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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 7, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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i don't hear anythindmine.g. r >> find out if you're sitting on a mine. call coventry direct today at 800 7986 200. >> or visit coventry direct comm. welcome to fox nation, a place where we look to the future and host to our past. this is fox nation, where all of america's stories are told to sign up and starts streaming today. >> well, busy news night, unfortunately, is all the time we have left this evening. evening. as always, thankevenin you for u being with us for making this show possible. please set your dvr so you nevele.r, ever, ever, everne miss an episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not your heartr missed news alert. m ashley strohmier, live in new york, israel. taking a major
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step against hamas at this hour. the idf confirms it has taken over control of the gaza side of the rafah border crossing. it connects the war torn territory to egypt. officials say the operation was very precise and very limited, and say it was only in specific areas of eastern rafah. this is the first significant military action israel has taken in that part of the enclave, where more than a million palestinians are taking refuge. israel claims the gaza side of the crossing was being used for terror activity. the idf says hamas fired mortars toward israel's border from the area of the crossing over the weekend. four idf soldiers were killed, several others were hurt. israel says the operation is not yet over. 20 hamas militants were reportedly killed today while israel was taking control of the gaza side of the crossing. three terror shafts were also apparently found in the area, and many questions still remain right now. and right now, it's not clear if humanitarian aid is still being allowed through the crossing, which is the main
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point. aid has been getting into gaza. on monday, israel started ordering evacuations for the estimated 100,000 people who live in this part of rafah. it's also coming a day after hamas agreed to a proposed cease fire deal with israel. but israel responded, saying it was not on board. officials claim the terms accepted by hamas are far from meeting their demands, but israel says it will send a delegation to egypt for more talks. again, if you're just now tuning in. israel's military says it has taken over the gaza side of the rafah border. it connects the territory to egypt, and officials say the operation was limited and very precise. we'll bring you more developments as we learn them this morning as m this morning. for now, i'm ashley strohmier. we're going to send you back to regular programming already in progress. >> you got everybody. after weeks of protests on campus, columbia has canceled itsrotest graduation ceremony. students are encouraged, however to riot on zoom. all right.
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mcdonald's is bringing back the confetti cookie dough mcflurry, but only in canada, leaving many american fans upset. it's yet another reason for ona. n't evo move to canad don't ever leaveer, joy. ten more whistle blowerso spea prepared to speak out about the problems at boeing. memorial services for the whistle blowers will be held at a location to be determinedl bed n to. >> tell you the monologue. columbia university canceled graduation ceremonies thanks the to the anti-israel encampments that keep popping up like post r spring break you ties. now protests just won't get to i throw their kathie in the air and make the whole campus look like a pizza hut tablecloth. thistableclo after students demt the school cancel finals and hand out passing grades. soedol they wouldn't be traumatd by the damage they themselves inflicted. me rev
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some revolutionaries. that's like che guevara handinol geggh you bill to have his beret dryea cleaned. but lasto have week, somebody we've fin all been waiting for finally showed up. show remember them. they used to run things, not just pay for thes nom. and what we saw was the battle between two forces. dai wad and internet brain. the internet brain is the kind e that's easily susceptible to on the internet. it's kind of likeptible e wet brain,t th but without the joy of earning it. with jack daniel'sy of. internet brain is campus brain. and caringa brain brain all held together s snot.age and sob the dad brain is a responsethat to that and says, fine, we've heard enough. now go do your homework. and ov >>er and over the last few yeare kids have been infected with interneart. and now they're unleashing it on us. internet brain tells you're entitled to a world that matches your every desire. ro tells you thatat abstract issues out there
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matter aes out t more than your responsibilities here. internet brain tells you that instea d of studying for finals,a you should pitch a tent on your campus law camn, chant slogansau about an ancient conflict you know less about thanan a your actual major, then demand a passing grade anyway. demanssinand that if you do itd enough, a nation of 9 million on the other side of the world will cease oe to exist. >> but like what happens when the baby sitter lets you sta who way past your bedtime? the fun and games are over. when dade me gets home. and he's patient, but not that patient. anso it's dad brain versusintern internet brain. evd as everyonine knows, after all the crying, screaming threats and demanders dad's going to win, kiddies. so save yourselves a . intern let's compare internet brain and dad. brain. daetand that brad lays down then nonsense gets out of hand. no moms got the kids in line by saying wait till your non-binarney organizer get] home after dad's brain. >> lives in the world of paid
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bills changed tires, mowedmowe lawns, vital things getting done. internet brain has strong opinions on building a carbon tree for it, written by peoplete too weak to lift a hammer. internet brain doesn't focus your problems. it hamm them by saying the world'se problems are yours. world says no. hamas is not your beef. mothers day is get your mom a card and some flowers. the internet brain offers you big problems. you can't handle climate change. the middle east. global inequality. dad brain knows that suchety an obsessions create anxiety and says savde us lecture on marxism in peru. have you paid your phoneav bill? internet brain also forces kids to compare their lives to other bs, generating envyeads that leads to mental anguish. dao med says, i know kelly andkw ashley went to aspen on spring breakelly ank, but we're going r grandmother's. you know that kind old lady who mighhers.
