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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 6, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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570 a m. thrilled to be joining them. the radio show is growing. one of the great moments. >> steve: you should have dr. earhart on your radio show. >> brian: will cain is in dallas right now. he is probably not -- >> ainsley: i'm honored but not a real doctor. so happy for you and sean hannity will be on this week. >> brian: i'm joining sean in the lineup. a fantastic lineup in dallas. we'll be down there to say hello eventually. >> ainsley: one of the hardest working people on fox news. you deserve it. brian. >> ainsley: thanks for filling in, charlie. we'll have a great week together. >> bill: good morning. back at work and back in the courtroom moments from now. we're seeing president trump's motorcade leave mid town
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manhattan. he is about to enter new york's courthouse in lower manhattan, day 12 of criminal trial proceedings about to get underway. we don't know the witness. the judge agreed with prosecutors not to give the names to the defense. trump will speak any moment and we'll carry it for you live when it happens. meanwhile, breaking news from overnight. israel's war against hamas could escalate with the idf telling palestinians to leave rafah. we'll show it to you in a map coming up. hope you had a joyous weekend. we go on monday. i'm bill hemmer >> dana:. i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." so we're also getting word that just moments ago, columbia university announced it will cancel its university-wide graduation ceremony after weeks of protests. activists causing chaos on campuses over israel's war on hamas that may escalate to
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another level. >> bill: cease-fire talks with hamas stalled over the weekend. israel launches retaliatory strikes against rafah after a hamas rocket attack from there yesterday killed four israeli soldiers. >> dana: keep in mind rafah is the last hamas stronghold in gaza. the fighting could be intense since the iranian-backed terror group hides its militants and weapons amongst the civilian population. jeff paul with the latest in tel aviv. breaking news this morning we're honored to have you on the show. >> the idf now is dropping flyers in eastern rafah urging civilians there to evacuate. israeli military describes this as a limited scope operation saying so far this is only temporary and not a large-scale evacuation. the orders will affect 100,000 palestinians who right now are being told through not only flyers but phone calls and text messages to move to the
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humanitarian zone along the coast north of rafah. all of this happening as oning negotiations between hamas and israel appear to be collapsing. hamas just left egypt yesterday ending the latest round of negotiations but there are some reports they could be heading back to cairo as soon as tomorrow. on that same very day that they left egypt there was also a deadly mortar attack on the crossing that the idf says was fired from an area near the humanitarian zone in rafah. hamas claimed responsibility and with the call with lloyd austin israel's defense minister said there is no other choice left but conduct an operation in rafah. it appears hamas isn't serious about figuring out some sort of deal. >> we are recognizing worrisome signals that hamas is not planning to accept any deal or agreement with this. the meaning of this operation in rafah and the entire gaza strip
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in the very near future. >> hamas released a statement a short time ago saying that any sort of military operation in rafah would not be a quote picnic. we should mention that the idf has not said anything about this being the start of any sort of main, major ground operation in the city of rafah itself. this could really be a play to apply pressure to hamas to return to the negotiating table to figure out some sort of cease-fire deal. bill and dana. >> dana: jeff paul, thank you. >> bill: on the map dana you think about how this region has exploded over the past half year in large part because the influence of iran. the area jeff is talking about is just a sliver of a strip along the mediterranean sea runs 26 miles in total length. seven month war. gaza city we talked about for most but the concentration is along the egyptian border the
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town of rafah. you heard another town described there by jeff paul, the area in gray 2 1/2 miles long. it borders the mediterranean sea. israelis are trying to expand that area and this portion in yellow, they've encouraged about 100,000 palestinians on the eastern side of rafah to move toward this area in gray and yellow behind me. they've dropped leaflets as well. to give you a sense of the population center that rafah has become now, gaza is about 2 1/2 million people. they believe 1.4 million palestinians are taking shelter in rafah today. so we'll see what happens. at the very end of that report jeff said the idf hasn't announced they are going in but it appears they're getting ready to make their move in part on that city. >> dana: including you have this situation over the weekend still trying to understand this. maybe our next guest can help us. "wall street journal" saying
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biden's bad weapons message to israel saying that for some reason they decided not to give them what they had asked for and let's figure out why. we can ask our next guest. >> bill: robert greenway is the former -- he is with the heritage foundation. thank you for being on today. it appears inevitable after benjamin netanyahu said last night if we have to go at it alone, we will go at it alone. >> yes, talks have broken down over the weekend as they have in the past over one central issue. hamas's survival. the united states has taken common cause with their preservation probably because of domestic political concerns. its rail is concerned with insuring hamas never constitutes a threat. as dana pointed out the report we've seen, not confirmed yet, is with holds munitions that israel needs to conduct and defend itself and conduct operations in rafah to create
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and generate leverage. as long as the united states provides endless concessions to our enemies we'll see an escalation of this conflict. >> dana: perhaps it's only media reports. the way i look at this, the biden administration has been so aggressively pressuring israel on how it is conducting itself and not pressuring hamas in this situation. has that backfired? >> inevitably it has because at the end of the day it puts the u.s. administration at complete opposed odds with israel's objectives. that makes no sense. we should share and we do share the same objectives. it's a domestic political concern. the administration is concerned they're losing support among younger and muslim voters in critical key swing states becoming critical in the november election and for that reason they have applied pressure. there is also probably an ideological component that led them to appease iran from the beginning of the administration.
