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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 9, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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happy birthday? [singing happy birthday] >> thank you. bye, everybody. >> that's all you need to do on your birthday. >> you need to prank call her on your broadcast. >> the first guest is bret baier and talking about everything else breaking and what's happening at the border. >> don't forget the dog show tomorrow. have a great day. >> bill: good morning, everybody. here we go now. donald trump will enter the new york city courthouse in moments,
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day 14 of a criminal trial gets underway with stormy daniels back on the stand for day two. we're waiting to see if the former president speaks on as wide range of issues he could be looking to comment on. we'll be in contact when it happens including this issue, which is significant today. you have an ultimatum for israel. president biden threatening to withhold weapons from our closest mideast ally. the backlash has been swift. throughout his entire political career joe biden has a huge supporter of israel. maybe not so now. i'm bill hemmer. good morning everybody. thursday, a special day i would say. >> dana: good morning, i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." of course, the president held that news until after he gave his holocaust speak earlier in the week. >> dana: the terrorists are in rafah. the president paused a shipment of bombs and learning the white house tried to hide that decision from the public.
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>> bill: the u.s. backing israel through thick and thin right now super thin for that country. campus protests may be causing the president to waiver. we have more on that that may prove that point. here is what he told cnn last night. >> president biden: i made it clear that if they go into rafah, they haven't gone into rafah yet, if they go into rafah, i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with the cities to deal with that problem. we'll continue to make sure israel is secure in terms of iron dome and respond to attacks that came out of the most recently, but it is just wrong. we're not going to supply the weapons and artillery shells. yeah, artillery shells. >> dana: governor doug burgum is here to react. let's go to gillian turner at the state department with an update. >> hi, dana.
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officials tell us they have concerns that the idf has plans to use u.s. made weapons in rafah. a city packed with 1.3 million palestinians. approximately 600,000 of those people are children. take a listen. >> when you see the results of the campaign to date you think too many palestinians die. imagine a repeat of a campaign in a more dense area where israel has operated to date. and why we have such great concerns. >> despite those concerns, speaker of the house insists that supporting israel in this war against hamas is the top-most priority. >> it would be devastating to our closest ally in the region and go directly against the will of what the members of this body voted on just several days ago. >> president biden is getting intense explosive pushback from republican senators as well. listen. >> what ammunition is being held up? why is it being held up?
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we want to get to the bottom of this. congress was not notified of this decision. >> you are telling me you are going to tell them how to fight the war? and what they can and can't use when everybody around them wants to kill all the jews? >> on the other side of this issue, democratic senators are saying that president biden actually has not gone far enough. they say he should halt all weapons shipments to israel entirely. >> dana: gillian turner, thank you so much. "wall street journal" op-ed board biden slaps an arms embargo an israel saying the message from the white house is that israel shouldn't have large bombs or small bombs, dumb or smart bombs and no tanks or artillery. israel would use the weapons. israel is fighting a seven-front war that it did not start. >> bill: now is the time to use
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them. so much for iron clad. doug burgum. it was called a senior moment when it comes to israel. >> unbelievable we're in completely new territory for a president of the united states because we've always had a rule which is don't negotiate with terrorists. joe biden has gone beyond that and negotiating for the terrorists. he has put a red line for israel, for our ally, and when you think about that, think of every one of our allies around the world watching this and going wow, israel is supposed to be america's top ally and the president is threatening them? how about joe biden saying we'll keep providing weapons until you release the hostages, hamas. he should be negotiating alongside of israel. he is on the opposite side of the table. if president trump was in office right now, this would not be happening. this is joe biden's weakness on display like it was with afghanistan, like it has been around the world. he continues to lead with weakness and he is doing it for
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one reason. he is doing it because he is trying to get votes in november from the pro-hamas part of the democrat party. >> dana: the president did an interview last night. you just mentioned the hostages. the president didn't in that entire interview. when asked about it the white house press office said the interviewer didn't ask him about it. apparently it is not top of mind. at the same time you have congresswoman omar tweeting this, that this is what young people across the country were protesting for and finally the needle has been moved in a significant way. i hope we see more progress. don't ever let people tell you your voices are meaningless and actions worthless. it's always within us to bend. she was up at columbia university, so was her daughter and helping to encourage more protesting. >> well, as i said it is unbelievable. we have iran funding hamas, hezbollah, houthis, world's largest funder of terrorism in
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the world and joe biden has provided the financing for them because of lifting all these sanctions. he has poured billions into iran so they can wage war against the ally at the same time withholding what israel needs to defend themselves. >> bill: there are, based on israeli projections, four battalions of hamas fighters in rafah. and you wonder if this decision goes through like it has been described if hamas will survive this war. and i have to think if you were rewind the hands of time and memory of time to october seven, eight, nine, no one on this planet thought it could be a possibility. now perhaps? >> well again, i say we wouldn't be in this spot right now if joe biden wasn't siding with hamas and politically trying to figure out a way to play indicate the people in his own party where you read the quotes from that
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and whether it's on campuses here. joe biden is worse than some of these university presidents. he is trying to have it both ways and that's not leadership. we need strength in the white house. again, if we were respected by our adversaries, they would not be doing this. we aren't doing that. we're funding our adversaries and drawing a line in the sand the red line for israel, which is again unbelievable. >> dana: let's talk about the economy. the president did last night. he was on c this, n interview. him talking about the economy and your thoughts on the other side. >> president biden: we have created more jobs. we're in a situation where people have access to good-paying jobs and the last i saw, the combination of the inflation, the cost of inflation all those things is worrisome to people with good reason. when i started this administration people were saying there would be a collapse in the economy. we have the strongest economy in the world.