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t be here in a few years? dad brain seized with the innefn brain does to you. it makes you crazy likoue a bads boyfriend. rain >> and dad brain is not so much enforcing discipline as callin k . >> m most of these kids knowos their causes and commitment equv are all a show. it's the equivalent of a school play and thaal at it's producedn it becomes boring. and the parents aren't so muchet enjoying it as they are tolerating it. li fact, many of them want dad brain to knock them into line. and so after weeks of hamanesyeh cosplay, who shows up?e yep. the adult college officials like the president of usc who told the kidsidents fans ov. as a result, usc has been cleared out twice with nt ufo oo riots disappointing most of the media, of course. emedia,florida has a healthy su of adults in charge too, where students werofe told tol their schools are not a daycare. >> that's it, dar d. rised i'm surprised they also didn't yell at them for touching that thermostao didnt tht at or threatened to turn this car around. ma course, cops were massive.
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dad, brain hear no shootings,ss no real injuries and the sortd of patients only a dad could have with brats onlys. ove so looking out over the campus campscape now, it feels like dad brain is returning. even snl, a show that as quickly as the dodo had to admit, dads are right. call bs on the protests. alfonso, your daughter feel soes supported when she's out there was ant a. when whose daughter is out dau there at the protest? >> no, no, no, no. i mean, you bug him. alexis, vanessa roberts, better have a button class. let me buy a mouse in onetead of them tents instead of the th. yellowthat i pay for >> i am supportive of the kids protesting. kid >> not my kids. my kids. no matter who. alexis, vanessa. and crazy. she ain't talking about no free. this fre sheain't talking e tha. because i tell you what, ain't free colombia. i'm out here busting my heart to payat
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all that tuition. >> not bad. gt least the show's headin in the unfamiliar direction of humor. so is the internetr direction .s >> brain condemns fossil fuels. we need dad to tell themne to b a casmr. that's good on gas is the internet brain tells them to eat bugs to save the. dad brain has to tell them to finish their peas. and when internet says transn ss females should play in women's tran cool.the ken says >> let's arm wrestle for the keys to your car. see, dad, brain's not justat a party with consequencesquence that dad loves his kids.s enough to make sure they stop embarrassing themselves in public because the choice is between dad brains or no let'ns at all. gu what's wrong, gary? tonight, guess he looks likey y' the guy you want to cheat off on most. the guy benson show guy. be n said if abe lincoln attended one of his shows, he'd want to be shot sooner. [cheph fox him saturday night
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jimmy baylor sees cute as a bug specifically covid-19. >> "new york times" best selling author about hisauthor contributor cashed f in. and if you send his arms to ukraine, they'd win.w york >> "new york times" best selling author, comedian and former nwa world champion expeisesng guy, you're expert in this as someone who looks like they're still in college yet. >> alse who, a dad.feel t do you feel that there's some senseha s of like adultg th responsibility reentering the room at a number of placesei ? >> yes, i think that'st is definitely true, although i'm i'm h to, dt a bunch of attaboys to people who are way late to the gamepeo so at the university of florida, you pointed out they handled it really well at usc. yeah, they brought the hammer down weeks after chaos ensued and they canceled their graduation. yeah, it's great.
