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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 8, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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case. so, donald trump may very well go to prison but, if that happens he wins in a landslide because everybody will see what this case is about the weaponization of the justice system, guys. >> carley: mayor eric adams says the city is prepared if trump is thrown in jail for violating the gag order e said he already talked to riker's island. he talked to the department of corrections just in case that happens. you have to wonder what the news conch will be like. >> todd: he is not going to rikers. that physically logistically can't help. >> carley: secret service auto would have to go jail, too. unbelievable. joe, thank you so much have. great day. >> see you friday. >> carley: great show, great hour. i spoke next to the ladies at "the view" they were basically attacking trump there. this is real. this is how they think. "fox & friends" now. >> carley: wow. >> steve: thank you very much, todd and carley. welcome to "fox & friends."
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it's 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. may 8th, 2024. our lead story this morning is a fox news alert. cops in d.c. clashing with protesters, arresting at least close to 3 dozen as they clear the encampment at george washington university. [bleep] [bleep] [shouting] [bleep] [bleep] >> of course, all this happened just hours before d.c.'s mayor and police chief head to capitol hill to testify about why they didn't clean things up. >> steve, it's just a coincidence. >> probably right. >> plus, a fox weather alert, tornadoes causing all kinds of chaos for our friends in the midwest, for a second day in a row. even trapping 50 people inside a fedex facility and in a bit of a segue stretch. stormy on the stand. the judge denying a mistrial but
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warning prosecutors during her prejudicial testimony and that "the view" by the way is giddy over the thought of donald trump going behind bars. >> i don't want this to sound like i'm doing wishful thinking. >> yes. >> but, which prison would be best? what about guantanamo bay? >> oh that, would be close mar-a-lago. >> brian: we will see. could be very disappointed. "fox & friends" starts right now. remember, your mornings are better with friends. roll the animation. >> brian: fox news alert. pro-palestinian protests in our nation's capital, this has gone on way too long. now it's going to be harder and harder. violence is turning. in this morning as officers begin tearing up the encampment at george washington university. can someone brush up the statue and get the palestinian regalia off george washington? d.c. police saying that they have made at least 35 arrests. >> the decision to clear it out comes as d.c.'s police chief and the mayor there are both expected to appear on capitol
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hill today to demonstrations at gw. >> lucas tomlinson is live on the scene where, lucas, things have calmed down about three hours ago. it is crazy. >> that's right. good morning, steve, brian, ainsley. this is all that is left of the protesters about a dozen here on 20th and pennsylvania avenue about three blocks from the white house. it's calm right now. but a far different scene as you just rolled off the top. hundreds of police officers cleared the encampment here, george washington university about two weeks after it began. the statue of george washington remains defaced. but, as you mentioned, just hours before, the gw president, d.c. mayor muriel bowser and d.c.'s police chief are expected to testify before the house oversight committee. a decision was made to clear the campus at about 3:30 this morning. hundreds of police rolled. in at least 35 protesters were arrested. we're told some of them were students some of them were not
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even a child we're told was detained. all is calm right now. this comes as, of course, george washington university president had wanted this camp cleared, issued a statement about it; however, students i spoke to, steve, said the statement was very soft, there is no actual demand do clear the camp they asked police to help out. a little bit of both sides-ism we're told. right now the remnants. things are calm here right now. but the camp has been cleared, police have blocked off 8th street not actually able to get into the encampment, i went over there to see the after-effects but all the tents that have been on the campus which many people said these protesters were trespassing. and many of the protesters weren't even students here at george washington. that's what the students told us. of course we have been broadcasting out from the encampment nearly two weeks now. right now the encampment here at george washington has been cleared ahead of that congressional testimony, guys. >> and lucas, i was reading in the hatchet, which is the
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george washington university student newspaper that apparently there were pepper shots fired at the protesters. and apparently a number of the protesters then wound up going to wawa, a nearby wawa to get some water to wash the pepper spray out of their eyes. >> right. so, at 3:30 when the police rolled in, it got a little sporty here on the campus of george washington, steve. the police were using bicycles to clear out the protest. some resistant. just before we came on air, the police rolled by and these protesters behind me were yelling f the pigs. they were yelling obscenities at the police officers, pepper spray was deployed. in fact, at our cameraman downwind of some of that pepper spray. he got it in the face. some of the protesters were resisting arrest, steve. >> brian: real quick, lucas, why haven't they cleaned up the statue yet. why can't they get to the george
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washington statue and clean it up? >> that is probably going to be happening this morning. one of the reasons why the encampment has been blocked off. i would expect that statue to be cleared before the gw president faces house lawmakers this afternoon because there is no question that's one of the questions she will faces a well as d.c.'s mayor muriel bowser. >> brian: look at that inbelievable. >> g.w.'s president said i want the camp cleared. the mayor said no. d.c. police said no. she put out that long lengthy statement a few days ago. but, again, very soft. it wasn't outright demanding the camp could be cleared, brian. >> ainsley: now it's clearing. interesting timing, right? now they are clearing it out right before the mayor and the police chief have to go capitol hill. thank you so much, lucas. what would george washington say about this? >> brian: i think he would be quite upset. i just gave you a country and this somehow you treat me? >> ainsley: hatchet. >> steve: cherry tree.
