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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 6, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ it >> brian: it's 8:00 a.m., monday may 6, this is6, this is "fox a friends." former president trump due back in court in an hour and a half. trump in his georgia case speaks out for the first time on his relationship with d.a. fani willis. >> workplace romances are as american as apple pie, it happens to everyone. >> ainsley: evacuations underway
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in rafah while anti-israelant-i protest -- >> brian: fox news alert, massive flooding as severe weather threatens the midwest today. final hour of "fox and friends" starts right now, unlessdanaing better with friends. >> brian: prosecution star witness, form erattorney for donald trump, michael cohen, since disbarred, gearing up to take the stand. >> eric is live. eric. >> good morning, we don't know when michael cohen will take the stand as key witness, we heard insightful tomorrow on friday. former president trump relies on melania trump for advice and
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does not want her hurt by allegations of an affair with stormy daniels. we received insight from ms. hicks, former advisor of the president. she gave insight into the inner workings of the campaign about karen mcdougal and stormy daniels and broke down in tears talking about how the president did not want the story of the affairs hoo said were not true to hurt melania. he wanted me to make sure the newspapers were delivered to the res residents what morning. ms. hicks revealed everything they did at the time was related to the election and the then president knew about the
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payments to stormy daniels. she said, president trump said that michael had paid this woman to protect him from a false yaelgz and michael felt like it should be done and he did it out of his own heart. she said donald trump did reimburse him for the payment to stormy. prosecutor could use that saying he orchestrated the scheme. defense said it was done to protect his family. who will be the witness today? we do not know yet. they we expect him to be here commenting about who the new
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witness is today for a new week. back to you. >> brian: thanks so much. i guess that is hard for the defense, you expect it, be ready for anything. it will be cohen kon, i'm sure they have been drilling on that, who else will they bring in? >> i won't believe michael cohen has to say, i can't wait to hear what he has to say. >> ainsley: he was donald trump's attorney and then released information on donald trump, which you are not allowed to do because of bridge. he is disbarred and serves time and now we're supposed to believe what he says in court. >> he paid a vendor $40,000 in a blue plastic walmart bag with
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one boxing glove. >> did he ever explain that? >> come on, and i know they said certain things he can't talk about the case, he wants to start campaigning. there is carry urban, who joins me now, one of our great legal analysts. overall, i understand in your business, people like like to ee week with a big-name guest or big impactful guest. what did hope do for the prosecutor or defense? >> i don't think she--ed the prosecutor, she helped her former boss and undercut what the prosecutor is trying to do here. she talked about how much stress stormy daniels was causing him because of impact it would have
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on his wife and his family. reason that matters, prosecuto has been pushing only reason donald trump made -- was to help him win the election, which still not illegal, that is their theme of the case. her presenting this testimony it was motivated or seemed to be she said his wife's opinion is meaningful to him and he wanted his family to be proud of of hi. the fact the state of new york is willing to put a former president of the united states in jail over how he classified an expense that the lawyer in the karen mcdougal and stormy daniels case used as legal
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expense. they are willing to put a former president in prison over this. >> ainsley: think about as women or a man, i guess, he says i didn't do this, i paid these women to go away. they are threatening me, i said this is cost of doing business, i will pay you and you will go away. he didn't want his wife to question her husband. >> that is right, she talked about mr. cohen and called him mr. fik fix-it. no one likes michael cohen. the guy is disliked from anyone who worked with him. number of witnesses had only positive things to say about donald trump.
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>> is there a -- what is the one thing that prosecutors could get a witness to say that would wrap the whole case up and prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. >> entering an nda, not illegal, they want to equate dirty with illegal but it is not. they are aiming to have michael cohen go on the stand and reveal b bombshell information about donald trump directed me to make a payment and hide it so i could win the election. the payment not a problem, legally. >> brian: on the document case
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in south florida this week. judge came out asking for documents, their opinion on a -- one item to move forward. trump campaign came back and said, we will not be able to do it, we are buried in this case right now. will judge cannon say come up with it or delay again? they are looking for classified document case, looking for them to submit key filings. >> good strategy of any defense team is delay, delay, delay. if they can get it past the election, there is strong chance the case goes away, if he wins. the judge in this case, it seems to me, she's been taking her time mulling through things, i'm sure she recognizes gravity of the situation. not just anyone on trial.
