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tv   America Reports  FOX News  May 8, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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they said he will begin to showcase the community that underscores the president's invest in america agenda here and biden is expected to announce $3.3 billion investment by microsoft to build an artificial intelligence data center creating 2300 and union construction jobs and permanent jobs as well so that is what he has gone to do today. if anyone would like to raise their hand of there, you don't have to be a reporter, just be a citizen who is curious, mr. president, why doesn't your economic policy work for us? the american people? why is it not working for millions of people and do you know when you wipe away the tax breaks he will hurt middle-class americans too? just asking questions, just a suggestion. keep it on fox, and miracle reports now. america reports now. >> no, no, no this is the truth.
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>> our relationship wasn't a secret. it was just private. >> did you observe and do things that are common among people having a romantic relationship? >> yes. you never wrote him a check? >> ma'am i don't have checks. cash is expendable. cash for years and my house. >> i gave my daughter her first cashbox and told her always keep some cash. most black folks, they hide cash. >> i am not on trial no matter how hard you try to put me on trial. >> john: major turn of events for fani willis as georgia appeals court granted formal president trump's request to consider taking her off his criminal election case. hello i'm john roberts in washington hello. >> hey, john vega privately. i'm jacqui heinrich jacqui heinrich, sandra smith is off today this is "america reports" very dear member in march judge scott mcabee found no concrete, conflict of
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interest to force will is off the case but with the new appeals review trump attorneys will get there chance to push for her removal and to get her off the case. >> john: that's not the only legal victory this week a federal judge postponing his classified documents case indefinitely with no new trial date set. it is put into question whether the trial will start before the 2024 election. >> jacqui: fox team coverage starts now, any andy standing bt to jonathan in atlanta. jonathan this is a big decision. a big win for the defense in this decision. >> it is, jackie. not just because it places the spotlight it keeps the spotlight on fani willis but legal experts say it is all but certain to delay the trial. the georgia court of appeals has two terms in which it can take up the case the first of those terms does not begin until august which is when willis had
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hoped to bring former president trump and his associates to trial. >> there is no way this is going to go to trial any time before the election. we would be lucky to see a trial in spring of 2025. >> actually merchant the defense lawyer filing the initial motion to disqualify alyssa tells fox news we feel confident when it reviews the clear evidence of conflict in this place the court of appeals will agree with us and disqualify miss willis and her entire office from further prosecution of this matter and require a neutral prosecutor be appointed to review whether these charges are even appropriate. now, jackie, georgia state law professor anthony michael crisis the georgia court of appeals usually has attorneys submit written arguments. more often then not about 2 out of 3 times they will have written arguments submitted
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rather than oral arguments but he says because of the high-profile nature of this case the court is most likely to hear from the attorneys delivering oral arguments. jackie? >> jacqui: we will watch for it, thank you. >> john: out to florida where the federal judge overseeing donald trump's documents case has world to push the trial date back for the time being. back to where? we know not at this point. in them rick mcnichol is live with more in miami, was the judge's reasoning or because it's a big decision. >> it is. good afternoon, john. in simple terms judge eileen gannon said we have to work through some legal issues before a new trial date is set. now the original date was set for may 20th. but both the prosecution and the defense told the judge that the case would not be ready to go before a jury this month. now we are 12 days away from the may 20th deadline and we now know how judge eileen cannon will proceed. late yesterday in a written order the judge said because of the classified issues and
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multiple pretrial motions, it would be "imprudent and inconsistent with the court's duty to finalize a new trial started at this time" now two obvious challenges for scheduling or trump is in the middle of a hush money trial in new york right now as well as the sensitivity of the classified documents at the center of this case. trump pleaded not guilty to mishandling classified document seeds from his home in malaga back in 2022. during this case those documents have to be handled with care and viewed in a special room called the skiff, a soundproof room like, protective prior electronic eavesdropping. since this case takes a lot more time. cannon said in few pretrial motions through july 22nd to work through pretrial of this case is moving forward even though we don't have a neutral start date yet. and there is a hearing scheduled for this case unlike the trial in new york the public and the media do not have access, john?
