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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 7, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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administration could be holding or delaying or slow walking weaponry that -- to israel. regarding a confirmation of this will quickly, what are you thinking that, what are they saying about this? >> it sounds like according to the white house at least the comments he made today that they don't believe that what happened in eastern rafah cross and he sort of redlines. they don't want to see that's massive military operation in rafah but we'll see what happens, neil. >> neil: rate reporting, stay safe. jeff paul on that as a number of republican senators has inquired to the white house exactly what's going on here. -- weaponry already promised. israel should have a. no answer yet from the white house. we'll continue watching that. in the meantime that will do it for us. here comes. >> everyone: the five". >> ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello everyone i'm dana perino along with judge
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jeanine pirro, jonathan jeanine pirro, dan hurley, jesse watters and greg gutfeld. at 5:00 on new york city and this is "the five". >> ♪ ♪ >> dana: a category five salacious storm hitting the trump trial. jury finally getting to hear from adult from after stormy daniels after she gave testimony so raunchy it would make a point star blush and the mid--- media laugh. >> my basic feeling is, like, wow this is a colorful maybe hyper colorful witness >> daniels said she pulled trump of the magazine someone should spank you with that, i'm sorry at the -- >> he was wearing silk or satin pajamas. >> i'm sorry. [laughter] i apologize. i just had to laugh. >> no calluses -- >> i can't believe i have read this on television. >> better you than me. >> is not going to involve
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discussions of anything. [laughter] >> just read it. reader on the screen. >> dana: stormy daniels in at the heart of alvin bragg's fortified as this records case against telegram and today she describes in great detail the alleged sexual encounter in 2006 that the former president denies ever took place. your account was sold audrey the trump's lawyers came for a -- called for a mistrial on hearing it was designed to inflame the jury and embraced the former president by the judge slapped on the motion. here is the former president. >> mr. trump: a very big day, a very revealing there as you see in the case, is totally falling apart. they have nothing on books and records and even something that should there very little relationship to the case. is just a disaster for the da, for the soros backed da. is a disaster. >> dana: donald trump would certainly like to respond to stormy's with the testimony but you can't that is because of the gag order that registers could result in jail time the next time he
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breaks it. speaking over someone -- wynette, put him in the clink? >> i don't want to sound like i'm doing wishful thinking... >> yes. [laughter] >> but which prison would be best? i give you -- that's what i asked, number 1. >> i'm okay if he goes to alcatraz and they reopen it. >> what about guantánamo bay? >> dana: okay. jonathan turley, thank you for being here again. take us through this whole situation today. >> jonathan: it was a -- because you had enough and
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tell the judge this is going to happen, if you put her understand with these broad parameters. it happen and then the judge said what we asked the jury to forget that happens. are your -- cpas testimony about annotation in a ledger, right? the troubling thing about this is that the lid the dumpster fire in this courtroom and the fans asked for the mistrial and the judge blamed the defense attorneys. and so i can only imagine standing there and -- it must have been difficult not to say i'm sorry, george, i'm the attorney that told you not to put her on the judge -- stand, i had -- and then when she did exactly as we suggested you did, you are -- and so at the end of the day, merchan got what all of us expected. this idea that you can make this catwalk backwards will be rather difficult.
