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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  May 9, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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k your doctor. >> bill: so in the short time that we have left here, her testimony continues and just reading through this about the day they met in 2006, lake tahoe. whether or not she had dinner. what she remembers from dinner. who gave her the number for donald trump. how she asked for the number. this is what is trying to be determined on behalf of his lawyers. >> dana: this has nothing to do with supposedly what alvin bragg brought the case. an accounting issue that even the federal election commission said they wouldn't pursue it. >> bill: before we get out of this, dana marie came into this world. happy birthday to you. >> dana: happy birthday to janice dean. harris faulkner next. here she is. >> harris: we'll pick it up from
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here. stormy daniels is under cross examination by donald trump's defense attorneys right now. it is day two of the nasty storytelling sex film worker who the prosecution picked even though she has no direct involvement exactly with what the case is about. her salacious testimony against the former president has some legal experts in fact saying she is now hurting the prosecution's case. not a problem for trump. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." on tuesday the defense got stormy daniels to admit that she hates the former president. trump's attorneys are now pressing her on her motivations to sell her story and the timeline of her decisions. intense backlash to what many have called a description of her alleged romantic encounter but the judge said she went too far but not enough to declare the mistrial. >> the testimony of stormy daniels that was salacious, that
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was the point of it. listen, there is no person on planet earth that believes donald trump has been celibate all his life. that's not news. they want to drag him through the gutter because this is a political smear job. it is not about the rule of law. it is frankly tragic what is happening. the rule of law is important. it protects all of us. this is what banana republics do. >> you'll see a moment by moment accounting what is happening inside the courtroom. that's your shorthand for catching up and we'll be talking contemporaneously with journalists and legal experts inside the courtroom giving us realtime notes and testimony and color from inside the courtroom. keep it here on fox. senior correspondent eric shawn
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is outside the new york supreme court now. eric. >> hello, harris. the defense is trying to portray stormy daniels as a trump hating gold digger who would only tell her story if she got paid. ms. daniels on the stand denied that and said she wanted to get the truth out. right now the searing cross examination is continuing by trump attorney susan necheles. she is slamming stormy's mostives bringing up the money angle. showing the jury how she says the porn star has profited off her claims that she and trump had that tryst back in 2006. necheles showing the jury items that make fun of trump that stormy sells. she asked stormy if a large part of the livelihood comes from the money she makes off of trump. stormy said no, but did admit she has to find a way to pay her legal bills. at one point necheles act if stormy attacked her boyfriend and if he thought she was insane. prosecutions objection prevented
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stormy from answering those questions. then the trial ventured into stormy daniels saying she can speak with dead relatives and necheles stormy made money telling people she can talk to the dead. the former president, when he arrived, says his attorneys are appealing the gag order that found him in criminal contempt so far ten times. >> we just filed a major motion in the appellate division concerning the absolutely unconstitutional gag order where i am essentially not allowed to talk to you about anything meaningful going on in the case and many good things are going on with the case. it shouldn't have been filed. >> defense trying to portray stormy as unreliable. money grabbing, and nuts. >> harris: good to see you. you saw the panel.
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i'll get back to them. this is live. senator rick scott of florida is outside the courthouse today. he was with trump in support. let's watch and listen. >> she is the justice department to go after me and my company. this can't continue. what is happening to this president is wrong. we're watching all over the country, watching all these cases they are going after somebody simply because he is a political opponent of joe biden. i'm proud of him for standing up for all of us because guess what? it won't end with him. they can go after any one of us if they want to and you do not have the resources to do it. then go after the former president, they can go after you. let's look at who is involved in doing this. elite prosecutor was the number three person that biden justice department. the judge's daughter is a
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political operative and raises money for democrats. you have the elite prosecutor's wife is a significant donor to democrats, i think to biden. so this is just a bunch of democrats saying we want to make sure that donald trump can't talk. they have a gag order so he can't go campaign. they have him holed up in a courtroom so joe biden can campaign but donald trump can't. this has to stop. but we know that president biden can't win this election fair and square. he has nothing to run on. and we know president trump has a record. he secured the border. he had a great economy. we weren't at war. that's why this is happening. joe biden knows and the press know he cannot win. joe biden cannot win this election. i would be glad to answer any
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questions. >> do you believe stormy daniels or donald trump? >> just remember what this case is about. they want to prosecute a person for how an expense was -- the records were done. nothing about her. no. >> did it have anything to do with the gag order you being here today? >> i'm fed up. i watch what happens to me and my company. i've talked to business people over the years and what's happened to them when you have political persecution. and now we watch what president trump, all these cases. this is simply. they don't want this guy on the ballot. tried to kick him off the ballot in states and now trying to put him in jail. they've tried everything they can. they know they can't beat him. >> do you believe there was an illegal prosecution -- >> remember what this is about. this is about they're trying to prosecute this guy for how something was recorded and that's all it is.
