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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 8, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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turning the right way, that is from isaiah 30. i think we need to be still enough and quiet enough in a world which has a lot of noise right now and he just reported on a lot of that. and listen to that voice of god, inviting us to be in community with each other, inviting us to love one another, inviting us to serve one another. that's our best -- that's putting our best foot forward, but also being a light of christ to other people which we are called to be. >> neil: inspirational life. i have seen that packed church and seen the impact you have any day and age where you don't see that. i wish you must access. >> thank you. >> neil: i just want to relay a couple of funny stories from him because he always throw these in, what did the dolly mama say jesus' face, can't believe it's not buddha. that's who he is. that's us. ♪ ♪ >> greg: will get back to
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that. hi, i'm greg gutfeld along with judge jeanine pirro, marie hart, jesse watters, and she had her family reunion in a shoe box. dana perino. "the five." ♪ ♪ joe biden's big anti-semitism speech not stopping calls for the beheadings as kappa kappa al qaeda gets in touch with their inner isis. cops liberating george washington from occupied hamas with d.c. police moving to dismantle g.w.'s anti-israel encampment but not before the terror-loving dweebs got two weeks of cosplaying as the real thing, with literal calls to chop off the heads of school administrators. [chanting] >> greg: freaks also beaming up pro-terrorist slogans, "long live the student intifada," jesse. naturally the squad is finding solidarity with protesters who harass jews. >> they have been arrested and
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charged with disproportionate offenses. they have been wrongfully smeared as anti-semitic. >> free, free! >> palestine! >> police pepper sprayed, brutalized, interested nonviolent student protesters at george washington university. at 3:00 a.m. >> shame! >> this is an explicit attempt to repress students exercising their first amendment rights. >> greg: all right. now due october 7th, you creeps. but at least there is one democrat with a spine. john fetterman trying to smack some sense into the hamas youth. >> i'm not even sure what they are really, you know, protesting about. if you ask them, they are not really sure. and now they are not talking about cease-fires anymore. now they're talking about divesting and harming israel and that, it's crazy. it's actually working against peace. in gaza. and hamas is convinced they have won back the p.r. war and they keep seeing all these kinds of protests across the nation on these campuses. >> greg: you know, jesse, i
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feel like the adults are coming home. you get this dad energy, this dad brain energy in the air as if like together everybody has just said we've had enough, take your toys, go to your room. >> jesse: yeah, getting a lot of data energy from federman, who i totally misjudged. [laughter] if he sounds based. i'm very bad at math, maybe you can help me out. this is a little game we will play, it's called simple addition. how many hours do you think we have seen in riots from the left over the last month on campus? talking about vandalism, resisting arrest, there is pepper spray. >> greg: 300. >> jesse: let's be a little more ch charitable. 12 solid hours of actual left-wing violence. let's add that to blm. that was three months. we had our sin. we had two dozen homicides. we had about $2 billion worth of property damage. and remember the 30 day siege in
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portland. i'm giving that may be about 200 hours of left-wing political violence. than for fun let's throw in the trump inauguration when they firebombed the limousine, let's say that's three hours. according to my arithmetic, that would be 215 total hours of left-wing violence. let's compare that to january 6th. i looked at the timeline. 1:00 to 6:00, so that is five hours, okay? i'm not downplaying january 6th. that's political violence. 215 hours, according to my calculations, a little bit more than five hours. so let's just look at the rhetoric, shall we? yes, some people may have chanted "hang mike pence," and i condemn. but then i just heard on may 6th, and a lot of chants of "guillotine, guillotine, guillotine come off with their heads." i've also heard things like "go
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back to the oven," "from the river to the sea," "intifada" -- am i pouncing that right? and not only that, seeing people align themselves with hamas, not just anti-israel, they are aligning themselves with a foreign terrorist organization. i don't remember seeing a lot of people with russian hats on january 6th. i didn't see a lot of pro putin people out there. and, you know what, let's just not count the urban warfare in the inner-city because those aren't republicans shooting up the place. to be fair because i want to be fair to you. it's pretty clear that you cannot continue to say that right wing violence is a major, major issue in the united states, when the left is terrorizing the country almost every single day, every single year. and i've just had it. because you put a target on
