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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 7, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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is he a joke of a judge. the gag order is completely unconstitutional. i do think somebody has gotten in his ear to try to soften him up a little bit. this judge started out with the disdain and disrespect for donaldtrump and the constitutiol over the place e now he has seemed to have pulled it back just a tiny bit. jail is just logistically impossible. this judge can continue to threaten. what i found really interesting was the fact that the new york city taxpayers are paying somebody in the district attorney's office to comb through social media and look for reasons to violate donald trump. >> todd: your taxpayer dollars at work. jonna, i wanted to ask you about the upcoming witnesses but we don't know them for some reason the prosecution doesn't tell the defense. that is not normal. that is not how law works. jonna spilbor, thank you very much for your time. with that let's bring in carley, "fox & friends" begins now. >> carley: have great day, everybody. ♪ >> steve: good morning, everybody. it is 6:00 here in new york
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city. good morning, doctor. >> ainsley: don't call me that. >> steve: good morning, birthday boy. >> ainsley: yes, birthday boy. we are glad you were born. >> brian: i heard. >> ainsley: stay within yourself today. >> brian: right. >> steve: we will stay within this couch the entire time. welcome to "fox & friends." a busy, busy day, look at these images, catastrophic tornadoes ripped through rural oklahoma as you can see overnight as you can see in the distance thunder and lightning. [wind blowing] >> steve: man, millions of americans are still at risk for severe weather at this hour and today. janice is tracking the maps with what you need to know to start your tuesday. >> brian: we will get to her in a second. anti-israel protesters burn the u.s. flag and clash with police while marching towards the star-studded met gala's red carpet. >> ainsley: this terrifying video. the man who pulled out a gun on
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pastor mid-sermon. thankfully now arrested. the pastor is thanking god for saving his life after that gun jammed. and is joining us later this hour. "fox & friends" starts right now and, remember, mornings are better with birthday friends. >> brian: ha ha. >> ainsley: start with this a fox weather alert. powerful tornadoes ripping through rural oklahoma overnight killing at least one person and hurting several others. communities are now in ruins this morning after the storms plow through buildings and power lines leaving a devastating path of destruction. >> steve: and it apparently is not over as more than 3 million people across oklahoma, kansas, and texas are waking up this morning under under the risk of more storms which could bring, brung other things, baseball sized hail. >> brian: which hurt. let's check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for our weather forecast. janice? >> janice: yeah, unfortunately more of the same today and we
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have a tornado warn storm moving through heavily populated area of st. louis. actually, that has just changed to a severe thunderstorm warning. we were watching some doppler radar and rotation moving very close to the st. louis area. not out of woods right now. tornado watch in effect 8:00 a.m. local time which includes the city of st. louis. that means conditions are favorable for tornadoes. let's take a look at the severe stats right now. 15 warnings, population at risk 77 million. under warning close 965,000 people and here are some of the wind reports and hail reports over 4-inch hail. that will do some damage. severe weather warnings. this is the recap 67 tornado warn storms. one tornado emergency in oklahoma just north of the tula area that happened last evening. here are the reports again. dozens of reports of tornadoes. the storm prediction center the national weather service are
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going to go out and investigate and give us ef rating here. look at the barnes dale tornadoes. that was last night. the signature hook echo and the debris ball with this when the sun comes up, we are going to see catastrophic damage in this area. so here is the severe weather reports. a lot of this happening in the east coast hours, people are sleeping, have a way to get the watches and warnings. it is going to be ongoing today. we have got all of the ingredients coming together for severe weather outbreak including heavily populated areas of louisville, kentucky, indianapolis, cleveland. again, we had a tornadoes warn storm moving closer to the st. louis area. again have a way to get those watches and warnings. this is going to be a potentially deadly day today. i can't stress that enough. fox for all of your latest details. steve, ainsley, brian, over to you. >> steve: another busy day to keep an eye on the sky. >> brian: now to another fox news alert. this is what rafah looks like right now after israeli forces
