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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  May 7, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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and over a george washington university ndc the statue should be for our first president is still wearing this mask in holding a place to imply. 's belated for almost a week. don't -- don't campus security clean it up at one point? what are they thinking? why does -- and restore the statute to the form that they intend it to be? i can't figure this out. someone please tell me what's going on at the gw administration and why they haven't fixed this situation. so that is "the story" for today may 7th and "the story" goes on. we thank you for joining us today and as we do for joining us every day at 3:00. we will see you back here tomorrow. "your world" is about to get underway. sneak peek at the dow, up a little bit. the june for that. will see you. >> ♪ ♪ >> neil: six months from election day, stormy daniels understand donald trump on
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trial. and anti- -- glad to have you on yet another busy newsday on -- i'm neil cavuto and this is "your world." former president trump is likely to speak at this hour and has a life -- we begin with nate ford outside the new york courthouse with mo more. >> adult film actress stormy daniels' understand right now being cross-examined by trent -- trump attorney susan necklace and daniel's is that -- answering question about previously denying having an affair with former president trump and she's referencing a time that she says that she was threatened in a parking lot in 2011. she's also being questioned about her finances and not paying trump for attorney fees that she owes him for a separate lawsuit mcdaniel testified she hates trump and previously posted that she would dance down the street if he went to jail. daniels is also answering questions about a book that she wrote, -- if she talks
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about sex. daniels said "no, although that does seem to be the case go daniels this position has changed noticeably since her cross-examination began while answering questions from prosecutors earlier, daniels provided great detail. your answers know are much shorter. here's an exchange with necklace moments ago "necklace asked her "you despise him and make one of them picking up trump. daniels responded, "because he started." daniels testified that she met trump and had an affair with him in 2006. she kept in contact with trump after that believing he could help her career. trump denies the affair ever happened on through social today he called the case a "false ancient history vehicle he also just posted the polynesian has gone too far and for a mistrial which is something that his lawyers also did at the beginning of the afternoon session saying that the jury heard damaging unrelated as the morning
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relative to the actual charges that judge faces. the judge says that he agreed it would've been better if some of the testimony had not been presented to the jury but that he did not think he mistrial was warranted right now. and occumed. >> neil: need -- nate foy, thank you. again we are waiting to hear from president trump when he comes out of there, that's usually standard operating procedure -- is not to be very careful what he says. >> you know, this judge has imposed this unconditional gag order on the presidents but look at what he's facing today. he is facing a situation where his attorney had asked for a mistrial because stormy daniels had salacious statements in court that have nothing to do, nothing to do at all with this case and the judge allowed her to continue this testimony on and on
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on direct examination. she was very, very vocal. she had a lot to say and the judge did not stop her. this was testimony that was unnecessary and it was highly prejudicial to the jury what the judge said when the defense attorneys asked for a mistrial. he said i'll interact -- instruct the jury at a later time that they should disregard that. while you can't and ring a bell. the jury heard the bell. it cannot now be on wrong, neil. >> neil: it is a wild. john i wanted to follow up with you. the judge seems to -- surprise -- judge merchan seem to be the surprise by the defense not, you know, getting more, you know, contradicting about everything she was saying or getting in her face on all of this or raising more objections. isn't that a lot on him as well? >> this is a problem with again this judge a his way in over his head. he just allowed stormy daniels, whose only there
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because she signed an nda essentially accusing the former president of the united states of committing rape. that's what you testified today. nonconsensual sex with a former president. is explosive and as you've just heard it's a jury -- injury will not forget that. understanding the judge not really has to choose between a mistrial which is rejected or somehow tried to save this trial because otherwise it's going to get reversed on appeal because this is so prejudicial and doesn't really advance the ball in terms of the facts that go to the legal charges which is essentially a bookkeeping error, a bookkeeping cover-up that allegedly was to cover up if all campaign contribution. >> neil: rebecca, if the judge -- you know, knows all the prosecution knows that the judge is not going to tell them to cool it out there going to keep going full throttle, right? i'm just wondering -- even
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the to the technical points in the legal point of this case it doesn't matter whether they did this relationship revise it was, this is the issue, right? >> the issue is it here is the prosecution is going full speed ahead on their train in the kangaroo court. there are just going after trump with everything. will and others hold up on appeal? it shouldn't. there is no probative value to him wearing boxer shorts to this x. -- he had old spice in the bathroom. this is nonsense by the judge should have opted immediately. he did not because what is happening is he knows the jury is hearing this and i believe that he is very heavily by -- bands against the former president and he is hoping the jury hears this and had a bad impression of the former president but what can happen is that this can backfire? this can backfire, neil, and the jurors might say wow he
