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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 6, 2024 4:00am-5:01am PDT

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evelop or worsen. it's good to be moving on. watch me. move, look, and feel better. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. >> brian: here we go. 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. it summoned, may 6th. this is "fox & friends." we begin with weather 200 rescued in texas from massive flooding. a more severe weather threatens millions in the midwest today. >> charlie: plus the tale of two candidates. president biden reportedly scaling back his campaign while trump lights up formula 1 in miami. [chanting u.s.a.] >> ainsley: and a clear contrast. thousands at the university of tennessee gather, not to protest, but to worship. >> unite the whole vibe of the
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university has just felt better. >> one thing we do in our message for unite is to bring truth. truth and hope. >> you flew here, was it worth it. >> it's so worth it. it's a privilege to be here. rains. >> ainsley: the second hour of "fox & friends" begins right now. and, remember, mornings are better with friends. we are just six months out from election day and president biden is expected to speak on the rise of anti-semitism tomorrow as anti-israel protests continue at colleges all across our country. >> brian: meanwhile politico reporting that some of the groups behind the demonstrators -- demonstrations are receiving significant financial backing from high profile biden donors. >> charlie: shocking, shocking. peter doocy joins us live from the white house. peter? >> peter: good morning, and we are learning over the weekend that some of the wealthiest liberal families in this country may not be getting much bang for their buck, donating both to president biden's re-election effort and also to groups that
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are supporting some of these student protests that are seen by many as hurting president biden's prospects. there's an item in politico that breaks it down like this that says president joe biden has been dogged for months by pro-palestinian protesters calling him genocide joe. some of the groups behind the receiving fbleg backing from philanthropist pushing hard for his re-election. biggest donors gaetz, soros, rockefeller and pritzker including too politico analyst. you look at the numbers. biden campaign donors funding some of these anti-israel college protests groups, you got george soros, 300 k in december. 350 k in november. 250 k in september; susan pritzker 3300 in october. nicholas pritzker 3300 in november. and david rockefeller jr. in september $10,000. that is as some democrats say they are eager to vote in favor of a house bill that adopts the
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holocaust remembrance alliances definition of anti-semitism as law. >> it's one of the co-leaders sponsors of that bill. of course i'm going to vote yes on that. i think it's a very valid concern that really allowed that -- i mean that's an overwhelming vote of bipartisan vote in the house as well, i think it's -- it's a great bill. i look forward to voting for it. >> peter: president biden is going to capitol hill tomorrow to give remarks for holocaust remembrance day. that is going to be his next chance to try to put some of the vile anti-semitic rhetoric we have been seeing on college campuses into historical context. back to you. >> brian: all right, peter, thanks so much. whether you like it or not. politico says they are surprised. right, about this. but it's working against president biden. he looks terrible in this. is he trying to split the difference. instead of coming out firmly i'm pro-palestinian or i'm all in
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like senator fetterman. he looks terrible because right now he is sitting there trying to split the difference and both sides hate him. they are not chanting anything about trump or republicans. they are chanting genocide joe. and people are saying why aren't you speaking out stronger and others who are speaking why are you speaking out at all? why are you giving funding to the israelis at the same time you are cutting funding to the israelis? he is trying to please both. is he alienating both. >> charlie: we keep talking about the fact that the biden campaign is desperate to win over these young voters despite whatever their crazy views might be. and but what gets lost in that is the fact that it's also on the other end, is he getting money from people who have these -- share these beliefs with these protesters. >> ainsley: like susan and nick pritzker they are the heirs to the hyatt hotel empire and biden supporters. have you this umbrella group called the tides foundation. they give money to jewish voice for peace and if not now.