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say taken over the gaza side of the crossing between egypt and the gaza strip. that's a very far shot. >> ainsley: this action comes despite president biden telling prime minister netanyahu not to launch an offensive in the city. >> steve: madeleine rivera joins us right now with the very latest. maddy? >> good morning, guys. idf says limited operation in rafah isn't over as its tanks roll into the city. the israeli military says it killed 20 hamas militants and found three tunnels. this comes after the israeli military called on tens of thousands of palestinians to evacuate the city and head for humanitarian zones along the mediterranean coast. the u.s. says it opposes a large scale military operation in rafah which officials say would risk the safety of more than 1 million palestinians taking refuge there. now, the "wall street journal" is reporting the u.s. has delayed the sale of more than 6,000 weapons to israel. per the "wall street journal," the state department never followed up with congress about
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the official notification of the sale and that triggered a pause with the deal. when asked about the reported pause and arms shipment, national security council spokesperson didn't confirm and said only this. >> for israel security remains ironclad. i'm not going to get into the specifics of one shipment over another. >> and new reaction this morning coming in from egypt regarding israel's operation in rafah. egypt's foreign ministry says it do threaten cease-fire efforts. steve, ainsley and brian. >> steve: all right, madeleine, thank you very much. we will talk about that after another fox news alert. anti-israeli protesters clashed with police officers on the streets of new york city last night disrupting the star studded met gala and caused chaos and traffic jams citywide. >> ainsley: some of the demonstrators could be seen defacing a world war i monument in central park and even going as far as burning an american flag at the base.
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>> brian: brooke singman all over this she has the details. >> at least two gozzen of those anti-israel protesters were arrested after a mob of about 1,000 people marched towards the met gala chanting and clashing with police on their way. watch. [chanting free, free palestine] >> but they were met by nypd officers who prevented them from entering the museum and disturbing the star studded event. meanwhile at nearby central park demonstrators burned american fleag in front of a memorial honoring world war i soldiers. plastering the memorial with pro-palestinian stickers. spray painted the word gaza on the base. civil war general. protesters spray painted red
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letters onto the bronze statue and draped the palestinian flag over it. eventually new york city police officers surrounded the park's monuments and the nypd removed that palestinian flag from the statue. today, president biden will deliver the keynote address at the u.s. holocaust memorial museum at the u.s. capitol. guys? >> steve: brooke, thank you very much. we have been waiting to hear from the president regarding anti-semitism, he did say last week that peaceful protest, they support that, but, when it's not peaceful, that's a bad thing. but, as you look at the images from last night, you know, it's one of those things, the met gala is this annual event where celebrities gather they pay $75,000 a ticket to go to this thing although most celebrities don't pail for it just to show how fantastic they are. and all of the papers this morning here in new york are filled with the latest. what wearing last night. we can hardly wait to see it. and stuff like that. outside, we are going to see this straight through the election. this kind of demonstration, where it's like hey, biden
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administration, stop it with the israel support and that's one of the reasons maddy brought up the "wall street journal" said it's 6500 have been canceled. lay off gaza. >> what made everyone so mad yesterday it stopped traffic. the thousands of people are walking up and down park avenue. chanting all of this burning american flags, defacing our statues. world war i statues. say free palestine. putting the palestinian flag over the soldiers. this is what our streets look like. look, there are the stickers on the soldiers. defacing general sherman statue in front of park hotel. met gala in the 80's. spray paint and disrupting traffic. i was watching some of this: these protesters are moving through traffic. so there were-steve on the
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street. >> ainsley: it's not peaceful at that point. people can't get around. >> steve: it's dangerous. >> brian: you have a former president of the united states in the middle of a trial who says this case has got to end. only going to get worse even before the met gala. a president the united states who doesn't say anything set. going to speak today at the holocaust museum because holocaust remembrance day, fine i'm sure islamophobia also bad, too. what you have to understand these people were coming out, ripping down signs of hostages. the day after october 7th, when people were putting up after the massacre that killed over a thousand innocent people and took over 200 hostage. they were putting up signs in commemoration of the hostages who were taken or killed. people that were killed. and they were ripping it down. so new york is burning flags, defiling our monuments and, add this: the vile names they're calling our cops. the chants they are doing, they
