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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  May 7, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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he rolled back some crazy things happening and he's popular because of it. nick, you're a citizen and resident of new york city. do something there. those comments were welcome at jazz fest as kristi noem at a dog shelter, did not go over well. >> laura: start me up with the stones and nitroglycerin pills. i like the stones, so stupid. >> raymond: put on good show, save the punditry. >> laura: i like the strutting, age limitation when to stop strutting. that's it for us tonight, we'll monitor what is happening at the met gala. ask the protesters, what are you wearing tonight? jesse next. >> fox news alert, another day of riot and destruction in new york city. anti-israel protesters clashing
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with police officers right outside the met gala. others defaced a world war i monument necessary central park and burned an american flag. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. contrast clear, elitists gather and chaos consume the st. for another day in the big apple. brooke singman has the latest. >> brooke: at least two dozen anti-israel protesters were arrested after mob of 1000 people marched toward met gala chanting and waving flares on their way. watch. >> free, free, free palestine. >> free, free, free palestine. >> brooke: they were met with nypd officers who prevented them from entering the museum. at central park, demonstrators
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burned an american flag and vandalized the statue plastering it with pro-palestinian stickers and spray painting gaza on its base. they took to a civil war general and spraypainted that with red letters and draped the palestinian flag over it. new york city mreeps officers surrounded the park's statues and protesters took to their police cars instead and protests continue at college campuses with chaos at mit, protesters breakthrough barricades to reclaim an encampment on campus. [chanting] >> carley: mit president saying we began the day with another
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round of discussions and it became clear their primary demand had not changed and we would not be able to reach an agreement. no arrests have been made at this time. >> carley: thank you. one thing brooke mentioned, protesters vandalized a union general fighting to end slavery gets graffitied with red sp spraypaint, these protesters are blocking traffic on bridges, breaking into college campuses and saying, we're the victims, they are not convincing anyone through moronic action. look at that american flag they burned last night. met gala is celebrated by left because every member that goes is of the left. daily beast wrote met gala opulence is always gross, this
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year is obscene. goes on to say dead civilians, poverty and chaos take a back seat by the rich and privileged. two kind of democrats, elites at met gala and the protesters criticizing the met gala and everybody else looking and saying thanks, but no thanks. >> todd: battle of the out of touch, whether the wealthy met g gala and the individuals on the screen who are out of touch with all reality. if one thing on display from protesters since start, ig ignorance they demonstrated by their answers. you ask why they are there, they mention gaza and you ask them to point out gaza on a map and they
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can't. defacing of a world war i statue shows ignorance, nothing to do with your alleged cause and underscores these individuals are angry, confused, ignorant and they will graffiti and vandalize making their point. it is not working for majority of americans. >> carley: why is president biden hesitant to speak out? because donors that are backing groups are some of his biggest campaign donors. to >> todd: soros, rockefeller and pri pritzker. and tornado in -- touched down in the small town of barnsville. >> carley: the town is in ruins
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after massive tornado plowed through homes and powerlines, rescue crews are searchings for missing people trapped under the rubble. senior meteorologist janice dean is here with the fox weather forecast. this is a big one. >> janice: many alerts yesterday. storm prediction center came out with dire warning that storms could produce destructive deadly tornados. severe storm reports, many tornado report for oklahoma toward kansas and toward omaha, nebraska. there is live radar, several flash flood alerts, heavy rain causing flooding and severe thunderstorm warnings and tornado warned storm. doppler radar indicating rotation south and west of st.
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louis area. until 7:00 north of little rock for arkansas and quincy, illinois, st. louis until this morning. that will continue throughout the day today. we have a cold front and warm front and twisting motion in the wind at surface, available storm energy, all this gulf moisture working from gulf of mexico and bringing potential for strong storms over heavily populated areas, places like louisville, kentucky, cleveland, st. louis, widespread area including tornados throughout the day today, have a way to get watches and warnings, it will continue for rest of the work week. fox, for the latest details.
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>> carley: frightening video, man pulls a gun on a pastor in the middle of his church service. >> god chose -- [screaming] >> jesus. >> carley: we will tell you what happened next. >> todd: that video is unreal. wait until you hear how chinese migrants are getting into our country, you don't want to miss it, "fox and friends first" on tuesday, rolls along.
