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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 7, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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michael loftus, kat timpf, tyrus and the ghost of kristi noem. >> tonight at ten and the judge. you dance. i know it's my turn to go find it. okay, then i'm going to go. all right. across the student. i can't. i can't even think straight. but as you know, a lot of people are getting ready to graduate. and if you're looking for the perfect gift, 2020 for you can check out the little point book shop .com. there's an exclusive offer. i will personalize the book for your graduate. everything will be available now through may 17th. >> and judge, are you ready? yes. these french bakers were on a roll breaking the world record for the longest baguette at a whopping 461 feet. the previous record was 30 feet shorter, but butter saved then.g sorry. b all right, jonathan, next time, we'll get you.ght. >> that's it for us. i have a great night. s primet >> welcome to jesse watters. primetime tonighght...t.
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>> the student intifada has engulfed the entire country. oe >> the anti-american revolution. boiling over. >> i think to make a point to prove a point. put him in the clink. which prison would be best? est.what about guantanamo bay? >> the media fantasizes overovet trump's demise. e.stormy takes the stand.. >> the good news is they is, have nothing. i started creating synthetic identities and i would buy. houses in their name. eventually, i went on the run. eventualt being on the run was s >> it was just probably one of y the best times of my life. how one of america's most prolific con men got it together. >> plus, cops across the country are playing a game o
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of . >> whac-a-mole, every time they tear down a terror tent.n another pops up. university of chicagao riotsquab squads busting in at the dead of night, tearing down hamas hutsd in and ripping apart homea barricades. while the key for antifapart - s were fast asleep at the university of san diego. 64 arrests. many of them weren't even students. , cops found wooden sticks, arre shieldsord.etal and a sword. >> harvard's liberation zone still going strong. the university's president told them to cleang.sident tr out. >> but they haven't budged. think this is going to stop? the student fighter hasntire engulfed the entire country. universityco. care only about their assets. the student movementl be will become a liability. the student intifada will make each day of continued investment more costly than the lastay oinvestme administran
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on their campuses. i piratee --. >> those campuses will become ungovernable. overnabl harvard as in send in the copshe yet. but counterprotesters are showerin compsg them with patriotic anthems. >> listen or the less and nevere heard of the one during students at george washington university held a mock tribunal for the school's top brass. everyone was found guilty of f with their heads to he gallows. if you get out, the people find you yell. i get them.
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greenberg on the chargesf of using our tuition dollars to funrd and failing student societies, ensure that people find him guilty. you already know i'm sending her mock beheadings. >> i'm pretty sure that's against the school's harassment thlicyi'm pr. the president of the university is begging the d.c. police to com the e in and clear the cle protesters. >> mayor muriel bowser says neithearthe mar. they're mostly peaceful. they won't do anything until it's tooeaceful.ything late. >> at ucla, 43 arab spring coeakers charged with conspiracy to commit burglary at the rhode island'sy. school of design. dozens of protesters hijacked a building, dozens and barricadd themselves inside. the university's president negotiat e with theey terror squatters, but they're already getting comfortableadye >> rapunzel wing pizza up to the second floor.
