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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 6, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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missions. nasa officials are excited about this. and this test flight is successful, they will have 2 commercial options for shuttling astronauts to and from low earth orbit with additional options potentially on the way. >> neil: it wasn't that long ago that we were hitching rides with the russians. those days are gone. no matter who is doing it, when americans are doing it, you feel better about that. >> true, the remarkable thing, even in the worst of times during the cold war, somehow, america and the russians, formerly the soviet union, they have always had excellent cooperation in space. i was a kid. i came out to cape canaveral. >> neil: those are the days. all right. thank you, my friend. ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: hello,
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everyone. along with harold ford jr., jesse watters, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." operation old man is a go to the white house is still cooking up new ways to hide or minimize president joe biden's advance 81-year-old age. but it appears to be backfiring as americans give another scathing assessment of his fitness for office. according to the latest survey, an overwhelming 81% say joe biden is too old for another term. we already know how his staff gives joe the shorter staircase for him to board air force one. how they deploy an army of aides to hide his shoveling. who can forget how they lace up the president and antislip sneakers as a way to prevent embarrassing falls.
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now, and team biden is admitting that the police how many words the man can say. >> the campaign is looking to shorten its speeches. biden selection strategy is less is more. tighten his pitch to voters with shorter, crispers speeches. >> quality over quantity. we believe that these touches, the smaller things that are guarding directly to the point of what is going on and the stakes of this election is going to be easier for voters to tap into. >> judge jeanine: jen psaki says biden should actually shun more traditional media interviews and have his ego stroked by media sycophants like howard stern. >> what would your advice breach of the white house in terms of his accessibility to press? >> he should, in "love you" before he comes does press conference. >> issues that are happening. i think press conferences are important.
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i think him doing howard stern is an interview that reached a broader audience of people. in talking to the guys -- >> judge jeanine: the trump campaign thinks no more trump, the better part of the former president revving up supporters of this year's formula 1 at miami grand prix. [chanting "usa"] >> judge jeanine: isn't joe biden's campaign admitting that joe biden is incapable of campaigning the way a president shed? >> jesse: the democrats have gagged both candidates. he tells the truth. they will let biden talk because he tells stories about his uncles being eaten by cannibals. in covid, it made biden look safe and trump look reckless. it made the whole election more of a referendum on trump and not
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a choice. when you're president, you can't be kept away from crowds. you can't be kept to 6 minutes gifted speeches to the camera. you are just going to look like i'm riddled attached king afraid to face his subjects. trump goes out of formula 1. that takes courage and confidence as a certain level of energy and relatability. if joe biden went there, the risk would be too high. a good trip. he could get booed. he could hear a thing. if you asked me in terms of voters being able to tap into something, i think it is more effective to see someone being able to work a crowd or a crowd work a guy and he just read something off of a script that a consultant wrote for you and then leave. the american people see donald trump running for president and joe biden running scared. he's not even in control of his own campaign. he wants to talk. he wants to talk all day. they won't let him. he's not even allowed to walk where he has a postal walk. trump can walk every once and say whatever he wants.
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joe biden can do either. now you realize why he's down in the polls. everybody is realizing that trump is more appealing and eating away at joe biden's base. he is ahead in both the five, 38 battlegrounds and their real clear politics, harold. >> judge jeanine: okay, harold, i will go to you next. >> harold: good to be back. you came firing out of the gates at the start of it. i will let you asked the question. >> judge jeanine: if you think about it, if joe biden gets reelected, how is he going to run this country in the next 4 years if he can barely make it through this year? >> harold: i'm sure he will figure it out. jesse pointed out a lot of numbers but in the last numbers about the polling data from real clear politics. 538. i was on another show this morning with one of the cohost of the show. our 9:00 a.m. show. guy benson made the point that
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president trump is ahead in some of these polls. when you look at likely voters, president biden is ahead by 3 o. i think a couple of things. this race will be decided by axios by 6% of voters in pennsylvania. nevada, wisconsin, georgia, and arizona. millions of dollars will be trying to persuade those voters in about every election. what it really points to is the only certainty in this election right now is the uncertainty of the outcome. i don't differ with your numbers and your sense. you certainly have a theory about the case about the race. this thing is tight. it will remain tight. we talked about it this morning. i will be curious to hear their reaction around the table. when the trial gets over here. that will be over sooner rather than later. i'm not seeing anything that would suggest former
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president trump would be convicted. when that is over with, the calls for a debate between these candidates will only increase. whichever candidate is refusing to or seems reluctant or is about debating him i think he will face some polling data that shows that people want to see the both of them engage. i have said those three dates which i think are important. even before that, and they don't get a calendar for when they will stand on the state together, they made serious issues confronting the country and what they would do over the next four years. this is the first time we have had two guys running that have been president in contemporary times. i think will be a decider in this race. whoever says they don't want to debate will be at a disadvantage in the minds of voters in the six states that are the most critical. >> judge jeanine: trump is beating biden in every category. immigration, the economy, crime, foreign policy.
