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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 7, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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as vyvgart for iv infusion and also as vyvgart hytrulo for subcutaneous injection. additional side effects for vyvgart hytrulo may include injection site reactions. talk to your neurologist about vyvgart. ♪ >> ainsley: it is 7:00 a.m. here on the east coast. it is tuesday, may 7th. it's brian's birthday. we are glad he was born.
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>> brian: thank you. that was not in the prompter. >> ainsley: you know when you see your birthday somewhere on your day you are looking at may 7th. >> brian: thank you very much. >> ainsley: what would we do without you. >> brian: me and call hip ken jr. several talents. >> steve: today is his birthday too? >> brian: it is. >> steve: today is todd the car guy. >> brian: giving away a wagon near. >> steve: they sell those. >> brian: they are great by the way. >> ainsley: president biden set to address anti-semitism today at the holocaust museum. this as he faces mounting criticism as protesters are rages across the u.s. >> steve: plus, divine intervention, pastor in pennsylvania thanking the big guy upstairs this morning after a man pulled a gun on him mid sermon only to have the gun jam. i'm grateful to god. only take one and i would not be
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with my family today. >> steve: no kidding. >> brian: amazing. catastrophic tornadoes ripping through the central u.s. last night millions of measures still at risk. janice dejanice dean forecast straight ahead. "fox & friends" begins right now. remember your mornings are better with friends. >> ainsley: today, president biden will deliver an address on anti-semitism in the country at the national holocaust memorial museum. >> steve: this comes as he faces criticism for his response or lack of to the anti-israel protest playin making cities and colleges. >> brian: this so is embarrassing. peter doocy joins us from the white house with more. peter? >> peter: these protesters, at least some of the protesters have calculated that the best way to win hearts and minds for their cause getting lawmakers to stop backing israel is to stop
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traffic and burn american flags near big events like the met gala. [chanting] [chanting free, free palestine] >> peter: and we have got this video showing very physical clashes with police and it proves that protesters are ignoring president biden's pleas last week to protest peacefully. the remarks where he backed a right to free speech but not to cause chaos. and that's where we continue to see at mit where authorities did successfully clear out an encampment on campus only to have it reoccupied hours later by anti-israel protesters. we do not expect president biden to heed their calls to stop israel when he speaks at event for holocaust remembrance day. but at some point we do expect
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white house officials to go into a little more detail today about cease-fire talks, at least more detail than vice president harris gave as she exited a shop in michigan. >> madam, vice president, hamas. >> shrimp and grits. you wanted to know shrimp and grits. >> hamas cease-fire your reaction? >> peter: shrimp and grits is a very curious way to answer questions about cease-fire. shrimp and grits is probably not what these protesters want to hear about a cease-fire. back to you. >> steve: no kidding. peter, we are going to hear from the president today regarding establishment. he is going to say it's a bad thing. but, ultimately, this is really -- all these protests are really bad for joe biden. and you see donald trump saying i would take care of it. this is probably helping donald trump politically and hurting joe biden. >> maybe, but you hear progressives saying it is still early and there are things this white house is doing that could be a hat tip to protesters that
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really want the president to throttle back the support to israel, including slowing down one of these weapons shipments to the israelis. officials john kirby came out and say they are not going to explain exactly why the u.s. was slowing down a weapons shipment to israel. but it seems like things like that could be a signal, hey, we hear you, we see you stop in traffic. we are doing everything that we can. >> brian: right. all right. thanks, peter. >> peter: not much. >> brian: here's the thing about that you are lengthing the war. every time you stop him from going into rafah. every time you stop these guys from doing what they do best. idf one of the best fighting forces in the world finishing off hamas. you ever lengthening amount of time this conflict goes on. he has absolutely half measured everything. he half measured afghanistan. i want to get out but i'm just going to screw that up. i am ukraine i'm not going to give them bullets even when they
