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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 7, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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>> there is bad men. >> the true stories behind their legends. this is outlaws and the law men coming soon to fox nation. >> greg: the set of tombstone you will like it the first episode drops tomorrow fox nation we hope you will check at a. i will also be on fox and friends tomorrow 8:30 eastern we hope you'll be watching as well as as we need to make sure you never missed an episode of hannity greg got feld's standing by to put a smile in your face and i need 1 your cabin good night.
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>> greg: happy tuesday everybody. we were supposed to have christy in nome on the show tonight but she canceled her staff blamed bad weather. we go to locals for reaction. [ dog barking ] who knows why she canceled when we asked how her week was going she said rough i heard it was raining cats and dogs. [ laughter ]
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i tried to convince her to stay and do the show even telling her my dog guess at all his shots she said not yet he hasn't. she didn't just shoot the dock she screwed the pooch she faces controversy from her new book now in the doghouse and aga but now we know there is plenty of room. [ laughter ] the house room here. >> it's like oj but we know who the killer is. pierre blasted nome or suggesting that biden's dog commander would be put down a good strategy to get others to
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shoot dogs to blend in. also accused of making up a story of meeting kim jong-un he was upset because he prepared a signature dish amazing country. speculation is that she's ended chances as trump's vp some saying she's boosted her chances for another position in government. wow. critics add she was criticized over this story to cell books not true she said. you could've done the show could have done the show we are nice people everybody here teases everybody else we have a good time you probably would come off
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having fun instead you chose to run. boo on to other news. famous obese liberal michael moore inc. encourages students to take over buildings asking to start with cafeterias. kevin spacey says he is endorsed rfk saying you had me at you in year spacey called rfk a fighter for justice also adding he has an incredible ass joe biden 28% decline in black support he says it's a 0 because they are no longer.
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stormy daniels took stand in the hush money trial her testimony marred when she kept deep throating the microphone. to swear her in the bailiff placed her right hand on an old copy of hustler. any new copies i don't know finally zo goers in china were shocked to find out the pandas on display actually dogs died to look like pandas upset governors contacted someone to rectify the situation. yesterday politico warned the death of swaggering journalism they will meant there doubting
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their own future with american journalism losing equality and carried it for s century and a half of trials swaggering wounded and limping sounds like they describing the dogs of christine nome to legacy media you could stop crying it's over and you lost vaguely your less trusted than week-old tuna salad's point is that journalism is way too timid but its real purpose seems to be a call to action for his fellow reporters to get tougher. sorry ryan stelter can't do a girl push as apparently his definition of swagger is writers who despise the country they are either left or far left. like listening to your grandfather reminisce about the
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days of his youth walking around the old age home with the back of his hospital get on open. or if we are talking biden the front. the article cluelessly proves its own point a long time media type around new york in dc set to mourn the death of traditional journalism writing its epitaph and on the gravestone would be a story about russia gate. what traditional media missed today is not swagger like joe biden's bowels it's not controlled. strangely the swaggering types from the oat good old days are the characters would be drummed out of the first newsroom they applied to by people like jack shafer talking about the hard drinking, hard charging grizzled white dudes who were abrasive, obnoxious and politically incorrect think lee marvin but with a typewriter. dinosaurs who founded the country but now are designated
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bonduau villains. if ben franklin were alive today he would be in hr lectured by a nonbinary care and because no women signed the declaration of independence. really what shafer is mad about is that the media is no longer seen as heroes. he writes thanks in part to a fallen status as well as ever irrational attacks from politicians like trump today's journalists experience ridicule and harassment at public events like rallies and demonstrations. troop they are like jill meade in high school so let's get this straight for brian she says. you sold us a years long lie on a russian collusion and try to convince us a laptop obviously genuine was with fake you cheers l'affaire against the leading presidential candidate now you cry because trump doesn't like you because the rest of them
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longer to fleck you're lucky we don't unlock your entire profession on arrigo charge but he does have a point that means stream is cowards here is a former cnn reporter riding on x about a dinner she attended in florida which he claims still haunts her saying. i'll wear well educated thing seemed great on the surface for an hour but over a few drinks they let their true selves slipped. where they polite did they pay the bill. did they not burn down a police station what gave them away. i bet somebody called. [ bleeps ] honor may get -- legacy media conformity maybe it was mag a swagger. at somebody has morse swagger than them. he's living in their heads he's the landlord who keeps raising the rent water owners can get