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michael moore is cheering them on. i think this is just going to continue across the country. >>t s. y continue i applaud every student who taking a stand on their s standcampus, graduation, what. this is the purpose of a t democracy is to be able to redress of grievances, able toto assemble. to have free speech and to disrupt. yes. disrupt. nonviolently disrupt and i'm talking about nonviolence. i'm not talking about. you do have the right to taketro over the administration building. >> nonviolent. tell that to mario torren z. r held >> he's the janitor who was held hostage when columbia was taken ove r. >> i remember looking up and ic and i noticethatd that the the cameras were covered. >> how how did they get up there? that's not like ten you can't give somebody a boot like these som guys were. they were pros. i felt like we had to basically publ for ourselveso basi. we had to play the part of of
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of public safety for for ourselves and just protectjust p ourselves because we didn't know what was goinecauseg on. >> mario is going to be on prime time tomorrow that when these camps get crushed, protesters take their fights to the streets. last night, they rushetheid thet gala here to go on to the new ti york city police department. you are on awfully in the roadway and obstructing vehicular traffic. >> funnyadwa how the met gala wn protected, but nothing else is wealthy. >> costume parties much wor more sacred than world war one memorials? >> thi war is is a beautiful mel that i walk past going to work every day. when i lived here in the cit got i used to stop sometimes n. it maktake it all i and now it's been desecrated. makes me sad. >> israel wasn't even a country during world war one, but these
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ld wart even know and don't care. >> they just want to ruin everything and everyon theye who built the country. >> the nypd has nothing to do with the war in gaza, but somehow this thing morphed into an anti-cop movement. >> i like antisemitism is just an on ramp to overthrow westerno civilization. wan these protesters don't want peace in the middle east. they want to wage wain mrng w on america and everything we stand for. >> biden doesn't want to talk about any of that. >> we've seen a ferocious surgee of anti-semitism in america and around the worldsemitism. >> jewish students blocked, harassed, attacked while walking to class. anti-semitisti-semitm, anti-sem, posters, slogans calling for the annihilation of israel. >>annihi the world's only jewish
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state. >> nice lines, but it's tooe little, too late and too narrow. youno narrowg americans areradi being radicalized just like young muslims were durincali lig the war on terror. kids are injected with crt in high schoolterr. n then freshman year in college, first semester, rabid facultlley get their hands on them and teach them that the world is comprised of victimthes and victimizers. >> and then they're given extra credit for political activis thn >> and then an event happens.r whatever it is, george floyd is e. >> trump selected war in the mideast, and these students are activateind. . money poured in from soros to these left-wing groupse left who unleash professional revolutionaries onto the streets to train-w who and n lead the riots. >> and democrat cities just buckle and bail them out every single time. >> they're never charged. theythey never face consequences and they never learn their lesson. >> r learned thei same way hunter r learned his. just as young muslims are radicalized by wicked ideology, young americans, many radid m single, depressed,es
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impressionable and angry at the status quosed, id, are being prd upon and then used by financially powerful intereststs to just whip int the streets up into a frenzy for political purposes for and ultimately to satiate their own emotional problems. owmsget it together. this is a dangerous movement combining blm, climate, defund, antifa, hamas and its snowballgn rolling and gathering steam, heading straight for >>e pillars of americag steam,hn civilization. >> the agitators and agitators is really bad, and i thinki our government ought to find who out who they are, whereer they're from, and treat them the same way as they do the j six hostages. you got to treat them the same way. these are agitators. they're really hurting our country. reit's happening all overcoun the country in cities. >> last night at columbia, in senior told us she's seen emis flags and emblems blanketing campus. she saw this right after octobeblanketiisr seventh before
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israel even began to respond. >> this is so much more than just anti-semitism. it's literally pro terrorism. de >> i'm just in disbelief o because celebrities are cashing in on it. >> now block the barricade until palestine is free to barricade and say palestine is free. when i was seven, i learned a lesson from cuban easy. >> what was it again? oh, yeah. the police. the blood is on your hands by now. >> we can see it. all them. no, i'm not voting for you in the fall. >> grammy award winning artist macklemore dropped an ode to hamasward-wined and last nigb song's probably going to be number one on the campus. one charts tomorrow.. but just like the protesters, this guye the pr doesn't even kw what's going on in his music video. look at that . palestine's misspelled on the front steps of the university misspel of ottawa. >> they might not have brains, h but their determined this country needs someone with a backbone to stamp it out needs, because if it continues into the summer, it could get a lot