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ask for more i will slow walk them. israel, i will back them up when the tough i will slow down the weapons. stop them from finishing off the last four battalions of hamas. this is just terrible equivocating leadership. you have the former president of the united states come out and say get it over quickly. all right? when it comes to these protests. end them now. they are only going to get worse. how hard is that? he comes out of a courtroom where is he fighting for his freedom and can react to what is going on in the country. >> ainsley: he said election day is going to be the most important day in america's history that our country is a mess. mean while the, you have joe biden who is delaying sending thousands of weapons to israel and raising the question is he doing this deliberately? is 6500 joint direct attack munition and john kirby was asked about it, he refused to confirm the biden administration has halted the shipment. he said i am not going to confirm that. >> brian: they did though. he can say whatever he wants. but this is unbelievable that our ally, we would do this our ally. in the middle of a war seven
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months after -- when the biggest attacks on them since the 194 o0s. >> steve: even though apparently we are delaying these j dams which essentially take a dumb bomb and make it a smart bomb, 6500 of them we're delaying that but, nonetheless, it's not like the israelis said okay we are not going to move in. they moved in to rafah. >> brian: fully but not like they want to because blinken said don't go in. >> steve: you know everybody at the white house it seems like knows that this is a political hot potato. one of the reasons the president probably has waited over a week, is to let things calm down but they have not ultimately, but he has got to find the right words to say exactly the right words and he has got to address the protest. >> brian: talking about the speech today? >> steve: yeah. the speech has got to talk about how, look, america, the three of us are in the first amendment business. we are for free speech. but then when it crosses the line and gets violent or then
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suddenly, you know, and, brian, you talked to one of the kids from columbia who is graduating. think about it. if you are graduating from college this year, four years ago, you didn't get a high school commune -- commune? confirmation and graduation. because of covid. and so now it's like two. the first one was because of the virus and the second one was because of all of this. >> ainsley: the university of south carolina's graduation on saturday they mentioned that our president said, you know, basically bless your heart. you went through so much four years ago and now we are giving you a graduation and the crowd went crazy. they said they had security guards dressed in graduation outfits. security guards that looked like parents. >> steve: just in case. >> ainsley: in the crowd you said you have no idea how much security we have inside this room. it went off without a hitch and no disruptions. beautiful air sown. i looked out at the sea of individuals, some of them first-time graduates. sometimes paying for their own
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way, first time in their family, parents up in the crowd so proud of their student who is down there, the first one in their family to graduate. and everyone at columbia is missing out on that incident too. meanwhile they paid upwards of 70, 80,000 to go to school there every year. worked their tails off to get into an i've j league university. and now they are not able to walk. >> ainsley: yola is a senior and she was just on with us and this is her thoughts about finding out 24 hours ago there will be no big graduation. >> the administration has been saying these are peaceful protests all year. otherwise, i would have shut them down in october and november when they first started but they didn't. now they canceled graduation, but why are they canceling graduation if they are peaceful protests? they can't get their story straight. a lot of the students there throughout this year have shown complete lack of moral clarity. a student actually one time came up to me in the middle of campus. i was just walking to class. someone came up to me and says oh you are that girl. i look at her puzzled, what do you mean that girl?