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is being railroaded the former presidents. this is just too much. and that is something called jury nullification that happen. >> neil: by the jurors council lebron and say all right -- the -- he did make new details about, you know, the former president's residence that an outsider would not so they now could start the question even though that was not supposed to be part of this case, his veracity and the former president's truthfulness and that maybe john yoo, that is what the goal was here on the part of the prosecution? >> i agree with you. we talked about it before. this trial, weather prosecution is really doing here, which prosecutors -- opposite -- professional persecutors are not supposed to do, which is to try someone because you dislike them, try them because you consider them a bad char character. that's the only claim to
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bring all of this in. and -- not going to forget this primitive jury will not forget this and maybe more importantly than the things the american people are going to forget this when we come to november. i don't know how you undo the effects of such damaging testimony of the kind we just heard today. >> neil: you know, rebecca, the defense finally had the crack at stormy daniels, they started raising one drive stormy daniels to this calendar defense. am i correct that you hate president trump, daniels, "". defense, "you wanted to go to jail?" but that is neither here or there but i guess the defense is trying to show is that she has an agenda, right? >> yes. sheet they try to show -- she is out to get president trump. she will say and do anything including lying understand to get this president behind bars.
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she said she'd be happy if he were put in jail. so that -- what that does, the defense questioning that an aggressively questioning her which is necessary to show her and -- inherent bias towards this man and that she should not be believed. her credibility is at issue. that is very important to the jury -- and that is than what we follow the course in closing statements as to every point that the difference believe stormy daniels lied. >> jesse: you know, >> neil: i guess going through the exchange that we were getting from some of the notes producers were taking that it did seem on this epic, historic events in this country, got super childish while i only did business because he started this, you
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know, i had said the things absent about him because he said words about the -- i'm paraphrasing here but to make the point, you know, impair emission moment this is not in the -- those of a certain age are probably say "who's carry mason?" but my point here is this is not some model numbers legal back-and-forth. this has gotten pretty seedy and pretty childish, has in it? >> that is exactly it -- i think what nda want to hear is they don't have case on the law. they're trying to enforce federal election law which they're not allowed to enforce, they'd truck -- the state court -- state law bookkeeping charges in to the case and so the judge here refused the trump team's efforts together legal issue up to the appeals court and so now they been dragged down into fighting an nda's terms. idea i think wants to pull it down to the sort of level.
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you want the jury to hear all of these details. he wants them to engage in childish back-and-forth because it is a question of whether or not trump is a bad guy and why everyone in new york should dislike and. nda figures human condition before a new york city jury on that. >> neil: don't wander too far, will have an interview back here a little -- the regular overwrite know, you just saw donald trump returning to the courthouse count don't know how much longer this can go -- this kind of in the rule of the monitors and again expeditions are the former president will be speaking -- will have to watch what he says the. of course, right now with this, order the threat of even going to jail -- in the meantime also out there all these protests that continue to riddle there were nation, university of chicago right no and again these encampments that we've heard so much about their at paris encamping if you will, president biden meanwhile addressing -- and
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anti-semitism in the countries that all the right things but now indications from -- does he mean them, after this. >> ♪ ♪ failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ isolated...depressed... and embarrassed. that's how it felt to live with bladder and bowel incontinence. but that changed when my urologist told me about axonics therapy. a long-lasting solution that has really changed my life. this is not another drug, and it works.
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[screaming] >> neil: there's -- discourse at the university of chicago the clash between bullies and protesters at a lot of incumbents that were coming under universities across across the country are beginning to be shall i fear were encamped. jackie heinrich following all these developments in the white house. this was president joe biden's chance to talk about anti-semitism today. let's leave that registered. jackie? >> he gave a pretty forcible speech against ansi termism and also reiterating u.s. support for israel's security to exist as of the jewish state. were on that in just a minute. to what has though is not speaking to these other reports that cannot contradict that message that the u.s. is at the same time slow walking sales of precision bombs to israel without a message amid the heavy civilian toll in gaza.