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set it all in motion beginning october 7th. >> bill: peter doocy confirming that benjamin netanyahu and joe biden will speak later today. now we wonder what happens on college campuses if indeed this next battle gets underway? stand by, more on that coming up. >> dana: breaking news. columbia university says it will cancel its university-wide commencement ceremony in favor of smaller celebrations coming after weeks of chaos on campus. pro-palestinian protestors disrupting classes at universities coast to coast. i guess the protestors are getting what they are asking for. which is no graduation for anyone. lori line is live at harvard. protestors have set a 5:00 p.m. deadline for the university to begin di vestment negotiations. >> the protestors here that have established this encampment a week ago have given the ivy league institution a deadline. a deadline of 5:00 p.m. today to
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start negotiating with them, the student group calling themselves harvard out of occupied palestine has not been clear about precisely what their next steps would be if harvard leadership does not respond. it's similar to disclose investments tied to israel. divest and drop all charges against student activists. some students have cracked down on protestors. state police moved in and arrested more than two dozen anti-israel demonstrators. others have agreed to meet some of the demonstrators demand. brown, northwestern, university of minnesota and rutgers after school leadership to have an arab long term ties with a university in the west bank. divest from companies doing business in israel under review.
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one new jersey sets the deal sets a bad precedent. >> how about simply asking these students before we do anything, condemn the fact that people have been kidnapped, children, senior citizens, people were killed and raped. no discussion of that at all. simply saying what are your demands and we'll do 80% of your demands. it's a terrible, terrible message. >> commencement at harvard is slated for may 23 when the ceremonies take place. harvard crimeson, student newspaper says the encampment, no indication when it will end but there have been recent chants at some of these protests no divestment no commencement. this is an ongoing situation. 5:00 p.m. deadline issued by the protestors for the university. >> dana: we'll watch to see what happens. everybody should watch "the five" to see what we say about it. >> day 12 on new york versus donald trump.
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former president will speak in a moment here. we're getting word what he wants to talk about. it ties directly into the campus protests and where the money comes from. when those comments become available we'll share them with you at homecoming up. >> dana: biden campaign scaling back how much he says on the trail. yes, even more so. will that make his agenda more popular or is it new packaging for an old message? there is also this. [shouting] >> oh my lord, disaster. >> bill: they were falling like ants from the top of the boat. the u.s. sailing team capsizeing in bizarre fashion. wait until you hear why they had to go overboard. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything.
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>> bill: the president, the former president is not in that
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room yet but he will be through those doors momentarily. jason miller sends out a tweet a moment ago. we mentioned this right before the break. expect to hear the latest on the biden campus protests. pro palestinians protestors are backed by a surprising source, biden's biggest donors linked to a "politico" article. that's what we expect to be on the menu as court gets underway in 14 minutes. once the former president comes through the door, we'll bring that to you. in the meantime there is this. check it out. >> what i've heard in so many of my interviews with people is a lackluster sense of enthusiasm. black voters, disaffected republicans a whole bunch of things that went ride for biden in 2020. unity in opposition to donald trump. to make it a referendum is what the biden campaign wants. it is challenging. many voters are looking at it as a referendum on trump. >> dana: they acknowledge
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president biden may have trouble with his base this november. a lackluster support for him and she says even some democrat voters tell her they have a nostalgia for former president trump. host of the guy benson show and harold ford junior is here. great to have you here. one of the reasons she says let's look at the abc poll and guy i will go to you first on the economy and inflation, president trump absolutely dominating biden. that's your most important issue that's the situation. the second screen here trump 46 over biden 44. >> she said she was surprised by this. i would suggest that she and others should get out more. the american people are being very clear on how they feel on the economy. trump is leading by double digits in every poll on that number one issue. now the second graphic we put up there 46/44 is trump ahead by two points among adults. when you get to likely voters,
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biden is up by four points in that poll. i keep beating this drum. if this is a pure popularity contest between the two in terms of who would be the better president, trump is clearly in the lead right now. but elections especially these days are massive ballot and turnout operations and the democrats are better at that than republicans right now. the people absolutely certain to vote favor biden by a few points. trump has a huge base of potential voters. he could win big if the campaign can identify those people and get them out. that's an if right now. >> dana: uber driver in milwaukee last year. the black woman who said i might not vote for him but i can see why many in my family would. >> good morning. hope everyone had a great weekend. one of the things i like about guy. i think he is right. polling data will go back and forth as we go through the early summer, late summer and fall.
