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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 9, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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♪ no. ♪ -no. -nuh-uh. ♪ yeah. oh. yes. ♪ oh yeah. yes. isn't this great? yeeaahhhh!! ♪ yeah, i could do a cartwheel in here. oh hey! would you like to join us? no. we would love to join you. ♪ >> brian: 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. thursday, may 9th. this is "fox & friends." now the news. columbia workers speaking out after they say they were held hostage when pro-hamas protesters took over hamilton hall. we got individual grow prove it. one of them even forced to fight back.
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they talk to us right here on "fox & friends" this hour. >> in about 10 minutes. plus, joe biden taking on the economy in an interview yesterday, listen to how good things are going. >> we have the strongest knee in the world. if you take a look at what the people have. they have the money to spend. >> i think people are talking to their television right now because the numbers tell a different story and we got the numbers. >> ainsley: plus it's the gavel battle speaker of the house mike johnson sur riffe vifing a move to oust him. is he going to join us "fox news live" a few minutes. seconds hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ let's get loud. >> brian: this is the speaker's bump-in music? this is true. i didn't know that. >> ainsley: people were referring to people are getting loud screaming at their tvs when they hear joe biden talking about the economy and how great it is and how donald trump didn't create any new jobs.
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>> brian: rare sitdown, no doubt about it. rare comeback sit back his ability to back up his feelings that the economy is going great. >> ainsley: he said the inflation rate was 9% when he got into office. -- a lie. >> steve: play some of what joe biden said last night. remember, we had no idea -- we knew he was going to go chicago and also to wisconsin yesterday. we didn't know he was going to sit down for a tv interview because he stayed away from reporters. sat down with erin burnett. let's see whether or not there is any fact-checking going on how joe biden talks about how essentially when the economy happy days are here again why. >> why should people here believe you will succeed creating jobs where trump failed. >> he has never succeeded in creating jobs. and i have never failed. >> since you took office, economic growth last week far short of expectations. consumer confidence maybe no surprise is near a two-year low.
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with less than six months to go to election day, are you worried that you're running out of time to turn that around? >> we have already turned it around. look, look at the michigan survey. 65% of the american people think they are in good shape economically. they think the nation is not in good shape but they are personally in good shape. the polling data has been wrong all along. we have the strongest economy in the world -- let me say it again in the world. >> although g.d.p. last week was far short of exceptions. >> oh, it wasn't. the ep -- look look at the response in the markets overwhelmingly positive no. president has had the run we have had in terms of creating jobs and bringing down inflation. it was 9% when i came to office. 9%. >> what about i mean, but there is real pain. i mean, grocery prices are up 30%. more than 30%. since the beginning of the pandemic and people are spending more on food and groceries than they have at any time really in the past 30 years. that's a real day-to-day pain that people --
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>> -- no, no. >> feel. >> no, it really is. and it's real. but the fact is that if you take a look at what people have. they have the money to spend. >> brian: she went on to say by overwhelming margin, mr. president, people trust donald trump on the economy than you. and he was not right when it comes to saying that donald trump didn't create any jobs. just do me a favor. if you are going to use the pandemic to say the economy was bad when you took over, you have to understand the pandemic effected president trump's overall job record because he told the entire country for the first time in history to go home we remember that. >> ainsley: we remind joe biden he created the trump organization. he didn't buy all these buildings in new york and all over the place without a staff, without employees. i wish i had the number of how many people he employed. that's before he was president. he paid for his own campaign. remember? because he had -- he has made so much money and been very successful. how many jobs did he create when
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he was president? he has created jobs. he said -- biden said trump has never succeeded in creating jobs. look at the inflation rate. he said it was 9% when he came into office. it was actually 1.4% when he took office. in june of 2022, a year and a half into his presidency, under biden it roz to 9%. now it's 3.5%. that's an increase from february when it was 3.2%. >> steve: let's get in the way back machine remember what it was like election year january 2020 it was okay. we heard about him sickness coming in from asia, it sounded like and then by february and march the whole world started to shut down. donald trump's numbers when it comes to the economy, when it comes to jobs, when it comes to inflation were all at very low numbers. and then, of course, the number of unemployed people shot up because people weren't going to
