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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 9, 2024 3:00am-4:01am PDT

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big of a deal is this? >> it depends on who you ask. if you ask joe biden, we either have the wrong polls. we have to check the polls. you know, jack, don't look at this poll. but, i think this is a big deal. i think this tells you a lot. people do not have confidence in joe biden and they don't have confidence in kamala harris which is just as important. it's starting to show. you know, i always say i like the polls. i focus on the polls, when i don't like the polls i say eh they are a bunch of crap. these polls have been pretty consistent and trending in one direction. that's where i think the biden administration should be concerned. >> todd: it's a big issue if independents think joe biden is going to weaken the country for him to win an election where he needs those independents in swing states. grace curley, my friend. appreciate it. have a great day. >> carley: have a great day, everybody. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> steve: good morning, everybody. it is 6:00 a.m. here in new york city.
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also we have 60 degrees. it's beautiful outside. >> ainsley: it's going to be nice. >> steve: going to see some dogs in a while. in the meantime, it's may 9th, 2024, on a thursday. you are watching "fox & friends." meanwhile you have heard about this, the white house is putting a weapons shipment to israel on hold. >> we are not walking away from israel's security. we are walking away from israel's ability to wage war in those areas. >> brian: now i feel better. plus, three janitors are suing columbia university over the violent anti-israel riots that left them traumatized fearing for their lives. temporarily hostages by the way. they join us with their story. >> carley: a tornado rolling into that neighborhood in tennessee. the severe weather has already left three people dead and several injured. we have a live report from nashville where damage is devastating. >> steve: look at that hail. >> ainsley: "fox & friends" starts right now.
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♪ >> ainsley: it's a fox news alert. president biden laying out the consequences if israel crosses his red line with an all-out invasion of rafah. >> steve: so during an interview last night on tv, joe biden vowed to halt more weapons shipments in prime minister benjamin n netanyahu launches a full scale attack in the city in gaza. a big attack on population centers. >> brian: so he is holding back the weapons. that is unprecedented. lucas tomlinson is life in washington. lucas, we heard about this. we didn't get confirmation on this. now the president is bragging about this. can you tell us more? >> that's right, brian. president biden is threatening israel if it moves forward with its rafah operation e says he will continue to halt those weapons transfers including thousands of satellite guided bombs. senator tom cotton says biden has just imposed an arms embargo on israel posting on x israel's national security minister says,
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quote: hamas loves biden. here is biden last night on cnn. >> civilians have been killed in gaza, the consequence of those bombs and other ways in which they go after population centers. i made it clear that. [clearing throat] if they go into rafah -- they haven't gone into rafah yet. they go into rafah, i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rafah. we are going to continue to make sure israel is secure in terms of iron dome and their ability to respond to attacks. we're not going to supply the weapons and artillery shells used. >> also being reported the white house didn't want this announcement of hulking the weapons to tuesday that would have stepped on his holocaust speech, guys. >> steve: that's right. it's all about timing. thank you very much, lucas. we had heard that the president was not speaking out about the anti-semitism and all the protests and the violence on campuses. because he was going to make that big speech. but, at the same time while that was going on, behind the scenes, they are withholding these 2,00n
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j dams that they is can essentially turn from a dumb bomb into a smart bomb and make it directional. the administration feels that that kind of bomb is too big a bomb to drop on population centers and so they're drawing the line. you are not going to get any of those. and not going to get any artillery shells because it's too random. >> ainsley: no one wants innocent lives taken but this is what war looks like. they started this on october 7th. they are holding israelis and american hostages in gaza, in that area. and hamas is a terrorist organization. they kill women and men. they raped many of the women. they amputated the limbs of children. and then killed them. they burned babies alive. biden, don't those lives matter? don't you consider those lives and the american hostages? >> brian: well, he is obviously wants to hold back precision weapons because he doesn't want these bombs to be precise? that's a good reaction. as usual the president is
