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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 8, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> chaos unfolding at george washington university early this morning, as police moved in on the school's anti-israel encampment. >> emily: you can see those officers they are using pepper spray to push back at dozens of violent agitators. washington, d.c., chief of police says that 33 people were taking into custody. they all happen after the school anti-asia protest reached to new extremes throughout the night. hello, everyone this is "outnumbered." i am emily compagno, here with harris faulkner and kayleigh mceany. joining us today is fox news contributor and president of american spirit enterprises tammy bruce, and for my new york
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congressman, lee zeldin. now, the explosive situation is sparking more fears about anti-israel protests and the safety of jewish students. and that the message amongst agitators is growing even more radical. look at the scene from last night, the same group that attacked police projected this message over an american flag. long live the students -- a man was spotted wearing a hamas headband. at the university of texas these terrorist propaganda flyers that you are looking at was found within the school encampment. these fires celebrate the death of an innocent jewish people and call for the destruction of israel. many people including our jesse watters think that these protesters are not concerned with the middle east they believe they are waging war on america. >> these protesters do not want peace in the mid east they want to wage war in america and
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everything we stand for the anti-american revolution boiling oover the all-americans made thm single depressed and impressionable and angry at the status quo of being prayed upon and then used by financially powerful interest to just whip the streets up into a frenzy for political profit. my purposes this is a dangerous movement -- it is snowballing ad gathering steam heading straight for the pillars of american civ. >> fighting over what say you. >> lee: this is as consenting as it gets you had the fbi director who testified in front of congress and set up the largest threat facing our country as far as domestic terrorism is white supremacy and white nationalism. whereas the fbi director and all these high-profile congressional hearings to talk about this actual threat that is happening right now on college campuses.
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inside the ecosystem of the left that this infrastructure of if it's not broke and break it. and they had the webbing up these professors and students to a frenzy and, this is crossing the line beyond a free speech protected activity where there are laws that have been broken. and you have to enforce the laws where there is vandalism a trespassing or more if you tolerated their push further and this is by design, who was finding it back down on it and once again i want to start seeing a congressional hearing where we can update what exactly is the biggest threat as relates to domestic terrorism where watching a right before our eyes. >> the congressman statement here, why this was so important and why he had such an impact but the president did not, and speak for nine days that there wasn't an immediate on acceptance of this horrible anti-semitic and anti-american
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violence that has now spread to his point, it has been webbing up but it could have been called out much earlier. >> kayleigh: it's essentially saying we on -- we accept it for nine days, but let this fester nonetheless and then we will give the big speech tuesday and pretend it is a forgotten, we saw you mr. president you can call it out soon enough, these are adults behaving like others. i'll take that back because i don't want that make fun of toddlers, because my tablet behaves better -- but these are legal adults and when you have people behaving like children unique adults in the room. you need leaders. if the sinking is parenting when you have a disruptive child, a child acting like a terrorist, you have to discipline them and we saw university of florida says that we are not a day care, you broke the rules and you pay the price. you have places like harvard are somewhere in the middle with a fester for two weeks and finally said the voices of the few cannot get rid of the rights of many but think you have the lax
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parent, you have the columbia university who work threatening to cancel commencement because you don't want to disrupt the children or give you a within the ten demands because we do not want to upset the children are make them cry but then a final solution sign was there at george washington university on april 26 and for 12 days discontinued. i know it's not all george washington that the mayor would not come then i would not let the police command, i am not sure what went on there, but they should not stand. you need parents or discipline you will have children who behave like this. >> what happens next? i would to like? >> tammy: i think that everybody needs to set up this through the point here, when you see the news coverage, you see that it is everywhere all the time black lives matter was a movement, estimated 20 million americans having marched or taking some action regarding the death of george floyd, that was undeniable, perhaps the biggest
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movement in american history. this is a couple of hundred people arrested in columbia and 33 people arrested at the fashion institute, people trying to rush the police officers, it is showing you that very few as you mention carrie, very few can shut everything down if there are allowed to. so the problem with their doubts, the problem is the university administrators are making their taking their cue from months and years and general benevolence from that i'm not carrying and everything else. this is what ends up happening and it's not clear it looks like this is a movement but no it is not, it is very few people destroying things for tens of thousands, columbia 33,000 enrolled students, couple of hundred people stopped everything for them. this can't be stopped, but if they are choosing not to because it might show the power of the police and remind people about the importance of the rules and
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control. >> up when you have to make is they waiting on this, knocking the anti-israel protesters saying that they are doing no good, what good will it sever what exactly are they calling for? watch this. >> i'm not understanding what they're protesting about, i am not sure i understand, now that talking about cease-fires anymore and they're divesting and harming israel and that is crazy -- it is actually working against piste in gaza. anna morris is convinced that they have won the p.r. word, and i keep seeing all kind of protests across the nation on these campuses. and it is not helpful but it is actually working against piece i. >> that came from a democrat. >> harris: he is saying what we all know is true. they are saying that they don't care about the palestinians and i've been saying for weeks i want them to find gaza on a map.