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you know, you've already, you know, had this witness go into every detail, you know. including whether the presidents where his boxer shorts that he had old spice in his bathroom -- that's the level of absurd detail. we've all seen greg's office with a gallon of old spice but we don't mention it but this is a show. but the fact that you will bring in that type of just completely immaterial detail shows how this judge is a mere pedestrian in his courtroom. and at the end of all that to say god, he literally said -- it would've been better if the testimony didn't occur, and then you're just sort of looking around, like, you are the one that allow this to occur. >> dana: i can't imagine being someone on the jury -- added read a one point someone -- one or -- one of our producer said that one of the jurors that a woman, had her hand in the -- not be able to believe that -- >> judge jeanine: auggie
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hunter courtroom on thursday and friday but look, the testimony that we are today has absolutely nothing to do with the embankment. the testimony was irrelevant. it was prejudicial that it was not probative, it has nothing to do with how something was filed and how reimbursement to cohen and it was correctly entered in the books. period, and of the story. this judge saying to the defense attorney well, you know, you didn't object enough. look, any judge with his or her salt, if you see something happening there is going to jeopardize the conviction, you are self -- will say i will stop the line of questioning right here. and then what you do is you call the parties to the bench and you say to the defense, to the prosecution, you are moving too close to reversible error here. let's trim the offensive here a little bit. but merchan and, you know, i
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heard one person say at fox, well he's a really experience judge, he's not -- he's a fool he got a really experience judge for him to be doing this. for interstate please keep your answers short and listen to the questions well she is laying out what could be another prosecutor offense against donald trump that i'm not even going to mention, he is allowing reversible error in. he should have said i'm going to strike the testimony, initiative in a curative instruction then and there on the spot back but instead he says well i'll think about it, you know, make a request at the time of charge -- at the time of my charge. no comak and then he sends the jury out and laid out the prosecutor for allowing this testimony in. this judge is either all in an and convicting trump irrespective of whether it will be reversed and i would bet my house this will be reversed by the court of appeals. >> dana: one of the things though that greg, even if it is reverse it will be until after the election and what
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they are hoping for a conviction so that if joe biden can say in all of the ads and at the debate over well you're talking about a convicted felon. >> greg: what are the odds that an incident from 15 to 20 years ago when now become the object of litigation just months before an election? it's kind of a strange coincidence that the media doesn't really seem to focus -- that might be one question that will make you -- maybe this is political. have to say i love how cnn anchors blush and are shocked by pajamas and spanking. i mean, one of your employees pleasure himself on zoom. you kept him on there. one of your producers i think was arrested for grooming kids? it's funny watching the media act like puritans, right? go to any media event and it's okay the playboy mansion with ugly people. -- they're drunk on the got your pause -- their paws all over the smartest is porn for
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sexless democrats. listening to testimony from an aging -- is almost an erotic of listening to npr well feeding rates to your cat with the myocarditis. the court case is really about convincing jurors that trump is a bad guy for sleeping around. is not about breaking laws, because no laws were broken. and trump were a woman, the prosecution would be accused of slot shaming. that's quite a theory. again he's not charge for the hush money, it's not about stormy, is about an accounting method for illegal payment for a business record had no known category. that's it. what stormy has to do with it is nothing. all that is is, you know, frosting for the media. >> dana: jesse watters, i give you back -- last words. >> jesse: fact check trump does not use old spice and you has his own deodorant line, is cold -- called success.
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and turley, kask and walk backwards, i don't know about that analogy. maga abenaki dropped the bombshell from behind bars today and take it for what it's worth undressing what he said, he made allegation that a producer wanted to do a documentary on stormy daniels and called him on a recorded line and said we like to participate and he said well i don't know how is she getting paid for the documentary because if she is it's probably not fair and i'm not going to do with. and the producer says yes, she is going to get paid for the documentary because that is because she owes trump's of thousands of dollars in judgement and she's just trying to make ends meet. but she has a way of concealing the money from trump's lawyers. what they're going to do and what they have done, michael says, is that they have optioned the rights to her book, they've taken the proceeds and set up in fraudulent llc and there stormy's daughter's name and that is how they will hide the money from trump's lawyers. >> dana: amazing. >> jesse: if this is true then she is guilty of bad
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record can be -- bad record-keeping and fraud. so i don't know if there is going to be pursued by alvin bragg, probably not but rather is barreling towards breaking the gag order. i don't see whether the next 48 hours how he does not do it. you're saying you can't criticize the government? that's what the judge is saying? you cannot criticize the government, or court order prosecution? that alone an american citizen? this guy is a republican nominee for president. not only he can't criticize the government, is not inciting violence. is not making false statements. has an opinion about the government. the government studied being controlled by his political rival that's prosecuting him. if you can't criticize the government or have an opinion about the government then you're not in america. and that is insane. and we also does find out this guy the lead prosecutor who is by the number 3 guarded department of justice was a paid consultant for the democratic national committee
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and he's an obama donor. to obama donating dnc consultant, former biden prosecutor is leading the charge in his courtroom and a democrat say this is a political and maybe you guys can answer this question for me, how are the only giving trump's lawyers 24 hours to prepare for these witnesses? >> judge jeanine: it is unheard-of. >> jesse: i need at least five hours to prepare for this show. >> greg: and you don't even do it. [laughter] >> jesse: is unclear. i don't see how they can get away with sandbagging like that. >> dana: we can go on and on that the work will not be inset -- you will not be in session tomorrow. and we are bummed about that. up next president biden finally gives if our schools speech on anti-semitism while at the israel protesters burned a matter -- an american flag on the way to the met gala. >> ♪ ♪ if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be.
