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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  May 7, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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install leaffilter on your existing gutters. you'll never have to climb a ladder to clean out your gutters again. you know, that's peace of mind and then some. so, how do people sign up? call 833 leaffilter today to schedule your free inspection. or visit [ cheering and applause ] >> greg: we are out of time, thank you kristi noem! tyruse, kat timpf, our studio audience! james gallagher is up next, i love you america! >> trace: good evening andres gallagher it's 11:00 pm on the east coast, and this is
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america's late news, 'fox news @ night'. breaking tonight from college campuses to big city streets, the anti- israel protesters now expanding the reach across with angry crowds as you see hitting the streets of atlanta, which has a very bad history of dangerous demonstrations and tensions arising at the university of washington after activists tried to ban conservative commentator charlie carrick from speaking on-campus angular that make his presence would let her know their first amendment rights. his speech continuing as of now as protesters hold a computing rally for rafah event. meantime anti- israel sentiment continuing to bubble up on campuses across the country, we have team fox coverage, ashley strohmier, but first matt finn at the fashion institute of technology. good evening.
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>> hello trays, our understanding is this is a lasting him when he a new york city and it's pretends. there's a huge police force here right now, the special response group here, we see officers with zip ties ready to make potential arrests. also police busses indicating that there could be some mass arrests happening here. as spoke with nypd a short while ago, the set of first-hand they are monitoring to these protests here on the campus, you may be able seat -- to see them into the distance got people banging the drums. then first objective is to monitor these protests then later they saved there's any tenants or there is an encampment on public property, nypd said they are going into dismantle that encampment here on campus. you may recall police, they dynamic dismantle of the columbia protests here in the city last week. we could see something similar here on the campus of fit. protesters are chanting protecting camera, this approach
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is started tonight in the city, they began at a union square, new york public library, more arrests made tonight because some of these protesters were not complying with officers clear orders to stay out of the street. as you can see police are allowing protesters to lawfully demonstrate, 11:00 o'clock at night, they are not asking them to go home, they are allowing them to express their opinion, demonstrate their freedom of speech. but if the protesters stand in the street and a block traffic that is immediate arrests. we saw that last night when protesters tried to get near the met gala, we're seeing that now here, police potentially making any arrests of the block traffic. >> trace: you will get back to you that's faint at life for us in new york, thank you. meantime anti- israel protests continued on college campuses, ashley strohmier is live with an update on that part of the story. good evening student her palestinian camps remain set up tonight at universities
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nationwide even as some colleges get more aggressive and try to hold those responsible for the protest accountable. before sunrise police removed has in wind doesn't of tens and gears set up at the university of chicago campus, the move shocked some pro- palestinian protesters who camped out for more than a week. >> and then they snuck up on people to attack! >> near boston very similar, mit and harvard still stand even as the school threatens students who don't disburse with suspension. >> shut -- they are choosing not to discipline their students rather than respond to numerous good-faith efforts to speak and have a conversation. >> to the nation's capital, dozen of ten still covers central sections of george washington university, demonstrators say they have no plans to leave anytime soon. listen... >> you will be here until our demands are met, we have a great
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community rallying around as ready to uplift our demands. >> including meeting with the gw president about school our school leaders are not interested, the school once a dc mayor to clear that area and so far she is refusing to step in. >> my constitutional responsibility is to make sure that people can safely protest. >> today educational secretary told lawmakers he is aware jewish-american students are worried for their safety but stopped short of condemning the ongoing encampment. >> can you tell me right now yes or no, do you condemn these encampment? >> again of those are decisions for universities to make, i know in some cases universities are engaging in dialog with students to come up with a strategy. i don't want to get into the details of cases of what i don't have. >> organizes how the training session for protesters about what they should do if police comment to make mass arrests and while it dc police remain nearby
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there is still no signs of trying to break up that gathering. >> trace: not sure they will. ashley strohmier live for us in new york, thank you. [ ♪♪ ] while the fox news and a commonsense department think is the anti- israel protesters are not nearly as anti- israel as they are anti-american and it you need look no further than of the world war i memorial in new york city that protesters vandalized. they sprayed tainted of the word gauze on the base of the statutes and opposed to flag stickers on the bronze shoulders, is -- soldiers, debasing a symbol of a wall-to-wall one is not a fist bump with palestinians, it is a thumbs down on in this country. common sense would remind of those protesters, the only reason they are allowed to spew their hate is because some american, somewhere, fought and died for their right to spew their hate. and vandalizing a war statue is a pretty good indication they