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those are two of the protest groups that are responsible for what is happening at columbia university. seated by george soros. also, the rockefeller brothers fund. they gave 300,000 to the organization. and they gave $500,000 over the last five years to one of those groups on columbia's campus jewish voice for peace. >> brian: i would like to add this the cover of the "new york post" today talks about who is actually behind this. predominantly in new york. the people's forum. primarily funded by this guy, named singman. neville roy singman a socialist who supports every left wing cause is he get ahold of. guess who gave him a huge donation? the goldman sachs philanthropy wing. they also supported black lives matter and the day of they took the hamilton building over at columbia university, remember that? that was after singman addressed a group of about 100. they end up being outsiders to
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go into columbia and go take a building, professionally because they know how to do this. exactly in their training manual. goldman saks has a throat answer for, who are you giving your millions of dollars with? you are talking about 450 medal. what do you think they are going to do with that? make america a better place? >> charlie: if you don't recognize the democrat party today, this did not happen by accident and it's really strange to look around and see john fetterman is like one of the handful of democrats making sense right now. >> brian: can i give you another one ritchie torres of the bronx. democrat. he says i urge them, goldman saks, to cut ties with this group after a tape emerged of one of their leaders spewing nazi hate, calling for a final blow to israel in january. goldman sachs answer to that. >> we have been wondering who has been supporting these protesters and politico is revealing all of this information. also, there is some new polls out, abc, ipsos poll, shows in a head to head of trump and biden. trump is winning by 2 points and
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then if you factor in all the third party candidates, the others like jill stein, colonel west and r.f.k. jr. then trump is still ahead by 2 points all adults trump up by 2. registered voters biden up by 1. these are national polls. as you mentioned the third party. when it comes to issues, it is a run away for trump. >> charlie: one of the most troubling parts of this poll for joe biden is, it's a 30 point swing among voters under 30 from 2020 to today. biden won these voters by 24 points in 2020. trump is winning these voters by 5 points. that's not a huge margin. when you compare that to biden having them by plus 25 four years ago. this is like a five -- >> brian: why isn't the gap bigger between them then? if he has the hispanic vote than
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ever and black vote than ever and more than 30s than ever, why is it -- and i don't know the answer to this. this is not rhetorical. why is the gab not greater whether it comes to issues, immigration trump plus 17. economy trump plus 14. who is better on crime trump plus 8. protecting democracy even. abortion biden by 12. when you look at all these issues. like you mentioned, brian, what is happening 00 our border, what is happening in our pocketbooks when we go to the grocery store. maybe that's why the younger people when you graduate college, you don't have a lot of money. >> charlie: pay rent? >> ainsley: that's a shocker that might be one of the reasons. but, what is so surprising, you are right, brian, why isn't there more of a distance between these two? but,. >> brian: suburban women are still a problem for trump. >> ainsley: that's true. i'm just curious, how can almost half of our country still support this administration name
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something that is going well. >> brian: if you are pro-green owe redistribution of wealth. tired of having so much money left after going to the supermarket get it out of your pocket. it's true. a lot of people say name one thing that's getting better. if you are looking to lose -- get out of fossil fuels. that's what this president is doing. o. >> ainsley: president trump says the abortion issue goes back to the states. if you are in a conservative state, it's going to be more extreme when it documents abortion. if you are in a blue state, which is probably how you vote anyway. then you are going to have more options. but is he saying i'm not taking away abortion. i'm not for or against, i'm just giving it back to the states for them to decide. >> charlie: this is why we have campaigns over the next four months. >> brian: six. >> charlie: six months we will have conversations about all of this. obviously democrats are going to talk about abortion and they're going to try to drive that as far as they can, and it's been very effective for them in the past, when you get to practical issues that effect everybody,
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that you can't -- you really can't point to one area where joe biden has delivered. >> brian: right. we'll see. nine minutes after the hour. just focusing on another report that has a lot to do with this is what people around joe biden do not want him speaking extemporaneously here is an article that came out on nbc. as president joe biden ramps up re-election effort his campaign also is scaling back how much he says on the trail part of a larger new strategy to hone a sharper message take to the general election. according to biden aides. >> charlie: this would be an accomplishment if they got him to talk less the whole country would be really grateful. >> brian: it's unacceptable. >> ainsley: a sharper message is he scaling back. >> brian: the less you say. >> ainsley: the less you say the sharper the message. >> brian: i like to win re-election by not doing any
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interviews, not taking any questions make shorter speeches. >> ainsley: campaigning from your basement it worked four years ago. >> charlie: it worked the last time. >> brian: one thing it has hurt hind. they believe their best sales tool is donald trump on the stump because they say what donald trump says is radical and remind what everyone the last four years were like. every poll that asks people to remember what the last four years were like. donald trump wins on just about everything excepted abortion. so, people i know we are busy and we have add as a nation. we do remember four years ago. we don't need a reminder i don't have to go to the scope to find out what life was like in 2016 or -- >> ainsley: 80% say even if he is convicted in one of these court cases they will still support him. >> brian: what bothers me is 4 hers%. you can't lose. >> ainsley: 4% say they will no
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longer. >> brian: that would bother me. i think also as we get closer and closer to the election by the time november hits move on past said it's just locker room talk. every guy is like all right, yeah, it's true. >> you can get a poll to say anything, but the real troubling thing is the movement. >> the movement among young voters and also the movement on the number of people who are like if he gets convicted i don't care. i'm still going to vote for him. that was like 40% six months ago. it's 80% now. >> ainsley: now 80%. trump is up here with all these court cases. but he has gob to the bodega. he goes to the firehouse to deliver pizzas. and over the weekend he was at the formula one race down in miami at the miami grand prix. and the crowd went crazy chanting u.s.a., u.s.a. as he was waiving to the crowd. watch this. [chanting u.s.a.]