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absorbine pro. >> president biden: people are already forgetting, they're already forgetting, that hamas unleashed this terror. it was hamas that brutalize israelis on -- and college campuses jewish students were blocked, harassed, attacked while walking to class. anti-semitism, anti-semitic posters, slogans calling for the annihilation of israel, the world's only jewish state.
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is absolutely despicable and it must stop. violent attacks and destroying property is not peaceful protests. it likens the law. >> greg: finally. meanwhile from the river to the red carpet, over 1000 and the israel protesters looking absolutely stunning in their keffiyeh scarves and they tried to crash -- the met gala. kaleed rasheed agitators were but -- from reaching the star studies smack star-studded soirées can be denied entry but attitude inequalities fashion forward activist opted to give a world war i memorial a criminal makeover by vandalizing it with graffiti reading gaza in large black letters. they also burned an american flag, no surprise. let's go another liberal heavyweight michael moore who is weighing in on the protests. >> i applaud every student who is taking a stand on their campus graduation, wherever. is in the purpose of a
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democracy. nonviolently disrupts. i'm talking about nonviolence. not talking about -- you have the right to take over the administration building, he had to over buildings. there is not violence. >> greg: you know, judge he said he would want to take -- but you can't make it up the stairs maga had it of sad. >> jesse: i had to say that was a strong comment by joe biden but it took him a long time together so should we hold that against him? >> judge jeanine: yes. let me tell you something else. he's good at reading and -- you think of his coming around, he gets it. here's the thing. he's a vessel. is a vessel who literally says whatever they tell him to say and whatever they gave him to read. but when he was answering directly on his way to marine one that is when he said, you know, there is no place for hate speech or anti-semitism and on-the-fly he said and i condemned those who don't
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understand the palestinians. that is the true joe biden who makes the moral equivalence, you know, its anti-semitism, is islamophobia. he doesn't believe what he's reading. that's not the real man and a second thing is michael moore saying okay go and take over buildings? there is criminal trespassing, that's burglary. the guy knows nothing about the law. and in the end, they are using this free speech as an opportunity to literally shut everybody else up or either disrupt the campus are disrupt our lives and it's not going to stop by the way. >> greg: you know, jonathan, it seems like it since the joint -- joy -- george floyd protest -- i completed words -- that the facing monuments countering them now -- where there be any punishment or anything? there is actually criminal behavior what they did, it's repulsive as well. >> jonathan: not if history is any lesson.