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now hate the people who fought. student at columbia law school have now sent to a threatening e-mail to jewish students at columbia, not is really jewish students telling them "no jew is safe until everyone is safe and no jew is free until palestine is free". so you are angry at israel by targeting american symbols? you want to free palestine by condemning american jews? common sense of wonder is, how many statues and students need to be cast aside before we finally realize these protesters are not pro- palestinian, they are anti- us, spelled u s. let's bring in his early activist and independent journalists brittney hopper and the founder of the ended jew hater movement, brooke goldstein, big treat for us, thank you for coming on, we appreciate it. want to play this if it can, this is some sound we talked about the war memorial being
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targeted and vandalized. and this is chanting as the flag burns into the memorial is vandalized, watch those... >> free, free palestine! free, free palestine! >> trace: you see is just hatred it, they go after everything, they going after israel, the going after american statues and american symbols. it's this widespread hatred, what he thinks? >> this goes beyond a hatred, these are domestic terrorists we have in our country right now. these are anti- americans, they are against everything that we believe in and what is his country was founded on. i will say this though, it won't stop here, it won't stop with the jewish people or israel, was he does continue to happen if we
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don't stop the far left movement. this mob are taking over and they want to take over. we can just say you will burn our american flag and get out, we can do that. so we have to come together and do something else. this is disgusting what we are saying happening. >> trace: we talked about in common sense, this whole concept of the columbia law students setting out of those that to the jewish students saying here is one of the lines, quoting here! "you threaten everybody safety" to these jewish students who are pushed off campus. it is unbelievable how you literally have these kind of form ended hate to add columbia and universities across the country. >> is thank you so much for pointing this out, it was only a matter of time until the true colors of these so-called pro- palestinian protesters came out because this is not about civil rights, this is not about deferring to palestine or about israel, some of the documents they discovered when they
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cleared the encampment universities showed they were planning to these protests for months before october the 5th, it also shows they are against america, they want to take down the uk and france. this is about agitating and creating chaos in the west so that we implode from within. i will leave with this, our elected officials always a duty to investigate who is funding the demonstrations, they have to defund the demonstrations. >> trace: very good pointmac george washington university law professor said the following, "if you want to help" talking to students "g. go where you can make a difference for the people you profess to be supporting, meaning go to gaza and help those people" they're not going to gaza, they're not going anywhere. >> we know what would happen to them if they were to go to gaza. of course he will not go to gaza. the other part of this is a lot of these students don't even know where gaza is on a map, and they are getting their information, let's say
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misinformation from a ticket taught, they getting their history from social media. we know this. this is part of the problem as well. they just don't know who they are voting for, what they are doing out here. >> trace: talking about clearing some of the encampments and how they are very reticent to do this, george washington university, the statue of george washington still wearing the cuff via and holding a palestinian flag. is he right there, take it down. clean up this area. this is your school, cannot let them just take control of the campus. >> at this is what concerns me the most, finally we have the nypd stepping up and do their job and i want to thank them for that. the mayor of dc has refused even though he was requested by the person i think from george washington refused to clear the encampment, same thing in philadelphia, ask to clear thinking at meant and we don't see this as a threat they said.
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that is very scary and a big problem. >> trace: great to see you, thank you appreciate it. me ten president biden finally made a similar long-awaited comments on the anti- israel protests across the country, what he did call out anti-semitism he apparently will not call out of the cops on of those spewing that hatred. this you national correspondent kevin corke live in dc, good evening to sue one good evening, warning against what he called a ferocious surge of anti-semitism in the u.s. and around the world, joe biden, the president today during a holocaust remembrance event urged americans to guard against the vile vestiges of anti-semitism, while also imploring to the israeli governments to find a peaceful solution to the ongoing retaliation campaign it is waging against hamas, affecting the residents of gaza. >> president biden: to me people denying, downplaying, ignoring the horrors of the holocaust.