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and yet in his team things the way to handle that is for him to talk less. >> dana: there polling must be so bad. you can tell me that they wouldn't prefer to have the option to send joe biden to the formula 1 race and get cheered. that is just not realistic. i think jen psaki is giving them some pretty good advice. when you have -- when the card you have to clear the ones that they have don't usually go on howard stern and call it a day and hope that the basement strategy can go through. a couple of other things is that you have all these people that support joe biden saying you should do something else. we have heard lots of different ideas for him. i'm guilty of it. i try to give ideas through the tv for everybody and communications. "i think joe biden should go to the colleges where they are protesting give a speech." i thought under the flag? i don't know that it's going to work. what about kamala harris? she was on the big college tour.
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what was her purpose? to talk about abortion. she was a former prosecutor. as you not want to talk about college campus issues? is she unable now to talk about abortion on college campus because they are going to be called "genocide joe." i will end witness. you mentioned the debates. imagine the scenario that they want biden to talk so little that they figure out an excuse and believe that it is okay for them to say they are not going to debate trump. they are going to move on. what if rfk jr. says, i will debate trump. and now you have the network saying what we've got to have a presidential debate. and if rfk jr. is on the ballot in these several battleground states, it could make the difference for the election. imagine that. you have rfk jr. and trump in a debate and biden is kicking it
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in wilmington. >> judge jeanine: greg, that is fascinating. what is your take on that? >> greg: i think it is sad when your supporters want to see you less. if i really like something, i don't prefer to have it hidden unless it is a really bizarre fetish. but his handlers say he can move their reasoning is they want quality over quantity with joe. how do you choose that with joe? how do you choose quantity over quality when the substance itself is? less isn't more with it. i'm sure when trump showed up, the media accused him about being all about race. i want to mention the polls. trump is leading in inflation, crime, border, foreign policy. these are all things that are measurable. biden has an edge in the unquantifiable which is the personality of the trials, which the media can shape the
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narrative over mine as numbers. when can be measured by the population by your years and your eyes is function. it is like, you know it when you see it for the more opportunity there is to see it with biden, the worse it gets which is why they are trying to localize it like mold in the basement. it reminds me of me when i played little league for the more options i had to participate in the game, the worse it was for my team. they had me play one inning in right field. i could pinch run for the fat kid. that was it. they kept me out of the action. they wanted me to feel included and all of this which made me feel good. meanwhile, trump is out there. even when they are trying to hold him back, he is out there. he is the most transparent candidate on earth where the rivers of everything the democrats have been saying. the democrats are functioning under this veil, this lack of transparency. i think it is why trump was able
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to tell you everything about how stuff works. he can't be behind the scenes is the scene. meanwhile, biden as to hibernate. it is the irony of saying how secretive and false trump is screwed trump put himself in a glass cage. he can't hide anything. he accepted that role and embraced it. biden got the role, and he's running as you say. >> jesse: i want to hear more about you in right field. >> dana: i want to hear what they call it now. >> greg: what are they called little league? >> little league. >> judge jeanine: coming up, pro hamas are now ruining graduation ceremonies. and biden donors might be funding them. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein,
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♪ ♪ >> dramatic development in the or between israel and hamas. cease-fire proposal made no mention of the hostages held captive. israel says they are examining the plan but differs from an earlier framework. one israeli official words i could be a deception by the terrorist organization. if it falls apart you can bet those pro hamas anarchists will use it to inflate the situation even more. projecting the word "genocide joe." company university will cancel its graduation ceremony after the chaotic protest. pro-palestinian protesters tried
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to disrupt the university of michigan commencement. it looks like the other graduates didn't take their stuff. >> you can't hide. you are funding genocide. >> jesse: all roads lead back to joe biden. the quote "pro-palestinian protesters." our backed by a surprising source. biden's biggest donors. >> judge jeanine: i want to talk about this is moses cease-fire that was negotiated in egypt or -- hamas has agreed to a cease-fire. hamas was negotiating with itself bear the craziest part of all this is that hamas broke a cease-fire on october 7th at a