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not blindfolded. just show me where it is, show me who you are because they do not want peace look at this does this look peaceful to you? no. and i get your point about it not being a movement although there were a thousand people who will come after that met gala, so that could have gotten out of hand in a heartbeat the nypd is rock star's buries that. but no it is put into place and carried about so it became the first hbcu that i know of to see it rock this way with the protests in the jewish hate so on and so forth why does it matter because biden is doing two things because he just spent $7 billion investing in next to a former president trump has been investing in hbcus two, very supportive that money is in jeopardy so far no school is money -- they spent of american rescue funds on it and corporate relief money to do that that means a lot to these colleges
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and the fact is on may 19th he's going to speak at i don't know if you saw the video last week, or last hour rather looks a lot like what we had on the screen, so this is spreading and it is spreading to a group of people that he cannot win without the black vote so what is going to look like? i just put it out there so everyone knows what's going on. >> emily: next to a major development election case in georgia a court will review and appeal on whether d.a. funny lewis should be disqualified from the trial, we will give you a live report coming up next.
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>> a new development in the disqualification case, a georgia appeals court is reviewing the
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ruling that allows the district attorney to stay on from a president trump selection interference case, the team is accusing her of having a conflict of interest over her romantic relationship with the -- he never said he left her -- we can get into it but we won't i will start to sound like stormy daniels. the special prosecutor she is assigned to prosecute trump with someone that she ended up being involved with. or maybe one predicate at the other. jonathan is live in atlanta with more jonathan? >> hello harris, it is now currently under appeal allowing her to stay on the case, on condition that her former boyfriend stepped down but the defense argues that it is not enough. >> he excused himself from the case and our argument is basically that this does not write the wrong there should be disqualification in this case is selective prosecution it is persecution at its best and now we get to be heard on that.
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>> district attorney willis had hoped to bring them to trial in august but the court's decision to hear the appeal is all but certain to push over their arguments well past the november presidential election. in the leaves and question whether willis will be the one to deliver those opening arguments, legal analysts say that this is a big win for the defense because it keeps the focus on willis, further delaying the prosecution because the first of 2 terms in which the busy appeals court to take up the issue does not begin until august. georgia state your law professor, anthony michael says that the prosecution will be lucky if this case goes to trial in spring of 2025. harris? >> harris: is an interesting note of information, jonathan thank you very much. you know, what the judge just
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pulled them both off? >> lee: eat they should have but you are asking a question that most of america was feeling even before the judge issued the ruling, it is basic comic sense if you see the pattern, when somebody is running to be the district attorney and they are running under pledges to take people down like we saw with certain people it is a very political election interference going on here in georgia, and there are a lot of americans who might not be supporters of president trump. they are independent-minded americans who see that this is a political prosecution and now you're at the dynamic of this console being a lover and the decisions get made as far as allocation of decisions on how to spend tax dollars and a request to add more money for a person who is that prosecutor you appointed and you sign off then yes, yes to all of the stuff to answer your question i think a lot of americans were
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hoping that the judge was going to do the right thing here and supposed to try and play both ways. >> irrespective of what they were doing in the private life i again -- noah wants to talk about the real status of the relationship, but put all that aside, for the justice system to have integrity you do not want people to be to manipulate things like that whether his funny the willis questions about the judge yesterday. he says that after the fact says oh some of those details did not need to be said about stormy daniels, but the only thing we were missing is the movie she was in last. it was nasty. he waited until then to say that. >> yes and i think what we have been seeing recently reflected in that his abdication of duty under the guise of edge and i power for that we seen in our present and we seen it who certainly didn't have the power to stop it into cysteine
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defenses ongoing objection to that testimony as being irrelevant and prejudicial into sam going to come in and we're going to start by right now this is going to end. what we are seeing is weak leadership in these roles that make a difference and have them impact, you cannot cut the baby i have a boat with the ways this is not the last we are seeing a fire or that circus that she has made of the georgia justice system and i note that she is declared publicly but she will not comply with the subpoena over the georgia senate investigations request for her to come to them to explain whether or not taxpayer funds were used in this charade she has likened it to in set i am sorry that people get for people being treated equally but the lieutenant governor said this is what it looks like when you treat people equally and yes you will comply with the subpoena. >> tammy: i think what people are realizing is that they are
