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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  May 6, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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protesters was a look at this is working. i don't really care about my job. >> that's fine. i have no problem with protesting. we had put this in student campuses forever. the point is if you break the law that was different note in verses ten years ago, we have four k. resolution imagery at night -- he regularly don't care -- put this for anything you lot will -- you break the law i will know about it and i going to hire you because you broke the law. and want people breaking the law. is that simple. if you're a coo of a public company you start getting involved and in partisan issues your idiot. is that simple. >> martha: calvin pickard think you. always good to get your perspective. >> daycares before that is "the story" what is monday, may 6. another racial tomorrow with -- "your world" starts right now. >> ♪ ♪ >> neil: you are looking live in downtown new york
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city. gonna come back in court for the problems in your trial him and the former president slept with yet another $1000 fine for yet another gag order violation and the judge warning next time it could be jail time. what will donald trump have to say about that? will see if he speaks once court wraps this hour. welcome everybody i'm neil cavuto. let's get right with. need for you standing by at the white house where we understand the former president is going to speak out that gag orders right notwithstanding. what can you tell us? >> neil cavuto former president is expected to speak at about 4:31 court and splitting in the cross-examination of the brett harrison office no other up to her direct examination concluded. she's a financial supervisor at the trump organization she's going there for 25 -- 24 years, she has about 50 affymetrix the accounts and she has gone through the prosecutor's asking her about invoices to payments to michael cohen that were approved by alan weigle
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berger former cfo of the trump organization with checks signed by trump himself. she said if a payment is approved she got the check and send it out. approval needs to come from higher-ups like not only weigle berger but also eric trump grandma she says that trump himself was the only one who could sign a check from his personal account. trump maintains all pregnant -- payments when religion meant legal expenses. jasmine carney that front organization's former controller testified today he detailed the payments to cohen and testified that he didn't know what the payments were for exactly, he never spoke to president trump about the payments and never connected trump the only -- any scheme related to stormy daniels payments grandmothers at all after judge one mission threatened to jail trump for future gag order violations. merchan find trump $1000 is wanted for violating the courts gag order for a tense time. pharmacare certifying zone appeared to be serving as an effective deterrent for trump adding," defendant is hereby put on notice and if
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appropriate and warranted for sure violations of this lawful orders will be punishable by incarceration". now trump said this morning while entering court that the judge has taken away his constitutional right to speak. he said that he felt limited while answering questions from reporters in miami over the weekend. he also couldn't answer it question about coq au vin, one of the witnesses in this case while entering the courtroom this morning when trump continues to be very active untruth social criticizing this case. so we'll see what he said in about half an our while leaving the courtroom. >> neil: thank you for that, may point. i want to go to andy mccarthy, cam dupuis our legal eagles on this. what you make the threat on the part of the judge now to really come down hard on donald trump if he keeps violating and you gag issues as he sees them? next step would be to throw the poor president in jail. that seems bizarre but what do you make of it? >> i agree that it would be bizarre. so many other things in this
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whole trial it would be an act without president in american history but look, neil, a thing of significance here of what happened this morning as the judge kind of crossed the line by expressly telling trump that if he doesn't comply with a gag order he will put him in jail. the judge will have to follow through with this now having been on the record as saying this. in other words if you make is right that you draw a clear likeness land as what behavior not going to going to accept. out to be prepared to follow through with that if that line is crossed so i think it's going to put the judge in a challenging position unless trump doesn't want -- 180 and subcommittee indicates which i say seems unlikely that i think the judge will have some pretty hard decisions to make in the weeks ahead. >> neil: is there another tack the judge can take andy? i mean $1000 to a multimillionaire is sort of ridiculous grammar is certainly not something that gets him to change his posture if that is what the judge wants him to do but could he raise, for example, every time something like this happens, is 100,000 or $500,000?
