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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  May 6, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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pick? >> i think tim scott will be a great choice. i don't know if het will pickic him. tulsi gabbard would be an outlier that i would be very interested in. maybe if you gave me odd sound that i would go for tulsi gabbard. >> trey: that would be weird for me to have the cell phone number of the vice president of thha cele united states. i never thought i would have that. of course, they will probably block dr. lauren wright, thank you for joining us on a sunday night. >> thanks, trey. >> trey: or or on the trey gowdy podcast. good night from south carolina. online or on the podcast. good night from south carolina. ♪ >> a fox news alert, evacuations underway in eastern rafah region of gaza strip as israel prepares
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to launch a massive ground operation. idf ordering 100,000 civilians to leave for humanitarian zones. you are seeing live on screen left. israel defense minister telling lloyd austin that hamas has left them no other choice. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. carley shimkus is off. let's get to ashley live with the latest. >> ashley: lloyd austin was informed about a rocket striet that killed three israeli soldiers. israel defense minister says this comes after several attempts to negotiate a deal. idf says 100,000 civilians will have to evacuate rafah. according to military officials this is not a large-scale evacuation. in accordance with approval, we
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will guide the gradual movement of civilians to the humanitarian area. the humanitarian zone extends from west of khan yunis to northeast of rafah. idf sending text messages, phone calls and fliers telling civilians to operate saying idf is about to operate with force in the area you reside as idf has operated so far. anyone in the area puts themselves and their family members in danger. they released fliers saying idf will continue to fight the terror organization that use you as human shields, therefore gaza city is a dangerous fighting zone, avoid crossing. there is no time line for long civilians in rafah and how long
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they have to evacuate before military operations start in the city. we expect more details later this morning, todd. >> todd: this is developing minute by minute. bring in navy seal, jonathan gilliam. we have been waiting on this offensive for months based upon reporting and logic moving individuals to a humanitarian zone. it appears imminent, what do you make of the timing, why nowa? >> jonathan: it could be about the hostages still be be held and the 1000 hamas soldiers in the area and what they could be planning themselves. i think it is time. the tactics and the strategy that israel is trying to acco
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accomplish, they're having to potentially move forward quicker or this may be the time they decided they need to go into the area. right now, the pressure is on as you see across campuses and social media and media in general. the pressure is on for israel to get through this and ramp it up, especially with talks that just are breaking down because hamas and israel can't come to terms with what they want. >> todd: do you read anything into this with fate of the hostages? >> jonathan: there have been a number of hostages that have died in captivity, not sure if they were killed or died from exposure and being negligented or from their injuries. a number of them have died temperature is incredibly long time since october 7.
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potential of hostages having passed is there. it could be the case that they have intelligence and need to move quickly on it. this is a strategic move and they're going to go in and eliminate hamas and try to do that as quickly as possible. >> todd: idf has been in talks with lloyd austin, it is time for biden administration to response. how should they respond and how will they respond? >> jonathan: i think they should be giving israel the support they need to get these things done quickly. everybody forgets including biden administration that israel was attacked on the 7th and attacked over and over again over years and now it's come
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down to this. while the biden administration may have their politics, they should realize the quicker israel goes in and eliminates hamas and the stronghold in the neigh neighborhoods where people live and hamas uses to their advantage, faster israel can evacuate these people, go in and take out hamas fighters, the faster this situation can be resolved and bargaining power hamas has over them besides the fact they have hostages will be resolved. >> todd: after this rafah offensive, where does the war go from there? what do you think is next based on your experience being a navy seal and war fighter yourself? >> jonathan: it is difficult in that environment, you have to realize that hamas and hezbollah have almost lim itless amount o supplies coming from iran.