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should not be allowed to get away with. big story today how the nypd in particular, i'm sure a force near you, is totally overstretched between columbia, school of parsons design of all place, the new school, the nyu and city college. they are spread out trying to pull up encampments, pull back because they have got to worry about being asked in and got to worry about the trump trial, escorting the former president in and out of court. the protests around there. we cannot do this. they are really concerned about what's going to happen this summer. this is not the only place where there is campus unrest. >> steve: in fact. a lot of these protesters that you are looking right there at started at hunter college in new york. and then marched to the gala. brian, you made a perfect transition to the university of north carolina. at chapel hill where apparently the students for justice in palestine there, what they have done is they have reached out to all the professors and all the teaching aids and everybody else. they have called on the faculty to withhold all of the final
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grades for all of the students until their demands are met. and, among other things, they want amnesty for any student who is arrested. they want them to take down that fence around the flag pole. remember the flag where everybody was singing god bless america and star-spangled banner? they want the flag pole fence taken out. and they just want ultimately, for anybody who took part in the protest at the university of north carolina not to get in trouble, even though i understand the 15 students have been banned from the university for two years. >> ainsley: and some of the professors are saying we will just withhold grades. we won't give our students grades until you promise us amnesty for all the protesters who have been arrested. columbia university canceling large graduation ceremony over security concerns. there are 11 conservative judges wrote a letter to the president of the columbia said they are not going to hire law clerks from columbia saying they lost confidence in that institution.
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columbia an incubator of bigotry. as a result columbia has disqualified itself from educating the future leaders of this country. >> >> brian: a line from the charlie journals a group of faculty members say they will withhold their scores until the university reinstates 15 suspended students who were arrested along with 36 other nonstudents during last week's demonstrations so so that reason that john rich is starting that concert to salute that fraternity stood up and sang the national anthem. going to call it flag-a-thon or flag stock. is he going to call it flag stock. putting it together now. >> steve: i love that. >> brian: north carolina can not give. in this faculty cannot be running the asylum. now in the university of chicago the same thing. the faculty says arrest us, too, if you are going to break up the encampments which are being fortified. university of california santa cruz, they are fortified there. they have all these demands about divestment and disassociating themselves with jewish organizations. every one of these schools
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should have the courage and backbone to stand up to your professors and say you are fired unless you get back to work and go to the students that deserve respect. >> steve: well, ultimately these professors have got to decide who they work for? do they work for the university of north carolina that pace their salary or do they work for the students who they are supporting? the administration at uny chapel hill made it very clear hey, anybody thinking about withholding grades you are the going to get in trouble. the provost office will support sanctions for any instructor who is found to have improperly withheld grades. it's our hope we can resolve this matter amicably without harming students. the statement they put out a lot of these kids graduating future employers need to note grades. you cannot hold these kids hostage to your political agenda. >> ainsley: and, meanwhile, president biden, like you said, not mentioning any of this yesterday. you have donald trump who comes
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out of the court and he says that the most important day in america will be on november 5th. >> brian: right. >> ainsley: election day. then he says our country is a mess. >> brian: just a quick word on what is going to be happening the next few hours. hamas signs off on a peace deal that doesn't exist. have to go into rafah. when we hold off on zawahiri and bin laden because the rest of the world was getting tired of our action in afghanistan. no. 20 years later no one ever condemned our action in afghanistan. even though sometimes we did kill civilians, in iraq. same thing. would we have held off on he will baghdadi or held off on zarqawi because people were getting tired of our operations in iraq? no. i don't think israel ever condemned us for going off too long in cordoning off hamandiyah or new jersey. instead you have the nexus, the headquarters, sinwar bin laden of this organization, four sitting in rafah and you want prime minister netanyahu back
