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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 6, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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derby, 8:00. > judgenine: ke keep your dop dana. okayecialout sho, first off, a d shout out to a good friend of the family. shy bartels.nd. she is from colorado. ise has accomplished a lot i in her life, but this was a pretty big deal. there was a goal this weekend of climbinmbinntuag the manitouo incline. it's about a mile up just on the eastern of the rocky mountains. and she was able to do the clim chour friendsb in one h friends from junior high. it was amazing. good job, mind, mindy. tonigh >> and on my podcast tonight, matt whitlock, oc heraldtt whitt black graduate from georgia tech. as a fellow named ronald yancee yaughte did in 1965. that's him giving his granddaughter deannar hat ,k her diploma in engineering from georgia tech just over the weekend. congt familys to that familyn and congratulations to him on all of his courage. and young deannaall of, go for , girl. >> you go, girl. i'll bet you was very proud. yegala ds. all right. that's it for us tonight. have a great night, everybody. m >> welcome to jesse waters. primetime tonighe t.
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norris trump's first effort wins to trump kicks the campaign into overdrive, while biden's stuck in neutral . now columbia cancels graduation . a prime time investigation into who funnelintos the money that s put more immigrants in cages than us border policies all night. he's been using the schoolll that aaron hernandez night he' t from under himself, the tom brady roast. >> cancel culture over. you'll always be remembered as eli manning's. >> plus. rby an >> this is my first year be any advice? yeah. i don't.
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>> so we're six months from the finish line and only one guy's hitting the gas. >>e gu trump hit up the formula one miami grand prix sunday, and fans thought he was elvis manager voting for him out of the running. >> i never want to be competing and marchingne down the racetrack. the former president chatted up withpit crewe presis and met wie ceos of mclaren and f1 and got a lot of love from the crowde fs as the first car crossed the finish line. >> even the announcersr ac we're talking about them, mclaren seem to welcome the former president of the united states into their garage before
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the race unite. the race that was meant to be about max verstappen. but here in the checkered flag ,norris trumps verstappen and wins the miami grand prixrap at the grand pririx for the fire time in his career, lando hasla landed. >> that was lando's first win totanorris jessel upset.pset later, trump claimed he wasmp lando's lucky charm, but 45s luk couldn't lay on too much charm bud. se he was gaggey >> i was in miami this weekendnm and reporters are asking me questions, the same questions like you're asking me. and i have to say i havee as a g order. i can't speak about it. never happened before, ever. >> democrats aren't just gagging trump. they're gagging biden, too. umps while trump's blowing past the democrat judges speech limits biden's g pulling l the emergency brake. >> nbc reporting that the biden campaignimllin is going tp the president away from crowds and keep thekeep tm quiet. trump's gagged from telling the truth, but biden'scake gaggd
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from telling stories like his uncle was eaten by cannibals. his uncle they call it less is more. >> our campaign believesd qual in quality over quantity. we believe that these touch is ait smaller things that are getting directly to the point about what is going on in poin i of this electionlectio are going to be easier for voters to tagoing p into qualit. quantity. >> since when is less biden better quality? >> if you like chocolate, y ba you want the whole hershey bar. you don't just want the hershey hessr,. a hershey kiss is in qualityrss over quantitnoy. it's the same chocolate. usually when you like somethinas ,you don't want less of it. the media things hiding. n' >> biden is brilliant because his handlers can control him like a puppee hi t. t >> to be honest with you, i think that's a very smart idea. i think for everyone. for everyone. for everyone. >> and i really i appreciate that approach because it apprech way for the president to sore t of hit with clarity, stick
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his points and move on and not get lost and sidetrackeds move >> now, the media believes a puppet reading from a script has a better shot beatinriptg trump than the real joe biden. the biden campaign prefersquie a quiet puppet and the media agrees. t etand how do we know biden is in control of his campaign? hiaignbecause no one likes to ta more than joe biden. >> but you're goinlkg to see seven minute speeches once every three days till november fifth, an election where both politicians aren't allowedit one to talk. t if one talks too much, he getsog in trouble with stafetf. if another talks too much, she gets thrown in jail. not only does the media not want biden to debate, they don't want him doinbi debgs more press conferences. >> they say he should just do the viewconfer say. >> my view is he should come on the view before he does coa press. sa you know, i would say more. howard stern, come on.d the viewster, you know, more smartless conversations where you're having conversations about policy. a