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>> brian: sometimes people look at the american flag triggers. they are soon going to say chanting u.s.a. is a trigger. >> ainsley: no longer allowed to say that, brian, in america. >> brian: so weird. at the very least, the people that support donald trump are more passionate than the few nominee -- than the people, the 40% of the country that support joe biden. i don't think they would chant that at any place in america when joe biden walked in yet he is the president. can you imagine if they rolled joe biden out there to this crowd what do you think would happen? >> ainsley: rolled him out. >> brian: blob of people can't watch him walk anymore. that's what the people are saying. that happened at the grand prix, his driver he talked to last ended up winning the race, president trump. you. >> charlie: he won, basically. >> brian: the new york trump trial is set to resume this morning. week number 4.
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9:30 a.m. eastern time. the prosecution's star witness, former trump attorney michael cohen is gearing up to stake the stand. >> charlie: eric shawn is live from the new york state supreme court, eric? >> eric: hey, brian, good morning, guys, we don't know when michael cohen will take the and it today. former president back here. find out if he is going to be on the hook for another 4 grand. $4,000 for violating the contempt of court ruling from judge juan merchan that on top of the 9,000 that he ponied up on friday that ruling could comy riewmsz at 9:30 eastern time after the emotional friday we had here as we saw the emotional testimony of hope hicks. ms. hix, of course, one of the former president's closest former aides, she hasn't spoken to him for a year and a half, and then had to sit across the room from him, testifying against her former boss. she broke down in tears as she recounted her time with the
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former president. legal experts say her time on the testimony on the stand did help the former president organizers say it damaged his histh case. she revealed he did know about the secret payments to stormy daniels and she described campaign officials were in a frenzy in 2016 after the access hollywood tape went public and then the "wall street journal" exposed the deals to keep karen macdougall and stormy daniels quiet about their alleged affairs with trump that he denies. she said, quote: everything we talked about in the context of this time period and time frame whether there was impact on the campaign. others say she helped the defense saying the former president didn't want to hurt his family especially his wife melania. i don't think he wanted anyone in his family to be hurt or embarrassed by anything that was happening on the campaign trail. he wanted them to be proud of him. as far as michael cohen is concerned, man, she did not have kind things to say about him, cohen expected to be the star witness in this case she said,
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quote, i used to say he liked to call himself a fixer and mr. fix-it and that it was only because he first broke it. as i said, we don't know when cohen will testify. we expect some other witnesses first. but the prosecution not revealing who will take the stand this morning publicly yet. because they don't want the former president to attack the witnesses on truth social or in his comments coming into the courtroom. let's see who takes the stand as this new week begins week number 4. back to you guys in the studio. >> brian: real quick, eric, still going to decide on the second accusations on violations of the gag order at some point, right? >> eric: yeah. that could come this morning. last time the judge gave it a few days, we could see if that happens and the prosecution could potentially even add some more counts on that, we won't know until the court begins at 9:30. >> ainsley: thank you so much, eric. it didn't help the prosecution's case when they put hope hicks on the stand and asked her about
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this hush money and she said melania's a big part of his life and he was doing this to protect his wife. >> brian: one thing i have noticed being in their company anyone who thinks they aren't, president trump and -- i don't care if you are going to vote for trump or not, if you are under the impression that trump and mrs. trump, melania trump are not tight and don't look at each other as confidantes you are totally mistaken. when melania talks you can hear a pin drop he listens to her. >> ainsley: trump values the opinions of melania. >> brian: people speculate in differential way. >> charlie: yeah. it's so hard to take. we have to cover these trials and it's so hard to take some of the prosecutors' arguments seriously like this is somehow a campaign finance, whatever. but, just assuming that you're going to take them seriously. alvin bragg's case has blown up so many times, the idea they are now going to way for a serial perjurer, a disbarred attorney to come in. >> brian: hated by everybody.
