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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 6, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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all right. [ ♪♪ ] >> hello everybody, here with
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harold ford junior, jesse watters, dana perino and greg gutfeld mike it's 5:00 in new york city and that this is 'the five' is it! [ ♪♪ ] >> judge jeanine: operation old man is a go, the white house is still cooking up new ways to hide of their -- or minimize president joe biden's advance 81-year-old age. but it appears to be backfiring as americans get another scaving assessment of his fitness for office? according to the latest survey, an overwhelming 81 percent say joe biden is too old for another term! we already know how his staff gives joe with a shorter staircase for him to board air force one, how they deploy an army of age to hide his shuffling and who can forget how the lace up with the president and anti- israel speakers as a way to prevent embarrassing
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falls. nineteen biden's admitting that they police how many words the man can say. >> of the campaign is looking to shorten it speeches, biden's doing election strategy, less is more, the president age has tight -- tight his pitch to voters who when we believe in quality over quantity, getting directed to the point about what is going on in this election are going to be easier for voters to tap into. >> judge jeanine: joe's own press secretary says joe biden should actually shown more traditional media interviews and have his ego stroke and by media fans like howard stern. >> it what would your device be to the white house in terms of his accessibility to press? >> my view is he should come on the view. [ applause ] >> we should! we want to have conversations about issues that are happening. i think it's important, him
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doing howard stern, it's an interview that reached a broader audience of people, him talking to the guys from a smart less. >> judge jeanine: by the trauma campaign thinks the more chump the better. the former president revving up supporters and this year's formula one miami grand prix. >> judge jeanine: all right jesse all started with you, listening to biden's campaign admitting that joe biden is not capable of campaigning the way that it maybe a president should? >> jesse: they have gagged both candidates. won't let trump talk because he tell the truth and won't let chump talk because it tells stories what his uncles being easy to buy cannibals. this work as they think because in covid-19 a made biden look safe, and i made chump look reckless, animated whole whole election more of a referendum on trump and not a choice.
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when your president you can be kept away from crowds, you can't be kept at six minutes coated speeches to the camera. you will look like your brittle detached freight that is facing subjects? so trump goes out to formula one, takes courage and confidence, takes a certain level of energy and relatability back of joe biden went there the risk would be too high u didn't trip, you could get booed, he could not hear anything. they ask me in terms of voters getting the joint being able to tap into something, a thing is more effective to see somebody work a crowd or a crowd work a guy than to just read something off of a script and consult then leave. american people say donald trump running for president and joe biden running scared. is not even in control of his own campaign. he wants to talk, he wants to talk all day and they won't let him. not even allowed to walk were you supposed to walk, trump can walk wherever he wants, and say whatever he wants, joe biden can
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do either be! ninety realize what he's done the poles, because everybody's realizing that trump is more appealing and he is eating away at joe biden's base, now ahead in both the 538 battlegrounds and the real politics. harold? >> judge jeanine: okay,, harold? >> piers: >> harold: good to be back. got me out of the gates. [ laughter ] at the start of it. i'll let you ask the question. >> judge jeanine: really if you think about it, joe biden gets reelected, how is he going around this country in the next four years that he can barely make it through this year? >> harold: i'm sure he will figure it out. i say this because jesse pointed out a lot of numbers, the less numbers are out about the polling data, i think is 38? i was on another show this morning, the cohost of this show, i was paired up against
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scott vincent made the point that president trump is ahead in some of these polls but when you look at likely voters, president biden is ahead by three or five points nationally. the other thing was a national point -- poll also. i think a couple things, it is reasonably did -- determined by 6 percent of voters in pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan guide georgia and arizona. billions of dollars over spend trying to persuade of those people, is that a small group of voters which is the case in just about every election. i think literally points to is the only certainty the selection right now is the uncertainty of the outcome. i don't differ with your numbers in your sentencing, you sternly may have his theory about the race, i think this thing is tight and it will remain tight, they think one of the things we talk about it this morning will be, i'll be curious to see their reaction on the table, is that when the trial gets over here, i think that'll be over sooner rather than later, and thus far not seeing anything suggesting
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trump will be convicted, but when that is over with, i think the calls for debates between these taught what candidates will only increase. and whichever candidate is refusing to or seems reluctant or is demeaning about debating, i think he will face some polling damage because the people want to see the both of them engage. and upset of those three dates which you think are important, worth of july, labor day. even before that if they don't get a calendar for one that they will stand on the stage together and debate the serious issues confronting the country and that -- and to your point judge, what they will do over the next four years? this time we will have to watch what guys running who have been president in contemporary times, i think it'll be a decided in this race in a lot of ways to mike weber says they don't want to debate will be a disadvantage in the minds of voters in those six states was critical. >> dana: >> judge jeanine: trump is beating biden in virtually every category, in every category, immigration, economy, crime,
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foreign policy, and yet his team think is the way to handle that is to have him talk less. >> dana: there polling must be so bad, and you imagined? you can tell me they would not prefer to have at the option to send joe biden to the formula one race and get cheered ask. it's just not realistic. i think jen is giving them good advice, when the cards you have to play are the ones that they have a, yes, he should go on howard stern and call it a day and hope the basement strategy can go through. 's couple other things, you have all these people support joe bought in saying you should do something else. lots of different ideas, giving ideas for everybody on it communications. was a congressman from california said, i think joe biden should go to the colleges are there are protests and give a speech! and i thought, under the genocide joe flagged? our think that's going to work. what about kamala harris?