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these charges haven't been coming and, of course, it's not free speech. free-speech don't know and some of the criminal code begins. what's really troubling about a lot of this stuff is to see the expense of their radicalization of students, many of us have been complaining about this for years, you know, and in my own campus this weekend, students were -- a video surface where students were calling for a good teen to top the hands -- heads of the presidents of provo's primitive thought that was funny but it's sort of captured heretical the rhetoric has become but, you know, when you look at something like the monuments of the 107th infantry from world war i, anything about the sacrifice that they made and a sense of license that the students have counter is this disconnect that they not only unfamiliar with what free speech really means, mother unfamiliar with what sacrifice really means. and it's really troubling when you see columbia just cancel this graduation and it
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was an act of academic parent -- cowardice. desk -- this is your campus. these are your students. who the damn graduation. michigander that and the interrupted it but they held their commencement and so what the students are hearing from these administrators is reinforcing this madness that we are experiencing on campus and those of us have to work on a campus have seen this for years and this is the product of enabling the students. they think that they are right to silence others, destroy monuments because even talk -- taught that. >> greg: yeah. it comes from their instructors, jesse. how come the media find that many of them to follow the money, like, who is funding this? of this was an anti- muslim movement washington post, the new york times, cnn, msnbc would be leading the charge -- >> jesse: they were going for papers through 20 years
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and money that went to trump. they never found it. they never found a single foreign connection between russia and the trump camp campaign. and now there is money coming from overseas from radical muslims outfit. we were you figured it out, is the rockefellers, the sorrows, is the principles in chicago and what have -- they're all tuned up when they go in freshman year and you get these radical faculty members that tell them that the world consists of victims and victimizers. so they're already -- and an event happens like a george floyd or an invasion or anything and then all of a sudden this money poured into these left-wing outfits and there is actual revolutionaries that then this and onto the campus and train these kids how to fight cops and train them on right tactics. and this is where we are right now. is very similar to the way muslims are radicalized in the middle east. to get you -- you have young,
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disenchanted, as set with the status quo, single and all of a sudden you just blow their brains open with propaganda and what do you know? being -- is to live near that monument there world war i one on the upper east side. to set and -- is just sad. we had a senior from columbia and her that initial last night. she said after october 7th and campus before israel even struck back, the students were all okay hamas -- israel haven't even responded and they were brought much. she said she saw isis flags, nazi she so discouraged because she feels like when she hands an employer her resume and it says columbia, they're going to discriminate against her. >> greg: this is the country, that's what i do, dana. you know, i have -- after commendably scanned the lid and excellent job protecting the met gala but it is interesting how well
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protected the met gala was supposed to so many -- we have our bridges blocked, we have our tunnels blocked but god forbade you interfere with the met gala. >> dana: and you can protect the met gala but you can't protect columbia's graduation? but -- there is an available -- does not nypd' i'm hoping that we can get it on the show tomorrow. is a woman named francesca block, she works for the free press, young woman who found the janitor who was held against his will at columbia by those protesters at hamilton hall and the guy who was arrested is 40 years old, not a student. he's a trust fund cared, note --'s job is to put us, to $.3 million brands owned that he brooklyn and mr torres, was a janitor who was held there and -- is that the
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school left them defenseless, they had to figure out a way to protect themselves. you notice that the cameras were -- had been covered. he said that they had a plan that they came in and they sworn -- they had a little and not even a student. michael moore think that this is okay? that this is appropriate and -- in u.s. this guy, he says he loves his job. he loves it but he didn't know if you can go back and he's afraid the university will retaliate against him and he's not sure if they will protect him going for. you said they're still there. >> greg: interesting development. is he good at math? >> dana: yes. >> greg: just a reference to goodwill hunting. >> dana: i'm discussing. >> greg: coming up, her maga meal made her squeal. a former cnn reporter target
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to learn more, call today or go to ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: this is a fox news alert. donald trump's classified documents trial in florida has been postponed. it was set to begin at the end of this month, but with new york the alvin bragg's case ongoing, he can't be in two places at the same time. judge aileen cannon has not set a new start date. the trial will still happen, we just don't know when. now on to this: it's trump derangement syndrome on steroids. x cnn reporter michelle kaczynski posting a deranged set of tweets about a horrific dinner she had with closeted trunk supporters. she starts it off by saying "all
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were well educated and successful in careers, but slowly come over a few drinks, they began to let slip their true maga natures. when they realized that a few in their presence came armed with, gasp, actual facts, no, they quickly changed the subject and nervously said they don't want to talk politics. they realize they would be eviscerated on all idiotic points, especially the economy. this dinner continues to haunt me. they all seem so normal." and if you think that is unhinged, listen to what congresswoman maxine waters just said. >> what they are going to do to protect this country against violence if he loses. i want to know about all of those right wing organizations that he is connected with who are training up in the hills somewhere and targeting, you know, what communities they are
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going to attack. you need to know what his plan is and how we are going to be protected. >> judge jeanine: oh, greg, i've got to go to you with this. i mean, up in the hills, they are preparing to attack. >> greg: this explains everything. that is where the white supremacist have been hiding. this is why the government couldn't find them, they are hiding in the mountains and the trees. we have been looking for them everywhere. we looked in the military. we looked for them in the media. where are they? oh jeez. the problem is liberals are having a problem because the desire for white supremacy exceed the actual supply. they saw jussie smollett as proactive. he couldn't find any racists, so he created some of his own. meanwhile, within their ranks, they have anti-semitic, antiwhite, basically anti-west, anti-american people spreading hate, but they prefer to seek safantasy of white supremacy. kosinski, she was probably buzzed.
