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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 7, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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>> bret: yes, it is that the longest bag get. the enormous love extend 450 feet long. beat out the old record. made by a group of 18 french bakers during this baght show held outside of paris. began preparing the doe at 3:00 a.m. a guinness world record judge was hearing on alleged liberal bias npr. we will take you there. thanks for inviting us yo invitg us into your elm who: "the ingraham angle" is now. ♪ >> good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is the ingraham angle from washington tonight. thanks for joining us.
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the final polls closing just moments ago in indiana's presidential primary. well, voters are also casting votes for u.s. senate, the house and governor. you can see the results as they come in at the bottom of your screen. we're going to keep you updated with any major developments. plus, in moments, we will tell you what was it like inside the courtroom? as stormy daniels took the stand today but, first, it's dark and stormy, that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> laura: all right, ingraham rule of thumb, if you're a prosecutor, relying on the testimony of a convicted perjurer and a porn star to make your case, you shouldn't have brought it in the first place. >> just one thing i have been noticing as this has gone on there has been a couple times where she seems to be cracking a joke, trying to get a reaction from the jury. and our reporters in the room have noted that the jury hasn't seemed to respond to that. >> they are taking their job seriously. >> this is some searing cross-examination, so far. it's quite effective. >> the defense has an opportunity to do what clearly
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they have been preparing for for a year. it's there. it's ready, and they have 100 different areas to hit her with on inconsistent statements. >> she wouldn't admit she lost the defamation case which i don't understand. and she owes a lot of money to donald trump. so, i think it kind of goes to her credibility. >> this has been devastating for stormy daniels credibility. >> laura: well, the weakness of this case was on full display today but d.a. alvin bragg doesn't care because this was never about pursuing justice. it was about wounding trump before the election. either by humiliating him with a stormy rehash or by putting him in jail to effect the vote. so, together, bragg, that former dnc consultant matthew colangelo, who also worked for biden. and juan merchan, they are shredding whatever little correct remains in the new york judicial system. but this was the day that bragg was waiting for, right? this was his day that he thought
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he was going to get under trump's skin by calling stormy daniels to the stand with testimony completely irrelevant to the alleged ridiculous crime. she knew she would accuse trump with another crime. >> there was encounter she said she had in a parking lot in las vegas. i'm going back to our document. my daughter and i were going to a mommy and me workout class. i was approached by a man in a parking lot in las vegas. i thought he was the husband or something of one of the other women in the class. he threatened me, not to continue to tell my story. >> this was in 2015. >> that's right. what story? about my encounter with mr. trump. >> laura: by allowing this and other highly personal and prejudicial testimony judge juan merchan validated donald trump's skating criticisms of extremely bias and conflicted judge. the trump team was right to call for a mistrial but merchan denied the order saying i agree
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that there were some things that were better left unsaid. the witness was a little difficult to control and it was not easy. but, he said i didn't believe that there was a point where a mistrial is warranted. well, there was some things that shouldn't have been said? you think? look, the damage was already done. her personal testimony about trump and then her raising wholly irrelevant issues of consent and even as you heard implying that he was involved or connected with someone who made spooky threats? that's now already embedded in the minds of the jurors. >> the prosecutor here has divob a little too far on the level of detail. it could be the made the calculation maybe incorrectly that it's more important to get those details in front of the jury. >> why? if they are not relevant to the underlying question. why? >> is it because they want this whole thing to seem disgusting and take it out on donald trump ultimately. >> yes.