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as long as iran is getting supplies and funding to hamas, they will continue their offensive and ability to wage war. i think and i expect israel has looked at how to stop that. once they get enough hamas soldiers destroyed, the next step would be stopping movement of supplies and funding and personnel that iran sponsors and backs and start this entire system of warefare within the communities. it is vital past ground offensive, if they can stop hamas from replenishing people and the equipment, that is vital to this conflict. >> todd: we are all watching any moment for this offensive to begin. jonathan gilliam, we appreciate
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your time on this monday morning as we ashgsz wait next stage in this war. thank you. former president trump 2024 vp stakes is heating up after several running mates spend weekend at mar-a-lago for spring retreat. brooke singman has more. >> brooke: republican don'tar retreat gave president trump chance to screen some running mates, some candidates remain tight-lipped about their futures. >> the amount of italian in the republican party is extraordinary, he does not just have a bunch of choices for vp, he has choices for a cabinet. >> we have no conversation about the vp pick, to be honest and clear. >> if i'm on it, who would know, it is not why i'm supporting the
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president now. >> brooke: election day is six months ago, president trump is leading president biden by two points and biden campaign is lim limiting how much the president says. the president will stick to three or four talking points. interestings. and kamala harris is expected to highlight biden administration in investments in blacked-owned businesses and he appeared at the grand prix and was greeted by the crowd. >> usa, usa, usa! br >> brooke: former president trump is making the most of
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moments from the courtroom. >> todd: trump 2024 natural press secretary caroline levitt will be here live. you don't want to miss that. turning to this developing story. update on murdered american and off off theian surfers in mexico. what police believe is motive of the attack. and flag raised on george washington university. at usc, university of southern california, students are not getting graduation they hoped for after the school cancelled because of protest. a frustrated usc student joins us next. just scan the qr code and enter promo code flbogo it only works from the other side of the screen, buddy. you still got a land line in your house. order now in the subway app.
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grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly.
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>> todd: israel holocaust remember rance day continues th morning. they pou pause for a moment of asylum seekers. commemoration at holocaust museum in jerusalem where prime minister netanyahu spoke about past and future.
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>> today we say to leaders of the world, no amount of pressure, no decision by any international forum will stop israel from defending itself, never again is now. >> todd: later today six holocaust survivors will be among 55 survivors attending march of the living in poland. at home, anti-israel protests still happening, including gashes gw, george washington university. madeleine rivera joins us with the latest on protests. >> madeleine: police cleared out more demonstrations over the weekend. many protesters are not backing down. president of george washington
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university calling the protest an illegal and dangerous occupation of school property. d.c. police have not moved in. the harvard, the university is given until 5:00 p.m. today, there are deknow mands to divest from israel and the gbank. >> they are telling jews to go back to where they came from. why is joe biden so equivocal. what is moral ekquivalence for students settings up little gazas and assaulting jews and diso disoobeying law. >> madeleine: there are growing concerns among democratic circle how this could affect the president's presidential bid.
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some democratic lawmakers are weighing in. >> everyone from the president on down is aware young people are upset at what is going on in the middle east. the president should and will get out on the campuses. >> they are shouting genocide joe when he goes. >> that is part of protest. >> democrats are worried about president biden prospects for reelection. >> it will be a close election. it was close in 2020. we know how to win tough races, i imagine we'll see the president and vice president back here again. >> madeleine: polls show inflation and healthcare rank higher for young voters than war in the middle east. the issue does pose political liability for the president. >> todd: in 2020 biden carried
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young vote ares by 20 points. police clearing out encampment at usc over the weekend. we bring in a student. are you okay with this last-minute charges to have graduation at the coliseum and not on campus? >> first of all, thank you for having me. it is difficult, i have to admit. thank god i was not in class of 2020 who did not have a graduation at all. usc is giving us a kick-off party, they are good at putting on a show, i'm excited, but it is definitely disasppointing an not what i was expecting.