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they also have not denied the reports and so i asked the press secretary about the message that sends the answer we got was the clearest confirmation yet or aggressive closest thing to confirmation yet that the u.s. is trying to get a deeper commitment to protect civilians from israel. listen. >> what can the u.s. have iron -- on the one hand and then on the other hand slow walk arm sales? the president said the supplemental was imperative and now this? how do you swear that? >> are not going to speak to the second part of your question. are meant to israel's security is ironclad and reprove that. people that get an experimental done. two things can between the sons of having those conversations, tough direct conversations with their counterparts in israel, the president having his conversation with his counterpart. obviously the prime minister in making sure that citizens lives are protected and getting that commitment. >> in the white house one
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answer questions from the press they might have to answer to congress. karine jean-pierre would not confirm the admission would follow through on that thing that the administration is not seen those requests. walter ellis. senators -- asking which ammunition was withheld from israel, you know, if it was part of the recent national security supplement passed by congress, by congress was not informed and if the administration will commit to telling congress about decisions like this in the future. today the white house is optimistic about the cease-fire negotiations progressing grandmother officials wouldn't say whether the u.s. is okay with hamas' demand all of the first phase of releases to include hostages that are alive. president biden reiterated his commitment to getting those hostages home speaking out against anti-semitism at a holocaust remembrance event earlier today. he also announced the threats of violence and intimidation and vandalism we are seeing on college campuses. neil? >> neil: jackie heinrich -- former white black man
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is indeed the administration has been found to slow walk this weapon, you know, delivery, they can't do that, administration can't do that. that would be a big deal. what do you think? >> thank it is a big deal because you have the white house press secretary saying on the one hand is a it gets administration, passed the supplemental appropriation to provide military support to the israeli is about all incidentally worse withholding the support. you can say isn't it great we we did it when you're not we're not doing it and so absolutely that there are plenty of the ways for him to have an influence over the israeli is that don't involve keeping them from having weapons that are absolutely vital for the defense and protection. >> neil: if you are slow walking military shipments to israel the next step would be cutting back on funding are certainly acting on threats
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to do so. is that a concern? >> i doubt that they will go that far. you know, they are trying by half measures just to see how far they can get -- influenced netanyahu. step back for a moment. this is part of a bigger game. i think the administration also made a mistake by giving the high ground hamas in the last 48 hours making it appear that hamas was saying let's have a cease-fire. we agreed to that proposal that was laid on the table. it turns out that hamas was agreeing with a proposal that it -- that was different than what was really because with the israelis in the united states was privy to so the united states should have been in my opinion called on hamas, called hamas out and said you say you agree to the proposal but this is not the proposal that was being discussed, it is one that you are now offering so let's not mislead world opinion and make the israeli look like there, you know, the bad
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actors in this drama. your bad actors by taking an agreement that was laid on the table and ignoring it and say that you agree with one that you yourselves have drawn up. >> neil: i want to switch to donald trump right now and you know that this money was stormy daniels and what have you. a lot of things were said no were supposed to be coming up here, even admonished by the judge doesn't seem to aggressively there is on the prosecution's part and i'm sure president will be coming out shortly and will be seeing things, will -- what do you think? >> well, you know, i was actually in the studio here when you had john yoo, i think he spoke quite eloquently about this. he said it's a mess and how you can and here things that have been set i don't know. i'm sure we will hear some things -- if i were the president' lawyers would try and constrain him and saying what he feels because he will
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obviously feel very strongly about what he just heard in a court. >> neil: i'm wondering as well even though this was not supposed to be cut -- this was something that was all about a financial matter, it's gone beyond that right now. forget about what the jurors cannot on here. i'm beginning to wonder if the president will be called out by journalists -- she made very convincing testimony that you did indeed have this relationship that you denied in the back-and-forth continues. he has said he brushed -- this never happened, she -- he swears by that, she seems this register opposite but that -- but this will not become an issue all over, right? >> absolutely and that, you know, even if this case is not brought to resolution before election, will have an impact for good or for ill. forgot is helping -- the fact that he looks like he is on the receiving and back of a highly partisan investigation by a partisan liberal democrat in the heart of new york city has helped him
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raise money and strengthen his support amongst his existing supporters. but what will happen among those who now have heard the lurid details of what stormy daniels claims was their relationship and how that will impact the people who will -- who are sitting on the fence who say i'm not really excited about working for trenin and i'm really not excited about what for trump, how will we attack what we call the political scientist and generational started calling the double heaters and i don't like the term, is the people who don't like either trump or biden but want to participate -- how will that have an effect and it won't be a good one for the president -- to former president. is a question of how bad it will be. >> neil: thank you very much, karl rove. talk about entrepreneur who's expecting to be out of the courthouse very soon and who will be addressing reporters we are told. how much he can say is one thing though we may the judge has him on a very tight leash about incrementing himself or anyone else when he goes too far on a gag order.