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>> charlie: hated by everybody. >> ainsley: he was the key witness. >> charlie: as their key witness and we found out he was very upset about not being invited to the white house. >> brian: almost suicidal. >> charlie: to work in the white house. that's going to save your case? i don't see that happening. >> ainsley: in all of that, the jury will hear all of that. >> charlie: you never know what the george bush. >> ainsley: you never know it's a new york jury. fox news alert fox weather alert. we expect big stories across the midwest. let's check in rick reichmuth for fox weather forecast. >> rick: we are active pattern across what is tornado alley and the last few years it really hasn't been seeing so much activity in that area. this year it absolutely is may is the most active month, typical typically, and we are right on track for that now. also had over the last seven day as series of storms across texas. some spots up to 20 inches of rain, and that has caused a massive flooding situation, especially across parts of the southeast texas.
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texas today drying out a lot. i think our overall pattern for texas the next four to five days is going to be lot drier. there is a storm that is out across parts of the west. dumped a lot of snow this weekend, still snow into may. that system today ejects out into parts of the plains. and with a major tornado outbreak threat going on especially across parts of oklahoma and southern kansas, but we could be seeing tornadoes all the way up in across parts of nebraska. last two weeks we have been rocked by series of tornadoes there. large ones. today could be large, destructive tornadoes. again, be watching for that tomorrow moves a little towards the east. wednesday that bulls eye comes back again in across parts of maybe the midwest active pattern ins it. behind that more coming on. people need to be prepared. send it back to you. >> ainsley: thank you so much, rick. >> rick: you bet. >> ainsley: families of three surfers who went missing down in mexico this week have confirmed the identities of their remains. this after mexican police found their bodies of american jack
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carter road and two brothers from australia. bullet wounds at the bottom of the 50-foot well. at least two men and one woman are now in custody. also a fox news alert. vladimir putin is reportedly ordering the russian ministry of defense to hold a military exercise into will include practice for the use of tackle nuclear arsenals or weapons after what the defense ministry said were provocative threats from western officials. the ministry says they would test rideness of the strategic forces to perform combat missions another alert live look at rafah as israel prepares for imminent offensive. roughly 100,000 civilians are evacuates as we speak. israel's defense minister telling u.s. defense secretary lloyd austin overnight that hamas has left them with no other choice after trying to
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negotiate a new hostage and cease-fire deal israel says it has expanded the area for evacuees in preparation of the flood of civilians, the ceo of hims and hers is taking back his comment offering employment for anti-israel protesters he says i no way condone or support acts of violence, anti-semitism or intimidation and there is absolutely no justification for violence on campuses. every student deserves to feel safe without fear of harm. happening today, the met gala will have celebrities and elites stepping into the garden of time in new york city. this year's team brings attention to the method's new exhibit, sleeping beauty, reawakening fashion meaning fans can gospel see florals and inspired. tonight's event begins at 8:30
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eastern time. a quarter of gen zers have never ever ever answered their phones. when asked what they do when their phone rings, people aged 18 to 34 say they just ignore it. whoption 70% say they would rather get a text than a call. while 37% prefer a voice note compared to 1% of those ages 35 to 54. those are your headlines. >> brian: when we were at the patriot awards, i met tomi lahren's husband who coaches for a minor league team, great baseball player. and he goes i started talking to him what knows you or what annoys me most is he keeps calling me. i go what do you mean? i always say to him is this textable? is this textable? it bothers him typically says that to her husband. is this textable people so into texting why do i have to go it through the prevent tries, hello, what are you doing? what are you wearing?
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whatever. >> charlie: i discovered if you kill the call the person calling you knows you killed the call. you have to just let it go. >> brian: or have suggested things like call you later. >> charlie: your. >> brian: it will pop up. it's an option. >> charlie: doesn't on my phone. >> i would throw my phone -- >> ainsley: you don't know how to do it. >> charlie: i turn a lot of things off pooh on my phone. i have very disabled phone do you know when the friends call the house used to be who think are now we have no idea who they are hanging out with. because they don't call any central location and be farmed out. you don't have to be nice to the parents. >> ainsley: we are not getting our children's phones they are in second grade. starting to have the conversation should we do a land line again so we know who is calling? don't have cell phones yet but communicate through the land line.