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back underestimating the american people and trump and overestimated herself but the larger issue here is that it is a political prosecution and everyone is board even subconsciously or silently you cannot block the vote. because then if you are elected official if you want to be invited to the parties and continued to your job in some fashion he would be they want to blow up the ship. it's like what are you doing? that is one of the core problems with the political prosecution, it is that either people are silent and do not want to say anything to disrupt it, or when they really should they don't and the entire framework is that as you've noted close to collapse. >> harris: just like the jury it only takes one. >> kayleigh: despite not being qualified from this cage, what was really bad for both of them, i want to remind you what the judge wrote, they sell order of mendacity, a tremendous lapse of judgment, professional manner of the va testimony refer to that
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in a significant appearance that affects the current structure of the prosecution team. he found that despite there being an appearance of a conflict of interest that did not demand disqualification. they said something is -- they should not be the case, we always do this appeal would be coming and it's not just this, the senate investigation into which emily refers is that there are 12,000 contacts between nathan and fani willis, 10,000 of them are text messages, if the senate because those more information comes out goodbye. mark and i see this in 2025, or ever. the two a lot of the salacious mist they hope to bring against trump actually involves the people who are prosecuting -- because it is a lot. chicago mayor was hoping he could just relocate people who come to the country without documents, i can't hide or relocate what is a good word
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before the democratic national convention, but what are they gonna do without those people? that plan is not working out can you imagine? we will talk more about it coming up next.
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>> at the classified document case against trump in florida has been postponed indefinitely, the federal judge on the case setting can send the wrong classified evidence that are still being worked out, we arrived in miami with the details. >> good afternoon, the original trial start date was set for may 20th here in florida come up about the prosecution and defense it took the judge that this case will not be ready to go in front of a jury this month, right now we are 12 days away from that start date and now we have answers and not the judge how she will proceed. yesterday in a written order the judge said that because of the classified issues, and multiple
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pretrial motions it would be imprudent and inconsistent with the court's duty to finalize a new trial start date at this time. we are looking at two obvious challenges for scheduling, especially in the middle of the hush money trout and new york right now and the sensitivity of the classified document at the center of this case. trump pleaded not guilty to mishandling classified document seats from his home in mar-a-lago back in 2022. during this case, those documents have to be handled with care and viewed in a special room called the skiff, a soundproof room protected from electronic eavesdropping, this has already caused delays in the case since preparation takes a lot more time. they did set a series of pretrial motions through on julf the legal issues so the case is still going to move forward, even though we do not have a new trial start date. this afternoon there is a sealed hearing scheduled for this case unlike the trial in new york,
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the public and media do not the axis. >> kayleigh: thank you very much. chicago mayor johnson is backtracking on plans to move migrants ahead of the democratic national convention, he is a progressive and he is pushing back and changing the plan thanks to an outcry of residence. they spoke up against the mayor's plan accusing the mayor of trying to hide the michael rensing "in our initial conversation, there was mention of the dnc and like the timing of it, it all felt a little odd to me i do not think we should be moving people to hide them" turns out the mayor kept the plan under wraps his office admitted that they never even spoke to the building owner of the space they were looking to turn into the newest mike at center but they spoke to someone representing the property the men who spoke out against the plan said that this is pull chicago's leaders are in over their heads with the city's micro crisis. both shining a big light and
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calls into question how this is being managed and the people that we have working for the city that just is mind-blowing to me. tell me what is mind-blowing to me is offering 1,000 plus asylum-seekers come to chicago and progressive mayors protect them, and they request funding for undocumented immigrants, what happened to the sanctuary state? our city? >> it's an idea, it's a thing you discuss at seminars and you talk about over cocktail parties and you have a couple martinis and you say that sounds great and then you imagine that they will all stay in arizona and texas may be southern california and they will never come up here because of one reason or another they have no idea but what they want to do is historic. it is the kind of thing that has been done for hundreds if not thousands of years. it happened to catherine great tthe and russia who always wantd to tour the rural areas and
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outside moscow, and he put up facades little facades and moved everyone behind like a feeder so that she saw what looked like to be beautiful places that were refined but it was a disaster of course behind the facade. something that is false. we saw of course in san francisco, when donald trump -- when lee zeldin was visiting inc. -- successfully they clean up that city in a week -- but that's what they wanted to do they can't do it now and good fr them. let everyone see what is really going on in this country. >> there so many layers of hypocrisy in the story. >> this quote is incredible, company cleaning the matter further as the mayor's task to showcase chicago strength including the reputation as a pro-immigrant city on a national stage at the dnc okay so when effort is showcasing how progressive and inviting you are let's make sure we move them out of the city so no one sees them but that is the whole point.