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that same judge, merchan that's former smectite and former pred -- we shall see. >> ♪ ♪
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>> neil: thing -- things got stormy with stormy daniels today on the witness stand so much so that the defense was saying they should be a mistrial. the judge denied that, for now. at america's best? these savings won't last forever. unlike your eternal elation. ok, settle down. you know, for someone who doesn't wear glasses you sure are excited. for a limited time get 40% off a single pair of glasses at america's best. shop online or book an exam at you're at eleven. i'm going to need you to tone it down to at least a four. with the freestyle libre 3 system know your glucose levels. no fingersticks needed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor.
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andrew, what do you think will hear from him? >> i think it will be a very carefully and guarded statement that he makes because he is still under the gag order. we have to remember he can't comment on the participation of any witness, that is even after i witness has testified so i think he will be very guarded but what we can see at this point is that what we saw today seems to be an abomination of what the trial was supposed to be about. is about to be about the 2016 payment that was made, a fraudulent alleged entry into business records and then some sort of cover-up of an illegal campaign interference type event. what happened in 2006, the truth and the details of whether a sexual encounter occurred or 2011 alleged encounter was some sort of body man in our parking lot those are turned -- totally irrelevant to these issues that are on hand here today. >> neil: and you can't and hear any of that, right rebecca? jurors heard it all. >> needed highly prejudicial to the jurors and the judges
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doing nothing to stop it. the judge denied the defenses motion for mistrial saying well i'll give it -- i'll discuss this with the jury at the end, i'll give them sort of qualifying information. no, no, no judge merchan mark this is mistrial missed -- territory. this is beyond the scope of anything that the prosecution should be bringing up in a lawsuit about a misdemeanor violation that they claim occurred. and bookkeeping. neil, this is out of line. the salacious details about the president allegedly in a hotel room and about stormy daniels allegedly being there is inappropriate and highly prejudicial. and evaluating is usually to the probative value outweighs the prejudicial value. here there is no probative value to any of this information. the judge is out of line.
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they want necessarily hear it in the moment but donald trump has to say about they do have -- they can watch the news, can read online what the president says in these before and after court events so we can get -- he can get his message across. >> they're instructed to essentially sequester themselves from the news media so they're not supposed to be digesting newspapers -- >> neil: just out of curiosity they know they're witnessing one of the momentous trials of the year. >> neil, i'll tell you i have to have faith in the jury system because it's what i deal with every single day so it is the best jury system ever done in our society and our civilization so i do as an attorney practicing every day have faith in the system. does that mean illegal come across these articles when they're scrolling on the phone or when they get an e-mail? absolutely not. so i think they are going to
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see certain messages that come across about that but again donald trump can't talk about the details of it. i think what they will digest from it and i think what the american public is digesting from this is that alvin bragg really went above and beyond here to input certain information that is deliberately intended to embarrass the truck doesn't deal directly with the case so it's a difficult -- >> neil: i'm sorry, the former president right now we did will -- he didn't want this opportunity to talk and he is guarded. >> mr. trump: so this was a very big day. a very revealing day, if you see the case its totally falling apart. they have nothing on books and records and even something that should be -- should bear very little relationship to the case, it's just a disaster for the da, for the soros back the year. is a disaster. this whole case is just a disaster. if you read the legal
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scholars you say -- probably not palestinians, agitators bad agitators, really bad. and i think we're going to find out who they are, where they are from and treat them the same way as they do the jay six hostages. you have to treat them the same way. these are agitators that are really hurting our country, detecting -- what happened last night at the
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metropolitan you did -- museum agitators and in some of the colleges, i think it's about 20% student and 80% others. so this is a big problem, butternut bit on the board. is a problem with the left not from the right. this is a problem from the left. i think -- hope you can -- the economy is not doing well, is the innovation is through the roof. they are going to be able to lower interest rates if they do is merely political but it would be very bad if they do from the starting point of getting rid of inflation copy of the government of inflation. invasion as you probably heard me say, a country -- buster. at best countries and has for a thousand years. you go back and you look at old-time germany, he looked at a lot of countries that went through a kind of inflation we're going through, and their busted. they are just broken up. broken up in many cases into little pieces. and that's what can actually happen, ladds. so we have to get inflation
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under control, we have to get prices down so that people can breathe, people can live, so they can live. but again this is a very revealing day in court. i would recommend you read jonathan turley and andrew mccarthy and alan dershowitz, gregg jarrett, mark 11, very talented people and others and others. some incredible people out there that are riding about this trial. are calling it a disgrace. it's a disgrace. in the meantime, i'm stuck. i'm here. instead of being in georgia that instead of being in new hampshire, instead of being in wisconsin and other different states now we wanted to be in your macro not able to be there because was stuck in this trial which everyone knows is a hoax. thank you very much. >> [indistinct question] >> sugar still be a mistrial? >> why is the case in disaster?