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but she was horrified having dinner with what is essentially half of america. she is a poster child for the bubble wrapped, elitist, proddig herself on facts without ever having to show you them. she doesn't have to. what are her facts on economy, crime, the border, whatever? she provides exactly what the media, what we see in the media and by cnn's unsavable, they are dying because they thought they were smarter than everybody else. you can almost see her saying, what are these people doing near me, how did they get close to me? i hope i don't catch anything. oh, gross. but you know what, some of them are a wise, she is shocked some of the one is smart and disagreeing with her. my favorite part is they don't want to talk politics because they know she would eviscerate them. no, they don't want to talk politics with you because you are an obnoxious, pompous ass, but not bad looking. >> judge jeanine: that brings me to dana. and in addition to the obnoxious, pompous, why is it
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the democrats are all in lockstep? you've got barack obama, the republicans, god, religion, guns, deplorables, basically we are not normal. >> dana: i think this is a strange thing because i think a lot of liberals think that republicans are in lockstep and republicans think that about liberals and the truth is most people are just normal and they don't have political things in their life. i can't for the life of me understand why she posted this. it was weeks after or months after the actual thing happen to i don't think it is the flex she thought it was because she is saying it is unhealthy to be among them. no, it's unhealthy to not be amongst people who would maybe have a different idea, and also, maybe listen. besides that, she said, she mentions the economy, climate change, and ivy league education. she is in the minority on those issues. her viewpoint, if you look at polls, where most of america is, she is basically saying, i'm an elitist, i just want to eat
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amongst elitist, i don't want to be around anybody else and it is not the flex that she thinks it is to have posted all of this. >> judge jeanine: and, jonathan, it is classic groupthink. >> jonathan: i think it is telling when you say people didn't want to talk to me. >> greg: yes! [laughs] >> jonathan: you see that on subways, people say, why are you walking away from me? it's probably because you are screaming at me. so i don't really judge them for saying, maybe we should talk about the cubs or the mets. but the interesting thing about this when it was raised is that she really was talking to half the country. it really captures that many people in this country are in this echo chamber and when they finally meet someone on the other half, the other 50%, they are shocked. and look, i grew up in chicago. the first republican i ever met was when i went to college. i was told they existed.