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uglier. >> w d gee saw what happened whenas black lives matter was allowed to fester. do noto let history repeat itself. >> senator linsey graham joins me now. >> senator, you arsenae a power, man in a powerful institution. you have the congress hasbpoena the power of the purse. you guys have subpoena power. you can move the fedr, yous into action. >> what needs to be done here? well, i think the department of justice needs to investigate where the money is coming from. o classes of peopleo clas here, anti-semites. if you say wses ofe are mos andu mean it, then you are a religious. u >> if you say we are hamas and you don't know what hamas is all about, you're dumb. so there'smb dumb and there's terrorist sympathizers. >> and how do you fix this? when? in november. here's what i can promise you. if donalin novemd trump were pr, united states, his attorney general would be all over this. these college presidents would be under the gun to stop thiprs
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>> yeah, some of them are dumb because they can't even spell palestin aree. and we saw that right there in red graffiti. we just heart d on breakfast baa show from one of your colleagues in the senate, john fettermante, your favorite friend in the senate. here's well, here's what senator fetterman had to say. >> listen, i'm not even sure w what they're really, you know, protesting about. if you ask them, they're notthey ly sure. really sure. they can't know. and now they're not talking note. ease fires anymor it's actually working against peace in gaza. and hamas is convinced c that they've won the p.r. war and they keep seeing all these kinds of protests across the nation on these campusests and it's not helpful, but it'skn actually it works against peace. it's not grassroots. it's -- it's jusit's not g it'ss of agitation. >> so fetterman gets it. but schumer's quiet and hillary's quiet. she's a professor at columbia. barack obama, who went to columbibamaa senator, hasn't said a thing about what's going on. whabout goingy are these democ? silent? >> they're afraid of the
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hamas wing of the democratic party. and john fetterman is not these people are not protesting. they have a better life for the palestin.ine. they're protesting to make sure we kill all the jews. al the jewguess what?g to israel is not going to go down without a fight. wihere's what i want people toeo understand. if biden has in fact restricted weapons, put a hold on weaponsdf to israel to defend itself or withheld ammunition. that is a strategic mistake for the ages. it makes terrorists more likely to keep fighting. it putfighting s israel at a veryge big disadvantage. they're under siege. so if the biden administration, after giving this speech, if afn has in fact withheldf ammunition and weapons to the jewish state to defend itself from religious trying to destroym zi's try all the jei in israel, that is a low point. and thenw administration where you think there is no bottom. >> yeah, and they impeach
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trump for delaying aid. >> and that was for political purposes. they said this and is also forpi political purposes because this is eating away at his baseoses c in michigan and elsewhere. right now, we're looking at massive protests that are forminewhere.g outside the new t city public library. senator, if you seblic libe some with a headband that's green and says hamasscreen. now, do you remember back in the day we never even saw any trump supporters with russian paraphernalia? if anybodyrs with russian had bg a putin mask or a russian headband, the fbi would have been knocking at their door. why is there ning ato interest e foreign nexus here? >>ign this because the left wine democratic party withympathizers with hamas and the palestinians and supporting the destruction e of israel. if a maga hat was out there somewhere, you'd have a five alarm fire at the pta. you had somebody wanted to take a book out of the library. that's a threat to democracy. you'vee li got people waving isis flags, wearingflags,
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a paraphernalia of hamas walking up and down the street.i and not one democratic official is saying shame on you other than john fetterman, etc.. they have. >> this was world war ii. you wouldn't be wearing stuff in manhattan or if this was a war on terror, you're not wearing an isis ball teru cap. >> i mean, they have hostages,os american hostagetages,s right n. this. don't don't try this in south carolina. >> it won't go over well. so but i really want the biden n administration to answerquesti the question, are you slow walking weapons to israel? are you walkingu stopping the transfers? do you have a policyyo of restricting weaponsisrael and ammunition to israel? if you do, you need to you nee?d to admit you do and let a guy like me to respond in kind. thise is the worst possible bad possible signal to send to all the bad guys that america woulde be withholding weapons ammu to the jewishsieg state who's under siege on multiple fronts. that is just insideou more violence. saudi arabia.