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>> neil: you never know if he'll say anything in response to questions at -- phone at him here. -- the court trial today has ended for their, tomorrow summer daniels resumed her testimony were told on thursday but to andrew cherkasky's point carter bickle was touching on it as well, -- he did not mention stormy daniels meant -- poo is going on with inflation et cetera. there's probably a smart strategy. what do you think? >> i think that what we -- we were talking by the jury just before he started to talk. thing the jury tends to lose patience with prosecutors. reload ju weeks -- two weeks in to the tracker there's no evidence of a crime and always to the prosecutor's going for low blows. i don't think that the jury would take anything away from what happened today other than these are low blows that make no difference to the overall matter that is at the
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heart of thing so i don't think prosecutors are gaining points. in fact, i think they are losing points in the jury's mind and quick. >> neil: but we know what we were getting into, right? -- but when you have one of the star witnesses stormy daniels essentially confirming that there is no love lost between the two, between her and the former presidents, that he said a lot of awful things about h her, she felt compelled to see a lot of awful things about him, quoting, "i call him names because he called me names." i have two send to do this mccooeye it like that. what did you make of that? >> it's ridiculous. what it does the is allow the defense to question her and no question her great ability. questioned the reason she's appeared, the reason these stories that cannot be confirmed about a parking lot and counter, about an encounter in a hotel room, they cannot be confirmed. questioning what is her motivation. is that money? because it seems that she
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does make a lot of money when she talks about the former president. so it does allow for the defense to have something to counter the prosecution's ridiculous line of questioning and the judge alone is ridiculous line of questioning. the difference is doing a great job in presenting the fact that this woman has a very big reason to testify and to talk about donald trump. is called money. and that's what she makes when she talks about the former president. >> neil: i want to thank you both for your -- for weighing in all of this. we'll take you inside the courtroom, what was going on. olivia he was there and to give you an idea of how people were reacting and what she was seeing even from the former president and stormy daniels was testifying, to be in there is very different than we hear the notes and annotations you get from our going on in there. that's up next. >> ♪ ♪ their step to shine in their coats,
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>> ♪ ♪ >> neil: you've heard about what stormy daniels was seeing inside the courtroom. how would you like to be watching it play-by-play inside the courtroom? -- grants from the new york state supreme court. lelia we know a lot of the stuff that was said and allegations that were made and a back-and-forth of what you think that donald trump and out of that. what was it like seeing her and, you know, did you get a chance to see donald trump and his reaction to watching? >> way to be with you, neil, this afternoon. i was in the main courtroom setting kind of towards the back of the room and it's quite a large room and from that vantage point i was able to see stormy daniels and i can also see our former president donald trump and to the courtroom and exits. -- seeing donald trump's -- was difficult but i was able
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to have a good visibility of stormy daniels and i have to say, when stormy daniels entered the courtroom today, you can hear a pin drop. every person must still sitting with bated breath, just waiting to see what was going to unfold. stormy had to enter the courtroom and walk behind donald trump in the defense attorney to reach and the tension -- attention and the moment and apart -- gravity, it was probable in the room, neil. really incredible. >> neil: this exchange back-and-forth about how she felt about donald trump out was very revealing -- saying you want to go to jail. i want to be held accou accountable. you have to go to jail. if he's found guilty, yes, you want to go to jail, daniels, "if he's found guilty absolutely." so again and again and again, was she getting flustered by
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that are what? >> she did not hide her disdain for trump. does absolutely no secret. what was really remarkable was a change in the manner of stormy daniels from direct examination. she was a prosecution witness. to cross-examination which is many of -- winnable statements -- during direct when she was being examined by the prosecutors, she was friendly, she was verbose, she was chatty. she was frankly -- she was entertaining, frankly. she was a good talker. so much so that the judge had to remind her listen to the question and answer the questions i was asked of you. defense making many objections to the points that your prior panel is dismayed about the relevance of her testimony and so on and so forth. simple -- spoke directly to the jurors and was engaging them with her eye contact using hand gestures. you in that way i would say