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because jurors care. the visceral gut reaction to the people and the parties, absolutely matters. >> laura: any legal analyst who isn't calling this what it is, a political hit job masquerading as a felony case is doing just a huge disservice to the country. and also a disservice to whatever law degree you got. now, today, there was nothing and i mean nothing said which is quite something that was relevant to the ultimate question in this case. falsify business records 11 years after his alleged tryst with daniels in furtherance of a crime to supposedly, of course, interfere with the election. but, the encounter itself which happened, again, 18 years ago, people don't realize 2006. whatever happened there totally irrelevant to proving the underlying charges. again, this isn't a case about extramarital affairs, it's not even a case about shady business
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records when you think about it. after all remember, remember. they insisted bill clinton's steamy hookups they were with an intern and in the white house. but that was a private matter. and they weren't bothered when hillary's blackberries were magically wiped clean. that was okay. escapades remember there is no paper trail leading back to biden. well, suddenly in this case they don't need a paper trail or even an central crime, bag's people keep bringing up a conspiracy, listen closely to influence the election among these three characters, cohen, trump, conspiracy. wait. one problem. trump was never charged with a space regarding anything. and late today. fox news digital, this was a goody. reported that the prosecutor who led today's questioning of daniels, is a significant biden
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donor and supporter of other democrat causes a&e cords to the 236789 ec. >> houghing gear donated to biden campaign in 2020. a donation of 250 in february 2020 and another donation 250 in march of 2020. houghinger also donated more than $900 to act blue. we have documented their combings and goings for progressive organizations and nonprofits. good going, susan. everything, and i mean everything about how this case came to be, how it was brought, the d.a. and prosecutors involved, today's witness and the judge himself is severely come pro-meed. it is highly prejudicial.
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judge merchan should have granted the motion for a mistrial when he had the chance. it actually would have been the right move for the defendant, for the judicial system, for the country, and, yeah, even for his own reputation. and as the angle said last year, you might remember, joe biden himself would have been smart to urge an end to all of this absurd lawfare against donald trump. think about how much confident and cooler and presidential he would have looked if he said to the country, look, i think i'm right, my policies are good, and i want to beat donald trump fair and square on the trail, in the debates, but not in the courtroom. that's not how we settle political differences in america. unfortunately, because biden is so weak, because his record is so so bad, democrats felt they needed an insurance policy, just like the deep state needed one back in 2016. but they miscalculated then and
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they have miscalculated now. and this time we need to win to make sure they are never and i mean never again allowed to weaponize the justice system for their political ends. and that's the angle. all right, joining me now, fox legal editor kerri kupec urban who is in the court's overflow room today and david schoen former trump impeachment attorney, kerri, tell us about stormy's demeanor and how it began to change from chatty and kind of too cute by half when she was cross-examined. >> well, i started off the day sitting there thinking that she was the most damaging witness to trump thus far not because she was describing anything illegal because she wasn't. but she was giving so much salacious detail that had nothing to do with the charges but it's part of the prosecution's game, which is conflate dirty with illegal in the eyes of the jurors. so she started off accessible, interesting, very casual, the way she looked, the way she was
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interacting with the prosecution. but then, when she had to undergo cross-examination, she changed. she became hostile, she became defiant, defiantly acknowledging that she hates trump. that she owes him thousands of dollars that she doesn't intend to pay yes, that she had posted something that she would dance down the street if he went to jail. and it became pretty intense. and the defense did a pretty effective job at poking hole after hole in the inconsistencies of her story both from the past and present. >> laura: well, when you really think about this, david, this was their big day, i mean, michael cohen, most people considered kind of a jug head and he was reviled by the democrats when he was trump's actual lawyer, they ridiculed him behind closed doors and ridiculed him on television now like the great saint in this case. this was really. their day. >> certainly you can see the
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polls go up because of it. i think the american public thinks it was completely unfair and the prosecution went too far and the judge went too far. as a lawyer, it's really offensive. this is why we have rules of evidence. i understand jurors may want to hear salacious stories. but we have a judge, should have a judge in place to prevent that. i think that he absolutely should have granted the mistrial. you know that he didn't because if he had any retrial under these circumstances would be barred by double jeopardy. there was no manifest necessity to put this testimony on. surely the prosecutor knew that stormy daniels, whatever her name is, was going to testify about some unknown unidentified person with no known connection to donald trump threatening her on the way to mommy and me in the parking lot. that's absolutely unduly prejudicial evidence that has no probative effect other than to tarnish president trump, put a whole new element into this case, completely irrelevant to the charges. and it can't be overcome with a curative instruction or even striking her testimony. >> laura: no way. >> absolutely had no place in