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but i called my parents and said, i just met a republican. these can be really insular communities. but it's gotten worse, to the point where if you suspect that somebody is in that 50%, you are somehow in danger, that this is somehow someone who is unstable, and instead of doing what i think dana really raised, this was a great opportunity, actually listen, to figure out why highly educated people don't share your views. >> greg: but instead what does she do? she goes on x and tweets about it because that's what they do. before and that is safe. >> judge jeanine: what do you think, jesse? >> jesse: i was at a party in the hamptons a couple of years ago, and everybody knows it is a liberal area, so we are all in the pool hanging out. everyone was having a great time. then all of a sudden these two girls that were there, they were having a great time, we caught them going over to the side and we overheard them coming one girl goes to the other girl, "i
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think these people are republicans." and it was like we were from outer space. >> greg: how can they tell? >> jesse: maybe it was the things we were saying. >> jonathan: they only did the backstroke. >> jesse: do you remember that live shot on "the today show" years ago where there was a storm and there was a reporter in a canoe? that was michelle krasinski. and it was a moat maybe 6 inches of water and she is in a canoe and everyone was like, wow, must be -- all of a sudden you see a bunch of firemen walking past hd waited a second. that's what these people do. they can't play it straight. they just have to live. >> judge jeanine: okay. all right, coming up, democrats say the dumbest things. kathy hochul, that was a generalization. kathy hochul makes a shockingly racist remark about young black kids. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ [laughter] >> jonathan: so what in the world was she thinking? democratic new york governor kathy hochul is under fire after making this offhand remark. >> young black kids growing up in the bronx who don't even know what the word computer is. they don't know. they don't know these things. >> jonathan: as you can imagine, governor hochul is furiously running back those comments. she told "the new york post" "i misspoke and i regret it." and of course black children in the bronx know what computers are. while go, people, do you agree with that, or have you -- >> dana: i'm going to defend her in two ways. one, i think when she was called out on it, she immediately said i regret it, i misspoke, shouldn't have said it,
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of course they know computers. one, that's interesting, you do not see that a lot, politicians taking responsibility for things they rode or write or didn't write or say. there are times you use hyperbole adding an answer to make a point. she was basically trying to say these kids in the bronx, in this area, need more time and attention and resources in order to be competitive for the job market that they will enter into in the future and we want them to be productive citizens and therefore we should do x, y, and z and she could add going after the teachers union, that could be something productive they could do. when you are doing interviews like that and you are thinking off the top of your head, you sometimes can make a mistake, but at least he owned up to it. >> jonathan: but why pick computers since kids today are virtually born with a tiktok, you know, identity and a full computer array. it seems the last thing i would pick for this generation is being unaware of. >> greg: well, clearly she is not very bright. she was obviously elected
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because of her looks. but i agree with dana. she is being hoisted on her own petard. not sure what that means. never looked it up. but republicans have always been targeted for their hyperbole. and every democrat and liberal can read your mind about the things you say, when trump says they are not sending their best, the libs say he is talking about all mexicans, or when he says china virus, oh, he is talking about chinese people and not the government or not the criminals that are being sent here from other countries, so they always, always take hyperbole literally. we are generally better people, i say generally, not uniformly, but generally, so i can say, clearly she was using hyperbole, so i would grant her the allowance, even though she, the partisan dimwit that she is, would never do the same for you are me. if any of us said what she had said, it would be a nonstop news cycle featuring these sputtering, teary-eyed lefties, and of course, jesse would
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apologize. >> jonathan: well, you know what's amazing, is that studies have shown that 90% of people do not know what hoisting on your petard is. >> greg: yeah. >> dana: i think it is something with a ship. >> jonathan: [laughs] judge? >> judge jeanine: i disagree. [laughter] i read this statement, she said it three times. she actually says, young black kids growing up in the bronx don't even know what the word a computer is, one, they don't know, two, they don't know these things, three, so she said it three times. this was not a slip. to me, it's degrading, it's dehumanizing, and it's racist, okay? i think it's inappropriate, and the truth is the senate and the assembly people in her own party are not forgiven her for this, and it's an additional slap in the face of the minority community who all over
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new york state is having to take a second seat to the illegals who are coming in, getting cash, getting phones and everything else. so, you know, plus, think about it, during the pandemic come if she believes that and i think she does because she said it three times -- how did these kids, does she worry about the facts these kids, because the teachers weren't in school, couldn't sign onto a computer for remote learning? >> jonathan: but you know who i blame? tech support. the fact that she has tech support and she has never had to do all of us do which is if you have a computer problem at my age, i look for someone one-third my age and they will take care of any problem, that is the problem. >> jesse: black kids in the bronx know more about computers than the governor. she is about 70. if you give her a computer she will log on and bring back a virus. if democrats continue to do this, i'm going to have to stop making grand, sweeping generalizations about race and gender because michelle obama used to do this all the time. it's easier to get a gun than a vegetable in the hood, you know,
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she's always like, it's easier to get a gun than a book in the bronx. like, they cartoon initially make generalizations about large swaths of people. i just think you need more nuance like i do. >> greg: you are really good at that. >> jesse: i'm mr. nuance. >> jonathan: i think he wants i think jesse. >> dana: nuance is not -- >> jonathan: coming up next, kristi noem has company. there's another vice presidential hopeful boasting about it, you guessed it, killing an animal. ♪ ♪ let's get started. bill, where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? no mask? no hose? just sleep. learn more, and view important safety information at progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial auto quote online.