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work. and, ainsley, you're absolutely right. joe biden needs a refresher. inflation was 1.4% when he took office. but, because of his policies, remember, he goes into office and suddenly he wants to remake the way people gas up their cars. don't gas them up. we need electric. >> ainsley: gas shot up, too. >> steve: the price of petroleum shot up. we are still living with that the administration could drill more, allow more drilling and leases and stuff like that. but they are trying to remake the economy because that was his -- somebody told him in the beginning of his administration, do you know what, joe biden, you could be bigger and more impactful than fdr so he has stuck to that game bar. >> brian: john myrtle beach chum the historian he had the rescue package we didn't need more mono the system infrastructure. overheated the system went up to 9%. now, it was going down to 3.2%
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in february. in march it went up to 3.5%. so it's heading in the wrong direction. as i mentioned, david axelrod said why does the administration keep doubling down and trip plings down on bidenomics. spent $25 million to tell the american people that they had it right and you got it wrong. it looks like you are detached. but he keeps doubling and tripling down he did it in wisconsin. i'm sure is he going to mention in san francisco today. >> steve: you are absolutely right, brian. all of that i knowflation was because of all of the government spending. speaking of government, in congress, yesterday, the house overwhelmingly rejected congresswoman marjorie taylor greene's push to push speaker mike johnson out of his job. >> ainsley: vote to to kill the mission 359-43 about just 10 republicans voting with green. >> brian: house speaker mike johnson joins us now. mr. speaker, you tried to avoid this by meeting with marjorie taylor greene for about two and a half hours and thomas massie. they went ahead anyway. your thoughts about surviving
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but that this vote actually took place, too? >> yeah. it was unfortunate that it did. look, i appreciate the overwhelming show of confidence by my colleagues to defeat that misguided effort. here's what i have to do every day, brian, i have to do my job and do what i know to be right. we advance our conservative policies and principles as far as we can here every single day. in spite the fact that we have the smallest majority in u.s. history. we can't get 100 percent of what we want and sometimes a handful of my colleagues demand that it's just not possible right now. but we are fighting, we are going to get this job done. i think that's leadership. leadership in very difficult times. >> steve: well, these are very complicated times to be a speaker. we know what happened to kevin mccarthy. he just had a couple. but, what happened to him that didn't happen to you is the fact that you were essentially bailed out by a number of democrats. democrats didn't help him. they helped you. why? >> well, i think that democrats believe in the institution and they see exactly what we see and
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the american people see. these are dangerous times. country desperately needs a functioning congress. we can't afford the risk of shutting the house down, which is literally what happened last time. imagine, if we closed house in the middle of hot wars around the globe when china could move on taiwan, iran could fire a nuke at israel. anything could happen right now. and we need to be working here every day. the chaos and confusion do nothing but diminish our chances to save this country and hurt our cause. and we are fighting every single day to reverse all those terrible things that you just recounted that president biden has done to the country. we have to keep the republicans together, moving together as a team. when we do that, i'm convinced you guys we are going to grow the majority in november. we are going to take back the senate and donald trump is going to be returned to the white house. when that happens, we will be able to turn this thing 180 degrees. >> ainsley: mr. speaker in a rare sitdown interview yesterday. joe biden said is he going to stop shipments of bomentsdz and artillery shells to israel if prime minister benjamin netanyahu orders more invasions
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of rafah and the gaza strip into the population areas. what's your reaction? didn't you -- i mean, y'all said we're giving you money for these weapons, send these weapons over. is he able to do this without congress? >> ainsley, is he defying the will of congress. and is he defying what his own top officials in the white house assured me, in writing invariably before that supplemental was passed that even in the days since. this idea of withholding weapons to israel as a condition of somehow, you know, joe biden wanting to micromanage their war effort over there, their defensive effort is catastrophic policy. it would be devastating to our closest ally in the region, and it would go directly against the will of what the members of this body voted on just several days ago. so they have got answer to the american people and answer to us. and we are on that right now. >> brian: in the meantime the prime minister says we are going into wrath fall. the president says we are not sending the armed shipments. this is not the new money, this is old shipments on route there anyway. their precision weapons that would have helped. and they talk about not being precise enough. what is the reality on the
