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tv   America Reports  FOX News  May 7, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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on fox so don't miss moment by moment. and we are a few moments from the state department briefing, israel and its operation today in rafah white house on his behalf it looks like they are not going in on the ground the way they said they were while they try to work out a cease-fire deal with hamas savages we will see how that goes but meanwhile they have tanks on the ground. they are moving and they have moved 100,000 people out of the way and the humanitarian move for them we are following all of it to see what will come from the white house today from the president talking about holocaust remembrance day this week but not officially getting into what is going on between israel and hamas. so much ahead, keep it on fox, "america reports" now. >> the legal expense we have made put down as legal expense. there is nothing else you can
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say. and this is approved by all agencies, that is what they are all writing now. nothing written and that is a shame it is a very unfair trial. at the very, very unfair trial. the good news is they have nothing. >> john: a live look outside the new york supreme court building where a jury has been hearing broadly from a adult film actress stormy daniels. she is one of the prosecution's key witnesses and former president trump's historic criminal trial. so begins the criminal trial. >> gillian: good to be with you covering the trial end of the brick across the country i'm gillian turner, sandra is off, this is "america reports." the court is in the lunch break right now they will reconvene about 2:00, stormy daniels has been a key prosecution witness so far against the former president, they are arguing trump falsified business records to cover payments to daniel through his attorney,
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michael cohen, this in a run up to the 2016 presidential election. >> john: she's been testifying about her first encounter with trump at a celebrity golf tournament already warning them to move along with the level of detail coming out. as her testimony pointed to any criminal testimony from front we will matt whitaker. >> gillian: first then we will go to eric shawn live outside the supreme court in manhattan. good afternoon, eric. >> hello, jillian. stormy daniels says she wanted to nail down her deal before the 2016 presidential election. she said to be safe the judge seemed to lose patience with the prosecution questioning throughout the morning at some point but they heard a lot about sex. misgenders this morning appeared nervous she spoke quickly talking about 18 years ago back
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in 2006 at the slope at a golf tournament in lake tahoe. lychee then described going to his hotel penthouse suite club dinner with him and said at one point that evening she went into the bathroom and when she emerged she found mr. trump lying on his bed and is boxers and t-shirt and then went into detail describing having sexual relations with him. the former president could be seen shaking his head throughout her testimony. she related also how they also kept in touch and said he would call her about once a week and visited at trump tower where he introduced her to everyone, he said, and offered advice on getting a role on "the apprentice" but that role never appeared. prosecutor's have started delving into her deal with michael cohen, stormie offered $130,000 to keep her alleged affair with trump a secret, she said, she claimed she was not interested in money. judge one where sean meanwhile threatened to throw the former president in jail if he
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continues to violate the gag order after he has repeatedly been held in contempt of court. mayor adams says the corrections department would be ready if the judge actually does that. >> we have to adjust in this business particularly around law enforcement we have to adjust whatever comes our way. we don't want to deal hypothetical, but they are professionals they will be ready. >> former president has always denied his affair with ms ms. daniels and during the testimony the question about the prosecution of details of the alleged tryst in 2006, there were a lot of objections from the defense attorneys ended judge one where sean was those objections which means he was basically siding with the trumpo move along repeatedly and not get into such detail paired it seems judge juan merchan himself
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was losing patience with the prosecution case. back to you, jillian. >> gillian: all right, eric shawn of the courthouse for us again today, thank you. >> john: let's look at us from top to bottom matt whitaker former acting attorney general so dramatic as some would say salacious testimony from stormy daniels today but a lot would be asking what does all of us had to do with the price of eggs? >> yes, more salacious than relevant. remember, this case so far most of the witnesses have been accomplished took all things. one is to give more credibility to michael cohen who is, you know, a convicted liar. the second thing is to essentially dirty up donald trump and make him look less than synthetic. that goal is especially blowing up in their face because i think a lot of those witnesses have gone up and said how great he is and how good of a boss he is and so i think that has been a struggle for them so far. it still is a set of facts in
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search of a crime. remember these alleged falsifications of business records happened in 2017. that allegedly affected the 2016 election so there is a little bit of a magic trick we have talked about before. it is unclear. >> john: trump has a small time machine them in the back office. >> gillian: wasn't, just quickly, telling me if i am wrong, the timing was because she had started shopping around some kind of expose at that time, right? about the alleged encounter? >> right but they have to demonstrate that there is again this conspiracy to interfere with the 2016 election. you know, also the former federal prosecutor like me knows that federal elections are governed by the federal government. typically really never states do not get into the regulation whether they advertise, the super packets, all of those kinds of things are regulated by the federal government, the fec, the department of justice.