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she said genocidal baby killer. me? i'm a 21-year-old college student who just supports israel's trite exist and people coming up to me on campus saying the vilest things. it's not okay. >> brian: not okay. obviously she just came from israel. where all she talks about resilience. these people are bouncing back. they are moving off the northern border 200 miles got to live in hotels, go to school through zoom because of hezbollah. in hamas worried about rocket. family members and idf. and then she goes then you have columbia when you have the mayor of new york saying if you have a graduation we will watch your back. our cops are ready to help you. columbia says no, i'm not going to take the risk. what kind of mess message is tht when things get tough i will buckle under. brown caving into demands. i'm sure other colleges, too. >> steve: well, it's the heckler's vito ul veto. you know when they cancel the
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graduation, the terrorists win. that's what they said the terrorists win. >> brian: i agree with you 100 percent. >> ainsley: that's the message you are telling these protesters. you are winning. protesters are winning because they are shutting things down. >> steve: that's why michael moore has come out and said we need to have more protests. >> brian: take a building. he said take a building. go ahead, take a building by force and you stay there. how irresponsible is that and by the way, you are killing your guy, joe biden. they are not chanting anti-trump stuff. they are chanting genocide joe. while they are doing it they are screaming calling cops pigs and saying they are kkk, most of which are minorities. think about that for a second while these cowards sit there with a mask on their face. that's how tough they are. who never saw a weight that they wanted to pick up. these are loser kids, usually playing xbox out having new mission create chaos on the streets. mission for their life which i'm sure they don't understand. >> steve: more on this throughout the day because it's
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not slowing down. meanwhile in let's see, 2 hours and 20 minutes, former president donald trump is set to be back in a lower manhattan courtroom as we hit day 13 of his ongoing criminal trial. >> brian: eric shawn is live outside the courthouse. eric, do we know yet who is going to going to be on the stand today? >> no, we don't. prosecutors don't tell us publicly who is testifying in advance because they don't want former president trump to attack the witnesses. and as far as the president is concerned, he says he will go to the slammer to protect his constitutional rights. he said that after judge juan merchan has threatened sending the former president to jail because he is holding him in contempt of court. >> i have to watch every word i tell you people. you ask me a question, a simple question, i would like to answer but i can't talk about it because this judge is giving me a gag order. and said you'll go jail if you
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violate. and, frankly, do you know what? our constitution is much more important than jail. it's not even close. i'll do that sacrifice any day. >> judge merchan said, quote: the last thing i want to consider is jail. you are the former president and possibly the next president. the magnitude of that decision is not lost on me. the continued willful violation of the court's order constitutes direct attack on the rule of law. and will not be allowed to continue. yesterday trump organization heard from two officials walked the jury through the financial process undertaken to pay michael cohen. jurors saw the checks that former president signed to cohen, reimbursements to cohen say prosecutors laying out the money to keep stormy daniels quiet all part of the alleged election interference plot. trump organization controller jeffy mccanny admitted he was told the trump checks were reimbursements for cohen but he also said they were for trump's
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legal work. trump's dorn emile bow i have a are legal experiences, right? mccanny said yes. president trump did not ask you to do any of the things you just described, correct? he said no. well, so far no witness here has testified that the former president has involved any wnk w witness in about two and a half hours. >> brian: exciting times. hopefully in a couple more weeks we won't be bothering you anymore. thank you, eric shawn. quick thing to add just ♪ quort. now great it must be to work for donafor. ronna graph there forever. this ceo one of the hardest things i had to do quit after 36 years because the court cases were come up too fast and
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furious. hope hix gets misty eyed because she feels loyalty to him. will sitting in rikers island. trophies make up lies for the guy he worked for and would go back and work for him again. whatever you say about trump and his organization, it's a big success and he treated everybody there like family. and i think that's that says a lot about the character of the person that many people can't understand popularity still. >> steve: look at the current swing state polls, the six swing states that matter donald trump is leading in four of them dip, tied with joe biden and a couple there are a lot of people who do support donald trump, a lot of people support joe biden, but, as we bore to tell you, former cnn reporter by the name of michelle kaczynski went to x and she was talking about how.