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and october 7th. there's no place in any campus in america, anyplace in america for anti-semitism. destroying the property is not a peaceful protest. it is against the law. >> trace: trying to thread the needle, not easy to do. miedema u.s. official tells fox tonight there are a continued concerns about and major israeli operation in rafah which could build upon its target strike is happening there already. this as the vermont senator, bernie sanders is urging the hot -- what house to support the end of all military offensive aid to israel. ahead of his remarks collect comment, the white house announced new measures and accounting anti-semitism expanding on a national strategy first published back in june i are ago. that includes the creation of online resources to protect of jewish and for that matter, all students. >> trace: kevin corke live for
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us in dc, thank you. let's bring in lydia moynihan and fox news contributor, jason chaffetz. here's president biden taut weeks ago, listen to what you says, different than what he's doing, watch... been on my commitment commitment to israel is again ironclad, the security of israel is critical. we will always make sure israel has what it needs to defend itself against terrorists. >> trace: now we have confirmed that he is a withholding arms from a zero, aren't cloud to support but i'm not giving you the weapons you need. the biden administration's words chevrons of thousands of bombs that is all may use in rafah, we have the list here, it's prelengthy, your thoughts? 's one actions speak louder than words, a thing he was backed into a corner, you showed early on your show the opposite chaos and anarchy across these college campuses. i think another president would have sent in the national guard is so at least he called out the
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anti-semitism but that is completely undercut by the action, delaying to those shipments of ammunition, blinken and the binder administration urging israel to accept a deal that would essentially allow hamas to continue raining get in the gaza strip. and he think what is lost in so much of this, it is not just about standing up for israel, it's not about speaking to about anti-semitism, this is about protecting american citizens who are still held hostage by hamas. that is president biden's job to protect and defend american citizens u and it reclassify weed or pay off student loans. sweeter that's the whole thing, we are hearing can a the biden administration was negotiating behind that israel's back on the cease-fire deal. >> the president, president biden has lacked clarity and consistency. you get some lipservice every once in a while but how ironclad support of he is for israel.
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the point is, i think not lost on anybody, the idea that he has not been unwavering in his support, he does not definitively tile the hamas give up. you can even start the discussion and to get back those hostages. now the protesters talking about that, and he needs to be much more clear about not only enforcing the law but prosecuting those people committing this terrorism on our campuses and across the country. >> trace: surrender and give up the hostages and we will talk. asking about the cease-fire deal, this is what she said, watch. >> matter vice president, hamas accepted as cease-fire deal... >> trace: i don't know why she does that, she thinks it's funny and all kind were talking but as cease-fire deal and have to make a big joke and off you go? >> of that is how she responds to everything, laughs it off because her policies and the reality of what she's doing is not something i want to talk about.