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the process. >> laura: kerri, look, calling a mistrial in the middle of a trial is a big deal. and don't like to do it. given what she was implying felonies, in a case already so fraught with frailties in the legal understanding and framing, to me, that was a bridge too far of many bridges too far. this is an issue on appeal. i know trump's lawyers have that written down among so many other issues. but talk about that for a moment, given how dramatic this was today. >> yeah. trump's defense attorney todd blanche made the point when he was requesting a mistrial saying it's going to be really hard to come back from this, this being the level of details that were incredibly prejudicial to the former president and had nothing to do with the charges at hand. i mean, she went -- the level of detail she provided she even was talking about what was in his medicine cabinet in the hotel
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room in 2006. i mean, it was crazy. and then, and then though, later on, when she would talk about once she moved past all of these tab employedtabloidesque detail. she proceeded to paint herself as she is doing the right, moral thing by wanting to get this story out in october 2016. and she kept insisting oh, i don't care about the money. i didn't care about the money. i just wanted to get this story out which, of course, makes no sense and she sold her silence to michael cohen, you know, and so these are the kinds of holes that kept coming out once she was undergoing cross-examination. >> laura: none of these people are impressive people. i'm sorry, and, david, i have said this before, that, like when you start going down this road of politicizing the justice system, as these people have done, time and time again, ultimately, it's going to bite you back. i don't care how long it takes. but this was a day where i think
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the dam broke for them. and her refusing saying she is not going to pay donald trump the legal fees she is saying the legal system doesn't matter. >> i don't like catchphrases they will throw around the term election interference. this is only about the election. needed an insurance policy. jerry nadler said it a couple years ago we can't trust the voters he said as a member of the democratic party. that's outrageous. this is about trying to play out the stormy daniels story because they thought that's what president trump didn't want before. and it's using something that doesn't meet the threshold for a misdemeanor let alone doesn't even name from the grand jury the target crime, playing it out as a media circus. it's outrageous and does a disservice to america. >> i'm laughing only because you can't believe this is the united states of america as we are like we are going to export our values abroad to ukraine and all these countries.
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are these the american values we are going to export to ukraine god help ukraine if that's what we are into. all right, kerri, other than how ms. daniels comported herself during this testimony what else about her appearance stood out to you and how it would impact the jury. >> this was a bit odd. a criminal trial involving the former president of the united states. each witness has dressed and presented themselves in a somewhat formal matter. put together way. and just oddly, stormy daniels came in with her hair kind of pulled back in a clip with all kinds of hair coming out as if she hadn't brushed it, quite frankly. and had what looked almost like a hoodie but a coat. dressed very occasionally. i started thinking is this intentional part of her strategy with the prosecution to show that she doesn't care, or she is just some regular person? who is going to be here? but, back to the money that she owes donald trump it's a federal
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court order in the ninth circuit. exactly. and so, the fact she defiantly sat there saying she hopes she never has to pay a penny and let's not forget if donald trump were, say, to go to jail she probably wouldn't have to pay him. this helps her even if the money that she currently owes him by testifying against him in this way. >> laura: david, so she shows up doing kind of a christie blase ford remember her? she had an interesting approach to hairstyles. god knows i do sometimes too when you know everyone is watching make it look decent beginning to end they go with it the judge was not going to grant the mistrial. that was declaring a mistrial on himself in the way he allowed this to continue. >> i think this is right. the prosecutor doesn't putt putt
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this kind of evidence on in the first place. i don't think they are in any way concerned about the appeal. should lose any appeal if there is a conviction. right now about making him sit in that chair away from the campaign trail and trying to put as many salacious details as possible before him. their witnesses have backfired time and time again. davidson a settlement that wasn't a payoff the paper trail never materializes, leading back to the defendant. thank you very much. david, kerri, great to see both of you don't. thanks so much. all right. go to gaza. yeah, that's the message to pro-hamas protesters from one totally fed up law professor, she is here next to reveal what else she wants them to do. this is going to be good. stay with us. ♪ the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day.