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what could be -- what could he do? >> is a criminal case, neil, so he is limited by law in terms of the monetary amount that you can impose. >> neil: $1000 tops? >> yeah. and is the reason why it still is thousand dollars even after last week. to tom's point i agree that he is drawing a harder line in the sand. and i think it's quite as, you know, when you look at the fine prints and squint and he's not exactly saying "if you do this again out what you enjoy." is nothing closer and as a result i've been thinking about the same thing you guys have been thinking about richard is there any middle position. it seems to me that it would be politically catastrophic for democrats for trump to be put in jail, like, rikers island for this. but i might see this judge premium giving him home confinement for a couple of weeks that would make it very difficult for him to for example campaign on
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wednesday's and on the weekend when he tries to get around the country and do the work he can't do because he's chained to the courthouse during the week. i think that probably -- there's worse places you can be in home confinement in trump towers so it might not be as politically damaging but i still think -- i'm with tom. and the prospect of attaining a former president is just very disturbing in -- in this case. >> neil: we understand the jury has been dismissed so this is all wrapping up a little earlier than planned for the president the former president may be coming out fairly soon but tom capped the fact that we were listening to some of the finance guys today -- jeffrey montgomery -- accounts payable for upwards of 60-70 accounts, i forget what it was kind were always looking at who was signing the checks, was riding of the checks. what is the deal if it is donald trump, it's his company after all and he's signing some of these checks? is that significant when we are the other? >> look, i will say this.
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today's testimony by comparison to what we heard on priorities and on friday with -- today was sleep inducing. we had a lot of testimony about account thinking -- and other terms that only an accountant for a lawyer could understand -- >> neil: careful their document. this is my livelihood cash visit might know the world you're trashing. but go ahead, finish that thought. >> turnoff! but i think what the prosecutors here have to do is look at the finally gotten around to try to start to provide direct evidence showing former president trump's involvement. the first week or two of this trial was a lot of circumstantial and indirect evidence. whether trying to do now is going to show that the money that was -- came from donald trump personally. that in and of itself establish criminal activity? not necessarily premeditated -- evening the money came from trump personally that doesn't mean he was directing how it was being reporting for accounting purposes which is something that the dea is going to need to prove.
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>> neil: you know, and the when we step back from this and we look at the clear animosity and between the former president and judge merchan and all of that. i always think regardless of where this case goes what are the appealable grounds if it ever gets to it, condition anything like that? and a former president wants to appeal. but how much does that, you know, in doldrums view and a lot of his supporters view a clear bias of this court as they see it will factor in? >> in terms of the appeal i think it's, you know, another brick in the wall but the problem is that -- wanted last week or probably with the last two just smack two that harvey weinstein's conviction got reversed which was an amazing thing because weinstein is comparable to trump in terms of how unpopular he is certainly in new york. but the thing is that took, like, three years to happen. and i think the objective here for democrats is to be
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able to attach the label convicted felon to trump in the run-up to the 2024 election. it will be called comfort to him, neil, if he is able to get this thrown out on appeal long after all the damage has been done to him. that may eventually happen and i think he's got a very strong grounds for appeal but in the meantime, you know, to the extent that they want to brand him a convicted felon that is the danger here. >> neil: guarded. gentlemen, thank you both and we'll get me want -- but again the jury has been dismissed. the former president likely will be coming out fairly soon? we'll get people to know that. also keep you posted on some of fast-moving elements in israel right now. we hear that hamas by the way helicopter cease-fire terms but now we're also hearing that israel has not accepted hamas accepting those terms. and that could complicate some protests that we see happening even as we speak around the country. [bleep] [chanting]
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>> ♪ ♪ >> neil: the latest news to share your old of israel that hamas is perfectly fine right now with the latest cease-fire deal but that does