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straddling the line and ally that needs us most we decide to disappear. >> ainsley: why is he doing this, brian? >> brian: because of the college campuses. >> ainsley: michigan and wisconsin. >> brian: because ever the polls. he should explain to the american people this is a stuff decisions president has to make. taking grade pride in sitting down with cnn and saying the prime minister netanyahu i'm holding back. 500 pounds bombs and 2,000-pound bombs. watch. >> i've made it clear to bibi and the war cabinet, they are not going to get our support if, in fact, they go in these population centers. we're not walking away from israel's security. we are walking away from israel's ability to wage war in those areas. >> so it's not over your red line yet? >> not yet, but it's -- we've held up the weapons. we've held up the one shipment as an old shipment we held that
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up. >> brian: rick scott sits on the armed services committee he is on the couch right now. senator, your reaction to the president last night making those statements. >> it's disgusting. i was just in israel about a month ago. i met with netanyahu gantz and gallant. they have to go with it. that's where hamas is battalions are left in rafah. >> brian: would we lee bin laden in a corner and pull back because didn't like the war: they said they are going to give them plenty of time to get out. they have gotten to do it. if they attacked america. they attacked america. no we are not going to go after people who killed our women and children. we still have 8 american hostages, five alive, three dead. and they are holding them. they are holding all these other israeli hostages. i went half a mile from gaza a month ago. babies were beheaded. women were raped. people were shot point blank and burned alive. this president is saying they are not going to give them the aid. i knew this was going to happen. i said this was going to happen
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with the supplemental because here's the way it went. all he wanted was ukraine aid. that's all he cared about and humanitarian. he got it. he didn't believe in israel aid. it was held up. remember, we tried to get the vote. he wouldn't do it. >> steve: that's right. it's all about politics. brian and ainsley absolutely right. when you look at michigan, he has a problem in michigan. >> ainsley: selling out. >> steve: so many arabs live in that particular state. he needs that, that is a swing state. you know, personally. i just got a picture from a friend on capitol hill yesterday when they walked through the halls of congress, you know, your senators and your representative, a lot of them have palestinian flags in the hall. >> oh, yeah. oh, yeah. >> steve: whose side are they on? >> it makes it bad. i'm on israel's side. i support israel. i support jews. this is disgusting what the president is doing. >> steve: howhose side is joe biden on. >> clearly on hamas side. what he wanted, he wanted the aid so he could give it to gaza,
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hamas. we saw yesterday unrwa stealing the aid and selling it. you knew this was going to happen. >> brian: unrwa u.n. organization? >> yeah. >> ainsley: who is more important israel or these terrorists. >> all he cares about is his election. he has got a pro-hamas group in the democratic party and he is part of it now. >> brian: senator, real quick, for people who say well, this is hamas that did this, not the palestinian people, i remember and the video posted of these hostages being taken into gaza. and being hailed sold and spit on. >> ainsley: they like hamas. >> still support hamas. >> brian: all on hamas. president slow walks weapons to ukraine. halfway with israel and wants to support who. >> he wants to bring them here. >> brian: you mean the people who teach their kids to hate israel and this israel doesn't exist and we are going to bring
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professors, palestinian protesters to the college campus. >> northwestern pay for protesters professors to come and spew hate. >> ainsley: israel gave civilians an area to go to that's safe. they dropped the panel threats to warn them this invasion could be happening. it's imminent. they gave them a path to go safety. >> why did egypt open up their border? >> brian: no pressure on egypt ever to do that. >> steve: so, obviously, it's not only to protect the palestinians but it's to protect joe biden wants. >> election. >> steve: absolutely. meanwhile, speaking of elections, coming up in about six months, it most probably is going to be joe biden vs. donald trump. donald trump is going to be back in the courtroom lower manhattan three miles from where you are sitting right now. stormy daniels is going to come in again and when she sits down, she will be able to look out at the people in the courtroom and you're going to be there. >> yeah. >> steve: why? >> i support my friend. up support donald trump. this is political persecution. it's a crime to use the courts for political persecution. by the way i saw. this this happened to me.