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off. we will be back here in 18 months after another massacre of innocent people. they have go in. >> ainsley: fighting back. they have more than 100 hostages still there. >> brian: we are preventing them from getting weapons that congress gave them. >> steve: so, yesterday, we didn't hear from joe biden about this, but a reporter did ask our vice president the number two person in charge what they thought about what was going on between israel and hamas, and she responded shrimp and grits. >> ainsley: coming out of the restaurant holding up doggy bag, you want to know shrimp and grits. >> brian: chance to lead, she blew it again. nothing new. 15 minutes after the hour another big story. a few hours from now former president trump is set to appear back in a new york city courtroom as we hit day 13 of his ongoing criminal trial. >> ainsley: eric shawn is live outside of the courthouse with what we can expect today. hey, eric. >> eric: good morning, ainsley. send me to jail. that's what former president trump says. daring judge juan merchan for threatening about that because he keeps on violating the divag
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order. his answer to the judge came yesterday after court. judge merchan says that he will potentially send the former president behind bars because he continues to violate that gag order. >> i have to watch every word i say toy people. you ask a simple question, i would like to answer you but i can't talk about it because this judge has given me a gag order and says you'll go to jail if you violate it and, frankly, do you know what our constitution is much more important than jail it's not even close. i will do that sacrifice any day. >> former president so far has been found in contempt of court 10 times for commenting on jurors or witnesses. and judge merchan ruled incarceration may be the only way to stop him. the judge ruled, quote: it is no longer a possibility or reasonable likelihood that there exists a threat to the integrity of the proceedings.
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the threat is very real. ammunitions is not enough nor is self-reliance or reliance on self-restraint. the former president has attacked the credibility of michael cohen his former lawyer and fixer. during the testimony yesterday, the prosecution laid out the financial trail of trump's payments to cohen that they say were the payoffs to hide the payments to stormy daniels to hide her claims so the voters wouldn't found out about it and the election in 2016. former trump controller jeffrey mcconey on the stand admitted he was told the trump checks were reimprisonments to cohen that he doubled them for taxes. he was told for legal expenses and on the stand under cross-examination by emile bow i have a, the president's lawyer, he said that trump never directed him to do anything wrong. accounts payable supervisor debra tarasoff says the former president signed his checks with a back felt pen and fedexed them to the white house where the president signed them. so far during the proceedings,
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we have not had one witness tie the former president directly to this alleged scheme to subvert the election back in 2016. that, though, expected to come from michael cohen when he takes the stand. a new witness today, we don't know who it is yet, because the prosecution not publicly revealing that, they say, so the former president won't continue to attack them. back to you. >> brian: thanks so much, eric. could have stormy daniels, michael cohen countdown. we will see who comes in between. former federal prosecutor and constitutional law attorney katy cherkowski. your feeling about the role that the coo played yesterday. did he help or hurt the prosecution? >> well, i don't think that he really moved the needle for the prosecution at all. i mean, he essentially walked through the fact that donald trump was not personally involved in structuring these repayments. again, nothing wrong with paying your lawyer. they still have not established what is criminal about that. so, certainly, i think that it was more practical information about how the logistics worked
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here. nothing revealing any criminality. apparently the payments were made for legal purposes prosecutorial theory in a sense. the payments were for the purpose of concealing some other crime to promote an election, again, donald trump was never charged by the feds with any sort of campaign finance violations, election violations, or even by the fec for these same matters. so the hypothetical idea criminal scheme has not been elucidated by the prosecution. it has to be beyond a reasonable doubt not just insinuate something shady. >> when it comes to the gag orders you say unconstitutional. the way it's written is vague by
