dynamic 21st century still more men than women but at least if we look at something that is reflective of the modern age was numbers need to bet different. >> these are basedffer on images produced by chatgpt. but what offends me is who are we ty offeo assume whether the s
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are men or m women?st >> gender is a constructru. i think google ai or maybe even with chatgpt was depicting people to associate men with being ceos because the majority of them are. ppl we have more work to do for women to excel. but in defense when you look at the strides they have made especially but social mediait influencing, women are cleaning up. women on social media and on tiktok are making a ton of money. so phase amen is thee chat ceo.
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sorry that does not offend me as long as it does not stand in th way. >> can you man splayed everything she said? >> i feel like we are remiss that our fine fabulous ceo here at fox news is a woman. s i was going to get the soft cup opportunity. but it is true our fearless leader is a woman but i do think of chatgpt thing who created the algorithm on this? law and i'm just waiting for congress to say we can pass a law that so they always do theirs is .a gap or chatgpt law let's pass a law that will beng asomething at some point from e mnro addict -- -- democratic party. >> please god do not give the ideas. >> u everything is new again and why people are into nostalgia in
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2024. >>a coming up, kim reynolds tel us how her state defies the demonstration ignoring threats over the new immigration law. don't forget to dvr the show if you cannot catch it live.
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♪ the mac in 202 >> in 2024 everything old is new again. >> let's hear some numbers i have a nice diagonal going. >> be threes. >> you sunk my battleship.p. [laughter] even seinfeld joked about that. >> .
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>> maybe we should call this off. >> what's the big deal? we put a little concrete into the washing machine. what will happen? it will mix up with the water and then by the end of the cycle that will be a solid blocka sol. >> if only you can put your mind to something t worthwhile and ao showing its - - signing of her shows of never heard of. ton but laundromats? >> i will have you not heard of the bad news bears? i think it came out before you>> were born.
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but the reason why people play bingo is the same reason kids do trivia night now because social media forces people to drink alone. now they can drink together.ay f but if you go to the laundromat to get away from everybody. get away from your family. >> so you have to go to the laundromat but you are not used to it. so you go with your neighbors and friends and meeting people there asay well and nobody is forced to drink alone. you choose to. >> and on the overall point there is a dopamine hit to go back to a different period of life that makes you feel warm insidet period o. when you are younger you feel
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that's a young -- -- is a little do then you think of my god i'm getting older but that y is fine. i'm getting served on instagram constantly. it makes me happy. >> when comedy can be comedy. you can't laugh at the same things. >> also people being locked down in 2020 and people going into a psychosis. now we are able to be around others and now people are catching on the can breeze. i cannot get over th aing theyht if you do that to the washing machines. this is a whole conversation because now i want to know.
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the big for his next. stick around.
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chris counahan for leaffilter— the permanent gutter solution that protects your home in so many ways, it takes more than one chris to explain it. but together, i think we've got the job covered. like leaffilter's has your gutters covered. protecting you from getting up on this thing to clean out your gutters ever again. and you know how else leaffilter protects your home? with our lifetime transferable no clogs warranty. we'd be glad to come out for a free no-hassle inspection. to schedule your free inspection, call 833-leaffilter today or visit
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>> welcome back to the big we gan show it is time for the bi for the pics for the biggest stories everyone will be talking about this week.r conservative beer brand all
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through the right at unc campus k fratgroup of per brothers defended the american flag against an anti- israel mob. the ceo says we love people to take a stand and we went to encourage them to be unafraid showing support for america. no better way to say thank you than throwing proper frat boy summer kick off with a tractor-trailer -- -- trailer load of beer. >>ghlous meanwhile winning the h kentuckyff derby jockeyed and wn the race by a noset link photoo finish beating forever young in sierraf leone. three.34 seconds. so dramatic. look at that.on s.congratulations. >> a beekeeper save the day ahead of the diamondbacks game after he removed a massive hide
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behind him and played winning over the crowd and not helpingmh them then 400-meter women's record we have a book coming out but it is open for pre- ord ordering. thank you all very much and we appreciate your support. it's great to be on the show with all of you this weekendguys . >> your book god a big shout out from donald trump.s he congratulations on that. >> amazing. we will see you nextre weekend. life liberty and live-in starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪


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