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everybody's back and that has to stop. so i'm not downplaying january 6th but you guys have downplayed your side. and it's time for you to admit that this is a dangerous, toxic, horrific movement that you have not done what you need to do, let's say. i rest my case. >> greg: well, marie, he is pointing this whole thing that you. you have a chance to respond. >> so here is the difference. january 6th was encouraged by donald trump. >> greg: when he said peaceful? >> marie: when he said go down to the capitol come i'm going to be with you -- >> greg: be peaceful. why do you avoid that? >> marie: because, greg, that does not erase the months of rhetoric where he was encouraging groups to protest -- >> greg: peacefully. >> marie: the results of the election. no, no, no. he took away -- you hate -- >> greg: i'm actually saying what he said. >> marie: you ignore many of the words he said. to bring this to today, though, the comparison, one of the
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reasons these protesters are out in the streets is joe biden is sitting, standing squarely by israel. joe biden, john fetterman, tony blinken, these are the people in the administration who are standing so squarely by israel that a lot of progressives are angry at them. so the differences donald trump encouraged political violence from his supporters on january 6 -- >> greg: no, he didn't. >> marie: and joe biden is doing something these protesters are angry about because he is refusing to back away from israel, and the one question he answered when he gave remarks last week was how these protests changed your policy? and he said no. >> greg: i don't think trump ever encouraged people to get in other's faces. >> marie: he absolutely did. 100%. >> greg: show me that clip. judge, we gave you your chance, marie. judge? >> judge jeanine: you say that joe biden is refusing to change anything, are you kidding? he is withholding the armaments. he is literally tying the hands of israel behind their back. all of a sudden, israel is being told how to fight a war that
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they didn't start. we are 1200 israelis, mostly citizens, where mass occurred, and israel is the only democracy in the middle east -- and yes, we are on their side. and then joe biden comes out, the only time we hear the truth is when he is not reading or mumbling on the teleprompter and he is walking to marine one and says i condemn those who don't understand the palestinians. no, joe, when you read a teleprompter, you say things that are pro-israel but it is always too lil kim too laid on virtually everything he talks about. biden was so concerned about white nationalism in the military, we are going to have an investigation, white nationalism if you are black, you worry about that because those white nationals are after you. i have the investigation, is joe biden talking about let's find out what's going on with these kids, who's funding them,
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who is yelling guillotine, gallows, hang people to destroy a country, river to the sea, this is about the elimination of the jews in this country and joe biden is the weakest president we've had, and the whole idea that rashida tlaib comes out and she says netanyahu should be arrested -- well, who were the hell are you to say netanyahu should be arrested? and they go on and on. they talk about disproportionate smears to these kids who are being arrested. no, the disproportionate smears were january 6th where people are in jail for four years when they simply trespassed. >> greg: all right, dana! so many things i want to ask you. >> dana: okay. >> greg: but i think -- >> dana: well, i feel like one of the things missing from this segment is just talking about what biden is basically saying to hamas, which is, guess what, you guys now are in even better negotiating position and how do we know that? right after the announcements made by secretary austin about the cut of the arms cut to
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israel, hamas released a statement and said hamas is only willing to discuss the offer that they wanted nothing else. israel once again is being asked to shoulder all of this, try to do the right thing by the biden administration. i think they should have just done this whole operation faster, sooner, because here's the other thing. rich goldberg, defense of democracy, foundation for the defense of democracies, he said this whole story about biden holds up munitions for israel, it says, he's talking about dumb bombs, but actually there are guided, specific munitions that are ready to go that aren't part of the new one that they are holding back, as well, that is according to ftd come i don't have a personal source of the pentagon to tell me that but rich goldberg, pretty good source on this stuff, so if you want targeted attacks against the terrorists, then you should give them those weapons. so that they can do that and you can protect more people. the other thing is 400, 500 trucks a day of aider going into
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gaza and still the people of gaza have no food because there is evidence that hamas, the united nations group that we pay for, are stealing the eight and reselling it on the black market and making sure hamas are fed first. free palestine from hamas. >> greg: i think i learned something but medicine from john fetterman that once you recover from a brain injury you also recover from leftism. >> judge jeanine: who knew? >> marie: i know. up next, the media going soft on stormy's testimony. ♪ ♪ let's get started. bill, where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. but i'm done struggling. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with just the click of this button. a button?