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>> if you are a juror, right? obviously there are 12 people who could have 12 different opinions about this, but if you are a juror do you think listening to all the salacious detail today and the same thing with michael cohen, really, everybody trying to establish they are stormy daniels and michael cohen are cd and disreputable, does that count in a juror's mind more against the defense? because trump associated with these people or doesn't count more against the prosecution? because they are dragging it all in? >> you are right, jillian parried attic what are the biggest challenges is a juror you are sitting there wondering what is the story they are trying to tell. where is this going? because at the end of the day they have not been instructed in the law. there just hearing these facts. was it illegal for him to allegedly be with her? i think they are trying to piece it together. that's why the jury instructions are going to be so important.
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why their legal theory of where this two-step or what i call "the card trick" that show one dismay in main or in another did misdemeanor which elevates it to all felonies and therefore this jury trial but it makes sense from a jury instruction standpoint paired i don't think they'll be able to do it but i am very carefully. >> john: the cross-examination coming up what is the defense need to do? obviously i would think they will probably plant the seeds in the jury that even if this did occur, which i am sure they are not going to acknowledge it did actually happen, there was nothing illegal about that. >> not only was there nothing illegal but twice before in written statements stormy daniels has denied this ever happened. and so to some extent they are going to go into the fact that her and michael were trying to extort president trump in the context of the 2016 election. but more importantly put pressure on the spot lights are on to his family or threaten to put the pressure on his family including his beautiful wife, malanga.
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and that will be one thrust of the extortion scheme and i think the other thrust will be you have no credibility because you have been all over the place in your stories and were you lying then or are you lying now? >> gillian: here is a question about that. do you think that the jury, right, in order to make a decision, ultimately, or in order to decide that trump is guilty of the charges he is facing, do you think they need to believe stormy daniels? do you think they need to decide that trump did in fact have some sort of sexual encounter with her? or are in their own decision making is that irrelevant? >> i think it's completely relevant. if you think of these 34 falsification documents coupled with the alleged conspiracy to interfere with the 2016 election and i don't see where stormy daniels and what happened and when it happened has any -- >> john: maybe in the jury's
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mind you can establish their's was a tryst there that would be of the urgency that donald trump mayfield to quash the story? >> may be but you will have to understand with those two lawyers on the jury now you have two super jewelers that will need to leave this wherever it needs to go. you need to make sure make sure that is why i keep talking about the law because everyone in those ten jurors will look to the lawyers and say explain what we need to find or don't need to find. >> john: matt, good to see you come out. we will see you later in the second hour. a lot more ahead as well we have andy mccarthy coming up, mark eiglarsh will be with us again, jim trusty. >> gillian: all the best people. >> john: jonathan turley, nothing but the best people. >> gillian: we are also -- >> john: with one exception. >> gillian: thank you for that we are also awaiting to the department briefing and to spending reaction to israel's
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preliminary evasion with the stronghold in rafah we have full coverage of that coming up as well also a little bit of this. >> my name was 27,633. i am shocked and very upset at what is going on on our cam campuses. >> john: holocaust survivor tova friedman's reaction to the anti-israel protest going viral as president biden condemns anti-semitism on holocaust remembrance day. that survivor and her grandson a college freshman will join us live, stay with us. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss.