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>> but there are real ones that people have their policy winversationl onespeople optiony behar and howard stern. >> reallth andy what jen reallyt is that she wants by to do interviews wherehe no one will ask him why his policies aren't working. donaldm wh trump's running for president. joe biden's running scared. the pandemic bid is over. the dodging the press back then was safe for an 80 role dodging e the press. now you look scareurosd. now, if you can't handle peter doocy, how can you handled vladimir putin? the back to the basement strategy beganletin? after trump started dominating biden in the polls. trump's updode four points nationally when rfk jr. is ons i the ballot and is beatingn biden in every single battleground in botin eve the real clear politics and fivethirtyeight averages. >> biden'sre losing big time on all the major issues. look at that economyr , nflati inflation, crime, isreal, the border. it's simplon, crime. >> math trumps persuading and adding voters who used b to back joe. >> there is significantac
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softness in the support for joe biden among core democrats. by this poll, he's carryinamongg black voters by 61 points, which sounds like a lot, but he carriethata lod them by 84 poina back in 2020. latino votercks are very slight biden edge in this poll, but it wat ths a 21 point advantage ine exit polls back in 2020. >> and among younger voters30 under 30. we're actually seeing trump with a slight edge. mp wit win for for biden last time around. >> democrats have taken their base foridene around granw they're paying for it. young americans hate his foreign policy and theyn can't afford a house. afl johnnyrs tel they had more money under trump and that joe's too old. a hispanics don't like hearing they're oppressed and don't likeri are opp being called lats tacos by the first lady. >> but the media says that's malarkey. trump voters have bad taste and low standards. >> i think these fools are tight becaus>> ie donaldoter trump's voters have very low standardverys and joe biden'stes voters have standards that are probably a little todardo high.e
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>> voting for a puppet doesn't mean you have high standards. it means you havan y have a lown of voters. democrats believe you're too stupid to notice u ar the puppet and strings being pulled and just don't know what's good for thet . that's exactly what this election's about. whetheextlatsr you're better ofn you were four years ago. >> or you can be bamboozleyodow into believing you don't know the difference. >> former speaker kevin mccarthy joins me now. so, speaker, do you think thisac new back to the basement strategy is going to wor thek? no, i mean, think about it. for one moment. first, they put president trump . o ourt o he has to and in one weekend, he sawnd more voters. he walked more distance than w biden has done in the last six months. this idea to hide from people is never going to win. if he's hiding, he's not telling what he has dones . me and it's really going to come down to who has low standard wht that's what they're saying about trump voters. you and i and everybody else in this countrvotersy today,
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what they really are saying is they can't stand up to the real hea it. they can't stand up to the topics who worked harder to secure the bordercs., e th who worked harder to make your economy stronger, who worked harder to mak rongere your streets safer. the same guy that has to work so harhad that gets a gag order against him, but will work 24/7. m bui want a president that's gg to work hard for me. everything single day of the week. >> not to talk less, but to work more. e having the bully pulpit and saying, i don't want to use it. you know, less is more.n i mean, you can go out and you can make news like that.go m aklike tyou can have anyone youc at the white house. you could go wherever you want. you have your owan n jet and have b the media behind you. >> they'll just parrotehyou, whatever you say. >> and your strategy is, you know, maybe 7 minutes reading from a script. >> and then i go back to wilmington. what does that tel thei go bl y? >> it tells you he can't run ids on his own ideas. he can't run on what he has done. but what's canno really, really concerning to me on october 7th, when israel was attacked, w
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when the world was looking for a leader. waswhat did joe biden do? he put a lid on it. he didn't even talk fod onrminue 7 minutes. he talked for no time. what does, fors that do to ourru country? what does that do to the world? that really becomese sa the question. if they're saying he has to do less, is he not up to th h de j? is he too old for the job? when you're going to hire somebody, are you going to say r you only have to work part of the time? no, we want someone to work beyondime? on the hours we even expectu you to do, and especially in a time of a crisisto . r pr >> we want our president able to respond. yeah, bothable to respond. guysd one for the right one for the wrong reasons. >> it's just a disgrace. speaker mccarthy, thanksgags, on as always for joining from time . on>> thank you.. donald trump may be stuffed in a freezing meat tru locker fr four days a week, but the vp race is heating upr. al >> trump held a vice presidential audition at mar a lago over the weekend, and he told axios what he really