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she was on a big college tour. what was the purpose? to talk about abortion. i don't think -- she was a former prosecutor. you don't want to talk about college campus issues? is she unable now to go talk about abortion on college campus because they going to say genocide joe? there are a lot of things like that. the other thing is and i will end with this, you mentioned debates, right? imagine this scenario, they want biden to talk so little that they have to figure an excuse and they believe it is okay for them to say they are not going to debate trump because... and they going to move on. but what if rfk junior says all debate trump? and i have the network saying, while we don't have a presidential debates, and if rfk junior is on the ballot in these battleground states could make a difference for the election, imagine that. you have rfk junior and trump in
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a debate and biden is kicking it. >> judge jeanine: you know what, that is fascinating what is your take? >> greg: think it is sad that when you're supporters want to see you last? if i really like something, i don't prefer to have it ahead and unless debate bizarre fe fetish. but his handlers say their reasoning is they want quality over quantity with a joe, it's like, how do you choose that within joe u how do you choose quantity over quality when the substance itself is crap? less is not a more with it poop, it still poop. that's when trump showed up to formula one, being all about race, want to mention the polls to you. trump is leading get in that place crime, foreign-policy crack these are all things that are measurable. biden has an edge and unquantifiable which is the personality, the trials, hands
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the media narrative over the numbers. but why can't -- what can be measured by the population, by your ears and your eyes, dysfunction. it's like pornography, you know it when you see it and the more opportunity there is to see it with joe biden, the worse it gets which is why they are trying to localize it like a mold in a basement, it reminds me of meet when i played little league got a no? the more auctions i had to participate in a game, the worse it was for my team? having play one inning right afield and then i could pitch run for the fat kid. it was it. they kept me out of the action but they wanted me to feel included in all of this which made me feel good. meanwhile, trump is out there, right? even when they're trying to hold him back he's out of there, the most transparent candidate on earth, the reverse of everything the dems have been saying. in fact it's the dems now functioning under there is a lack of transparency. it's why i think trump was able to tell you everything about how
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stuff works. you can't be beat -- he can be behind the scenes, he is the scene. meanwhile biden has to hibe hibernate. and it's the irony of saying how false trump is, electron put himself in a glass cage. he can't hide anything, he accept without role. he embraces that. biden got the role and he's running, as you say sue and i want to hear more about you and right afield. >> dana: on want to hear what they call you in legally can n now. [ laughter ] >> judge jeanine: coming up, pro hamas morons are now ruining graduation ceremonies and biden donors may be finding them. [ ♪♪ ] -- funding here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein,
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: a dramatic develop my between the war with it is on hamas, the terror group agreed to so-called cease-fire pro proposal, the 102 hostages held for the past for months, as well as examining the plan but it says it differs from an early framework. one israeli official warns it could be a deception by the terrorist organization. but it falls apart and you can about those pro hamas in our kids will use it to inflame the situation more. the agitators projecting the words it genocide joe on the american flag of the jewish washington university gaza encampment, lumby university will cancel its university wide graduation ceremony after the chaotic protests there. and pro- posturing and
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protesters trying to disrobe the university of michigan commencement, but it looks like the other graduates did not take their crop. [ bleep ]. >> jesse: meanwhile all roads lead back to joe biden, political reporting that quote -- "pro- posturing and protesters are bagged by a surprising source, biden's biggest donors". >> judge jeanine: i want to talk about this supposed cease-fire, which was negotiated in egypt or qatar, and hamas has agreed to a cease-fire, but the problem is hamas was negotiating with itself because israel was not involved. the truth is, the craziest part of all this is a hamas broke the cease-fire on october 7th at a
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time when israel was not in it gaza as they are now. he whole idea of a cease-fire in the whole thing that is bizarre, everything from israel not being a part of this so-called cease-fire. but from october 8th forward, the united states and most of the world has been telling israel you cannot prosecute this war the way everybody else is prosecuting the war. the way we prosecuted the war after pearl harbor, how many hundreds of thousands of japanese did we kill? only hundreds of thousands of adjournments are to be killed with the allied forces, the hundreds of thousands in afghanistan and iraq? all of a sudden israel is told how you have to prosecute a war. the fact that you can even talk about a cease-fire without talking where hostages, 138 or how about the five american hostages, and yet joe biden does everything you can to make sure