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this is the party of alien walmart, pro genocide, i think they are very cautious about trying to alienate anybody in an election year and that unfortunate he means that they are not going to stand up for american citizens held hostage. >> trace: it happens a lot. for you jason, this is the latest abc episodes, look at these numbers here, we're talking about black voters, biden, 2020, 84 percent, now 61 percent. hispanic voters 2020, now four present, under 30. plus 24, now is trump plus five. those are big margins, 30 seconds to rob us up here jason. >> of life was good under trump, we didn't have the inflation, streets were safer, immigration was not an issue and joe biden has prioritized not americans over americans, particularly in the inner cities. >> trace: jason chaffetz, lydia moynihan. stormy daniels took the stand, the adult adult film
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started testified in detail sometimes graphic language about their alleged sexual encounter, 18 years ago but! need for has the bailee does, live outside of the state in new york. good evening. >> a good evening to trace, stormy dan has testified that she met a former president donald back into thousand six and it soon after she claims they had sex, an affair that former president trump denies but as you mentioned, daniels explained in graphic detail today and trump's lawyers claim that the jury heard it testimony that was unnecessary and unrelated to the charges that trump faces in this case so they asked for a mistrial. the judge were denied that request but agreed went too far saying "i agree it would have been better if some of these things were left on said, i don't believe we are at a point
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where a mistrial is warranted. daniels testified she met trump several times after their alleged affair because she thought at the time he could help her career. today daniels is said that she hates trump and admitted to posting online she would dance it down the street if she went -- if he went to jail. daniels will take the stand again, from trump's lawyers and prosecutors! again trump denies that fair ever happened, calling the case on truth social "falls ancient history" and his at this after court. >> mr. trump: this was a very big day, they revealing a day, this case is totally falling apart. they have nothing on books and records, and the relationship for the case. >> at the court does not sit on wednesdays and so former president trump has left new york, he is putting his off day in florida but he will be back here thursday morning when
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daniels takes the stand in her cross examination resume. >> trace: live it for us and you are, thank you. let's bring in conal defense, the judge, lost a little bit of control over the courtroom today, and said this... >> he overruled of those objections, then left the prosecutor is elicited graphic details and send the jury out of the room apparently to lecture the prosecutors for eliciting the testimony that the judge said they could elicited. it's remarkable. >> trace: letting stormy go on and on, and not calling enough objections? >> andy mccarthy is absolutely right but there is one more layer to the onion, the judge said afterwards, i'm shocked that the funds have not objected more, after their emotions eliminate which are emotions beforehand with the testimony let him. and this judge said yes, you can talk about it.
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one may wonder what is the relevance on president trump or angus satin or silk pajamas when it's an accounting case. maybe it some instruction i have not seen about this judge is actually president trump's best friend when the ultimate question is exoneration. the problem is that it may come out after the election. >> trace: she seemed very sympathetic at first, eric whole courtroom said in that you got hostile later and talked a lot about -- you point out is nothing about falsifying documents and that's what this case is about. >> it's a very salacious, it's attractive, it's a sexy pit of testimony. i was floored to believe this judge would even allow this vast collection of details to coming again in a white-collar financial crimes case. i say this judge is president trump's best friend if the issue is eventual exoneration, tripping over his own feet a half a dozen ways and i believe
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on purpose. unfortunately the court will have to get involved if there is a conviction close to or after the election but at the end of the day, president trump wins. >> trace: have to go but his is right for appeal? >> absolutely, the court has just said in a very high profile case of highbury weinstein, hey,, you only need to allow what is relevant and if you allow prejudicial stuff that is okay but it cannot be unduly prejudicial. >> trace: coming up israeli forces conducting more military operations in the southern gaza city of ra for, even taking control of the border crossing was egypt's. and we have information about the potential cease-fire. later in the nightcap, mother's day, not a single sunday, turns out the proximity to your mom is very important. that is coming up, next. [ ♪♪ ] turn shipping to your advantage. with low cost ground shipping
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[ ♪♪ ] >> trace: back to breaking news in new york, police are moving in on the protesters as a fashion institute of technology new york, mad fin is live there, police are moving and what we see? >> hello trays, getting pretty tense, police pulled out what appears to be -- we could see some mass arrests with the arrested boss. we see the protesters chanting they are here to protect the encampments on fit. from our vantage points we can talk only tensor there but we see some tense, protesters are chanting protecting cam intromac our understanding this is the last and can't hear new york city, nypd told me a short while ago they are moving in it, this is getting pretty intense, i think we are seeing some arrests habiting live right now, you can see some of these protesters with zip ties behind their back