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>> ainsley: little boy had a hatchet thought was just a cherry tree his mother said oh my. >> brian: we can't verify that story. >> steve: wonderful poem and song. >> ainsley: we don't know if it's true. your next, book, brian. >> brian: cherry tree your faulted. >> ainsley: extreme weather. >> steve: a fox weather alert. more than 140 million people in the midwest and the south lands bracing for another day of extreme weather following a tornadoes outbreak in the state of michigan overnight. >> ainsley: homes and businesses were completely destroyed. several people were injured. and right now more than 30,000 residents are without power. >> brian: in the city of portage, just south of kalamazoo about 50 people trapped inside this fedex building due to downed wires. rescue crews able to clear that building before anyone was hurt. senior meteorologist janice dean is all over this. janice? >> janice: another day, unfortunately. we had 126 severe thunderstorm warnings. 68 tornado warnings. and one tornado emergency in the
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state of michigan where we saw that incredible damage. this is the state's first tornado emergency on record. and it was issued at 6:11 p.m. that's where the fedex building and we had all those people trapped. luckily, no deaths here. here are some of the top hail reports, four inch hail in michigan. indiana we saw reports all over social media of the hail damage and the wind and the heavy rainfall. let's take a look at it right now. this is the live radar. we don't have any tornado warnings. a couple of severe thunderstorm warnings and you can see some of that rain moving in towards the northeast and the mid-atlantic. that's going to cause travel delays. here's the severe storm threat again today. day 3, where we could see the potential for strong storms including tornadoes. this is rated 4 right now for the severe storm threat for parts of these areas, including bowling green and nashville, tennessee. towards the missouri area. south of st. louis. also, flash flooding concerns. where we could see several inches of rain in a short period
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of time. this is the region here in the nashville area, paducah towards knoxville, tennessee. where you could see flash flooding. we have flood alerts already in place in anticipation of this rainfall. and then, tomorrow, stretching from texas all the way up towards the mid-atlantic and the northeast for the severe weather threat. so, several days of a severe weather outbreak. know where you are going to get those watches and warnings. i know we have someone coming up in michigan who is going to talk about that tornadoes emergency, steve, ainsley, brian to you. >> steve: that's right a tree fell on their house. we will try to get that report up very shortly. thank you. >> ainsley: thank you, j.d. in the meantime stormy daniels will be back on the stand tomorrow. after the judge denied the defendant's request for a mistrial. >> steve: brooke singman joins us now. >> requested a mistrial after the judge had to warn stormy daniels and her prosecution which her testimony described as
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risque gave irrelevant and unnecessary details about her alleged 2006 affair with trump. despite admitting the witness's hard to control, the judge still decided to proceed with the case. now, during her testimony, stormy daniels was clear on her feelings towards the former president. trump's attorney asking her, quote: am i correct that you hate president trump? and daniels responded correct. and when asked, quote: and you want him to go to jail? daniels replied if he is found guilty, yes. daniels was also questioned about how she benefited financially from sharing her story about her alleged affair with trump. but she denied that she was trying to extort him. she did admit though, quote: i have been making money by telling my story about what happened to me but she added, quote: it has also cost me at love monday. meanwhile the former president said it was a good day for his team. he did not mention stormy daniels. prevents him from discussing witnesses. watch. >> this was a very big day, a
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very revealing day as you see their case is totally falling apart. they have nothing on books and records and even something that should bear very little relationship to the case. it's just a disaster for the d.a., for the soros-backed d.a. it's a disaster. >> stormy daniels will be back on the stand tomorrow in manhattan. when trump's defense attorneys will continue their cross-examination. guys? >> steve: all right, brooke. thank you very much. you could tell that stormy daniels does not like donald trump. >> ainsley: no. she said she hates him. >> steve: he would -- she would like him to go jail if he is found guilty. >> brian: which is great for the defense because it shows a bias. in fact even paula reed on cnn said the defense is very effectively getting at daniels disdain for the defendant. this far has been to this point has been very effective and it's dramatic cross. it appears to continue to become even more dramatic. that was throughout the day.