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>> john: jaden ray mcnichol for us from miami, thank you. for more let's bring in fox news contributor mccarthy. the appeals court is going to hear donald trump's case to take fani willis off of it at the same time the judge eileen cannon posted this order in part saying "the court determines that finalization of a trial date at this juncture before resolution of the myriad interactive pretrial issues remaining and forthcoming would be imprudent and inconsistent with the court's duty to fully and fairly consider the pretrial motions before the court with issues and additional pretrial preparations necessary to present this case to a jury" short form of that is no trial in the foreseeable future. is this vaunted wall of warfare cracking against donald trump's opponents, andy? >> it has always been overly ambitious, john. i think when the florida indictment came out about a week
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later i wrote a column explaining that those of us who had been a sepa litigation know if you are pushing hard to get to trial it is very hard to get a trial. seeing this as classified information's procedure act and it means all admissibility issues about classified information have to be litigated before the trial. i sometimes quip it is like a pretrial trial of the trial. and sepa provides for appeals for the government or for the defendant. so these cases even if everyone is trying really hard to get them to trial, they are very hard to get to trial. i must say, this is mitt's fault if he was hellbent on getting to trial because this could've been an obstruction case where it would not of been relevant to the substance of the classified documents were and the only thing that would've mattered is they will marked "classified." he could have pushed that case
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to trial but he insisted on having three dozen classified information counts. when you make a judgment like that you have to live with the consequences of it. >> jacqui: andy this florida case one of the issues trump's attorneys are pushing forward as the acknowledgment of them not being in order. do you that sets up trump to motion for dismissal based on prosecutorial this comic misconduct which is before judge cannon right now does this move the needle closer? >> this is kind of mind-boggling, jackie. this isn't like a money-laundering case or a bank robbery case this is about the possession of documents periods are the one thing you think they might've been able to handle is when they went to do the search make sure they preserve the evidence of the possession of documents in the way that they found it. which is obviously critical.
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and it turns out not only that they did not do that but evidently the prosecutors have known for a while that there was a screw up with respect -- go if it was just a screw up of making that deduction for now, but they should have notified the court about this weeks and weeks ago. it is very strange they did not do that. >> john: andy we are in a day off from the donald trump trial that will resume again tomorrow but trump was taking to troop social this morning to talk more about judge mershon saying he was corrupt and highly conflicted. this is what the "new york post" said. manhattan prosecutor who rationed it stormy daniels, i'm sorry, this is what he said about matthew calendula, i'm sorry. manhattan prosecutor who prosecuted stormy daniels during hush money trial donated to biden's 2020 campaign. box digital also saying biden doj official once paid by dnc for "political consultant" the dnc paid trump prosecutor
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thousands of dollars for political consulting in 2018. fox news digital has learned. trump is complain about the judge but should he be complaining about colangelo? >> i think it is a whole number of biased claims he is bringing but because obviously it's politicized prosecution. the judges that figure in the equation that is supposed to be neutral and impartial sort of like cesar's wife and here we have a judge in a very politicized state system where it is to get the judicial slot that generally goes to club democratic lawyers. he is a former member of bragg's office. he gave contributions to the biden campaign under progressive causes. people try to dismiss those because they were small dollar
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but i think small dollar contributions you make not to impact the result but to show you are on the team. and finally his daughter is a big democratic operative who works for top democrats who defined themselves by basically their loathing of trump. so that is a bundle of conflict to my mind. >> there is a sapphic "usa today" poll showing the majority of people think the u.s. trial has not been fair to trump. 43.5% say not fair. only just under 40% say fair 15% say undecided. who's fault is that that people have this belief there is a pervasive bias against trump? who does it ultimately tied back to and what do you think it does for trump in november? >> in new york, jackie, i don't think you can be disaggregated from a civil fraud case which was very political. i mean, you basically have the guy with half a billion dollars in penalties and a fraud case with no fraud. and no fraud victims.