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proposal that endangers the security of our citizens in the future of our country. >> gillian: welcome back we are still awaiting briefings at the white house from the state department and the pentagon as well. israel is pressing ahead with its military operation in raw for. it comes as israel officials reveal a cease-fire deal that hamas claims it agreed to has no real basis in reality. fox team coverage for you, jacqui heinrich at the white house but first we go to jeff paul live in tel aviv. jeff, any signs today of progress towards a potential cease-fire? >> i mean it's possible we note negotiations picked back up in cairo, egypt, today. israel saying they sent a new delegation of mediators to work on a deal that is, in their eyes, more acceptable but at the same time israel isn't standing back from its operation that it carried out into eastern raw file overnight calling it a precise terrorism operation they
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say ground troops and fighter jets hit in the limited hamas terror targets including military structures and tunnel shafts. they also took over the raw for crossing on the entry point it shares with egypt. a move that it shuts down all humanitarian aid coming into gaza from egypt through that crossing. another key point that has been closed in addition to the crim, karin shalom crossing. there are new fears of food and water shortages in gaza with so many palestinians now evac evacuating. many who are packing up once again and they say they are frustrated and worried about their safety. >> we hope for a truce and a cease-fire so we can return to our homes safe and sound. speak of the poor palestinians are being displaced from one area to another and there are no safe zones. there are no safe zones in all of gaza street. >> as these negotiations continue in cairo, egypt, two points to watch out for that
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could be hard to clear right now, hamas wants both a permanent cease-fire and one of the other points they sort of drew up was that the number of hostages released that number would include both hostages who were alive and hostages who were dead. israel says both of those points right now unacceptable. jillian? >> gillian: jeff paul reporting from tel aviv for us, thank you. >> this hatred did not begin with the holocaust. it didn't end with the holocaust either. this hatred continues to lie deep in the hearts of too many people in the world. and requires our continued vigilance and outspokenness. >> john: president biden condemning anti-semitism during the keynote address today on capitol hill as hostility against the jewish people searches across america. lacrosse survival and her grandson are standing by with their reaction. first jacqui heinrich is alive
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at the white house and what else to the president have to say about the rise in anti-semitism in the u.s., jackie? >> john, this demonstration has faced a lot of criticism for mentioning islamophobia almost every time to talk about anti-semitism almost without fail. if you ask about one issue, you get an answer on both. this is exclusively on anti-semitism commemorating the holocaust as the worst outbreak of jewish hate in decades. >> now here we are. not 75 years later, but just seven and a half months later. people are already forgetting. already forgetting. that hamas unleashed this te terror. so it is hamas that brutalized israelis. it with hamas that took and continues to hold hostages. i have not forgotten or have you
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and we will not forget. >> biden also forcefully spoke out on college campuses saying "violent attacks, destruction of property, hate speech and threats of violence are not peaceful protests" he indirectly referred to jewish students being blocked from the classes saying "no one should have to hide or be brave just to be themselves." biden also affirmed u.s. support for the security of israel and the right to exist on as an jewish state. i target operation in rafah which broadly the u.s. has cautioned against on a large scale. they did tell fox what we have seen played out is not the kind of operation they have cautioned against but they can continue to watch it closely. the president in the u.s. has been increasing pressure on israel to heed u.s. warnings amid the heavy death toll on civilians in gaza. it's been reported that the administration delayed an arms
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shipment not admitting that on the record dodging questions around it even though we are seeing more and more reports where they admitted anonymously. >> john: thank you. jillian? >> gillian: let's bring in tova friedman a holocaust survivor. her videos explaining her experience as a prisoner in the great war and the atrocities she witnessed while teaching a whole new generation about the holocaust. on tiktok of all places. aaron goodman is her grandson. he joins us today a freshman at washington university in st. louis. also has a perspective to share on campus protests. tova, we could speak with you all day candidly. where i would like first is on this holocaust remembrance day ask you to share with us as quickly as you can what you were recall the most about the
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holocaust? >> you want to know what i recall? i recall horrible things. it's too difficult to even explain it to you. all i can say is i recall the death of children. jewel little babies. some of my friends. some were shot in front of me and my grandmother shot in front of me. the kind of things that no human being should live through oral recall or see or experience. i try to tell it to this generation, to sort of be careful that this could be the end product of all of this hatred and anger and anti-semitism. it is a very difficult time. i think for all of the jews all over the world. >> john: it's a slippery slope as well because we saw in
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nazi germany of the normalization of anti-semitism which was key for the party to indoctrinate young people into their master plan for destroying the jewish population at least in germany if not across the europe. so aaron, when you see this rising again, on college campuses, what do you think? >> it all of them trying to enter data which is something i've been saying we cannot be intimidated by these protests by not yelling at us that they want us dead. that is something i've been saying we cannot let them intimidate us. it hurts to see people especially at a university at university level, people who used to to be your friend no longer support you and you have to hide your religion, your faith. >> tova -- >> especially it's very scary