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on "the five" i often say three dates matter to me when it comes to the economy. what do prices look like for families for memorial day, largely gas as people travel. fourth of july what are food and gas prices and early august. our kids start so late on the east coast and in new york. school starts beginning of august. you look at electronics prices and other things kids need to go back to school with. where those prices are will determine the outcome of the election. i watched you guys earlier. the cease-fire. >> dana: the former president of the united states. donald trump walking into court right now. [shouted questions] >> as you know, they've taken away my constitutional rights. i'm not allowed to answer that question. it never happened in the country before. a ridiculous case. i did nothing wrong. absolutely nothing wrong.
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take a look at gregg jarrett this morning. he went off. take a look at andrew mccarthy or jonathan turley or mark levin. they say there is no case here. and yet the judge has gagged me and i can't talk about, i guess, his -- the judge is totally conflicted. you want to take a look at it. i'm not supposed to be talking about it. but i am allowed to say the judge has a conflict like nobody has ever had before. take a look at it. he has taken away my constitutional right to speak. i was in miami this weekend and reporters were asking me the same questions like you are asking me and i have to say i have a gag order, i can't speak about it. never happened before ever. number one, number two, a fake trial. they have no case. it has been absolutely proven now they have no case whatsoever. this is alvin bragg doing it for
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political reasons for biden. this is a biden trial. a crooked president. now it just came out columbia just canceled their commencements, axios, they just canceled it. that shouldn't happen. it also came out that the protestors, many of the protestors are backed by biden's donors, are you listening israel? i hope you are listening, israel. i hope you are getting smart. they are backed by biden donors, that's where the money is coming from. i'm not surprised at all. many other articles having to do with the gag order and the unconstitutionality having to do with the gag order. it is unconstitutional and shouldn't be allowed and i wish people could -- the whole world is watching this and they see what's happening. more importantly frankly they have no case. they have absolutely no case. it is a political hoax, election
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interference, anything they can do. even the witnesses they want to bring on they have nothing to do with the case. this is a ridiculous situation. not fair. not fair but we'll fight. thank you. [shouted questions] >> bill: as advertised, dana, he talked about what we were told he was going to talk about. the second topic biden's donors backing campus chaos. prior to that quote fake trial, they have no case. harold, you were about to go on the middle east as it ties to the campus chaos and also on the cease-fire. >> i watched the beginning of the show what it means for the ammo delay. i'm not certain i would have done that unless there is something they know a lot more than we know on the set. unless it's part of a diplomatic negotiation it is difficult to tie their hands behind the back.
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without a sees fire president biden has a bigger bind going into the summer. michigan with a big population of muslims and arabs, it is unclear where those voters will go. but i think on the other side mr. trump has to worry about haley supporters. where do they go? do they come back to the fold? i think guy said it best. what happens as we get late summer, early fall. can both parties rev up their get out the vote operations and i think it is a jump ball. >> dana: when you talk about campus protests and canceling graduations you went to northwestern university and looking at decisions by campuses appeasing the protestors. >> it is embarrassing. absolutely embarrassing. there was a piece in tablet magazine that said i'll clean it up for morning television that normal kids are getting screwed over in all of this. a small, loud group of activists and hamas sympathizers and general rabble rouseers including outside influencers
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bullying the adults in charge of these schools and the punishment is meted out collectively to students who worked their butts off for four years. if you are graduating this year in college, you did not get a high school graduation in all likelihood because of covid and now hamas will rob your graduation experience from you at usc or columbia? what a disgrace. oh it's a security problem. figure it out and hold a commencement for crying out loud. >> bill: a lot of videos on x that showed jews on campus on places like m.i.t. being refused access to walk across the quad. over the top. we were talking about this campaign before. play this clip from nbc. the biden campaign manager talking about how much he will or will not campaign. less is more essentially. watch here. >> look, our campaign believes in quality for quantity. we believe the smaller things getting directly to the point
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what is going in in the stakes of the election are easier for voters to cap into and go out and say and talk to their friends and family what's at stake. >> bill: some of these speeches are seven minutes long, some 14. one was 20 in north carolina on friday. that was a teleprompter speech. app apparently deviated by the speech. >> i don't know if -- whoever is deciding not to debate, if the polling data shows people want to see the two of them debate once we get into late spring and early summer and once the trials end, i don't know how you resist a debate without suffering in the polls. one debate or five debates depending what the american people want. i think will be more. >> they are talking about quality over quantity? and the issue with president biden is we're getting neither. we aren't getting a lot of questions answered by this president. so very low quantity.