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ground? is the idf being ham handed in how they are bombing and doing this war? or are we going by hamas numbers and, therefore, it looks like civilians are the target? >> that is what it looks like, and hamas, of course, uses civilians as shields which is why they are jeopardized. i talked to prime minister netanyahu myself about this very issue. i confirmed from him exactly what is going on. what they need and what is in that shipment. as you noted, brian is, precision weapons. that is to help them protect civilians. this is completely counter productive and really really dangerous. >> steve: you know what is going on, speaker, this is, you know, we are sitting six months away from an election. and joe biden is under water. you know, he tanking when it comes to these college protests and stuff like that. the protests are for one reason. to get joe biden to not support israel. and essentially, by denying israel these weapons that they need to go ahead and finish the
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job, our president is holding israel hostage so he gets reelecteed he appeases iran and criticizes israel. it should be exactly the opposite of that and now he is hateful pro-hamas crowds. i went to columbia university myself to see this on the ground. these students are waving flags for hezbollah and hamas. terrorist organizations. some of them deny that october 7th happened and all the tragedies there. the president is refusing to speak with moral clarity to the issue. and that's why it continues to grow across the country. >> is he selling out? it appears that he is he sees what happens in michigan and wisconsin. is he selling out because of votes to win this election? >> everyone can see, ainsley, this is a political decision that owe is making. terrified of the pro-hamas wing
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of the democratic party. this is a time when the commander-in-chief, the president of the united states, who has the largest bully pulpit in america, this is a time when we desperately need the president to speak clearly with clarity and conviction and consistency about right vs. wrong this is about good vs. evil. it truly is. if he unable to do that he needs to step aside. we need to get a president back in that white house. i believe it will be donald trump, who will look right into the camera and tell the bad guys to stand down. that's what we need right now. and biden won't do it. >> brian: by the way, if you want to see what is going on in the democratic party. people like to talk to the chaos in your party and you have it cori bush and rashida tlaib at g. >> wu condemning biden and condemning america and condemning israel calling them genocide saying what they are doing is genocide. these are democrats siding with the they are at each other's
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throats and he is the politic split the difference. the president knows the border has collapsed is he going to do some executive order asylum changes. amongst them would apply to migrants seeking asylum. going to get a little bit tougher. allow denials at initial screening stage at border rather than interview stage. and allows to us expedite removal of migrant due to security risks. very vague but it shows he is taking action, your thoughts. >> window dressing. too little, too late. joe biden is also unwilling and unable to fix the border crisis that he intentionally created. >> this is a catastrophe as we all know. we presented to him a menu of options many months ago. i did the morning after i became speaker of the house eight executive orders he should and could take he has refused to do it. now brian we have 60 million illegals in the country since he walked into the over office and started issuing those other orders to open it wide. if we are going to be dealing this as a catastrophe and extreme danger to our homeland
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it is his fault and eneverybody in america knows it. >> steve: you know, mr. speaker, a lot of the migrants would be just in texas and down along our southern border for the most part had it not been for greg abbott, the governor of texas' idea. you know what? let's share the problem let's bus these people to sanctuary cities, particularly big media cities everybody is talking about. now we got a problem with crime and all sorts of stuff. and it's really bad joe biden has got to look like is he doing something. we just had tom homan on and he said there is nothing to this. >> as i said it's window dressing. he could use section 212 f and close the border entirely. he knows he has that authority. i have read it to president biden myself. first he refused to accept that it was actually the law, which is nonsense. and then he refused to use it. if he really wanted to close the border. he would reinstate remain in
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mexico. that's what the border patrol says reduce the flow by 70%. >> steve: explain that interchange between you and joe biden. where you read it to him. >> yeah. on the phone and in person. i have talked to him through the language of that and on the phone i read him the actual provision from the law. if the president deems it to be in the interest of the country, he can close all entry at the border, entirely. he could close it down. and he won't do that. and i will tell you why he won't do it. because you know why? they want to turn these people into voters and change the outcome of the census. we know that to be the actual truth. >> brian: they will count people even if you don't vote. mr. speaker, lastly, the former president who wants to be the next president said one of his plans is talk to "time" magazine is to round up the 11 to 15 million illegals, and then go through them and find out who belongs here and who doesn't. would you support that? >> absolutely. and president trump and i have talked about this at length. but the challenge we'll have is finding them, brian. as you know, they have been spread out everywhere. dhs, department of homeland security and mayorkas, the reason we impeached him is