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>> they cannot have their cake and eat it too, they can try especially when they say we are pro-immigrant city but we need extra funds to care for these people but the reality is it doesn't matter if you're pro-anyone if you have an excessive search of humans who need to provide for them and if you don't have that infrastructure then everyone suffers for it and to the original point i very appreciate what we are seeing the difference between the boots on ground and those of elites that are making decisions for the whole democratic party for everyone wearing and carrying the blue flag and saying this is the lockstep line you have to say and this is not the olympics we are not a third world country where we clean up things for the facade for the oligarchs and this is not that in the reality is the policies have led to the destruction of our cities and most importantly to their point the suffering of those migrants so they need to i hope pull the curtain back and review of the villages because the reality is we do not have the
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infrastructure for these people and the sooner they acknowledge it the better. >> there are a lot of villages on the left, and even cnn buried it beyond a headlamp of the body makes tightly controlled visit to the southern border in this he reported on the ground did not see any migrants at the respite center despite the president being there not along the motor caved out and they were asked to explain the administration was why they were any were any searches for any at the center when he arrived. completely coincidental they haven't had any today. >> lee: was that movie from the late 90s a play on bill clinton when he was president -- yes walk the dog living through it, this entire year is a democratic national convention when the cameras are on you try to alter reality and we now have seen just how upset the residents of chicago are
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there showing up at city council meetings and they are flipping out because they are seeing their elected officials abandoning their priorities to instead have additional budget allocations to take care of those who are undocumented within our country, now if you want to fix up the city for a week that's only going to upset these voters even voice saying you actually know how to deal with this? you haven't been given the, there is a big problem for the left inside of cities where there is either the black community or their hispanic community or the agent community they are spread out there disenfranchise and they are done and they are realizing if you know how to fix this but you need to be doing it the rest of the year. >> we had a roundtable or focus in fact -- >> they are no funds to support people who are coming here we have no place for those people to be housed we don't
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have the resources we have spent in the city of chicago thus far a billion dollars. and when you think about those monies, and the fact that our communities are still underserved, we still have schools that are underserved and underserviced and underutilized and under resourced and then you look at the money that is being spent, we are angry. >> there is a movement called chicago red, and they say that she voted for the first time republican and a primary, and she said it is not a fantasy that joe biden is losing the black book, but as you said it is the american vote that he is losing because this is happening all over the country. chicago is where we are focused on right now because that's where they can have the democratic national convention and then sticking try to clean it up but i don't know if they can make other people who are willing to vote republican stop talking about that between now
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and then. and what does joe biden say to people when he gets to chicago? what if the facade follows and suddenly you see all of the undocumented immigrants they are trying to hide from the president. i kind of make a joke about that, but something will crack on the surface. >> kayleigh: coming to you and you're an artist, we will all be watching the dnc, the teachers union is in the mix of contract negotiation and you will not believe what is in the laundry list of demand. lately? get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars every month, pay off the balances on your high rate cards with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa. and get the financial peace of mind every veteran deserves. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa.