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and then you have alvin bragg who was the progressive prosecutor in manhattan. we have had crimes surging in my hometown since 2019. we are prosecutor who whose default position is he generally pleads things down which doesn't prosecute at. and yet he is throwing unbelievable resources at this office at this cockamamie business records falsification case that he would never obviously ever bring against anyone other than basically the arch nemesis of the democratic party. so it's overtly political. i think that is why people get turned off by it. >> john: we will see how it develops going forward and what the eventual upshot will be coming november. andy, always great to see you think of you can count us off today thank you for taking us off today. >> jacqui: we await the briefing from the state department as we await a weapons shipment to israel. how does israel respond? we will sit with the
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spokesperson for israel's prime minister plus this. >> [bleep] >> john: anti-israel protests rage on senator josh holly wants to know what groups are actually funding the demonstrations? what is he demanding from the biden administration and will tell us next. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. ( ♪ ♪ )
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. >> jacqui: as anti-israel protests rage against college campuses documents found around demonstrations suggest some groups are being exposed to hamas propaganda. we will speak with missouri senator josh holly who want thee by demonstration to instigate which groups are funding this protest but first william la jeunesse live from our west coast newsroom, weddings
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included these documents show? >> jackie they are not about speech but a call for israel. they broke up and encampment in april. materials experts say help recruit students using simply for the palestinians to introduce more expert dream views. the handouts were found held together by clips and rubber bands and celebrate the death of innocent jews and liberating israel in glory to gaza one piece says wage with rocket attacks on zionists elesettlements. they also reject peace or a two-state solution saying we are not satisfied with coexistence or ending apartheid. we must liberate the land from the river to the sea. another quotes the brigade that is a known terrorist group targeting israeli citizens saying we will emerge upon you from where you least expect it.
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>> the earbud only calls for the elimination of israel violence and that is asked extreme as it gets. it is channel they found weapons, chains, and steel tools and buckets of rocks and bricks to assault police. >> from the hamas perspective i am sure they want to normalize themselves and make themselves look reasonable. that they are a good organization. >> now at uc's and police found metal and plywood shield, spray cans of the sort about 35% of those arrested at ucsd and about half at texas were not students. >> jacqui: thank you. >> john: more of what is behind all of us let's bring in missouri senator josh holly. here's what political senator said about the money behind the
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protest. for palestinian protesters are back by a surprising source, biden's biggest donor. the donors include some of the biggest names in democratic circles. soros, rockefeller, and pritzker could according to political analysis. you are pushing merrick garland to investigate this. what do you want to know, what do you know so far, and what do you think garland is going to do with your demand? >> first of all can i say this is the least surprising development. i mean, these are the same people, the same liberal dark money groups that fund of the blm protest and biden's reelection last time. were funding his reelection this time and here is what i want to know. i want to know are they now funding illegal activity? because that is not permitted under united states law. you are not allowed as a nonprofit group to fund activity you know will violate the law like taking over campuses. like smashing statues and breaking into buildings and threatening the lives of jewish students.
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the american people deserve an account here. >> john: certainly the leadership at the lease department is thinking there is a bigger operation behind these campus protests. the chief patrol john cho is talking about students being radicalized. he says there is an unknown entity that is radicalizing our vulnerable students taking advantage of their young minds. as parents of americans we must demand some answers. we will use the might of our intelligence bureau to simply connect the dots. follow the money, he says. the fact hamas propaganda has been found among at the end of the campuses what is it's a question mark speak of these liberal dark money groups are pro-terrorism must tell them what it is. they are calling for death to israel debt to jewish americans, these are people advocating for genocide and if i were merrick garland i would want to cover it up too but the american people deserve the truth.