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time when israel was not in gaza as they are now. the whole idea of a cease-fire -- the whole thing is bizarre. everything from israel not being part of this so-called cease-fire. from october 8th on forward and forward, the united states and most of the world has been telling israel, you cannot prosecute this war the way everyone else is prosecuting the war. that way we prosecuted the war after pearl harbor. how many hundreds of thousands of japanese did we kill? how many hundreds of thousands of germans did we kill with the allied forces? in the hundreds of thousands in afghanistan and iraq. all of a sudden, israel is told how you have to prosecute a war. the fact that you can even talk about a cease-fire without talking about hostages, 138. how about the five american hostages. joe biden does everything he can to make sure that the m.o. and the armaments that are supposed to go there have been canceled
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or are being held back. if the whole point is to make it look like israel is going to attack the palestinians, the truth is that israel has done more than any other country. they stopped of the war to bring in the medics, to bring in the food, to bring in the water. and they tell them where they are going to fight. and yet, the arab nation won't take care of the palestinians. they won't take them. the queen from jordan whose husband is looking -- i don't know -- one of the sunday shows. she supports that americans who are disrupting on college campuses saying, yes, you know, it's about time that the americans stood up for the palestinians. you sleep with your husband. he is the king. you bring the palestinians to jordan. and finally, this cease-fire is all about delay. that is all that is good right now, hamas has 4 big grades and
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rough. hamas has killed 3 idf soldiers in a humanitarian zone. i am personally tired of everyone trying to stop israel from prosecuting a war where hamas came in they killed a thousand israelis. it didn't kill them, they massacre them. >> jesse: going crazy at your alma mater, the university of michigan. >> harold: they have a little energy up there. i agree with what the judge has said. i think when you think about that college campuses, i think the person who has really imparted the right message -- i hope it becomes a symbol for these things where the president of the university of florida. a former senator from nebraska, he laid it out like a lot of us have tried to bring out on this that support freedom of speech. we support freedom of assembly and as soon as you cross that line, as soon as you believe that
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vandalism, intimidation, or violence are protected by and/od then expelled from school. that should have been the position taken by everyone from the outset. we can't look back. we've got to look forward. follow what he is doing to ensure that kids can get a graduation but more get an education. as part of the debate. not i am right then you're wrong and i'm going to be violent against you. critical debate and critical thought is having a meaningful robust serious conversation and respecting one another. dr. king did that. it's hard for me to examine these people who argue that this is a tradition of protest. there is no tradition of successful protest that succeed with that kind of violence and intimidation that we are seeing on campus. all of those efforts fail. >> jesse: why do you think
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columbia cancel graduation? >> greg: because they are weak. i have a slogan. by the way, harold, you have -- you are suffering from a serious case of dad brain. and it is so good to see. what you are seeing is what we are going through right now is internet brain. this is all of these kids. their brains have been taken over by garbage that has been solidified by activists on the internet. this healthy trend. you are seeing dad brain. when the kids go, i'm going to take a tent and put on the campus quad. dad brain says no. we pay 70 grand. you are going home and you're going to study. the dad brain is very patient up to a point. you can see it emerge. the internet amplifies these global issues. so they make you feel important
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but also helpless. you worry about climate change in the middle east and global inequality. you can't do for it. it makes you feel really good. dad brain comes over and says enough with hamas, pay your phone bill. that is going to help you. you are not doing anything th there. we should really eat insects to help the planet. it's mother's day coming up. did you get your mom a card? are you going to go to brunch with her? what dad brain is doing -- you are seeing what these college presidents. is there a localizing concerns of the students. the world out there, that is going to exist. we are talking about right here. clean your room. take your car to a car was. look for a summer job. as long as you sit there and transplant all your concern for something like this, your entire life suffers. a lot of these protesters had
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such terrible relationships with their families. they prioritize these amorphous issues. that makes them feel better. it also makes them feel hopeless. the dad brain through florida and elsewhere, there's another guy that's really good. i can think of his name. mib harold ford. they are stepping up, and they are saying, okay. we are going to take care of this now. you've put on your little show. we are going to dinner at applebee's. put on your clothes. >> jesse: we are going to have a dad with her dad brain on. very upset about his daughter's graduation being canceled. >> dana: the cold open was about a dad who said i didn't work all these extra jobs to go through the covid years to get my daughter to columbia so i can go to graduation with her. and "saturday night live" is doing that as a cold open, it has penetrated.