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she was a captivating witness for the jurors and i can see how that would be compelling. it was incredible how quickly that switched flips as soon as possible and is started by defense attorneys. she was clipped in her response, she was short, sometimes she was argumentative asking for clarification and many questions and assisting the document that she had already seen me showing her again registered that she really had some preparation time with prosecutors and that she was now just there to provide her side of her experience but she says happened but also the kind of convey, you know, her version of events of her demeanor as she did not hide the fact that she does not care for the former president. >> neil: of study reporting, coverage today, thank you very much for that. you just saw donald trump leave the courthouse. i don't know where he's headed. normally he made some stops on the way -- not all the time it will let you know what his plans are.
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back with john yoo and andrew cherkasky. we know no session tomorrow. we do know -- on thursday minor so far the cross-examination hasn't raised doubts about the facts of daniel's encounter with president trump. again, daniels has made a devastating accusation against the president. it may not have anything to do with the legal charges which we all agree are extremely weak but you has -- she has accused the has accused the former president of the united states of raping her and she said it under oath. i think if you've got two days where this will be out there, is not as having an effect on the court and before juries, it will have an effect on the political world, on a public world. i think that the trump lawyers either been dragged in to the mud by the da on this -- and try to destroy that story.
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>> neil: you know, i'm wondering, you and i chatted about it early -- why weren't the trump lawyers more aggressive in objecting to some of the things that she was bringing up? old religious word for cross-examination or the faults really with the judge that he didn't do more to wane this sort of wondering grenades throwing off? >> there was a motion prior to trial to limit the testimony of stormy daniels grandmother was a motion this morning prior to her being called to testify to limit her testimony. this morning even the judge said that he was wearing guardrails on in there and want to get in to the leaders of things. alvin bragg's team poorly ignored that in the bush into all the details finding him and his pajamas and his boxers, are looking through his docket for headed shoulders shampoo and probably going to those details. lawyers often no one to object were different -- it makes them feel like the defense perhaps is hiding
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something. don't find that to be the case when defending a -- act object on that i can but i do think that some of the defense council electoral back in front of the jury so it doesn't create a bad image in front of them and then the judge after launching the mistrial motion blamed the defense were not objecting more. at take exception to that because the defense attorney -- attorney dennis gates found that pretrial motion, by the -- that should steal the record to keep the judge on his heels to make sure relevant and important -- inappropriate information -- >> neil: you have to be careful with objections too, right, john? you can overdo it and i can get exasperating for jurors and anyone -- and might be fully justified, right? but there is a delicate balance. >> yes, because judge merchan is the king of this courtroom. you deciding how fast the proceedings are good going. you deciding whether he's going going to give any favorable rulings were there
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and back of the trail, awards donald trump the defense team just like the prosecution they want to play ball on judge merchan's terms and so they're not going to overdo the objections. they might be saving it because they've made them and the judges are -- judge has already rejected about the problem with that in the is leaving stormy daniels a story on convicted. and challenged as to the facts of what happened and so we already know that i think the da poilievre strategy here is just to die dollar trump bad acts, to portray him as a bad man even if none of those are relevant to the legal criminal charges here. >> neil: and he made a convincing argument, andrew coe that she did have his relationship with her, whatever you want to call it, with the president, she made some compelling case why because the details that -- you need of donald trump potentially lied about not knowing this woman, what else has he lied about, right? >> the is certainly a factor
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there measure that statement over the bridge denies having a relationship with him so whether the tardiness of whether sex occurred happened or not and nothing matters all that much for the end. we do have to look at what came in our 2011 even if she is telling the truth she was approaching the parking lot that shows that donald trump before ever running for president had concerns about her story that would apply to a celebrity, i would like to his under lying lack of mental responsibility in this case. >> neil: gentlemen, thank you both very much. the trial resumes on thur thursday. one thing that has resumed in the college process including a pretty scary one last night at the emergency of chicago as encampment once again our back on and now activities in israel that could really bring it back on. the latest after this. [simultaneous talking] our grandchildren. (fisher investments) i understand. that's why at fisher investments we start by getting to know each other. so i can learn about your family, lifestyle,