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-- they have been canceled or even being held back. if the whole point is to make it look like israel was going to attack the palestinians, i mean the truth is, israel stop the war, they are bringing animatics to bring in the food, to bring in the water and they tell them where they are going to fight and yet the arab nation won't take care of the palestinians gag they won't take them. and jordan, is -- at a know, one of the shows, she supports the americans who are disrupting on college campuses, sanga yes, it's about time that the american stood up for the palestinians. you see with your husband, he's a king, you bring the palestinians to georgian? and finally, the cease-fire is all about delay. it's all it is. right now hamas has four
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brigades in lafayette, is killed three idf soldiers in humanitarian zone and then i am personally tired of everybody trying to stop israel from prosecuting the war where hamas came in and told a thousand israelis, didn't kill them, but massacred them. >> jesse: a going crazy over there, the university of michigan? >> piers: they seem to have low energy out of there, i am a believer that i agree with what the judge has said. when you think about the college campuses, i think the person who has -- really imparted the right message, and hope it becomes a symbol for these things of the president of usa florida says, former senator from nebraska, he laid out like a lot of us have tried to lay it out on this set and other shows, we support freedom of speech, we support freedom of assembly and protests, but isn't as you cross
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that line, as soon as you think that a vandalism and intimidation and violence are predated by free-speech you will be arrested and/or suspended and then expelled from school. they should have been the position taken by everybody from the offset. presidents across the country follow what he is doing, to ensure that kids can get a graduation, but more importantly to get a education. and understand what critical thinking is, understand what cortical debate is gag's is on i'm writing you are wrong and i'll be violent because you don't believe them right, political debate anchor go thought as having a meaningful, robust serious conversation and respecting one another. dr king did that, it's hard for me to accept that these people argue this is a tradition of protest. there is, with his own tradition of successful protests that succeeded was a kind of violence and intimidation that we're seeing on campus. all of those efforts fail. >> jesse: wadi thank columbia
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cancel graduation? >> greg: because they are weak. but i have a slogan, don't be and ask. herald, you have your suffering from a serious case of dad br brain. is so good to see because while you are saying is we're going through right now is internet brain up. this is all of these kids, their brains have been taken over by garbage, solidified by activists on the internet and this healthy trendy racing dad brain come up. it's like when the kids go, inac take attendance output on the campus, data brain says no! we pay 70 grand, you gonna go home and study. the dad brain is bay patient, up until a point, right? you can see it emerge, the internet amplifies these global issues so they make you feel
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important but also helpless. so you worry about climate change in the middle east, you wear about global inequality, you can do crap for but it makes you feel good. within dad wayne comes over and says enough with the moss, pay your phone bill. you know? that will help you. your not doing anything there. we should really eat insects to eat the planet. you know what you should think about? mother's day is coming out. did you get your mom a card? are you getting little brunch with her? data brain what is doing, you see this, they are localizing the concerns over the students. there is saying look, the world out there is going to exist, we're talking about right here, clean your room. take your car to a carwash. look for a summer job? as long as you sit there and it chimes when all your concerns to something like this, your entire
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life suffers. that's where a lot of these protesters had such terrible relationships with their families, they prioritize these issues because it makes them feel better, but it also makes them feel hopeless and the dad brain, in of florida and also it, it is another guy that's really good, might be harold ford, but they are stepping up and they are saying okay. we are going to take care of this now. you need to be put on your little show but, we are going to dinner at applebee's, put on your clothes to the dad with the dad brain on jesse watters prime time tonight. very upset about his daughter's graduation being canceled. >> dana: even saturday night live is honored, the open was about a dad who said i did not work all these extra jobs through goes through the covid-19 years to get my daughter to columbia so i can go to graduation with her. it saturday night live, illnesses and -- 80 -20, meaning