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i don't know if i'm for it though. >> charlie: it's a right of passage. having to talk to the dad on the phone,. >> ainsley: remember that? >> brian: 23 minutes after the hour. democrat voters have nostalgia for the trump years as the economy and inflation mark the top issues. >> charlie: stuart varney is here to unpack it all. is he live next. >> brian: who is going to shake? ♪
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buy one line of unlimited, get one free for a year with xfinity mobile! plus, save even more and get an eligible 5g phone on us! visit today. >> charlie: referendum on trump. i was just up in perry. i heard about the economy and people don't on biden, sorry, biden. people don't feel great about the economy now this nostalgia for the trump years i would say about the economy nostalgia i heard from democrats even. >> charlie: this comes as a new poll reveals voters still name the economy and inflation as their top issues in the upcoming election. and they trust trump to do a better job than biden when it comes to handling both of those priorities. joining us now host of varney
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and company, on fox business, stuart varney, great to see you this morning. >> thanks, charlie. did you ever think you would hear of a democrat nostalgic for the trump years? >> i think if they took truth serum they all would. this is the problem. >> they should be nostalgic. if you go back to those years and looking at the economy. we have very low inflation. we had virtually full employment, as far as can i remember. and for the first time in a generation, the lowest income earners were catching up to higher -- people higher up the food chain. the income inequality, the gap there actually narrowed in the trump years we have never seen that before. or since by the way. so, that kind of nostalgia is entirely understandable. >> charlie: there is always sort of a disconnect because obviously campaigns are all about telling your side of the story, also known as often lying because and that's what politicians tend to do. but, the disconnect between what you are talking about and, you know, as ainsley was saying
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earlier, you know, it's remarkable that trump and biden are this close when you look at the numbers underneath. >> yeah. because if the most significant issues are the economy and inflation, this latest poll that i have seen, abc poll, they have trump 14 points ahead of biden on both the economy and on inflation if those are the key issues of the day how is it they are closer of the day put all issues together and have a national poll. i don't see it. i see trump running away with this at the moment if the economy and inflation are the key issues. not to mention age. not to mention the contrasting campaigning styles. i mean, you saw what was going on in miami over the weekend at the grand prix, there is trump glad handing the crowd enormously, positive response. when do you ever see that with joe biden on the campaign trail? you simply do not see that. >> charlie: yeah. you almost feel mean pointing it out but if they wheeled joe
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biden out in front of that crowd, is he not going to get that kind of unenthusiastic response. >> i feel rather harsh pointing this out all the time in fact it's a public service announcement. >> charlie: exactly. you add to the problem you have the open border and, you know, i think regular people look at their own economic situation and they look at the fact that the federal government is paying for putting people up in hotels all around new york city, all over the country, and as young people are coming coming out of college having to pay rental fees and things like that, you know, it's -- you can't help but think that the administration is doing things to undermine people's fiscal health. >> stuart: keep your eye on mortgage rates. mortgage rates are now above 7%. that's really killing the housing industry. young people can't get into a home because they can't afford to get into a home with rising prices. those high mortgage rates are the result of federal reserve and biden policy. and until that is reversed you
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won't get mortgage rates coming down to the pointed where youngsters can get into the houses easily. >> charlie: mortgaged damage rates and gas prices are still two of the best indicators. >> national average for a gallon of gas is 3.65. >> charlie: going to in the wrong direction. >> stuart: it is. >> charlie: great to see you. thank you for coming. >> stuart: my pleasure, charlie. >> charlie: watch stuart on fox business 9 to noon. >> brian: remarkable new data from fair health shows that diagnosed adhd cases have surged by 70 percent among elderly americans. the data, which was gathered over the last four years also found that about 14% of adults over the age 65 were diagnosed with some form of mental illness in 2023. >> that is a 57% jump from 2019. planter's nuts have been recalled after the discovery of a potentially fatal
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contamination. the company says certain packages could be contaminated with listeria. which can cause fatal infections in young children. elderly people and others who have weakened immune systems should put down the nuts. the products recalled are 4-ounce packages of plan tars honey roasted nuts. they look like that. 8.7-ounce cans of planter's lightly salted i would stay away from nuts for the foreseeable future. how it threatens his shot at re-election. we will discuss that donald trump meets with vp contenders as fundraising reaches new heights for them. trying to catch up to the dems. governor doug burgum was one of them. he was in mar-a-lago over the weekend. is he here now. great to see you. ♪
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>> hamas is responsible for all of that. if you are going you are going n these campuses or. i can't forget that the situation right now could end right now if hamas just surrendered and sent all of those hostages home again. >> some of these protesters aren't even students, right? we know that they are showing up on campuses and they are becoming involved when they cross line and when they commit crimes, they should be arrested. >> i think the president should and will get out there on campuses. >> brian: just unscripted situation with the president of
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the united states of chaos on college campuses. how anti-semitic protesters raging across the country could effect the president's re-election bid. former presidential candidate and north dakota governor doug burgum at north carolina this weekend and on everyone's short list to be vice president or running mate joins us now. governor, your reaction to the ways in which the democrat are handling these protests on these campuses? they are all over the place. >> they are, and i think it's just a great contrast between president trump who is leading with strength and joe biden who is his weakness, we talk about the campus protests but these protests wouldn't be happening if joe biden hadn't invited these wars that are happening all over the world because of his weakness. everything from the withdrawal from afghanistan, the russian invasion. october 7th. i mean, all of this is because we are not projecting power and the biggest thing biden has done from weakness standpoint allowed iran who is funding all these terrorists to get back in the game again in energy production.