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into the police bus. a short while ago police to get to the order to disperse, the protesters did not comply. >> trace: mad fin we will get back to you, back in a moment to. well is really forces seizing control of the gaza side of the rafah border crossing with egypt while the potential cease-fire deal remains in limbo. live with the very latest, good evening. >> this is the very first time that israel has been in control of the rafah crossing since the year 2005 and it's happening as negotiations with hamas rt during on a knife's edge of this point the wreck showing an israeli brigade to seizing control of the gaza side of the rafah border crossing with egypt today, it is the first time of these early militaries taking control of that area since it withdrew from gaza nearly 20 years ago. that is early material also conducted a series of airstrikes and bombardments across rafah overnight report of the killing close to two dozen people, it is really military action comes
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hours after all sorts of whiplash with hamas claiming on monday that and accepted an egyptian qatari mediated cease-fire deal while israel claims ideal was amended at the last minute with terms and acceptable to them, and it did not meet their core demands. >> of the hamas proposal yesterday was intended to turn peto the entry of our forces into raw format, it did not happen. it is what will not allow hamas to resort to evil rule in the gaza strip and israel will not allow it to restore its military capabilities to continue striving for our destruction. >> trace: >> rafah's which to be the final holdout for hamas in the gaza strip, the u.s. has said it supports israel's goal of annihilating hamas, but fears of full on invasion of rafah remotely for that invasion would lead to massively and outs but so far the israeli operation appears limited. >> i think there is no victory for israel without finishing the job and rafah and hamas is now
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cornered, they are down there for the remaining battalions. >> of the state apartments antedate negotiations with hamas are ongoing in cairo, they believe the deal is possible and they are doing everything possible to push it over the finish line but there has been no proof of life wouldn't comes to hostages from hamas. >> trace: thank you. let's -- let's bring in is rebeccah heinrichs and retired u.s. navy captain armen kurdian, thank you boss were coming on. this is general jack, talking about is a slow walk of weapons from the biden administration to israel, watch. >> what has been stunning to me as we have seen of this unfold for a number of weeks now, is that the president of the united states has taken issue with how the idf and the war cabinet, of prominence to benjamin netanyahu conducting military operations inside of gaza. >> trace: it seems that it's like the biden a demonstration is always taking both sides cut the wire play both sides whether
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it's the protests are going to israel. >> i know, it's kind of crazy. i think it's the reason why this piece deal changes the last minute because while the administration says we supported israel and hamas needs to be destroyed, by withholding this arm ship and to be clear it's not going to affect israel's prosecution of the war, they will still prosecute the war but it continues to provide daylight and continues to provide hamas that expectation or that believe that they would be able to come out of this conflict was some major being intact. that is -- right now, this piece deal supposedly was an exchange for 33 hostages that israel would give, and rebuild, that is almost a surrender. >> trace: it really is, you talk about rebecca heinrichs spitting out with the democratic party, is what is the senator said a few hours ago the. >> this could end right now if they send all of the hostages back home, they could surrender,
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but they clearly don't care about all the palestinian death and chaos and damage is. >> trace: they don't, that's a whole thing and he has echoed this and he said listen, hostages got give up the hostages and surrender and it's over, there is no negotiating, it's over. >> the senators exactly right in his moral clarity has been so encouraging that this entire war, hamas can give open the hostages, and by the way if you watch any other media channel you would think that hamas is essentially begging for their life and it was the idf insisted on going in here but her mother hamas still has at least a four battalions in rafah, the idf artie took out about 18 of them. and hamas continues to fire from rafah at the idf and there's a a couple of these chokepoints where the humanitarian corridor was have existed. and the idf was facilitating civilians to leave that area and
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it was hamas that fired out of the civilians killing to idf soldiers which is why they have been temporarily closed by the idf. this is hamas protesting in this and creating a horrible humanitarian catastrophe, the moral blame limes with hamas. >> trace: it does. want to move on, some breaking news coming in, we have u.s. soldier, 35 euros gordon black now being held in russia, you once they only taught what week leave, to visit his steady girlfriend and then something happened, the question him for nine hours, he is now being held up! 's mother said the following to good morning america... >> i knew something was going to happen. it felt like he was being set up by her. you know, she started the argument, i started to fight and got him arrested. >> trace: shouldn't have been there but was he set up? >> i think he was that. ten, 15 years, the military getting training on social media