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former president who may be the future president. these things should be weighing on your mind. take into consideration pr prudential concerns. go through a book for hours and find this little thing we can nail them with. it is not a small thing given the presence it will set. seems she's been running the clock, can you blame her given gravity of the situation? >> brian: i am the legal team, i don't have time to answer you, judge cannon. appreciate it. talk about nathan wade, it's been a while since he was asked to recuse himself. >> ainsley: ex-fulton county
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prosecutor. >> workplace romavensnces are a american as apple pie. you don't plan to develop feelings or fall in love or have some relationship in the workplace, you don't set out to do that and those things developed organically over time. and the minute we had that sobering moment we discontinued it. >> do you think you have done damage to this case? >> none at all. >> even public perception of it? >> initial statement i made, my private life became the focal point of the case and has
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nothing to do with merit of that prosecution. >> brian: his poor judgement has everything to do with how poorly the prosecutor is going, is this about fame, about getting under national spotlight? his salary was too large, his expenses too large. they are looking at her expense budget. >> you made a good point asking carrie if all this goes away if trump wins the election? i think it is going away, it is so obviously politically motivated. >> ainsley: it appears so corrupt, non-professional. he is not a lawyer that handles this type of case. they are having a relationship, she's paying him to prosecute the man she is going after.
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unbelievable. >> a baker should come up with nathan wade apple pie and sell. >> brian: pretty sure that is not going to be a commercial. having an affair in the office? try my apple pie. his meeting with the defense team at the white house, why meet in georgia about this case and you want trump to believe there is no coordination between the white house and these cases, all about the campaign. >> ainsley: that was takx dolla money paying for this. >> brian: they don't have revenue from the all-star game, would have helped out. six months from the election and president biden is expected to
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speak tomorrow. protests continue across the country. >> ainsley: protesters arrested after piling up around the country, cities left to pay high cost of the response. >> we have team coverage, but first to peter doocy. >> peter: they were in part indirectly paid for by america's wealthiest liberal families. politico says, president joe biden dogged by pro-palestinian protesters. some groups behind demonstrations receive financial backing from philanthropists pushing hard for reelection, including biggest names, gates,
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so soros. gates says their donations are not active, they have stopped. in soross and susan pritpritzke david rockefeller, in september $10,000, that is a list of funders funding the groups behind the anti-israel protests. congress is wanting to adopt definition of antisemitism as law. >> co-leader sponsor of that bill. i will vote yes on that. valid concern that is o overwhelming vote, bipartisan
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vote in the house, as well. it is a great bill and i look forward to voting for it. >> peter: some wealthy donors are playing both sides, given to president biden and giving to groups that support protesters who are seen as hurting president biden's reelection. >> brian: that might come up today, right, if they call on you. thank you, we turn to madison with more on who should be paying for police response. madison. >> good morning, college protests continue to grow and arrests on protests, as they grow, so does the tab for the taxpayer. some lawmakers are saying the university, especially private ones, should pay the bill. mayor eric adams saying last
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week at minimum it should be shared with private schools like columbia. take a listen. >> we believe they should contribute to cost, one way to p prevent cost, do not as allow ts to continue and expand. >> it has been allowed to continue to expand across the country. we asked how much efforts cost them. city hall says too early to know, it has increased and will cost them overtime because columbia asked to keep police presence through aggression, may 15th. common sence caucus is saying in a letter, turmoil on columbia
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campus is of your university own making, columbia created this mess and columbia should pay to clean it up. when we look across the country, since april 18th, 2399 protesters arrested on 52 campuses across 27 states. as we mentioned in multiple reports, a lot of federal money goes to private schools, billions of dollars per year in federal funding goes to elite universities. "wall street journal" is reporting activist groups have been training protesters for months leading up to the p protest. this is something we saw last week. peter lerner talked about it, coordinated tent us similar sig. >> brian: i saw video when mayor
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adams had a press conference and had an assistant police chief saying we are showing you columbia, they showed them training, how do you stand, how do you get in there? this is oeshg strait orchestrated. they asked people in march, what are issues that matter most to you. this was 14 out of 16, how did it become the number one issue. they say, this is what kids care about, do they really? something doesn't gel here. >> what i appreciate about this politico story, peeling back the onion, we looked at the crowds who have time to do this? don't they have jobs?