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>> brian: so scary. >> steve: with people that seemed to normal and then after a couple of drinks she realizes oh my goodness they like donald trump closeted trump people. >> a auto few weeks ago i had drinks with a few couples, friends of friends, all-american. all well-educated and successful in careers. >> brian: if you are you might want to tell the kids to go school that could get ugly. ains they seemed great on the surface for like top ivy league -- for the -- okay. hold on, sorry, i skipped a line. on the surface for like an hour. but, slowly, over a few drinks, they began to let slip their true maga nature. one of the couples each attended top ivy league colleges. >> brian: are you kidding? >> ainsley: now it was university full-time for their own kids they were not letting them apply to any ivy. >> go on. >> ainsley: weird explaining why though the kids were double
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legacies. okay, moving on. as it went on my friends and i realized we were surrounded by otherwise carefully closeted magas. >> brian: did she say maggots? >> brian: oh wow it's a put down. >> funny how the extremists wrong beliefs can't help but be leaked out even when you least expect them and from people you least expect. they are out there. this dinner continues to haunt me. they all seem so dot dot dot normal. >> brian: really 76 million closeted trump fans. i mean, that's 2020. might even be higher now. >> steve: well, her message was these people, they look like me, why do they like trump? what's the matter with them? >> brian: one thing could be the border. one thing could be the economy. one could be a foreign policy that kept us out of wars. they could be the abraham accords, they could be the fact that they resent the russia hoax
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or that you went out of your way to make ukraine an impeachable moment. >> ainsley: listen to this. mark hemmingway wrote this on x as a comment. it is truly amazing how at a time when mortgage rates have close to tripled in three years, overall consumer prices are up 20%. 25 for food. and russia is at war in eastern europe and the entitled middle east is a powder keg, the response is maggots don't know facts. >> steve: on the weekends i do play pickleball, a lot of pickleball, i play in florida and new jersey. >> brian: with closeted trump fans? >> steve: some. because that's a good way to put it up or closeted biden fans. this election cycle is different than 2020 or 2016. it seems like everybody is afraid to reveal who they are for. occasionally somebody will say something about joe biden and then there will be some nods and then they might talk about joe biden for a while. half of the group other half realizes okay they are for joe biden or vice versa where trump
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comes up and next thing you know the other side of the pickleball pit they are talking about donald trump. so, it's not one of those things where people are saying hey, i'm going to vote for this person and this is why. instead, people are just revealing i know what they talking points are. >> ainsley: the couple she is having dinner with who are trump fans are in upscale neighborhood down in florida. i was talking to someone yesterday and they said that never before have as many people been searching on google how to get citizenship in a different country. [laughter] >> steve: from florida? >> ainsley: all over the united states. you watch these images and you saw what i saw in my neighborhood last night. you couldn't drive down the street because protesters were weaving in and out of traffic. >> steve: ainsley, it could be because of the taxes. >> ainsley: one of the reasons. >> brian: mixed doubles with the biden and trump people ever mix them up? >> steve: absolutely. all the time. >> ainsley: who wins? is that an indication? >> steve: as i think of one group, they are biden people and
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they are better. then i have got another group they're trump people and they are better. on certain days. >> brian: next hour steve will reveal their names and addresses. >> steve: that will be the last time they ever speak to me. all right, now, let's talk a little bit about the weather. powerful tornadoes ripping through rural oklahoma overnight killing at least one person and hurting a number of others. communities in ruins this morning in some spots as you can see right there after the storms plowed through buildings and power lines leaving behind a path of destruction. >> brian: it may not be over as more than 3 million people across oklahoma, kansas and texas are waking up this morning under this risk of more storms which could bring with it baseball sized hail. >> ainsley: let's check in with our senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast. janice, they are still picking up pieces in the houston area from all of that rain. >> janice: after the flooding. incredible spring in terms of flooding rainfall and severe storms. we had earlier report of a