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i fought hillary care guess what happened to hillary care. justice came after me and attacked me and my company. think about this, if we don't stop this, all right? if we don't stop, this they can go after you. every american is at risk. i'm going to go support this president. this is wrong what is happening to this guy. he is being politically persecuted. no one lost any money. now they are trying to put him in jail over accounting dispute? >> brian: bookkeeping. >> this is wrong. >> ainsley: we keep hearing so many people involved in this court case. they are giving money. on the other side they are giving money to joe biden and his campaign and have been donors. and this is the latest. the wife of the extop biden doj official the one that's prosecuting trump. >> brian: matt? >> ainsley: donated to biden's campaign in 2020. >> the lead prosecutor is the number three guy in biden's justice department. then he goes there to prosecute trump. but they are all democrat donors. this is just political persecution. and it's -- we have got -- this
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has got to stop. >> brian: for him to leave that job. people have told me in the legal profession. it's like going from the major leagues first place team to aa team why would you do that unless just to take out trump it makes no sense. talk about big picture the georgia case and fani willis ethics investigation going to delay there aileen cannon says we have so many problems and so many appeals we're going to have to delay past may 20th. there is no sense that's going to get started. and the documents case with the january 6th case we are waiting to see about immunity and what actually they can put in and what is he going to be tried for. do you believe from what you know this thing is going to be delayed until after november? is this the only case, you think? >> i hope so. i mean, think of it, these are just the democrats and biden just trying to say hey, this is my opponent, trump's my opponent. i'm going to put him in jail. i'm going to get him the hell -- i'm going to do a gag order make sure he can't talk. make sure he can't be on the campaign trail. this is going on in the united states of america.
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not in nicaragua. >> brian: what does the rest of the world think? you travel around. what are they saying. >> first off, they think biden is a joke. what has happened to your country. the college campuses, i have talked to a lot of my friends around the world they say what is going on. you guys have got these protesters in your own country saying they support hamas? i mean, this is crazy. >> steve: what are you talking about joe biden is a joke he? was on cnn last night and he said our economy is on fire, senator. we are doing great. >> do you know how many people working age in this country are not working 100 million. >> steve: of course. >> all we are adding is part time jobs. we are losing full-time jobs. inflation, i grew up in a poor family. you go to a poor family, grocery prices are up 40%. gas up 50%. rent is up 25 or 30. these people are having a very difficult time succeeding. >> steve: senator, you are in florida where people are having a hard time paying electricity bill. am i going to make my house payment, i'm going to turn off
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my air conditioner. >> we are losing full-time jobs. we have fewer people in the workforce. that's bidenomics. >> ainsley: what did you think of the interview last night two things that really stood out to me. he said inflation was 9% when he came into office. >> lie. >> ainsley: that is a lie 't. was 1.4% it. went up to 9% in june of 2022. a year and a half into his presidency. then he also said that trump has never succeeded in creating jobs. not only the trump organization, but he also also payment for four years and created jobs. >> when trump left office, the border was secure, the economy was great, and we weren't at war. look, just in three years and five months what happened. inflation is out of control. they can't control it. all right. the border is wide open. wide open. and now we have got all these wars. >> brian: you are running for six more years in the senate. how harder is your job it is now six weeks abortion and that's going to be a referendum on in florida and it makes it so much harder for republicans? don't care if you are pro-life or pro-choice.
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>> no. the number one issue in my state is the border. number two is inflation. the democrats all they are going to run on is abortion. all it is. >> steve: senator, thank you very much for dropping by before you go to court. best of luck. meanwhile, you know, as donald trump is having a trial, joe biden is out on the trail once again. and apparently tonight he is going to be traveling and he is going to wind up in san francisco. >> brian: fundraisers. >> steve: all about making money. you know, yesterday, we were talking about how he's going to -- yesterday he went to chicago for a fundraiser. and then he went to wisconsin. wisconsin was the problem. obviously, illinois is not going to be a problem. but that's how you shake the money tree. that's why he is going to california. there's no doubt, california is going to be in the blue column. he needs some money from rich people and he has a bunch of them lined up. >> ainsley: if you want to go to this fundraiser, $250,000 a ticket. and some of the people. >> steve: i hope it's steak.