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not mean that israel is fine with hamas being fine with the cease-fire deal. jeff paul has more now from tel aviv. >> we are just learning that the israeli war cabinet has decided to continue it's operation in rafah saying that it wants to continue putting pressure on hamas to eventually release the remaining hostages but at the same time they're also saying they will send a delegation immediately there's to continue working on a potential deal that in their words would be more favorable or acceptable to israel. shortly after those comments were made public the idf also releasing a statement saying that they have begun targeting airstrikes in eastern rafah against hamas terror targets that is where hours ago an earlier nearly the israeli military started warning civilians to evacuate unique -- using flyers, phone calls and text messages come the idf urging roughly 100,000 plus teams to move to
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the humanitarian zone. the israeli military described it as a limited cooperation and not a large-scale evacuation however for the civilians who have been told to pack up your things and leave there's a real concern about her safety. >> voice of interpreter: the israeli obligation both to -- there is a safe area. today we're telling us to get out of rafah. world of people go? we're all of these crowds go? 15 million or 2 million civilians, where will they go? today go in to the sea? [end of interpretation] >> shortly after news broke of hamas agreeing to ideal palestinians in gaza could be seeing celebrating in the streets happy about the possible development, the details of the deal that hamas agreed to the remain unclear however here in israel we continued to watch as many people go out in the streets and protest the government counter are several out here in downtown tel aviv pushing their government to do more to make a deal and make -- bring the
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remaining 132 hostages back to where they belong in -- and back home. neil? >> neil: i want to go to jackie heinrich at the white house right now we are in the white house and benjamin netanyahu did have a conversation -- is seen by all indications it was it had tends. >> it was certainly a surprise to the white house to see this statement come from hamas are claiming they had and agreed to something. it's still unclear if what hamas says it agreed to is in line with what the u.s. and israel had put on the table with what the cia director bill burns had been trying to broker in the region. but the reaction here has been somewhat needed counter waiting for israel and for the u.s. basically to look over the details of the deal and determine if it's something that anyone can swallow damages and i was heading out here to the camera there was a statement that came across the wires that indicates that jordan's canyon is meeting this afternoon with president
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biden warned against an israeli operation in rafah saying that it could lead to a new massacre. broadly the u.s. has been outspoken that it does not support a large-scale ground operation in rafah that could endanger the lives of palestinian civilians. but israel's response to, you know, the stalling basically from hamas to try to get these hostages out and their refusal to accept any of the deals have been on a table before it looks like israel's response is required with a targeted operation. we've seen the idf this matter doing limited strikes in rafah or limited operation rather in rafah and, you know, make clear that they are still talking but they are going to be wrapping up the pressure well that happens and although the u.s. has not, you know, going into details of what kind of operation it would or would not support i did ask john kirby in everything today is broadly the u.s. is still aligned with its ally on israel's intention to eliminate that their risk threat that hamas pros --
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poses and john kirby's answer has yet, has always been yes, and israel had a right and/or possibly to eliminate hamas so while we still be for the details of what was on a table versus what hamas says it agreed to. we know that the u.s. back israel's intention to go into rafah and to eliminate terrorists there and in recent days hamas has been increasingly vocal to egyption official that they want to see in order to return the hostages you want to see israel will draw and permanently end the war. so hopefully we get some more news but during the briefing, neil, officials were pretty hesitant to give any granular response to what had transpired this morning. >> neil: i guess keeping it genuine leave big which they have succeeded in doing. jackie heinrich, think you've got at the white house. want to go to the former israeli ambassador to the united nations. always an honor to have you think you for taking the ti time. >> thank you for having me, neil. >> neil: let's first talk about what the message coming out of benjamin netanyahu's
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office earmark and that is hamas might like this deal but we don't necessarily like this deal. so what does that mean? >> it means that hamas is now playing games of deception like always. it's a smokescreen for my basically the announced they accepted the terms they decided for themselves. it doesn't work that way, you know, secretary blinken said that the offer on the table is very dangerous. basically means that we make many compromises acceptable knee -- might say to many but still hamas refused to accept -- by negotiators by egyptians categories and americans and now they're saying yes, we are accepting the deal that we like. the main point is what will happen after the cease-fire. they want to have guarantees that we will not continue with the war efforts and we cannot accept it. we said that clearly.