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enough coverups and enough corruption. it reeks of corruption this is the latest example in the american people deserve to have the truth here which is why they should do a full investigation and release the results of the american people. >> john: yesterday on capitol hill speaking on holocaust remembrance day as part of the holocaust memorial program joe biden said his support for israel remains ironclad and yet we find out that because he is concerned about the rough assault 180,200-pound bombs from israel and 1700 500-pound bombs. this again is because he is concerned they could be used in raw for. is president biden doing what is in the best interest for israel as it eradicates a hamas or is he doing his political best interest with the november 5th election? >> it is absolutely in his interest but not in the united states of america which is the most important thing.
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listen, israel is our most important ally in that region of the world period. and here he is hamstringing them at the same time, john, that he is providing aid to hamas. reports this weekend showed they were seized by hamas. i mean, of course they are. hamas controls gaza. here he is funding hamas helping hamas and hamstringing israel. nothing can be more upside down with the american people with standing by our ally, israel. >> john: the cia director william burns is in israel today to talk with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. biden keeps on pushing for a cease-fire. the entire administration is pushing for a cease-fire. yet hamas just seems to be playing fast and loose. why doesn't biden call for an unconditional surrender of hamas rather than playing this charade or what appears to be a charade about a cease-fire?
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>> unconditional surrender and return of all the hostages and let's not forget these terrorists are still holding our hostages. here we are months and months and months since october 7th at genocidal attack, they are still holding hostages and biden is not doing anything about it. he ought to be standing with the people of israel, with those americans. >> john: one final question to his social tiktok and its parent company bytedance are suing. china clearly wants to hang onto this app or ownership of it at least. does that surprise you in anyway? >> no. is very valuable to them and it has nothing to do with the money. it's valuable because it is a backdoor into the lives of every american who has tiktok on their phone. it tracks your location, it tracks your keystrokes, read your emails and contract lists.
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the chinese party covets that they will not give it up without a fight and they won't give it out at all. the don't want to give up tiktok but they will be forced to or they should be. >> john: good to see you and i hope to see you again soon. >> jacqui: president biden wrapping up his remarks out of battleground wisconsin just moments ago poles show voters are unimpressed with his agenda can he turn around in november? money men charles payne up next. >> john: plus is known as the boy scouts of america more than a century but now it's no more all in the name of inclusivity. >> it is the death the boy scouts. we do need space. it is not bigoted to say some spaces are for boys and some spaces are for girls. i was losing interest in the things i love. then i found a chance to let in the lyte.” discover caplyta. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta is proven to deliver significant symptom
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president trump. the economy is still a top issue for voters there. let's bring a thomas fanning host of "making money" on fox business. charles i want to show you this swing state statistics. we have wisconsin, georgia, michigan, pennsylvania, trump leading biden significantly in some these areas among voters who would do a better job on the economy. how does biden change the feeling in the country with so little time left? >> he may have a better chance having the right word is feeling because i don't think he can change the facts. it's ironic because folks in the media sort of circled the wagons around biden calling this angst about inflation and economy a vibe we are going to that they are so grateful we are too dumb to know it but the fact of the matter is the equ inflation wasa short narrowly low under trump but blue-collar wages were under
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the rise, entrepreneurship started to spike and all of this ahead of the pandemic. in an amazing trajectory people allowed themselves to think back before the pandemic. they know things are moving so greatly and it was moving the way we like it to move. with a lot of money printing and not a lot of other gimmicks that were used since then we learned free money is not free. and by the way all the other pandemic money in one point there was $2.1 trillion in what they call excess savings and now it's 72 billion as people try to pay their grocery bills. >> john: of the biden administration things people are too dumb to know it maybe they should listen to these folks on laura ingraham's show last night who appear to be smarter than the average bear. >> inflation is horrible. >> not as up-to-date as i was four years ago pared out save
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the economy is worse than it was. >> i think it is scary as young adults preparing to enter the real world. how are we going to pay off our student loans? how will we buy a house? at the state of the country is really scary. >> john: seems like the biden administration did not pull those folks. >> they did not pull those folks and they did not think it out very carefully. what is really probably the worst part of all of this, the absolute worst part of all of this is the wealthiest people in america have gotten so much wealthier. i'm convinced there is never been a president who is more beneficial for rich people then joe biden. last january and february sanford university put out this amazing research that shows the $1.9 trillion that we did not need at all will eventually go into the pockets of the top 1%. and people know this, there are a lot of folks out there who have the assets that return money when interest rates go up and everyone else is paying big time debt and interest rates.