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>> so it's like, okay, you get less than half a clap for that. and snl sketch that you that's less than half of clap. perfect t. t yo >> the snl sketch that you played was the cold it was actually pretty funny. and what's kind of sad w p it in retrospect, kenan thompson's character, this working class dad, is talking about how he will be at columbia's commencementw hebe to cheer on s daughter. and then two days later, columbia canceled their commencement ceremony. >> it's pathetic. these people arecommenony. absoi pathetic. and i think the the loss in prestig te that we'ren watching in real time for some of these places is absolutelre som play. t mm. when you kids get to that age, toe arahool?g to send them to fancy schmancy school. >> let's see how fancy and schmancy they are.s. and 20 years. right. i think things could look very different. i thin look they need to look vy different in 20 years. >> interesting they'll be at reg:. ng. >> all right, jimmy, you're at o dad which is reallluy you.>> st stop it. . eean, it's scary
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you agree with guy that, like, the internet, dad isn'y thatt hg as much, is it? >> i mean, the i n the internet brain is winning. yeah. d that livesy ki by internet actually doesn't have a good dad. that's the point. if you have a good dad, they're not susceptible to all of this, like mindless groupthink mean. i think that's clear to the point you were making about schools. usc will give them credit for one thing. in california, it's hard to tell who' onein califs in a d and who's just living in one. >> you know what i'm sayin jusg >> so that's like issue number one. issue number two for me is itrn is thorny because there's a part of me that's a dad and knows evernly beca y of these kids is being failed by their parent. but issue two is, as a formerivi cab driver, i know most of hamas, you know what i mean? >> so it's i don't know where to go with this other than to say i want the real dads to win. and i feel like we've entered a course correction wheri feel e
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they're to always connect. >> cab jim. hi. nice zoom out every time you're on the show. what are your hobbies? smar t cab driver that's what is what come from. that's my background. that's lik i comome, all right,e no degree, i have no education e . i don't have your budget. i can't shop in the danny devito collection. >> oh. oh. oh, god, that was really loud. >> and, dad, i'm getting scarede now. okay, i got you. >> i'm going to wait here. oh, you see some of my kids? you're not. >> oh, no. where are we going, cat? a reyou have dad energy.e >> i'd like to think>> yeah and l. do you think that that snl skitn kind of nailed it in a way, or did you think it was just the, you know, the jews, the white people that were stupid in the skit? >> they were dumb. yeah. hmm. maybe that's more of a questio.n >> for me. m >>qu gutfeld well, you know, columbia is absurdly expensive
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. yeah, i think it's like 70,000st 80,000 something that for to go there and you knowand, what,t you were mentioning is the only thing that really made it worth it was the prestige of saying that you gote is th t' there. that was i don't think it's really any better there than a lott thin r other places. it's like, oh, but you went to columbia. we went to the ivy league school wheu went tivn. anymo you don't have that anymore. when it becomes potentially controversial or even embarrassingre ly , then how do these schools get people to pay that? because i don't know how you get to pay that even now. but it's also really sad, too,ev becausen'se these kids so it's , 24, a lot of them probably have high school graduation because of covid right now. they don't get a college graduation at columbia, which is supposed to b schoobecausd ep in the world. yeah, can't figure that out. do you know what i foundd toe o >> do you know who pays fullic price on the tuitions? d the out of country students,i which is, i guess, like that 14,000 columbia students are from outside the countrylway and they always pay full price. it's like remember out of state whens paprice. you were an out-o student, you would pay full tuition for a state schooluy .