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we are willing to sign an agreement, we want to see more hostages coming back home but we will not guarantee that we will allow hamas to stay in power and we will leave hostages behind. those things will not happen. >> neil: i did find it interesting ambassador that when the israeli government indicated that rafah rate was still on that you had hamas turning and saying all right this deal we have on the table is fine. was that their way of saying maybe hold back on the rafah arrayed? what do you think? >> well i think, you know, they're biding time and look what happened yesterday. my were negotiating the final terms of the deal actually sends rockets from rafah in to the checkpoint of current shiloam -- this crossing -- >> neil: to avoid to interviewer no, former president trump coming up to talk to reporters after a
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short session at the courthouse. leslie since. >> mr. trump: the 12. three more weeks that means they want to keep me of the trail for two or three more weeks. now anybody in their would realize that this location -- said they will have a case. this is just a political witchhunt. is election interference. and this is really truly election interference and is a disgrace. it's a disgrace and at every pore i'm leaving by a lot. they think they make it -- maybe they can do something here. this case should be overcome this case should have never been brought. by the way alvin bragg -- your previous da didn't bring the case. the ftc said they threw it away and they say you have to be getting. so this -- nobody brought the case and then alvin bragg brought the case and -- when i'm running and leading us what they decided. laszlo bring a case so it's a
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disgrace but we just heard 2-3 more weeks? i thought we were finished today. and they are finished today that i don't know what's happening. i thought they were going to be finished today and wanted two having more -- 2-3 more weeks, they played right in to the dirty's hands. the judge is so happy about two and mark three more weeks because they all want to keep me off the campaign trail. that's all this is about remedies and what lesson interference, how can you stop it and it's a disgrace. and have the other thing that may be is even more stressful is the gag order. where i can't basically -- out to watch every word i tell you people. you asked me a question got a simple question, i can give it but i can't talk about it because this judge is giving me a gag order and say you'll go to jail if you violate it. and frankly, you know what our constitution is much more important than joe. it's not even close. i'll do that sacrifice any day. but what's happening here is a list race to the courts are
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getting involved. new york look so bad and the new system of so-called justice look so bad between this judge and engoron and catherine got the triple take with corrupters. 's artistry to our nation so i should -- i should be other campaigning and he said -- there really talking about three weeks more. and by the way they might even have enough to fill out the time. we got out early today because they didn't have another witness. the government didn't have another witness. so they didn't have 2:22 pm to fill it out. and then they complain so i'll tell you what i hope you report the story accurately. this is a real threat to our country and is a serious threat to the constitution. in the meantime at columbia university be announced today that they're not going to have a graduation or not going to have a ceremony. and that happening all over the country. our country is a mess and the most important day in the
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history of our country is going to be november 5th of this year that going to be the most important day in the history of our country. what's going on this judge is a disaster. between the gag order and the hitch he's got for me and everybody seems -- and you see it better than anybody. god bless the u.s.a. >> is stormy daniels a liar? >> neil: i always wait thank he might sob -- at something and sometimes he does by donald drop not at all happy with news from the judge that as things start right -- stand right now one which are in any getting another 2-3 weeks at a minimum of this goes on and on the former president mentioned that is weekly can be on the campaign trail or do much of anything else. he has juggled -- allowing for himself to get some days where you can get out and
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raise money and talk to backers and showcase some of his vise presidential picks that half dozen of them and this over in forward over the weekend. back with andy macarthur another former assistant u.s. attorney also tom dupree former deputy assistant attorney general as well. gentlemen and maybe andy do you first about the president was saying if you were read -- about the judge upping the andy smacked up in the ante on how to get in -- and to stop violating the gag order you didn't seem to hear am just wondering what's next. >> i think he was much more explicit about the threat of jail than i've ever heard the former presidents have been. what many we've been hearing it was a sense -- sensitive subject within the trump come and he didn't appreciate the idea that anybody would even broach the possibility. i think he is now seeing the political power of it and he decided to be very explicit and essentially discuss what tom said before, he's basically bearing him to put him in, you know, department some form of custody.