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so, when you go out -- and by the way the judge seems to be critical of the defense, yeah. she shouldn't have gotten into such detail but you should have objected more curing the way and the defense came back and said yeah, these are the rules i thought you set out for in the beginning no, i didn't. and then they said okay. let's throat trial out and the judge said i admit to you they went too far but it's not enough to throw this trial out. >> the judge said yeah, some things would have been better left unsaid because it was pretty salacious. and then said the degree of detail we're going into is unnecessary. recounting the alleged encounter at the lake tahoe hotel. >> steve: she got into the details of this alleged encounter skeevy, but she was very detailed and right down to the brand of shampoo in his bathroom. by the way it was apparently pert plus. but what is interesting and yesterday we told you this, the secret service had been discussing with new york city what to do if donald trump
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actually violates the gag order again. and the judge throws him in jailing. yesterday, mayor adams says rix island is ready if trump is says to jail for violating the gag order. that caused the ladies on "the view" yesterday to to make a point put him in the clink. why not? [applause] >> i don't want this to sound like i'm doing wishful thinks. [laughter] >> yes. >> but which prison would be best? you know, i'm okay if he goes to alcatraz and they reopen it. what about guantanamo bay? >> that would be close to mar-a-lago. trump could come and visit. >> he wants to be with the hip people. come on. >> i expect that, actually, on "the view" stormy daniels
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contradicted herself at times. she seemed unhinged. she did not look at the other defendants. not necessarily buttoned up and credible we will see how this goes. they are using her nickname porn name kind of interesting because the other one was out there. so we will continue to wonder. this has got to be the high point of this salaciousness of this trial. they are off today. because, who else do they have? karen macdougall and michael cohen. do you belief michael cohen, the coo and cfo and other people who said legal expenses. >> ainsley: trump said i'm stuck here i would rather be in new hampshire, wisconsin. this gag order my constitutional rights have been taken away from me. >> brian: if it's just this in may i don't think anyone can remember a couple weeks or three weeks you missed in may. i think if this goes on with another trial and they got good news yesterday the defense and that is that the documents trial is going to be delayed not only not may 20th. maybe not even in july because aileen cannon, the judge says
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they need more time to put this together credible things have to be hashed out. >> not been given a date yet. >> if it gets close, two months out, you don't have the trial. >> steve: there is no trial today in lower manhattan, they resume tomorrow at 9:00. >> ainsley: no trials on wednesday. right? >> steve: generally. >> ainsley: okay. turning now to your headline starting with a fox news alert. the biden administration confirming it is holding back the shipment of the 3500 bombs to israel. over concerns they could be used in the invasion of rafah in southern gaza. a senior official saying, quote we are especially focused on the end use of the 2,000-pound bombs. and the impacts that they could have in dense, urban settings, as we have seen in other parts of gaza. that official also saying other weapons transfers from the townhouse israel are being closely examined. and then, an anti-israel protest continues to disrupt major
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cities oea cross the country. democratic senator john fetterman expressing frustration last night over why these protests are even happening. >> like i don't know why they seem to -- i'm not even sure what they are really, you know, protesting about. if you ask them, they are not really sure. they can't -- you know, and now they are not talking about cease-fires anymore. and now they are talking about divesting and harming israel and all of that. it's crazy. >> ainsley: the pennsylvania senator went on to say demonstrators should be protesting against hamas. a fedex plane skidding on its nose after making an emergency landing at istanbul airport in turkey earlier this morning. officials say the boeing 767 cargo plane's front landing gear failed to deploy. the incident caused some delays but, thankfully, no one was hurt. and a frightening incident for a plane full of passengers in seattle. a delta flight forced to quickly evacuate after landing due to a small fire under the nose of the plane on monday night.