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>> you step on their head, their boot, you pull it back on their head comes off. >> jesse: dana, rattlesnake different than a dog? >> dana: yeah, so when i was a kid growing up on the ranch, my grandfather.
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drilled into our heads, i was the oldest grandkid, i was supposed to be on the walk know mike watch, you stay rattlesnake come immediately run and get an adult, and i also remember at one point i was leading kids around my uncles trailer, going around and around and around and all of a sudden one of the dogs starts crying, her name is robi. bit by a rattlesnake. and robin unfortunately passed away. and my uncle, such a good shot, got underneath and shot the rattlesnake. now he didn't shoot the dog, the dog had been paid by the rattlesnake so that is why the rattlesnake had to get it. thank goodness none of us kids were bit by the same snake. >> jesse: jeanine wants to know if they made a handbag out of the snakeskin. >> jonathan: you know who is the most traumatized by this story? marco rubio's cat. as everyone lines up for shooting as a qualification, i imagine that cat just steps on the remote every time the news comes on. could you imagine the stress of
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that cat? >> dana: i didn't know he had a cat? >> jesse: walks backwards out of the room. >> jonathan: i don't know if he has a cat. >> judge jeanine: i was going to say -- >> jesse: a big cat guy, rubio, a lot of people don't know that. greg? >> greg: all i want to add is the dog shooter kristi noem canceled on me this morning. just a minute after she was on stuart varney's show, and it bummed me out because i actually read her book. i rarely do that. i actually spent the weekend reading her book and then she bails on me, and all i got to say is, you know, life say bitch but it doesn't mean you can shoot it. we are going ahead with the actual book segment, and we are having a very special guest, noem on the show. >> jesse: we will have to watch. >> greg: you know what sucks about it and then i will shut up? if she had done my show, it would have helped her because we are a fun show and she could
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have cracked some jokes, but she cut and she run and she blamed it on the weather. a minute after the varney show. and she blamed it on the wea weather. >> jesse: sunny today? >> judge jeanine: i didn't say anything yet. >> jesse: you say something. >> judge jeanine: kristi noem comes around, what you need to do is just yell "hide your dog!" hide your goat! hide all the animals! it's kristi noem! [laughter] >> jesse: i'm so glad you got the last word. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> dana: time now for "one more thing." jesse. >> jesse: we're going to promote the show "jesse watters primetime." fbi's most wanted con man tonight at 8:00. >> dana: all right. and greg? >> greg: tonight i already plugged it and going to plug it again. we have dana perino, michael
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loftus, kat timpf, tyrus and the ghost of christy nome. tonight at 10:00. >> dana: and the judge? >> judge jeanine: hide your dogs. [laughter] >> dana: it's your turn. >> judge jeanine: i know it's my turn i can't find it. you go. >> dana: i will go. a -- i can't even think straight. but, as you know, a lot of people getting ready to graduate. if you are looking for the perfect gift, 2024. check out the little poem book personal offer personalize the book for your graduate everything will be okay now through may 17th. judge, are you ready? >> judge jeanine: yes, these french bakers were on a roll breaking the world record for the largest baguette and whopping 461 feet. the previous record was 30 feet shorter but butter safe than sorry. >> dana: get you next time. that's it for us. >> bret: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, developing stories on two fronts in


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