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>> the chicago teachers union is negotiating the next contract and it is lucrative. they are pushing a wild list of demands that will cost taxpayers $50 billion with a fee. we are live in chicago with more. >> the union is describing the proposal for the as most ambitious ever but it goes beyoe classroom setting and reflect a very progressive agenda. a leaked copy of the 42 pages of demand including sections on climate justice and restorative justice, housing and transportation, a few examples of the demands, 9% annual wage increases through 2028, hundred% covered for migrant families, paying them $2,000 per child to help them transition to their new homes and ensuring that
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teachers are not required to disclose student's gender identity to their parents. the price tag is more than $50 billion according to the illinois policy institute best of the union is looking for a big payday after spending millions to help elect one of their own former teachers union organizer and now mayor brandon johnson. >> at the end goal is to have someone in office that can give them everything they need and want and they are calling this very is accurate to select transformative or a transforming contract, they want chicago public schools to look completely different and sadly it is not a different that is going to be good for students for the taxpayers. >> despite having some of the highest spending in the country, last year just a quarter of chicago public school students could read at grade level and fewer than one and five students were proficient in math. >> kayleigh: unbelievable. thank you. so let's talk about the cost of
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all of this, $50 billion is the grand total but let's look at the cost for students that they bring in for one year, $50.7 billion so basically every taxpayer dollar would then need to go to the teachers at a time when as mentioned, only 21% of eighth graders are proficient in reading. >> harris: if that one is not working for american citizens how is $2,000 for immigrant children going to work? whether they are here undocumented or not, i did not really understand how this is going to work, but let me tell you i'm glad the dnc is going to be here this summer in chicago, because they have a lot of problems that have been cause for the rest of the country. what a mess, giving that much money to a school system that is not working for the students already in it. you are going to hide the undocumented immigrants when he comes for the democratic national convention in august, and then the meantime you or have people threatening to vote republican and already doing so and in the voting bloc they are
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particularly noticing that he cannot win without black voters. you could not put this together as a more distasteful pot of stew for president biden if he tried. >> emily: it is true. and this pot of stew, i want to review one more time what is in the steel, 9% wage increase, this will take the salary for teachers to a livable wage, and that is in fact more than doubled the median household income in chicago, and then on top of that, abortions covered at 100%, gender forming care, 100%, we can't tell a parent if the child changes their gender and name, or for migrant family or newcomers. >> lee: and they're supposed to educate our kids? this is their agenda and it's scary because they bring it inside of the classroom. if you are representing your membership and get ahead of the teachers union, i understand you then ask for more money in my
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benefits to survey members, it is up to the people at the other side of the tipple to say hold on a second, that is not something we can agree to. it is important for the people when electing those individuals on the other side of the table to make sure the folks are not gonna sell out to whatever the head of the teacher union is can ask for, but this goes so much further, they are advocating for a teachers union to lower the standards it's out of the classroom they want to attack parental rights and make the school's words are not better and then have the nerve at the end of the day to say, wow, based at this are so bad i'm gonna send my kids to private school and then when you're up at the state capital in new york and you're trying to lift those caps on charter school so than black kid stuck in multigenerational poverty can have access to the quality schools, they say no, that union backed teachers union is blocking, there's so much hypocrisy and they want their seat at the dnc and they want their access and their tickets and their invitations. it is a cluster.
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it is important for the people on the other side of the table to say no. >> who's on the other side of the table? it is johnson, let's review the history, a former legislative coordinator who used to work with the union is not negotiating with not only that, but as of june 30th, they find more than 2.6 million into johnson's campaign while he was receiving more than 6 million from teachers unions altogether do we think he is going to be a tough negotiator? he should read the out of the deal. >> emily: what you just laid out as the transactional nature of the parable of these unions. it is true of the actual educators deserve to be compensated and should be more than the average salary however what this illustrates is that there is such a difference between educator and is unions and you don't ask for something you think you're going to get meaning that meet these unions know the power that they have and the power that they wield not only for other students and parents but of this
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administration. we saw firsthand what happened when they wrote a letter to president biden about what is happening and what ensued after that that the end of the day where you are looking at is the expectation of being cocktail too because that had it in the past and the reason they want so much more money and people only make x amount is because the patient, the put budgeting in the pass in those prior decisions is what's lead to the cisco dumpster fires that we now have to account for. put your children and charter schools. >> at one point they were killed by people at cnn because the son attended private schools. >> they know what they're doing to the system but it is also teachers who have to vote for who is going to really be ahead of the union. so we talk about the other side of the table, no teacher goes in to work thinking god i hope i can make a kid not learn how to read, because that's what you got here, and 67 the school is not a single student who tested proficiently in math and 32
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schools and not a single student test are proficient in, and yet they graduated 70% of the students. they are condemning them in life and in the process that is a problem here. >> wow, pinko. the boy scouts are changing their name in order to include all genders. that story coming up next. ♪ ♪ introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. i brought in ensure max protein
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>> andy mccarthy coming up on that. israel destroying terrorist positioned as president biden will hold ammunition, the biden political interest at odds with asian survival, spokeswoman is here. president biden in wisconsin, so why is he losing to donald trump and that and other swing states on the issue? senator charles holly demanding that garlic launch an investigation into who was funding anti-israel protest. he will be here to join us, i am john, sanchez on vacation but join us at the top of the hour for "america reports."