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in terms of quality, i think they would be more comfortable with him speaking longer if it were better but it's not. >> democrats have won the last few election cycles. 2022, you look at what happened here in new york with santos. i understand where they're coming from. the american people want to see their presidential candidates debate i don't know how the two of them or one of them decides not to without suffering in the polls. >> dana: president trump says any time, anywhere. he has a card even. any time, 5:00. >> bill: two big stories happening right now. we can confirm president biden and netanyahu will speak by phone on the issue of rafah. that will happen late this morning or early this afternoon. stand by for more on that. who is on the stand meanwhile in lower manhattan as trump's criminal trial gets underway for yet another week? we don't know because the prosecution is not beholding to tell us or the defense attorneys
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who will be on that stand. the mystery continues but it will be solved in three minutes when we come back at 9:30 eastern time.
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learning whose the prosecution will call to the stand next in the trial here in new york city where former president trump has just entered the building as d.a. bragg's criminal case against trump enters day 12. >> minutes away from finding out if merchan will hold the president in contempt of court again. he will issue his findings whether or not finding whether or not the president filed a gag order and citing him in contempt of court four different times. he could fine the former president $4 thousand more on top of the $9 thousand that the
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president paid on friday for the previous nine violations. meanwhile we have a preview of the major defense theme in the case. michael cohen went rogue. the defense attorney went through that issue with the witness on friday hope hicks. miss hicks in a very emotional and tearful testimony testifying against her former boss in this courtroom. she blamed -- basically tied in some of the defense theory to try to blame this on michael cohen. the attorney asked her he went rogue as times fair to say? hicks answered yes. miss hicks said she did not have kind things to say about michael cohen. he expected to be the star witness in the case. i used to say he liked to call himself a fixer or mr. fix it. it was only because he first broke it he was able to fix it. he said president trump was saying he had spoken to michael and michael had paid this woman,
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stormy daniels, to protect him from a false allegation. he did it out of the kindness of his own heart. some say hicks helped the prosecutions case by tying the trump official's election to his bid of the presidency. everything we talked about in the context of this time period and time frame was about whether or not there was an impact on the campaign. but other legal experts say hope did help her former boss by indicating he was very concerned about the effect of these allegations about stormy daniels on his wife, on melania saying he relies on melania and trusts her advice and did not want the news to get to her up in the residence. we don't know who the next prosecution witness will be because the prosecution doesn't reveal that. they are concerned the former president will attack the witness on social media or in court and violate the gag order.
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momentarily waiting to find out whether or not judge merchan will again fine former president trump in contempt of court four gag order issues potential fine of $4 thousand. waiting for that decision from the bench any moment now. >> bill: former u.s. attorneys andy mccarthy and brett coleman. the judge merchan said it is clear the $1 thousand fine is not working. he said going forward, this court will have to consider a jail sentence. he then said the last thing i want to consider is jail. you are a former president and possibly the next president. end quote. why don't we start right there? he will assess the gag order yet again -- the gag order stays but assess the fine. i think you are up to ten, 11, maybe 14 grand, i don't know, i lost count. andy, go ahead. >> as i said to you last week if i were trump, i would basically
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bring in a check for ten grand every monday and say whatever i want. this is all politics at this point. i don't think the judge -- easy for me to say because he won't put me in custody. i don't think the judge because of the politics -- it would be disastrous politics for democrats for the judge to put former president trump in jail over this. he will continue to fine him and as long as that's what it is i think trump should just pay the fine and otherwise say what he wants to say. he can't incite or defame. if he says something stupid the prosecutors can use that. that ought to be enough. >> bill: last friday late in the afternoon hope hicks said this. trump was worried about how this would be viewed at home, meaning the stormy daniels manner. mr. trump really values mrs. trump's opinion. she doesn't weigh in all the time but when she does it's valuable and she talked about him trying to make sure his family is proud of his campaign.