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>> so that's why they have so many thousands of thesetudent american students. sayi don't even know what saying at this point. >> tyrus yeah, i think it's funny how w pe just jumped- in to be like, oh, it's the dad brain, bad bra but look at the n >> he needed to bail you out. mm-hmm. the black dad apparently notunis unicorns. we do exist, and whenever we de come in thed sa room and say this. there was a perfectly good white dad is that couldregt have jumped in any time. but they can't do that. touching it. they can't do. they can. so they need the brothers to bail them out once again. to outt look at this sketchnn so much as funny is like, how typical, right? knowcait's fan now you need us. we're like, we like beetlejuice, say. black dadme o three times come mom's know and we'll settle it. >> nowe show w do you think thas because they they have to make sure the whiteav isn't the hero in this get to be that afraidsat to write jokes is still the same thing right now he did a great johiu dib. . >> but it's the point. yeah, it had to be t a black dad
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. becmnd i guess the smart will be white because the only time you'll see him is iusn imaginary sketches. >> but we are here, and by waysl ,the school at columbia and some of these other places, they actuallumbi oy more leverae than they were willing to wield because it's so truearield bec a piece of paper with the famous anme on it that these kids wannt more than anything. >> and if you threaten that, like, oh, that might go awayd p for you, we're going to expelel you. >> 98% of these people would peo be gone in an instant because they're cosplaying they don't actually believe have this stuff. and if they all of a sudden feel likp and l ofe the dream of that framed piece of parchment, mighmet away, that solves a lot of the problems. and they wouldn't even play hardballa these little. >> yeah, that was not wrong. i got to g o i goe t to move befouickly, jimi. >> and before you lift off in that funny jacketf in, you wt to say something? >> i know i'm very i'm very patriotic. i was just going to say what hep was saying. all right. whate was collegee driven
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value of my community college degree up to to 12 packs of beer. >> that'f two tos a deal. >> they raised tuition against biden's chief economic aidcan te doesn't make the grade. sure. that safe flight. we'll take care of fixing we'll take care of fixing your windshiel but did you know we can't takee. care of your insurance claim? that means less stress for you. thanks. my pleasure. have a good one. you too. scheduled today and flight,, flight repair., flight repair. >> see flight replac >> i thought water would help g with this. with this. dry spotoing around. that's the disease. but scott's health plus will cure itpl today.s long dis. i've been going around so like other people hav e, and it'sare l on pick up a bag of theac new scott star builder. >> healthy plus lawn food today. did you long feed it when you have chronic kidney disease ,there are places you'd like to be like here and here. >> not so much here. first seeker reduces the risk of kidney failure, which can of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis
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well, the so i mean, again, some of this stuff gets some of the language that the some of the language and concepts are just confused. i mean the government definitely prints money and it definitely lends that money which is why the government definitely prints money and it lends that money by by selling bonds. is that what they do. they they, they yeah they they they sell bonds. yeah. they sell bonds. right. since they sell bonds and peoplepeople buy the bonds and lend them the money. yeah. yeah don't i can'tget really talk. i don't, i don't get it, i don't know what they're talking about. becauseiti it's likedon' wheth the governmentalking clearly prs money, it does it all the time and it clearly borrows d. otherwise we wouldn't be having this debt and deficit conversation. soha i don't think there' anything confusing there.
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>> no, not at alal l. what did he just say? that's from a documentary called finding the money. i think it should be called finding the idiot. i never thought i'd wishnk kamaa would come in to explain that situation. jimm jimi. yes. all right. i watched it. yeah, i know what he's tryinge' to say. what's he trying to say? we'rs try.e like, how?t gu that guy in charge of econ. okay, like we had larry kudlow there in the past. yeah, and kudlow obviously canen modern monetary theory or anything in between that dudely actually starts doing i don't do impressions sdoin he's a walg impression. >> yeah. so how can we print mone doingy and borrow it? >> he goes, well it's like doing a walkd. yeah. he everything he said whene u you again would he would wait.yo when you say again there should th something that already said that i actually asked larraty because i figured i gong