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>> dana: we do have a strong economy in the world compared to others but what do you think about his ability to connect with people who say the number one issue is the economy. terrible marks on it and really upset about inflation which has continued and wages that haven't kept pace. >> well, joe biden can keep lying with statistics and saying stuff that's not true about the strength of the economy. american people get offended when they hear that. when they get to the end of month they are out of money. people talking in grocery stores and putting items back saying i can't afford to take it home. food in the car, gas in the tank or electric bill. electricity is up 30% under joe biden it is crushing americans right now and why president trump is so far ahead on the economy and on inflation in the eyes of the voters. and that just like all the other things where president trump is including national and border security.
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>> bill: one more topic waiting for the president to come into the courthouse and expect him to speak. what topics he chooses today we'll wait and see. maybe it could be part of that spryer we watched on cnn last night. think about the trump trials. a lot of these trials right now are delayed and punted down the road except for this criminal case in new york. stormy daniels is going to come back for day two in about 21 minutes and trump's team will move for a mistrial. i don't think he gets it. at least from this judge anyway. what do you think? >> well, this is obviously all politically motivated. the four trials, we see three of the four legs of the stool are falling off. this was a zombie case, the one that alvin bragg's prior d.o.j. passed on. election commission passed on and federal government passed on this case. the reason is they haven't
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proven criminality yet and it's proving what everyone said three weeks ago. a sham trial, a show trial, and they have every right to apply for a mistrial because the testimony that's going on right now has nothing to do with the actual case, nothing to do. this is new york tabloid headlines. americans don't care about. they care about inflation, they care about their public safety and the border and this is going to backfire in their face. >> dana: governor burgum. thank you for joining us this morning and we'll be in touch with you as there is lots going on. thank you for your time. >> thank you. [chanting and shouting] >> dana: students walk out of class at the university of california san diego protesting against the war in gaza. this coming two days after the school's chancellor calls an illegal encamp. removed from campus and new york city. the new york school faculty is setting up an encampment in the
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lobby of the college. the first faculty-led protest in the u.s. that's debatable. some of the stuff on why they are doing it. >> it's calling and incredibly sad what's going on in gaza and in israel. >> dana: some students are pushing back against those protests saying enough is enough and are filing a lawsuit against northwestern university and that's where we find mike tow bin. northwestern university has had terrible moments over the last couple of weeks and now it is coming to a head with a lawsuit? >> it certainly is. at least for the moment the protests are dampened because rain isn't giving anyone a break. as you can see behind me there is a protest tent and the meadow at northwestern university. as you mentioned a small group of jewish students have decided to fight back for the education
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free from harassment and free from threat, the one they thought they had paid for. the three students, two of them graduates, one of them undergraduates, all jewish and anonymous. the catch is their suit doesn't demand any kind of compensation monetary or otherwise. they are demanding the university enforce its own rules which is suit claims would prevent harassment and threats and stop the disruption to their education. the suit claims the university allowed the protests to become hostile to jews, alleges a students with his face haden by a scarf was the star of david with a red slash was displayed and protestors screamed one of the jewish plaintiffs should burn in hell. the suit calls the protest zone a cess pool of hate. >> it's about saying follow the rules and everyone can have the
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educational experience they signed up for. >> so the encampment at northwestern is largely gone. not much activity here today. in part because of the rain but also because the protestors, their representatives struck a deal with the university administration. part of that deal was to remove most of the tents. dana. >> dana: thank you, we'll see how it goes today. >> bill: back to the courthouse in lower manhattan. new york city. former president trump's attorney going to resume cross examination of stormy daniels. how long it goes we don't know. the former president may speak on the way in. he has done that just about every time. when and if it happens we'll bring it to you. stand by for that moment. in the meantime you have this to have a look at. >> like a freight train. i lived through this is my third or fourth one and i hear it's like a freight train coming through. it was nuts. >> dana: a dangerous storm system unleashing tornadoes down