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oh, it's on fire in the front of the plane. >> it's like on fire. >> the plane is on fire. >> officials say the fire broke out after airplane was plunged into the airport's electric power following a flight from cancun. the crews deploying that side on the side of the elevator due to an abundance of caution. no word yet if anyone was injured. after 114 years, the boy scouts are no more. at least in name. in an effort to, quote: boost inclusion, the boy scouts will become scouting america next year. the president of the scouts saying, quote: though our name will be new our mission remains unchanged. we are teaching young people to be prepared for life. a simple, but very important evolution as we seek to ensure that everyone feels welcome. >> scouting. if you want everyone ghek boy scouts and there is 176,000 girls in boy scouts. what is going to happen to girl
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scouts. boy scouts down in numbers grab girls bring them over to boy scouts and relabel it? that's why we have girl scouts. >> steve: what will happen to girl scouts is very important where will we get our cookies? thin mints will dry up. one of the reasons behind this in addition to the trying to be more inclusive they say and the rebranding is, you know, and i was a boy scout for like, i don't know, 7, 8 years. >> brian: until last year. >> steve: it was a lot of fun. right up until last year. >> brian: make a fire with two sticks. i can and i can do latchings and knots and semafors. they had to rebrand because they went bankrupt. facing abuse claims because of bow scouts leaders. >> brian: so don't bother the girls. >> girls want to join. >> ainsley: i was a brownie and my dad was an eagle scout. >> brian: did you ever want to be a boy scout?
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>> ainsley: no. i wanted to get the cookies and brownies and sew. >> steve: when i was in camp the girl scout camp was across the river. >> ainsley: you stayed away. >> steve: we did. they would wave and taunt us with thin mints. >> brian: no more genders let's all get together. wear the same outfit. same uniform, same caps, it will be great. >> steve: that sounds bleak. >> brian: i'm just saying. i always thought we were okay with boys and girls scouting differently. >> steve: girls in boy scouts wear the same uniform. >> ainsley: change gender. >> brian: can boy scouts go girl scouts. chris, can you look that up? >> steve: i don't think so. >> brian: they misspelled my name and wrote brain in the tease which ruins my day. new classified documents crediblely suggest documents
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says classified documents suggest covid-19 originated from a wuhan lab leak and that the ccp attempted to cover it up. fox news obtaining a letter sent to secretary of state blinken from the select subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic. lawmakers say it, quote: credibly suggests, closed quote covid originated from a lab leak accident and attempted a cover-up. seemless between institute of virology and people's chinese liberation army. requesting blinken immediately take steps to declassify this information so the american people have a more complete picture of the government's evidence regarding the origin of covid-19 pandemic. the director of the national intelligence releasing a declassified report last year saying the intel committee had no conclusion on whether the pandemic occurred naturallior was caused by a lab leak. are they being serious now in the pandemic leaving a lasting impact on the u.s. fox tracking finds result of the
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permanent closure of roughly 200,000 u.s. establishments. took about 14 trillion economic toll out of our economy. and caused 50% of american students to fall behind their aid level. while remain split on the aspects of the pandemic. nearly all say not engineered or developed as a bioweapon. the case continues. >> carley: sure does. i thought jon stewart pointed out when he pointed out virology lab in wuhan. >> brian: to the horror of steve cocoa bare. >> carley: the texas department of public safety, they have arrested two teenagers for causing a high speed pursuit while smuggling three illegal immigrants into the country. one of whom is wanted for murder in the u.s. virgin islands. this while routine smuggling across the southern border continues on a daily basis. the "new york times" finding over 24,000 migrant children were released to sponsors who
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were not related to them. "new york times" reporter hannah dealer posting on x, quote: more children are crossing the border on their own than ever before and thousands are ending up doing dangerous, illegal jobs. that is a story to follow. now for an indiana primary round up. former president trump winning the state's republican primary mike braun two term representative victoria spartz won the primary to defend her seat. this comes just months after she decided to run for re-election. prince harry will not be his father king charles during a visit to the u.k. the duke of sussex says the king