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thinks about marco rubioan is there. >> he says his name is coming up a lot for vicide president ti scott. >> trump says as a candidatece he did a good job, but as a surrogate, he is unbelievabl e . senator j.d. vance. trump says he wasn'ter a supporter of mine at the very beginning. he was saying things like the guy is a totale wa disaster.go anyways, i got to know him a little bit. litician as a non-politician, he's become one of the greatest . nators what about utah senator mike lee? trump saysp says, i love your ht . and he's a good man, marsha blackburn, she says, like an energizer bunny. whenunny campaigning in 2018, se would go from stop to stop to stop. p to trump gave a nice nod to north dakota governor doug burger. i i'm saying this. i didn't know this. know thi of mine. my two campaigns. he's a very rich man. elise stefanik is a very smartut
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person. she was in upstate new york when i met her. little did we realizate nen e sd be such a big factor in congressman brian donald'sngs is someone who created something veryma special politically. i like diversityi like. diversity. i like diversity. of >> and donors worth millions of dollars all want a piece of byron. >> and then there's south dakota governor kristi noem. trump saysgovern she's, quote, somebody that i love. >> she's been with me, a supporte r of mine and i'ven been a supporter of hers for a long time. s fo whoever trump chooses for vpr will have to debate this woman. >> madam vice president, hamas says it accepted a ceasefire. she says accep at in a ceasefire deal. >> your reaction? shrimp and gritsaction. and gr south dakota governor and author of no goingitta gover bai noem joins me now. >> all right.
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so, governor, here's the book you're going to be debating. >> if you are the vp, kamala harris. >> now, what are you goinge vp to tell her? i will. well, i've never had shrimp and grits before, that's for sure. but, you know, she would i would actually enjoy that debatt ule. i th i think that she is in tooin big of a job for her capacit byn and i think that president trump is going to be back in the white house realt t soon. and i've told him i'll doo whatever he wants me to do to help him win whennt he was in the white house as governor, i was on offense every day. i wa off to solvee to problems for my people in south dakota. and ever since joe biden's been thersolve prob dake, all i do ii on defense and try to defend our freedoms a and liberties. so this president trump that has been so persecuteden s politically, i'll do everything i can to help him get back intoo leadership of this country. >> now, what happens if you are >> j kamala harris and she and says, well, wait a second, you shot your dog and you wrote a book about it, braggingu
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about it, how can you be vice president? you know, that story was a choice. >>a ch, the safety of my children versus a dangerous dog that was killingildren livestock and attacking people. so this book that i've writtendo is full of stories of my pastri hard decisions. and i told pas the truth. eren >> and i think that's veryot different than a lot of politicians that we have today. politicionce telling that storyy you feel like, oh, maybe i should have said it?tand w >> do you understand why people don't like that story? well, everybod peodon'y has knon that story for years. that's what most people don't realize, is that in south dakotaar, they realize, they've to attack me in my political campaigns for years. i wantedmy ns for y people to knowh, the truth. this dog was vicious. it was dangerous. it was killing the dog vic liver the joy of it and attacking people. and i had a choice betweeng pe, keeping my family safe. i had little kids at the time, peopry public businesss of inviting people out to come out and enjoy our hunting lodge and our business o. n't pa and ssi don't pass myliti responsibilities off to anybody else. off to that story's in the booko because i want people to know that i'm honest and that i whewt
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i have difficult jobs, that i take responsibility of myself. >> all right. so you're standing by the do>>eg story. well, i'll tell you what. it's the facts. okay? that's the factsfact. and i understand that they're attacking me for it. yeah, they are. lso atg you,lso attackinme for i i guess you said you met kim jong un. did you meet him? i've been to the dmz.t ta i've been to north korea. you know, people i don't tallkk about my conversations with world leaders. and so when i looked at the bookconverons. and i saw that excerpt, i decided to make a change to the content of the book. >> and that's been done. so you didn't have a conversationbookbeen donse: youe you were at the dinner? i don't have conversations about my conversations.p with world leaders. i've been working on policy for 30 years. i seand workpoliciese. what p >> and that's what most people don't remember about me, is i'm old. i'm a ma i'm a mom, i'm a gran. i've done very little grandbabies at all. you did have aut you conversation here, but you don't want to talk. i will not talk about my personalt conversations with anyperson world leaders. it just won't. and i'm not going to do it. what haval conversrld leade yous book tour that i've already had these interviewss book and we su be talking about what americans care about.