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because he is abject failure and they are not keeping track of where these people are we will have the greatest challenge our generation to try to find them to round them up first. and that's a very serious problem. >> brian: we know where the hotels are. we could point you there and help in new york city. >> ainsley: 60 million number that you said under biden. that could be a lot higher. there are a lot of them that have come over. we have seen the images. got-aways. >> exactly. >> steve: mr. speaker, final question, starting and ending with what we started with, are the threats to your speakership over now for this term? >> well, look, it was an overwhelming landslide outcome. i mean, i think the message is sent. we have serious work do y'all, there are two competing visions for the country. we are fighting to save america and preserve its founding principles to get donald trump back at the house white house and to win the majority in the house. so we can fix all of these edges stream challenges. would very no time for nonsense we have to get the job done. >> brian: marjorie taylor greene. do you think she a serious legislator.
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>> i'm going to let other people judge marjorie. i have got to work with all my colleagues here. >> steve: what a politician. >> i'm not a politician. i'm trying approach this as a christian. deceive steve you are a diplomat. >> i don't hold grudges. i have to work with everybody. i told her let's move on. i'm okay with this. let's move on. >> steve: what did she say? >> i think we will have an opportunity to do it. we will see. >> brian: okay. you interpreted, i guess, her nonanswer. >> steve: thank you, mr. speaker. >> brian: you have president trump's backing and i think that certainly helps in times like this. >> ainsley: clearly the backing of a lot of others. thank you, mr. speaker. >> thank you. >> ainsley: stormy daniels -- what a transition. >> steve: no kidding. >> ainsley: stormy daniels will return to the witness stand this morning as the defense continues with cross-examination. and the new york vs. trump trial. >> steve: eric shawn is live outside the new york state supreme court once again. that's his post. so, eric, what's she going to say today that is different than what she said the other day? >> man o man, talk about that testimony on tuesday. well, stormy will be back, just over two hours from now.
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and there is some new doubts about that georgia election interference case. but, first, stormy and that bombshell testimony, in which she had all those descriptions on tuesday. she testified about meeting the former president at that celebrity golf tournament at lake tahoe. in 2006, then going to a suite for dinner and then having sex. prosecutors calling her to prove that trump had a motive a decade later in 2016 to silence her when he ran for president. the da's case rest on that allegation that trump paid her off through michael cohen to hide her story. so voters would not find out about that alleged dalliance that the former president denies under a combative cross-examination. the trump lawyer susan he can also a, the defense is trying to undermine who once remember denied the affair quote am i correct that you hate president trump asked neckless, yes said stormy. you want him to go to jail, right? i want him to be held
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accountable. you were looking to extort money from trump false stormy shout back that's what you did, right? false she said. meanwhile down in the georgia election there was a win for the trump defense. the state's appeal court agreed to hear that challenge to their ruling that did not beautiful ton county d.a. off that case. she has denied any conflicted or wrongdoing. trump's lawyers accused willis of misconduct for her relationship with the former special prosecutor nathan wade. you have to remember that he had to quit the case because of that. and one thing that strikes me is the prosecutors did not ask stormy a very important question when she was on that stand and that question is, why did michael cohen make this deal with you she answered i think, maybe, i assume or i don't know, that would have really hurt the prosecution case, which is why i don't think they asked that. steve, back to you. >> brian: yeah. what the jury thinks as opposed to what is admissible in trial and moves the case. i wonder what it was like the
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last 24 hours for her. eric, it's going to be interesting to see. thanks so much. >> steve: things kicked off. >> ainsley: hopefully it won't be as detailed today as it was the other day. >> steve: no kidding. >> brian: the prosecutor wanted that. >> steve: we know too many details. >> brian: that's her interpretation. there was no cross-examination on the details. >> steve: than that's going to happen today. it hans in two hours and 10 minutes. in the meantime what happens right now is carley joins us. car cash hello. update on another one of donald trump's trials. the judge and former donald trump's civil fraud trial is under investigation. this is a trial that will tisha james is involved. in he allegedly received unsolicited advice from a high profile lawyer before finding the former president over $450 million. a spokesperson for that judge denies these claims saying he was wholly uninfluenced when making that decision. while president trump heads to california today. vp harris is on economic opportunity tour looking to win back black voters. she is doing it by holding what