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if you're thinking about doingio a defense agreement with a biden administration, you need to think long and hardo thin if, in fact, biden's withholding weapons. yeah, we'll see if we can r doocy to geto ge some answers from binder tomorrow. >> they're not holding. their breath. senator, thank you so much. tell everybody in south thanlina i sai e ind hi. >> all right. thank you. bright bart, political reportepr emma jo morris joins me now. how would you describe this protest movement, emma jo? >> first of all, thank you for having me. yeah. so how i would describ e itelease is just basically like a release of resentment. t this you know, i've been talking about this for many years and i thin k that what this is,this i is really an anti-american movement or an anti westernt movement that's wrapped in a palestinian flag. but thiss is just the current thing. >> you know, two summers ago ors three summers ago, it was george floyd and it's all the same people. >> it's's al the same thio it was also occupy wall street, same people, same thing. and what istreett is is these are people who are buriedt
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in credit card debt at 25% epr. these are people who wil 25%l ne own a home. these are people who are also buried in student loan debt tudent that inere told order to buy a home and pay off the credit card debt, they needed higher education. cretthere are also people witha facing marriage rates that are through the floor. cingethey're facing fertility rs that are through the floor. and they're told that their race is their defining characteristic and that they have to hate people of other racearacteriy haves to. >> so if that's your life and you've been inculcated r your entire since you're four years old, let's say your entire educatiorn. and anybody who tells you otherwise is a is a, you know, a foot soldier of the oppressive system. what are you going to want to do except break, things? >> do you believe that they're continuing this assault becaus>q there's never a consequence? >> usually when i was growing up and iuey when i kind of hit l and jesse was not allowed to do something because of jesse, he did somethingd to. erel >> jesse was punished severely for that. no one's ever told them. no eve. n >> yeah, i mean, that's kindd of of above my pay grade, but that's what i think this
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is, is seeking boundaries. they're obviously seeking boundaries and they're notbo g getting it from their schools. they're not getting it from congresst hools, n. they're not getting it from the police. this is this is a joke. e. iand it reminds me of a chiln a child that's never been told. >> no. yeah, that's what ben sasso.thae in florida says, that we don't run a daycare. how big of a threat do you think this movement is? sometimes we trivialize it and call the tm names becausee h they're intense and they're hoisting pizza to the second floor, but they're are doinge doin damage. this is a poisonous movement and it's growing . >> how dangerous could it get? i think that it's dangerousey to the extent that they enter a society with these ideas. withe off these shak ideas when they get their diploma and then like the larp is over. yeaha ant's over. so then they just became jus hand grenades inside of corporatet america.: >> exactly. i think we've seen that with dea. thank you very much, emma gel. thank we'v thank k you so much. >> up next, stormy danielsniel >> up next, stormy danielsniel takes the stand. >> were you worried the wedding would be too muc kyard!!h?
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. sign up today. sign up or sign up. so today or tomorrow. >> no, you won't sign up right now. >> fox news alert. a major for trump ins his florida classied documents triaida clasl judge cn blew out the next hearing date indefinitely. never set a new the whole case looks to be in limbo and there's probably n no way it can start before the november electioitn. >> day 13 of the trump trial,no the case where no one can name the crime. but it doesn't matte namr becaue the media's already made up their minds since there's no camerasincs in, the courtroom,s the country has to relyto on the same anchors who fed them the russirely omea hoax foa analysis. >> instead, punditd, punditss gy revel and fantasize about how trump will be incarceratedreve. and humiliated. >> i think to make a point>> i i to prove a point point, put him in the clink. oh, why not? blaming oh, if i don't want wan
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this to sound like i'm doing wishful thinking. yes, but which prison would be best? a what about guantanamo bánay? >> okay. yeah. they also assume or had thisaybe thought in their mind that maybe donald trump will go away. mayb mp wile he'll go to jail. >> maybe he will die.t to not to be too morbid. a >> this is not a mug shot. this is jail. and donalds trump terrified. you've got to believe just by his his issues with odors and smells. >> stormy daniels took the stand today, serving up salacious testimony that thetodi judge somehow allowed. >> this is when the mediaho who gave us lewinsky, metoo and the tape pretends to be prude. i did some of the stuffu that makes your ears blush t hour.e told daniels says she told trump of the magazine, someone should spank you with that. >> i'm sorry, anthony. there's such vivid detail. you felt like you were with her in that room. and when she's describing the thingshe room. that he's sag