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tornado around the st. louis area that has since expired but we are still dealing with the potential for stronger storms through this region across the ohio valley and mississippi river valley. those are the storm reports over the last 24 hours. see that tornado warning that was just south of st. louis. you see the line of thunderstorms moving through. all of the ingredients are there for a severe weather outbreak. really stretching from texas all the way up towards the great lakes billing cities louisville, indianapolis, leestled cleveland, you could have large hail, damaging winds and some tornadoes have. a way to get those watches and warnings. i'm really afraid that a lot of cities are going to wake up to incredible, devastating damage. we will be watching that through the afternoon. there is your forecast today. the big story is that severe weather threat over the ohio river valley. the tennessee river valley. and that's going to continue tomorrow and also thursday. cold enough for snow as that next storm system moves across the rockies and, by the way, i'm here in new york. and it's spectacular. lots of sunshine and 77 today. but we will be following the
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severe weather threat ongoing severe weather outbreak. steve, ainsley and brian to you. >> steve: all right, j.d., thank you very much. >> brian: over to carley poised to give us the news. >> carley: good morning to you. i got update on a story we have been following for some time now, the hulls of a florida woman who went missing on a visit in spain back in february has been arrested by the fbi fbi says david was arrested for his alleged involvement in the kidnapping. his wife anna marie ken know very much was last seen in madrid after a masked man spray painted surveillance cameras in her apartment building a migration who will illegally crossed into the u.s. guatemala facing charges after authorities say he sexually assaulted an 11-year-old. officers arresting him over the weekend when they say he confessed to the crime. it comes after he was released when border patrol reportedly picked him up after crossing into the u.s. he has an immigration court date
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set for the year 2027 if you can believe it. chinese migrants are reportedly using mexican ids to try to get into the u.s. el cajon california mayor bill wells sharing videos and messages of the fake ids found in a local resident's yard. >> all of these ids on the wall are ids that he has found in his yard that people have just discarded after they have crossed the border. some of them as you can see over here, they have been lit on fire. so what is happening is they are getting across the border and destroy ids. >> carley: they sure are the ids appear to be made and sold by drug cartels. remarkable new video shows nypd detectives jumping over a glass barrier to save a distraught woman who is hanging over the ledge of a 45-story building.
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watch. >> >> all right. there he goes. >> what's the name again? >> sandra, are you okay? lift her up and i want her leg over. okay? got it. >> good. >> wow, the woman was taken to the hospital for a medical evaluation. all those guys there to save her are heroes. >> steve: 54 stories high and it just goes to show you whether they are out in the streets with the protesters or up in the sky, these cops in this town are amazing. >> ainsley: i would not be able to do that. those guys are heroes. >> carley: they really are without hesitation saved her life. >> steve: thanks, carley. >> ainsley: later today the career criminal accused of killing jonathan diller set to be arraigned. >> brian: paul mauro says the revolving door for repeat offenders must be closed
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>> ainsley: we are back with a couple of headlines for you. this just in the widow of former russian opposition leader alexei navalny speaking out after vladimir putin was sworn into office for a fifth term earlier today. >> our country is currently being led by a liar, a thief, and a murderer. but this will come to an end.
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>> navalny outspoken critic of putin's died in prison in february. his widow accused the kremlin of killing him, which it has denied. an american soldier was arrested in russia last week after authorities accused him of criminal misconduct. staff sergeant gordon black had reportedly traveled to russia on his own account while he was stationed in south korea before being arrested. an army spokeswoman says the service is in contact with his family. this comes as "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich and former marine paul whelan both remain in russian custody facing espionage charges. those are some of your headlines. brian down to you. >> brian: i appreciate it, ainsley. the career criminal accused murdering nypd detective jonathan diller of massapequa set to be arraigned today. last month the sea of blue filled a queens courtroom during the arraignment of the other suspect charged in the case. joining us now is attorney and retired nypd inspector general paul mauro. where do you expect this to go?
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this is life in prison if not the death penalty, right? >> notth not going to be the death penalty. life in prison without parole. the evidence against him is very, very strong. videotape, there is witnesses. >> the theme is he never should have been out. different era he wouldn't have been out. >> that's right. that's right. if you look at that car in that car, there were not only two guns but a history of almost three dozen priorities. two real career partners. instincts were accurate. looked like they were casing a location to do a robbery. that's why they were doing the car stop that they were doing. and indicative of how accurate they were, the other perpetrators, lyndh j jones had a shiv, shoif, a knife he thougt he was going to prison. released from prison in 2021. is he as evil as it gets. now let's talk about something else happening in new york city.