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>> the boy scouts are rebranding. after nearly 115 years they are no longer going to be called the boy scouts. they will now be called scouting america. here is the ceo defending the new gender-neutral name. >> it sent a strong message to everyone in america. they can come to this program and they can bring their authentic selves, and they can be who they are and they will be welcome to hear. >> harris: i felt like you were literally waving at me. >> tammy: 6,201,940,000 girls have joint. a lot of people have been upset about that in general that is not just for the boys. but you can say you are open for boys and girls and you do not need to use leftist rhetoric about authentic selves.
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gender issues is all about all genders only authentic selves, that is leftist political language and that is a problem with it. other than that a hundred and dollars. >> harris: this is why they have girl scouts. >> maybe it's not a bad idea with the girl scouts that also got extremely leftist and politically obviously, so i don't know, it's going to be a matter of who controls the boy boy scouts going forward. >> emily: yes, what makes me sad and disappointed is that they used to be sacred organizations with the children could really flourish and they could come from urban environments or places but they did not have exposure to learning how to make fire in the woods and camping and all that stuff but it seems like all of that has been lost in the association with the progress this left work narrative and that supersedes what was a legacy of educating children beyond the borders another being educated in being woke. >> lee: it is okay to have education of boys who are being raised to become young men, but
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unfortunately we have reached a situation where the boy scouts are being dictated to by people who can't define what a woman is but what to do redefine what man is. in the boy scouts of america have chosen to go well, and they are being broken and there are decades of past eagle scouts and folks who have credited their leadership in life and there, and the skill to what they learned in the boy scouts, and they must be furious. >> the market speaks according to daily mail there were 2 million boy scouts in 2018 now there's just over 1 million's of people have left the organization, the girl scouts actually sued the boy scouts because they damage their marketing efforts and they reached a settlement but good for the girl scouts because i am a big believer in single-sex education there is efficacy and having girls and boys in separate places and biological differences and people learn differently and allows women to rise to the occasion, so good for the girl scouts for trying to hold them accountable to the of accountable.
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>> there is always the commercial. >> harris: "outnumbered" continues
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veteran homeowners, have you looked at the interest rates on your credit cards lately? get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars every month, pay off the balances on your high rate cards with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa. and get the financial peace of mind every veteran deserves. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. mom genes. she passed them down to you. but who passed them to her? ancestrydna can show her who and where her genes came from. best of all, it's on sale for mother's day. get it now, before she has to remind you.
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because the president right now is giving remarks and an important battleground state, wisconsin at the gateway technical college and he is expected to try to sway voters frustrated with his economic policies. he will have some difficulty doing that. they have a gaggle on board air force one as they were
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flying to wisconsin. according to the press secretary they said he will begin to showcase the community that underscores the president's invest in america agenda here and biden is expected to announce $3.3 billion investment by microsoft to build an artificial intelligence data center creating 2300 and union construction jobs and permanent jobs as well so that is what he has gone to do today. if anyone would like to raise their hand of there, you don't have to be a reporter, just be a citizen who is curious, mr. president, why doesn't your economic policy work for us? the american people? why is it not working for millions of people and do you know when you wipe away the tax breaks he will hurt middle-class americans too? just asking questions, just a suggestion. keep it on fox, and miracle reports now. america reports now. >> no, no, no this is the truth.


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