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on operational security. this is clearly a honey trap. he should not have been allowed -- well he's not allowed to go to russia, it's a category four country, it until anybody he was going that's on the fault of his commanding officer. but not he has become upon, a tool of the russian federation. he was absently set up, i'm sure this was planned all along. >> trace: . yeah, 15 seconds, how we get him out of this? is he gonna be there for a while? >> i'm afraid he's going to be there for a longer time, no american needs to go to russia, at your credit cards don't work that, your debit cards or log that, russia remains at a top-tier acute enemy of the united states, they will snatch americans for political gain, don't go. >> trace: rebeccah heinrichs, armen kurdian, a thank you. students trying to stop anti- is report testers on campus, they did it in the most patriotic of ways. so while protesters facing few consequences when o'connor protesters are getting hit extra hard. later in the nightcap, mother's day, it's not just a single
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sunday, turns that proximity to your mom is a big consideration to buying a home these days. a new study finds almost half of u.s. adults have moved or plan to move themselves or their mom so they can all be closer. have you, would you or did you move yourself or your mom to be in closer proximity let us know on x. and instagram, we will read the best responses in the nightcap. [ ♪♪ ] known for discovering new places. no one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer. fda-approved for 16 types of cancer, including certain early-stage and advanced cancers. one of those cancers is early-stage non—small cell lung cancer. keytruda may be used with certain chemotherapies before surgery when you have early-stage lung cancer, which can be removed by surgery, and then continued alone after surgery to help prevent your lung cancer from coming back. keytruda can cause your immune system
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[ ♪♪ ] >> trace: back live to breaking good news in new york, the fashion institute of technology, mad for an apparently the police busses are getting a little pushed back, what's going on? >> is going down here, police have been warning to protesters for quite some time to clear the area, we saw some forceful arrests, please have no tolerance for protesters being in the streets. we saw some arrests, protesters going to the police car behind me, the busses basically full of protesters now for not complying
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with police orders, we saw them being marched one by one onto the bus with zip ties behind their backs. behind me here you can see protesters still chanting, calling the police kkk, calling them piggies, saying they will make their life as swords. getting more tense between these two encampments and police. say that it fight he has to divest from israel and they wanted israel to go to hell. >> trace: really get back to you as a news words, thank you. [ singing ] >> for the land of the blue and the home of the brave! >> trace: another example of patriotism over approach is tonight, students at the university of mississippi drowned out it anti- israel
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agitators, at singing the star-spangled banner. let's bring into the form education secretary, defensive inserted spokesperson angela morabito and the senior fellow corey deangelis, as we think both were coming on. we have seen these kind of patriotic things, some students trying to go tear down these encampments but it seems over time a lot of these protesters have very few consequences but the people to go after them, of the people that agitated them are facing significant consequences in some cases. >> there's a real double standard on campus with these pro- hamas protesters, people and they encampments are allowed to do whatever they want. they're allowed to request amnesty, they don't get consequences, yet anybody who shows up and wants to support america, supported israel, support everything that is the hamas fan club stands against, those people are the ones attacked by colleges, under the gun here. and never thought i'd hear
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myself say this, but i think frater brose might just save america because that's absolutely beautiful to see these kids, driving out hate with love and it literally drowned out this nonsense with the love of the country. >> trace: we talked about this because we will not name names here because they don't want to stay but we had some college students talk to us and say listen, we are getting significant pushback from our college because we did goofy things i'd like -- like played loud music. like what's going on? breaking into buildings and getting arrested? other kids are getting their documents checked? >> yes, angela hit the nail on the head, a double standard. the universities are taking aside and good on these frater brose for changing america, chanting usa, that's a way to drown out of this anti- america, anti-jewish hatred on campus. at the end of the day taxpayers should not be subsidizing any of these political rallies for