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americans care about. thw do ansbout. we get our coun? and that's what this book is about. this book is a how to guid abour the american citizen. that is, how do i take my country back? what cane mycountr i do?f does my voice matter? does it matter if i show up u and vote? how do i make a difference, ? and this every single chapter in this book says, yes, there's corruptionok say in politics. o, yes, money is too powerful. yes, the consultants are lining their pockets with your money and they don't give a rip about who gets elected. they just wantd gp to get rich. this is what the average citizen can do. it uses my pascan dot and storis and lessons learned, and it tells the average citizen that when they sho averaitizenwi they make a difference. when they call, it matters when you send an emais. l, people sitit's n up and pay attention. this is not the time to check out on america. thisot che out is the time to se america. we have an election coming for n el ecdonald trump is the people that support him are people who love america. everybodd mo y else that is in thet no white house right now are trying to destroy america. this is when it mattere s a that the average citizen has a blueprint for how to do that. >> you know, i just found out ec because i was so excitedit that you gave me a cowboy hat. >> yes
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. t >> and then i found outyove you also gave gutfeld one. oh, my goodness. and now i feel g felle like youe hats out to just anybody. i thought i was special. governor, you are speciaitl. cob >> i am special. well, now we've upped the game. now you need a pair of cowboy boots. >>very muc to thank you very much, governor. >> thank you. good luck. you bet. johnny goes to the kentucky derby, which is doing the derby mean to you? >> we don't do the derby. the horse incident that ale ah can do is bet on the horses. >> doeh!s bother the bugs, notsf your family. lbug-de oils which attack bugs biological systems in whites cleanly. adplus a safe for use around people and past tsavo people friendly but deadly with flonase. >> allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy ) relief flonase all good also try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. >> look, things may seem fine
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on "special report". the pennsylvania senator reacts to college campus of differencr
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sick kids. learn more at starlight .org. >> fox news alert. arrests are being made outside >> jt minutes ago minut as pro-hamas protesters are clashing with copses ago. >> a new investigation revealing major biden donorslli have been bankrolling the arab spring break movement. you hearthd that right. democrat dark money is fueling college riots, backing hamas terrorists.
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i guess that's why the fbi suddenly says they don't monitor protests. >> the funders thedo are george soros, david rockefeller jr. susan and nick pritzker. you know, the chicago family behindmily the hyatt hotels. these mysterious mega-donors have now been unmasked and aree. fair game. >> the protests are backed by biden's shoulders. okay. are you listening? all i hope you're listening is really okay. getting smart. but they're backed by biden donors. that's where the money's cominbg from. >> some of these donations srack back to foreign countrie . >> for instance, the people's forum, which is ties to the chinesrue communist party and gets millions of dollars from goldman sachsist part, sped the protests here in manhattan. >> left-wing organizations the e this one trained college students for months before the riotons tre studens. they even train them in self-defense tactics to defeat riot police. >> one professional protester
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who was arrested insidpoliceee o columbia's hamilton hall was a 40 year old animal activismbt who cut his teeth during the summer of love. the nypdng the s says half the protesters arrested in new york city college protestss half weren't even students. >> democrat mega-donors gave professionalwere protesters millions of bucks to train undergrads to conducrotestert un warfare for hamas. but maxine waters, no relation, says republicans are the ones plotting violencre e. >> we have to be very concerned about a former president ofa the united states talking about attackinfodentg his own country, talking about perhapsot a blood bath. he wants to be a dictator. sha human being. human i want to know about all of those right-wing organizations that he's connected with who are traininit . up in the hillhes somewher hetat and targetining you know what communities they're going to attack. maxineg what.