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the judge. he can't retweet what somebody else has written. i believe the orders are unconstitutional. any sort of restraint on speech especially for a candidate are highly executized under the supreme court precedent and this order is vague because it says that donald trump can't commented on witness participation but judge merchan has interpreted that as essentially any commentary on anything about the case whatsoever. even on witnesses who have already testified. so, certainly, we don't know how that would impact their participation but, the judge has refused to really clarify that, to modify the order or even to give the defense advisory opinion about things that may or may not be in violation of it. >> brian: big story that fox news had. matt d'angelo leading the prosecution, he left a great job with the biden administration department of justice to take this crappy job in new york. and now it turns out that he has been paid in the past by the dnc, do you think that that is significant or does it further fortify president trump's four
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days behind this. >> i think for colangelo's purposes very personal. he obviously has been obsessed with getting trump. he came to this office to pursue this prosecution that nobody wanted to pursue. the d.a.'s office here in manhattan did not want to pursue. this this is a coordinated effort for sure. i think a lot of people see that it is political. >> brian: he worked for letitia james, too. >> i'm surprised -- >> brian: judge donated to joe biden. when the former president of the united states say joe biden is behind that they say there is no proof of that. is circumstantial proof. >> steve: things kick off in three hours and 9 minutes. thank you for setting the table for us. >> ainsley: 10-month-old little girl found missing after her mother was dead in new mexico has been found. confirming they arrested a suspect who is now facing aggravated robbery and assault on a peace officer. i guess police sphere. police say more charges are
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pending as their suspect is also being investigated in the murder of the baby's mother. the child has now been placed in protective can you sayen. remarkable new video shows nypd detectives jumping over glass barriers who save a distraught woman who was hanging over the ledge of a 45 story building. >> all right. >> what's the name again? >> sandra, you okay? lift her up and i want her leg over. okay? got it? >> the woman was taken to the hospital for medical evaluation. take a look at this. a man is caught on camera, pulling a gun on a pennsylvania pastor during the church service. >> in god they chose. scuffle] >> jesus, jesus. [shouting] >> hey, hey.
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>> the pastor thanked god for saving his life because, when he tried to fire that gun, the gun jammed. the suspected gunman was tackled by church goers and held until police arrived. thankfully no one was injured. join us coming up. new overnight. boeing calling off his plans to send two astronauts to the international space station overnight. the launch being canceled less than two hours before its planned takeoff time after mission control detected a problem with one of the oxygen valves. this friday is now the earliest possible launch date. and those are some of your headlines. brian, how do you feel about that? >> brian: i'm a little disappointed. want boeing to get some momentum going. columbia caving to protesters canceling main graduation ceremony. >> steve: coming up on this telecast on this tuesday we will
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be talking to a grad united states senior who should be walking across that stage. instead, sitting down with us. it's good to get some fresh air. fresh air? ♪ no hose! just sleep. give me this thing. where are you going? i'm going to get inspire. inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more and view important safety information at type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease.
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i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? you ready? -showtime. this is gonna be epic. [ barking ] it's what the poster said. do you want to make out or? nope. i meant yes. he's a bon garçon. i give amazing sponge-baths. can i get a room? [ chuckling ] ♪ ♪ chef's kiss. >> carley: back with headlines starting with congresswoman maxine waters giving this warning if tropical stormer president trump loses the 2024
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election. >> we know that there are people who are aligned with him, who follow him, who are already practicing what their government is going to be under trump. they are planning on a civil war if they have to do that. >> watters says she will ask the biden administration and justice department how they are preparing for a trump loss. the "new york times" is executive editor says his paper isn't responsible for being president biden's campaign arm. he says, quote: it's our job to cover the full range of issues that people have, immigration happens to be the top polls and the economy and inflation is the second should we stop covering those things because they are favorable to trump and minimize them? his response comes after former president obama's senior adviser highlighted the tensions between the "times" and the white house over the lack of media access for the press. those are your headlines. brian, over to you. >> brian: good to see you, carley. hope to see you in person, soon.
