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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  May 9, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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met gala spending millions and what is a little more than high profile charm as they fight the government in court. remember tiktok has to divest from china or face a ban in the u.s. and the met gala chairman is not backing down. >> we aren't going anywhere. we are confident and we will keep fighting for your rights in the courts. .>> they said it was simply impossible to separate tiktok from chinese parent company. speak with the chinese government>> has made it clear a d that it would not permit a divestment. >> there is your admission there is a problem, laura. >> laura: three of him is even more creepier than one of him, ond,right? raymond, thank you so much. i'm trying to dissect those outfits. make sure to follow me onn in instagram. i want you to send me photos of your pets watching "the angle."
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[video playing] >> carley: fox news alert, new comments from president biden on outbreak of anti-israel protests on college campuses as scenes like this play out. violent mob attacking journalist at university of washington. the journalist joins us live to tell us what he is experiencing. >> todd: do you remember this moment? >> there are those who claim our reform efforts would ensure illegal immigrants. this, too, is false. the reforms i'm proposing would not apply to those here illegally. [booing] >> not true. >> todd: that is former president obama being called out by congressman joe wilson for claiming illegal immigrants
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would not qualify for obamacare. 15 years later, we're learning the congressman was right and he joins us live to explain. >> carley: take a look at this. >> right off the bench. and still wants that even after officials have gotten in between. >> he's not happy. >> carley: a wild brawl on the ice during playoff game two between bruins and the panthers. we have wild video. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm carley shimkus. hello, todd. >> todd: like "hannity" and jesse fighting. that would never happen. i'm todd piro, jam-packed 5:00 a.m. hour. president booiden vowing to hal we weapons to israel if prime minister netanyahu launches into rafah.
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>> carley: lucas tomlinson has the latest, hi-lucas. >> lucas: good early morning, carley and todd, president biden warning israel if it moves forward with its operation rafah, it will continue to halt weapons transfers, including bombs and kits to make them guided weapons. president biden maintains his support for israel is iron clad, many disagree. senator tom cotton says this is an arms embargo on israel and israel's national security minister says hamas loves biden. here is biden on cnn and why he's blocking weapons shipment to israel. >> president biden: civilians have been killed -- made it clear that if they go into rafah, they have not gone into rafah yet. if they go into rafah yet, ooem not supplying weapons for rafah.
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make sure israel is secure in terms of iron dome and ability to attack. we will not supply weapons and artillery shells used. lucas tomlinson here is reaction from a former israeli ambassador to the u.s. >> the message to american allies and unfortunate and a mixed message. i question if it is a legal move. the congress passed a bill kwauled qmb, qualitative military edge, they report to congress on degree to which united states is enabling israel to defend itself against any middle east adversary ore combination of middle eastern adversaries. lucas tomlinson congress passed massive aid bill to give more to israel and 133 hostages remain
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in gaza, including some americans. it is reported the white house did not want this announcement before tuesday, that would step on the president's holocaust speech. >> carley: president biden said we are not walking away from israel's security, we are walking away from their ability to wage war. israel's security is their ability to wage war because that is where the hamas fighters are. thank you, lucas. stormy daniels will return to the witness stand this morning as defense continues with cross-examination in the new york versus trump trial. >> todd: brooke singman here with more. >> brooke: trump's defense team is planning a longer cross-examination for stormy daniels after her initial testimony. during her first day on the stand, stormy daniels made contradictory statement regarding intent behind releasing the story. first she said she did not care about the money, next she reported she wanted to make
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money off her story and admitted to hating the president. trump's team requested a mistrial. judge merchan shot that down despite admitting parts of her testimony were irrelevant. ted cruz says this is unfair to trump. can't get a fair trial in new york. this judge is hard left partisan, so is the prosecution. the judge yesterday was talking about throwing donald trump in jail because he's daring to exercise his first amendment rights and speak out. >> brooke: trump's defense team is asking new york appeals court to not limit what he can say about the trial. his team is asking them to rule on the constitutionality of the gag order. trump said it is hard to sit