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here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. i'm franklin graham. the world seems to be engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders. jesus christ understands hate. the world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he came on a rescue mission to save us from our sin. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins. he was buried, but god raised him to life. and if we're willing to put our faith and trust in jesus christ, god will forgive us of our sins, and he will heal our hearts. and the problem we have today is a heart problem. only god can change the human heart, and take that hate and fill it with his love. if you've never invited christ into your heart, pray this prayer with me right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry, forgive me.
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i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him right now as my savior. and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. we have someone who'd like to speak with you, and pray with you. god bless you!
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>> jesse: somebody fears a mistrial. the media desperately trying to downplay the salacious notice of stormy daniels hush money testimony as legal experts warno completely derail alvin bragg'se against trump. daniels will be back on the stand tomorrow after offering up explicit, tawdry testimony so raunchy that it provoked trump's legal team to move for a mistrial and frustrated the judge, who disapproved of daniels' behavior on the stand. the liberal press is now trying to act like it's no big deal. >> it wasn't so salacious. the missionary position and she said the word condom, that's basically it. a picture or maybe none of us wanted to know of. >> it wasn't graphic sexual. there were parts that you read, you go, oof, what is melania thinking about it or oof, what is ivanka thinking about it.
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things where she got into his personal life. >> jesse: other anchors are trying to portray the porn star as sister stormy. >> she entered wearing all black, as if on her way to a funeral. the loose-fitting, plain black clothing dripping from her shoulders to her toes suggested the modesty of a nun. the makeup was minimal. the way she and the other moms in her neighborhood might look when shopping at the local grocery store. [laughter] >> jesse: and the democrat lawfare lovers getting rocked by a double whammy. the porn star case probably the only trial getting averted before the election and a judge in florida delaying classified documents and indefinitely over a myriad of issues. looks like lover boy is in for a rough ride because fear is fani going nuclear. if court will take up trump's appeal of the willis disqualification ruling possibly delaying the election case.