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>> laura: on this holocaust remembrance day biden was doing damage control. >> we have seen ferocious surge of anti-semitism in america and around the world. jewish students blocked, harassed, attacked while walking to class. anti-semitism, semitic posters, slogans, calling for the annihilation of israel. >> well, those types of slogans, of course, have been chanted and
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posted since after october 7th. huh. what took him so long? joining us now is dennis prager, radio host and founder of prager u one of mayan salute favorite people in america. dennis, do you such a great job every day. i'm so excited to talk to you about this. >> thank you, thank you. >> laura: what about his approach today and should we assume it's heart felt and he is standing strongly with jewish americans? >> i will have an answer for you that you probably won't expect. i don't care about the heart felt in almost anything except perhaps, you know, my children and my wife and my closest friends. in life, what people do is much more important than what their heart feels. so, i am happy if he says these things whether or not they are heart felt. all i can tell you is what he
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won't say and i want to salute him for what he did say, okay? i'm not a fan of his. but it's critical to give credit where it is due. but, what he won't say is where all of this j jew hatred comes from. and it comes from only two sources, the left, not liberals, the left, i always make a distinction. and the newest generation of immigrants from muslim countries. not long-time muslim residents of the united states who go back many generations like neighbors of mine who were terrific human beings. but, this newest wave of jew hating muslims there are muslims who don't hate jews but they are a minority. he won't say where it's from. so, isn't who did it a very
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important consideration? the who did it has not been addressed here. it's the people who have taken over his party, the left. this new ilhan omar muslim type immigrant to the united states who brought with them from the middle east a hatred of jews that we have not known since the holocaust and the middle ages. >> laura: dennis, when you really think about that are said and wished upon america. students and outside agitators, how important is it to specify and figure out clearly the funding of this, dennis? >> oh, it's obviously important to do so. i reported on my show what i had
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read and i forgot the source, but i think it was the "wall street journal," or it was certainly a mainstream source. and it was the rockefeller brothers or rockefeller foundation, however its name is, and the tides foundation, which is supported in large measure by george soros the left: americans don't want most americans don't want to acknowledge the threat to western cillization that the left poses. they don't want to because they are probably related to people -- i don't mean liberals. >> dennis, we will have you back for a longer conversation, but there is western hatred that has been taught and passed down from generation to generation which
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do you such a job of exposing to prager u. thank you. some professors and college administrators are defending the protesters, others have called them out, including a professor at george washington university, melinda roth. she wrote that these little brats should leave dorm rooms paid for mommy and daddy and actually go to gaza. joining us now is that professor melinda roth. professor, it's kind of a love it or leave it line. but, in this case, when you glorify something, as horrible and vicious as the hamas crowd i think it's a decent suggestion. >> well, first of all, thank you, laura, for having me on tonight and for devoting time to this important subject. i do want to say i'm speaking on my own behalf and not on behalf of george washington university or of the law school. but, what i have found while
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walking through this encampment was appalling to me. absolutely horrifying the hatred and the anti-zionist messages. the israeli hatred, the jewish hatred, and also the american hatred. and i wrote up my thoughts. i quickly wrote up my thoughts, and they have gone a little bit viral because not everyone is really standing on the right side of history here. >> laura: what they are saying about jewish americans has been festering for some time and israel, decades, really. now what they are doing to george washington is perfectly logical, really. covering him with the scarf and defacing him and, i mean, at some point they will rip that statue down. i have no doubt that that statue
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probably in the next 10 years will be coming down. they will demand it because he was a slave holder. founder of our country is racist. so the judeo-christian ethic, professor, is something that these protesters, at least, believe they need to rip down and, if it means violence, so be it. that's how i see it. you can tell me if you disagree. >> no, i actually agree with you. it's horrifying to see the founding father of this country dressed up like a terrorist. they have defaced that statue and actually renamed the university yard martyr square. >> laura: oh my god. >> they have called to dehead bd the president and provost of g.w. with a guillotine. they have the chanting, the signs, they are all horrible but
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destruction and violation of university policy can you see in the last shot you showed. they have even taken over a street. they have caused disruption to the law school where i teach. they have caused disruption on the campus when i initially wrote my thoughts down i initially talked about wanting to make the campuses across the country safe for jewish students. i think this is a bigger problem now. i think it is making the country's unsafe for all students. we see graduations being canceled. >> laura: professor, we have to unfortunately cut it short a little bit. but you gave us a lot to chew on and that campus is a travesty. and that president should resign. that whole board, the whole thing is now there are a lot of great professors from my time as a lawyer. my time in the law school it's a travesty and time to take that school back. professor, thank you. all right, biden's new campaign strategies about to backfire on
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him. that's next. ♪ i will bless those who bless you. it's almost passover here in israel and across the former soviet union. but we're fnding thousands of destitute, elderly jews
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>> two thirds of voters think the economy was better under president trump. >> that's just not the case. the economy has dramatically improved under the leadership of president joe biden. >> if those are the facts, why don't voters believe it? >> laura: probably because they are just not that stupid. i don't know. just guessing. nevertheless, the biden brain trust is touting a new strategy to tout joe into a second term. remind voters what life was like with trump according to one biden campaign pollster. joining me now juan williams, senior political analyst and bruce levell. 38% approval on the economy.