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>> todd: we know you have questions about why we can't use main stage ceremony. it was first place we looked, unfortunately, it was booked. do you feel usc tried hard enough to move out what was in the coliseum, i view it as usc's home, they own the coliseum. what about the rose bowl? it is the bruins home and seats 100,000 or dodger stadium or some other major facility to have the graduation ceremony. why did they downgrade to celebration as opposed to graduation ceremony? >> i was not in the room and don't know what the parameters are for booking the coliseum, i think they did change it because
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encampments on campus have been interrupting finals and student activity on school property and been vandalizing different parts of campus, including the statue. someone spray painted stop the genocide. it is close enough to campus for school spirit and making it feel as usc as possible. being on campus is difficult, especially since we have seen other colleges and universities have protesters yell and make a scene at graduation. so i think they tried. it is a little difficult. >> todd: over 2000 arrests across 52 college campuses. does it feel like students who did the right thing, studying, instead of vandalizing are being
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opinioned at usc and elsewhere? >> definitely, students who are part of the protest claims this has to do with their identity or matter of freedom of speech and that is not true. usc created a free speech zone, where students could go and negotiate and approach frespeech prot protesters. they took commencement and created a wall for themselves. they were warned by police to leave the encampment or go to the free speech zone. these students were warned multiple times and it is not something that happened because of peaceful protest and police
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want to arrest them. there is bit of misconception going on here, what the school should have done and usc is a very interesting case study, usc was not known to be a political school, they are figuring this out, as well. they are not just arresting students to arrest students, they are vandalizing school property. it is interesting, a lot of students have been saying, especially jewish students, it is not about being on campus, it is about knowing in the back of their mind this is happening and hearing chants and >> dr.and -- asbestosinging students. >> todd: a r as a bruin myself, to you and your fellow grads, fight on, i wish you the best.
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turning to the election, president byted reelection campaign strategy is keeping joe off the campaign trail. less is more. president trump narrows his list of vp contenders, caroline levitt will tell us where things stand in search of a running m mate. tired muscles and joints were keeping me from doing the things i loved most.
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>> todd: the new york v trump trial resume today. michael cohen will be a witness today. hicks detailed what happened before and after trump's access holl hollywood case was released. president trump values mrs. trump's opinion. they didn't want anyone to be embarrassed or hurt by anything happening in the campaign. did calling hope hicks as a witness backfire on prosecution? many parts of her testimony she established any usage of catch and kill or stifling a story was done to protect the family more than anything. >> hope hicks testimony was
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critical and led to the conclusion donald trump does not need to take the stand. she offered information his motivation of killing the stormy daniels, he did not want anyone to find out, especially his wife. this was long before this was a glimmer in alvin bragg's eye. there is risk to him taking stand. this was critical for defense and devastating for the prosecution. >> todd: on percentage basis, if a bunch of reasons one might want to kill a story how much need to be campaign related for campaign finance violation to be triggered? 50 pvrs? 10%? what is percentage? >> interesting analysis.
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this is not a question about using campaign funds, this was personal funds of michael cohen. should it have been reported as such? fec took no action on this, feds took no action on this. idea of motivation for payment and whether it was something you pay for irrespective of campaign is standard used. the jury has not been presented an alternate theory, we insinuate what the prosecution has made. the idea hope hicks said motivation was to protect the family should quash that theory. >> todd: if fec says there is no campaign finance violation, that is good indicator.
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here is how john ratcliffe sees it. >> it is train wreck for prosecution, the witnesses were intended to harm donald trump and in every instance, they helped donald trump with the case and every witness has said the state's most important witness michael cohen cannot be believed, he's a pathological liar. >> todd: how will michael cohen have credibility considering almost every witness has destroyed him, said he is a bad guy and ruined his credibility. >> his credibility is destroyed, no doubt about that. how much weight they give to his testimony, is up to the jury. they have not -- annihilation on
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cross-examination for him. >> todd: maybe prosecution has something up their sleeve, it is not apparent to any of us. bring in trump 2024 national press secretary karoline leavitt. not going to ask about trial per se. i will ask about money, trump campaign and rnc raised 76 million in april, do you think reason for that money boost, it is the lawfare against trump? or how bad people feel in joe biden's america, combination of the two? why are people donating? >> all of the above. joe biden's witch hunt is backfiring on democrats, this was their strategy to you have shouldel joe biden over the
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finish line and confine trump to the courtroom. this is a sham trial. there is absolutely no crime and taxpayers are watching their money be ing wasted on this sho trial in new york when america is nation in decline. inflation and gas prices are climbing, inflation is at an all-time high, there is chaos on colleges across the country and there is unrest in the middle east. joe biden is a weak and failing president. president trump's policies were a success, they feel that c contrast and that is why our fundraising is exploding, we are seeing small dollar donations coming in. trump is increasing support with americans of all backgrounds.