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her team called extraordinary gentlemen dinners. >> i have got some wonderful young brothers in particular who are very successful in business and i will be talking with them about their story and what our policies can do to support people like them. >> carley: meanwhile a new poll showing biden's support among black voters dropping by over 20 points compared to 2020. this just in, maggie good lander the wife of current national security adviser jake sullivan has officially launched her run for congress in a key battleground district in new hampshire. good lander is a former top lawyer in the biden administration and she served as a deputy assistant attorney general at the justice department. she joins a packed race to succeed long time democratic congresswoman annie custer for new hampshire's second district. a burglar in memphis caught on camera making herself at home during a break-in.
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the victims say the woman took a shower and ate their food before stealing $400 worth of items. can you believe that? including bags, shoes, clothing. the thief got in through unlocked door and stayed at the house for around an hour. police are still searching for the suspect. he did not feel rushed to leave. even took a shower, guys. >> everybody has got cameras. if you are going to do it. shouldn't they be wearing a mask or something? ains she took a shower? >> yeah. and ate the food. >> brian: usually some type of gang. can you see what kind of hat that was? >> carley: yeah, i'm on it. i will actually ask her personally. >> brian: okay. that will be great. meanwhile, 22 minutes after the hour. columbia workers suing the college saying they were held hostage when pro-hamas protesters took over hamilton hall. their union president says columbia ignored the warning signs, that person's next. start. bill, where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> i can't get through the front door. how the hell am i going to get out of here. you chaos and hearing them and what they are doing you are like this is a movie he and fellow
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co-workers were working the late shift in the middle of the night. their union now preparing to sue columbia university. transport workers union president john samuelson joins us now. john, thank you for coming on. >> yeah. thanks for having me. >> ainsley: they are a part of your union. >> absolutely the blue collar workforce at columbia transport union. >> ainsley: what was your reaction when you knew your guys were stuck in that building. >> we were appalled. workers everywhere should be appalled and just to be clear it wasn'ter protester and not protester at columbia has been hostile to our workforce. we are incensed at columbia for not protecting the workers and particularly pissed at those particular protesters. tried to hold our workers in the building i know one of them is a dad and has two kids. there was a girl hiding in a
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closet one was cleaning the staircase and protesters run by. one was cleaning the bathroom and they come in the bathroom. they were fearful? >> absolutely. everybody in the building, the entire tw workforce in the building was fearful and rightfully so in particular two quus todayians had to fight their way out. they were told you are staying here. you are not going anywhere. this cause is bigger than you. imagine that, imagine two kind of smarmy sort of entitled entitled spoiled bratty occupiers of the building come in and tell blue collar men and women you are not going anywhere. you are not going anywhere when this cause is bigger to you. when they had to get home to their families. it's outrageous. it's not reflective of the overall view of the protesters. it's those individuals that did that brian. >> ainsley: these guys are working in the middle of the night. their kids are at home sleeping. they are trying to put food in the stomachs of their little children sleeping at home. they work through the middle of
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the night and this is how they are treated. when they covered up the cameras it made me think it was definitely planned. where was the police presence? they were not called. do you think police should have been called earlier? columbia, remember, they called them later? >> columbia never should have put the custodians. columbia showed epic disregard and epically failed to protect the workforce. they knew this was a potential. they knew that that building was likely going to be stormed and taken over and, yet, they assigned the work there anyway. they should have never done it. they should have never done it. really, it's been an epic failure part and parcel with the overall ivy league is that correct that clubby demonstrates over and over toward the workforce what are they telling you, jesse, these three blue collar workers cleaning the bathrooms and cleaning the staircase so these kids who are elite children paying $80,000 a year to go to school.