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this is just pure political persecution. thank you. >> will you be joining trump on the campaign trail? >> harris: that's senator rick scott. we knew he would be there today and reached out to his office and so we were very aware of his presence today in support, you heard him, of former president trump. also with his own story. and kind of hinting that something perhaps that's interesting to think about. i want to bring in my guests now jonna spilbor, criminal defense attorney. matt whitaker former acting attorney general. sean duffy co-host of the bottom line and served as district attorney for ashland county, wisconsin, for eight years. sean, i will start with you. politics and legal my first question out of what senator rick scott just said. so he can go -- the court system can go after anybody the way it is going after trump. yet he gives his own example as a politician of how he feels he has been treated by the justice
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system. it is an interesting thought that maybe other politicians who have grievances with someone across the aisle that they might run against might weaponize the system in some way or shape. you have run before. what are your thoughts on it? >> i think that's right for any politician. any american is looking at this case going listen, if i get crossways with the law and don't like my politics or viewpoint they will come for me. we see what's playing out in the new york courtroom. i think if you look at law schools across the country, how woke filed they have become you will only get more of this as these new left leaning law students come out of school. they aren't faitheful to the law but to an ideology. that's frightening for every american. that is being reflected in the polls. the fact that americans are uneasy not just inflation or economy but what happens with trump they see can happen to them as well. >> harris: jonna, come to you next. we heard senator rick scott say
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this about the judge and his daughter's ties to democrats and learning more about the trump prosecution teams deep ties to the democratic party. matthew colangelo, who left president biden's d.o.j. to take this job, was paid by the democratic national committee more than once for political counseling. $6 thousand each time. not a lot of detail about what that meant exactly what he was doing. quite a connection his wife has donated thousands to president biden and presidential campaigns and worked in the obama administration. records also show susan hossinger donated to bidens 2020 campaign and act blue for politicians. most recently the shut down of
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bridges across this country a couple of weeks ago on april 15th. jonna, i want to get your thoughts on conflicts of interest, on impartiality. talk to us based on what we know. >> what we know is there is a problem with conflict of interest when it comes to this judge 100%. when we look at the prosecution, however, a prosecutor's job is always to search for the truth. but when you have prosecutors who have been plucked from biden's d.o.j., for example, and put in place to prosecute donald trump, it really makes you question their motivation. are they searching for the truth or are they out for blood? i think it's pretty clear in this prosecution of donald trump it is the latter. now, they won't get in trouble for that. there might be some ramification to judge merchan when this case is over. remember i said that. but prosecutors don't have the same conflict of interest as a
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judge who is supposed to be a neutral and fair arbiter of the facts. but it does make you wonder especially when we see the way this case is playing out, that the fix was in from the beginning, harris, and that's why we're having what has turned into a real clown show of a prosecution against donald trump. >> harris: matt whitaker, stormy daniels on now for cross examination and i know you've been following closely our coverage this morning. how do you think that the defense team is doing with its strategy -- everybody has wednesday off from the court. they came back fresh. how is it working? >> i think that extra day always is helpful to prepare for a witness that you've already begun questioning. so i would expect they knew exactly where they wanted to go. at the end of the day it ends up being a credibility issue. the prosecution can't necessarily choose their witnesses but they have picked a couple people that lack any credibility. have been caught in different versions of the story.
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i talk about not only stormy daniels but michael cohen. to the point earlier of sean made a good point. this is a distraction from the important issues that are facing the american people. whether it's the high prices of what they are buying in stores, whether it's the current situation in israel with joe biden not sending them the needed arms to win that war against hamas. there are so many issues that this is taking the oxygen away from and again to rick scott's point that is so important as well, harris, that this is ultimately about a documents case, entries in the books and records of the trump organization that really the only victim was donald trump if they were wrong. >> harris: i also find it interesting that donald trump has a friend today. i've been reading there are others, rick scott mentioned there will be others joining the president as well who have a need to and desire to support him while he goes through this process. i have you and i'm so grateful for you to be with me for the
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breaking news. we'll cover it minute by minute. updates from inside the courtroom. if president trump speaks outside that courthouse in the hallway when they take a break we'll bring it to you right away. stay close. what delta customers experience is award-winning service. what makes it possible is 5g solutions from t—mobile for business. while travelers are relaxing in the delta sky club or seamlessly boarding the plane.