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rid of because he changed the locks. the main thing shafer misses as it originated from the mentality of the grad schools and groupthink he coddled. people like shafer want to see how the profession degraded look no further than the machine that turned out these clones. but jackie can't say that because he's 1 of them which makes him a bystander to the decline you want to whistleblower just another cog in the machine. then there is a little tell regarding what's really on this guys mind at at the end he adds no fox news does not swagger. have you seen trace gallagher. [ laughter ] is like james dean mixed with a dodge charger. but jack felt compelled to add that that part because he knew that would be the reaction there is swagger but it's coming from the places him and his buddies
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hate's move over donald you have company in their heads in fact there is plenty of us swaggering around in their tiny brains lucky for you jack i don't take up that much space. let's welcome 10 nights yes. she can do a swan dive into a birdbath host of america's newsroom and cohost of the 5 never shooting a dog at dana perino. he never says make yourself at home because that's not his dumpster. michael loftis! she often gets cranky when stopped by her cousin frankie, fox news contributor kat timpf and old faithful is his the day.
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former nwa world champion tyrus! thank you for stepping in and the last moment we will do her book segment later which will be amazing what you think about using the word swagger. you've been around the media for years do you think they lost their swagger? >> i thought about the movie watergate which is where you would have the newsroom and all the action was in the newsroom. all the presidents men and a newsroom was a place that was cool and fast and everybody smoking cigarettes slamming down the phone they were going after the story it was cool to be there now you think about that npr story a few weeks ago where 1 of the journalists a long-time editor their sins a note saying you notice 89% of the people work here are doubt -- registered democrats and npr
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says how dare you but if you are to do that at all the newsrooms now that's what you would get and there's a reason for a decline's diversity is to be a strength not just diversity of ethnicity but diversity of thought they don't have it hiring way too many elitists from journalism to watch those movies thinking that's what it would be like instead trying to advance a progressive agenda so they have no money in another story that biden's in big trouble because of the left-wing news outlets don't how to run a business so they are running out of money as well. >> their idea of running a business is looking on the internet for a story already written region bling the sentences and printing as their own story. michael as a homeless lesbian. by the way it's amazing how you got that facial hair to grow. >> a day at fraud fraud of the treatment. i mean america's dumpster waiting for another girl who
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wants a corndog. >> greg: i don't know what it means but i seem to like it. you think what she's talking about might of been a myth about the idea of the swaggering newsroom maybe it was always this arrogant, so to speak. >> it's horrible but being revealed that's the glorious thing as legacy media goes down i looked at this article today and they talk about how journalism is missing something that thing that got us through the past century and a half and he said swagger is like know you missed it. the truth is what we need legacy media now is a fat check at the bar when you want to talk to her attractive friend who is the truth you want to talk to the truth here comes legacy media going you know trump was in russia colluding of russia she doesn't want to talk to you and it's like i want to talk to the truth. it's like that laptop wasn't
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real it's like okay i want to talk. covid-19 that came from of that soup things like can somebody get her out of here and now that's what's happening with legacy media. you're finally able to go on the internet and get to the truth all by itself. >> greg: such an unusual analogy but works. >> was interesting is when he says that he means with the letters ph. >> that's cultural appropriation campy trademarked or used. [ laughter ] what do you think tyrus i love how he diagnoses everything but the real problem which is takeover of the media. >> this kills me because he wrote a piece pretty good so much so i quoted it if you have it up there and screen there and something he wrote i don't know
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if he did it on purpose or not but when it comes down to it why don't people like us anymore. they never did like you. you're the. [ bleeps ] media nobody is supposed to like you. you're supposed to just be the facts and the truth nobody liked robert redford and dustin hoffman because they were going to get the truth. not your version. that's way they interview so many sources and at the end it's like you don't have an enough source as you sit until you get it out i want to get out by 5:00 and bring me more sources and lo and behold 12 boxes of marlboros they find a way to get the source because being a journalist is hard work and when you do it for likes and clicks because even her little dinner apparently she's feeling lonely so she needed other elitists to rally around being so brave a sitting 3 quarts of the mill with highly educated people who don't want to talk about how they voted.