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80% of americans want to support israel. i don't see why it's hard for biden to get on that. he will say, i do support is israel. holocaust remembrance day is today and we do remember where they are going to have a story out there that says that the biden team is decided not to send weapons that congress has appropriated to israel. the white house declines to comment. the dod declines to comment. national security counsel declined to comment. what does that tell me? something is happening. i thought you got impeached for something like that. the only way for this war to end is for israel to win it. if you want this to end. if you want the suffering of the people in gaza to end, if the queen wants -- jordan is made up of 80% palestinians. if you want the palestinian people do have a brighter future get what you say free pi paleste
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from hamas. get the hostages returned and read member of the holocaust and never forget and actually mean it. >> jesse: biden needs to use his dad brain to get it tog together. >> harold: i was really surprised at the queen. i could understand her saying we support the school protest. she didn't distinguish. that was noteworthy. speech and i would have been surprised if i watched the sunday show. trump is not afraid to go to jail after the judge makes his latest threat. ♪ ♪ i bought the team! kevin...? i bought the team! i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too... starting with the sound system! curry from deep. that's caaaaaaaaash. i prefer the old intro! this is much better! i don't think so!
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i'm franklin graham. the world ems to be engulfe with hate. we see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders. jesus christ understands hate. the world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he camame on a rescue mission to save us from our sin.
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he died and d shed his blood on a cross for our sins. he was buried, but god raed him to life. and if we're willing t to put our faith and trust in jesus chris god will forgive us of our sins and hehe will heal our hearts. and the problem we have today is a heart proroblem. only g can change the human heart, and take t that hate and fill i with his love. if you've never invited chris in your heart, pray t this prayer with me right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe jesus is your n. i nt to trust him right now as my savior. and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prad that prayer, call that number right now that'sn the screen. we have someone who'd ke to speak with you,u, d pray with you. god bless you!
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♪ ♪ >> dana: that judge in trump's
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hush money trial. day 12 of the trevor apsey. this morning, judge merchan holding trump and contempt for violating the gag order. the judge bluntly said this. "the last thing i want to consider is jail. you are a former and possibly the next one." trump reacting to that while outside the court. >> this judge has given me a gag order that says you will go to jail if you violate it. and frankly, you know what? our constitution is much more important than jail. it's not even close. i will do that sacrifice any d day. this is a real frie vent to our country in a serious threat to the constitution. november 5th of this year. that is election day. god bless the usa. >> dana: and then he turned around, judge. what he think of those this morning? >> judge jeanine: i said to
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myself, that is very interesting. he will never do it. when i heard donald trump say go for it, buddy. i thought to myself the judges in in a pickle right now. he drew a redline. he either follows at or he doesn't. he is either going to be joe biden or obama and the red line comes and goes and he doesn't do anything about it. this is what i think would happen. he would probably want to do something that was somehow in a fine former president trump may be to his opposed to jail. if president trump goes to rikers, emory allen is tried to get a ballot and vote for him because donald trump will go in there. i think impress them. he really is the kind of guy where people respond to. in the end, there is no case here. there is no crime here. this is about the abuse of process. and they haven't touched him. this whole trial. david packer, the lawyer, this old guy.
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nobody has connected anything to do with donald trump. it is almost pathetic at this point. i think what president trump was saying, go forward, buddy. the constitution is more important. you are going to prove to the country and the world that you are turning this place into the third world country and a kangaroo court. do it, and you will pay the price for the last thing i will say is the only thing that is approved beyond a reasonable doubt is that everyone hates michael cohen. >> dana: that is for sure. greg, i have a message from the democrats are no judges coming to save them. even if that were to happen, it is not going to save them from an election in november. speeches every time they try to do something in trump know it just comes from. it reminds me of the cliches seen in every action movie where the hero is tied to a chair in the warehouse daunted by an armed and lethal enemy. one is the hero due after getting pistol-whipped?
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he smiles and spits blood back in the enemy's face. in that story that i told, who is the hero, and who is the abusing enemy? even if you don't like trump don't you know who the hero is in this. it is trump. i think the judge mildly endorsed end by saying the next president. i hope they do arrest trump. i hope they put him in jail. that doesn't guarantee that he wins. this is becoming the greatest third act of any political story perhaps moving. there is this unintentional benefit. i think that america is reaping benefits by shunting all of the trump derangement people into this small patch called the courtroom drama. it keeps them busy. what's going on? they are not on the street harassing people in red hats or doxxing people. it keeps them busy. this is their little shiny toy. i have sent in times.