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marie, i'll start with you. >> marie: thanks for giving me the chance. >> jesse: [laughs] is this mistrial territory? not that you care because you just want something to happen before the election, but oh, my goodness, how raunchy was it? >> marie: i don't think this is mistrial territory. the judge has already said that he wishes things had gone differently yesterday, but i am sure judge jeanine will disagree with me. >> jesse: charlie did. >> marie: i can feel it. i keep saying democrats have said the whole time, we think voters should have all the information about the classified documents case, both the georgia election interference cases. we think voters should have all of that information adjudicated before election day. that's important in our democracy and i think it is frustrating to many people that this may be the only case, not because we are out to get trump but because these are serious allegations, series indictments, and voters should have all the facts, and unfortunately for a number of reasons they probably won't. donald trump has been indicted
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with over 80 criminal charges that are quite serious. >> jesse: right, well, voters, and donald trump is a boater come also deserves due process. >> marie: of course. >> jesse: that's important in a republic. i bet you don't even know we are a republic. >> marie: we should both take the u.s. citizenship test. >> jesse: i know because i've memorized it for man on the streets. judge jeanine, she says no mistrial. >> judge jeanine: i just threw my pen. they all know me out there. here is the thing. merchan is blaming everything on the defense attorneys. he is saying "you criticize the defense attorneys for not objecting enough. now why would he do that because he is trying to reserve himself for the appeal, trying to signa. here is the problem. it is amazing is the defense team objected to nearly every question. the objected to the testimony at
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large. the objected to the fact it was irrelevant. it was not probative. and it was purely prejudicial a decade before the alleged crimes occurred in 2017. now when he comes out and he says, i'm surprised that there weren't more objections, and i think there were things better left unsaid, judge, if you had any idea what you are doing, you have stopped it. you would have called them up to the bench. you would have issued a limiting instruction right then and there and agreed to a mistrial because i will bet my house, jesse, this case is going to be reversed on appeal, starting with the judge not recusing himself, but this stuff -- and it wasn't just missionary position, there was a lot more, and i'm not going to get into it, but there's a lot more, and i'll bet greg gets into it, that this jury should never have heard. they should have never been subjected to it. but remember there are two juries here. there is the courtroom jury and there is america, the political jury. this prosecutor is not playing
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to the courtroom. the prosecutor is playing to the american jury. >> jesse: dana p? >> dana: i would agree with that. the thing is, the burning question at issue is what is it a legal expense or not, and they want to put him away for 136 years? it's very serious for president trump and his team, his family, the cost of it. his supporters. but also, sometimes they look and go, is this real life? are we actually having to talk about this? if i were on the jury, i would say come i cannot believe, one, that i had to listen to stormy daniels, it's irrelevant, and two, why am i missing work? why am i having to sit here if you don't even know what the crime is, mr. prosecutor? i would be furious. i want to go home. >> jesse: and trump can't campaign four days a week because of it, greg. >> greg: i love that this event with stormy happened almost two decades ago, yet we are having this trial just months before the election.
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but no, we are not out to get trump. just so happens it falls during this time, and no, the number of charges is irrelevant if they are all the same charges. 80 times zero is still a zero. by the way, i always thought the missionary position is when you pray for sex. [laughter] >> jesse: all right. >> greg: here are some things. i'm going to get into the salacious details, i apologize. i love how joe scarborough says he was worrying about what melania here's. yeah, right, save it, you phony. stormy claims that she blacked out in this tryst with trump but she wasn't on any drugs or alcohol. you blacked out no drugs or alcohol. some of us call that sleeping. could you really blacked out after having speedy sex with trump, which is a complement. truly he screwed the brains out of her. that makes him a sex god.
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i love that the big criticism, oh, the juicy tidbit, trump has separate bedrooms, i have an unspeakable truth for you. if you are lucky enough to have a guest bedroom, that often becomes the second bedroom. it's called the snore-a-torium. not a testament to a bad marriage. it's the fact there are sleep disturbances. when you are married to somebody for a while and somebody snores, they go to the other room. this, of course, presupposes that trump sleeps and we know he only sleeps in court. what i love about the dems, they asked for a circus and they got one. the problem is there the ones getting clowned. everything that i have heard makes trump more sympathetic, more likable, and do you have a context at all for a tryst between a porn star and a billionaire? do you have anything to compare this against? stormy call that an imbalance of power. well, duh. that's why you met him. but he was a mechanic, if he was
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a high school teacher, you wouldn't have run up and slept h him. it was all about the power. it was all about the imbalance. that's how this transaction works when you are a porn star. >> jesse: sex god. >> greg: sex god. >> jesse: all right, we we have an alert. >> dana: [laughs] >> greg: good transition peered >> jesse: congresswoman marjorie taylor greene on the house floor right now. she is triggering a vote to oust speaker mike johnson. her resolution was met with boos on the floor. it's unclear when the vote will happen and we will keep you updated on that. but coming up next, uh-oh. joe biden's squad of liberal late-night gestures might be bailing on him. ♪ ♪ i'm not an actor. i'm just a regular person. some people say, "why should i take prevagen? i don't have a problem with my memory." memory loss is, is not something that occurs overnight.