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to her and again, just how gross so much of ijust ht i. >> he was wearing silk o>>r satn pajamas. >> i'm sorry. sorry. i apologize. >>, no, no. sorry. i had to laugh. but what about the jury? fox business correspondent lydia, who is outside the courutsidet with the latest. >> lydia hi. >> good evening there, jesse. when stormy daniely daniels entd the courtroom today, you could cut the tension with a knife. she entered through a side doora like all ollf the witnesses do, and she walked just behindlked the former president donaldl as trump and his defense counsel as she made her way up to the seat a t the witness stand. daniels appeared comfortable when she did this in casuall attire, wearing what appeared to be a black long sleeved whave and hooded cover up overa a black t-shirt. her hair casually twisteblshirt. in a messy style with a clip. overall, daniels was a great witness for the prosecution, not because she helped prove
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their charges that donald trump falsified documents. as she was a good storyteller go to tellacious story today. from the start, daniels was animated. she looked at the jurors she whs answering questions, even tried to crack a joke. he d toat one point about her adula film producing company sponsoring celebrity golf tournament back in 2006 when she met donaldt trump. no one laughed at the joke, but daniels went on to testifynt that when she met trump out on the links that led to conversation, sheelinks, himh at the golf pro shop. she went on to take him upop tak on an for dinner because shebecs thought she could have a chance at landing a spot on the popular televisiopopulara show the apprentice. >> she says that led to more talks and then a encounter. and about that encounter. she daniels said she blacked out. she wasn't drugged, but she doesn't remember any of it. she said. well, jesse, this prompted a fierce objections from defense attorneys. they did not want jurors
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thy insinuationsel that daniels didn't feel safe with trump. no safeven the judge had to coud daniels to limit her answersr to the specific questions that were asked. the heated exchanges led tano a demand from the defense attorneys for a mistrial. r a mistthey argued that the dah testimony was so graphic and so disconnectedtestimon from the cs of falsified documents that jurors cannot nowe fairly be expected to decide this case fairly. but they heard the testimony. no one can unring that bell. h no ojudge merchan deniede the request for a mistrial. reqso we did get to cross-examination today, and it was really remarkable, jesse,ord to see stormy daniels demeanor change. it was like a switchange. was flipped. she went from charming and talkative to combative and curt. it was defense attorney susan necklace who ledaminat the cross-examination, and she got stormy daniels to admiiot that stormy hates donald trump, that stormy wants to see donald trump in jail. she also pursued a line
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of questioningalso about stormy motives behind the nondisclosure agreement and ultimatelys besclosure sellr her story. stormy daniels admitted she was motivatemy daniels d by money. no trial tomorrow, jesse. trial picks up again on thursday. stormy daniels takes the stand again with cross-examination.. >> i'll send it back to you. thank you so much. joining me now, formerbaesse: tl prosecutor k.t. schakowsky. >> k.t., this judge seems like. he has no control. >> he lets this woman testif ley in just a disgusting manner. total ridiculousness, hearsay. and then he says, all right, that, you didn'td th hear that. >> forget you heard that. what kind of judge is this? well, i thind of js thk it's say that whoever paid for stormy daniels silence deserves a refund at this point, becausee we've heard every dirty detail and all of it's completelyy irrelevant. and in fact, it should never have come in. i know there's been a lot of legal hi know saying that, bn the rules of evidence, this the evidence and ito has nothing to do with the charges. it should not have come in. h th notit does probably constie