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president trump had iran on their knees financially and now they are back with the -- lifted all the sanctions, he gave them $6 billion for five hostages. i mean, joe biden's actions appeasement with iran is what is funding the wars abroad and it's what is driving the protests at home. >> brian: you know leadership, you start with nothing and end up with billions of dollars and various companies that you started. how important is it just to be clear on what you believe. you know exactly republicans, for the most part, they are pro-israel and they know hamas is the problem. senator fetterman actually said it best. for democrats, they are trying to deny israel the ability to outright win at the same time trying not to seem to pro-hamas while giving gazans some type of refuse -- in america, president biden is all over the place. >> well, he is. and leadership is having clarity and focus and strength in know whose team you are on. and president trump is clear. two words, america first. joe biden, it's like democratic
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voter blocks first is what he is trying to do because his vacillation on israel vs. hamas is about getting reelected next fall. he has got a chunk of his party that is pro-terrorist and the pro-terrorist, pro-hamas wing of the democratic party. that's why he needs those votes. that's why is he vacillating. >> brian: this week in mar-a-lago with some of the vips and republican ticket from senator rubio to senator kristi noem to elise stefanik and others. your feeling about being on the short list for president trump's vp? >> well, president trump was bringing so much positive energy this week that he is 90 minutes would you tell teleprompter without a script. he is -- if anybody has had a chance to see him in that environment. so funny, catherine and i, the first lady, had a wonderful time. i'm going to say that there may not be a short list. he said from the state there is 50 people that want to be vp and he invited about 15 up on stage. if there had been more people would have been falling off the
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stage. i first rejected i don't think there is a short list a long list of great people that want to support president trump for the right reasons. because they know where biden has been -- has had failures, president trump has had strength. whether it's in wars abroad. whether it's the economy at home. whether it's the border. these are the issues that matter to voters, and peek are waking up and want to support him. >> brian: 76 million raised over the weekend. you went on cnn over the weekend. and surrogate really for president trump at this point. they don't care that you are governor of north dakota. were i surprised how focus they are on january 6th and what is it like going on there representing somebody like president trump? what is it like being in that fire? >> first of all, it's an honor to represent president trump. because he stands for the things that this country needs to secure borders. peace abroad. and northwestern strength. i mean, is he representing strength vs. weakness. i think, like a lot of folks that are campaigning for president trump, we will go wherever we have to. yeah, the reason why you have
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got people focusing on the past is that when you're representing president trump is they can't talk about the issues. they can't talk about biden's stance on the border or the campus protest or the economy. so, they are going to go backwards in time as opposed to looking forward. president trump was very focused on the future during his remarks. where is he going to take this country and that's what is he delivering. and that's what voters want to hear. >> brian: we will see what is going to happen in the next six months. we are probably going to know who is going to be the v.p. pick in the next 30 days. i will be say shocked if you weren't in the cabinet should donald trump win at some place whether it's v.p. or some place else. governor, great to see you. >> brian: don't get hurt in new york: be careful. thousands at the university of tennessee gather not to protest, but to worship. >> after unite, the whole vibe of the university just felt better. >> one thing that we do in our message for unite is to bring truth. truth and hope. >> you flew here. was it worth it. >> it's so worth it. it's a privilege to be here.are
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♪ >> ainsley: as protests rage on college campuses across our country, one movement called united is bringing together thousands of students for a very different reason. and that is to worship.