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has a full schedule and harry hopes to meet with his father soon. harry is scheduled to be in england for the 10th anniversary of the invictus games. piers morgan will be joining us 8:00 a.m. on all of the royal family drama and so much more. steve, over to you. >> steve: there is plenty of that. thanks, carley. >> carley: you are welcome. >> steve: broadcast bias happening today. congress is holding a hearing on political bias at npr, "national public radio" following claims from a former editor. while it isn't npr's main source of income, they have received millions of dollars of tax money over the past five years. and that number is deceiving because they get most of their money from member stations and member stations get like half a billion dollars from the corporation for public broadcasting. our next next guest has been exposing for years matt tykey joins us now. good morning to you. >> good morning. thanks for having me on. >> steve: it's good to have you. this former now senior business editor at npr came out a while
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back and went on the free press and said, hey, you know, i'm trying to be fair. but, npr is just stacked with a bunch of lefties, and now, congress, particularly the republicans, matt, want to know why exactly should public funding fund one particular point of view? >> yeah. yuri berliner senior editor went on the free press and essentially whistle blowing role described what happened at the station on a number of things. he talked about political bias but he also talked about just the basic lack of journalistic ethics over a couple of stories in particular, namely the hunter biden laptop story, just the failure to report that out there. was even a quote one editor saying well, it's a good thing because this might help trump. you know, that's the kind of thing you can't have at a public news outlet.
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and, anybody who listens to npr knows that this is sort of endemic to who they have become in recent years. it used to be at least a reliable sort of news deliverer. and it has changed to something else. and i think, you know, congress is right to ask the question. because liberals and leftists would certainly, you know, be similarly horrified if there was an arch conservative public radio station on. >> steve: that would be crazy. so, anyway, today, the npr ceo cannot show up in front of congress because she is busy. they have got a meeting of the board. so, she can't make it but she rf to come some other time we will talk about that when she does show up. in the meantime, matt, when you talk about npr, you know, and you decided your are berliner he said there were zero republican notice the newsroom and 87 democrats. a lot of people have felt the same way about the "new york times" and their conch historically to favor the
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political left. but, the "new york times" editor came out over the weekend, on sunday and he said, among other things, it's our job at the "new york times" to cover the full range of issues that people have. we become an instrument of the biden campaign. so, people are talking, matt, just about how the "new york times" suddenly is going we're not just going to put out stuff that is favorable to joe biden. we are going to be fair. we are going to talk about things with the trump campaign as well. >> yeah. and this is crazy. this is a dispute that goes back at least five years. there was kind of an amazing story that came out in politico over the weekend detailing from both sides, from both the biden administration and the "new york times" this problem developed between biden and the "times." and it goes back to the campaign when biden was running for president. and the campaign believed they didn't assign a paper who was
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properly invested, was the term, in seeing the charm and the appeal of joe biden. and the administration has continued since then to believe somehow that the "new york times" is not sufficiently worshipful of joe biden. i don't know what planet they are living on. if you read the "times" there is almost nothing ever negative about the guy in the paper. that shows you how delusional the white house is about these things. >> steve: matt, you look at the polls and joe biden is in a hole. and it's all hands on deck. we need help from the gray lady. >> right. this isn't the way to do it. and they have been all sorts of like petty things like excluding people from having access to certain press conferences. there was a security guard at the "times" who said something nice about joe biden on the way up to the "times." and biden invited that security
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guard to do an appearance with him. sort as a subtle tweak. petty stuff. that's not going to give you better conch. the way to get better conch is to play it straight with a news organization. reporters don't expect special treatment. at least they didn't when i covered the white house. and i don't understand what they're doing. >> steve: i think the reporters at the white house would just like to be able to talk to joe biden from time to time. but that, according to the campaign is not going to happen any time soon. matt, thank you very much for joining us live. have great day. >> thanks for having me on. >> steve: you bet. all right. mean while, 28 minutes before the top of the hour. extremely prejudicial. that's how the trump team has described stormy daniels testimony yesterday. how it impacts the case going forward as she takes the stand once again tomorrow morning at 9:30. ♪ mom genes.