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>> ainsley: cavier. some of the people that are going to be there, darcy pin nic of berg doppler goodman, and i think they also owen nominee mum marcus. former ceo of yahoo. venture capitalist ven in a. atlanta falcons owner. >> brian: one of the founders of home depot. 90 million in march. ended the month with 192 million cash on hand. more than trump and the national committee. trump had a good month last month. he got 76 million in april. biden has yet to announce his. they have a money advantage. there is no doubt about it. trump is looking to close that gap. and then with lara trump is now also trying to close the gap for the rnc. the question is what they should focus on. should they focus on election integrity, the sacrifice of their ground game? that's a lot of fear among election experts for the
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republican side. >> steve: well, and ultimately, and we did hear from the joe biden campaign communications director yesterday, i think also on cnn who is talking about how they are going to roll out tens of millions of dollars worth of ads talking about how great the joe biden economy is. >> brian: good luck with that. >> steve: laughable because it certainly doesn't feel good. one thing they do have an advantage over, the republicans with, regarding the democrats, is the ground game. and right now the ground game in the battleground states, they have already got offices, they have got people lined up. they are ready to go. >> carley: consumer prices are up 20%. food prices are up 25%. look at the mortgage rate it's tripled under joe biden. >> brian: erin burnett told him went right back after that. that's not how people feel with inflation. david axelrod says why the administration wasted 25 million telling everyone bidenomics is great and why they are doubling down on it is beyond him. he finds it befuddle ling.
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desperately wants him to win but sees him shootings humself in the foot. >> steve: meanwhile, let's talk about what is going on today. fox weather alert. another tornado outbreak turned deadly last night. killed three people in the states of tennessee and north carolina. and a number of other people were hurt. >> brian: the national weather service issuing dozens of tornadoes warnings last night. twisters were not the only threat. as you can see massive size hail pump bring parts of northern tennessee. >> ainsley: communities from alabama all the way to the carolinas getting hit hard, too. and there are more storms on tap today. so let's check in with our senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast. janice? >> janice: devastating last few days. really the last few weeks have been incredible in terms of tornadoes and the hail damage and the winds. this is just the last two days. the tally here, we have got 42 confirmed tornadoes and an ef-4. one of the highest rated tornadoes in the oklahoma area. in the barnes dale area where we
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saw complete desks. this is live radar right now. we have a tornado warn storm. doppler radar indicated just south and east of chattanooga. so that is a tornado warning. we are going to watch over the next couple of hours. and then an emergency, a flash flood emergency, north of nashville. catastrophic flooding happening right now. this is a huge concern. we have high water rescues ongoing and emergency crews out there right now. tornado watch in effect until 10:00 local time and 1:00 p.m. eastern time. tupelo, mississippi, south of the memphis area all the way towards macon, georgia up to augusta. favorable for tornadoes. i cannot stress enough how bad the flooding is right now. so flood advisories for tennessee, up towards kentucky, that's going to happen through friday. and can you see the flash flood risk for the southeast as we go through the next 24 to 48 hours. so tornado warning right now. tornadoes watch in effect. it's a significant damage already. and we have had death.
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so have a way to get those wafns and warnings. fox over to you steve, ainsley and brian. >> another terrible night. >> fox weather is great place to go, too. >> i watched them last night for their conch. it was incredible. they will save lives. they are saving lives. >> steve: best in the business. thank you very much. >> ainsley: now to more headlines, migrant in denver. you are never going to believe this. accepting an offer from the city to leave encampment in exchange for shelter group left but only after sending a long list of demands to the mayor. some demands include wanting to cook their own food with fresh ingredients. access to work permits. free legal representation. and school busing for all kids. the city is giving the migrants up to seven days in a shelter. and aggressive case management. >> brian: send them to new york. >> ainsley: the house of
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representatives rejecting congresswoman marjorie taylor greene's motion to oust speaker mike johnson. the lower house chamber voting overwhelmlily to save the speaker. a vote to kill greene's motion passed 359-43 with just 10 republicans voting to remove the speaker. >> appreciate the show of confidence from my colleagues to defeat this misguided effort. hopefully this is the end of the personality politics and the frivolous character assassination that has defined 118th congress. >> so keep it here. speaker johnson will join us next hour to discuss that and much more. singer frankie valli has been granted a permanent restraining order against his oldest son francisco the order follows francisco allegedly attempted to brake into his 90-year-old's father's home last month. according to court documents. valli's son threatened to harm or kill him. part of a pattern over the past
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few months. to playoff hockey, the boston bruins and florida panthers face off last night in game two of their series. and things were heated on the ice. when two all-star players got into a wild brawl. watch this. >> right off the bench still after the officials have gotten in between. >> he is not happy. >> and the florida panthers getting the last laugh with a 6-1 win. and that last goal starting another fight between the two teams. they will meet again this sunday. will there be more fights? >> brian: what about this? >> ainsley: the new york knicks. all right. read it, brian. >> brian: furious second half come back to take game 2 of the eastern conference finals last night semi-finals against the indiana pacers. the result didn't cooperate without controversy less than 90 section to go in the game the knicks hadn't been called for a violation until the refuses