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>> neil: i got that impression at too capcom that he was kind of called his bluff if you can put him in that sense but what do you think? >> i share andy's bucher marketing basic lease or something to the effect of, you know, bring it on pallets of punishment he be willing to accept. i think you said something along the lines of the constitution is more important than anything. so i mean the party do appear to be on her collision course here, neil. the judge i don't think at this point given what he said this morning in his drawing the line understand i don't think is in a position to back down and certainly is not within former president trump's corrected to back down and what he just said now suggest that he is not going to back down. he -- it was also surprised me that the prosecutor separately pulled him to one another 2-3 weeks, has a long time and keep in mind the defense will be putting on a case presumably after the prosecutors are done putting on their case so it's anyone's guess how long this whole thing will keep scratching and keep continuing to keep him on the campaign trail. >> neil: you know, and the gaheer expect me that there is a difference between, you
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know, putting a gag order on the former president and, of course, a standard -- center cap the focus of the truck and someone like a micro going to force who's on adjutant in this trial and, of course, has been making these charges unencumbered by any gag order of his own and that is and apply but there are a lot of people who look and stuff but smack step back and say it might be the judge's interest is it alright if i force, you know, in the former presidents to keep his looks zipped which hadn't succeeded so much maybe at least i can give her appearance of being fair and balanced by telling going to shut up. what do you think? >> is very telling though, isn't it, neil? the point adjustment is perfectly right and should be apparent to anybody who is -- was watch this closely and yet he hasn't done it has he? you know, there's only one person who's back here. is trump. the witnesses are allowed to speak about him and not only that his political opponents are allowed to say whatever they want about the case against him including this one to their hearts content
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and he can't respond as he would if he weren't under different -- inhibition. artists thing this goes to the political nature of this entire prosecution not just a gag order were bragg has been supported for the -- by the judge throughout. this is just another iteration of it and it's part of why the very conversation about the -- detention has such political power. >> neil: if you can talk about the detention gentlemen and you can help me with his anger both both with the possibility of on him the records which seem to be a bit extreme notorious jail in lower manhattan. the other possibility is to keep him under house arrest of course a businesslike trump tower, that's a nice punishment but obviously it sidelined him from any -- doing anything about anything at all. and wondering whether the judge will exercise something that and whether the former president in your eyes tom is
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compelled to do that cap to follow that? >> i think he would be compelled to follow it, neil, but like you i think the idea of sending trump the record is basically of the table. i cannot envision that happening in a million years. and the's tradition about home confinement that's intriguing, maybe the judge will see that as a middle ground. anything another facility is a judge's readers decide he has ordered trump to be incarcerated would basically put him in a pulling cell down the hall from the courtroom for an hour and let him out. in other words would basically make his point that he would place him in confinement but without any of it logistical ridiculous difficulties of sending a former president of the united states to rikers but sent a message that way nonetheless. >> neil: obviously the chill is on and the length of this is a little bit more involved than we thought, guys cap but the only thing i was three is about is the order of witnesses that the prosecution decides and apparently the defense is not giving the heads up or much of a heads up whose workshop
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including these three -- two financial types who are part of the trump accounting team at the time of the trump organization. is not unusual? >> is outrageous that the prosecutor that have to tell the fans who the upcoming witnesses were. most of the cases i've been involved in and the judges always speak -- in the southern district of new york county federal court across the street at the prosecutor tried to get away with that would have a very hard time suffice it to say. and you would have to give the defense continuance as throughout the trial which means you keep the jury on ice while they get to prepare their cross-examination because the prosecutors won't give them a heads up so they can work on that over the weekend which is why, you know, for trial lawyers asked why god made the weekend so you can get prepared for the next week. so i've never seen anything like this but then again, neil, i'm never seen a case