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stormy daniels will be back on the stand tomorrow. they're off today. the new york vs. trump trial i'm sure you are following it. former president is not holding back afterwards either. listen. >> this was a very big day. a very revealing day as you see their case is totally falling apart. it's just a disaster for the d.a., sore the soros backed d.a. it's a disaster. this whole case is just a disaster. >> former deputy sent a attorney general tom dupree joins us now to react to the daniels testimony yesterday. she will on on the stand again when they go back to action. tom, what do you think of the president's assessment of his kay. was the case -- does this further in his mind make the case fall apart? >> it was not the prosecutor's finest hour yesterday, brian. look, in my view, i think the prosecution went too far in bringing out all sorts of
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salacious and sorted details that they didn't need to get into. even the judge said that the jury heard things they really shouldn't have heard. and the prosecutors basically turned the courtroom in a not safe for work day. the testimony that stormy daniels gave yesterday i think was peripherally relevant at most. this is a case about alleged falsification of business documents. we didn't hear anything about that from her yesterday. although we did hear things that i'm sure will capture headlines and be a lot of topic of public debate. >> brian: what does the jury care? does that help the prosecution get across to the jury the former president's decision to meet this person on any level? does it hurt his reputation with the jury? i don't think so i don't think it hurts with the jury. jurors, if anything might have felt some sympathy. in other words, the jury know what is they are being asked to decide. they know this is a case about
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alleged accounting fraud and the like. and it wouldn't surprise me if some jurors as they endured however after hour of testimony. up there yesterday about four hours. why is the prosecution bringing all this stuff out if only, to you know, dirty him up and sully his name and kind of cast aspersions from a moral perspective? that's what it was about. we have excerpts we pulled out for you want to go over. effective moments for the defense. here it is. susan nic lease who the defendant attorney is it correct you want him to go to jail. >> if is he guilty, yes. >> you think that's important, why, her motive for being there? >> exactly. look. it's a classic cross-examination technique as you basically show and expose the witness's biases if you can show that the witness
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doesn't like the defendant, that the witness would like to see the defendant put in jail that the witness had financial incentives for testimony, all of that are things the jury will take into account in evaluating whether the witness is telling the truth or over shading things a bit. >> brian: tried to extort money from trump. all this trump money i'm never going to pay him. she has no respect for the courts and their rulings, obviously. the question is, too. at one pointed the judge turns around and says you know, the defense objects, he said why didn't you object more you? are right think went too far in details on things that didn't heart matter. he told the defense objected more. does judge tell the defense they should have objected more? i find that odd. >> it is odd. it was a very strange comment. between you and me i wouldn't have wanted to have been in trump's lawyers shoes when the judge said you were sleeping when you should have been objecting. the fact is that from the trump defense team's perspective, the judge had already said this sort of thing could come in. that was the reason they gave
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for why they weren't jumping up every second and objecting. the judge had already made the decision she was going to be able to testify to this stuff so there is no more point in constantly getting up and objecting to it. it was an odd comment. >> when she is done is it 1-800, michael cohen that's it? let's do it or somebody else who is going to hop up in between? i suspect one or two other witnesses possibly before they get to cohen we have seen the prosecutors call a lot of so-called custodial witnesses. witnesses who put in evidence of donald trump on video or what donald trump wrote in books. it's possible the prosecutors will want to get more in there. but it is telling to me, brian, that they put michael cohen last. they know he is a very dangerous witness for them because there is a good chance the jury is not going to believe a word he says. they want to establish their case through other means before finally rolling out michael cohen, culmination. >> brian: insane. tom dupree, thank you very much.
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>> thank you. >> brian: glad you went to law school. 16-year-old suspended after using illegal alien in class. fighting back. his mom is next. fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you.
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steve we start right now with a fox weather alert. more than 140 million people in
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the midwest and south lands. look at that right there. bracing for another round ever extreme weather following a tornado outbreak in -- that one is in michigan yesterday. homes and businesses, as you can see, rubble this morning. a number of people were actually hurt as well. in about 50 people were about rescued after being trapped inside that was a fedex building. and as you can see they were trapped because of downed wires. and missing building parts. lauren con conskumer i hope thee warning. >> yeah. thankfully those sirens did go off just in time. people were able to mainly get out of this area. we are here in pavel township just west of that fedex -- the fedex building that you talked about. we're taking a look here at some of the damage that we're seeing in piflian township.