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>> todd: here is what some vp contenders had to say, listen. >> will not speculate on the vp thing. this weekend i saw amount of talent in republican party is extraordinary, not just choices for vp, it is choices for a cabinet. >> it is true testament to strength of the republican party. >> we had no talks about vp pick, to be clear. if i was on it, who would know, it is not why i'm supporting him now. >> todd: if you are from said state, which do you think your boss, donald trump, will utilize most in picking a vp? >> president trump said himself most important quality for vice presidential candidate is one who can make a great president
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for eight years after president trump leads for four years. there is a lot of talent in ta room. they will be far better than kamala harris and this weekend proved republican party is unified around president trump, contrast to what is going on in the democratic party. joe biden is a weak, failing president more than 75% of democrats wish they had another option on the ballot. the republican party is unified and raising money and voters are enthusiastic about a trump term. >> todd: article says joe biden has a new campaign strategy, less is more. president joe biden ramps up reelection effort, his campaign is scaling back on how much he says on the trail. sharper message he will take into the general election.
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30 seconds, caroline, are you buying that? >> no. can you blame them in joe biden stumbles over wordings, he is berated and shuffling off the stage, much different from president trump, seeing enthusiasm, everywhere we go. good luck to joe biden, he is only going to get worse. >> todd: never seen a statement put more lipstick on a pick. israel is preparing ground offensive and started evacuating individuals there. we have new develops and >> cheryl: will explain how it could impact our economy here at home.
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whoa, what's that, grandpa? look at us knuckleheads. and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. you look good. you as well. one, two three. grandpa! what's this, ellie?
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your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. wooooooo! whoa! on your wing, grandpa! >> todd: american jack carter rhoad and brothers jake and callum robin yeson. they were victims of a carjacking gone wrong. they believe the carjackers
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wanted the tires on the car. three suspects have been detained. evacuations underway in eastern rafah region of the gaza strip. right now you can see if you look to the left-hand side of the screen, smoke clouds into rafah. this comes as biden administration put a hold on ammunition shipment to israel for first time since the october 7 attack. cheryl casone. >> cheryl: according to axios, a shipment bound for israel, first time since october 7 u.s. made a move like this. that left israeli fortunatelies officials scram betting. prime minister netanyahu seemed
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unphased. >> as prime minister of israel, i pledge from jerusalem on holocaust remembrance day, if israel is forced to stand alone, israel will stand alone. >> cheryl: this size jonathan gilliam says biden administration should be supporting israel. >> jonathan: while the quicker israel goes in and eliminates hamas and strong hold in the neighborhoods, the quicker israel can evacuate these people and take out the hamas fighters. >> cheryl: the biden administration did sign that foreign aid bill last month, 15 billion going to israel militarys and some going to gaza
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and some for military operations. american forces have been attacked in that region. we lost three officers in that attack when they were asleep. the money is there, this has the israelis concerned. >> todd: i would be, too. you are expecting ammo, you need ammo to fight, doesn't make sence why we would sit on it. >> cheryl: this is interesting, president xi jinping is visiting europe, his first stop is france meeting with the president of france right now. here is a statement from xi jinping, ties between china and france were a model between countries with different social
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systems and macron says we must work with china to build piece. xi jinping will go to serbia and hungary. domestic economy is struggling ashes midfall off of u.s. investment and human rights violation, threats against taiwan. eu and china trade relationship is estimated 3 billion per day, todd. french in particular, in particular, have a vested interest in making sure xi jinping has a good meeting today. >> todd: that should be concerning to the western world. six squatters arrested in atlanta after finding a stolen car parked in front of the home.