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south. the threat is far from over. >> bill: migrants in denver were told to leave and they gave the city a list of demands and say until their demands are met they aren't going anywhere. how will that turn out? >> the camp as a collective came up with a list of demands. they aren't receiving any kind of official housing or immigration document support, which is necessary for them to be able to navigate the bureaucracy around these systems. hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪
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appellate division concerning the absolutely unconstitutional gag order where i'm essentially not allowed to talk to you about anything meaningful that's going on in the case. many good things are going on with the case. it shouldn't have been filed. they had this morning the top
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legal scholars in the country, this is a frankenstein case. they attached it to aa dead feel knee. so many of us are amazed to watch us walk into court. it is not a recognizable crime that anybody has seen. jonathan turley. i've been doing this for 60 years and i don't understand what crime he has been charged with. nobody understands this. i just don't get the crime. there is no evidence of any crime whatsoever. this is a sham. that's alan dershowitz. these are people that speak their minds. they are not for me but for justice. this is another one. without precedent in american history. only with the desperation of president joe biden and his fanatic left wing enforcers did it become possible to think about arresting and jailing their major political opponent.
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this case must be taken out of judge merchan's hands because he is totally conflicted. the judge is totally conflicted. like probably no judge has ever been conflicted before. manhattan d.a. alvin bragg. it violates both the federal and state constitutions. this is a prosecutor making it up as he goes along. due process worthy of the name does not tolerate that. these are statements. andrew mccarthy made that statement. highly respected. judge is allowing wide scope of information that has absolutely nothing to do with the case. that's rebecca from fox news. rick scott here and other politicians here. we have people -- many people in support. the outside of this building is closed down like fort knox. nobody has ever seen.
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we have so many police down here. new york's finest. they are new york's finest. they are told what to do but they don't have them at columbia or at nyu or any other places. this is like an armed camp down here. they have nothing to worry about, believe me. your problem is from the left, not the right. big problem from the left. it's from within. from within our country. that's a bigger -- in my opinion a bigger danger than china or russia. you have it from the outside and you have it from within. from within is a bigger danger to our country and it is from the left, not from the right. but rick scott is here and he said you can't go after political persecutions. this is a shame. this should not be happening in our country. senator ted cruz put out a statement about it. donald trump and the american voters to attack the vote. it is election interference. there is no case.
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so that's the way it is. here we sit after 2 1/2 weeks. and i think you will see some very revealing things today and i want to thank my lawyers. they've done a very good job and i would rather thank them after it's over as opposed to now. we don't want them to get carried away. there is no case. should have never brought. alvin bragg didn't want to bring it. he left and didn't bring it. everybody has looked at it. southern district didn't bring it. federal elections didn't bring it. also a federal case, not a state case, which they aren't allowed to do but these are minor details. i want to thank you for being here and we'll see you later in the afternoon. thank you very much. [shouted questions] >> dana: that's former president trump right before court he usually makes comments. he made two basic comments. first of all started with the news of the day from the biden
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announcement last night during the cnn interview that basically israel might be on their own when it comes to needing weapons. the president here, president trump, made a point of saying that if you are jewish in america and you voted for biden, you must be disappointed. he actually said you should feel ashamed of yourself. what his point was that biden is aba abandoning israel in its time of need weeks after iran pelted it with hundreds of missiles. >> bill: called it a political decision. in this case you have to make the right decision. what he is doing with israel is disgraceful. he announced they would fight the gag order. the judge, however, has taken action before court gets underway today. he took action against the pool photographer for taking a picture of the defendant donald trump from a different area of the courtroom than the judge had previously determined. there will be no more photos inside the courtroom.