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where the indictment didn't tell the defendant what the charge was. so i guess in the indictment doesn't tell the defendant what the charge was watching the prosecutors tell the vendor to the witness are? >> neil: to that point, tom callan the big witness were waiting for is michael going. there might be others but you has been so busy merged in this process he hasn't found anyone who said anything good about him but he will be the martin name and i'm just wondering when you're dragged through the mud whether you think that's not an m1 -- and by the way that extends to the way even the former president has been treated back in the -- does that affect how jurors will respond to this witness diverts so many awful things about you mark. >> absolutely enter my mind, neil, was one of the most striking aspects of the testimony we heard so far is that at one point that unites premuch every witness in just a dislike distaste for
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michael going. understand why the prosecutors got the testimony. and he wanted what's they want to do what's called a -- you wanted to be -- before the jury rather than let it come out in cross -- cross-examination relating to child but i think they might have gone a bit overboard. is the universal displaying -- disdain in the clamor document how michael going to be trusted. he was terrible county judged of his phone calls caledon like dealing with him, all of this will greater scrimmage and shareable perception when cohen finally takes the stand and jurors will think this is the guy we've been hearing about that nobody likes and how can they help but view his testimony threw that lens? one guy who was just universally disliked and distrusted by everyone? >> neil: you've heard from our legal eagles cap you heard from the former president this is going to go on a wild my friends. will have more at stake around. >> ♪ ♪ personal shopper, an exercise buddy. life's good. when you have a plan.
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>> neil: another anti- israeli protests going on at
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columbia university right now. colombia the way announced earlier today that is canceling it's university wide graduation ceremony so for a lot of those college graduates is like it was when they were high school graduates no graduation. so you can get back to your monster to-do list. -really? -get a quote at let's get the rest of these plants in. organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. this soil will blow you away. it's the martha stewart of soil.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> neil: the encampment still standing and a protest still going on going down to san diego earlier here of course we've been seeing it across the country as some of these protests know we thought we come down as soon as we got word out of israel that the work -- and the referee was on back that had let another spark to get all this going on over again. margaret has been in washington dc -- >> good afternoon to you. were showing how the police would be -- much different picture here. the dc police are on scene but they are really here in a traffic enforcement plan is basically trying to make sure cars are able to come where this example -- encampment is -- working on now for more than two weeks. the protesters tell us they want a meeting with university officials and talk about what's been happening
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in their concerns overseas developments but, of course, for the university the question is how long is this going to go on and dw officials just say they're tired of this grandmother think it's time to end this because they believe some of these set up like what you see are right now this food as a therapist does not forgot -- we got a statement from the emergency room to the sea and dw our commitment remains to regain and maintain the safety and security of university yard, pursuant -- pursue effectively with those who have destroyed university he apparently -- members of congress they are also not thrilled with what we've seen happening in the nation's capital. some of them are actually out here to see it for the last week. here has been scheduled for this week to demand dc leaders explain what's being done to rein in them in and believe we heard from these he's me a democrat maria bowser who said it is not likely that they will be breaking up this process anytime soon. >> the study's position is unchanged. i've said it many times. so our situation is unchanged. luminosity and where our job
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is, my constitutional responsibility is to make sure people can safely protest and if they don't, then to support a law-enforcement interaction. >> so there's still no endorsement indication hear that dw's police force will do it with -- anything to break this crowd and dc police just here to break -- but some of the alumni here at george washington they are telling me to national university to shut this down once and for all. still no indication for that, i would appreciate as i will speak to one of the organizers that we just talked about what is been like a here she says she plans to stay out here but at the same time she didn't want her family to see her face on tv because they might get upset with her choosing to do this set of classes, neil? >> neil: incredible. weight reporting is always. mark meredith at george washington university. have you ever wondered as much as we are focused on all this bedlam in protest in the five-acre get worse the markets narrowly ploughing
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northwards. did so again today just as one investor named ken fisher said that it would mark why they are ignoring this turbulence, some -- but it could be something more to that, after this. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug.