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that 80 percent of americans want to support israel. i don't know why it's hard. he was ai do support israel but how could be the night before holocaust a member and state, which is today and we do remember, they are going to have a story or there that says the biden team has decided not to send weapons that congress has appropriated to israel? you don't say why. white has declined to comment. national security council declined to comment. angel declined to comment? what does that tell me? something is happening and why? the other thing i would point out is that the only way for this war to end is for israel to win it. if you want this to and, clean raw feel wants their country not to have -- a jordans made up of 80 percent of palestinians. right? if you want the palestinian people to have a brighter future, you should say free palestine from hamas and get
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this done, get the bad guys out of the tunnels, get the hostages were turned and/or member of the caller caught -- holocaust and never forget and actually mean it. >> jesse: so water needs to use his dad brain? >> dana: data brain would you -- work beautifully. >> piers: i was really surprised by the queen this weekend, it could have understood her saying we support peaceful protest but she did not distinguish, that was note noteworthy. >> jesse: i would be surprised if i watch the sunday shows also. trump is not afraid to go to jail after the judge makes his latest threat. [ ♪♪ ] hey. you seein' this?
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dramatic warning to jail the former president as day 12 of the trial wraps. this morning the judge holding trump in contempt for violating a gag order for the tenth time and opposing and $1000 fine, the judge then said this, flossing a want to consider is in jail. you are a former president and possibly the next one. trump reacting to that will outside of the court. >> mr. trump: this a judge has hit me with a gag order and said you will go to jail if you don't -- if you violated. frankly, our constitution, i will do that any day. this is a real threat to our country and it's a serious threat to the constitution. the most important day in the history of our country's going to be november 10th of this year, god bless the usa. >> dana: and then he turned around it, would he think of this morning? >> judge jeanine: when i heard the judge say that, i said to
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myself that's very interesting, he'll never do it. then when i heard donald trump say go for it buddy, i thought to myself, the judges in a pickle right now. he drew a red line, yeah, their files it or you doesn't, used other going to be a joe biden, and obama, the red line comes and goes and doesn't do anything about it. this is what i think will happen, he will probably want to do something that will somehow confined the former president trump, maybe to his house as opposed to jail. if president trump -- i'm telling you right now, everybody and they will try to get a ballot and vote for him because donald trumbull go in there and i think impress them because you really is the kind of guy that people respond to. but in the end, there is no case here, there is no crime here. this is about the abuse -- abuse of process and they have not touched him. this whole trial them everybody, david packard, is a lawyer, this
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gamma connie today, nobody has connected anything to do with donald trump. it's almost pathetic at this point. and he is, i think what president trump was saying there is go forward buddy. the constitution is more important, you going to prove to the country in the world that you are turning to this place into a third world country and a kangaroo port. do it and you will pay the price. lasting want to say is, the only thing that has improved beyond a reasonable doubt is everybody hates michael cohen p5 that is for sure. greg, have a message for the democrats make no judges coming to save them. even if that were to happen, it's not going to save them from a tough election in november. >> greg: every time they try to do something to trump it reminds me of that scene in every action movie where the heroes tight to a chair in a gritty warehouse, tortured by an armed and lethal enemy, and what is the hero do after getting
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pistol whipped? he smiles and spits blood back in the enemy's face. in that story that i told, who is the hero and who is the abusing enemy? even if you don't like trump, you know what the hero is in this. and its trump. i think the judge just mildly endorsed him by saying possibly the next president mckay hopefully do you arrest him, i hope they put him in jail because it does gain to he wins. please mark this is becoming the greatest third act of any political story perhaps movie. and also it is is a unintentional benefit, and think america benefits by shunting to all over the trump people into the small patch called a courtroom drama. it keeps them busy, what's going on? they're not on the street harassing people in red hat's or docs and peoples are just like, what's going on? keeps them busy, it's the little shiny toy?