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it's the epicenter of unrest if it's not the met gala, parson school of design, nyu, city college or the president's detail as he goes to court every single day for the next month. it's really hurting the nypd. how is it effecting them to the guys you talk to? >> so they are working like crazy. one of the things that i think a lot of people don't realize is they still have the subway details because they were really determined to bring down the subway rhyme crime and that takes a lot of body. mandatory overtime and also voluntary overtime. mandatory overtime is tough. you thought you were going home over the weekend you are not. >> brian: bad enough trump tower to court every day and hope you don't run into a buzz saw. what about when you are serving and trying to protect people and have these protesters calling you a pig coming up with chants, kkk. relentlessly doing that. does that wear on someone psychologically. >> you have to be inhuman for it not to. you know the subtle at this of this thing, a lot of these protests are mobile. doesn't sound like much. they will walk. they do it purposefully. i remember them taunting me
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during 2020 the blm riots say we are making you walk because you have to walk with them and you are carrying 40, 50 pounds of gear and they are not. while they are ripping you and burning the american flag. this is what institute analysis says very spread thin the real vulnerability you won't be able to be very nimble should something big happen. should there be another series of riots like in 2020. should there be god forbid terrorist attack. think about the 67 to 85,000 illegal immigrants who have nothing to do. hanging out in these hotels. fighting with each other in these drunken stairwell brawls. you got to go in there. >> it seems like there is a new major initiative every week that they got to throw the nypd at. and, you know, the nypd works. and here's why. it's a subtly but it's accurate. it's paramilitary. the only agency like that in the city. paramilitary organizations for better or worse they work. you get told what to do. you got to do it. so as a result they are nimble and quick. you can't be nimble and quick if you don't have enough bodies. right now as you and i were
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talking about they have retention and recruitment issues i have never seen. getting into the low 30's. never seen something like that in 30 years. losing stuff we took back. you and i lived into the 90's and into the 2,000s, the renaissance we had enough cops they could throw bodies at these situations and you began to take back the city for lack of a better term. you really did. we are starting to lose that now. >> brian: we are. just a quick thing. they did a study and they said between 2018 and 2023, response time for critical calls increased by 22%. serious calls, service response, increased by 450%. noncritical calls, increased by 2 #%. sitting around, 27 minutes or more, for officers to respond, because it's harder for them to do it. they are trying the best they can, but they are streciousd out. >> they are going job to job to job. >> brian: all right, paul, thanks so much. >> always. >> coming up straight ahead. talking about divine intervention this pastor and his congregation unarmed after a gun jams during his attempted shooting. his increased message of faith and forgiveness.
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♪ >> steve: look at your tv. one pennsylvania pastor calling this confrontation this past sunday an act of god after that attempted shooter's gun jammed in the middle of the sermon. watch this. >> in god they chose. jesus! jesus! >> hey, hey. >> how crazy was that? so there you see pastor glenn
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germany, who was at the jesus dwelling place church in north braddock, pennsylvania. he saw out of the corner of his eye a guy was walking along the rail and thought he was going -- was a guest of like the deacon. as it turns out the guy comes right in the middle, pulls out a gun, squeezes off a shot and something happened to the gun. >> brian: gun jammed. i mean,. >> steve: it clicked. >> brian: he would have been shot point blank. there is no doubt about it. the guy from the back to come up and take him down but be smart enough to grab the arm, too this guy was almost moving in slow motion. i wonder what he was on? >> ainsley: thank goodness that a, the gun jammed right there. that was an act of god. and thank goodness for the guy who comes up behind him. >> brian: he was going to finish him. >> ainsley: you are right. he might have finished him. >> steve: unfortunately, too often the guns work. and people wind up dead. pastor glenn germany was with us in the last hour.