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how much play does that have with the jury? i guess we'll find out when this thing wraps. >> well, bill, you know, it's a pretty simple calculation. at this point, the prosecution is not worried about a conviction. everything that they are identifying right there, all that you listed that was stated in front of the jury, really does outline where trump was, what his mental state. that's what a crime has to include, a criminal intent. at this point we have not heard anything that suggests it was a crime for him to not want his family to hear some of these salacious details that were in the media. it is not surprising. the jury will react to that. i think probably pretty positively given hope hicks' testimony. >> bill: what do you think of this whole idea, andy, 9:38. court could resume any moment now, and we have no idea who will be on the stand.
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doesn't matter about us, but it's the attorneys for the defendant. they are given no heads-up to prepare, to get ready. just like when hope hicks walked out there at 11:00 a.m. on friday morning. maybe she comes back or maybe we push on. do you know of a case where the witness list was kept from the defense attorneys? >> i've never heard of such a case, bill. it is usually not in the prosecutor's interest because the judge then has to give the defense -- if it will be fair the judge has to give the defense some time to get ready for cross. that means the jury sits around. the prosecutor never wants that. but, you know, it is not any less unfair if you think about it, bill, than having an indictment that doesn't tell former president trump what the crime is. so if he is not being told what the crime is, which is about as basic as it gets as a due process violation, this is par for the course. this is a travesty. >> bill: we're seeing new
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pictures, part of the pool. the photographer goes in and takes a couple of shots and dana i can report to you red tie, white shirt on this monday. bret, back to the threat of jail time. the judge also said the magnitude of that decision is not lost on me. your continued willful violation of the court's order constitutes a direct attack and will not be allowed to continue. not allowed to continue. do you see this as a possibility that the former president would actually be jailed before this thing has gone to a jury? >> well absolutely the judge is boxing himself in his own corner at this point. he will be the one that is going to threaten and he is going to fine this limited fine and he is doing it with the underlying order being unconstitutional. how does anybody that is in the position of donald trump, who knows it is an unconstitutional order, how does he with all of his ability to communicate to
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the american people, how does he not make comments, how does he not talk about this case? he knows it will be an issue on appeal. it is the judge who has now put himself in this position and have to put him in jail because he has threatened it. otherwise he looks feckless and the president gets stronger. >> bill: in addition to the $1 thousand fine for a gag order violation, the judge says by 2:00 this afternoon any posts on truth social must be taken down. that was ordered from the bench a moment ago as well. we'll see what we get. andy and brett, thank you so much, fellows. and we'll pick a name out of the hat to find out who will be on that stand. thank you, guys. >> dana: we're also waiting for indicted new jersey democrat senator bob menendez to take his final pre-trial court appearance ahead of his bribery trial next week. updates as soon as we get them. authorities i.d. the remains of
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three surfers who disappeared on a trip near the california/mexico border last weekend. we have new details how they died. we'll bring them to you straight ahead. >> i want the world to know how incredible these men were. a lot of things can be said when folks pass away. even if life they were the light in every room and bigger than life. many are over 22%, near 30% if you pay late. why not do what thousands of veteran families have done. call newday and pay off that high rate debt with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you pay off your credit cards and car loans with one easy monthly payment. get the cash you need and the peace of mind you deserve.