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50% arrested are not even at the school. what about their kids and families? this article shows how they do it, this is their job. susan and nick pritzgers are heirs to hiett hotels. >> 60% of those arrested are not even students, that ought to tell you something to the degree this is orchestrated. not only does federal government give billions, they have multiple billions of dollars in endowment and ought to be paying for security. >> brian: new"new york post" unwinds this, if you want to know about the hamilton
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building, the group is funded by nevel sigmund and they apply to go to goldman sachs and gotten money from it. there was a meeting before they stormed the building, they get them juiced up and take the building. why is goldman sachs funding anything, do they research what it is about? you are blowing joe biden up. this is your vietnam. bernie sanders says, this will be your vietnam. they want you to abandon israel and support hamas and palestinians, you did the worst thing possible. you halfway support israel and still supporting their move into gaza to respond to october 7. >> ainsley: the group said you
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need to play for this is new york common sence caucus. start with headlines, six squatters took over a home in georgia, had been arrested for stealing a car. democratic georgia candidate mel caden joined us on "fox and friends first" earlier. >> this is worst criminal activity i've seen in my life tomp steal the car and go next door with it. i got word this morning, 1:00 a.m., they came back and broke into the house again. >> ainsley: the suspects are out of jail. wild scene on the water, members of team usa came flying out of their boat, five of the six were sent overboard. and former president trump
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received a warm welcoming @ gr grandprix. the crowd cheered usa, usa, as he entered. >> usa, usa, usa. >> ainsley: trump was in the a area. those are headlines from bodega to firefighters to the race track. >> brian: he visited mclaren group, they won, congratulations, mr. president. >> evacuations underway in rafah ahead of major idf operation. >> brian: yep. ica. we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product. there's value in buying american made it has a real life impact up and down the supply chain.
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you ready? -showtime. this is gonna be epic. [ barking ] it's what the poster said.
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do you want to make out or? nope. i meant yes. he's a bon garçon. i give amazing sponge-baths. can i get a room? [ chuckling ] ♪ ♪ chef's kiss. >> brian: back with a fox news alert. rafah, 100,000 civilians are eva evacuating after israel prepares to finish off hamas. jeff paul is live from tel aviv with more. jeff. >> jeff: idf dropping fliers in eastern rafah urging civilians to evacuate this lim ited scope
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operation. it is impacting 100,000 palestinians, being told by israel through phone calls and text to move to the coast along rafah as ongoing negotiation between hamas and israel appear to be collapsing. there are reports they could head back to caro cairo tomorrow. hamas claimed responsibility and during a call with lloyd hauftin, the defense minister says there is no choice but to conduct an event in rafah. it appears hamas is not serious
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about a ceasefire deal. >> hamas is not planning to accept a deal or agreement with us and meaning of this operation in rafah and in entire near future. >> jeff: short time ago hamas released statement saying any military operation in rafah would not be a picnic. idf has not said this is start of any major ground operation in the actual city. this could be viewed as way to pressure hamas to return to negotiating table to figure out a ceasefire agreement. >> brian: all about getting hostages out and they want perm know nant and prime minister netanyahu does not. bring in anthony tata. second of state told prime minister netanyahu under no circumstances do we support invasion of rafah without an
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exit plan for civilians. they are doing it anyway, general, does it surprise you? >> it does not surprise me at all, prime minister netanyahu has been clear from out set he will defeat and destroy hamas and make it so they can't threaten israel again. blinken or secretary austin, like babies off a tank. the idf is taking great kaugsz here, warning through text and l leaflets and doing a search and being meticulous. where were the text and leaflets from hamas to israel on october 6? information war is overwhelming from the islamist-backed corporate media trying to message that somehow israel should not defend itself, should not pursue the hamas terrorists.