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that's literally what she did right and she didn't want to pay probably. they don't want to get into a debate with me because you're unemployed because you couldn't do that you are actually the perfect person to have a debate with. you are a fire journalist he doesn't get it. it goes back to the whole thing of the idea of getting your story from x instead of going out and getting the work that's the problem they want to be liked and famous they want to interrupt the crowd incentive interviewing the trump rally they want to make fun of the lighting or say there's not really that many people here. >> greg: kat i believe you always have swagger. i thank you have swagger and if schafer watched the show he would have to make a correction on issue. >> thank you. >> she's in shock it's like there's a joke you're somewhere. >> i was waiting for you to say but. >> greg: but and you also didn't shoot a dog.
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that's true or not a journalist either but if i was i would be chasing the huge story that must be that bad weather that's it must be some real bad weather will reason she told the dog story she says is to show she's a leader and can stand up and handle problem's. okay then why did you run from the show because in order to be a leader you need to be able to solve the kind of problem's you can't shoot there are so few problem's in the world where the solution is just a cold-blooded assassination. >> greg: and she claimed in the north korea thing like i'm used to do there's dealing with little tyrants as a pastor it's like he ran from this little tyrant. some beginning to think she didn't meet kim jong-un.
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>> did a meat gray gutfeld either. >> i think she was shocked there were republicans in florida. like you thank you are the most educated at the table okay. >> did you know there's cowboys in texas. >> greg: really? all now only if there were surfers in california. >> greg: will the judge dropped the hammer and fro trump in the slammer ( ♪ ) look, things may seem fine down there, but you need to watch out for diseases. i'll be okay. does this look ok?! ugh. how do i protect myself? with the new scotts healthy plus lawn food. it's the only product that prevents 27 diseases while feeding your grass to help keep your lawn healthy this season. want me to show you how to put it on?
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>> greg: fro trump behind bars and then light behind bars because donald might prevail foot stint in jail as they keep threatening with jail for violating the gag order the possibility is getting more real the judge claiming they are trying to preserve dignity across court in between testimony from a washed up lawyer in a disbarred porn star least i hope she's a washed up before. on monday trump was found in contempt of court for a tenth time accusing of criticizing jurors in court personality earns 1 more he gets a free frozen yogurt while the judge says jailing him as the last thing he wants to do the wisest among us say bring it on. i hope they do arrest him and put them in jail because it guarantees he wins, please please please it's of the greatest third act of any political story of said a million times focusing and sharpening trump he comes out of
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the gate like a bronco ready to roar and it's working. it's like he's up. god he is gorgeous. somebody get him his own show or at least a cell adjoining trumps but rep scene trump in jail for a day for his victory it's like they will walked of martha stewart suddenly snoop dogg wanted to marry her was trumps jumpsuit matches his complexion but democrats commit crimes in office and don't go to jail is stuffed with a porn star 20 years ago they want to froman joe for criticizing the judge they will probably bring me in for having a legally firm about can't lie. either way the democrats can kiss his reelection get by and kissed trumps ass as well because of there's no silencing them like biden you can't put a pacifier on his mouth he's like a son, giant orange and keeps rising if democrats aren't careful they will end up like
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this. you've been in and out of the pokey rate. >> yes, i might be going back. bill in your career always does well after you go to jail you believe in my erie that 1 day it will be minimum security they send you home with an ankle bracelet. >> i think trump would still be a better leader of the country from jail he could be behind plexiglass and say you know what kim jong-un bad things are going to happen he's not going to gl ever. that can't happen because nobody knows what he's on trial for. it's really tough like how he has 91 indictments for what. explain 1 of them is like oh, he sold real estate but undervalued it and if you go back and looked at the way he did the accounting