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why is she even here? is it only to put, you know, color in the room and to go after trump's reputation? the trial is in full swing. however, there are others that have screeched to a halt. this has got to drive democrats crazy because these are not going to all be simultaneous and happening right now. his two election interference cases, for example and his classified document trial are all delayed indefinitely. they may not even start before the november election. miranda devine's "new york post" column has this headline. dem's kangaroo court is backfiring. congressman jim jordan said this. >> every one of these cases is falling apart. braggs case, fani willis, now the classified documents case falling apart. the country is clearly seeing that these cases are baloney. this is law fare, wrong and the
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country understands that. >> harris: matt whitaker and sean duffy are back with me now. first of all, sean, talk about this delay now. cases delayed indefinitely and what it means for even the prosecution of this case. >> yeah, fani willis and her escapades with wade has been appealed so that's going to be delayed. the documents case down in florida, again the judge has so many pre-trial motions it will be delayed as well. what is fascinating here is the left, who has so promoted these cases, if they are looking for justice, they want to have donald trump be held accountable because no one is above the law is what they say. they would say listen, these cases should take their time and go through the appeals process and make sure that donald trump gets a fair hearing. that's not their position, though. a lot of the left wing commentators are up in arms and outraged that these cases have been delayed because they want convictions before the next
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election because this is political. it is not about lady justice being blind and donald trump being subject to the same laws as the rest of americans. >> harris: this is earlier today, donald trump did speak for quite some time. we took that live and now they have not taken another break that we have seen him come out to take and if that happens we'll go straight to him. on the right side of your screen, of course, the moment to moment notes coming from our journalists and legal experts inside the courtroom and you can read those while you are watching our coverage here. matt whitaker, as a former acting attorney general, how do you look at this case and what do you see in those delays? >> well, what i see in those delays is actually probably two cases that are -- may never see the light of day. one is in georgia with fani willis. judge mcafee excluded wade but
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didn't exclude fani or her office. what happened is he wrote a detailed opinion that really sets up the appeal that is happening. i think the appeals court will ultimately kick her and her office off and it will go to the prosecuting attorney's committee to reassign that and it will be the end of that case. >> harris: i want to tell everybody we toggled trump walking out. the breaks are ten to 15 minutes. not quite lunchtime. he should be back shortly. matt. go ahead. >> on the florida documents case, these cases if you have done them. i have as a u.s. attorney, it's a very complicated process to go through what classified information will be admitted at trial and make sure that what is excluded and what is included. that will be a serious process for judge cannon. the really important -- she is
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taking up the motion for selective prosecution, among many other motions, which will suggest that joe biden and mike pence and others have had a pass from similar behaviors and why are they going after donald trump? that will be a fascinating discussion in that courthouse when that happens. >> harris: you point out if it ever happens. are you saying -- and sean, i kind of got this from you, too. if we get to november and this is no longer the political weapon for anybody on the left, does it go away? >> it does to me. i think it goes away. these cases. you stack them up and they're incredibly weak. once the election is over, again, fani willis, whether that case goes forward or not i think after the election the point is mute as well as the federal prosecutions of donald trump. again, if donald trump wins the federal cases will more than likely go away. if he loses, i don't think joe biden has a vested interest in
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seeing donald trump convicted. again, i think after the election, wrap these cases up against donald trump they aren't going anywhere in my opinion. >> harris: that puts a darker shade like the original meaning of shod and fraud. it looks shady if they don't continue with justice as they say they are after the minute the politics don't matter anymore. if it's really that transparent, that's disgusting for the country. we can't have a legal system that looks like that. that's completely broken. we'll be right back with everybody. we're in a break and the trial will be short based on what we know. we're following the latest. more straight ahead. >> tech: does your windshield have a crack? trust safelite. this customer had auto glass damage, but he was busy working from home... he scheduled with safelite in just a few clicks. we came to his house... then we got to work. we replaced his windshield... ...and installed new wipers to protect his new glass. >> customer: looks great. thank you. >> tech: my pleasure.