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no one's training in the hills. they're training in the quad. and your theirtraining are fund. >> biden's hard of hearing, but even he can's hardn hearr joe chants emanating from campuses as hegeo watched michl slip through his fingersip. >> biden sees that the war is hurting his reelection, s toy he's holding up military aid to israel so they don't move into southern. t dela >> i thought delaying aid to ani ally to help yourself win anhe election was an impeachable offense. dozens of universitiesg to are surrendering to hamas, caving to protesters demands. protrutgers is waving the whited flag. >> evergreen college is divestings is wea whitefl fr. george washington university allowing the statue ise of washington to be defiled. and now ucla has canceled
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all of their classes and that columbia graduations been sold. canceled. thounts who paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to see their children earn a diplom ta are not happy often. >> so your daughter must feel so supported when she's out. there. >> what's hannah. when whose daughter is out there at the protests? no, no, no, no, man, you bugging me. alexis vanessa roberts. better have a button class.. >> let me by now, she won themti tents instead of the dorm room that i pay for. >> we. >> i thought you were in favor of the student protests. rather. supportin i am supportive of the kids protesting. not my kids. my kids. no matter. she ain't talkins knowg about ne this, free that. because i tell you what, ain't free. columbia, columbia., columbia sr katie, who is supposed to walknn in graduation, and her dad, jason, join me now. hejoinkatie you also weren't abe
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to have graduation in highe of c school because of covid. >>. i wasn'tov >> yes. so this is now the second ceremony that has been cancele d . how do you feel? it's so disappointing. , to be honest with you. even weeks ago when i saw the horrificwith you terrorismsm unfolding on our campus, i didn't even want to going on y graduation anymore. i worked my entire life to get columbia. i got straight a's, my entiret college career . and now i don't even wantt to walk in my graduation walk that myowto administration has proven time and time again for the last seven months, really, not only the s last three orthree or four weeks, that it refuses to protect jewish studentsweek and students who are just regular americans who just want ju. seto class and we know how expensive columbia is. you must have worked: we kno veo to pay that tuition as a dad,out probably one of your proudest serents is seeing your son o daughter walk and receive a diploma.
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now, you're not going to be noa. to do that at columbi >> your reaction? it's heartbreaking. more than just the graduation, you expect to set your child up for life, right?, they they get into an ivy league school. you're incredibly prou intd at t moment. and then you say, oh, they're going to go get a diploma. as my daughter said, she has straight a's . she just won an award for the best researcher in her department. and now i think, wow, anyone who's going to look at her resume is going to see columbia university at the top of it. t are they really going to want she elve into whether she was one of the radicalized students who no one will want to hire and no one will want to let let into their graduate school to do the same thingo at their school. that's the real fear for me. tht i've set her up with a degree hr and paid very handsomely forly
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a degree that will hurt her instead of hel p her. yes. sadly, you are going to be discriminated against by prospective employers are. unfair. fair. it's just so sad. what was it like after octobert 7th at columbia for you? >> it's been just horrendous for the lastn seven months. on october 12th, five days after the massacre of innocent israeli and american citizens in israel, hundreds of students on my campus were protesting in support of hamas before for id in aengage counter offensive to defend the country. it was never counteroffe about n civilians. it was neverwas neve about freeg palestine. as they say. they paintt frstin their nails e palestine in the encampment. hence it's about findingfo some kind of community for people who unfortunately clearly don't have one. and spreadinr wg terrorism acrs the country. that's purel y anti-semitic, anti-israel and anti-american. every pro-israeli protest.