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second i don't consider these protests. these are amateur tests to make a fact of the matter is like in december, christmas day 2022, i wrote a column my readily monthly column in the new york post talking about how 2022 was more like 1966 economically, politically and culturally than any other year in history and therefore 2023 should be more like 1967 which it was in terms of mid-20 stock market returns permit by then you extend that into 1968? these protests are nothing compared to 1968. >> neil: but do we ignore this at our own peril or is this driven by oracle forces like, you know, president election year which tend to be really good? >> what do they have a universities? kids paying attention the case is a -- the stock market will not pay attention to kids but they do -- >> neil: but they do pay attention to disruptions? do they not think this will
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be a disruption? >> even -- only other economically significant disruptions that would have the potential to imperil global and u.s. gdp. >> neil: so big picture for you is a big you're still on for the markets? are so confident in that? >> like 1968. >> neil: i'm too young to remember jack, is saying. >> neil: so if you think about that period also it was a period where there was a lot of ending more protests. does a different war, other side of the war macworld, we were more involved but a lot of the same stuff. very unpopular presidents at the time, if you recall with lyndon johnson. the fact of the matter is these times, they're not the same, but they're more like 1967, 68, 66, 57, 68 and any time period in history promising issues about interest rates, same concerns about inflation, et cetera. >> neil: you know, you and i talked about sunak early october simon started this
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war with hamas how the markets since that time and globally have held up and then some. wide? >> there's an aged old saying about warzone become world wars. cell on the fear of -- and bye on the buttocks. the back of the matter is if they're not -- not going to become world wars they don't describe global trade. all of the trade that goes on in between countries and around the world likely that you can book initiative in water, once you're there, you can move it wherever you need to get to and the fact is wars have never been significantly impediments to the market unless they can disrupt their global trade i said earlier. >> neil: the political environment, does it look better or worse weather republican or democrat wins? are couple of rules that that you follow him but maybe share them. >> first, election years are pretty much always positive. positive 83 cents macro mystery and when every second
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year of a president term has been negative like 2022 wascana fourth year has been positive every single time since about the great depression. everything at them and 15% every -- but then you can say a number of other things. generally, people tend to believe whether -- and i want to get in to the debate kelly tend to believe republicans more prep -- pro-business, democrats more big government for regulatory and therefore when a democrat has been the incumbents because there's a possibility he might lose running for reelection, there's a tendency for the market to do better early in the year which is a strong start like we've had this year. when republican has there's a fear that the market will take over and that will be worse for business so the market start slower in those years typically. in reality at the end of the year it does make terribly much difference. the flip side of the coin is that back at the year in the beginning together a little
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better for republicans for those reasons. in the inaugural year republicans tend to not do as well as democrats do because presidents are just presidents. and i have is an much power as people thank they have when they get a deal with congress and all of that annoying stuff and so they don't get everything they promised people then. democrats reversed everything the democrats just terrible that scares people in the election-year but in the inaugural year, you can do as much unanswerable stuff from his reluctance to be positive surprise. is always surprise that most markets most. >> neil: maybe the surprise would be if donald trump doesn't win? >> you know, the polls are close, were six months away. >> neil: only meant -- reason i mention it is because britain and ultraconservative partitions have a level over time and its -- labor comes in, it's not -- i only mention it because cannot be a preview
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of a coming attraction here? >> it could be and again the way i would think about that is if you think about how much bigger the west coast votes for the democrats than -- which is a basic -- 20-30% -- versus texas and for the same amount of the population the mobile 6-12% for the republican. once you've done that, if you're after that couple of percents behind in popular vote -- so the way to measure that risk is this trump go from 1% over in polls now to couple% under -- baker -- a possible? sure. >> neil: if you don't mind i want to ask you a personal question because you're a billionaire and i'm sure as a kid growing up you never saw that they coming but you are. >> neil: >> i never thought i would be me. >> neil: i love that line. but there's a move afoot to make sure guys like you pay more in taxes because you're not paying your fair share. what do you think of that?