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one, you know, professors, some of the professors take the side of these students. >> gillian: tova, does it shock you that today your grandson is sort of being faced with some of the same challenges in the form of ferland anti-semitism that you faced so many years ago? do you ever think on the day you were liberated from the camps and when the nazis leader surrendered in france and germany this would happen question work >> no. no. it is extraordinarily shocking, frightening, disappointing. when i walked out of auschwitz with my mother at the age of six and a half, it never occurred to me that somehow in my lifetime i would experience something like
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this. and when coming to america, you know, the country of the promise, i was 11 and a half. just because o come here i am i am safe and i am say forever. so is my family. and i would worry about my grandchildren and how they feel in the colleges. it is too shocking and too painful. i just hope there are more people who are going before us stand against us. >> john: aaron, very quickly if we could button us up, we have pointed out you are a freshman at washington university in st. louis. we haven't heard about any protests going around in that campus. do you come as a jewish student, feel safe there? >> this was one of the first schools to allow jewish students to enter. we have had countless protests
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where community members come on campus. they come on campus and they intimidate students. they are lit yelling at us. like i said before, washington is no different. every university has these protests and intimidation. >> yesterday there were five students speaking from columbia university. and they had this dual will feeling. they were scared, they were shocked, they were intimidated but they were not going to give up. there was a theme for last night's rally at columbia university. they were not going to give up. they were not going to leave the campus, not the classes, they will graduate, they will take the exams. they will do everything as if life is normal. but the fear is they are, but there is also a lot of courage.
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with jewish students. >> john: i would say life is anything but normal for many people. >> gillian: tova, like i said earlier, we could literally speak to you all day. we have to let you go you are a beacon of hope and light and beauty for jews around the country thank you including myself i recommend to everyone watch your content online it's very important. thank you both for taking time with us on this holocaust remembrance day. >> john: thank you, folks, appreciated. back to our top story now stormy daniels testimony in trump's new york criminal trial set to resume a short time from now at the top of the hour. fox business' lydia who is in the courtroom all morning. lydia, this was certainly a scene that a lot of people would have liked to of witnessed. what was it like in the
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courtroom with stormy daniels walking in? >> you know, john, it was a moment i will never forget. you could probably hear a pin drop as ever and craned their head around wanting to see stormy daniels enter the courtroom and walked just behind our former president as she went up to the witness stand. i can tell you that overall stormy daniels i think appears to be a very good witness for the prosecution. not just because what her testimony is, providing the sordid details about an alleged encounter with a former president, perhaps salacious and interesting, but she is a good talker. i can see how she is naturally an entertainer. she talks to the jury, she is animated and engaging and i think overall for the prosecution that went very well. but with that said, john, there are plenty of points in which the defense can pounce on what she is saying to compromise her
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creditability in cross-examination and it's all about whether or not they will be able to pull that off without alienating anybody who may be feels some of these. >> gillian: we know, lydia, the prosecution honestly wanted her testimony including the president himself. the former president did not. do you have any sense from being in the room with the jury what they are reception to her was light, with the mood was like? in the court we have heard some court reporting today that her testimony created a very tense atmosphere in that room. more tense than in the last 11 days. >> yeah. i will tell you this is my first time being inside the main courtroom up until now i have been in the overflow. but for my experience today i did feel tense. not only did you have stormy daniels taking the stand over the defense objection, todd
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blanche has been very clear as to why he thinks stormy daniels should not testify. he says whatever her accounts of whatever alleged encounter she had with the former president back in 2006 has nothing to do with business records which is the heart of this case. business records that were kept and maintained in 2016 and 2017. nevertheless we have judge juan merchan allowing them to put her on the stand so as appropriate to mark their ongoing objections to her testimony and this has been judged also interjecting and interrupting stormy daniels because she is offering testimony and information beyond what is being solicited by the prosecutors. she talks very quickly and offers a lot of information and the judge has often had to remind her that is not what was asked. please listen to the question. >> john: lydia, thank you for
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the color in the courtroom we will let you get back inside court will resume in about 25 minutes from now. mean time we are monitoring the state department briefing as israeli forces taking control of trafah crossing. stay with us. limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ raising you was no bed of roses. are you getting me anything for mother's day? go to oh my gosh! wow! gorgeous! i feel like royalty. thank you. happy mother's day. happy mother's day!