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we have american and israeli flags and these terror suppo supporters rip them from our hands, step on them and set them on fire. >> when you say they're pro-terroris jesse: t ay kind of things did you see and hear from them? >> i've heard them screamm scre october 7th. it's going to happen every dayar to you 10,000 times. 10,00 to my jewish friends, they've thrown rocks at my friends. hel they have screamed, held signs that say next targets in fronttf of jews who are singing songs of peace. there was a student who said that all zionists deservedie we to die and we should all bel grateful that he hasn't gone around murdering us yebe t. d no this rhetoric shouldn't be allowed anywhere in the country, let alone on a campus i that has 5000 jewish students. >> and you sawjewish s hamas fl, too? >> yes, hamas flags. hamas symbols. flags symbolsisis symbols, symbols. they are egregious, silly, pro terror. and i'm a big believer in let someone show you
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who they are and believe them. >> all right. well, you should be very proud of your daughterho a , jason. she's a brilliant woman. straight a's won an awarbrillia i think no matter what happens with the employment situation, i think she'll dr who just fine. >> congratulations. thank you. thank you. thank you. cos.the tom brady roast and what means for america. tom brady, five time super bowl mvp. r wi most career wins, most career touchdowns. you have seven rings. nswell, eight now that giselle gave hers but tom is afraid of the giants, which is why kevin hart is hosting tonightwh. >> you know, if you were cash back and you could earn chase, freedom unlimited. >> so if you're off the rack or >> so if you're off the rack or crab crackinorthe tacog your cah back in, cash back on flapjacks, baby. on flapjacks, baby. shack. >> i'm workinghold up on my sik switch to a king sweep. i took a silent retreat, silen t
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slapped donald trump with his 10th gag order violation. that means it's anothe tenthr $0 fine for the former president. and the judge remarked00-dolla,t seems like these fines are not thess much to deter trump' t public comments that seem to violate the gag order. the judge said this in courtt oe last today, quote, the last thingi wa i want to consider is jail. you are a former president and possibly the next president. sident anow, in court, it seeme trump sat still taking in this informatio n from the judge. meanwhile, trump's defense attorney, todd blanche , seemed frustrated. he at one point, jessy hung his head in frustration, ran his hands through his hair. really notable becauseanch it's todd blanche who usually maintains his composure while he saythat composus stains and h from this judge during the trial. now, we also heard judg from jeffrey mcconney, a former trump organization controller. he detaile jd the payments madeh to cohen throughout 2017. that's michaelou cohen, trump'se onetime fixer. and his testimony didn't do
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much to link trump to anyo scheme surrounding stormy daniels. in facany schemet, mcconney tes that he didn't know exactly what the paymenttestifs to micha cohen were for. he said he rarely spoke directly to trump, and ifu di he did, he would not have discussed payments to cohen. would not hathen in the afternoon, wed from deborah tarasov, the financial supervisor. she was a sympathetic witness who also fielded questions about payments f to tarasov, or said she prepared checks for trump to sign. trumtrump, meanwhile, maintainsa all payments made to cohen were legitimatell t legal expenses. now, prosecutors say jesse, they will need two more weeks to present their case. then what we hear from e with their case and then closing arguments. trial resumes tomorrow wit. you and i would love to tell you who the next witness is going to be called by witness the prosecutors to the stand. but i can't it's not public informatiostand.t i can. and in reality, defense attorneys probably only found out only a coupllity atte hourso who that next witness is going to be, because prosecutorsthe
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are only telling defense attorneys the night before. >> jesse, i'll send it back to you. >> thanks so much, lydia. now, let's bring in former federa formel and author of woke warriors. >> why katie is the prosecution telling the defense who their witnesses are? they just sandba ig him and like let them know the night before? >> how is that legal? that'sore, another issue with ts case. the defense has not been notified of the,e next witness. they have to obviously prepare their cross-examinations. but judge merchan has allowedd them to keep this information for some hypothetical thoughthot that they could potentially, i guess, imitate this. >> this judge is reallt savey, y on the side of the prosecution. >> and apparently this thing is going to go on for weeks. trump's complained about it todatrums complay. tha it looks like he got fined a g for saying that the jury pool in manhattan's 95% democrat, which is the truth. and then he says, you know what, if we have to defend the constitution, i'll make that sacrifice and go to jail.