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>> i don't know what my picture is, number 1. and number 2, i think that is a tough go whether you like it are dislike it. because c., what we got? we've got a congress that israel split and i don't care what anybody says about anything after this election it's not going to be a runaway congress matter how it goes. it will be very tight very hard to get stuff like that for -- through. , to get stuff like that through, nearly impossible to get it threw big. so i think this is more of an academic argument at this point in time -- too but this other guy who plays a lot of taxes which you do and a democrat -- rafah -- does that bother you on the constantly changing definition of fair share? >> on a personal level? >> neil: >> you know i'm old and white and male, i'm rich, i'm used to being accused of things.
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>> neil: okay your old, white -- >> rich, mail. you know, i've had this conversation with people -- people accusing me of dying my hair. i don't i may here. you can see where it right here but they can't -- >> neil: a lot of gray actually. so you're not worried about that kind of criticism? you give a lot back, your very generous. >> if you're a public person you get a lot of criticism. do you know sometimes people couldn't tell you, neil? i don't understand why they do. >> neil: i can't repeat some of the words they say. >> no immaculate -- you shouldn't on era don't think. >> neil: that's about idea. so bottom-line you're confident this market still looks good right through the end my career? >> i think it will continue to be volatile but good for the immaculate year. the volatility is always present. markets bouncing around that's one of the reason they have high returns. >> neil: it seems to be working out for you. ken fisher, fisher investments, the founder and chairman. were focused on a lot of things including a big rocket launch tonight for boring. that's right boring rocket launch for mack will explain and explore after this.
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>> neil: all right. sometimes building can't gets out of its own way. a rocket launch plan. all of this on the same day the faa is opening a new investigation and do some repairs and expections that had not been done on hundreds of
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boeing dreamliner planes and others. on something that could change the perception of boeing. this is nothing to do with planes and jets and quality expections and the like. an important launch or rocket launch scheduled for later on tonight. a lot on the table here, jonathan, for boeing and what's at stake. maybe you can help us understand it. >> absolutely. well boeing faces federal investigations for manufacturing processes in its aircraft division, nasa officials are expressing confidence in the company's space division which has been helping nasa build rockets since you and i were kids or take a listen. >> this is a clean spaceship, and it is ready to launch. and i can tell you from nasa's point of view, we don't launch until it's ready.
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>> boeing has had to fix some problems identified during star liners research and development. parachute lines had to be strengthened after engineers determined if one of the three shoots were to fail, the other might not be able to support the weight of the capsule during landing. the company also had to replace a mile of electrical wire insulation tape inside the spacecraft after it posed a fire hazard. with those fixes in place, the test pilots, both of them veteran nasa astronauts and former navy pilots say that they feel confident writing in star line. >> we've got it to a point all of us, big team got into a point that we feel very safe and comfortable how the spacecraft flies. we have backup procedures in case we need those. >> when you can go into backup mode halfway through an injury and still hit the bull's-eye when you don't have your computers, that is pretty remarkable.
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>> talking about the multiple emergency landing modes that the spacecraft has that can land fully automated if there are computer problems and when the astronauts use computer assistance while performing some of the controls. or if the computers fail, the nasa astronauts and take full command of the capsule this spacecraft actually has traditional hand controls just like when we were kids. >> neil: i am older than you, young man. one thing i am curious about. for boeing, it has been dominated by others that where the new renaissance guys. elon musk, and what he has been doing in jeff bezos, when he has been doing. not boeing and what it has not been doing. it does have some catching up to do. doesn't it? >> it does indeed. spacex has become -- there are spacex launches here in other parts of the country constantly.
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both crude and unaccrued missions. nasa officials are excited about this. and this test flight is successful, they will have 2 commercial options for shuttling astronauts to and from low earth orbit with additional options potentially on the way. >> neil: it wasn't that long ago that we were hitching rides with the russians. those days are gone. no matter who is doing it, when americans are doing it, you feel better about that. >> true, the remarkable thing, even in the worst of times during the cold war, somehow, america and the russians, formerly the soviet union, they have always had excellent cooperation in space. i was a kid. i came out to cape canaveral. >> neil: those are the days. all right. thank you, my friend. ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine


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