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it is focusing and sharpening trump. he comes out of the gate like a bronco ready to just roy. and it's working. it is like he is up. keep it going. >> dana: keep it going. >> jesse: he kept it going after court today. he said the judge was a disaster who hates me and wants to extend the trial to keep me out the campaign trail. he called alvin bragg a disgrace and only brought the case because he was winning in the polls. i think is going to go to jail, directly to jail, but the story is from jail. i saw a cockroach bigger than rosie o'donnell. i used my one phone call to call lonnie to ask for a conjugal visit. it is going to be great. inside the court was a disaster for the prosecution. they put on one of the executives from the trump organization who said that i was the one that created the structure, the timing of these payments. trump had no idea about the
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payments. i was the one the executives and who said it should be called legal expense. trump had nothing to do with it. and said that they would do these things all the times. bad news is bad for business. he is a businessman. when you add that to david packer's testimony who said we have been doing this for trump since before he was a candidate, that has nothing to do with politics. >> judge jeanine: you added to hope hicks who said he didn't want melania to know. >> dana: harold. >> harold: here is my issue and concern. it seems like this is not an issue or concern but a frame. he's winning it appears. no argument is being made displaceable your beyond a reasonable doubt that president trump was part of an effort to make a payment to somebody. until you prove that, you didn't have to show that's in furtherance of another crime. that strikes me, judge, and the former prosecutor that if you are the defended, you should
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just shut up and that the trial go out and be acquitted. the second part of this is that we have three branches of government. it is the most unique form of government in the world. it is the best form of government in the world. the three words that describe our system's checks and balances. the legislative, judicial, and executive. no branch is more important than the other and each has a unique expense ability. you can agree with the judge or not. he represents the court in this matter. you can say it should never have been brought. this judge now has a responsibility. remember that if and good if the defendant repeatedly defies what the court says, then you are basically saying that the branch of government -- the judicial branch is toothless. i don't want to see president trump go to jail for violating a gag order print for the life of me, i can't understand why he would challenge that. the third part happens if indeed he violates the gag order more, the rules of the court, our system of governance.
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does he send the president to jail? i think the judge is shown an awareness of what is happening. i thought his point about he could be president pretty is a former president and could be president is true. i challenge that? if you are winning this case -- don't challenge. one second. i just don't believe you put a judge who is telling you go i don't want to do this. but you are giving me no choice. some are saying he shouldn't be in court. the charges shouldn't have been brought. all of that may be true. this judge has a job to do. he represents the judicial branch. one of the three branches in our form of government. 1 of 3 that makes up the checks and balances. i hope former president trump is not sent to jail. but if he violates with this judge says again, he should be. >> judge jeanine: here is the problem. you said earlier, just shut up and be acquitted. the problem is, the man is also running for president. it is not just about the 12
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people on the jury. it was the fact that he is missing out on the opportunity to go out and campaign. let me finish one more thing. they gag order, he is not gagged from saying anything about alvin bragg. the judge made it very clear that he has no right to criticize -- and the court as well. he can do that. >> harold: maybe we read it differently. why not comply with the order and go forward? don't put the judgment of the court in this position. >> dana: day 13 starts tomorrow and we will have it in "america's newsroom." up next, the trump -- is ramping up. what can i do to make a better cotton crop? we believe that the best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable farming techniques.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: the trump vp --
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>> greg: gathering vp choices at mar-a-lago including j.d. vance, marco rubio, camren mcdonald, governor and christine know them. some say she is barking up the wrong tree after her dog killing both. jesse, governor is going to be on your show tonight. are you going to roll over and play dead is to mark >> jesse: we will have our own at the top. but trump said byron donalds. i like diversity as they say, diversity. he goes, it's not diversity. we need a little diversity. that is what we are calling an african american on the ticket now. >> harold: be careful. >> greg: is that all you're going to say? >> jesse: he goes, i love your hair cut. if anybody has seen mike lee's
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erica. >> dana: is not great. >> jesse: he is very rich. >> greg: was he at a serious kind of event? there were so many there. >> dana: i don't know. they have to figure out a way to have a campaign event. the rnc is going through some growing pains and figuring o out -- i think he was there, actually. i believe. >> greg: he is behind trump further he is. >> dana: on the kristi noem thing, i think political communicators will study this for years to come. there's a lot of material there. >> judge jeanine: i'm going to spend all my time to kristi noem. no dog, no goat, no animal is that woman. they said they were bringing her to the kentucky derby in case a horse needed to be put down. when she puts in her book, "i am met with north korean dictator
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kim jong un, i think he underestimated me." you never met with kim jong un. i think that woman is delusional. it is just scary. you better have a straight talk with that woman tonight. >> jesse: we will straighten her out for sure. >> greg: there you go, harold. any thoughts behind that beautiful head of yours? [laughter] >> harold: ever answer to the matter that we were talking about in alaska in the break. i listened to some of the vp candidates and mr. trump's mind on some of the sunday shows. i would have handled it a little differently. i would've talked a lot a lot more about the policies of the president's last administration and things they want to do in the economy. they got caught up in things they shouldn't have. i will say, though marco rubio -- you i think bringing some strength on the foreign policy matters.