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>> watch. i haveo jail,watch. watch everl you people. asked me a question as simple question. i'd like to give it, but igi can't talk about it because thisve in t. judge is giving men order and say you'll go to jaile if you violate it. and frankly, you kno iand franwu our constitution is much more important than jail. it's not even clostis mportante. >> i'll do that sacrifice any day. >> you think he's going to get thrown in the clink? well, i thin getk that the democrats are in a very tough position now. they're stuck between their drea am of finally seeing trump behind bars and now the nightmare that he's going to become some sorr t of civil m rights martyr when he gets put in there. but it's probably the most he getin theree that they'll see him behind bars based on the prosecution's presentation so far. soased i don't think judge mercn wants to do it becauset' logistically it's a nightmare. but the threats keep building. a nighthe order is so big that s it's anyone's guess whether trump does violate it. that's part of the significant problem here with the constitutionalitthat's they of n is that essentially anything
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can be interpreted to be a violation of the order. >> would secret service go told jail with trump? >> well, i would hope so. i mean, he was h a leader. >> he had a lot of overiden whatever the former president has to take a catnap.p >> i think for the sake of our national security, we would want to have protection of somebody that has that many state secrets. i mean, this is a former president. we're talkins th mstatg about.l the practicality of this is preposterous. but agaith isn, we're torn, keeh insisting that that's the next step here. >> all right. he's going to come out with tep.>> jesseappen body. you that's what happens when you go to prison, work out. that's n, all there is to do. >> katie, thank you. thanks, john. he goe the racs to the races.e e >> we got a big horse race coming up in november. drunek versus biden. t >> who's your money on trump? he like to do what he like to do. he like the rock. i like the rock. he got an attitude problem. and i love it. >> you better start being real careful. that's no ordinary kind of marshal. the guilty shall be punished.
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america is listening. >> no stopping the migrant crisis. when 80% of the youth has [sfx] water lapping. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [sfx] water splashing. ♪ ♪ [sfx] ambient / laughing. ♪ ♪
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visit va. go forward slash oig forward >>ash hotline. so einfeld was right. political correctness doesn't make for good comedy, but america is ready to laugh again. non-work comedian shane gillis. killed on snl years after they firedn killed him over a je joe rogan as the number one podcast on spotify, even gutfeld succeeding.
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>> ending the first quarter of 24 with the highest rated late night 2 show.this >> and this weekend, netflix dropped two specials that wereix anything but pc. literally, nothing was off a limitsny. at the roast of tomto brady. >> watch. tom brady, a five time fiv super bowl mvp. most career wins. most careee tir. t gi >> you have seven rings. well, eight now that giselle gave hergave hers back. >> but tom is afraid of the giants, which is why kevin hartr is hosting tonight. it's true. all night he's been using the stool that aaron hernandez'e out from under himself. >> like the rest of america. always remember where i was that fatefuli day in september of 2001, when tragically thoseto two jets slammed into drew bledsoe. speaking of tom and i, dating, t i know there were some rumors that we were. i do know it would never worerek out an ex athlete
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high cheekbones and silky hair. you remind me too much of mye to stepdad now. w >> i know kim was terrified to be here tonightterrifie. se not because of this, thiseecause her kids are hom with their dad. tom also lost $30 millionu fa in crypto. tom, how did you fall for that? i mean, even gronk for was like. know that not real money like there's so material we can't even show you on fox. >> but it was just brutal. t thy but they're just jokes. good comedy is supposed to shock joked and even make yoa little uncomfortable. but the roast proved one thing. >> you can have a laughn ha at someone else's expensvee and still be friends. there was no hard feelings. hno one was canceled.le just good clean, maybed, j some unclean fun. that's something that's been lost in this country. and comedian katt williams has had it. and his new special woke folk. .he skewers the far left speech
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patrol that's tied comedian's hands for years. >> they want me to be mad at m woke. e toi'm not going to change wok. do not act like that's a bad word. >> what do you mean? this so political? it is no bleep yout political.t' >> dumb. the last timt e i checked, woke was the opposite of sleep. >> people are mad about that. two years ago, this would have been rage fuel for the far left snowflakes. medy s comedy saved both of these specials, by the waytaboth, livl on netflix. >> high risk, high reward for the streaming gianixt this weekend was the 150th kentucky h derby in louisville. johnny begged me to go, so sen first i sent them to the red carpet at the barnstable tho brown gala and then, of course, to the big race. and now we can't stop hearing about his winnings.