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take a look. ♪ >> ainsley: tonight, we are in knoxville at the university of tennessee, all in the name of jesus. this is unite us. it started as a very small movement at auburn university. now it has grown and spread throughout our country passionate singing here and look at the thousands of people in the crowd. >> welcome united >> ainsley: us just love seeing this because i was saved in college and came to find jesus through women like you, you are changing lives. >> we had our first event auburn. we started getting contacted by all these other universities hey we are desperate. we are desperate for god on our campuses we have been to fsu, we have been to alabama and georgia and now tennessee. we see thousands ever students dom jesus.
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we have seen over 800 baptized. just incredible. >> what has continued to happen at auburn after unite, the whole vibe of the university has just felt better. >> it traveled from campus to campus. >> ainsley: how many have you been to? >> i have been to all five. after the first one i'm in. i'm committed. i have got to go to all of them. >> i was part of unite back in february. >> you flew here. was it worth it? >> it's so worth it. it's a privilege to be here. >> ainsley: we are back stage and this is a very powerful moment. there is an altar call and so many people here on college campus are expecting jesus. >> ainsley: what's your message for someone who doesn't know jesus and has no hope. >> my message is that jesus is the only way. part of my own story is that i ran from jesus for a long time and i experienced depression and anxiety. that is when i gave my life to jesus. i realized he is the only one to find hope in. >> watching the freedom that jesus brings. the purpose that jesus brings in
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our life. i know beyond a shadow of a doubt is he moving throughout our country and our world. this is just a part of it. and that our generation is going to be the one that causes that change. >> ainsley: when you watch columbia university the list goes on and on, ucla. and when you see what is happening in all these protests, these anti-israel protests, this is such a contrast to come to a school where you really have are not seeing that. >> one thing we do in our message for unite is to bring truth. truth and hope to a divided nation that is desperate for truth and hope. >> it's so timely that unite has been blowing up the way it has while also these protests have been going on because it just makes sense that revival would happen now. here we have one message and it's for the record. >> honestly so easy to get caught up with all the negative because i feel like that's what the media pushes at us a lot all the bad in the world. this is truth right here on events like this.
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>> ainsley: i pulled her out of school on thursday and friday so she could come with me so see this revival. thank you, tonya. >> hayden, what do you want to say? thank you for having us? >> thank you for having us. isn't that amazing, columbia and ucla. schools unite movement. if you are interested in us cocomingto your fall. they will pick it back up in the fall. go to the website and donate on that website. there were 8,000 people in that basketball arena. afterwards they all went out into the parking lot and 150 people were baptized in those big football players get into the ice plunges. and those big silver container, they were out there baptizing people. it was just awesome. such stark contrast what we are seeing in other places. >> brian: you are doing a fox nation special on it? >> we did. called faith on campus. we interviewed people the next
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morning in the diner. that's when so much news was breaking at clay campus. that's on fox nation if you want to watch it. diner full of students many of which were there at the event. >> brian: there was more good news for you over the weekend. a great honor, so deserved. >> ainsley: thank you. >> brian: at the university of south carolina. >> ainsley: thank you we traveled from tennessee and went to south carolina. did the diner on friday morning and then that saturday morning was graduation. the journalism students graduated. there were three on friday and three on saturday. they honored me with a doctorate degree. >> charlie: dr. ainsley or dr. earhart? >> brian: let's listen. >> ainsley: all of you were born with so many god-given talents and my advice is use them. there is only one path and that is hard work. say yes to every opportunity because if you don't, another colleague will. my success did not come quickly, but i said yes continuously. so never give up on hard work. and with all of that said, my favorite job is being a mom.
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25 years ago i sat where you are, and now my 8-year-old little girl hayden is sitting in here, too. and it comes full circle. >> brian: wow. great message. >> ainsley: it's not about ainsley. it was just my grandparents met on that campus on the horseshoe. that went on obviously to produce my mother and my aunt who have just been big mentors in my life. my dad went to that school. his brother played baseball there. my cousin and brother went. we have lots of carolinas in our blood. >> brian: now a doctorate. everyone is proud of you. so glad you were born.
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