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you know, guys come we have to report the monday afternoon, no, yesterday last night on consumer audit for last month. it dipped precipitously but was really down was credit cards down 150 million. that doesn't usually come in and the billions so maybe we hit a brick wall. >> jacqui: if biden knows the vibes are often the economy and having a tough time convincing people everything is great, it seems he has turned to a new strategy of trying to troll voters and remind them in wisconsin today at the site in 2018 where it trump plan for the foxconn facility which would bring a bunch of jobs to the area. biden hosted his event today announcing a semiconductor or ai facility with microsoft there. so not an accident to hold it in the same spot where trump failed to bring that to fruition. is that what he is left with two troll trump? >> that is all he has probably ever had to be quite frank with
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you. you know, listen. mean trumps, mean tweets but i'll tell you. all of these things. the inflation reduction act, all of these things that pump money into the economy, pick winners, pick losers, it just adds to the inflation problem. here is the irony. construction data we got last week so month over month private construction is cratering. we don't want big government crowding out the private sector. let the private sector do its thing. look at this, they are not hiring any americans. they say this is a culture class. we don't have the skill set. how about we focus on that? we focus on education starting at k so maybe when these jobs do materialize americans get jobs because it doesn't make sense to take millions of taxpayer dollars and pay taiwan conductors and all of these companies to build plants here that will only hire people from their country. >> john: so biden was in racine, wisconsin, again where the plan would be billed and now
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this microsoft ai plant is scheduled to be built. we will see if they break ground, we will find out soon but here is what he said about the state of the biden economy. >> we have nearly 4,000 jobs as i said we added 170,000 in the state of wisconsin. the unemployment rate is at a record low in racing. racing has seen some of the strongest new business growth in all of wisconsin. it has only just begun. egg great american comeback story all across wisconsin and quite frankly the entire country. >> john: all right, take off the rose colored aviators and here is new from the ground where people actually have two fork out for things since biden took over groceries are up 21.1%, energy of 32.3%, gasoline up 42.6%, rent for nomadic with no end in sight. inflation a huge problem.
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you mentioned a new record of $1.13 trillion in credit card debt because people are putting it on the card. >> again because it is 22% interest may be that is and i was shocked the number was 152. and maybe i should have the notion of job since we know a lot of jobs lost in the pandemic we knew a lot of them were coming back. one of the big worry is i had in a state like wisconsin i looked earlier. labor participation is actually down in america since biden took office. that is the kind of thing that really matters like why aren't you in the workforce? what is going on that people won't hit the brakes and find a good job in the so-called "great economy?" there are awful things coming out there. you can massage the data and talk about it without admitting or acknowledging there was a pandemic that skewed a lot of things. anyone president right now will have a rebound in jobs. that was bound to happen. but we are not taking off. we are not building on that. is certainly a not large force of the american public and every
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day a larger portion is left behind. >> jacqui: truth is he will have a hard time changing people's minds until interest rates drop and he will have a hard time with that one. >> particularly as he is pumping money in. you can't pump money in an pay billions to build plants. every time he pumps money into the economy is like throwing kerosene on a fire. and then say oh, i will be glad when the fire goes out. you have to put it out. you get printed out and you can't have it both ways. >> jacqui: charles payne always great to have you. >> john: great to see you. >> jacqui: house republicans are taking action to prevent voter fraud in federal elections how the g.o.p. is cracking down on noncitizens casting ballots. former white house press secretary area fleischer is here plus this next. >> this is endemic to what they have become in recent years. it used to be at least a reliable sort of news deliverer and it has changed to something else. i think congress is right to ask the question. >> john: house lawmakers
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at st. jude, the mission is just something that everyone can truly get behind. look at our little st. jude pin there on the fridge! we're just regular people donating. yeah. and i think it's cool to be able to make a difference in someone's lives in a way that is meaningful.