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decided it was blew. ejected from the game. comes after the nba admitted to multiple missed calls in the final games that they do review them. by the way it wasn't a double dribble. the ref made a good call. they were going to lose anyway. they had a furious comeback. who wrote this the a pacer player? it's not a double dribble. absolutely. come on, do we hire indiana people? >> steve: maybe. >> brian: the knicks won clearly this game. >> steve: hoosier, who's your daddy? >> ainsley: close? >> brian: they won by 8. i watched every minute of this game at the end. but they had it by 10. brunson comes back after hurt a whole quarter. you canned brame the refs. >> steve: bad calls according to the we just read. time for robots. artificial intelligence never makes a mistake. >> brian: in real time? i will say this i would like to see it in baseball. i think they got to have them.
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>> brian: pro-robot whether it comes to balls and strikes. >> ainsley: what would it be if they played the game. >> steve: remember american gladiators? pretty much robot show. >> brian: i will say this. i have never seen a team so beat up, too. they lost a.g. he pulled a hamstring. the team is falling apart before your eyes. they might not have enough to play. we might have to play. >> ainsley: that would not be good. >> brian: spike lee and ben stiller might have to play. >> ainsley: set your dvrs you can watch it, heading out to work and come home and watch us # to 9:00st klaus. >> brian: say cheese. he will video of illegal immigrants taking selfies after crossing the border wall. >> steve: processed last week by the border wall. >> ainsley: san diego area. tom homan is going to sound off on this, next.
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! >> carley: pro-palestinian group is claiming responsibility for setting fire to at least 15 police cars at a portland police training facility last week the
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group claiming they set the fire because they knew officers were going to sweep the portland state university library which had been occupied by protesters. >> portland police say after the arson, other neighboring agencies have offered their vehicles for the department to use for the foreseeable future. big story there. wow. three maintenance workers who were trapped inside a columbia university hall taken over by anti-israel protesters are set to join "fox & friends" this morning as they had to beg protesters to free them and now their union is preparing to sue the ivy league school for forgetting about them. we'll ask those workers and the president of their union about what happened and what action columbia is taking to help them now. those are your headlines. steve, over to you. >> steve: all right, carley, thank you very much. >> carley: you are welcome. >> steve: meanwhile this morning there is a huge spike of chinese migrants illegally entering the united states. more than 1,000 apprehended last week in the san diego sector alone. and new video from the same area proving the border surge isn't just a texas problem as migrants
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scale the fence proudly taking selfies once they make it. look at me i made it. fox news contributor and retired acting ice director tom homan joins us right now. i'm not even going to ask you about the selfies, because i know that's making your blood boil. tom, when you look at the number of arrests of chinese nationals who cross the border illegally. you look over the last couple of years, a couple of years ago it was 300. we got a graphic. it was 342 in 2021. and so far this year, it's coming up on 25,000. why are so many chinese people trying to get through out west? >> people need to understand no way 20, 30,000 nationals leave without the chinese government being involved. organized crimes are in bed with one another. these people can't pay the smuggling fees to get to the united states. smuggling chinese nationals can
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cost as much as $30,000. they enter this country with the support of the chinese government. chinese organized crime. the scary thing, steve, once they get here they are beholden to the chinese government. they are going to do exactly what the chinese government tells them what to do not only pay off the smuggling fees but they will be reminded constantly hey, your country is back here in mainland, china, you will do what we tell you to do or hold them accountable. this is a huge national security vulnerability. >> steve: no kidding. tom, we have seen video of a lot of these chinese nationals coming in, essentially they come directlied from the airport. many of them wind up going to third -- you know, another country and flying to tijuana, mexico and take an uber essentially just on the other side of the united states come through with rolling bags. i have seen some in some of the video we have got. what a lot of people don't realize is we can't send them back. if we apprehend them we can't send them back because china won't take them mexico is in bed
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with china on this. we can't vet them. there is no way to properly vet these people. only vet them against information that we have access to and chinese government is not sharing the information with us. so, and then we got to go through an interpreter. it takes seven or eight hours for an interview. we can't trust what the interpreter is saying -- actually the alien is saying no. way to properly vet these people. and that should scare every american. we got thousands upon thousands of chinese entering this country and there is no way we can properly vet them. as a matter of fact department on account of mayorkas told border patrol to drastically reduce the questions you ask during vetting because we got to get them out of custody quickly. overcrowd something a bad optics for this administration. we even ask them less questions than we should be asking through an interpreter. >> steve: because joe biden under water on a lot of polls, particularly when it comes to border crossers. there are a number of reports that apparently the administration is thinking about changing the asylum rules.