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back and listen to lies knowing if you response in the most m modest fashion, you are told by a corrupt judge you will be put in prison, maybe for a long period of time. judge merchan held trump in c contempt over social media posts and fined him $10,000 and warned future could result in jail time. >> todd: stormy daniels has more chance to self-destruct and hurt the case. fox weather alert. two dead in tennessee and one in north carolina as another tornado outbreak sweeps the south. severe storms churn across the country. 22 million people are under a tornado watch across eight states as communities from alabama to carolinas suffered from mother nature's wrath. >> carley: in addition to tornados and heavy rain, heavy hail pummelling southeast
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tennessee. it may not be over yet with more rounds set to strike today. senior meteorologist janice dean will talk about the fox weather forecast. >> janice: it has been a devastating spring of tornados, hail, and rainfall. over the last 24 hours, we have had tornado reports just outside of nashville up toward st. louis, hail report, jop lin, missouri. severe storm threat 57 reports of tornados, 380 wind and 191 hail. you can see the damage we've seen over the past several days. we're not out of the woods yet, severe thunderstorm warning and a flash flood warning, an emergency north of nashville. heavy rain moving in and just inundating the same areas. dealing with potential of flooding today and tomorrow for all areas where we have flood
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alerts from chattanooga to lex lexington, kentucky. tomorrow the threat from dallas, texas through charleston and d.c. potential of hail, damaging wind, tornados, heavy rainfall causing flash flooding and this is the main zone as we get into today and tomorrow, again, threat for not only hail, damaging wind and torn other than tos, flash flooding will be at risk, as well. friday's threat moves toward southeast, georgia, florida panhandle toward carolinas and that threat moves in for another day on friday. things quiet down for the weekend. we have to get through today. heavy rain in mid-atlantic to northeast, cold enough for snow, by the way, for rockies. northeast and mid-atlantic today
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and friday, moisture working in and another round on saturday and sunday, so problems with travel and severe weather threat will be ongoing. fox, have been all over the store, going 24/7, have a way to get watches and warnings. >> carley: big storm. thank you. >> todd: president biden leaves for another fundraising tour with west coast elite. tickets for one event going for $250,000 a pop. >> carley: a pop, one ticket, i'm told. vice president harris is working overtime to make up for their losses with key voting block. >> some wonderful young brothers, in particular, who are vehicle successful in business and i'll be talking with them about their story and what our policies can do to support people like them. >> carley: we have a voter panel
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here to tell us what they think about harris's message, don't go anywhere. choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be... like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm... i...added... the garnish. book direct at
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you ready? -showtime. this is gonna be epic. [ barking ] it's what the poster said. do you want to make out or? nope. i meant yes. he's a bon garçon.
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i give amazing sponge-baths. can i get a room? [ chuckling ] ♪ ♪ chef's kiss. >> todd: house of republicans killing marjorie taylor greene's wanting to oust mike johnson.
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steve scalise wants to save the speaker. 349-53 with 10 republicans pictured on the screen voting with greene. >> i appreciate my colleagues defeating this misguided effort. i hope this is the end of personality attacks that have defined 118th congress. >> todd: speaker johnson will join "fox and friends" 7:00 a.m. eastern, do not miss that. >> carley: san francisco heading to -- president biden heading to san francisco today. and vp harris on economic opportunity tour working to win back black voters through what her team calls extraordinary gentleman dinners. >> i have wonderful young brothers in particular, who are successful in business and i'll be talking with them about their story and what our policies can
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do to support people like them. >> carley: jamail shaw's son was killed by an illegal immigrant, and we have a political strategist and state committee woman and they both join us now. vice president will be hosting extraordinary gentlemen dinners, what are those? courting black men in business, politics and culture. what do you think about this effort by the vice president? >> thank you for having me this morning. she's pandering. they are not winning the black vote. polls show biden administration is slipping as it comes to african american vote across the country. they are trying to pull out all the stops to secure a voting block they have long taken advantage of it. >> carley: yeah, the biden campaign does recognize they have a problem and they are