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and these are his objections about what went down this past sunday inside that church. >> it seemed like, you know, a gun pointed at me, a bullet is coming next. so i'm just trying to get out of the way. the officer who actually dislodged the chamber showed us the bullet and showed us the markings and said this bullet had your name on it. i'm grateful to god. because all it takes is one. and, you know, i would not be with my family today. so i'm definitely grateful to god because he definitely had the upper hand on me because i did not see him coming. i forgave him twice. when i was holding him down i let him know i forgave him because some of the congregation members were upset i had to ask them move away and let me talk to him one-on-one. i let him know i forgave him. at the last point when he was in the car i said i forgive you and love you and my name is glenn germany. i want you to remember my name and any way i can help you i would like to help you. >> ainsley: steve asked him what will you be preaching about this sunday? will you talk about this in
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church? he said just like i don't want politics in the schools, he said i don't want to talk about this in church. he said people come to church to learn about jesus and to hear the bible. >> steve: apparently, when they took that man out to the police car, the pals tore did talk to him ally a little bit. and he explained that the guy with the gun had been hearing voices. said spirits were talking to him. and said go in that church and kill the pastor. and that's what he tried to do. and then, of course, as he just said, he forgave the man even though -- he should be dead. >> brian: in new york they got $450 million to fan out to different congregations and religions, to protect their churches. i think all these churches, sadly, need armed guards, volunteer cops, whatever it is to bring their gun for guys like this because while he is hearing voices people are going to lose their lives. >> steve: a lot of the churches in my town in new jersey do have police officers there. every sunday. >> ainsley: he said he never seen the guy before in his life.
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this was just random. >> brian: celebrities show their glitz gramming glowns while anti-israel protesters flood the streets of new york city. jimmy failla wants to talk about it. he almost wore a tie. ♪ sure fire way to keep heat things up ♪well y crying] we're gonna get in in a minute, okay? -it's not opening. -well, i'll call. representative. [baby crying] speak with a person. [cs line] you are a valued customer. representative! we can go in the window. (♪) daddy! just a moment darling. meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals leave you hanging, try one where you can reach a human in about a minute. mom genes. she passed them down to you. but who passed them to her? ancestrydna can show her who and where her genes came from. best of all, it's on sale for mother's day. get it now, before she has to remind you.
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>> ainsley: it's to be one of new york city's most glamorous nights of the year last night the met gala was overshadowed by protesters. even the daily beast wrote quote the on pew columbus is always gross. this year it's obscene. dead civilians, poverty and chaos take a backseat at the annual event seemingly designed to make us all loathe the rich and privileged. jimmy failla is the host of fox news saturday night and fox across america and he joins us now. hello. >> the one thing, okay, is i don't really get the idea of protesting the met gala if only because the penalty for going to the met gala is going to the met gala. you have to be surrounded by insufferable people dressed like swans and no knows what. i applaud the celebrities for ignoring the protest. at this point we are all ignoring the protest. nobody care what is these spoiled kids say. so the fact that they want to go out and have their party, which
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they have had every year in the face of all kind of adversity and human suffering and everything in between is something to get behind. i don't like the concept of the prey ten shut celebrity thing. but i love the concept of a party. do you know how many times i have been to hr this week alone and it's only tuesday? come on, ainsley. >> ainsley: can you believe how expensive these tickets are $75,000 this year. last year was $50,000. most of the celebrities don't pay because sponsors also pay for it. if you want a table, they start at $350,000. >> this is where i'm with the protesters, okay? is that the people who go to this met gala at those prices act like -- they try to act like they are one of us. we got to look out for the little guy and a lot going on in the world. just drop the charade and embrace it. we are so rich we are using people as furniture. we can kind of respect that. it's the other thing when they try to straddle the world we live in, okay. because they don't. but, anybody who wants to turn a blind i'd to the protesters at this point, i'm on board with. because i -- you know, this stuff didn't happen at my alma