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>> judge jeanine: joe biden's victory coalition continues to hit some serious speed bumps. he is losing support from blacks, hispanics, and now liberal late-night seems to be bailing. jon stewart is saying out loud what a lot of liberals are privately thinking, "i know you don't want to say it because trump is so scary, but he's so effing old. when you watch them on television, you are nervous, aren't you? i'm not saying that biden can't contribute to society come he just shouldn't be president." and actor in a panic over donald trump's surging support . speedily take us for granted. they were coming at us with whatsapp in ads, coming at us and our spanish-language radio stations with all kinds of trigger words like socialism that triggers cubans, venezuelans, and colombians, they talk their talk. >> judge jeanine: all right,
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jesse, think about the fact that they are complaining about the spanish-language radio, whatsapp, and everything else. they could do the same thing, but they could, maybe that's why he says the democrats take us for granted, they are not working. >> jesse: ladies, you know this. >> judge jeanine: ladies? >> jesse: when your boyfriend takes you for granted, you start looking for another boyfriend, and that is what is going on with hispanics. joe biden doesn't call come he doesn't text come he doesn't take you out to dinner, he doesn't even notice when you get your hair done. you know who notices? trump. he pays attencion. he speaks for a lot of hispanics and stewart speaks for a lot of liberals. he is really old. it is nerve-racking watching him walk. and that's kind of funny. and it is okay to laugh at your guy. he wears special she was and eat ice cream and has a note card that says his name on it, it's
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fine. you have to break the seal. he is a politician, he works for you, nothing special, you get a new one and it's fine. we laugh at our guy constantly. he is hilarious. i asked him one time, mr. president, what do you do for exercise? you know what he said. i talk a lot. what? but that's what makes him funny. and joe has his own little things that we laugh at. it's okay. >> judge jeanine: you know, marie, you remember clinton and trump. late-night host went after them and we all loved it. what change? >> marie: well, first, i think a lot of late late-night host feel this is a different electi. i know everyone is going to yell at me when i say this but if mitt romney had one back in 2012 i don't think people felt like there would have been a threat to our democratic values. and i think -- i think they feel that now, that the selection is different, that the threat of donald trump returning to the presidency is different. i think that is why you see a lot of this. jon stewart -- i think jon stewart is too old.
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>> jesse: is he passed his prime? >> marie: i think there are a lot of people who feel like his old show and the new one, it is this holier-than-thou come a performative, progressive, and not sort of taking a step back d saying okay, this is the state of the country. yes, biden is older than people would like, but let's keep our eye on the prize here. this is not about jon stewart and trying to get viewers. he should have stuck to helping the 9/11 responders and veterans get health care. b5 okay okay, so, you are a humorist. >> greg: am i? >> judge jeanine: yes. the truth is there is so much to use, the stumbling and mumbling. >> greg: but it's a threat to democracy. i'm sorry, it doesn't matter who is the republican, it's all is going to be the end of the world, right? if it wasn't for trump, it was going to be climate change, right? that was the end of the world until trump came along. not really. there are a couple problems with
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what stewart is saying. everyone is already saying he is edgy as a soggy beanbag, and letter to, he is letting biden off the hook. worse than his age and the opinion of a lot of very smart, sensitive people out there. stewart does something i thought was really lazy. he mocks the antiwar movement. the same movement that shared the risk fighting cancel culture while he was sleeping it off in his upper east or west side panic room. he's like a guy that emerges from a bunker after his comrades have fought the battle and won, and he looks out and goes, couldn't have been that hard. yeah, because we did the work while you were gone. how can you say the woke had no policing on thought, word, or deed? people had to change how they spoke at work. anyone with a hr department knows this, anyone who's company
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implemented dei understands how that affected the way they think at the way they do their job. college campuses, obviously. high schools with their teachers! college athletes having to put up with you know what, rhymes with trans. where the f have you been, jon? have you been stunting yourself with howard stern and jimmy kimmel? they are all plagued by this weird, they are in that little bubble and they are struggling to find answers, and they can't get out. >> judge jeanine: dana, why is joe biden competitive at all? trump is leading him on every issue, 35% of americans approve of his job performance, and 81% think he is too old for another term. >> dana: well, i think that if you are a republican you think how in the world would anybody believe what the democrats believe, and the democrats look like michelle kaczynski that we talked about yesterday, how can you actually believe that? we just have different ways of looking at thanks. we are pretty much a 50/50 nation although they are slightly more democrats than