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what would be considered a reversible error. but likely the prosecution does not care because at that point, this doe all about the election. and i think we see that. but what i will sa y is that might i think the jury might see this as the low blow that is ast is. and so they may not have the patience for it. this is totally unconnected to any of the charges and has almost no relevance to to the proving up of this case. >> okay. so they know it's garbage. they're just doing y ar it. even if it is it admissible and could blow up the mistrial . they don't care. they just want to get this dirt in before the electionthelecti. now. how are they blindsiding the trump defense with 24 24-ho hour notice about who the next witness is going to bece? andbag >> how is that fair to sandbag the defendant? well, the defense knows generally what witnesses are going to be called. they don't know the orde ao bero that they're going to be called. you need to be able to prepare. of course you do. and so there's no bele to pr o answer. ans there's no answers from judge merchan regarding jun for whytiowem th they're being sandbagged
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in that way. so that is totally nonstandard , . they should be informed. they should have adequate time se prepare a cross-examination e ,take a lot of preparation, and there's a lot of prior statements that stormyion and h has given that they need to go over. so certainly it's completely unfairat . s th but again, i think it proves the point that this is not necessaril y about keepinghe a clean record for the appeal, because the appeal seems almost a foregoneappeal bem conclusions point. >> we're just hearing jus more dirty things about two of the prosecutors. one of them was a paid dnc consultant on. a bide the other prosecutor on bragg's team was a biden donor. oh, also, the judge is a biden donor. what do you know? donoo much.k you s >> thank you.>> jes chris hansen on deck that call and ask whoopi for getting screams from delay. and i heard i had a choice. and i heard i had a choice. d! >> that's what i'm saying. call the guard. call the guard. call the guard. box. colon cancer at home. colon cancer at home. like you wan >> you the man?
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called v.a. day syria. excuse my pronunciation. it's a remote, mountainous a region where an entire generation of localsentire have, where they go, they walk straight through biden's open border and into the american heartland to sell fentanyl in our cities and sendrtland thc the profits back home. >> la maggior parte de la perlam . the vast majority of the population of syria travels to especiallajy of ty the unitee states and canada. well, one of the consequences is the lack of job unites and a the economy being so low. you know that the money we makes here has no value. and in the united states one w, in one week of work or four days, you make what we would make in one month here, the children living here, the majority of their father ildren lst' are in the north. >> and that's why our economy is stable. economy is st drug dealers are playing parasite, breaking into our country, selling us poiso n, and then justn plow plowing the profits back across the border, untaxethd and undetected. the blood money sent back to honduras so their familydetectt back can live in luxury gated mansions sprouting up amongst the slums where 49ers
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and broncos flags pay homage to the american cities where they slang the narcotics. look at thate aman. a the well-oiled machine running up and down the hemisphere and it's not slowing down. >> i mean, i would tell the whole middle about 80% of the youth has migrated to the united states, perhaps due to opportunity for work, because sometimes the graduates here can't find a job. and the easiest and practicajobl thing to do is to travel to the united states. hereth you will see a lotbusine of business because the money from the youth that go to thssei united states, they make their micro-enterprises and provide worko , which is whatthese we live off of in these inter municipalitiespr. o >> host of takedown with chrise hanson on true blue and the predators of cod podcast. chris hanson joins us now. >> tell us about the money. so if you're making profitllin selling narcotics in the u united statenites on tax, lots of cash, what does that get
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you in honduras? >> so in this area of hondurasaverag ,the average daily salaries about $8. wow. s abou in san francisco and some other cities. drug dealers here illegally can make 300 and 50,000 or $400,000 a year. 0 a yeso to buy one of those mas for about $150,000, it's about f five months work. >> slinging fentanyl in san fran and they're never arrested . and when they are arrested, they're let out. and no one tells ice because it's a sanctuary city. >> exactly. and if you thinke beca you're io by living outside of aar sanctuary, think again. just today, i talked to the polk county sheriff, month grady judd, who told me last month they uncovered a scheme where fentanyl dealers were trafficking fentanyl, california, mexico, into different states inusing the southeast, including florida, using an app that is likepp t uber or lyft. >> and in polk county alone, sic