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>> carley: likewise. >> brian: canceling the school's main commencement ceremony citing insurmountable security concerns. our next guest should be crossing the big stage next week in the same area taken over i by the narcht. she now calling out administration. she can't get on campus even to study for finals. graduating bernard senior joins us now. your thoughts when columbia made this announcement yesterday? >> it's super disappointing. you work so hard for four years and then you don't even get the opportunity to commemorate it with your friends and your family. you know, it's for our parents just as much as it is for us. they don't get to properly mark this moment and it's really sad. >> brian: you are also trying to study and they won't let you on campus. >> campus is completely closed. i do my best work on the library and can't get on campus. >> brian: get a degree in psychology and another degree in. >> economics. >> you have a job lined up. are you concerned about people looking down on a columbia degree and saying are you going
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to be a problem for my organization? >> i totally understand it because, really, a lot of the students there throughout this year have shown complete lack of moral clarity. it's -- i don't blame them honestly. >> brian: you and your famili' were just in israel and you used the term resilience. what does it tell you in columbia they cave and while at israel while at war two fronts hezbollah and hamas. as well as iran. after they attack a few weeks ago and they persevere and the nypd says we'll watch your back and they still won't do it? >> it's really absurd. i really can't understand it. the administration has been saying these are peaceful protests all year otherwise would have shut them down in october and november when they first started. why would they cancel graduation if they are peaceful protests back on the nampleteds. and your feeling about walking across that campus. i see what they are saying to's do. the most vile chants imaginable.
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what are they saying to you? >> a student actually one time came up to me in the middle of campus. i was just walking to class. and someone comes up to me and says oh, you are that girl. i look at her puzzled what do you mean that girl? that ben seidel baby killer? me? i'm a 21-year-old college student who just supports israel's right to exist and people coming up to me on campus and saying the vilist things? it's not okay. >> today is seven months of the attack to the day. you are concerned not enough tensions. gutting them out of gaza once and for all we are missing the story. totally missing the mark. everyone is focusing what is going on college campuses. what protesters say they are pro-palestinian, they would make sure the media conch was on what is valley going on in israel and gaza. what is happening in gaza is so
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maybe if the media covered that and not the college students, these privileged college students camping out on campuses we might actually get to place where all of this can end. or if people focus on 130 hostages who for now are seven months captivity of hamas including a girl 19 years old: younger than me being held by people we know are rapists and nobody caress? these students are taking all the attention away from the atrocities of what going on from the fact that hamas is a terrorist organization. and just for, what? to do the theatrics on campus? >> brian: throughout the streets of new york. you are talking about multiple campuses across the country. it's embarrassing the state of the country how naive these people are you will have a great career we know it. hopefully we will stay in touch and hopefully columbia will come to their sense and i look forward to hearing more about you. best of luck on your finals. talking about divine
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-it really is both. -hmmm. the lexus rx plug-in hybrid. ♪ steve look at this image. one pennsylvania pastor calling this confrontation an act of god after an attempted shooter's gun jammed in the middle of his sermon. watch this. >> in god they chose. >> jesus! jesus! [shouting] >> hey, hey. >> steve: can you imagine? all caught on camera. glenn germany is that pastor from jesus willing place church in north braddock, pennsylvania and he joins us live pastor, good morning to you. >> good morning. good morning. thank you for having me.