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how do you tell people might want to buy their first home. you have to vote against your own self-interest here? >> well, that's a tough one, i think. i have young people in my family and house something a tough one. you have to make it clear that they are not voting against self-interest when you say look back four years and you say this is not a referendum on the moment with joe biden. so it's really a choice between joe biden and what the country was going through four years ago. if you look at unemployment. if you look at g.d.p., the country is far better off today. but, your point is well-taken, people are disgruntled, inflation is still high, yeah, but wages are coming up higher. i don't feel so good. >> problem though is that the cost of living, bruce, is also high. and it's still high. and inflation is not going down, so interest rates can't come down, so, that's what young people are facing, yet, bruce, i
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will throw this to you. why is it still as close as it is in the head-to-head 34567up and we will look at the break down in a minute why is that? >> we are getting better. thanks for having me, laura. i'm a business owner for 29 years. i understand a balance sheet and so did president trump. where i'm perplexed why didn't biden keep the trump tax cuts and keep the things that worked for the american people. why we change things just because he didn't like president trump. you know, juan, i have to push back on you on this, man, listen, this mess that we are in is because we have a guy that's been in public office for 60 years. then we get a businessman that comes in the oval office, we had no wars for four years, and, let me just put this in perspective. when you have a good economy, it comes from consumer confidence. when people feel good, they spend money. that's stimulated the economy. right now with the wars in israel, the wars over in russia and ukraine, and all the chaos, high food prices, et cetera, no
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wonder why we are like this. and, juan, that's why they can't buy a house. that's why. because biden went in there and try to unravel things just because. >> laura: let's look at some of the break down on the issues themselves, juan. on the economy, not a surprise. trump is up 14. immigration, trump is up 17. crime and safety trump is up 8. israel hamas war trump is up 8. protecting democracy, which is a corner stone of the democrat's campaign. the only issue really that they are doing better on than trump is abortion. juan, is that enough, abortion and, i guess, maybe -- in some cases likability? >> well, you know, we are not having an election tonight, laura. so we are having an election in november. and between now and then, there's going to be a concerted effort. and i think that's what you were referring to at the start of the segment by the biden people to remind folks what life was like under trump back in 2020 and why they threw him out. why he was defeated.
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and what they're going to say is, you know, take a look at the stock market, it's far higher, been hitting record highs since joe biden has been in office. they are going to say take a look at how we have been dealing with things like the cost of insulin and compare it to the fact that donald trump was trying to do away with obama. now we have, i think, 6 million more people registered to get healthcare and are able to get, you know, medical assistance who couldn't get it before. they are going to say all those positives and say that's why you threw this guy out. >> laura: insulin campaign not to say that's not important but the cost of healthcare is surging. bruce, 15 second response? >> well, the american people are seeing that never in my lifetime, i worked for reagan and i was 18 stuffing envelopes, laura, i never thought in my wildest dream we would have a president sitting in the oval office that's compromised with china, russia, ukraine and god knows whoever who can't govern
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because he is on the take. that's what we see. that's what we see, juan, and, juan, you know it, juan. you know it. don't pretend, brother. >> laura: juan and bruce, thank you so much. all right, the liberal media salivating over every detail of this ridiculous fiasco today in manhattan. victor davis hanson, is he going to be priceless on this, next. ♪ i'm franklin graham. the world ems to be engulfe with hate. we see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders. jesus christ understands hate.