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>> we know of so many noncitizens they could cost hundreds of thousands of votes that could change the outcome of our elections. >> john: house or republicans are saying they are looking to preserve democracy head of november. announcing the save act today which would require proof of citizenship to vote in a federal election. former white house press secretary ari fleischer and we also have aisha questioning. >> hey, sean good afternoon.
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they are trying with border security in election integrity but house democrats are saying these republicans are just blaming president biden for something they have no proof of. till this afternoon speaker johnson did a huge press conference in which he accused biden's open border of allowing hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens into the country which we know to be true but johnson took it further and said that some of those people are voting illegally here. when i ask how many this is what he said. >> we all know intuitively that a lot of illegals are voting in federal elections but it has not been something provable. we don't have that number. this legislation will allow us to do exactly that. it will prevent that from happening and give someone if they try to do it it will be unlawful they can prove whether they are or not. >> this is the same bill johnson announced with former president trump at malaga last month and democrats had
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immediately denounced it. the white house calling this a stunt. congressman bennie thompson wrote at the time donald trump and mike johnson don't care about election integrity. they care only about helping trump's campaign of revenge and retribution to reaping power at all costs. that is a notion that johnson today called "silly" by house republicans, john, getting ready to dare democrats to vote against a bill that stands against election integrity about six months before a major election. john? >> john: clearly they have different views of election integrity than others do. all right, aishah hasnie, thank you. jackie? >> jacqui: fox news contributor ari fleischer joins us now. i want to play for you what michael eve said because you heard aisha's report saying democrats think it's really not necessary. he has a very different take, listen. >> we can all acknowledge federal law prohibits noncitizens from voting in
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federal elections. and that we have no other mechanism in place it currently is falling. >> jacqui: he says there is no mechanism in place to keep noncitizens voting even though it's not allowed, correct? >> yes, that is what he is saying. i don't understand at all how this notion that only americans can vote in american elections can be controversial. i love france. i am honored in french i speak french i love going there. if i were to move to french tell my friends i would have net zero expectation to vote in front elections because i'm american so do why do we think that they should vote in our elections? we need election integrity and only americans voting in american elections is a great starting point. >> jacqui: in some cities you have that happening on a local level with want to read on a
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policy of noncitizens voting. san francisco allows resident noncitizen parents and guardians to vote in schoolboard elections. oakland is currently attempting to enact a similar law. some cities in maryland and vermont permit noncitizens to vote in municipal elections. new york city enacted a law allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections in 2021 but it was ruled unconstitutional by a state judge in 2022. washington, d.c., recently enacted with nonaccess to vote in all nonfederal election so this is happening at some level. at the same time you have democrats saying it is not necessary because it is not a problem. you cannot swear those two things. >> know you can't swear those trico things and you should always have good housekeeping even if it's a small problem it should be a zero problem. zero noncitizen should vote. as you point out jackie there are three states and the district of columbia that passed local laws allowing on citizens to vote in municipal elections.