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like larry what was he trying to say? he goey s, well, i won't say h what he really said, but he said, when the fed buys, it increases money supply. when the fed sells bonds, itinca withdraws money, so what just what did we watch? >> he >> i mean, he he did better than i thought he would honestly and this is just this is just one example of what happens all the time. i mean, the government all the times e time has people who have evenh know even less whatav they're talking influencinginfle policy and even a larger way. i mean, itnc and is of sad thats supposed to be like the economy guy, and he couldn't do better on that. but thinomy, and dk about all tt that governments involved in most people don't know. they'll be votins invog for bilg they haven't read. they'll be regulating industries they know nothing d 's about. and this is why i don't have any faith in any of them, because i think that thihy any s is very rare for us to see it. but i don't think that this this level of incompetence our v a rare at all in our government. were they fair to him, tyrus no, no. >> we need to give way to give more respect to the chie
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f economist. the chief, which means whenom he walks through the chiefs top guy. yeah, that's the top guy. our chief economist. >> i don't know nothing about this. and i don'i have lied way bette i would have been like, well, first of all, you got to take produce here. he didn't use any big words here. you try whenever. listen in life, when you ask somebody a question and they go, well, just say liar. >> you know, you're doing like this dude is so unqualified, he's comfortable with.ho it like that's how you are. after the interview here, he got y fired. a if he had have been a guest on this show, you wouldn't have seen him after commercial ow, . they've been someone else sitting in his chair and we would have pretended. someo sitting he neversted existed. chief economist. - >> well, i don't know what you thinthk. m to i was almost waiting for him to say the election was flat. fl, i mean. oh, i remember that was going back to our worst guess ever
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had. >> long story short, we've seen better chiefs at elizabeth warren's house. tha >> can. i hae d justin an hour to the ft election story. yes. >> has happened. he didn't know about money, so we're all goodknowmoney so, you. >> guess who had the best day at the white house when this video came out? >> karine jean-pierre. yes, she. she be e back.ll she said finally someone else is worse. er pop and she's probably sitting there us with her popcorn jared you need, he a binder. you should have brought your binder, because that was that level hav bad, i think. >> do you know, get this guy. e >> he has no degrees in economics, which i'm going to hold against him. whinst hbut i should i should hd again. but he he went to the manhattadn school of music and has a degree in debt. degr welfare, that'se. the problem. nobody should a degree in social well, welfare and i think it's from columbia. e.i'm kidding. t >> no, i think it's actually from columbia. that might make sense,randma
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but the chief economist, top dog numberu one guy, at least the president is in full command. d so - >> so he's well, he's wellll a aware and he's concernedware. you know, what's funny is we still didn't get the answer th and thenmone borrow pay interest on it when you could just printy pay? i don't even know the answer to that, but i'm not the chief frickin brain spring. >> we're going to circle back to that something. give us somethin>> andg. i >> isn't it?y isn't it crazy to think the previous guy was better waswith money? >> he owned a gold toilet? yeah. you know, that's crazyouad. l hey, don't knock a gold toilet, all right? aughte >> that's my nickname for william devaner]. the vi up next, a bizarre scene and a possible time machinsleepinge >> the virus causes shingles. is sleeping it 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormantshingles, waig and could reactivate shingles
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i just don't understandplause that opening] tonight on timeon travel news into the magic shed. >>time trave he and time and spn bent. a series of videos from a guya u named alex scholl has apparently gone viral. whatever tha t means in whichs he he claims he captured a time traveler on a securityd cam at his airbnb in florida. in the videos, he details how a strange man snuck onto c int property, went into his shed, and then emerged a day laterde looking way older. watch the update regarding the time traveler that went into my shed and disappeared. so just a quick recap. this guy walks around my backyard, goes to my shed, opens a door, goes inside and disappears. all the cops, the cops came, they in the shed twice. he wasn't in there. they looked i like an insane
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guy. you get the cops are like, what is this guy smoking? and you can see he never came back until the next day. right here. notification on my camera that there's somebody in m indiy backyard and this guy leaves my shes d and he looks right ath the camera to that guy left my shed. but here's the craziest part. th this looks like the same guy, maybe glasses, whatever. but look at the other guy. it was the other guy. he noticed he aged. e looks like the same guy,sa but aged so him again. and now him same facial features, whiter hair. so i don't even know what to a think at this point. >> you know, there could be an c easy explanation. he went on vacation withou easy ete. his balance of nature. all right, kat, you know, it's funny. azy st it's a crazy story, but iorbeli believe hieve m when you listen to him. he is not making this stuff.