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him? no, nothing. daniels said or they report insecurities made her feel like she had to have sex with him. she was not threatened or drugged in any way. what is the strategy in all of this, matt whitaker? >> again, to undermine the credibility. i think you have a witness that has told their story many, many times. human nature makes it very hard to tell the same story twice with all the same details. so you will end up with inconsistencies. the question is, does the jury believe her? remember, this is the same person that signed two different letters denying this ever happened in the first place. and so it is a witness that, if i'm in the jury, i'm thinking they have no credibility and i'm also wondering why is this person even telling this? is this illegal? they haven't been instructed yet with the law. >> harris: that's a good question, jonna. >> yeah. the tactic -- this is
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interesting. tuesday you would have thought the tactic from trump's team would have been let's get her up and off the stand as quickly as possible because the details are so salacious and false and wrong and so irrelevant that the less we hear from her the better. today, harris, i think the strategy is let's turn this around and rub the prosecution's face in the excrement that is stormy daniels' testimony and they will crush her credibility. good idea, why? this is a dress rehearsal for what they'll do to michael cohen when he takes the stand. same type of witness, same strategy. >> harris: have interesting. our judge pirro is in the courtroom and sent this out. devastating cross examination by a feeble attempt by stormy to make her story sound true. example after example showing a different description of what happened repeated denials it wasn't about the money. again, that's from judge pirro.
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part of our team inside the courtroom and on a quick break. >> mother teresa stormy daniels is not. has many inconsistent statements that we just talked about right here but she also has the motivation to law. a financial interest in this for her. she hates donald trump. all those things will be brought out. the fact that she actually talks to dead people. we don't get to pick our witnesses. she is a horrible witness for the prosecution and by the way we should not be in this situation. judge merchan has taken control of his courtroom. a gag order on donald trump forcing that gag order on him. on tuesday he was upset donald trump was shaking his head and cursing under his breathe the talked to trump's lawyers to get him to stop. but they let all of this prejudicial and irrelevant evidence from stormy daniels into the trials. the prosecutors are going too hard and look for the truth but
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the real villain is judge merchan who hasn't taken control of the evidence that should match the elements of the crime and that is what should be presented to the jury. that hasn't happened. so now this is just a food fight now in the courtroom. i don't blame trump's lawyers for now calling out stormy daniels for all of these inconsistent statements and weird viewpoints like talking to dead people. >> harris: this is live now. there is the former president of the united states, donald trump. a wave and fist bump as he goes back in. it was a short break. just before things wrapped up from inside the courtroom, my notes are telling me that susan necheles, defense attorney for donald trump who is leading the cross examination at this point, said you told in touch magazine a completely different story? stormy says no and continues there were parts in the middle i didn't remember. so then they go into exhibits and so on and so forth.
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it is that inconsistency that so many have talked about and what you said, matt, just let her talk. if you do just let her talk and she conflicts with anything she said yesterday or previously, that becomes a point of weakness for this witness. >> it does and, you know, i have told many defendants and witnesses, you don't want to tell your story more than once and you want to tell it on the stand. when you have someone like stormy daniels that has been out there talking about this and also michael cohen has been out there talking about this, making money on this. they make very, very poor prosecution witnesses. it shows you how weak this case is and how politically motivated these charges are, harris. >> harris: good they knew about the inconsistencies. i can't imagine they wouldn't from what you all are saying, why would you at that point allow her to just pontificate the way she did yesterday if
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tlerp inconsistencies. legal experts say her testimony may not fare the way the prosecution had hoped it would. watch this. >> you always ask the question can you get this information from a less risky witness? we're only halfway through cross examination. it could get worse. maybe it won't. maybe she will be fine. stormy daniels is one of those witnesses who tends to add her own editorial and that's a really dangerous thing. i promise you, the prosecution is sitting at their desk saying just answer the question, please. >> my one quarrel with that. she may have done damage to the prosecution's case by virtue of the fact she just couldn't stop saying stuff. so that will backfire on them. >> harris: again, i love having you guys with me because we can even kind of decipher where some of this commenting is coming from. the liberal networks point it is damaging, stormy daniels
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damaging for the prosecution. the "wall street journal" editorial board says this. the street stormy daniels sex trial. another editorial calls it the trump trial farce. it is not illegal to pay for someone's silence nor illegal to pay a third party to make the payment. what bragg or i should qualify here the district attorney of manhattan alvin bragg alleges is trump record evidence his payments to daniels falsely. if it's true it's a bookkeeping crime. sean. >> 1990s program that donald trump was using. not many drop-down screens to categorize payments to michael cohen. again there is a lot of reasons and rationale behind why the payments were categorized the way they were. but again when we look at this case even you played a clip from cnn lawyers talking about how stormy daniels' testimony doesn't build the case of the prosecution and can do more damage. but that's under the theory that
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they are trying to actually win the case with a fair jury. i imagine in deep blue manhattan they have probably a very favorable jury panel but this is about sullying donald trump. this is about telling the story of donald trump in gross detail to the american people for political reasons. it is not about what's really going to happen in the courtroom and justice and fairness and whether donald trump committed the crime alleged or whether he is innocent. it is about politics. >> harris: wow, you gave such an interesting detail there i almost have to think you've seen this before. 1990 software program didn't have many drop down options for invoice descriptions. that seems really basic. i'm thinking it would come into play here for the defense at some point if it hasn't already. >> no doubt about that. you can't categorize this as a construction payment, right? this was a legal payment.