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trying to do something to fix it, they see the same polls we do. black voter support in 2020 87% compared to now, 64%. ja themail, you are a trump supporter and you are hearing from people who are not that now tell you they understand where you are coming from. >> a lot of people in 2008, when my son was murdered, a lot of people were saying i was used by the white plan and now they see for themselves, they see illegal aliens are getting everything, black men are not getting anything. you see nothing but latinos. i'm not saying they are bad people, what about us? we're americans and are here first. take care of us first, not last and last resort when you find
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out we're leaving. black men are tired, we want prosperity like everybody else and kamala with crazy laughing and stuff is not going to work. >> carley: sheree, you legally immigrated to the united states as a child, i'm sure you have thoughts on the border crisis, there is are no signs of getting fik fikszed. >> joe biden dubbed her the border czar and she disappeared. she is pandering and took advantage of the black vote. your other guest eluded to the black community is seeing influx of illegal immigration and it is taking away jobs and the economics from the hard-working taxpayers footing the bill. the biden administration is
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really up in arms right now as relates to the voting block and trying to do everything in their power to try to regain that vote. far too long our vote has been taken advantage of, i'm glad black americans are waking up and taking a second look at president trump. he got double the votes in the 2020 election. this year i hope if he can double that, he'll be well into the 20 percentage p points over there for t. >> carley: you mentioned the vice president's laugh, is that the turn-off? is it personality? what is driving black voters away from the biden administration? >> they are phony. we have been lied to. all you heard was trump is so
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bad in 2020 and people started to believe that. now people can contrast what biden was doing and trump was doing and we like what trump was doing. we were prosperous, everybody was working, crime was down and people saw future and now we're being taken advantage of by democrats and you see illegal aliens taking over and criminals doing whatever they want to, robbing and stealing, can't nobody have a car anymore. every man for himself. what the hell is going on? >> carley: double digit drop with black voting block is significant, they are trying to fix it ahead of november. thank you both for joining us, have a great day, great perspective. update in multi million gambling scandal involving shohei ohtani and his interpreter and now
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someone else is involved. >> todd: fani willis set stage for brand new showdown in trump's georgia election inte interference case and another huge legal win for former president trump. details coming up.
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with each order. it's the same cognitive evaluation used in doctor's offices and you get it free. neuroq comes with a full 90 day money back guarantee. get your one month supply of neuroq, sleep now and cognitive evaluation all for just $49.95 with free shipping. (♪)
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♪ imagine a future where plastic is not wasted... but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. >> carley: the venezuelan migrant accused of killing laken riley is now officially charged with her murder. he was indicted by a georgia
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grand jury on 10 counts this week including malice murder and kidnapping with bodily injury. the 22-year-old was attacked while out for a run on the uga campus. she suffered blunt force trauma to the head and asphyxiation. he also spied on a campus m member. >> todd: stormy daniels will be back on the witnessstand today. daniels testimony on tuesday was deemed by many, including the judge, unrelated to the case. the judge rejected motion for a mistrial. gene hamilton joins me now. as to this longer cross-examination, to give stormy daniels more time to self-destruct on the stand. bad for prosecution, great for
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defense. your thoughts? >> you are right, that is the purpose of an effective cross-examination. show the jury what she is saying might not be true. she self-imploded with statements she did not have to make on tuesday. it shows herran mus in bringing claims and charges against donald trump. >> todd: when she says, i hate trump, i want him to go to jail, defense isser chooing, the jury hears that and thinks bad about stormy daniels. left wing media even acknowledges how bad stormy daniels was for their case. >> the cross-examine, her responses were draft rus. does she hate donald trump? yes, of course she does. that is a big damnn deal. >> some of what she said might generate sympathy for trump. for all today was fascinating
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and i'm sure everybody is fascinated, as was, i but most is not relevant. >> todd: gene, anything star witness michael cohen can do to resuscitate the case or is this thing all but done? >> i think it is all, but done. michael cohen doesn't have much credibility himself. more time the defense can have folks on the stand and attacking truth of their statement, more they can show true motive behind this sham trial, which is this was a political prosecution to achieve political persecution of donald trump to take him off the ballot and keep him from being next president of the united states. >> todd: other big news in trump legal processes, georgia court of appeal will review the bid to disqualify fani willis from the