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>> yes, john. correct on both accounts. the israeli objectives are clear. we just had a meeting with one of their senior officers the general on the defense staff which also with with causative previously they have to destroy hamas. from a still wow military standpoint and a domestic political standpoint allow hamas to survive when it is openly talking about more october 7ths and in order to do that, i have been on the ground in this type of urban warfare as well, you have to get in there and physically separate the civilians that hamas is using as human shields. what is frustrating to me is we have an enemy willing to sacrifice his own people to turn world opinion including its greatest ally, the united states, against israel diplomatically and isolated.
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this administration many democrats right here in congress the media and certainly the far left progressive protesters are playing right into hamas' hands. >> gillian: congressman do you think the idea has a real chance at some point during this operation at the leader? >> i think that will be a key metric for their success. they cannot allow him to live. we also know there is a reporting out there but he is literally hidden in a bunker and you have hostages lining the walls being used as human shields. the thing, again, that is so frustrating is look, from their perspective if you see the administration continuing to turn against israel continuing to pressure israel and making this moral equivalent of what the idf is doing versus what hamas has done, one our mistakes in combat the other is deliberately targeting civilians from their perspective and
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iran's perspective, hold fast. keep moving the goal post on negotiations. keep biding time because i think they believe time is on their side. as they drive world opinion against israel. >> john: i want to ask you about this other issue and it is staff sergeant gordon black. he is assigned to the military in south korea. he traveled to russia to meet with a romantic interest and is now in russian custody accused of stealing. what you make of this? >> at john coming am close to this issue my wife was his negotiator in this paired we know our adversaries are using hostages for geopolitical leverage. i've been briefed it wouldn't surprise me if they lured the soldier in. perhaps with online dating or something else, a pretty idiotic thing for him to do. but now if they can get a victor boot and international arms dealer by taking a celebrity,
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what can food and get by taking a soldier? as long as they only see upsides for diplomacy or that they dare do something like this, that is the only way to get it to stop. >> gillian: congressman we have to leave it there, thank you for joining us this afternoon. >> thank you. >> john: good to see you, thanks. >> gillian: we will go back to our top story of the hour, stormy daniels testifying at new york state supreme court today. want to go ahead and bring in fox news legal editor carrie eri urbahn what are your biggest takeaways from the morning since they are on lunch? >> stormy daniels is probably thus far the most damaging witness for tom. the strongest witness for the prosecution and the reason that
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is is because she has provided a level of detail no other witness has provided thus far and the detail paints a sleazy, tawdry picture. of course sleazy and dirty does not equal illegal. of course the prosecution has seemed to be attempting to obscure that before the jury over and over that this scene is the same as committing a crime which it isn't. i will say she comes across as authentic, as believable. certainly if you are a woman on the jury you are thinking about how i can't imagine if that was me and hearing details revealed about my husband but things took a turn at the end of her testimony when she seemed to kind of get her story confused. on one hand she talked about wanting to sell her story with her and trump as far back as 2011 but they were not successful. if she had her agent were not able to sell it to anyone and she also said on the other hand, i think my partner would've been
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upset if he knew i had sex with donald trump so she was all over the map but if you fast-forward to 2016 the access tape comes out, it appeared she saw an opportunity to may be finally sold her story once and for all. and why that is interesting is because, again, she talked about this time it was i just want to get my story out. i didn't care about the money. she said them a number of times she did not care about the money but if that were the case in the world when she has sold her story to michael cohen and donald trump when they were buying it or buying her silence so it wouldn't get out? so i expect when we go back into the courtroom that the defense is really going to lean in hard on cross-examining her here because what was it? did you want the money, did you want the story out? that matters as far as the prosecution's theme that donald trump only pages to win the election. >> john: we were talking to whitaker about this at the beginning of the hour and the