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since january of 2023, enough fentanyl has bee n to kill everyd to living human being in florida. e >> so they're getting rich by killing us? that's right. now, there hasg y killin beenbeen some movement. >> the federal government is starting to crack down and just som a few months ago,00 three honduran nationals werealr extradited into california to face charges. nito facbut we're talking about0 to 400 active illegal hondurans in the drug trade world in san francisco as we speak. >> so they're telling us that these people are coming fromming honduras because they're fleeing persecution and they fear for their liveshor in honduraass. what's the truth? the truth is honduras is one of the deadliest countries honduras in the world. so you're not making any money. you could get killediny mone th. yes. and some hondurans are getting into this countr hony and workie in construction, honest jobs and sending money back. but what we're and at, that'se r the illegal drug trade. and they found a home heree loin
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because in these sanctuary cities, you know , the judgese are letting these people out. the prosecutor gets it in san franciscets ito, the police get, the federal agents get it. >> but the judges are sayingt by that it's a drug crime. >> oh, it's unbelievable. what can you tell us what you have nex t? e next what we have next is how this drug trade is fueling a world of retail crime that is ending business, not just in san the s francisco, but in the suburbs, because now the userubs, th of fentanyl, the addicts, are taking the train down into and suburbs, stealin aretaking g and bringing the money back to buy fentanyl. and there's an open air market of stolen. it's a smash and grab the feed. the drug habit. ue >> chris hanson, thanks so much. congestion on true blue. one >> up next, how oneameric of america's most prolific cona' men got it together. >> south dakota has the blueprint for success. recently, we led the nation
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the book doesn't mean they get it together. series is over. fbday we're talkintogetheries ie fbi's most wanted con man. meeti' matthew cox.t fr he went from a mortgage brokere to america's top fraudster. de cox was on the run for a decade, leading the u.s. marshals, the fbi and theand se secret service on an international goose chascrcee uu identity theft, forgery and fraud. cox stole nearly $55 million from american banks. >> once he was caught, he facedf 42 counts and 400 years in prison. >> but he plea bargain and only served a fraction of that sentence. and after 12 years was releaseed in 2019. cox got it together. now, working. as a true crime writer, podcaster and developing a tv series about his life. his stories described as catch me i, hiory isf you can, meets e of wall street, meets the big short. >> matthew cox joins us now. so, matthew, you were an artdi major. how did you go from an artd yo
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major to a mortgage fraudster? w >> well, out of probably outel of necessity. you just not going to make a lot of money as an art major. >> a well, what was the first thing you did that was againstth the lathatw? i mean, a committed bank fraud. when i whited out a 30 day late on a borrower's verification of rent, that's. i mean, that's fraud. i waited it oui whitedt, made se the loan went through and madeh a little commissioann. >> that was the first thing i did. okay. and then so how did it get to such: okay did a high level whee you're ripping off banks for millions? what wasyou we scam like? >> i mean, i just every timen i got away with something, it ad just emboldened me. i got more and more brazenore be and then ultimately, it got to a point where even when i would get caught , i typically managed to get get away with it. how would you create synthetic identities? i convene social security
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to issue me. >> social security numbers to children that don't exist. and then i wouldist an get three secured credit cards in their name. >> you also went through. wspape newspaper clippings about car wrecks. how did that scas m work? well, that's part of it. so you know, after you maker six months or three months worth of payments and i would stopthree pay paying, what woui is the banks would start to send out lettersbank collection letters. and, you know, they want a reason. they want a reason why this person's not paying. wouldat i would do is i woul i would take an article in the newspaper and i would cut and paste it togethe ther. and i would, you know, for, let's say, a 17 car pile upp in on i-4 and tampa and someone was life flighted to tampa general hospital. i would just put my borrowers my my fake borrower's name g in there. d and then i'd write i'd printould the article out, write a lettery from his sister and say, look, loa horribleas in accident. >> he's currently in a coma. the doctors say even ifhorrib