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georgia election case. how do you see the court of appeals ruling on this, gene? >> weville to see, as a trial judge, if you look at the trial judge, judge fmcafee, you don't want to create an issue. we think there might be something here, an appealable issue. is fani willis in fact unbiassed and not tainted by the fact she hired and her boyfriend financially benefited from the employment on the charges. this all goes together, like the new york trial, both things undermine public confidence and integrity of the judicial system. people who have biases, judge, prosecutor or witnesses taking the stand, every american has right to due process and be free
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unless proven guilty by jury of their peers and folks are undermining confidence. >> todd: if fani willis is allowed to stay on this case, no way this happens before the election because they just threw a huge wrench into her plans and that is not good for her case. big delays. thank you, appreciate it. >> carley: update on a story that being roed the sports world. shohei ohtani interpreter will plead guilty to stealing millions from the star. new report connect the interpreter to a reality tv star. >> todd: the intrigue. here are the details. >> good morning, todd and carley. united states attorney's office describing the former interpreter as de facto manager. in 33-page document, he agreed
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to plead guilty stealing nearly $17 million from the star pitcher's bank account. prosecutors say it was to feed his gambling addiction and he is linked to a boyfriend of housewives star. stolen funds were hired to ryan boy boynahan and bower share a bank account. as far as shohei ohtani, it is said it was done without his knowledge to an illegal gambling organization. >> mr. shohei ohtani is considered a victim in this case. there is no evidence to indicate mr. ohtani authorized the over $16 million of trans fers from his account to the book makers. >> he will plead guilty to one
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count of bank fraud and false tax return and faces 33 years in prison, five years of super vised release and fine of $1.2 million. he is expected in federal court for arraign mment. >> carley: hope shohei ohtani can put this behind him now. >> todd: maybe i should not share a bank account with andy cohen. >> carley: i agree. >> todd: can we fight? not us, on the screen. bruins and panthers face off in the stanley cup playoffs. things get heated when two all-star players, they got into a brawl. watch. >> off the bench. [cheering] >> and still wants that puck even after the officials got in between. >> todd: yeah, the bruins and panthers, he is not afraid to
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fight. panthers win the game 6-1. >> they are short l-handed and b barkov scores. >> todd: here we go, last goal started another fight. fans adding to the chaos throwing fake rats. that is what they do in florida. two teams will meet this weekend. i can't underscore, you rarely have the stars fight. you worry they will get hurt. you have the goons fight. good to see him protecting his team. >> carley: one fight and we're about to get to another one. >> todd: migrants in denver accepting deal for tax-payer funded holings rooms. >> carley: after they handed the mayor a list of demands. cheryl casone is here next with
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>> carley: denver migrants accepting an offer to leave encampments and go to a shelter after handing over list of demands to the may oor. >> todd: this is insane.
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cheryl casone. >> cheryl: a lot of moving parts overnight. this group of migrants in denver have a long list of demands as they were moved from outdoor encampments to shelters. migrants enacted tent camps and police have been sweeping those up. they have been come being back and recreating them. migrants say they will go to shelters, they want to cook their own food, want the city to pay for ingredients, they want work permits, free legal representation, they want buses for their children and want this in writing. it is migrant advocates pushing the demanding. this time we set for individuals, seven days in shelter, a hotel shelter. seven days,a gresive case
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management, which is a huge win. another advocate echoing sentiments, as well. >> there are complaints about food being spoiled or not enough. they are not receiving official housing or immigration document support. >> cheryl: denver police have been dispatched to clear out camps, they just reappear. they want visits from doctors to shelters on regular basis and ask referral for specialty healthcare needs they have. i use "they" in a loose term, all of this is being driven by people you just saw on your screen going in and being the voice for the migrants. >> carley: this is not migrants, these are ngos. you don't have to take this, these are list of rules you should be demanding. >> cheryl: taxpayers of denver