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republicans, there are more independent for less than all of them put together. one of the reasons that joe biden is losing hispanic voters and trump is competitive with them is for a long time, yes, the actor is correct, the democrats take them for granted, you hear that from them, but also, hispanics are people and voters, and their workers, their moms and dads, their teachers, employers, managers, building businesses, and they are mad about inflation, and they are worried about the border and they are upset about crime and they are looking at their house in cost an end president biden put all the chips on electric vehicles and told them to like it. so when you see the rnc having a little bit more of a concentrated effort, it's not just the ads, it's the ads are meeting the voters where they are, which is mad at joe biden. and on the humor thing, the late night. i think this all started in 2009, january 21st, 2009, when
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barack obama won. remember they never made fun of him? 114 years, "saturday night livey never had somebody -- barack obama knew this so much so that he made fun of the press and the comedians for not making fun of him because he knew that they wouldn't do it. >> judge jeanine: all right. >> dana: right? >> judge jeanine: up next, gavin newsom just embarrassed himself and it's all thanks to joe biden. ♪ ♪ businesses go further with 5g solutions. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. pga of america and t-mobile are partnering on 5g-powered analytics to help improve player performance. t-mobile's network helps aaa stay connected nationwide... to get their members back on the road. and las vegas grand prix chose t-mobile to help fuel operations for one of the world's largest racing events.
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♪ ♪ >> dana: not so slick after all? california governor gavin newsom is getting roasted online after posting a misleading video bragging about how the golden state is raking in record breaking tourism. watch this watch this.
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>> i'm up here on the iconic golden gate bridge for over $150 billion on tourism, it's been unprecedented in our state's history. we have and have a chance see the magnificence and beauty of our great state, it's time to visit california. >> dana: here is what you can read and he forgets to mention. in those numbers are adjusted for inflation, tourism spending in california is down 14% from its peak in 2019 and from the top of the golden gate bridge newsom probably couldn't see what his state really has to offer tourist, like homelessness and rampant drug use in the streets and this shocking video of los angeles driver getting attacked over a fare dispute. >> back the [bleep] off. get the [bleep] off. get off! get off me! get off me! get off me! >> dana: that is pretty awful. greg, let me go to you, resident
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of california from before from before. >> greg: california is like a supermodel. it's full of natural beauty, so you overlook the drug habit, the shoplifting, the cost-of-living with a supermodel is ridiculous. in a way, red states are not like supermodels, they are just really good looking chicks with a good job, a good sense of humor, and know how to have a good time and don't mess up, you know, the living room. gavin takes credit for california but he takes credit for the the things that are already there appeared well before gavin was even born. the golden gate bridge. these are things he did not bring to the state. those are things that are there in spite, not because of gavin. guy knows what would happen to the natural beauty of california if these ideas of lawlessness, homelessness, and drug addiction spread. i mean, it's a big state, california, but when you often go there to and from the airports are to the downtowns or
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the boardwalks or the hotel district, you see what the tourists see first. it's good if you fly private because then nap but still nice, carmel, go to coachella, get backstage, no one will bother you and no one is shooting up or pooping in front of the french laundry. for the rest of us the golden gate is like a golden shower appeared to be for jesse, you said you were not very good at math but in california tourism spending is not the only thing that has gone down paired people are basically having to spend so much more because of the new minimum wage law, they have figured out a way to spend less. >> jesse: california still number one tourist destination of all 50 states, still the number one economy of all 50 states. they have the best terrain, towns, women, food, weather. but i'm with greg. it's like a supermodel that has started letting herself go. you see the bunions on the feet.