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he believes that there is a time traveling porthole in his shed. there's no reason for him to lie. he knowsr it's going to make h. sound crazy. >> what do you think? yeah. it's also not going to do any for his airbnb property. >> no, it's not. f it's notor. first of all, that old time traveling thing. i want to stay far away fromme . g to that. yes. yeah. especially he can make me look over [l me look. >> and also this is. nobody want to go to airbnbs because they're always filming you. yeah. you know, there' e's alwas always cameras everywhere. >> then they're like. and then they're filming all these rules, like, you know, washs allules, the s. and i'm like, well, i'm going to film you. st, , you'd just go to a hotel . >> they have no soul. it's much better. no, you're absolutely right. th hno shos muchand brought up t consider when time traveling. you don't want a timne intoo th the future because you get older or possibly dead bec. me t what if you say, hey, tyrus, what? do you hear me out?e greg has a time machine. i want to figure out what everything's going to bnt 2
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like in 20 years. and then i just black. and it's because i went to msy own death, and i'm not even. was n't go back becaust evene d. >> who's going to want to time travel in the future if that'sre story not me? [lau >> listen, i mean, i can'tgh believe why people this it's a great this is the greatest white story ever told. >> he he walked in young and he left old. >> yeah. i mean, i said, if this works, i'm all for because i didn't go back to 2011. >> just for a minute ae. . have t i got a couple of corrections and then that's all i needke. o 15 minutes in 2011, you need to go to a drug store. it's tgoa o the drug store real quick. a couple of things, but we can't fall for this. >> i mean, the don't even match the different times of the year. it's all good. just, you know, leasn matct yout up for the when he for the first time. first tin, i guess this little
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details and no one bothered to pay attention. but what's crazy is there actually is time travel. dragonflies do it all the time.l really? yeah. they see so fast. they see beforime. e you move. so it's like cool because they slow down time. yeah, it's a coo ibeforel scienc thing. check it out, guy. but this ain't it. . is ain't >> so you're going to be cool. least you'll have eyes like a dragonfly. ut come back with some cool kind of outfit. at least he's literall cooy thea he's in a like his coaching dads retired soccer shirt. like there's no hair plugs in the future. >> i do experience time travel. greg:p whenenll aslee the tv's on and the tv sinkson a with youndr dreams and it all acts togethet r guy and it's doke, how does my brain know what william shatner is sayinges ? because he's in my dream and i wake up and it's together and i go like, i'm actualle iy travev to go, what's going to happen next on the television? guwhatily?
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>> do you follow me? no. no. .>> grewould you like to follow? no. do you mind ifwould i folloyow >> go to jimmy. i experience time travel his jimmy because his sho.w saturday night feels like it takes forever. >> yeaay nh, i listen to one one critique we always get as people wish it went longer. t on i wa ls like, what?o all right, which one wants to talk about this story ory?? e to >> so be like, what's what's his incentive to lie? >> tiktok views. yes. that's why it went viral forra a reason. it's not the same mal fon. >> it's edited or something. end of story. >> somethis. >> right. g am i wrong? cosine. nobody. our audiencenobody agrees with e and disagrees with god. they don't. airbnb i for bed and. bed >> okay. thisnd is tota l. >> okay, here's the deal. if it is really an airbnb. okayt re. ge
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they're going into the shed to get the key. whenever you get an airbnb and thoue owner isn't on site, h they're like, oh, the keys in the mailbox or the keys in the garagerthn the. you know what i mean? and you go in there and you get it. but again, the idea that this just happened days apart and they wouldn't have edited it, this guy had no incentive to mislead you and to theresa'se the idea that we're so sophisticated, we have time travel e ar, 30 years intothe sa the future. but we dressed the sammee in 200 to whatever year it would be. i went to community college. i have n io idea.tupi >> it's so stupid. so now it's fake. it's tick tock. do no,m. >> he also. they know where the camera's at? yeah, they're both looking at. >> yeah, we both looked at everyone else. you don't know where the camera is. that's. it's too late. >> body's already cold. thank you. by the way reg: by , brad baer is going to be doing ang hour special on this video on fox nation because we believe we have some donor station to him. we have interesting unfolding facts as this is happening, brad is like, don't drag me