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for instance, we know three points. would probably apply to migrants seeking asylum. and what it would do is we have got a graphic. it lou denials at the initial screen stage at the border rather than during the interview stage. so, in other words, the border patrol could turn somebody around, right there at the border, right? >> no. no. look, if they are denied by sphor r. officer on the border legal right to appeal to immigration judge. this is about approving them quickly. more quickly and releasing them and getting into the united states. i don't trust this administration. all they got to do is apply the law that's on the books. catch and release. keeping detention and immigration judge hear the case within 35 days. you want a quick hearing? hold them in detention. that's what you are supposed to do. that's what federal law requires you to do. now they are ignoring the law. not only ignoring the law, breaking the law. >> i would have thought the administration, given the fact they are under water on this
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come up with something that's going to stop the flow but this is going to make it worse. >> continue lying to the american people. i have never seen anything like this. they are not apologizing and not ashamed of it and they are going to keep doing it. >> steve: gives us something to talk about, the horrifying numbers. they just get bigger and bigger. tom, thank you very much for joining us live. >> thanks for having me, steve. >> steve: you bet. meanwhile, switching gears, a fox weather alert, powerful tornadoes ripping through the south carving paths of destruction. look at that in spring hill, tennessee. max gorden has a live look at the damage in columbia, tennessee coming up. ♪ that produce lower emissions that lead to higher test scores? or that propane can cut your energy costs at home? it powers big jobs and small ones too. from hospitals to hospitality, people rely on propane-an energy source that's affordable, plentiful, and environmentally friendly for everyone.
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get the facts at i'm franklin graham. the world seems to be engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders.
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jesus christ understands hate. the world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he came on a rescue mission to save us from our sin. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins. he was buried, but god raised him to life. and if we're willing to put our faith and trust in jesus christ, god will forgive us of our sins, and he will heal our hearts. and the problem we have today is a heart problem. only god can change the human heart, and take that hate and fill it with his love. if you've never invited christ into your heart, pray this prayer with me right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him right now as my savior. and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. we have someone who'd like to speak with you, and pray with you. god bless you!
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now, save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add an adjustable base. shop now at (reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'. [stomach growling] it's nothing... sounds like something. ♪when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion♪ ♪upset stomach, diarrhea♪ pepto bismol coats and soothes for fast relief when you need it most. killing at least three people in tennessee and north carolina and then hurting several others. fox weather's max gorden is on the ground in columbia, in columbia, tennessee, which is
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about an hour south of nashville, max? max max hey, good morning. yeah. we are about 40 miles south of nashville, tennessee. on the site of one of the tornadoes touched down last evening in this latest bought of bad weather. they tornado tore apart this home. unclear whether anybody was at home at the time of this tornado two other killed because of falling trees one in claiborne, tennessee and another in charlotte, north carolina. we have had several tornadoes touching down over the past 24 hours. six confirmed here in tennessee. 42 in total across the nation, since monday. it's been just a big rowneld of stormy weather for the great plains southeast as well. a lot of desks in columbia.