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and if said it once and i will say it again, it's focusing and sharpening trump. like a bronco ready to just r roar, and eights working! main man, it's like he's up! keep it going. >> dana: keep it going? >> jesse: he countered going after court, he said the judge was a disaster who hates me and wants to extend the child to kick me off the campaign trail. then he called alvin bragg a disgrace because he was winning in the polls. i think you would go to jail directly to jail, not click $200 but it is stored is from jail would be amazing csr cockroach busy than rosie o'donnell! use my phone call to ask for a visit! we'll be great. inside the court was a disaster for the prosecution, they put one of the executives from the trump organization who said that i was the one that created the structure, the timing of these payments, trump had no idea
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about the payments. i was the one the executives said, it should be called legal expense. trump had nothing to do with it and said he did these things all the time because bad news is bad for business, and he is a businessman. when you add that to the testimony, saying we have been doing this for trump even before he was a candidate, it's nothing to do with politics. >> judge jeanine: and then adding it saying that he didn't want melanie to know! >> dana: harold... >> harold: here is my issue and concern, first it seems it's not an issue or concern, he is a winning, it appears he is -- no argument is being made beyond a reasonable doubt that president trump is a part of an effort to make a payment to somebody, and you have to show that inferred in some another crime which strikes me judge and former prosecutor, that if you were the defender and you should be shut
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up and let trump go on and be acquitted. the second part of that is, we have with branches of government, it's the most unique formal government in the world, it's the best form of government because the three words to describe our system's checks and balances, the legislative, the judicial and executive. no branch is more important than the other, each has a unique responsibility. so you can agree with the drugs are not what he represents the court in this matter, you can say things should have never been brought in, he may be right or may not be right but this judgement has responsibility? and the defendant repeatedly defies what the court says, basically saying that that branch of government to -- i don't want to see president trump go to jail for this, for widening a gag order. for the life of macon understand why he would challenge that? the third what happens, and if indeed he does violate that the gag order, the rules of the
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court, i was system of government, did as he sent the president to jail? i think the judge showed an awareness of what is happening. i think his points, he could be president, he's a former president he could be present and that is true. but why challenge that? if you're winning this case, don't challenge it. i just don't believe you put a judge was telling you, i don't want to do this, you're giving me no choice. try to see that, all of that may be true but at this judge has a job to do and he represents the judicial branch, one of the three branches in our form of government in one of three that makes up the checks and balances. so i hope the former president trump does not this one is not sent to jail but if he violates with this judge says again, you should be. >> judge jeanine: here's the problem. you said earlier, to shut up and be acquitted. the problem is the man is also running for president. it's not just about those 12
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people on the jury, it's about the fact he's missing out on the opportunity to go out and campaign, and one more thing. the gag order, he's not gagged from saying anything about br brett. the judge made it clear he has a right to criticize -- >> harold: as of the court. >> judge jeanine: and the court as well, he can do that. >> harold: maybe reread a different. one point is why not just comply with the order? don't put the judge of the court in this position. >> dana: all right tomorrow we have it on america's news, speaking to cameras. and the drums state is ramping up. [ ♪♪ ] i bought the team! kevin...? i bought the team! i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too... starting with the sound system! curry from deep. that's caaaaaaaaash. i prefer the old intro! this is much better! i don't think so! steph, one more thing...
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getting into high gear, get it together greg. potential choices and going senators, gymnasts god, byron mcdonald, governor doug burnham and christine nolan. although some are saying she's barking up the wrong tree after her dog killing jessica governor is going to be on your show tonight, i gonna roll over and play dead? >> jesse: well for! no. ten people have her on, my favorite is what he said about a bar and donald's, like diversity as they say, diversity abscess when he did diversity. that is what we're calling an an african-american on the ticket now. >> harold: be careful. [ laughter ] super is that all you will say? >> jesse: also what he said it was pretty hilly areas, i love you had cut. everybody has seen michael lee's
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haircut. or dog for gum and very rich. before dana, syria's kind of event, there was so many there. >> dana: that i mean they have to figure out a way to have campaign events and hold people together, so going through some growing pains, figuring out how they will get it. and that he was there? >> i think he was actually. >> greg: or he's behind trump. >> dana: i think about political cedars will study this apposite for years to come? it is a lot of material there is. >> greg: what he think judge? >> judge jeanine: of a spend all my time on christine, no dog, no go is safe with a woman. they are bringing her to the kentucky derby, horse needed to be put down. when she puts in her book, i met with north korean dictator king