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>> carley: happening now russian president putin being sworn in as russia president for the fifth time. he will serve another six-year term, his first was in may 2020.
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he won this election by a landslide. rather first ceremony back in 2000. won reelection in mid-march shortly after the death of navalny navalny. >> todd: back at home, chinese migrants entering our country with help of fake mexican ids. we've seen a spike this year. a southern california mayor is posting videos of fake ids online after they were found in a residents yard. >> all the ids are ids he's found in his yard. people discard after they cross the border. some have been lit on fire. they are getting across the border and being instructed to
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destroy ids. >> todd: not just one or two, that is dozens. officials believe the ids are being made and sold by cartels. a man caught on camera pulling a gun on a pennsylvania pastor during a church service. [screaming] >> jesus. >> whoa. [screaming] >> todd: unbelievable. look at quick action of church goerless, they tackle the suspected gunman and held him until police arrived. the pastor thanking god for saving his life after that gun jammed. the pastor will be on "fox and friends" this morning to share
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his incredible story. >> carley: images we will not forget. and those accused of murdering jonathan diller will be in court today. nypd police officers filled a courtroom last month. running for congress in new york and 25-year veteran of nypd join me now. allison, you were at jonathan diller's funeral and mourned with his wife stephanie. what are your thoughts this morning as his suspected killer will be in the courtroom? >> i am thankful we are bringing his suspected killers to justice. jonathan is a hero, new york city officer who gave his life in the line of duty to protect innocent, good, hard-working new yorkers.
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being a new york cop is a callings, you have a career cri criminal, 14 prior arrests, out on jail, repeat offender charged with attempted murder. he shot a man three times prior. this is exactly where bail reform is not supposed to come into effect. this is hell bent on reeking havoc on new york city streets. we have ultimate price that is paid with loss of hero 1first res responder. it is heart breaking. i pray for justice. >> carley: the suspect, guy rivera, repeat offender, last time you were on "fox and friends," you said number one job of government is to keep people safe and get out of their lives. the government is in our lives and not keeping people safe.
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how do we reverse that? >> we have to elect common sense individuals that believe in very fabric of america and believe in the insticonstitution of the un states of america. we have an attack on good, hard-working citizens and you are right, government's number one job is to protect people and stay out of their lives. as a parent, you decide what is best for your family and children. as small business owner, you decide which way you want your small business to go. we have attack on families and businesses, we are overtaxing new yorker. people are fleeing because government is in every aspect of their lives. then you see on college campuses, complete and utter lawless 19.
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two colleges, one in columbia, more than 30% of people arrested were professionala agitators an in kcuny, 60% had no affiliatio with the college. criminals are going to be oportunists and same thing with george floyd riots and now with pr pro-palestine riots, opportunists see an opening and want to reek havoc in our streets and our country. we must hold criminals accountable. >> carley: criminala agitators are running it and many people crave day we see order once again. >> november 5th. >> carley: israel moving forward with offensive into rafah as
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president biden warns prime minister netanyahu to hold back. >> todd: we have the latest from the middle east and the white house. don't go anywhere. like a craft cocktail connoisseur at the cambria hotel bar. or mr. "tackled the inbox" so it's room service time at a radisson hotel! book direct at ohh, effervescent.
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>> todd: israeli forces say they have taken over the gaza side of the rafah crossing despite president biden telling prime minister netanyahu not to launch an offensive in the city. madeleine rivera has the latest. >> madeleine: good morning, idf insist this is limited operation within specific areas in rafah. the idf says they killed 20 militants and found four tunnels. rafah border crossing is closed for humanitarian aid. this is entry point for aid trucks coming from egypt. israeli military called on tens of thousands of palestinians to evacuate and head for humanitarian zone along the
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mediterranean coast. u.s. says it opposes a operation in rafah that would risk safety of one million palestinians taking refuge there. w "wall street journal" says u.s. delayed sale of weapons to israel, having to do with sale of munition kits. state department never followed up with congress about n notification of the sale. when asked about the pause in arms shipment. john kirby did not confirm and said only this. >> our support for israel security remains iesron clad. >> madeleine: there are ongoing conversations regarding release of hochul held in gaza.