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>> brian: pretty unbelievable we have to live off the hamas communication wing telling us casualties saying only 8000 of 34,000 dead. jerusalem post is ush approximating back on numbers. how significant is this? u.s. put hold on ammunition shipment to israel because of tension between the two sides. really? starting to abandon our number one ally after they go after their attacker. >> yeah, it is unbelievable. they do nothing without thinking about craving political moves within the united states, they are trying to play to michigan and minnesota with the heavy islamic population there. they are willing to abandon for
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political power our number one ally in the region. that should tell you everything you need to know about this administration and safety and security. we are supposed to be concyst cystent and we're not doing so. >> brian: they said they will not allow hamas to exist. would we have left bin laden in a cave because we did not like. no, sinwar and everybody around them has to die or they will consider this a win. straight ahead, biden looking for hollywood help, stars like our next guest says it is time to change. they will be here next.
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lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up.
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>> welcome back to "fox and friends." continue to monitor a big flooding situation across southeast texas. over the last week some spots 20 inches of rain, causing rivers to swell there. for additional rainfall, across east texas, looking dry. watching next system come out of the rockies. severe weather outlook later today from oklahoma to kansas, looking at possibly large destructive tornados. send it inside. >> ainsley: biden campaign looking for help from hollywood in wake of recent woes.
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>> may the force be with you always. innocent biden campaign organizing fundraiser next month with george clooney. actress and founder of ultrafree clothing drea de matteo joins us now. good morning. >> hi. coming at you live in my pajamas from l.a. >> ainsley: beauty of zoom. >> ainsley: how does this affect the vote? does hollywood help or hurt joe biden? >> if america wants to listen to a bunch of super rich ce celebrities that are not affected by not being able to buy food for their families, gas, all of the trouble this country has gotten in by putting america last, i don't understand
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how to listen to americans who are tone daef deaf. i challenge every liberal hippy to stand up and say this is yes and not vote red or blue, vote for who is right to get us out of this trouble. >> ainsley: now polls say trump is ahead by two points 46 to 44. when they ask who voters trust to handle issues, trump wins. biden wins with healthcare. if you are working class american, are you going to say, michael douglas or george clooney is voting for them because they are relatable to working class people. >> when we talk about protecting democracy, this administration
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went far to protect other democracy and forgot ours when they mandate ing front-line workers and heroes all over the news that went to zero. i had opportunity to start a company, what about military and nurses and doctors and pilots that had to step down because they were pro-choice about their body sovereignty. this president has not spoken about how many people still can't work because of that. >> ainsley: good point. they were heroes during covid and few months later they are getting fired for not getting a vaccine that proved not to work. >> that is tyranny to me. they are going to talk about trump being a tyrant, if you have trump derange mment syndro,
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i get it. everybody need to look at why no other democrats are running and why kennedy switched to independent and no one mentions kennedy's name. that is interesting to observe. >> ainsley: thank you for waking up this early, three hours behind us in california, in your pajamas, you look great. >> ainsley: thank you for coming on. go check out her website. thank you. biden's doj threatening to sue iowa if state enforces new law to arrest and deport migrants. governor kim reynolds is next. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time.
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policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit i'm franklin graham. the world ems to be engulfe with hate. we see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders. jesus christ understands hate. the world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he camame on a rescue mission to save us from our sin. he died and d shed his blood on a cross for our sins.
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he was buried, but god raed him to life. and if we're willing t to put our faith and trust in jesus chris god will forgive us of our sins and hehe will heal our hearts. and the problem we have today is a heart proroblem. only g can change the human heart, and take t that hate and fill i with his love. if you've never invited chris in your heart, pray t this prayer with me right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe jesus is your n. i nt to trust him right now as my savior. and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prad that prayer, call that number right now that'sn the screen. we have someone who'd ke to speak with you,u, d pray with you. god bless you!