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so they can have clean classrooms and bathrooms. >> yeah. so i think that actually the most egregious offender, the most egregious perpetrator of this was not a kid. 40-year-old professional agitator which is really outrageous. it's outrageous that columbia knew that outside agitators on the property did nothing to stop it. didn't inform the union. didn't inform anybody. they knew about this in advance. it's a major parts of their culpability. it's not necessarily the students. in fact, it was a student that let them out at the end of this silly freakin' political protest game that the outside agitators were playing. so that's the culpable person. >> ainsley: what do they want from columbia? >> they want recompense for the torture they went through for that moment of time. >> ainsley: they will always leave with that i'm sure they were fearful for their lives. i mean, when you are stormed -- when your building is stormed with these people, you don't know what they are capable of. thank you so much for coming on. >> thank you for having me.
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>> ainsley: god bless them for working hard. denver migrants striking a deal with city leaders to leave their comamplet but only after their demands are met. we're going to break down the bizarre requests coming up next. ♪ zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor in the usa. plus, the year's best deals, like 0% apr for 84 months, or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. orange goes all day; sale's ending soon. visit your local dealer today. find your nearest dealer at ( ♪ )
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>> janice: good morning, earn. waking up to extreme damage for parts of tennessee and alabama this morning. look at the tornado tally for the plains over the last couple of days, 32 confirmed tornadoes. surveys ongoing. one ef-4 and that was in oklahoma. the barnes dale oklahoma, ef-4 on the ground for an hour: peek winds. desks in this area. i believe it's going to be one of the top ten severe weather outbreaks of all time this
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month. looking at the spring hill tennessee tornado last night. can you see that hook echo that signature we look at doppler radar showing a tornado on the ground and damage there this morning proves that true. here's the live radar. we have several thunderstorm warnings in effect. a flash flood emergency that has been in effect for many hours, since last night, north of nashville, catastrophic damage right now with the flooding occurring in tennessee. so this is a big deal. tornado watch in effect until 10:00 a.m. local time for mississippi, alabama, in towards georgia. this one good until 1:00 p.m., and that means tornadoes conditions are favorable. here's the power outage tracker for nashville over 85,000 without power. georgia, south carolina, north carolina, even alabama. this is going to be a long duration event even after the storms are gone. flood alerts for parts of tennessee. a good chunk of tennessee in towards kentucky and looks like virginia as well. but i'm really concerned with nashville today, with that
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tornadoes warning last night. south of nashville. and now that flood emergency occurring right now. we will continue to keep you up to date over to you, steve, ainsley, brian. >> steve: you know, janice, one of the things about this storm impacting our news over the last four days is that people have gotten a warning because you have known, thanks to super computers and stuff like that where trouble could brew. >> janice: the national weather service storm prediction center have been right on target where the severe storms are going to be and have been and fox weather has been all over this 24/7. i was watching conch last night and really truly they are saving lives. we are grateful for them. >> steve: check it out, download it for free right now. thanks, j.d. let's switch gears a fox news alert. the biden administration reportedly set to unveil new asylum restrictions for migrants crossing the border in hopes of slowing things down, we presume. >> ainsley: yeah. this after more than 1,000 chinese nationals are apprehended by border patrol in the last week alone. >> brian: they don't look
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desperate. they look like they just had class. mark meredith is live outside the white house. hey, mark. >> brian, ainsley and steve. good morning, friends. the white house admits america's immigration system is broken. today it looks like we are going to see some changes to the asylum process, which could have an impact on how people are processed in the country. per politico this is going to impact how the government looks at people that are met during the initial screening process when some asylum seekers could be deemed ineligible for admitted tans, made at border encounter instead of the more formal interview stage. we expect the department of homeland security to release the details about this later today. one g.o.p. lawmaker calling this unserious attempt to fix the border crisis. and within the last few minutes, we heard right here on fox from the house speaker, mike johnson, who urged the white house to do a heck of a lot more to address this issue. >> too little, too late, joe biden is also unwilling and unable to fix the border crisis that he intentionally created. this is a catastrophe as we all know.