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so yeah, maybe it should have been classified differently but they didn't have the tools and programs to classify it another way. if anything, you might say this is a tax violation, right? if donald trump wrote this off as a legal expense as opposed to hush money payment you might have gotten some room there. but this is an accounting error. and again i think there is a lot of issues that come into play with the program they were using. who categorized the payment. not donald trump himself but the accountants of the trump organization that did it and it comes back to the fact that new breath was fed into this case making it a felony from the misdemeanor where the statute of limitations had run out. the fact that i guess i think they will have a stretch to make the argument that a felony was committed. that donald trump intentionally himself tried to win an election by hiding what was happening with regard to these payments when hope hicks came on and said
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it was about my family. this is about melania, this was about my reputation in the trump organization. it wasn't about the politics. it was about my wife. how do you refute that and get into the mind of donald trump and say that's not actually what he was doing? any common sense juror would say well if i had done that, i too who want could keep it from my wife and not exposed in the media. it does damage to me and my relationship with my spouse. >> harris: matt, in listening to all that i am looking down. we saw former president trump walk back into the courtroom. they have resumed and i want to invite everybody to watch the box on the right for notes and we'll talk about those things. i just want to get your quick thought, matt, on susan necheles and where the strategy goes from here. as sean pointed out and we've been talking about all morning long, this is a situation where you've got inconsistencies in story. you have a case that doesn't
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have anything to do with stormy daniels and her take on the sex and all that sort of thing and however salacious it gets. so where do you go? >> cross examination you want to do enough but not too much. so in my experience, there is a feeling that okay, we have own scored our points, we've discredited this witness, and we've done enough. so she probably will go back to her notes and make sure she has done everything and refuted what they felt the most damaging piece of her evidence. what sean said. this case is undermining the rule of law and faith in our judicial system. if i'm a new york attorney or judge i'm really concerned about the long-term impact this has on our courts. not only in new york, but nationwide. i think the american people are aghast that this is happening right now in our judicial system that is supposed to be the best in the world.
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>> harris: we'll be right back. gentlemen, thank you very much. stormy daniels on the stand. more straight ahead. we all need fiber for our digestive health, but less than 10% of us get enough each day. good thing metamucil gummies are an easy way to get prebiotic, plant-based fiber. with the same amount of fiber as 2 cups of broccoli. metamucil gummies the easy way to get your daily fiber.
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>> harris: with stormy daniels back on the stand now i want to fill in some things. inside the courtroom our experts are giving us minute by minute. here is some. i can see a few of the jurors from where i am sitting at the moment. this is from one of our producers. they seem engaged, paying attention. one woman is taking notes. looking at the exhibits when entered into evidence and glancing over at stormy occasionally. marc thiessen, fox news contributor and former white house speech writer. great to have you. as this is going on, i'm
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thinking about 14 days and a couple of them where the former president has managed to be on the campaign trail. is that enough to sustain his lead in some key battleground states over biden? >> i think this whole thing is helping him enormously but feel badly that he has to go through this. political gold for him. it is creating sympathy for him facing 91 charges. charles manson faced ten. the polls show that people think this is unfair and creating sympathy for donald trump. second thing it is distracting us from the issues that voters say they care about. our campuses are on fire. the border is on fire. the world is on fire. we've got wars raging on two continents. we learned that joe biden has threatened to cut off aid to israel if they go into rafah and the left wants us to talk about a porn star. voters look at that and say what are these people talking about? they are focused on the wrong thing.