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>> steve: oh, wow, what a story. when you look at that image now, where the guy, is he just walking up toward you, is he smiling, pulls out a gun, and it clicks. what was going through your head? >> to be honest with you, i don't think it was any time for anything to go through my head. i naturally reflexed and told get out of the way. a gun pointed at me. a bullet is coming next. i'm trying to get out of the way. >> steve: yeah, so when he is walking toward you, initially, you saw him out of the corner of your eye what did you think he was doing? >> to the right side of me, i thought he was a guest of my brother's. and i thought he was going to walk past and go speak with my brother. but, when he stopped, he caught me by surprise. >> steve: no kidding. had the bullet been in the right place and it didn't go click, i don't know why it went click, maybe there wasn't a bullet in it. >> it was definitely a wult in
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it. we definitely seen the bullet that was in it. the officer who actually dislodged the chamber showed us the bullet and showed us the markings and said this bullet had your name on it. >> steve: what did you think about that. >> i'm grateful to god because all it takes is one. and, you know, i would not be with my family today, so i'm definitely grateful to got because he definitely had the upper hand on me because did i not see him coming. >> steve: no kidding. i don't know but. i would go out and buy a bunch of lottery tickets after that happened. because you know you are so lucky that there was a malfunction. it wasn't luck, wasn't it? >> not at all. definitely a blessing. a lot of time we preach about goddens divine protection and we have a chance to minister not being about you. the same gun that was used at that point is believed, you know, presumously it was used in another act before he came to
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the church. >> steve: right. in fact, it was in the neighborhood. i know he has not been charged with the murder of a family member but apparently there was a family member found in that house. after he shot him, he was wandering around your neighborhood, and your door was open. did you know that guy? >> no. never knew the guy. never met the guy. nothing. and to the police, when he reported to the police, he reported that he never knew me. he just said god, spirits told him to go in and shoot the pastor. >> steve: voices told him to shoot you, to kill you. >> yeah. >> steve: and so makes the next thing that happened so remarkabled i do con jumps over the altar there, the rail and puts him down. and you hold him down as well until the cops come. and he told you about the voices then. but he. >> yes. >> steve: go ahead. >> no. he told me about the voices. another session of 10 minutes after.
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he was arrested then i went out to the car and took -- spoke with him at the car for like 10 minutes. that's when he told me about the voices. >> steve: so, was it in the car that you listened to his story and then you forgave him? >> yes. i forgave him twice. when i was holding him down, i let him go, i forgave him because some of the congregation members was upset. i had to ask him to move away and let me talk with him one-on-one. i let him know i forgave him. at the last point when i was in the car, that's when i let him know i forgive you, i love you and my name is glenn germany. i want you to remember my name and any way can i help you i would like to help you. >> steve: 10 years from now, when you tell people what happened this past sunday, what are you going to say? >> to be honest with you, this sunday, the lesson won't be on this incident because i believe the people of god need to learn the word of god. it's like when you go to school you don't want to talk about current events.
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so when you come to church, we want to talk about the bible. we want to teach people about the word of god. my focus will be on the word of god and not current events. >> steve: well, you certainly are a current event today, pastor. thank you very much for joining us and telling us what happened this weekend in pennsylvania. god bless you. >> thank you for having me. god bless you. >> steve: all right. great. thank you, sir. wow. can you imagine? all right. a quarter before the top of the hour. fox weather alert. catastrophic tornado ripped through rural oklahoma as you can see right there with the debris and millions across the midwest are still at risk on this tuesday morning. we're going to talk about that. plus, robot revolution, the new faceless human mid to robot of the future. and it could be coming to take your place at work. our very own cyberguy has not been replaced yet. he's going to weigh in next ♪ robo, mr. roboto ♪
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♪ i'm franklin graham. the world ems to be engulfe with hate. we see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders. jesus christ understands hate. the world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he camame on a rescue mission to save us from our sin. he died and d shed his blood on a cross for our sins. he was buried, but god raed him to life. and if we're willing t to put our faith and trust
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in jesus chris god will forgive us of our sins and hehe will heal our hearts. and the problem we have today is a heart proroblem. only g can change the human heart, and take t that hate and fill i with his love. if you've never invited chris in your heart, pray t this prayer with me right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe jesus is your n. i nt to trust him right now as my savior. and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prad that prayer, call that number right now that'sn the screen. we have someone who'd ke to speak with you,u, d pray with you. god bless you! i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa.