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mater nassau community college. >> ainsley: $75,000 you would use for that one ticket and go sign up for a year at columbia. >> you don't have to worry about my kid joining those protests. have you seen his report cards? he doesn't have that option. the only way my kid is going to protest is like me if they run out of beer beer nickel night. >> ainsley: don't throw your. >> he is doing fine. is he doing better than i was. believe me. >> ainsley: what is happening at mit? so hard to get in this cool. the best of the best. science, you know school. gets rid of this diversity statement as a hiring requirement. so we're going to hire the best. this was the statement from the president. my goals are to tap into the full scope of human talent to bring the very best mit and make sure that they thrive once here. we can build an inclusive environment in many ways but compelled impinge on freedom of expression and they don't work. >> boom! i'll drink to that because, the thing is they recognize mit, it's a math college, okay? you need meritocracy because if you are going to be at math
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college you need people who can do math. here's a news flash they can do it in every race we know that to be the case. the idea we should be steering people toward the diversity of experience not thought holds them back academically. we know who mi. >> it is the prerequisite getting in you haven't had a serious date your whole life. you are a nerd. you are good at math. we need you. we need these nerds. i'm not putting them down. i'm just telling you i want mega nerds of every race in charge of my math. that's what i want. >> ainsley: those are the guys your daughter needs to date. >> i don't want anybody there just because i want somebody there who got 106 on a test and his parents were embarrassed about it because he could have got 107. >> ainsley: missed one question on sat never had a cab driver at mit doesn't mean they should have me there. we needle qualified and confidante people. >> ainsley: find the nerdest guy
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at your school they are going somewhere. >> pay off in the future. it may not be exciting now you dig. everybody wants the captain of the football team. when you meet the captain of the football team in three years fill it up on 87 while the nerd owns the gas station. i'm pro-nerd. i have come full circle. >> ainsley: i didn't mean jimmy, thank you so much. watch jimmy's show fox news saturday night 10:00 p.m. eastern time. >> jimmy: boom. >> ainsley: there is his gorgeous picture. >> jimmy: how about it? >> carley: hey to you and hello, jimmy. good to see you. walmart paying customers up to $500 as part of its $45 million class action settlement. shoppers accuse the retail giant of overcharging on some pay-by-weight items including meat, seafood and produce. the settlement class includes customers who bought any of those goods in the u.s.s. or puerto rico between october 2018 and january 2024. that's a long time. customers eligible for a claim must fill out a form either
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online or through the mail by june 5th to receive the payments. a new survey from the new york fed revealing that renters around the country feel like their chances of owning a home are at a record low. more than 40% of renters say they may never afford a home. the survey also reveals a staggering 74% of renters now receive a -- perceive obtaining a mortgage as either somewhat or very difficult. and, finally, have you ever been in a res restaurant and decide couldn't decide what to order. >> whenever it came time to order my dad had this crazy glitch whether he couldn't remember what he wanted. >> come back to me. >> you sir, look like you are ready to order. >> come back to me. >> come back in a few minutes. >> no we are too far. in he will have the t-bone a little pink inside. >> oh, yeah. that is what i like. >> if you feel that way you are not alone. according to a new study nearly 80% of americans also have a
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hard time deciding on average it takes people about 12 minutes to answer what they want for dinner. it's such an important question. that's why you got to look at the menu in advance, ainsley. >> ainsley: don't you hate it when the waiter is like i will come back in few minutes, you know it's going to be 10 minutes. >> ainsley: no, no. no. don't leave. >> carley: i will make a game time choice and hopefully it's the right one. ains something we can all relate. to say thank you so much, carley. >> carley: you are welcome. >> ainsley: trump's new york judge threatening to throw him in jail as employees take the stand. court back in session this morning. ♪
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