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it's shut up ask somebody where they went to college right somebody goes if you had real charges against trump it would be a short answer where you go to school i started off in community college and my things transferred those are the trump charges right. i'm looking for a short answer i went to ohio state. it's completely ridiculous. >> greg: it is true if nobody knows this is a case about how you wrote in on the business record of an accounting of the legal expense they all think it's about hush payments or a stripper or whatnot. >> or whatnot. when in doubt just say whatnot. >> there's also so many different trials and things happening and trials are really long and they feel people attention span with it kind of
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starts to go after a while. do i agree with your erie that there are people out there that hate him that would suddenly vote for him if he went to prison i don't think so no but i definitely think it fires up the base i think that's accurate and also if he did go to jail people would pay attention because they want to know how that would work exactly. you can't just toss him in a local jail. what he call into fox and friends? >> greg: that would be amazing. collect call. >> that's a ringtone. >> greg: that would be incredible. i think we are living in an amazing movie. >> yeah, we just don't know who's directing it. it's gotten to the point like this is the moment where you tell your child 4 times do not take the ice cream out of the fridge and the door is open if already climbed the stairs they are looking at you they are
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looking at the ice cream and the judges like if you take that ice cream if you do it don't okay well if you open it comes open the ice cream don't you put your hand in their don't you do it, don't you do out you did it okay well now i have to put you into. it's all for 1 thing it's all for 1 thing just so biting can say convicted felon. that's what this is about. and you know it's about that when they are going the dampening testimony from the porn star because she is a porn star so chances are she could tell a pretty good sex story. and interchange any name we've seen the movies let's not play dumb except maybe dana but we've all seen the movies it's the same thing so not like she couldn't say this happen and then this happened and the judges just like you but that's what happened it's completely irrelevant means nothing that's what the case is about but also
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as has been going after go home after this flick please make this go away it's too embarrassing in front of his wife all they want is that little title which says convicted felon this is what it's about. >> greg: do you think this law fair will continue to help trump or no? >> i don't see it helping biden at the very least i don't see it hurting trump i don't know if it necessarily helps trump. when he came out with some remarks he didn't spend much time going after the judge are stormy daniels after court today what did he talk about wheat he talked about the economy, inflation, colombia protest anti-semitism and all the things which are the issues of the day people care about and that would help them immensely but also the other thing is the judge i don't know how much america's paying attention he such a jerk he tells the prosecution stop
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objecting so much and then say we don't thank you should have this witness he's just try to shut them up and then it's like okay let's not object because that they are asking why didn't you guys object now it's your problem and their cop between a rock and a hard place. >> greg: that's when i go out and sage you need an umbrella i say no it won't rain and then she's like why didn't you bring an umbrella. i favorite part when trump comes out to speak is the guy next to him does the same thing it's like a power suit version of penn and teller. next the absurdly dressed against those who protest. [ cheers and applause ] so rich. so indulgent. it's new olay body wash. silky indulgent moisture.
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bye bye, dry skin. hello glow in just 14 days. indulge. with olay body wash.
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>> ♪ ♪
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>> greg: they hope to get unmentioned by wearing crap for attention it was fashionistas. speak of diamond encrusted elites for the met gala it's america's chance to look at the work of many gifted plastic surgeons as well as a native fashion this years theme garden of time also the name of that spot in my yard right barry hit tony randall. here is a singer look at her doing her best to look like a floral trash bag.