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we presented to him a menu of options, many months ago. going to be dealing this as a catastrophe and extreme danger to our homeland for the foreseeable future. and it his fault and everybody in america knows it. if the president deems it to be in the interest of the country, can he close all entry at the border, entirely. he could close it down. and he won't do that and i will tell you why he won't do it. because you know why? they want to turn these people into voters and change the outcome of the census. >> a number of republicans continue to talk about the national security implications whatever is happening on the border. they point to the amount of chinese nationals, even those apprehended within the last week. more than 1,000 in san diego and you look at those total numbers from the last week alone. look at the numbers for the year. the numbers even more surprising. we look at data for fiscal year 24, so far some 24,000 of these chinese nationals who have been encountered at the u.s. border and those numbers have been looking compared to where we were during the pandemic. we're also going to be looking see how the white house may respond to some 15 house democrats who have sent a new letter to president biden, basically urging him to get more
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involved on the immigration debate because, of course, as polls show this remains a top issue. steve, ainsley and brian. >> brian: if he wanted to stop things one of the major things he would do is remain in mexico. that's what was brought up to him. he doesn't want to hear it. he praised mexico as a great partner. i don't know where he got that from. >> the white house has certainly said that they have been happy with the mexican president's response to things so far. yes, they continue to have those diplomatic talks. but you are right in terms of whether or not this is really going to appease anybody up on the hill the answer appears to be know. >> steve: mark, thank you very much. >> ainsley: i was going to say, this something we have been talking about over the last year or. so as the migrants come to the united states, and then they are bused throughout the interior of the united states, a lot of them wind up in new york city. this city is facing billions of dollars worth of migrant costs. one of the things we have noticed over the last number of months, when they are -- and brian points out, when they're staying at these formerly swanky new york city hotels, they get
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food. they don't like the food. they have just -- there was a story in the "new york post" how they threw away millions of dollars worth of foot fort hood. they don't like our food. they come here and like the freedom, they don't like our food. the food also is one of the topics out in denver where 100 migrants have been living under a bridge. and on monday, they sent a letter to the city and said, okay, we will get out of here, we will go some place else. >> but you have got to meet our demands. they have obviously learned something from the campus protesters with demands, thought migrants have demands and they are lengthy. >> and listen to these demands. they want food, with fresh curly appropriate ingredients, no more premade meals. they want shower access. >> brian: no more tv dinners? >> yeah, they want medical professionals to visit. they say that you can't kick people out of housing after 30 days. without something stable established. they want employment support.
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free immigration lawyers, no more law enforcement monitoring them 24/7 in the shelters. they want transportation for their kids to and from school. >> steve: the thing is they are probably going to get it. >> brian: yeah. >> ainsley: wouldn't you love to say i'm going to stay in luxurious hotel in denver or in new york city for free. where normally you would pay, what $300 a night in new york city? our hotels are expensive. >> steve: if you are lucky. >> ainsley: wouldn't it be great to shower for free. don't have to pay the water bill. you are going to get employment support. you are going to get a free lawyer. you are going to get medical care for free. you're going to get your kids taken to and from school for free. >> this sun believable this is what they feel they are entitled to in order to get out and destroying all these cities. city by city. every major city, and they want -- their dream would be to have a bus, pick them up and send them to new york. trying to sell people on new york basically handing them out brochures, that's what you elect. look at what they did in class that mayor didn't like what was
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going on. flipped to come republican. you will like in november to disease pro-illegal immigrant or pro-people in your country. >> steve: that mayor from dallas is going to be with us on our friday telecast next week live from dallas, actually. >> ainsley: you will be there live, right? >> steve: playing pickleball. >> ainsley: church pickleball. christian aspect to this. >> brian: i pray you enjoy yourself. >> steve: thank you very much. >> ainsley: quarter before the top of the hour. flight security clearance to smuggle millions in drug money through airports. >> brian: former d.a. director of 9 dominican trafficking scheme will be with us, next. ♪ long been the hero of gel ink pens. and what hero doesn't have a dark side? introducing the g2 edge. the same number one selling gel ink pen in america. now with an innovative laser-etched design, cushioned comfort grip, and durable tungsten carbide tip.