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>> dana: not just today. >> bill: there is action from judge merchan. >> dana: some red lines that can be drawn indeed. >> bill: kennedy is here and paul mauro is here. good morning. stormy is back on the stand. your take on it now. >> i happened to catch. the playoffs, and i'm watching michael cohen's tiktok. it was incredible. he is wearing a t-shirt of donald trump behind bars in cuffs. and he is begging his followers to get to a million followers and begging for subscribers and he made a very big announcement in my estimation. he says, wait for it. he is running for congress, okay? you can be alarmed or amazed by that but then consider some of the people we have in congress and anything can happen. that was the big announcement last night. i saw it live. he seemed to be in earnest. the disparity between what michael cohen is doing and the gag order they are challenging
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is so stark i think the president might get some movement. >> dana: your thought. >> the former president is backed by the aclu. this is a free speech issue and regardless of how you feel about him politically, anyone should have the right to express their opinion about what they feel is a gross injustice at the hands of aggressive prosecutors and the president's supporters feel like that is seen across the country. people in the media who hate him abstract their hero, who is going to destroy president trump, you know, at first it was michael avenatti and now he is in prison for stealing money from stormy daniels after he represented her and she is back on the stand again today. and i don't know that she is going to do as well as those haters hope. i think that she could crumble like a snow cone on an 80 degree sidewalk. >> bill: we brought you guys in to talk about the migrants in denver making a list of demands.
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some have been met. a worm in rfk junior's brain. it will have to wait for another day. >> i have some great talking points. >> bill: thank you, kennedy and paul. we'll go inside the courthouse in a moment. stormy daniels should be back in a moment and we believe as andy mccarthy told us what he would do if he was the attorney for the president, they immediately push for the mistrial again. not that they will get it granted to make sure it is on the record. mccarthy, jonathan turley, kerri urbahn and cast of thousands, the best coverage and legal analysis next when we continue. analysis next when we continue. ing me back. standing up... even walking was tough. my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going to get worse. i was always hiding and that's just not me. not being there for my family, that hurt. woo! i had to do something.
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go to, find the perfect gift and wow the people you love. wow! wow! this is amazing. whether you want to say 'happy birthday'. so cute! or i love you. i love you too. thinking of you. wow! go to celebrate the people you love. >> dana: we're minutes away from stormy daniels return to the stand facing more cross examination from donald trump's defense team. our team coverage begins, jonathan turley, andy mccarthy, kerri urbahn, byron york and
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with eric shawn outside the supreme court. hi, eric. >> good morning. a few moments ago, the lawyers have filed an appeal the gag order that he says is unconstitutional. stormy entered the courthouse half an hour ago set to take the stand any moment now. the cross examination by trump's lawyer won't be pretty. on tuesday trump's lawyer, really drilled into stormy's story slamming it as she tried to portray her as a lying trump hater who fabricated her claims in having sex with trump in 2006 when they met at a celebrity golf tournament in lake tahoe and took this photo. she testified about their encounter that ten years later prompted michael cohen to contact her agent. stormy said it was the release of the access hollywood tape that motivated cohen and she said trump to try to stop
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anymore sex scandals from blowing up the campaign as election day was approaching. trump's attorney had none of us saying am i correct you hate president trump? she asked? yes, said stormy. you want him to go to jail, right? i want him to be held accountable. you were looking to extort money from president trump, right. in false. that's what you did, right? stormy said false. she advertise feed former president trump could be seen reacting. the judge summoned the lawyer to the bench and tell trump to cut it out. i understand your client is upset and cursing audibly and shaking his head and the potential to intimidate the witness and the jury can see that. the attorney said i will talk to him. i am speaking to you at the bench because i don't want to embarrass him. i will talk to him. the judge responding you need to speak to him. i won't tolerate that.