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it's like a buckingham palace guard didn't know what to wear so she piled the garbage together look at that thing. here's rebecca ferguson looking like a boring glad bag on a sad note waiting outside of the curb picked up by sanitation never heard from since. kim kardashian was also there look at that wearing a skintight course that friends worried it might cut off circulation to her ass leaving her brain dead. [ laughter ] years the rapper carty be what those things you call shooting. she's like a squid exploding. interesting side note it's home to 91 illegal immigrants.
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you might be asking how did she walk around in that gallon great question with a bunch of dudes carrying it for her. is not about race it's about class. she's got none of it. here is jordan a roth a broadway producer dressed like the garden section from home depot just looking at him and gives me hayfever and here's alana delray what the hell is going on here with alana she's wearing a beekeeper veil or maybe she was wearing a mosquito net because there were so many bloodsuckers there. the snooty lips inside while police stopped those crashing the gala not before they vandalized the world war i memorial at central park and burned an american flag was the democrats called it having a conversation. canadians of all stripes gathered in new york a super spreader event and the virus was stupidity you are the opposite
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of a fashionista but always dressed tastefully do you think they overdo it. >> eyewear track pants to work. >> greg: do you look at these things and go what the hell are they thinking? >> i like alana delray so she can do no wrong i don't listen to her music at all. i do know the story when her album came out a few years ago she got 1 billboard to promote it in her ex's hometown. i aspire to be that level of patty. >> greg: that is incredible. dana you like to get dressed up what would you do if they invited you to the gala? >> i would definitely call in sick. i have what kids call social anxiety. i saw this 1 from rachel who is super classy and looked amazing. like that is what you wear. >> greg: looks like a smurf
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throughout bond her. >> and isn't that beautiful. christian dior. >> greg: i know him. >> i don't. >> greg: tyrus what do you think about the protesters? >> why didn't they let them and isn't that who they support and cheer for like come on in the protest is fine we will all do it together they can hide under that 1 lady's dress it will be great. >> greg: michael you must be thinking with all these people wearing trash bags it's cultural appropriation of your homeless lifestyle. >> yes, i feel used. i like this all met gala get them altogether in their little hunger games of sycophantic horrible fashion the thing is they shouldn't be allowed to hang out after the met gala because that's the thing they get together and who in all over everybody's outfits when they get together afterwards they
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start making decisions and having ideas that's when you need the shock collars rate because i think we should never have a wall and the guns are really bad and free-speech just give them all the dart gun. have them all dressed as docs. >> greg: how much time and effort is placed into each dress the energy required. i don't think they think about that when they are raving about climate change. coming up how hollywood gets it wrong with movies too long. well done, viv. you got the presents, the balloons and the raptor cake. now, how about something to put a smile on your face? aspen dental provides complete, affordable care with dentists and labs in one place plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance... and 20% off treatment plans for everyone. quality care at a price worth celebrating. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner.
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♪(fun music)♪ mom, can i help? camping was fun, but it looks we brought the woods back with us. if you're a mom, then you really need weathertech for mother's day. it's the ultimate way to kid proof your vehicle. from laser-measured floorliners for the front and rear... to protector... and seat back protectors... we've got mom's covered. your turn. (hose spraying and laughter) find all these american made gifts, perfect for mother's day, at trace gallagher shannon bream. >> greg: long movies really sack a recent survey suggests americans prefer shorter moving's the ideal length and 92 minutes we law -- watch a lot of movies. >> for bitter old man yes. >> greg: what are your thoughts on this.