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the world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he camame on a rescue mission to save us from our sin. he died and d shed his blood on a cross for our sins. he was buried, but god raed him to life. and if we're willing t to put our faith and trust in jesus chris god will forgive us of our sins and hehe will heal our hearts. and the problem we have today is a heart proroblem. only g can change the human heart, and take t that hate and fill i with his love. if you've never invited chris in your heart, pray t this prayer with me right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe jesus is your n. i nt to trust him right now as my savior. and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prad that prayer, call that number right now that'sn the screen. we have someone who'd ke to speak with you,u, d pray with you. god bless you!
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♪ no. ♪ -no. -nuh-uh. ♪
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yeah. oh. yes. ♪ oh yeah. yes. isn't this great? yeeaahhhh!! ♪ yeah, i could do a cartwheel in here. oh hey! would you like to join us? no. we would love to join you. ♪
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♪ >> laura: in his song american pie don mclean sang about the day the music died. today was the day the justice died in new york. bragg's prosecutor sole purpose in bringing stormy daniels to testify was to help prop up the biden campaign and, of course, help out the media allies. >> some can say this was a long-time coming. it began all the way back in 2006. when donald trump met stormy daniels. >> she is obviously a star witness, if not the star witness in this whole case. >> it was the most salacious details that we have seen. >> at one point judge merchan told the prosecution some of daniels' more sexually graphic testimony was unnecessary. >> facts are pretty salacious here. there will be a lot of people the press included hanging on every word that stormy daniels has to say. >> i'm young enough to still remember when they said private
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matters were private matters. joining me now victor davis hanson hoover institute senior fellow author of the new book the author of everything. how big of a calculation did they make with this stormy showcase today. judge after having been begged to have motions to not include this extraneous irrelevant detail was so shocked himself about something that happened 18 years ago, purportedly that he reprimanded the defense and said basically why did you allow me to let this in? it was crazy. and then when you overlay that with -- he has been a biden campaign donor, his daughter is making a fortune off being a biden operative, basically. you have a prosecutor who has been a biden donor. the other one has worked for the dnc and then you juxtaposed it
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with a circus with nathan willis and fani. that office had lied about evidence, the order of evidence they found at the trump. and then there is the jean carroll and you get the impression none of this had anything to do with anything with the law except to subvert it. all about campaign interference in the same manner as getting him off the ballot or impeaching him twice or it's a long story. it's really to wreck the reputation internationally and domestically of american law. it's really sad. i can't believe i'm watching. this. >> laura: yeah, victor, they are forever bemoaning the reputation of america as it was under trump. oh, the world had no respect for us. what does -- imagine president xi and putin, right? they are talking on the phone, these are the -- these people are the democracy people over there? i mean, can you imagine what they think?