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are footing the ball for all of this. >> carley: staying on this topic, biden administration expected to announce new rule that could see migrant asylum claims rejected earlier in the screening process. we see video showing illegal immigrants scaling the border wall in san diego and snapping selfies while breaking the law. joe wilson joins me now. congressman, good morning. itun sos like good news, biden administration cracking down on illegal immigration. if you look at details, what they are considering is speeding up asylum claims for migrants with criminal records. under current law people who pose a risk to our country can claim asylum and have asylum claims play out. what do you think about this reversal of law that should not be in effect in the first place? >> you are correct. what this does, reveals we don't
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need new laws, we need to reinstitute and resume what donald trump did and we would have secure borders. what they are proposing is a fraud and we just need to enforce laws we have. with speaker mike johnson in january, at del rio, what was occurring at eagle pass and we have great leadership with mike johnson and having laws enforced, we can achieve better than what they are trying to do. >> carley: we showed a video and introduced you this video at san diego sector shows illegal immigrants scaling the razor -- wall and seen taking selfies. it is a normal day on the southern border and nothing is being done to prevent this. what does need to happen to make sure scenes like this don't
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happen anymore? >> carley, we need to enforce laws we have and actually at san diego, it is very dangerous, thousands of military-age chinese are coming across. there is no question, the fbi said attacks are imminent in the united states due to biden administration allowing illegal aliens and terrorists to come into the country. >> carley: 2009, former president obama was giving a speech and said two words during that speech and took criticism for it. >> also those who claim reform efforts would ensure illegal immigrants, this, too is false. reforms i'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally. >> lie. [booing] >> not true.
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>> carley: associated press reporting 100,000 immigrants brought to the u.s. will enroll in affordable care act under directive by the biden administration. your thoughts? >> i apologized for that. the issue is still alive. what is occurring is biden administration is providing healthcare to illegal aliens and denying healthcare for american citizens. this costs nearly $20 billion a year. it is ironic you showed colorado. healthcare system in colorado hospitals are at risk of collapse because of number of illegal aliens. it is totally irresponsible, it is insane. the policies administration has. >> carley: if this goes into effect, it would go into effect
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november 1, few days before the election, coincidence or not -- >> it is vote buying. thank you. >> carley: in many ways, also with student loan bailout, as well. >> with taxpayer money. >> carley: have a great day. check in with steve doocy to see what is coming up on "fox and friends." hi, steve. >> steve: hello, carley and todd, good thursday morning. coming up in 13 minutes and 23 secondings on "fox and friends." president biden outlined red line with israeli prime minister netanyahu and said united states will halt weapons shipments to israel if israel launches a major invasion into rafah. israelis have said they will do it. now the president says not going to give them any. rick scott, the senator on the senate arm services committee, he will join us, he's in the
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green room. on capitol hill, speaker mike johnson survives marjorie taylor greene move to can him, but can he make it to the end of his session? the speaker will be here live on the future of it is republican conference which has seemed like it is in complete disarray. in the courtroom, stormy daniels on the stand for testimony as we learn donald trump's defense is planning a longer cross-examination because last one did not go well for her. we'll be talking about that, plus new concern of toxic chemicals coming from the seats inside your car. i didn't see that coming. dr. nicole saphier will break down research and what you can do to stay safe. we spend a lot of time inureiocars. join us at the top of the hour. todd and carley back in a couple. 12 minutes until the show. you are watching the number one
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>> president biden addressing the anti-israel protest in a new interview last night saying he hears their message but does not condone violence. we are still seeing violent scenes like this showing antifa mob attacking a journalist this week.
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watch. >> come on, fat boy. >> we should call the cops. >> you have outside agitators like antifa who are 40 years old. losers with no jobs. go back to reddit. >> john, than the journalist in that video and he joins me now. seems like that message from our leader, joe biden is not getting through. describe what happened to you there ? >> like many of the college campuses across america right now. there is massive pro-palestine protest and you have activists who have taken over the quad here at the university of washington. it started off with students but now infiltrated by older people, essentially. people who are not students. outside agitators, professional protesters. antifa, the far left activists. and they are really pushing their agenda. their agenda is to destabilize america. and they are taking advantage of this volatile situation.