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question a lot of people have is so stormy daniels is out there telling salacious tartar tales but what does that have to do with the price of tea in china? it's completely unrelated to this idea of falsification and business records unless the prosecution wants to paint a picture where trump was so anxious about the possibility of this story getting out after she details everything that happened almost down to the last detail. that he was willing to do anything including falsified business records. >> right. i was saying to someone and courtroom that will be a problem for the defense for trump if she did not open her mouth simply because they had this sexual encounter. no one wants to hear about that. is very salacious details, and it makes a defendant probably more unlikable to a jury. however, we are, as we keep talking, in a court of law. crime needs to be proved, elements need to be established and the standard is beyond
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reasonable doubt. to your point what this sexual encounter has to do with classifying expenses and a personal bookkeeping ledger account as legal expenses, it does not really add up. >> gillian: do you think, carrie, that the prosecution needs to convince jurors that an affair between the former president and stormie actually happened when she says it did? meaning do you think jurors could decide to convict the former president even if they don't believe the affair happened? even if they believe the former president's side of the story? >> yes. at the end of the day, talking about this charge of falsifying business records, we have to remember how that fit that the prosecution getting in that across finish line. classifying composition for an nda, the nondisclosure agreement, could be considered a legal expense. as you heard testimony yesterday from the accounts payable person
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who classified those expenses as legal expenses in the book, she was told to do so by her supervisor she had no interaction from donald trump erie her supervisor had no contact with donald trump them to prove beyond reasonable doubt that donald trump had actual knowledge how these expenses were classified and had some conspiracy with michael cohen in a way that would defraud who? not entirely clear, i guess the american people from knowing the story about stormy daniels. if it sounds confusing and convoluted that is because it is. >> john: carrie, quick answer to this. susan did the direct, did we know who would do the cross examination for trump's team? >> we don't. but one of the female lawyers on trump's defense team is sitting first chair today which makes us think she may be the one
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questioning stormy daniels which would make sense as a matter of strategy. the defense does not want to appear to be going too hard on a woman told the story who said she was concerned about safety throughout the years and things like that. so it would make sense if it was the woman questioning her. >> gillian: carrie, we have to leave it there, thank you very we will check back in with you during the trial once it resumes again coming up in about 2:00 p.m.ish. >> john: now we bring an arkansas governor sarah sanders good to have you here, go, let's go to the way back team to 2070 when you were a secretary handling all of the stuff. who lived through it with the campaign as well. what do you make of what is going on in court? >> i think this is something that has been addressed ad nauseam him and this is the democrat's attempt to criminalize politics. they know they can't be trump on the economy. they cannot beat him on the border or foreign policy so this is the distraction of the day. there controversy to create any
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time they take people's attention off the head-to-head matchup then going on. they have a better shot. donald trump continues to dominate joe biden in the polls. he wins this is a distraction i think the american people frankly have seen this movie. they are ready to move on with the democrats to move on about the issue at hand. we are seeing cracks in the polls to show where they should stand. should they be convicted in this case? for the first time these polls are showing some slippage. this may count against him with some people that make up his base. is that a concern? >> i think the president's support has never been a more solid and more enthusiastic. if you look every time he steps into public he does so to crowds cheering and chanting his name and cheering for the country. we have never seen anything like
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that for a political figure, certainly not in my lifetime. yet that has been steady for him since he came down the escalator in trump tower but has never waned. i don't expect it will now. now people are looking at the contrast of two people that have served in the same role. one has a record of success when it comes to the economy, when it comes to securing the border, when it comes to keeping our world a safe. one of those individuals, donald trump, has a great story to tell. and one comes from a total position of weakness. i think when people look at that matchup, donald trump em nguyen maxes all day every day. >> john: i want to ask you about an issue that is important to you in the state of arkansas getting a lot of attention around the country. that is the whole issue with title ix the biden administration's rewrite, taking it from 37 words to 1500 pages. you signed an executive order saying the state of arkansas was not going to comply with the changes it said in part "specific arkansas laws outlined