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the siding of this specific barn right here has been taken off. and you can can see debris roofing on the ground and damage throughout the fields and glass broken out of a nearby boat just west of a mobile home community that was hit as well. about 16 to 20 homes were destroyed in there. and 167 of those homes have property damage. that's according to the kalamazoo county's sheriff's office. thankfully this morning the only injuries that we are hearing of are very minimal and no fatalities have been reported just yet here in southwest michigan. send it back to you, ainsley, reporting live in pavilion township lauren kummer so many families. a mother is calling out a school
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district after 16-year-old christian mcgee was suspended last month for using the term "illegal alien" in class. now the mother is suing the davidson county school district. >> my son received a write up stating that he violated a board of education policy by using or making a racially motivated comment saying that an alien needs a green card. there certainly isn't a case for racism due to the fact that alien is not a race. >> ainsley: that mom leah mcgee and attorney dean mcgee no relation. same pronunciation. tell us what happened. take us back to the beginning. >> sure, on april 9th. >> my son was returning from the restroom to his english class. upon returning there was a discussion about a vocabulary assignment, and the students and
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teachers were talking about aliens. christian raised his hand and said like spaceship aliens or illegal aliens who need green cards? the teacher then told christian, watch your mouth. and a student of latino dissent turned around and told christian, i'm going to kick your -- you know what. that student was just joking with christian. they were just 16-year-old boys cutting up, you know, joking. the teacher called the admin, admin called both boys and the teacher into the hallway. where both boys said the equitexchangewas innocent and ne taken. to which the assistant principal, mr. anderson, responded by saying no, this is a big deal. these words do carry weight. so, at the end of the day, christian was suspended three
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days out of school suspension. he missed several very important track meets and since that time we have removed him from the school. we have asked the school to handle this privately for weeks. i have emailed the school board for four weeks. i have had no response from the school board. and since, you know, we had no resolution we had no other choice but to file a lawsuit and take this public. >> dean, the dictionary defines alien as belonging to a foreign country or nation is there a case for racism as you heard alien is not a race? >> no case for racism. on its face it's a completely neutral term. i have gotten to know this family pretty well over the last week and a half. and there is not an iota racism
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to this boy and parents. outrageous suspension with serious consequences unless the court fixes this. >> ainsley: dean, he was suspended three days and missed those track meets. christian was unable to appeal apparently. does that go against due process? >> yes. branding -- you know, schools are government. and it's important to remember that so the government has branded christian a racist. deprived him of his right to an education for three days, deprived him of his ability to participate in track. and told him there will be no appeals. it's as clear a due process case ascii imagine. >> ainsley: i'm curious to find out what the committee is saying. i know you moved there in august. that's tough enough on a soft more in high school moving into a new school and dealing with this. how is it effecting him? what are people in the community saying? ainsley at the beginning of this before we were offered platforms like yours, which we are so
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grateful for, to get our truth out. before people understood what actually took place, christian was getting threats. christian was being called a racist. as you said, it's hard enough moving to a new area as a 16-year-old boy. but he loved that school. we loved that school. and now that the truth is being exposed, and we were able to speak at the board meeting. i cannot tell you how overwhelmed we are by the support that we're receiving from this amazing community that we live in. and, also, the community of brunswick county, oak island and southport, north carolina, where we moved from. we have been overwhelmed. we have been receiving messages from all over the country of people standing with christian and, you know, saying reverse this suspension remove this label of racism that was so unfairly placed on our child. we are very fortunate to have so much support.
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and we're just so grateful for that. but, at the beginning, it was very difficult. >> ainsley: i know you raised him in a christian family and you said he is not racist. you named him christian, in fact. leah andean, thank you so much for being with us this morning. we will be praying to him finance 55 minutes after the top of the hour and sean hannity is waking up early to join us this morning. even walking was tough. my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going to get worse. i was always hiding and that's just not me. not being there for my family, that hurt. woo! i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. i'm feeling good. watch me. cosentyx helps people with psoriatic arthritis move, look, and feel better. it targets more than just joint pain and treats the multiple symptoms, like joint swelling and tenderness,
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