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the third thing is, it's forcing him into a basement strategy. the reason donald trump lost in 2020 is because people liked his policies but they didn't like his inflammatory style. they didn't like the way he behaved and talked and they were tired of it. he can't say anything inflammatory sitting in a courtroom all day long, right? he can't say things that are offensive to people when he is in a courtroom and so the reality is that he is not offending people. there was a "new york times" poll -- >> harris: do your poll and i will ask my question. >> there was a "new york times" poll that came out. they asked has donald trump ever said anything to offend you? six in ten americans said no or not recently. among 18 to 29-year-olds, 77% said either no or never or not recently. that just destroys the whole biden campaign strategy. their whole strategy is donald trump is so offensive, we can't let him back into the white
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house. if people aren't finding him offensive and they find what they are doing to him offensive, then that's good for him politically. >> harris: that's an incredible set of information there in terms of the polling and the details and the question that was asked because if that was, in fact -- we know it was, when you talk with voters they will tell you, but if this is somewhat changing the game for him along with the decisions that current president is making that is clearly offensive to people, especially the economy how we deal with our strongest ally in the middle east and withholding weapons potentially and all of that. one last one for you. nbc news and others are reporting that barron trump will step into the political arena as a florida delegate at the republican convention. i'm working with our team to make sure we can confirm that. but do you need different types of surrogates now? you have senator rick scott here at the trial. he may be in an overflow room. we haven't determined that yet
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but able to monitor this and come out and give news conferences on behalf of the president and the reports that barron trump may be stepping into the political fold there. your thoughts. >> barron trump is about to graduate from high school. we don't know if donald trump can attend his graduation. a lot of people find that offensive. he always kept his family close to him. jared and ivanka at the white house. his other sons involved in his campaigns. his daughter-in-law is at the rnc. it would make perfect sense that barron becoming -- he is 18, adult. he is graduating from high school. he can get into the family business, too. they won't shut up trump supporters. they can put trump in a courtroom, put him in the dock and keep him gagged. they put gag orders on him but can't gag the republican party and people who support him. >> harris: thank you. we'll bring you back as the situation rolls on. appreciate you being with us for this hour.
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we have a brand-new photograph of stormy daniels and her attorney from inside the witness room in the courthouse. this is from tuesday and it was posted to brewster's law firm's facebook page. we wanted to show that to you. i want to bring in jonna spilbor, matt whitaker and sean duffy now. they look happy. a posed picture. what we care about here is the fact that, you know, there is a lot going on with this case that we don't normally get to see. we know there was some kind of row today with the judge and photographer. we may not see anything else from inside the courtroom. the photographer was standing in the wrong place. we've seen the new picture and pop it back up. >> that picture is absolutely ridiculous. now they are taking photo ops at a sham trial of a former president and likely future president. look how happy they are. her credibility is going to be crushed on the stand.
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you know what she is going to do, harris? true to form she will try to profit off of this picture. thankfully the tables are turning for donald trump both in and out of that courtroom. i for one couldn't be happier. we have to get to the finish line of this trial and get him back on the campaign trail where he belongs. >> harris: we were just talking about that. i had on marc thiessen saying what will happen when he does return? of course, we have a president right now who is in hot water over a host of issues. matt whitaker. >> i want everyone to understand that, you know, what sean said earlier is very important. we had testimony earlier this week before all this circus surrounding stormy daniels from an accountant i categorized the expenses and put them in there because of the limited software of the trump organization. the federal election commission has looked at it as a possible
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campaign expense and determined it wasn't. it was a mixed purpose at best. it may have been something that was involved in the campaign but an expense that would have otherwise happened because he is a celebrity, high-profile person who wanted to keep this information, false allegations away from his family, away from his business associates and the like. so i just think -- southern district passed on this case as well. it is really important context to have. >> harris: we have a few 15 seconds or so, sean, your last words for the hour. >> in the courtroom the jury will look at the demeanor of stormy daniels. how does she behave on cross? is she angry? they will pick up the differences. it is not telling the story but completely different. the jury reads the non-verbal. >> harris: we know at least one woman on the jury is taking notes and paying attention according to the people we have watching.
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thank you for all being with me. "outnumbered" after the break.
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