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hamas claimed it accepted ceasefire proposal, not the proposal israel offered, there will be meetings in caiesro. >> carley: president biden set to deliver a keynote address on antisemitism today. d don't expect him to visit colleges. >> congressman ro khanna said the president would visit. >> no. >> carley: founder of democrats against antisemitism join us now. incredible time for president biden to make keynote address on antisemitism today. what would you like to hear from the president? >> i don't think i will hear anything that i want to hear.
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the president is busy appeasement 2024. un undermining israel, holding israel back, playing games, people in his administration undermining prime minister netanyahu prime minister of israel. the job account have been finished with the nazis of 2024 and biden administration is busy dealing with election in november. that is what this is all about. it is not about principle or doing the right thing. whatever comes out of the white house in terms of antisemitism, not to be believed and not real and i don't accept it. i do not trust biden. i do not trust his administration, he is busy p placating radicals and democratic party like ilhan omar, rashida tlaib and the list
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goes on and on. it is about betrayal of the biden administration to people of israel. >> carley: are democrats doing enough to voice concerns to president biden? >> absolutely not, absolutely not. we know who bad people are, the radicals. good people are not doing right by speaking out. things are out of control. jewish community, people are afraid. people are asking me, when do you think the time will be that we need to leave america? that is what people are asking me. that is sad commentary what is going on in our great country. they hate america, they burn american flag, desecrate memorials. down with america. they hate this your honor ko, get that clear. >> carley: on that front,
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congressmam man jahmiebowman, attended a -- who expressed ha happiness of the october 7 terror attack. what do you think, could this move the needle for him? >> i believe he will be defeated. we're talking here, get thisser cloo, not about support for palestinians. this is support for hamas, ones who massacred, the ones who raped and brult lied, the barrians of our gen ration, hamas and you have bowman and others supporting hamas, working with people who support these
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terrorists? it is unbelievable. democrats, we must, i'm speaking to democrats, stay a democrat, but you must defeat democrats. imagine if they win a house of representatives, aoc will be the chair, bowman and this group will be running this country. >> carley: you weren't to israel following the attacks, i'm sure that etched in your mind. thank you for joining us this morning. todd, over to you. >> todd: columbia university cancelled main commencement ceremony over safety concerns. the universityopting for smaller ceremonies instead. >> these moments are supposed to be celebrations and they fizzle
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out. >> administration said they were going to do something and they are not. >> you did not get to graduate from high school and same thing happening in college. >> little bit. >> todd: a columbia university senior joins me with fellow se senior. do you feel slighted by your school? >> absolutely, columbia has made a big deal, we're making this decision for you all. we care about our students. it does not seem like that to any of us, i can only speak for myself, we feel the university does not care about us right now. >> todd: they care about a more nority of students, many are not even students. holding large commencement on campus presented security concerns, we are deeply di
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disappointed. are you buying that? >> not at all. there could be better communication with the school and student body. some points they were good communicating. why are students finding out through media, why not receive e-m e-mails. it does not give them a choice to react, it is done, that's it, cancelled. students graduating this year did not get a normal freshman year, not a normal high school graduation and now will not get a columbia graduation. >> todd: are you worried as jewish student yourself that the events of last few weeks will impact your job prospects
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because you attended columbia? >> yes, 100%, i am already getting comments. i'm a mother and i have two boys and i would like to get a good job after this. hearing that takes away all the hard work. what issin po of going to college if you are not going to get a good job. >> todd: it is hard work that leads up to that point, getting into elite institutions is tough, mere percentage of applicants get accepted and go. if your classes are virtual, not having graduation, what are you and your parents paying for? >> i'd love to know. it is disasppointing and the school has they are not having commencement because school has grown in size. no one is buying that they just
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tallied students and make this decision week out from ceremonies, that does not make sense. >> todd: i did not know that was the case, what is the that again? >> there is capacity issues. >> todd: they did not know that when they pretrickalated this class in the fall, that is insanity. you know what graduating clas is months ago. dana, started petition to hold graduation on campus, what is status? what is the feedback? >> highlight of last few days, i'm taking back myself a little bit. i believe columbia would love for students to be like, accept status quo and this feels like students and professors are signing this, jewish people are signing this, they want, jewish people want commencement.