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prosecutors never asked stormy about why she says michael cohen and the former president made that deal to keep her quiet during the 2016 presidential election. that oversight and the absence of that main question likely will not help the prosecution's case. back to you. >> dana: eric shawn. cross examination about to get underway. >> bill: welcome to the broadcast, guys, thursday morning, day 14. stormy daniels back on the stand in moments. you were listening as paul was describing what michael cohen was saying on his tiktok feed last night and during the commercial paul played a little bit of that for us for the record, i deleted the app. i'm doing what government employees are supposed to do, right? >> he said he may run for congress and in the zone and. >> he is wearing a t-shirt with
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donald trump behind bars. if i were alvin] my head would be exploding. what happens to michael cohen when the day comes he is on the stand? >> there is such an embarrassment of riches already to cross-examine cohen with, it is hard to believe that you would need anything else. the idea he is sitting there plotting the launching of a political campaign on an appearance as a witness in the trump trial wearing a shirt with trump, you know, behind bars, if you were the prosecutor you just want to -- you just want to go under a rock and stay there. the thought of having to put this guy on the stand. it is already a challenge. he is a convicted perjureor his last explanation, which was actually marshaled by a federal
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judge was that he was lying about lying when he pled guilty to his fraud cases, which is actually the real reason he was sent to jail, despite what alvin bragg's lawyers told the jury in the opening statement. this guy is a guy who has more credibility problems than almost anyone i've ever heard and now looks like he wants to use the trial to launch a political campaign. >> dana: jonathan turley, you wrote this on x that stormy's testimony will not materially impact the evidence on whether reimbursement to cohen was correctly denoted on records but you say this, even a porn star who sought the cash in on a scandal may be more credible than the serial perjure cohen. what is the strategy today as they cross-examine stormy daniels from the trump team? >> who would have thought that the moral high point for bragg's prosecution was the porn star
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and from here they go down to michael cohen. this is a target rich environment. it was an amazing moment this morning when, after a day of just outrageous testimony, the judge came in and threw a photographer out of the courtroom but he is bringing the porn star back in. the question is why? why is she even testifying at any length in this trial? this is all im material and prejudicial. prosecutors know that. she said she was coached by the prosecutors. they want to poison the well with the jury and they have succeeded but only succeeded because the judge allowed them to do it. the judge was warned about this. there is no credible relationship to what is a bookkeeping alleged misdemeanor in this case. so she is going to get on the stand and it is going to be really not for the faint of heart because she went on a tour
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as a stripper after the story broke using this relationship with trump. they will play all that back for the jury. and she is going to be, i think, really damaged even further as a witness. but at the end of the day, you know, the supreme court said that i can't define obscenity but i know it when i see it. this is obscenity. this case is becoming really legally obscene. the fact that she is going to continue to testify because they have to. they now have to cross-examine her on these irrelevant things she covered is really an indictment of the court and the case. >> bill: it is what it is and it is up to these jurors in the end to tell us how they feel about everything. jonathan, you call it a dumpster fire that the judge allowed to burn for a full day and we'll see how much longer that fire
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burns momentarily. she is back in the courtroom wearing a blue v-neck top according to, a black cover-up. hair is down today is the update. kerri urbahn, welcome to the conversation. when she was on the stand on the cross examination, they determined that she had lost a court case that was separate from this involving donald trump and she was ordered to pay was it half a million dollars? and she came out and said i'm not giving him a dime. how does that play in a courtroom? >> not well. i was surprised sitting there watching her defiantly say she was going to not follow through on this court order. she was ordered by the ninth circuit, not a conservative court, to pay donald trump money she owes him because she filed a frivolous defamation lawsuit and you owe him attorney fees and they keep piling up because she won't pay him. for her to sit on the stand in
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this court and say no, i'm not going to pay a penny. defense said doesn't it benefit you if donald trump goes to jail as a result of this case? that will increase the likelihood you will never have to pay him. it was quite a moment. that and also for the entire testimony she wasn't about the money except for the fact that she tried selling her story as far back as 2011, no one wanted to buy it. when the access hollywood tape came out she saw an opportunity and had a lawyer who squeezed high profile people in other vulnerable positions and done it with other celebrities in the past. she is saying i didn't care about the money. i wanted the story out. she sold her silence for $130,000 to michael cohen. she very much cared about the money and they got her to say that at the end of tuesday afternoon. >> dana: a lot of this we're learning about to me is a good
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lesson in decision making in your life and how you end up in this situation right now. kerri, jonathan and andy mccarthy. what did president trump say the highlyly respected andy mccarthy. i'm almost up to levels of geography. >> dana: you're way up in our book. we'll continue to follow this and getting all the details minute by minute and continue to bring you this kind of excellent analysis from these folks and others who will join us as well. we'll be right back. your routin. new science shows listerine is 5x more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gumline. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. ahhhhh. listerine. feel the whoa!