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he comes out of the coma, he'll never work again. sole tly in a you might as well takee the house. >> how did you get caught that tim ere? i was caught because i was caught prior to that, i was handcuffedught? in a bankt, i and questioned. but i convinced them that the bank and the was bank had commid e rea and they needed to let m go. the wachovia bank had realized that ilid borrowed like they onlyonly thought i borrowedut three mortgages on a house where i probably had about six. and i convinced the detectivproe that the bank and the bank employees may have committed frau d by giving me the first loan and then sending me to another bank to get another loan. another loan. but i certainly didn't do anything on it. i wouldn'tgeher bucertainlno. i called my golly, gee, you know, golly gee,like all of, i wouldn't know how to do this. >> then eventually you did get collared. yes. eventually i got caughally i gt and there was a tv show calledng dateline that was coming out on me. and so me the, girl, i was seeing
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found a blog where they were posting about it, how they were interviewing people,innd and so i realized it was happening. so we started pulling cash out of the bank. a we were going to get a few million dollars and leave, and my girlfrienand leavd at the confided in a friend of hers who i was. >> she called the secret service. >> they watched my house for three days and they grabbed me. there watchreewhat was it like ? it was you know, it was a medium security prison. and people are getting stabbedei and there's riots and, you know, it's a it's a violent place. i mean, i'd love to tell you there was you know, i had to join a gang. nobody wants me as to get ine a gangin aga. >> so. but they did want you because they wanted you to tel jesl tha' their stories. >> that's what you're doing now. wh doing nowg. wrote i wrote my memoir, and then i ended up writing a memoi m trr a guy named after him. deborah raleigh. that's the guy. re hog he's played by jonah hill in the movie war dogs. mm-hmm. so i wrotes.e is memoir in pris. and then i start. then i wrote i gotr then some gn in rolling stone magazine. do you have any advice for
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people that are going down the wrong road? fo you know, before i went into prisonr th, i had all the moneyn in the world. everybody was my buddy the w. sy i thought everybody was my buddy. but the truth is, those weren't those friends. >> and that money didn't really mean anything. and i wareally mythings in prisg stories than i ever was priorw n to prison. >> i'm happier now than i've ever been in my entire life. advice, s great i and you're probably happier than you eve our have been because you're on jesse watters primetime, matt, and we appreciate that. cause yothank you for sharing yn story with us. >>g yourif it's -- it's definitl a doozy. >> sy o you got it together.>> t >> thank you.hank thank you. >> homeless woman versus bus driver, right? the look, things may seem fine down there, but you need down there, but you need to watch out for disease
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you might have to throw down with a homeless person. an unhouse h d person excuse me, who wants a free ride? >> watcha free. go get the coffee. >> it is bad coffee. my mother, she seems nice. e >> the vagrant was eventually arrested and the drivers oc just another dayvas eventu in s.
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you can literally change your emotional well-beinn literg by being grateful. there's this whole gratitude movement just tapped into it. not going to lie. i thought it was weird beforehand. now i'm doint thoughg a deep did and i'm loving it. >> just a little smirk on your faceit 5 minutes a day. be grateful for what you have. walk around. be happy. you're happy. >> let's do text hank from pennsylvania. i don't think the students voicing that pizza are majorin gwere m engineering. >> it was sideways. you're going to get the cheesea . that'll be no good. alex from san juant , californio you shouldn't be sad over the protests and vandalism. you shouldn ju cal be mad. >> i'm working on my anger issues. >> chris from manheim, pennsylvania. how bout that? john fetterman man, i misjudged fetterma?n. >> jerry from tulsa, oklahoma the only thing
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president trump's guilty of is squatting. he's been livingsqttin rent fret in the hands of these democrats for the last eight years. from >> patricia fromar arizona i'm n teacher in arizona and make less than 40 grand a year no ma >> i'm thinking i should have been a drug dealer from honduras. drugras., five months of work, 350 gs j don't consider it. >> mark from west new york how much con can an ex-con con if an ex-con gets it together? >> cutn e. >> angelo from florida. this guy g cox only did 12 years in the clinic for 55 million. siere do i sigrsn up? >> and i got to find outgn who that lawyer was. >> balla from chicago. jesse, who would you pick to roast you? >> gutfeld definitely. gutfeld. i'm waters and this is m y world. and welcome to hannity at.


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