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>> bill: we now know who the witness is. jeff mcconnie, he is a former controller for the trump organization. he in fact testified during a previous trial that concerned alan weisel berg, the former accountant for the trump organization. taking a quick gander, the last time he was on the stand and broke down in tears and talked about the toll of the numerous investigations and accusations of misconduct for a company that he said he loved working for after 35 years. i couldn't just do it anymore. i wanted to relax and stop being accused of misrepresenting assets for the company i loved working for. lydia hu tells us to address the payments to michael cohen saying they were grossed up. that's an additional amount of money added to a a payment to
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cover the income tax -- the payments. now what does that have to do with the price of rice, okay? apparently lydia tells us it is another theory of the predicate crime prosecutors are now pursuing that business records were falsified with the intent to violate tax law. that's the reason he is there. we'll see how far they go with the case. how is that? >> dana: pretty good. >> bill: all right, we're back in business. 30 minutes before the hour. [shouting] >> dana: what goes on many campus protests are entering the third week and critics are pouceing on colleges for capitulateing to rowdy students. are we pouncing? >> brown and northwestern and a few others agreed to divest. other schools have not. as the protests drag on do the demonstrators want conflict, not resolution? some demands so unrealistic the
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ask isn't meant to be answered but gain attention. students sharing secrets online, the dearrest primer teaches protestors to physically resist arrest and assault police and break into buildings using crowbars and electric sauce and bolt cutters. another website offers strategy. we can wield the most power by occupying space where classes are held. encamp. is escalation. organizers shouldn't concern themselves with remaining peaceful. now the demands take princeton, the university must declare israel's response to hamas a genocidal campaign against palestinians. l.a. students say the entire cal state system must refuse money from zionist and imperialist private donors. columbia demonstrators demand,
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financial, academic amnesty for protestors and divestment with companies associated with israel. even amazon and google. students in denver refuse to leave their tents. it might help people in tel aviv. >> act about the effectiveness of tying your issue to so many other issues and demands. >> ucs needed lapd to clear protestors who reoccupied the campus to harass students, block walkways and deface property according to usc. >> dana: thank you for the update. >> should and will get out there on campuses. >> shouted down genocide joe when he goes to events. >> that's part of protests. i condemn any protest that incites violence or anti-semitic. we have to understand this is a
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defining moment for this generation similar to anti-vietnam property tests and anti-iraq war protests. >> dana: california democratic congressman encouraging president biden to extend to anti-israel protestors by visiting the campuses they've turned upside down in recent weeks. let's bring in byron york, fox news contributor. i'm guilty of giving advice through the television to anybody, right? i love communication, i love the strategy of it and guilty of it. i don't think i've ever seen a campaign like the biden campaign now taking so much advice from other people. i have a feeling it means they are seeing the numbers and feel it in their gut and have instincts the biden campaign is not working. your thoughts. >> i think you just played an example of giving bad advice over television. roe khanna from california very
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ambitious politically. one of the biden campaign's more vocal surrogates campaigning for biden. the idea that the president should visit a college campus to somehow calm things down, do something, just strikes me as just a terrible idea. first of all, the president wouldn't say anything on it until last week. then came out and gave a pretty good statement in my opinion about the things that were going on on campus weren't peaceful protests but imagine let's say he makes an appointment at a university to deliver a talk on free speech. security would be absolutely huge. there would be huge protests outside. the national focus of this protest movement which right now is divided among a bunch of campuses, seems like a really bad idea. >> dana: president trump gave comments as he did before court today and sandwiched in between complaints about the gag order
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and the fact that the trial is happening in the first place was the news of the day which is that columbia university announced this morning it is canceling its graduation for all students except for having some smaller celebrations for people along the way. so he was able to get in on that news cycle and his team that's doing digital clever clipped just that part news of the day and put it out on social media just now. >> well, as we've been discussing for a few weeks now trump is taking every opportunity he can to stay in the campaign even though he is locked down in a courtroom on monday, tuesday, thursday, friday and so the daily statement actually has been pretty useful for him as you said. amplified through the social media accounts. and also the president -- former president is really the spokesman, defacto nominee speaks for the republican party at this time. more than just him talking. >> dana: robert f. kennedy, jr.
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had an ad initially censored. he is nimble and put out this ad in response. watch here. >> i'm subject to the new form of censorship. targeted propaganda and they are applied to me to silence me. if somebody shows me a fact that i'm wrong, i will change my opinion. >> dana: look at call for number four. kennedy junior 12, trump 42, biden 40. i'm paying more attention to the rfk, jr. piece. how about you? >> absolutely. 12% could be by far the decisive factor in a close race. this new kennedy infomercial issue is really interesting. a long infomercial put together by hollywood.
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narrated. it was released friday afternoon and social media blocked it and blocked it for nearly 24 hours. and now they claim that it was an accident. there was a problem with the url or something. but remember, the social media are some of the same groups that actually censored information in the 2020 campaign on joe biden's behalf. this is something that kennedy is probably going to be talking about in the future. >> dana: he will say #never forget on that one for sure. byron york, thank you so much. >> bill: now on the stand the former controller for the trump organization. has done tax returns for nearly 50 years. the state of new york trying to show the connection from him and trump's business records to a crime. let's see what he says now on the stand. ks. and we'll come to you with a replacement you can trust. >> vo: schedule free mobile service now at
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and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. >> dana: fox news alert. any moments president biden will head back to the white house after having a weekend at his home i


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