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>> certain movies have to be along like casino no issues great movie. sometimes they go way too long trying to send a message nobody is getting. there is no reason for a 3 hours star wars. no reason to have these extra long hidden scenes and deleted stuff no. if you like a good movie i know you hate long movies. >> greg: sex in the city 2 was so long. >> a sucky movie means 2 minutes is too long. assuming it's like a conversation when you say i was your day. you cowards are saying that next year. it never be afraid. >> greg: the matter how long a movie is it takes you 3 days to watch it with a woman because you could stop the movie at any time and get a tax to stop the movie if you need a blanket if you want a snack right. it used to be when you went to a
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movie you raced to the toilet or snack bar because you might miss a killing her the most important part of a movie now you just stop it for the ball for the dog i don't mind a long movie if it's good but when they say in 90 is a perfect length of time they agree. or alike a series where it's 45 minutes an episode it adds up for what would be a long movie but it shorter in a single session. >> greg: the problem with short movies as they also suck because they are the low-budget ones like cash out with john travolta which i watched. all fall -- off a watched it because it was 90 minutes. >> we are in swagger territory with journalist people not about the length of movie it's the quality of the storytelling. we don't have in aversion to long movies we have an aversion to. [ bleeps ] movies. as if you are supposed to sit
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and endure carp captain marvel that should be 3 minutes. some of my best work as i worked in hollywood a long time did a lot of shows and films my best work can be done in 3 minutes. >> greg: i bet. kat last word to you. do you watch stuff with subtitles? i do. >> i like to watch reality tv with movies it's like you sit down you have to be committed to that movie but if it's trash tv it's trash i can walk away whenever i want. unfortunately that's not always the case. that same mentality as cost me to waste years of my life on relationships. but the idea behind it is if it's trash anyways you can walk away whenever. >> greg: you never do because you form a bond with the trash you don't see that 1 coming. >> let me ask you a question when she tells you to posit when she goes to get something how long do you wait before just
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starting it again. but you're also afraid because she's just going to make you rewind it. up next an interview with christy no even though she went home. but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. at oofos, we don't make footwear. we make shock absorbers. fatigue fighters. mobility
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this week in i did something i rarely do i read a guests book for a segment we had planned called it no going back by kristi noem who knew the title was referring to this show. today she canceled on this the 1 time i read a book the author sorry the person's name is on the book canceled and blames the weather. i don't believe it. i think it's late to keep her on a short leash i hope she would reconsider but i won't sit up and beg every dog has its day just not may 7th 2024 and i won't let them waste my time so we are moving forward with the interview standing in for kristi noem is something she wished she written 2 before she wrote the book, a dana perino. so dana a.k.a. kristi noem did
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you right the book yourself? >> that's a great question for somebody who wrote the book and i don't think i will dignify your question with a response there's other important issues in the world like animal cruelty. >> greg: i noticed you seem not to know what was in the book yet you voiced at the audio for the book did you ever read the book? >> thank you for reading my book i said some words that were written about me and they were in a certain order of the call them sentences so i read those allowed. i don't know if that means i've read the book. >> greg: you've had a lot of controversies here would you blame the ghost raider, the editor or publisher? >> a little known fact another 1 of my dogs his name was ghost writer and i killed him this
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morning. >> greg: does it bother you that to these stories about the dog and north korea overshadowed the rest of this book? >> what bothers me is apparently i'm being overshadowed by the governor of the lesser dakota doug bergan and apparently i'm off the list for vp. >> greg: because he only kills rattlesnakes. >> yes, and you know i think at the lame stream media should focus on that because the rattlesnake is not something we should be killing because they actually kill the rats and so i know more about ecology than the governor of north dakota. >> greg: do you regret including the dog story because it's reported you were told not to. >> what i regret is that i was
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in germany in the 1980s doing movies. i regret that. i regret not including that in the book i also regret not canceling on you on saturday so i didn't waste your time reading a book i wasn't going to come on and do the interview about. amen. [ cheers and applause ] nicely done. that's how you do it. don't go away we will be rightse back of asthma? >> ♪ ♪ get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra.
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