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>> ainsley: the families of three surfers who disappeared in mexico have confirmed their identities and remains. madeleine rivera has latest >> madeleine: mexican authorities revealing the terrifying moments before they were shot and killed. thieves targets the robenson brothers and rhoads. when the thieves tried to get
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the vehicle, they were shot. they were a couple hours south of the mexican and california border. their tents and burned out vehicle was found not far from where the bodies were dumped in a well. two men and one woman are now in custody. >> charlie is downstairs with more news. >> thank you, doctor. state of iowa refusing to back down as biden administration threatens to sue over new law allowing law enforcement to arrest and deport migrants who illegally enter the country. iowa governor kim reynolds joins us now. what have you heard from the federal government about this?
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>> we received a letter and they are claiming we are interfering with their enforcement of federal immigration, which is ridiculous, with eight million illegals walking into our country, 2 million gotaways, 30% underreported, 500,000 china nationals have passed, they are not enforcing immigration laws on the books and every governor understand the consequences of what is happening. we are seeing overdose deaths skyrocketing. if this president is not going to do his job, the state will step in and do it for him. to be more technically accurate, you are entering with their nonenforcement. exactly. >> it is a joke. they are suing me for punishing
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people that have broken the law. >> one thing that everybody likes to say in washington, immigration system is broken and there are problems. one part not broken, it is illegal to come into the country illegally. >> exactly, they refuse to do their job. he is not undertaking duty to protect the sovereignty of this country and to protect american citizens. as governor of iowa, i am going to protect my citizens. we will not back down. we have administration that is awol. states will step in. number one issue that americans are concerned with and certainly io iowans. what we see happening day after day, it is powder keg waiting to happen. if he is not going to do it, we will step up and really uphold
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the law and the law we passed in the state of iowa. >> thank you for fighting the good fight and for joining us this morning. >> you bet, thank you. >> brian, >> bryan: thanks, charlie, breaking news, fox news alert columbia university has officially cancelled their university-wide commencement ceremony after protests. new york mayor eric adams says colleges should proceed as normal and he would provide security necessary and said institutions should decide to graduate students and celebrate with their families. i guess columbia did not believe him and decided to cancel. let's check in with bill hemmer and dana perino. >> bill: ben saace, president of florida was on sunday, they had
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grad graduations on campus for kids who never had a graduation because of leaving high school during covid. israel says it will go alone, if necessary. >> dana: and who is the next witness in the donald trump case? >> bill: and surprising answer about upcoming election, we'll take you there today. >> dana: did you hear what tom brady whispered? it was caught on a hot mike pence mic. brand new hour at the top. your best days of the year start here, at kubota orange days. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors, zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor in the usa. plus, the year's best deals, like 0% apr for 84 months,
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>> ainsley: we'll leave you today with this happening tonight. boeing is ready to try out its star liner space capsule. >> brian: it will be the first time the company has ever put astronauts into space. >> steve: it is set to take up from cape canaveral in florida at 10:34 eastern tonight and expected to dock at the international space station by wednesday. >> brian: that should be cool. a quick announcement for the radio show that starts in 90 seconds. today, may six, klif, great
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station in dallas. 570 a m. thrilled to be joining them. the radio show is growing. one of the great moments. >> steve: you should have dr. earhart on your radio show. >> brian: will cain is in dallas right now. he is probably not -- >> ainsley: i'm honored but not a real doctor. so happy for you and sean hannity will be on this week. >> brian: i'm joining sean in the lineup. a fantastic lineup in dallas. we'll be down there to say hello eventually. >> ainsley: one of the hardest working people on fox news. you deserve it. brian. >> ainsley: thanks for filling in, charlie. we'll have a great week together. >> bill: good morning. back at work and back in the courtroom moments from now. we're seeing president trump's motorcade leave mi


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