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>> ♪ ♪ >> neil: so much for the college school year being about -- all these protests would die down, didn't have another university of chicago last night and given the fact that we are seeing some of these encampment know where coming down being surreal fortified in some cities and some university, you have to wonder, mike tobin first at
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the university of chicago where things -- what things are looking there now earmark hi, mike. >> near -- neil, delivers the police got annexes enough -- after they cleared out the tent and government impact me show you something, there's bleached out aggressive parallel lawn is munching back because of all the water that came down -- that is the footprint of the tents that were down earlier today. the university presidents says that tents were made to negotiate were but ultimately he said essentially their demands were unreasonable my partner statement from the president of the university says we cannot enable -- where the encampment was and he started pulling down the tents taking away the ply plywood, that students had some make shield -- makeshift
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shields that they had here, all that was holdaway -- terminated student protesters despite the fact that there were no injuries and arrests some of the students protesters were still pretty upset. >> it remains a real police force that has -- serious potential to harm students so you want to talk about security on this squad? dr president paul who brought guns onto our campus. >> or two protesters alleged assault and racist comments by the police when i present them they can supply any specifics. there's another camp at depaul university in lincoln park just north of downtown chicago. the also went through two rounds of rain and freezing yesterday so no real activity under that particular encampment. the other big university here in the area is of course northwestern university in evanston just north of chicago. the leadership of their protests struck a deal with the leadership of the
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university and they agreed to dismantle most of the tents there so you have a calm situation this afternoon anyway. neil, back to you. >> neil: mack tobin, thank you very much. mike at the university of chicago. actions at israel my strict -- weather you agree with the top attacks that the israelis have lunch on rough or right now. that is in you wild card in these developments. jeff paul now has more from tel aviv. >> neil, we know that these negotiations pick back up in cairo egypt with israel sending aid -- a delegation of mediators there to figure out some sort of new deal but israel is also standing by the leader's actions in easton rye for which they are calling a precise counterterrorism operation. the idf says both ground troops and fighter jets had unlimited hamas targets including military structures and internal shops grandmother also took over the rafah crossing undergone the side of the entry point. it shares with egypt so now
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there is renewed fears of food and water shortages in gaza with both that pricing as well as the kerem shalom crossing crossed off for new shipments of a. many who are now packing up once again say they are both frustrated and worried about their safety. >> we hope for a truth -- truths and cease-fires we can hope to our home safe and sound. >> voice of interpreter: palestinians are being displaced from one area to another and there are no safe zones. there are no safe zones in all of the gaza strip. [end of interpretation] >> as cease-fire negotiations continue in cairo egypt can two things to pay attention to, neil. you got him saying that they want a complete cease-fire and all so there is this dispute regarding who the hostages they are releasing your back hamas has said that he will release people are alive and dead. israel saying that they don't agree to any of those things. they want in different deal.
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neil? >> neil: i'm wondering if we see now is thinking in the administration could be holding or delaying or slow walking weaponry that -- to israel. regarding a confirmation of this will quickly, what are you thinking that, what are they saying about this? >> it sounds like according to the white house at least the comments he made today that they don't believe that what happened in eastern rafah cross and he sort of redlines. they don't want to see that's massive military operation in rafah but we'll see what happens, neil. >> neil: rate reporting, stay safe. jeff paul on that as a number of republican senators has inquired to the white house exactly what's going on here. -- weaponry already promised. israel should have a. no answer yet from the white house. we'll continue watching that. in the meantime that will do it for us. here comes. >> everyone: the five". >> ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello everyone i'm dana perino alth


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