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>> carley: we are back with some trending headlines starting with miss u.s.a. jot stepping down
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after seven months in the position citing her mental health. voight writing on instagram i realize this may come as a large shock to many never compromise your mental or well-being. our health is our wealth time to write the next chapter. the miss u.s.a. is announcing the crowning of her replacement soon. hollywood legend tom selleck could lose the california ranch due to the san llweleyn labor relation. still electric's income from the vo. while he may be financially set for life even he would have trouble paying for a 63-acre ranch if he stops working. and finally, country music star jelly roll daughter bailey for 16th birthday. you never guess which one she chose. >> we told this kid can you have any car you want in the world, and but there was a budget. you could have any car you want in the world that isn't above
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this budget. and this is what the child picked. >> there she blows. >> bailey picking a white g.m.c. sierra 1500 truck and went on to joke with her parents that she is going to whip the truck in every field she sees. and those are your headlines, ainsley. she got a big truck for 16th birthday. that sound like a lot of fun. >> ainsley: our kind of girl. i like it. thank you so much, carley. >> first it was robotic vacuums and then those dogs and now humans, boston dynamics just announced their latest robot and this one could be coming for the job market. kurt the cyberguy is here to tell us all about it. hey, kurt. >> kurt: are you watching that video? good morning, ainsley. >> ainsley: good morning. >> amazing revolution here atlas robot at boston i do make mcs. and this next version called atlas 2.0 is stunning. it's exciting to see what it can do and lifts itself right up
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with its own legs in that weird kind of articulating way and it's also terrifying because as soon as he starts moving around okay, that thing could break every bone in my body, i bet. so i really am fascinated where this is going where do you take a look at something like this. aiming for the dirty jobs and coond of jobs we don't want to do. bye-bye job security. atlas 2.0 fully electric robot is now going well their next stop is going to be the hyundai manufacturing plant. they have got a commitment there to go work alongside humans. to help put together automobiles. two gig. >> ainsley: county private sector buy one of these? >> not yet. but, hey, one day it's coming. s did just weird how it turns around. i'm sorry to the people at boston dynamics, i know i'm not supposed to be freaked out but i watched this thing move so quickly and the ring on its head
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it freaks me out. i'm sorry. >> ainsley: they do laundry and clean the kitchen and empty the dishwasher, fold our clothes? it might be worth it. >> i'm all for it if it did do all that and not kill me. >> ainsley: looks good on camera. and imagine walking into the bathroom and this guy is cleaning the toilet. i would be scared. >> no thank you. >> ainsley: apple is letting loose today what are they revealing. >> hours away. the biggest reveal earlier this year was division pro-headset that people are still scratching heir heads about a little bit. it's a great evolution first step forward there. today, something everyone can use. we are going to see an evolution of four new ipads is what the leading rumor is details have been leaking about this event but starts at 10:00 a.m. eastern. apple is expected to potentially talk about their new m 4 chip and it's tie-in with a.i. so, yes, apple has been aggressively behind the scenes working on adding ai into their
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products. this could be the time we see it but what we do know through the leading rumors it's going to have a thinner bazell and overall a much thinner design. and super fast. so, steve jobs once predicted that ipad would replace laptops, this could be the time that it does. one of the key images in their marketing for this event is their apple pencil that sort of stylus thing they came up with. apparently now they have added on a squeeze trigger on to it so it can do things from that and potentially going to be called the pencil pro. but take on a lot more abilities with this new chip inside of ipad. >> ainsley: okay. so i'm reading, they are releasing four new ipads. updated magic keyboard. new ipad case and much more. thank you so much, kurt. if you want information about it great to see you. we have more "fox & friends"
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straight ahead. >> good to see you, ainsley. >> ainsley: thank you, kurt. ♪ all you got to do is put a drink in my hand ♪ solo cup ♪ after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" i'm thinking company wide power nap. [ employees snoring ] anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs for the next anything. isolated...depressed... and embarrassed. that's how it felt to live with bladder and bowel incontinence. but that changed when my urologist told me about axonics therapy. a long-lasting solution that has really changed my life. this is not another drug, and it works. visit to arrange an appointment with an expert physician to determine if axonics therapy is right for you. results and experiences may vary. stop suffering in silence.
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