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we are still learning more details though. schools here are going to be closed today. there is a press conference that is scheduled for 7:00 a.m. local time. right now details are a little bit hazy, but we should learn more in the next couple hours. back to you. >> ainsley: thank you so much, max. all right, so, the fox weather is your severe weather headquarters. so, you can stream it on your favorite connected device. and it's always on. it's always free. it's there for you 24/7. >> brian: a lot of times we will be in new york city and overwhelmed with illegal immigrants. over 130,000, maybe more have passed through. we expect 80,000 still here and some beautiful hotels are now revisiting. they have destroyed soccer fields over at randall's island. but it's easy to forget other cities smaller purr portion, denver leading the charge actually have it worse than new york. >> steve: you know what? this story is going to have you scratching your head. i think these migrants who have set up. >> brian: you mean newcomers. >> steve: right the migrant
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newcomers set up that encampment under that bridge in denver, i think they have been watching cable tv. they have obviously been watching the protesters at college campuses. and what do all the protesters want? they have got a list of demands. you want us to, you know, stop protesting, we have got a list of demands. you got about 100 of these migrants, the newcomers, they put out a list to the mayor, of 1 demands they have got to get if they wanted the city to get them out of there. and do you know what? apparently they are caving because 100 left. >> ainsley: gosh. look at some of these demands. foods with fresh culturally appropriate ingredients, no premade meals. they want shower access without time limits, medical professional visits. you can't kick people out of housing after 30 days without something stable established. they want a free immigration lawyer. they want employment support. no more law enforcement monitoring 24/7 in the shelters. transportation for kids to and from school, just to name a few.
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>> brian: the mayor has allowed this to happen because he is a liberal mayor who thinks come one, come all. now his city, which was struggling anyway, is now on its heels and they are trying to get this eyesore and this problem out of their way that's costing people money. it's costing people access to roads. and now they want to in the perfect world pack up and send them to new york. >> steve: well, here's the thing, on that list, ainsley, you mentioned they want shower access without time limits. they want unlimited showers. the migrants said we are not in the military. we are civilians, we want to be able to take our time. here's the thing. the city of denver has made this worse because currently, the migrants get rent and food assistance for six months. and free legal advice. so it's like they are getting all that stuff. and, ainsley, one of the things was transportation for kids to and from cool so obviously they are winding up with an education. the migrants are going to
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denver. there's a lot that they can get for free. and now they want more. >> ainsley: they said we are not criminals. don't treat us like we are criminals. but didn't they break the law to get here? >> steve: yes. good point. >> brian: we don't want the sheriff sleeping amongst us in the shelters. we want to be left alone. i love the use of the word newcomers. city must schedule meetings with the mayor and those directly involved in running the newcomer program as soon as possible. they are not newcomers. they are illegal immigrants who have no right to be here. because of these forgiving policies come one, come all and these misunderstood -- understanding of we are a nation of immigrants, legal immigration, that's what's happened. this has never been a problem. they could sit in thin their cid talk about how mean people are deporting for being here illegally. it's their problem. and their policy is blowing up in their face and san francisco and san diego and now they can't handle it. they are running out of money.