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this is something we all worked for and on this petition really is bigger than me at this point and there are over 3000 signatures in less than 24 hours. >> todd: you both deserve it. my big take away, these ad administration leaders are paid to lead, paid a lot of money to lead. they botch it throughout the process, it is shall had and you guys have to deal with impact, hope they change their mind. thank you, best of luck in your future. we'll be watching. jen psaki had advice for her old boss, watch. >> more howard stern, come on "the view," have conversations about policy. >> todd: don't talk to the news media, talk to jason bateman.
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>> todd: get this. unc staff and faculty will withhold grades until the school grants amnesty to those being punished for the protests. >> carley: hi, cheryl. >> cheryl: faculty will hold grade from all students at unc until all students who protested are unsuspended. >> faculty demand administration provide amnesty for all students arrested and suspended. >> unjustly blaming our students for violence they caused. >> urging every professor to stand against repression of student activism by refusing to
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submit grades. >> cheryl: congressman richard hudson says these faculty should be fired. should be protecting students who are targets of antisemitism, not proticket ing antisemites. fire any staff withholding grades immediately. dean davis said they are concerned instructors may withhold grades. 15 students are suspended. >> todd: this is not a joke, it is your move, frat boys. we've seen fraternity brothers have been holding the line singing national anthem and i am interested to see how they res respond, they need those grades in order to graduate and go on to the next stage. >> cheryl: they have not made
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the move yet, they are threatening. the university has to be in charge here. and take a stand. wa watching the two columbia students broke my heart, they had no freshman year because of covid and now same thing at unc chapel hill. fr freshmen were under covid, did not get high school graduation, same age group. >> carley: hold everybody's grades hostage because a group of students did something wrong and should be punished for this. you are talking about frat boys, they at unc put up the american flag after protesters put up a palestinian flag on campus. interesting to see what the unc president does, he spoke out against the protesters. >> todd: he was pretty force. . these are professors teaching your kids, that is scary.
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>> cheryl: the parents are more angry than anybody else right now. no, i sent my child to that school to get an education. i will reference the so"snl" sk. >> todd: refusing to hire columbia law clerks, it is impacting job prospects. >> cheryl: group of 13 judges are vowing not to hire law school students and undergraduates from columbia writing columbia has become incubator of bigotry and dis disqualified itself. professors and administrations are encouraging spread of antisemitism and bigotry. the judges appointed by former president trump who has concerns about columbia. >> they announced they will not
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have graduation ceremony and that is happening all over the country. our country is a mess and most important day is going to be november 5 of this year, election day. the most important day in history of our country. >> cheryl: a lot of finance executives said they will not hire columbia grad. >> todd: that is sad, they sleep in the bed they make, ad administrators. hollywood met gala, and protesters vandalizing streets of northern ew york city in day. >> carley: tomi lahren joins us now, quite democrat on democrat contrast here. what do you think of this? >> tomi: tale as old as time. while this was happening close
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to the met gala, you would not have known it from seeing pictures and seeing the event that surn the met gala. liberal elite who claim to be about the cause, ape number of them posted solidarity with -- that is for college kids and police officers to deal with. these celebrity elites will be guarded with their jewels, walking down itthe were caet an the little people have to have their day ruined or cancelled. but these celebrities if they want to make a stand, they should cancel. they will never do such a thing. they care more about themselves than any cause they proport to
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stand with. >> just look at all of covid when we saw french laundry and this mayor and that mayor partying up while we suffered. and jen psaki praising her former boss. watch. >> if you are in the white house, you are not thinking about checking the box on doing most interviews, am i doing most i can to communicate with the american people. more howard stern, come on "the view," have conversations about policies. >> todd: isn't that modified basement strategy from 2020? >> tomi: other surrogates are touting biden doing smaller events and shorter speeches. he has to take short steps, do
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short speeches and go on programs that are friendly to him. i don't think this will work. what jen psaki is saying, talk to the oaudience that already agrees with you. i imagine viewers of "the view" will vote for biden. good judgement does not follow them. if you want to get independent or get never-trump republicans going on podcasts or ultraliberal shows, that will not help you. if that is your strategy, keep it short and sweet and only talk to people that are nice to you. donald trump is willing to talk to anybody at any time, even between courthouse events. see who prevails. >> carley: focusing on quality over quantity, you are not getting either, that account be