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dong in and i'm sure he underestimated me? i have to tell you, first thoughts that you never met with him, i think the woman is delusional. we have it -- you better have a straight talk without a woman tonight. >> jesse: we will straighten her out. >> greg: herald any thoughts be fond of my behind that beautiful head of yours? [ laughter ] c6 godly answer to the matter, i listen to some of the candidates and mr. trump's mind, on the sunday show. i would have handled it a bit differently. i would have talked a lot more about of the policies of the president's last ministration, and get caught up in things that they should not have. i was say, dimarco, hoy thank bring us some shrimp on the foreign policy matters, some
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economic policy, and of course tim scott who wanted the race and has been out and has some fitness for this. i think he has some choices hopefully line up with what he wants to do. >> greg: all kidding aside, when you look at the range of people there, there are some really strong people of substance that could be vps. like on the dems, it is not a single on harris and that bunch, while i don't know. but you never know. all right. ahead, luke skywalker. [ ♪♪ ] , luke skywalker sucks
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♪ ♪ [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: legendary star wars actor mark hamill dropping by the white house briefing room to commemorate star wars day and praise joe kenobi. >> can i call you joke an ob. [ laughter ] you like that. >> president biden: may the force be with you. always. >> jesse: judge you seem to have a particular, and i are big star wars fan, do you recognize mark hamill? >> judge jeanine: i'm surprised george biden didn't
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say luke him your father. also, i'm not surprised that biden picketed since he's from that galaxy very far away himself six prime time you covering to this tonight? >> jesse: he has not aged well, he, you exact chewbacca fiasco me. the thing with trump he was a star. you don't have to bring in stars to look the part -- make the president look better. mark hamill, what is he now? b. list? c list? >> dana: at least he did not say the president had been very clear, so he got a break up of data for about ten seconds b6 is he coming on gutfeld max? >> greg: he had to use mark? what about dorothy? he looks like one of those guys that is interviewed on like forensic files, you know? the guy next door. yeah, we used to go to the casino together, he didn't show up is so i walked and that's why there is a bloody footprint.
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you wears a bright tie against a dog dish my dark shirt, he have money, you're the worst dresser. it's so condescending to the press. it six show and like, hey,, i know what will brighten up these kids day, that's how the local farm and to come over and tell them what it's like to put a fire, or this washed up actor who probably hasn't washed up in a while is. >> dana: you have to watch a movie, insert a social studies b6 that was the best. "one more thing" is up next. [ ♪♪ ] i mean, i trust them. and on my phone they show me subscriptions i'm paying for. even the ones i don't remember. then, any i don't want, experian cancels them for me. easy. see all you can do at now why choose a sleep number smart bed? can i make my side softer? i like my side firmer. sleep number does that.
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this thi creatur adorable creat. >> and can you guess what this s little monster is?ha he's from nashville, by the way. the nashville zoo. anybody? anybody think what that is exactly? dracula. it's half and half, right? >> you got it right. it's red ruffed, lemur. >> i want to know why i got that right. cause i've been with you on this show for so many years. yearsroi know lemurs from you. yeah, i'm a big lemur fans. what it. smell it. it's a red rock. and i love it. >> yeah. lemur, nashville's jesse. all right, great book signing in mendham, new jersey. not that far awasigny from where i live. so that was why we went. and they loved it. get itethe together shirts.e th >> we love jesse and johnny. really lovate that shirt so muce we celebrated cinco de mayo together at the book signing. as you can see, if you have a great shirt that's about me. i will put you on television tonight. jesse watters primetime. we have tom brady's roast 8:isti noem and johnny
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bellisario, who went to the derby, 8:00. > judgenine: ke keep your dop dana. okayecialout sho, first off, a d shout out to a good friend of the family. shy bartels.nd. she is from colorado. ise has accomplished a lot i in her life, but this was a pretty big deal. there was a goal this weekend of climbinmbinntuag the manitouo incline. it's about a mile up just on the eastern of the rocky mountains. and she was able to do the clim chour friendsb in one h friends from junior high. it was amazing. good job, mind, mindy. tonigh >> and on my podcast tonight, matt whitlock, oc heraldtt whitt black graduate from georgia tech. as a fellow named ronald yancee yaughte did in 1965. that's him giving his granddaughter deannar hat ,k her diploma in engineering from georgia tech just over the weekend. congt familys to that familyn and congratulations to him on all of his courage. and young deannaall of, go for , girl. >> you go, girl. i'll bet you was very proud. yegala ds. all right. that's it for us tonight. have a great night, everybody. m >> welcome to jesse waters. primetime tonighe t.


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