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an economic policy and tim scott who has won the race and has been out and had some fitness for this. i think he's got some choices and hopefully lined up with what he wants to do. speak to you all kidding aside, when you look at the range of people, they were really strong people. they could be vps or ps. there's not a single kamala. up ahead, luke skywalker sucks up to joe-bi wan kenobi. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> legendary "star wars" actors mark hamill dropping by the white house press room to praise joe-bi wan kenobi. miko said can i call you joe-bi wan kenobi, anti-like that. >> may thus be 25 be with you always. >> j>> harold: i know you are a big "star wars" fan. did you recognize mark hamill christine marx before i am
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surprised that joe biden didn't say "luke, i am your father." i'm not surprised biden since he is from a galaxy very far away himself. >> harold: are you covering this tonight? >> jesse: he looks like chewbacca if you ask me. the thing about trump as he was the star. you didn't need to bring in stars to make the president look better. mark hamill, c now? ab list or see this? >> dana: at least he didn't say the president has been very clear. we got a break from that for about ten seconds. >> harold: is he coming out tonight? speak to one about dorothy? he looks like he is one of those people that has interviewed on forensic files. he has that guy that was next door. we used to go to the casino together. i walked inside. that is my bloody frank grant.
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you wear the right tie against the dark shirt. you've got money. you are the worst dresser. it is so condescending to the press corps. it's like chantel. i know what will brighten up these kids day. let's get the local firemen to come over and tell them what it's like to put out a fire. that's bring up this washed up actor who probably hasn't washed up in a while. >> dana: the teacher rolled in the television to watch a movie during social studies. >> harold: "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ let's get started. bill, where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? no mask? no hose? just sleep. learn more, and view important safety information at
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♪ [laughter] >> judge jeanine: time now for "one more thing." greg? >> greg: we got a great show. guy weaponson, jimmy failla, kat timpf, tyrus. let's do this. greg, what the heck is that? all right. let's show everybody this adorable creature and can you
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guess what this little monster is? he is from nashville, by the way. nashville zoo. anybody think what that is? >> jesse: i have been with you on the show some years i know liebermans f lemur fans. >> lemur. >> jesse: lemur. >> judge jeanine: jesse? >> jesse: greg book sign in men done, new jersey. not far from where i live. get it together shirts. we love jesse and johnny. we love that shirt so much e we celebrated cinco de mayo together at the book signing. if you have a great shirt that's about me, i will put you on television. tonight, "jesse watters primetime," we have tom brady's roast kristi noem and johnny belisario who went to the derby,
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8:00. >> judge jeanine: keep your dogs at home. dana? >> dana: okay. first off a specialout shout to a good friend of the family. it is mindy bartel. she is from colorado. she has accomplished a lot in her life. this is a pretty big deal there is a goal of climbing the mantua inclimb. it's about a mile up. just on the eastern slope of the rocky mountains. she was able to do the crime one hour friends from junior high. amazing. good job, mindy. on my podcast tonight matt whitlock. >> judge jeanine: harold? >> harold: first black graduate georgia tech 1965. that's him giving his granddaughter deanne that her diploma in engineering from georgia tech over the weekend. congratulations to that family and congratulations to him on all of his courage. did you go, girl. >> judge jeanine: i bet he was very proud. harold harold he was. >> judge jeanine: that's it for us tonight. have a great night, everybody. >> bret: thank you, judge. very much. i appreciate it. welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. ongoing anti-israel


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