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maybe she stopped flossing. stopped exercising. >> greg: she's on meth, is what you are saying. >> jesse: she looks good. a little haggard. what she needs is a little self-care. and the politicians like newsom need to give california, who has been blessed, let's be honest, by god, a little self-care. diet and exercise come a little self-discipline, and then california can get back on the cover of the swimsuit edition where she belongs. >> dana: judge, the other thing we have been talking about is that there were 900,000 signatures to get prop 47 repealed and they want to put that on the ballot, and gavin newsom is fighting very hard against that. it could actually help him. >> judge jeanine: it could help him, but you see, gavin newsom is all about, you know, promoting himself and not dealing with the real issue of crime. he'll say crime is going down when the truth is -- and i was looking at those videos come i couldn't help but think about the tenderloin district, where kids on their way to school have to have a security guard or
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someone take them, you know, to school, because it is so traumatizing to see people shooting up and doing everything they do there. and, you know, he can talk about how great california is but you've got 7-eleven, target, all these companies have moved out, subway, denny's, macy's, taco bell, in and out, starbucks, whole foods, nordstrom, they left california, too, it is just a mess, people cannot survive the. >> dana: yeah, marie come he did not do this event in oakland. >> marie: voters in california do not think republicans have solutions, either. decade-long problems. gavin newsom is come in many ways, hard to call him a rising star because he is the governor of california but he is a potential national democratic vo voice. navigating these issues and california is going to be a key part of that. some of the tourism numbers are good, graded 624,000 new jobs in
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2023, 98% of the pre-pandemic tourist jobs are back, those are good numbers for california. making the jump to be a national democratic leader, i think he can come we have seen him perform against people like ron desantis, right? yes to address some of the issues in california that are a real lightning rod but there is some good news there. >> dana: you don't think desantis mopped the floor with him? >> marie: no, i don't. >> dana: wow. >> marie: this is a divided america. >> dana: fox news alert. we brought this to you earlier. the house is now voting tokyo marjorie taylor greene's resolution to remove speaker mike johnson greene's effort expected to fail. apparently when she introduced it a lot of boos on the floor, i don't mean alcohol combining boos as thumbs down. "the fastest" is up next. ♪ ♪
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cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. >> university of maryland global campus is a school for real life, one that values the successes you've already achieved. earn up to 90 undergraduate credits for relevant experience and get the support you need from your first day to graduation day and beyond. what will your next success be?