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>> dana: fox news alert. welcome back to our coverage . donald trump's defense team is cross examining stormy daniels now and getting live updates
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from the courtroom. i want to bring back paul mauro who is here and kennedy with us as well and byron york in a moment. get your thoughts on this. >> no case. so that's the way it is. here we sit after 2 1/2 weeks and i think you will see some very revealing things today and i want to thank my lawyers. they've done a very good job. i would rather thank them after it's over as opposed to now because we don't want them to get carried away. there is no case. should have never been. alvin bragg didn't want to bring it. >> dana: i interviewed a legal scholar saying it is a major embarrassment and historical mistake. what do they feel like in the d.a.'s office? >> i have sources there. the feeling inside the office
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not speaking for anybody isn't great. they recognize a lot of what donald trump just said has veracity to it. the idea that at this point in the proceedings this mysterious second crime hasn't been specifically delineated or stated on the record is astounding. who talks about this a lot as a constitutional scholar is mark levin. it is a due process violation. donald trump is in court accused of a crime that hasn't been elucidated to him and tough to defend. that alone will be a reversal issue. good lawyers and manhattan district attorney's office is populated, no matter what you think of whir leadership has good, experienced lawyers. they know a dog when they see it. the atmosphere here is like we got into something that maybe we wish we didn't. they didn't do it. >> bill: the suggestion is people within the legal profession are embarrassed by
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this. >> dana: they are. the judge has his hands full. he has been telling the former president he is under gag order at $1 thousand a pop every time he violates it. the president isn't listening to what the judge has to say and now conversations within the secret service well if the former president really is jailed, how is that going to work out? will he have agents inside the cell with him? who is going to volunteer for that assignment? then you have stormy daniels on the hook for at least half a million dollars in legal fees. she lost the case against the former president. she has said she will openly defy any judge's orders and that she will go to prison as well. so this has truly turned into a circus. so far we're just at the appetizer course. >> dana: it's three rings. byron york joins us now, fox news contributor and writes for "the washington examiner."
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ruth markus is a columnist for the "washington post." left leaning, lawyer, writes a lot about these things. she has had an uneasy feeling about this case from the beginning but now she has written this. how trump could win the new york case even if he loses. and then it says is the hush money case allowing trump to gain the upper hand with voters? is this sinking in in washington, d.c.? >> well, to the degree that some voters think that trump is being unfairly targeted here. that's the whole point of all the discussion about this phantom other crime, about the idea of threatening trump with 136 years in prison. that's the maximum sentence over a bookkeeping dispute? if this sinks in among voters that trump has been unfairly targeted, some of those voters if we talk about independents,
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will begin to agree with so many republicans who currently believe that and have believed that for quite a while. >> bill: and when do you think, byron, we'll get a true sense of that answer? does it come after there is a verdict or does it come late in the summertime when maybe the shine wears off? or do we really not know this until the night of november 5th. >> any time there is a big news event like a verdict a while to settle in. think about this last year we were all talking about whether a number of indictments would affect trump's standing with the republican electorate. it raised it. then we started talking about if there is an actual trial, what effect will that have on the voters? now we're in week four of the trial and we haven't seen any polling that being on trial and in the courtroom with wall-to-wall media reports, none of that has actually hurt trump now. but we have seen a number of
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polls where voters who said that they would be open to voting for trump but they would not vote for him if he were convicted of a felony in this case. so what you have to see is, if he is convicted in this, how they react? will they really go through with that or after thinking about it for a while, will it not affect their decision to vote? >> dana: thank you so much for joining our coverage. our coverage will continue. the cross examination of stormy daniels underway right now by trump's defense team. we'll keep an eye on it and squeeze in a quick break here and be right back.
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let's get back out. stormy daniels on the stand going over the back and forth between trump's lawyers and stormy daniels trying to discern whether or not she wanted to get paid or whether or not she wanted to talk about it or have a press conference or keep her mouth shut. this is a bit of a ping-pong ball right now going back and forth. doesn't land a lot of things at the moment. it's early. >> dana: it is early but we're moving right along. jonathan turley, andy mccarthy, kerri urbahn and former counsel to the senate judiciary committee brett tolman. jonathan turley, we understand the cross examination is underway and stormy daniels might seem a little defensive. >> she has every reason to be defensive because much of what she has said in the past has been contradicted. and they are bringing out th


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