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>> one hundred 50 years of y the kentucky derby. and i think joe biden' os s probably been to every single one. i have my money on mystic. >> let's see if i win because i need a plane ticket home. >> what is doing the derby means to you d? we don't do the derby. the horses in the derby. all we can do is bet on the horses down below. we party, baby. >> let's go. horses. apparently some beer that gets drank, some mint juleps. >> a lot of pretty girls and hats. i love a good drink. and i love dressing cute. >> i like your flower. you can smell it. i feel like joe biden. >> let me back off. oh, my gosh. last time i met up with you guys, i got punched in the beard by a certain i jesse. lets all right, let's do it anyway, d pal. ng on? >> can't that hurt? no. well, you bet not. >> i'm n tellii'm not telling y.
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>> long shots. long shot people come here. they know the bree one hd when w born. whose mother was. i don't know how much money >> ispen much moyou spend in $2. >> well, it is biden's economy. i brought about $200 cash that i have $200 in your pocket so we that man can go where you wanttg to go.o. >> this is my first derby. any advice? yeah. you know, ify you don't bet, triple whatever you lose. don't bet if you go to drink, double whatever, you don't drink. >> and if you don't fancy girls, keep do you got. because it's going to be more expensive in the end. make sure you lose your boys e your v of it or else - you're not doing something right away from the porta potties. it doesn't matter. wellor not, we are making the $d mint julep. and to take our mint garnishwil our rose garnish and this beautiful sipping straw, i i can't drink out of a straw. why? it's not manly. why?>> it', come on. >> oh, my gosh. we got another horse race coming up in november.
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trump versus and oth biden. who's your money on trump? let's p, tru let's gtrump. >> why do you like trump? i'm sick of voting comic. i'm really, really drunk. likes >> i think trump, he like to do what he like to do. he like the rock. i like the rock. he got an attitude problem. and i loveem an donald trump. >> maybe. what do you like about donald trump? he can actually he like, think correctly trump sprinting h and biden canen sup barely crawl. i am a biden supporter. what does he believepo? a lot of things that are good. if joe biden was a horse, which one would he be? >> he could be an. but i don't want to stop the . what a disgust assertion. what issues in this country you think are the most important cause? brokering or russia? that w >> can we just stop?. gas prices are $4 an hour. not really.
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>> what's going on on these college campuses? spoiled, entitled kids. if you're not happy, leave. we got encampments there. looks likee.pments the streets b francisco. >> that's not a big thing. okay. what do you want to tellig jesst >> water. j i'm fantastic at a party. don't beest all on one horse.e. >> i seen him here a couplee sen of years ago i. >> he acted like he like me. he loves you as. >> let's not get too with it.. not that there's anything wrong with tha ythingt. all right, let's do $100 on mystic dan. here w dane go. >> come on. oh, oh, oh, jake.! say, yeah, we did it. one, we did it. >> i think we won. yeah. johnny's drunk our movement. johnny's drunk our movement. plus more ahead. ck
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are told to sign up and start streaming today. tinues >> the get it together movement continues. another bombast dig bookof l signing a lot of love. look, i said you could nuzzle look and people did. they ran their fingers through my hair. le dids. ezed my bicep a lot of kisses, a lot of smooches. and if obviously my bi, if you t a great shirt, you'll get on television. >> we love u will g jesse.e that and johnny didn't love that shirt as much. but a lot of patriots out there in mendham, new jersey, get it together. >> it's still available. ucha lowhere books are >> let'slabl do some text. rick from warren, michigan, your interview with katie, colm the student from columbia. >> renewed my faith in young people. thanbi aithk you.d she was fantastic. and i don't think she's going to have a problem getting a jo b . dave from arizona if my kid misses graduation because of asy bunch of tupperware shield wielding idiots. hold my beer tupperware shield.
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bob from clifton, new york. could trump get around this gag order by using an event? try eliquis, dummy. shove your hand up, jack fromjak missouri. if that judge throws trump in jail, what kin frocd tattoo shoo he get? >> shoul biden or here. >> ken from maine. do you think biden would visitin trump in prison like that time he tried to visit nelson mandela? t know i don't know. but if i were trump, i'd call b melania for a conjugal visit. >> sunshine from louisiana. if maxine waters knows about people in the hills getting ready for a bloodbath, why hasn't shes gettiny fo? >> the fbi? strangely, the fbi so silent. . >> evan from florida, can we roast jesse watters next, ? bring it on. i'm waters, and this is my world. and welcome to hannity.


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