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♪ >> steve: listen to this, four flight attendants arrested, including this one, hauled out of no,'s jfk airport after allegedly using their special tsa clearance to transport massive amounts of drug money. joining us right now is former dea special operations director derek mults. derek, good morning to you. it looks like from what i have read looks like flight attendants were helping drug cartels launder money. >> steve, thank you for having me. 100 percent. the homeland security
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investigations has an el dorado task force in new york city. they work with nypd, state police, dea, other agencies and they have been working on the biggest fentanyl trafficking cases in america. and basically what's happening in these people, they are greedy getting asked to move money back out of the country in the command and control in the dominican republic. the dominican traffickers have been doing this for 30, 30 years. they base themselves in new york city. they have a supply line throughout the country they are very sophisticated take advantage of weaknesses and vurementds. right now in america people are trying to pay for their food and pay for expenses. they are very desperate. they will do things like this and the cartels are masters, steve. >> steve: absolutely. i know that the government has been investigating since 2018 and ultimately they got an informant who sold out some of these people and so that's why we are able to connect some of the dots. but, derek, as you know, this is just a tiny little part of the
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puzzle so many drugs and so much laundered money is coming into the united states through the mail, through the post office. and because there is such a volume, the post office really isn't putting a dent in it. >> steve, what's very common these days is the cartels will bring mass amounts of drugs, deadly drugs, fentanyl, over the border. they will use the united states postal service to mail packages up throughout america. but they also will track the packages so they can see where they are. they have all the technology, the tracking of the delivery so they know if law enforcement, you know, confiscates these packages. but, steve, what's really disturbing, where the american public needs to wake up is the connectivity between mexican cartels, the chinese criminal networks. the ccp is behind a lot of this. and the dominicans now. the dominicans have been doing
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this so many years under the radar. but, what happens happening is they are trying to get the millions of dollars out of the united states back to the leadership that operates overseas. whether it's in mexico or the dominican republic. so, they are beating the system. but my hat goes off to the brave men and women in law enforcement that have infiltrated and exposed. this. >> steve: i wonder if when these drug cartels go ahead and send things through the mail. i wonder if they ensure them for the true value? yeah i could use $2 million worth of insurance on this package, just saying, it's full of illegal drugs. probably not. that would be a red flag. derek, thank you very much for joining us and telling us about what is going on. >> thank you, steve. >> steve: all right. carley shimkus joins us now with some news about rocky. >> that is exactly right. time to get social with trending headlines sylvester stallone is sending a dozen luxury watches to the auction block next month including a felipe that could fetch millions. >> this is green-faced, very
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valuable i don't know why i'm selling it because i'm stupid, i guess. but i'm going to do it anyway. >> auction house predicts the could draw bids up to 2 to $5 million. country music star jelly roll successfully completing the 5 k race that inspired his massive weight loss. the 39-year-old previously revealed that he had actually lost about 70-something pounds while training for yesterday's race. the singer songwriter "people" magazine last month that he had been two to three miles a day. jelly roll has previously said he hopes to lose even more weight before going on tour at the end of the summer. and a wild turkey was spotted strutting through manhattan collecting scraps of food and jumping into trees to sleep. the big bird was first seen in long island city on may 2nd and managed to make a three mile journey across the begins burrow bridge strolling into midtown manhattan, he was last seen by
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49th street in madison avenue. that's about half a mile from where, steve, we are standing right now. the turkey is on the lose. >> steve: that's right. over at hurley's they have got wild turkey, i think it's unrelated. >> carley: yeah. different kind. carley, thank you very much. stepping aside. more "fox & friends" in amp moment. ♪ur-ped all night long. for a limited time, save up to $500 on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. (vo) if you have graves' disease... ...gritty eyes could be more than a rough patch. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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