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people running out of patience and hopefully they are sobering up come november. >> steve: everybody has a list of demands. this is just theirs. >> brian: all right. that's what happens when you have terrible policies at the border. that's why this administration is trying to change their policies when it comes to asylum but as tom homan just told you don't fall for it. it's window dressing. >> ainsley: ukraines all theirke who did it the right way. >> steve: car seats could actually poison people. >> ainsley: your seat not just baby seats. >> brian: you waited 44 minutes to tell us this? >> ainsley: dr. nicole saphier is going to be here on the shocking new reports and what can you do to stay safe. >> brian: we chop erred her in. ♪ ♪ ready or not here i come
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to cover his masses losses on bets. they shared a bank account for joint real estate projects now the interpreter's transactions were exposed. that's how they did it. as far as ohtani the doj says all of this was done without his knowledge. >> i want to is considered a victim in this case. there is no evidence to indicate that mr. otani authorized the over $16 million of transfers from his account to the bookmakers. all right. so he's in the clear. the x interpreter faces a maximum sentence of 33 years in prison. five years of supervised release, and a fine of more than $1.2 million. he's expected in federal court next for his arraignment on may 14th
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for something totally different. here's my co-anchor, ainsley. thank you so much, brian. a warning to all drivers. a new study finds 99% of cars contain toxins, leaving you inhaling cancer. cancer causing chemicals, especially in the hot temperatures. researchers found the toxins from flame retardant foam and the interior roof lining in seats, and even in our electronics, in our dashboards here with ways to reduce your risk. fox news medical contributor doctor nicole sapphire. hey, doctor. sapphire good morning. good morning. this is scary. we all can relate to this. we all, you know, drive or ride in cars. what do we do? yeah that's right. i mean, i certainly commute an hour there and back every morning each day. so what we just saw was a new study came out. they looked at phosphate chemical that is used in flame retardants. now, we
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know that organic phosphates are detrimental to our health. health. they're well studied. they have shown increased risk of cancers, metabolic syndromes. there's even a big cohort study that showed decreased iq as it relates studied chemical has been banned in the united states. it's no longer in use. pde. the chemical they found now in 99% of these cars, you know, it is also being linked to some of these health concerns. so my biggest question to you, ainsley is if we are continuing to expose ourselves to these chemicals, what are we doing to protect americans and not just americans. what about the firefighters who already have a 9% increased risk of cancer diagnoses and 14% risk of dying from cancers. we have to make sure we remove a lot of these car sin general's from our environment. there are things we can do to protect ourselves. they know they are in our cars. especially the hotter the car gets. perhaps you roll down the window. you turn on the air conditioning. you don't use that auto recirculating thing.
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and you really just try to air out your car as best as possible and maybe park in the shade. keep it cooler. we know that the chemicals are released the hotter they get. >> ainsley: all right. congratulations on your new book that just came out it's called "love mom" a "new york times" best seller. now you have a fox nation special that drops, is it today or tomorrow? >> so the fox nation special drops tomorrow. it's a five part series. you're a part of it. in it we have myself and i talk to some of my favorite fox news moms like yourself, janice dean. happy birthday, janice. carley shimkus, martha mccallum, kayleigh mcenany. wonderful special just in time for mother's day. i highly recommend everyone watch it. >> ainsley: dr. saphier, speaking of janice, let's take a look at what she told you. >> the f.a.a. rit lines i ever read about being a mom is in a shell silverstein book called "the giving tree" and is it says and she loved a boy so very much, more than she loved herself. and these two boys made me
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realize that i'm on this planet to be their mother. >> ainsley: i can't read that book without just sobbing. my daughter knows it. we read it a lot. thank you so much, dr. saphier. congratulations. love mom is in stores now. dr. saphier will be signing books this saturday at books and greetings in north vale, new jersey. >> we are so proud of you. thanks for waking up this morning. >> thank you so much. >> ainsley: you are welcome. the columbia janitors who say they were taken hostage by the protesters now suing the college. they are speaking out right here on "fox & friends" in the next hour. plus, the gavel battle. speaker mike johnson survives a move to oust him and is he going to join us top of the hour. big show. ♪ you turned out fine ♪ but you got to keep your head up ♪ oh ♪ and you can let your hair down ♪ eh ♪ you got to keep your head up ♪ o ♪ and you can let your hair down
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♪ i know it's hard, it's hard to remember sometimes ♪ but you got to keep your head up ♪ and you can let your hair down ♪
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why choose a sleep number smart bed? can it keep me warm when i'm cold? wait, no, i'm always hot. sleep number does that. can i make my side softer? i like my side firmer. sleep number does that. can it help us sleep better and better? please? sleep number does that. 94 percent of smart sleepers report better sleep. now, save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add an adjustable base. shop now at
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♪ no. ♪ -no. -nuh-uh. ♪ yeah. oh. yes. ♪ oh yeah. yes. isn't this great? yeeaahhhh!! ♪ yeah, i could do a cartwheel in here. oh hey! would you like to join us? no. we would love to join you. ♪ >> brian: 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. thursday, may 9th. this is "fox & friends." now the news. columbia workers speaking out after they say they were held hostage when pro-hamas protesters took over hamilton hall. we got individual grow prove it. one of them even forced to fight


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