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into i'm kidding. get >> of course, brad doesn't have any idea about this story a and i don't blame him. >> listen, it didn't work in napoleon dynamite. wo's not. all right. coming up, he played a famourkgs luke, but makes me want to puke . >> nearly one in four u.s. consumers have been a victim. identity theft, even when they did all the right things to protect their personal information. you take steps to protect your personal information, right? i do, absolutely. i took my bank accounts every single day. i shred everything. how many people have your social security number? oh, i don't give that to anybody. what about your insurance company? yeah, i'm at your doctor's office. yes, again. so i guess if your doctor was to hacked all those protections that you just told me you did, really don't matter, huh? >> even if you do everything right, your information is in the hands. corporations, schools, banks, hospitals and employers. and one breach in one place can make you a victim. identity thieves can take over
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i called him mr. president. he said, you can call me joe. >> and i said, can i call you obi-wan kenobi? at >> he like that tyrus? k hami okay. you know mark hamillll? >> not anymore.. i don't. yeah. okay. you could say where he's bee [laugh >> gren, but figuratively. what thelitarily? >> what is up with that? first of all, he's.t? f alhe's probably one of the mot successful voiceover actors ever. he a lot of work not in frontfrn of the camera. >> yeah. which he can telt of the cam wlo >> yeah. and apparently they have some dirt on him becauseir him.i he was readingns that against his will. i he is known for his tremendous voiceover work. of this >> he's been the joker. he's been all these iconic characters, cartoons.- so this guy knows how to t give a speech with some pizzazzt . >> he owed somebody a favor. a favor? or they had a videa video of so, something. and he he did it the best he could. i mean, i'm sure i me the last thing he wants to do is be remembered
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for this. >> but he tooku the job. you to you know, actors will actors will do anything. soobactors i but i guarantee yoe left. g this is not going to come out. look, can we show a clip of him- again? ju not roll it. just show him. guys, i look at ths.e i. i'm no, no, i meant the other thing. the other e he abigges vegas pawn shop. >> the president or him? >> no, he does, because, look, the president. reg: i. this picture yeah, that one. they're up there. guy. s an isn't it kind of sad that theysn trot people out like this, make the press corps feel special? like it really does feel, like,l show and tell, like, oh, lookoc who we have here. he's the polic, hee captain. >> yeah, like, there'll be a big vote. move over with the electorate. yeah. like, it was like everythinghey, costs 20% more. but, hey, look at that job. l that, jone. >> carnaby. that's fabulous. and that got a big laugh. i knowkenobi, from the press roy
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>> was that a petty laugh? l gregg? you know about petty laughs. oh greg kadu know, no joke was necy i mean, i wasn't like i wasn'tou making fun of you yet anyway. is that it? yeah. they're going to end is. ck me? >> on just a jab at me. is that. is that how it's going to beit now? is this is. how is this how we're going to roll. iwg toyou're just going to finh your thought with just an attack on the host. is an atta his best a on a monday with a very, i have to say, so-so stories that aren't that great. but, you know, it's monday was a slow weekendyou kn and we have jimmy on here he's you know, typical o joket --s don't make fun of anybody. he's wearing day. jimmy's on he's wearing>> gre his nasser jacket and, you knowg:hi, whatever where ame you're asking me if that's it? and my answer is yes, yeah, yeah. thanks, jimmy. it's yes. b al do you think this helps biden at all? >> nobody wants to see a star
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wars called the empire, sniffs>a backs. nn wha >> you know what i'm saying? ? it's -- it's.bu it's so sad, but i can't helt pm but remark. markarked hamill right now look like hunter if he went in that time machinent came out doeslike he look like so he should play hunter biden i think you likeons those one of those 48 hour ones doo the recreation.>> >> but you know why he's there. either tyrus is theory that it t wahas paid and they had dirt on him or biden does walk like c3po yeah. >> have you seen the way he does covering that in >> g? xt segmento b1 is that true? you're foreshadowing. there you go. and the last thing i would your for add,ntio funny that you mentioned nascar, because if this was a space shuttle, this show would be the challenger. >> oh, wow hat th. i showed you why that is so mean. >> you love star wars. people say you are a massivestaw star wars fan who's waarn kenobi