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a problem. from president byiden to vice president kamala, here is what she is up to, making a stop at a restaurant. a reporter asked her about breaking news out of the middle east yesterday. >> hamas has not accepted -- has accepted a ceasefire deal. >> carley: shrimp and grits in the back. hamas accepted a deal including a three-phase plan to end the war, israeli officials say it does not meet their demand and they will continue to negotiate. >> todd: maybe second in command should have a prepared remarks. new witness called to the stand, what is next in the trump criminal case? >> carley: steve doocy has what
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is coming up. >> steve: shrimp and grits. good morning, big tuesday telecast coming up. dozens arrestedad anti-israel campus protesters take their day of rage to new york city's met gala last tight tying up the upper east side. one student witnessed protests first hand and saw threats to jewish people. plus columbia university cancelling commencement ceremony after three weeks of protest. we're talking to a graduating senior who should be walking across the stage, she is call ing out the school for allowing chaos to go on for too long. talk about divine intervention. a pastor and his congregation walked away unharmed after a
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gunman aimed at the pastor, the gun jammed during the attempted shooting. we'll talk to the pastor about that miracle and it surely was. we have paul mauro, kurt, katie pavlich and grilling on fox square, a brand new cookbook you will want in your kitchen. busy three hours kicks off in eight minute and 30 seconds here on "fox and friends." todd and carley back in a couple, you are watching your favorite channel for shrimp and gr grits. ne say space pod! (♪) meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals are just for likes, try one where you'll actually like. ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize
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donald trump's criminal trial today is the prosecution. yesterday we heard from former trump organization controller jeffrey mcconey, who said trump did not personally direct him to make payments to michael cohen. jonna spilbor joins me now. prosecutors need to prove intent to defraud and with the controller's testimony that donald trump never directed him to do a darn thing with regard to michael cohen. isn't that game, set, match for the prosecution's case? >> which whole case has been game, set, match for the prosecution's case, todd. we started taking testimony april 22nd. here we are may 7th. and there has yet to be any
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scintilla of criminality coming out of the prosecution's case in chief. and we are almost at the end of the road. have though proved any intent in anything so far from donald trump? i understand we have talked at nauseam about not knowing what the crime is. but all crimes require intent. i have seen no intent here. michael cohen is out there doing his thing. everybody is saying michael cohen ordered me to do this. trump hasn't proven he has been ordered to do anything right, joen? where's the intent. >> not only that a lot of the prosecution witnesses have actually been beneficial to trump. so much so that i don't see him needing to put on a defense. usually we know how trials work, right? prosecution puts on its case in chief and then the defense might present its own evidence to counter that i don't see the need for donald trump to present one single witness or one shred of evidence because of what you just said.
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there has not been any criminality shown on the part of the district attorney. >> todd: real interesting analysis there by you, johnna. the judge did threaten trump jail time for future violations. here is what trump head is about that. >> i have to watch every word i say to you people. ask me a simple question, i would like to give it but i can't talk about it because this judge has given me a gag order and says you'll go to jail if you violate it. and, frankly, do you know what? our constitution is much more important than jail. it's not even close. i'll do that sacrifice any day. >> todd: wow, real interesting comments there most experts said it look no way this judge is going to throw trump in jail. what are your thousand? >> wonderful challenge by donald trump. he basically took the gloves off and said you want to throw me in jail? throw me in jail. i agree with you, i don't think this judge will do it.
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is he a joke of a judge. the gag order is completely unconstitutional. i do think somebody has gotten in his ear to try to soften him up a little bit. this judge started out with the disdain and disrespect for donaldtrump and the constitutiol over the place e now he has seemed to have pulled it back just a tiny bit. jail is just logistically impossible. this judge can continue to threaten. what i found really interesting was the fact that the new york city taxpayers are paying somebody in the district attorney's office to comb through social media and look for reasons to violate donald trump. >> todd: your taxpayer dollars at work. jonna, i wanted to ask you about the upcoming witnesses but we don't know them for some reason the prosecution doesn't tell the defense. that is not normal. that is not how law works. jonna spilbor, thank you very much for your time. with that let's bring in carley, "fox & friends" begins now. >> carley: have great day, everybody. ♪ >> steve: good morning, everybody. it is 6:00 here in new york city.


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