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and, unfortunately, it's now become violent. you have criminals in these encampments. you have people who, again, are pushing this sort of marxist communist, socialist agenda under the guise of, you know, being in support of palestine. but it's not even about, again, palestine anymore. it's really about just protesting and causing chaos. >> yet the squad lawmakers refuse to acknowledge what's really going on. listen. >> it is incredibly disturbing though, y'all, that my colleagues are so quick to denounce the student protesters but are silent about these young people, about why they are protesting. >> from gwu to wash u and everywhere else students have been violently beaten without provocation. they have been arrested and charged with disproportionate offenses. >> todd: your response to them, jonathan, because i saw the video. it looked like you were the one that was getting attacked. >> yeah.
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this is, again, no longer just about the students. you have outside agitators who have taken over these campus situations and, again, they say on the surface they want these universities to divest from israel or defense companies like boeing that are allegedly supplying all these supplies to israel right now. but, again, as a journalist, we are going in there to try to tell the story, trying to spotlight what's really happening and they don't like that. so, again, earlier this week they came after us. we were covering. this i had two security guards with me. we were interviewing people, that is until antifa spotted us. these guys who are dressed up in black armor, sticks. they started chasing us around campus. and we just had to take stand. we were pretty much outnumbered 20-3 basically. and we had to hold our own. and here's the key. here's the headline here. there were barely any police officers on the scene. and this is really a failure by school administration that has now allowed this situation to
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unfold going on more than two weeks. >> tremendous failure, jonathan, stay safe out there. thank you for what you do. carley? >> carley: president biden touting his economy and down playing his negative polling in a new cnn sitdown. watch this. >> let me say it this way. when i started this administration, people were saying there was going to be a collapse in the economy. we had the strongest economy in the world. let me say it again, in the world. >> grace curley is the host of the grace curley show and she joins us now. grace, good morning to you. is that the message that the president should be echoing and saying to the american people? >> i don't think so. i mean, we have had high inflation since, what mid 2021. we are now in 2024. headed into a new election. and what really blows my mind, carley, is that nothing has really changed about this strategy. the strategy seems to be let joe biden tell himself things that help him sleep at night and make
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him feel better and deflect blame. and that's it. and the rest of us are out here going okay, so there is really no plan. and do you know what the take away for me is, this is what he is going to do for four more years. people have to keep that in mind. if he is willing to spend four years blaming everybody else and not changing anything and you want to vote for him again, get ready for four more years of this. >> carley: president biden also said inflation was at 9% when he entered office. it was 1.4%, went up to 9%, jun. >> often is. "new york times" reporting why biden and harris are busy on wednesdays. when trump is not in court. the "times" writing, quote: by holding events and putting mr. biden and ms. harris in the public eye on wednesdays, the white house and the biden campaign choke off one of the few days when mr. trump could drive news media conch on his own. that leaves the focus on his trial or creates a split screen between the two presidential rivals. is that how you see it, grace?
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that seems pretty accurate to me. >> yeah. and it definitely lends credence to this idea that there is a political strategy involved with this lawfare. it's meant to tie up donald trump. it's meant to kind of stifle his campaigning. but i will say that, you know, they list all these things he is doing on wednesdays. i think because they are so controlled and so choreographed, compared to what trump's doing, which you can like him or not doing, there is something more authentic to trump being the where's walled dough of manhattan and showing up at a fire department pizza or showing up at construction site vs. joe biden has a handful of people chanting four more years and reading from a teleprompter when you put those two things next to each other it doesn't bode well for joe even if on wednesdays he campaigns. it doesn't really matter. >> carley: there is also this very interesting poll we want to get to who will weeken america in the second term grace, how
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big of a deal is this? >> it depends on who you ask. if you ask joe biden, we either have the wrong polls. we have to check the polls. you know, jack, don't look at this poll. but, i think this is a big deal. i think this tells you a lot. people do not have confidence in joe biden and they don't have confidence in kamala harris which is just as important. it's starting to show. you know, i always say i like the polls. i focus on the polls, when i don't like the polls i say eh they are a bunch of crap. these polls have been pretty consistent and trending in one direction. that's where i think the biden administration should be concerned. >> todd: it's a big issue if independents think joe biden is going to weaken the country for him to win an election where he needs those independents in swing states. grace curley, my friend. appreciate it. have a great day. >> carley: have a great day, everybody. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> steve: good morning, everybody. it is 6:00 a.m. here in new york city. also w


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