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♪ ♪ >> marie: welcome back. time for "the fastest." first up, would you put pickles if you're a doctor pepper? a mississippi mom is racking up millions of views after encouraging people to try this
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very unusual combination. >> y'all like pickles, yellow like dr pepper. yes, ma'am, i need a large dr pepper with pickles. this right here is pickled dr pepper. don't knock it till you try it. >> marie: don't knock it until you try it. well, we are going to do just that and try it right now. jesse, this is not your first dr pepper with pickles experience, though. >> jesse: i had one yesterday peered >> marie: end? >> jesse: not going to drink it out of a straw. it's delicious -- no, men don't drink from straws. greg knows the rules. >> judge jeanine: really? >> m>> jesse: yes, judge, reall. don't knock it until you try it. it is delicious. >> marie: anyone else think it is delicious? >> dana: i think it is fine. >> marie: can you taste the pickle? >> dana: smell it. >> judge jeanine: i can taste it. >> greg: comes from tiktok. this is replacing -- remember when your mom used to say if your friends said jump off a
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bridge, would you jump off the bridge? now it's like if you see it on tiktok are you going to do it? is this how we ended up with pineapple on our pizza? you know what? cool whip on a prime rib. this is stupid. >> marie: would anyone order this at a restaurant? >> judge jeanine: no. >> jesse: with my children. >> marie: for you are for them? >> jesse: both. >> judge jeanine: but what would emma say? >> jesse: i don't think she'd like that. >> judge jeanine: i don't think so, either. >> dana: told me jesse jr.'s favorite drink is water appeared to be when a big water guy. it really improves your skin. >> dana: do you want to apologize to anyone? >> jesse: i would like to make an apology, last segment i said something that i didn't mean. >> judge jeanine: you meant it. >> jesse: there was a lack of understanding. women with bunions, it is not because they have let themselves go or poor hygiene, perhaps. it's a genetic thing. so for all of you bunion-having
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women, i'm sorry you were born that way! >> judge jeanine: they are not born that way, it happens when they get older. they can't help it. >> jesse: either way, they can't help it. >> judge jeanine: but you meant it when you said it. admit that. >> jesse: i think it was just a gross thing that developed -- >> dana: men don't -- >> jesse: it's like athlete's foot for women. >> judge jeanine: stop! >> jesse: i don't even know what a bunion is! is it a corn? >> dana: no -- >> marie: you are just digging a bigger hole. >> judge jeanine: just say you are sorry. >> jesse: i'm sorry. >> judge jeanine: no, you are not. >> jesse: my dr pepper dr pepper. >> marie: on that note, "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro.
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everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it! [ryan laughs]
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♪ >> greg: fox news alert. the house overwhelmingly voting to kill marjorie taylor greene's attempt to yank johnson out.
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it's time now for "one more thing." i get to go first. tonight, we got a great show. but we always have a great show. ben shapiro, jim florentine, kat timpf, tyrus. watch that hey, let's do this. greg's camping tips. you know, i go camping a lot. and the problem people camp next to you, sometimes they kind of get in each other's space like what happened here kind of ugly. they were fighting over a spot that they had planned to have for a little later brisbane, australia but they just wouldn't stop, would they? do you know what is interesting to them? kissed and made up breakfast in sydney, australia. judge? check out hilarious video where a brother thinks his sister pregnancy announcement onesie is a gift for his cat. take a look. >> oh my god! zac, it's not for the cat. >> what's it for?
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[laughter] >> no. no. >> judge jeanine: that's cute. it is cute. it's cute. dana, what do you have that's cute? >> i have dana's fox news alert without the little bells and whistles because this public service reminder comes after arizona humane society resident rescued a pair of kittens, humane society. they really need to find a new home and turns out they were a little gray foxes. yeah. so, they are going to be rehabilitated and released back into the wild when they are old enough. >> judge jeanine: that was pretty foxy. >> greg: what do you got? >> jesse: new trust test with husbands and wives. county wife from behind slap the can off the husband's head with a belt? >> judge jeanine: oh, no. i love this. >> dana: do you? [laughter] >> greg: can you imagine if the genders were reversed?
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[laughter] >> jesse: that's right. gut this is tiktok. >> jesse: pair of glasses on? >> jesse: greg, try that tonight? >> greg: let's have the wife sit there and let the guy do it. >> judge jeanine: i would do it, put on a pair of glasses. how about you do it. >> maria: a woman planned a one of a kind birthday party. she arranged for his families and friends to be at the store for multiple run-ins during their shopping trip. he couldn't wrap his head around the coincidence when he found his momma appearing to push the cart. eventually it was revealed to be a surprise 27th birthday party with a cake, clown and balloon animals in the costco food court. >> that is pretty clever. >> jesse: emma, don't get any ideas. >> dana: everybody dressed up for it, too. >> greg: that's it for us. have a great night. >> bret: good egood evening. i'm bret baier, breaking tonight
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a republican lawmake


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