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a democratic candidate for georgia state house joins me now. how bad did this situation get with the squatters? >> this is worst criminal activity i've seen in my life. to steal the car and come back and got arrested again after they bond out of jail. >> todd: they have been in the house since christmas, why did it take so long to get them out? >> they were using the legal system to stay in the house. >> todd: how relieved are neighbors in the area to be relieved? i can't imagine knowing that crime is likely ashes afoot would freak me out. >> we had a short 6victory for 4
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hours, because we got the message this morning, they came back to the house and broke in again. >> todd: how did they get? were there no cops? so many questions, mel. >> after they -- two got felonies and one trespassing charges, they were released and back in the household. >> todd: breaking news on "fox and friends", you are back on it, what are you going to do? >> get the police and city back involved and go through the same process again. they are trespassing and the property is supposed to be vacant. >> todd: in january, bloomberg reported 1200 homes in the metrobbering o atlanta area had squatters, why so prevalent in atlanta? >> companies buy homes and they
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don't have a real underwriting process, people can't afford the house and move out. the company buy so many businesses and they are not in the business of being landlords and squatters know it. >> todd: what do you make of squatters coming back, br brazenness of these people saying we are taking what we think we deserve, mel? >> i'm flab bergasted, these ar the worst criminals i've seen in my life. never seen it like this before. >> you will go handle that situation, please be safe and make sure you and your neighbors get the cops involved. politico roasted for report on people funding protests on campuses, joe concha here to tell us why, you don't want to
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>> todd: way to go politico. i seemed to have cracked the code. across college campuses. unfortunately for politico the results probably won't surprise you. donors of the biggest names in democrat circles, soros, rockefeller, pritzker the trail of donation shows a series of blurred lines when it comes to liberal causes and democratic
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politics. ray kelly says there needs to be a federal investigation clearly money is coming from overseas and from soros. i think the federal government has an obligation to do an investigation here. certainly looks like a conspiracy: as i say these things happening spontaneously. all over. so we need the federal government investigative capacity to look at this whole situation. >> like gambling in casa blanca such a shock. joe concha a fox news contributor. joe, joins us now. why is it such a surprise to the people who should, should be in the know? ie journalists in the media, when it really is common knowledge to you, me, and everybody watching this at home, that, yes, democrats are connected. the ones funding joe biden are the same ones funding these protests. >> todd, we have been talking
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about this for many days, right? to quote the fictional officer john mcclain of the nypd, welcome to the party, politico. where is merrick garland by the way? that's what i want to know. that's the u.s. attorney general who loves to speak out about maga supporters being the biggest threat to this country, yet, we have yet to hear almost anything from the attorney general of the united states ray kelly is exactly right. there needs to be a federal investigation behind these protests because, as we're seeing, in terms of the numbers, many of these so-called protesters are paid operatives from money coming from places like george soros or a rockefeller foundation or whoever. but the point is that this is something that is going to continue to go on all summer. it's going to plague the democratic national convention in chicago. that, we do know. and, unless we stop that money flow, this is only going to get worse before it gets better,
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todd. >> todd: joe, do you ultimately think if these are democratic donors and biden donors. do you think the doj under joe biden is going to go after them and upset them? i can't see that happening no matter how good it would be for the nation. >> well, the thing is that this is not playing well politically, right, on your television screens on a daily basis, not just on fox but other media outlets, obviously, have to report this. you look at polls that have come out over the last week, todd, rasmussen, you have joe biden down by 12 points to donald trump nationally. and cnn, you have joe biden down nine points, nationally. harvard harris 7 points nationally. so, this only shows chaos happening and the american people are going to vote this party and this president out if this continues. they want to return to normalcy. and donald trump is seen as the law and order candidate far more than the man you are seeing on your screen right now, joe biden, todd.
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>> todd: that man you see on your screen is going to be streamlining his already robust campaigning e is only going to be doing certain things here and there not going out as much. meantime, the other guy, donald trump is everywhere. including at formula 1 grand prix in miami. here is how the crowd greeted him. listen. [chanting u.s.a.] joe you are the messaging guy what did that combined with the ufc, to pizzato, to the firefighters, to meet with the construction workers, what message collectively does that send? >> it shows that one guy want the job far more than the other guy. donald trump, he is in court all week, flies down to miami, goes to this event, the formula event, sporting event, and that response was overrecommending as it was in harlem, as it was in midtown manhattan with construction workers.
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he is in delaware, not campaigning and showing he wants the job. that's who people vote on. who wants to this job more and save this country more and right now it looks like donald trump, todd. >> todd: the crew he visited won the race, joe. are you superstitious? what do you make of that. 20 section to you. >> wow. did i not know that thanks for sharing that information. president trump will be in wildwood, new jersey on saturday. and 40,000 beam are expected in a blue state like that, watch out. the map is expanding electorally, todd. >> todd: it's not even summer. most people go to wildwood, july, august, september. trump is going in may. joe concha, thank you so much. "fox & friends" on a very busy monday begins right now. have great day, everybody. >> ainsley: good morning, it's 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. it's monday, may 6th.


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