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. you know what? he's a famous mexican, right? yeah. i figured. yeah, i figured. i don't know. i don't. i don't. i'vei never, ever seen a singlel second of any of these movies. >>second o and the more stuff ie about it, the more i am glad to not be a part the of it. he actually looked fairly healthy for a while, and theniln he just got he got crazy face. why do thesee go people get cray face? it's like it's like, you kno w, r ha what's the other guy that has crazy face? >> i'm looking for my list of people with crazy like you have n areo guy next to him. yeah. yeah. biden's got a pretty good,- great deniro. deniro has crazy face. n they get into devolvedkind in the world and they're they're kind of like like they're know immune fromhee --e real world and they just they have internet brain. >> yeah while you were talking s you just hit me. so the reason why he's doing this is a few months ago
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he came ouon hoing ia t and alle star wars, he bashed all thee movies. he said, oh yeah, great idea. you just took my moviek my and switched and put a woman in my role. >> yeah, real original disney. al origi they made a phone call, and now he had to go to the white house and g show the emperor how sorry he really was. >> you might be right. is jeff. because jeffrey katzenberg is helping on the biden campaign. so that might tie uptzenberg i . other theory. luke skywalker did hook up luk up sister, which is very biden ask, you know, that's all i got. >> all right, we got to move, guys. >> oh, we have a specialve edition of food detective with cascade platinum. with cascade platinum. plus >> oh, and see in thatn enou dishwasher watching platinum plus gives you the highest standard of clean even in your standard of clean even in your missio plus. yeah, it's great. load done, cascade, platinum. >> plus, men, how many bathroom trips are making each day? try super beta prostate advanced the number one selling
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s discovered better sleep. download for free today when brown comes to town, you need a man who won't blush at the sound of a flush. you need the food addict. tonight on true detective joe biden his pants. a video from february is makinge the rounds online where he suddenly stopres, plants his feet firmly on the ground, and holds a stance reminiscent
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of someone who just dropped a bomb at his box. >> oh, here it is in. slow motion. notice the slight bending of the knees gh and a distressedhis fa look on his face. and it begs the question, did he his pants? guy, i am the detective, but ii my time to you. does that look likd mye man whos soiled his drawers? >> by the way, this is going to be in the video. oh, look, i don't know. - it does seem possible.s se emwhy did it take so long forpee people to sort of find t this video? >> yeah, we've been looking for it. this is considered the zapruder tapeth of your pants. >> there might be times it might be a second. well, like i said, i'm kind a guy on this one.n we're like, huh? why methis -? to be fair, his wife is tenet feet away fo ar some reason, fb
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the security guys are 15 feet back, which woulach wouldd basiy be itself. >> but yeah, they probably heard it. and that's what that's what that's what told me to is you actually see his wife look and then she says, nano and turs away. >> so i'm confident and i'myingy feel comfortable saying yes. i think you've been you've beeen nine times out of ten accurate in protecting, . >> you know, i don't get i really don't get enough credit for it. >>lly don's. rapping i'm an expert in egg flour. that chapter five. all righ. t, fella.? what say you? i first of all, i love that this is the zapruder filmi that make the background the ac. >> no, no, no. here it is. this breaks my heart as ana patr american, like i'm a patriot. i grew up in levittown. you know, g.i. returning home from the war. >> i really don't want this in our president. he is pants. and you wanthe [bl to know how c been. it's not because of the stop, ju's becauseause o not only did his pants, just to be clear. okay, this is someone who does
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it regularly. we know this. why? because he stoppedgularly. and n he leaned in. why? because that makes the cleanup easier he. . out. >> you get it all the way out. this is an experience panel and unfortunate, but that's what the democrats did. >> they could have hadunforte b. >> somebody understands this. i just have an inquiry, a very quick inquiry can i be editednd out of this second go? >> we're actually going to edit more ogoinf you into this segme. and thank you for picking the story. >> thank youd it well. that's our last episode of pooh detective. probably for a while. yeahno. of time yeah. we're going to do it all week next week. yes. don't go away. don't go away. we'll be bac >> you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about her at three in the morning, any time of day. what? people don't kno look a organict all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the you need dirt with the right kindave it. of. look at this. new organic soil from
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