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new york city was the largest of these places. 800,000 noncitizens with the active vote. he did get struck down by the court. can you imagine of these noncitizens take what happened in columbia, organize, and say there's a chunk of those that were say palestinians and they vote as palestinians and they say new york city police cannot go on a campus is to break up our protests, do you really want people from another country who are here illegally but noncitizens to influence our elections and make our decisions? the answer should be no everywhere. if our republicans actually elevate this, jackie, i would make this a constitutional amendment to make certain that only americans can vote in american elections because while they are not allowed to vote in federal elections clearly they are allowed and have been voting in state elections were municipal elections in some states. the best way for the federal government to do something like
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stop the states allowing municipalities to have noncitizens vote is a constitutional amendment. this is what belongs in a constitution and it should not be controversial. only americans in american elections. >> jacqui: let's look from the opposite side for a moment. mike johnson when he introduced this bill said it's dead on arrival in the senate. we are going to try to put all the members of the house on record and democrats will have to take a position on this as a messaging bill that they can use in the upcoming election to see how they voted in support or not. up but if does not go anywhere as mike johnson expects, it does not become law, does it set the stage somehow to stoke any suspicion among the electorate that you can't trust the elections? use i what happened in georgia in 2020. when you make people believe that their vote isn't saying, that it is not -- there is no integrity in your election it discourages turnout. couldn't bow back on? >> i don't think i can blowback
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on republican's don't know. the case the democrats made his very few take advantage on that case to vote that's their case of defending it against republicans saying at all at the micro labor happens. like noncitizens can vote for most of them don't that's a weak defense. the higher principle is who gets to vote in american elections? like my example before, why should i be allowed to vote for the mayor of paris? why should i be allowed to vote in a french municipal election. i should not come i am not french. even if you are here illegally as a green card holder you are entitled to stay in america permanently. you are entitled to work in america. if you want to vote in one of our elections become a citizen. this is what the democrats are missing. there is something magical about becoming an american. my mother did that. we should become americans if we want to vote in american elections. that's the history of immigration to america.
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noncitizen, no vote. >> jacqui: ari fleischer we will have to leave it there thank you for coming on we appreciated. john? >> john: a u.s. army sergeant detained in russia accused of stealing from a russian woman he met in south korea. former cia station chief dan hoffman will tell us if the russians are likely to use him as a human bargaining chip. >> jacqui: plus chicago teachers are making major contract demands. garrett tenney here to tell us what they want. garrett? >> jackie the teachers and union says these are the most ambitious demands ever but critics say it has little to do with the classroom and everything to do with pushing a progressive agenda. we will tell you all about it coming up. shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone.
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>> john: the chicago teachers union has eye-popping demands as they negotiate the next contract and sitting on the other side of the negotiating table mayor brandon johnson a former teachers union organizer. garrett tenney 11 should honor what are some of the union's demands and what is the likelihood johnson will agree to them? >> well, don, a copy equals a progressive wish list of more than 700 new demands of the next collective bargaining agreement covering areas that go away you might well beyond the classroom with climate justice,
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restorative justice, housing, transportation, and lgbtq+ issues. if you examples of what the ctu is asking, wage increases, having abortions covered at 100%, paying migrant families $2,000 per child to help them resettle, and ensuring teachers are not required to disclose a student's gender identity to their parents. the illinois policy institutes there is a price tag for the union demands is more than $50 billion. >> this goes beyond what a union is supposed to be about. ctu is making itself a political party, a political machine, and it is to the detriment of the students and parents in the district. i think it becomes clear to parents that ctu is not there to improve the system for their students. >> chicago public school has a lot of room for improvement just last year a quarter of students
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tested proficient in english and fewer than one in five students could do math at grade level. a lot of the union's demands line up with the agenda of progressive mayor brandon johnson a form organizer for the ctu with the union help to get into office so chicagoans will be watching closely over the next few months to see if the ctu is able to get the kind of billion-dollar payday that it is hoping for. john? spewing with proficiency scores like that you would think the students would be making some demands. karen tenney for us in chicago. thanks. >> jacqui: john the idf seizing rafah's border crossing with israel we have spokesperson for israel's prime minister on that. >> john: plus police clearing the anti-israel equipment on josh washington stomach them at george washington university. the latest chaos with marc thiessen coming up next. many were shocked to learn they've been paying 22% on their credit card balances.
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