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>> can i tell you what they think. they are going to think wow, they are just like us. they talk one way but we're kind of relieved. they have the same idea of the law that we do, that you punish your enemies and help your friends and then you lie about it. that's what we are doing. we are operating in the same premises as communist china and autocratic russia. the only difference is they are straight up honest about it and we are hypocritical. the biden administration has done more damage to american jurisprudence than any event in the last 233 years of the constitution. >> so they tried to humiliate trump today with this completely irrelevant testimony, you know, salacious, sorted, you know, venal, absurd. but they end up humiliating themselves. and the same with the media who tried their best to rehabilitate stormy daniels herself, victor. watch this. >> she is an adult film actress. and that doesn't make her a
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professional witness. but she is someone who has appeared in front of the camera. >> she is also a director. >> she a director. >> somewhat a story teller. >> a story teller. >> laura: a director and story teller. victor. apparently now this is the emmys. what? >> i know it. and the whole promise was that donald trump did not want this woman to blackmail him because it was -- hurt his campaign when it's obvious that after listening to this person who is kind of unhinged and graphic that anybody in their right mind wouldn't want disclosing any of these narratives about protect your family. so they almost prove the opposite of what they intended to. anybody who listen to the it said any normal american would not want that out. and, yet, they say well, it had nothing to do with protecting his family. it had something to do with the campaign. if he had said it was a legal expense -- if he had said it was a campaign expense, then they
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would have gone after him for that. so, you can't win either way. i think there will be one juror, two jurors, even in liberal new york that says enough is enough. >> laura: what does this say about the confidence of the biden campaign to actually take trump on on the issues that matter most to americans, the economy, of course, immigration, victor? what is does all of this say abt that. >> it says a lot. it says that they had a chance, they had an agenda. and every single issue with the exception, maybe, of abortion is under water and they can't run on it. they know they can't run on it, and so it's going to be the next six months, it's going to turn over the campaign to these prosecutors. and they hope that the american people will just be so shocked by testimony or get tired or get in a fetal position and say i can't take it anymore and vote for biden. i don't think it's going to work. but that's all they have. but they are destroying-it came at a price to all of us.
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they are destroying the reputation of the american legal system. >> laura: they didn't care. it was by any means necessary. victor, thank you. all right, foe inclusivity, and vicious insults. could that be the new democrat way? jimmy failla will tell us, next. ♪
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>> now it's time for wtf joining me now, host of fox news saturday night. rhma, as we've been discussing tonight, alvin braggs, nothing to brag about. i'm predicting stormy skies ahead for when the case goes to the jury but the gals on the left are keeping hope alive. >> to prove a point, put him in the clink. [ cheering and applause ] >> i don't want this to sound like i'm doing wishful thinking. >> yes. [ laughter ] >> but which prison would be
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best? >> i'm okay if he goes to alcatraz and they reopen it. >> what about guantánamo bay? >> oh, god. >> will be goldberg. >> a woman who is so dumb by the way she once recommended jill biden for surgeon general on that show, did you know that? and she's not a doctor. she's like i think dr jill would be a good surgeon general. these are the dumbest people in television. i say that with all due respect to myself but understand, if this judge really has it out for trump and wants to punish him, he should just make him watch the view. i mean she talks about guantánamo bay. is there a higher form of torture than what they are doing every day on that show? it's embarrassing. >> but stormy daniels shows up in a hoodie, she did a forward with the hairstyle today apparently. what was that message to the jury? what was she trying to tell the jury with that? no time to get ready or what?
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>> i'm trying to play defense on this one but let's just say she's hoping for a hung jury. [ laughter ] >> jimmy, democrat york governor cathy hogle kind of stepped in it yesterday when she was talking about the students from the bronx. watch. >> right now we have young black kids growing up in the bronx who don't even know what the word "computer" is. they don't know these things. [ laughter ] >> what? what? dude, first of all that really is like racist. it's as bad as biden. democrats think black people are dumb. remember when biden said black people can get voter id, that this is the equivalent of jim crow on steroids? this is who democrats think black people are. but the bar is low for hogle whose claim to fame is being the one chicken albany that was so annoying cuomo would not hit on her because he did not want to have to put up with her
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personality. that's what she's doing here. >> jimmy, she tried to clean it up today. she said she misspoke, okay, and she regrets it. they did not know what ram was, like how much ram. >> oh yeah that makes it better. >> i'm joking. she said it was -- she misspoke. so we all misspeak when we say people are dumb implicitly. jimmy, sorry to cut you short tonight but don't forget to catch jimmy on the road, he's going to be in boston on may 18th and that is it for us tonight. follow me on social media, we are getting a lot of comments on instagram with the rose video, the new roads video. yes, slightly embarrassing but that's okay. remember, it's america now and forever and i understand jesse might be talking a bit about the travesty in manhattan tonight. he will take it from here. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime". tonight...


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