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in the order open," in an xo's article "band the meat from using a chain area and bands transgender girls from female designated sports leagues. they were with you when you signed all of this. what is your intent to be in the face of this president question marks big i don't think it has anything to do in the face of the president but he is letting our women, something i feel like people have fought 4 for decades to provide fairness in girls sports opportunities and scholarships and protection for our young athletes and all of a sudden they are erasing all that and putting our daughters in harm's way. i have a daughter to play sports and so do you, do you want her to be exposed to these kinds of things? i don't think there is a parent in the country who sees what they are doing with title ix and
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says yes i think this is a good idea. it is an absolute outrage and my question is where are the feminists? why or not the maddest most angry group of people fighting back against the crazy policies of this a administration? i think arkansas is the first of what will be many states that pushback against these new rules and new interpretations of title ix and i certainly hope and expect that to happen. >> gillian: the folks on the other side of this issue you mentioned tend to advocate -- tend to come at this as deb mike advocating for lgbtq, trans rights, do you see this issue like big picture when you are thinking about this, when you are at home thinking about what matters to you do you frame it in your mind as putting women's rights against trans rights or do seen in a different light? >> no we are not against anybody but we are very much for protecting women and particularly young girls who want to play sports and want
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opportunities for that. i don't think any child should be exposed to someone of the opposite sex against their will in a locker room because they want to play volleyball or lacrosse. the idea we are allowing that to happen to me is insane and i don't see how anybody can make a true justifiable argument. >> john: critics say title ix was originally enacted to protect the rights of women in education and activities and now it has been rewritten to protect the rights of biological men and women's education and activities. >> i mean, my biggest thing is that we cannot allow them to completely erase an entire gender. to me it is very clear there are two genders. there are men, there are women, it's been that way since literally the beginning of time when god created earth and we cannot erase one in favor of another. >> john: governor it's great to see you. think of for dropping by. >> gillian: think of coming in. >> john: help you this though my stomach see you again soon.
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stormy daniels selling rights to her story or talking about it and contradicting herself in reasons around it. as court is set to resume at the top of the hour don't you go away. the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. >> tech: at safelite, we'll take care of fixing your windshield. but did you know we can take care of your insurance claim? that means less stress for you. >> woman: thanks. >> tech: my pleasure. have a good one. >> woman: you too. >> tech: schedule today at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ when you see what it's really like when our skin touches wool... you see why we need downy free and gentle
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>> the man charged pleading not guilty being held without bail. alexis mcadams covering the story live from new york city today joins us now hey, alexis. >> hey, jillian, a very emotional day for the family of fallen nypd officer jonathan diller, his wife was sitting in the courtroom today just feet away from the suspect accused of shooting and killing her husband. the nypd showing up in full force to send a strong message, watch. >> we hope that this vicious, violent cop killing took a good look at the crowd in that courtroom. because he is going to see us every time he comes to court. >> this morning guy rivera the man accused of killing nypd detective jonathan diller back in march was arraigned. more than a month after that deadly shooting that really shook new york to its core. he is charged with murder and
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attempted murder being held without bail, he shot the cop during a traffic stop. diller's family in the courtroom as the shooter faces life behind bars, diller was a dad, husband, and a three year veteran of the nypd. as the police showed up in full force to pack that courthouse the police department hopes it holds a strong message to that suspect and the whole city. we can tell you that suspect will be back in court in july we will watch that course very closely. >> gillian: alexis mcadams. spiel in the near state supreme court as we expect testimony from stormy daniels to resume in 4 minutes time we will talk with our legal eagles lined up and they are ready to fly stay with us.
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