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places of learning. that should be a place of civil debate. this looks like a war zone in los angeles, total clown show, taxpayers should not have to put the bill for any of this. look, for a long time universities were a way for people to signal to employers that you have the skills. now looks like more of a signal to employers here and entitled brought was going to cause a lot of problems. and i think the value of the degree is just plummeting as a result of all this chaos. >> trace: it's very disappointing. i want to play this, is a former senator is also now the president of the university of florida said, he won't see this kind of stuff at the university of florida because it will not happen, watch. >> we will always defend your right to free speech and free assembly and also we have the time, place, manner and restrictions. you don't get to take over the whole university, don't get to spit out a copse and barricaded yourself and buildings, don't
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get to disrupt somebody's commencement, we don't allow protest inside. >> trace: by angela, so many universities are letting people take over and in the name of free speech when they are taking over and wreaking havoc -- regmi have asked one anything been is that the example to follow for so many universities, i love everything about what he said, i love that he used the word entitled because that cuts to the core of the problem. these pro- hamas kids feel entitled to take over parts of campus, they feel entitled to destroy property. worst of all they feel entitled to harass and intimate to the jewish community members. is into the university of florida has had a great example by saying these are the rules, the apply to everyone and when you break them there will be consequences. >> trace: very clearly laid out, this is what we will do, we want a robust debate but we're not not playing the rest of these games. >> don't negotiate with entitled brats is basically the message
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here, and look at, hopefully the markets and family stopped sending their students to these universities where they are just left-wing indoctrination centers, ideological breeding grounds for socialists. maybe some families want to choose to send their students to the university of florida as opposed to ucla. >> trace: corey deangelis, angela morabito, siu thank it was for coming on. can we just flip back very quickly want to get a live shot, do is to have a live look a new york city, the protests going on here? we have been talking about of this, mcafee in his life on the scene. interesting, what these protests are doing the being put into busses and taken away but a lot of them are getting in front of these busses and keeping police in place. this is happening in new york city and we will keep our eyes on this as a protest starts to get a little bit more rowdy, it
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back to that when it happens. meantime, the new trend in homebuying, being close to your mom. have you moved or would you move for that reason? let us know, x. and instagram, we will read the best responses in the "the nightcap". [ ♪♪ ] ue to be a proud customer. i grew up shopping here, and now i love bringing my family here to gear up for all of our adventures together. and now, bass pro shops club members enjoy special savings and earn points toward free gear, which is rewarding when buying what you need for your next adventure. spending time outdoors with the ones you love, sharing memories and making new ones... that's an earnhardt family tradition that i'm proud to carry on.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> trace: back with a nightcap group, armen kurdian, vikas bajaj, rebeccah heinrichs, mommy and me as a topic, being close to mama's bay consideration buying a home these days in the study finds that one half of u.s. adults have moved or planned to move themselves with her mom so they can be closer together. have you moved or do you plan to move yourself or your mom, kevin corke? >> mama messing up past away end 2016 but i can tell you when you are younger, especially if you have a kids, having mom nearby is a real bonus sweetie that's exactly right, ashley strohmier? >> yes, i've being trying to get my mom to move in with me ever since i left but if i ever wear to leave new york she would never come here, but if i ever left new york, you want to move in next door? >> trace: exactly that's the way it is.
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's. >> after taking a bunch of tv job is, i came back in 2017 to be closer to my mom i after my dad died, she lives in orange county because she loves this segment so high mom, in osha's watching. >> trace: love you mom! vikas bajaj? soo and beyond a shadow of a doubt, our two boys, say dad, you are going to have your house, mom will have her house and so we will not live together and voice will be right in between. family has to stay together. >> trace: armen kurdian? >> mom moved down to a senior living center very close to where we are, i have to tell you ever since she came down, my wife and i got to go on a lot more dates. >> trace: love it. lydia moynihan? >> i feel guilty, and move from the west coast to new york, but what was interesting my partner moved his mother to the apartment building five stories above where he lives. she has a new lease and a new
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lease on life, she's loving living in a more hip urban neighborhood and it's changed everything for her. >> trace: mood we've moved back from the west coast to connecticut back in 2005, to cover mom with house, moved back there for five or six years, west emma her life. thank you all, here we go, at 5t on instagram, pkg set move from la to mission get to be near my mom in her later years, my parents lived just 45 minutes away, no need to move. other siblings 15 minutes away, that's perfect. john, you know when you are old and your kids talk about you in front of you, what are we going to do? [ laughter ] mama move from mississippi to iowa where i live, some days i ask myself why? thank you for watching america's late news, fox news na, entrées gallagher in los angeles. she read back here tomorrow night. [ ♪♪ ] relief. flonase all good.
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