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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 9, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> right now, redirect is about to start. after trump's attorney grilled stormy daniels on day two of cross-examination, the lawyer and daniels have been inspiring over the relationship with the former president and why if she wanted to "get her story out" she instead sold her silence. this is "outnumbered." i am emily compagno here with harris faulkner and kayleigh mceany. joining us today is senior fellow in journalism fellow for the steamboat institute kaylee mcghee white, and kevin walling. we just got this new photo of stormy daniels with her attorney in the witness from yesterday. it was taken before the judge banned photography in the
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courtroom. former president trump having the gag order to lash out about the case earlier this morning. >> only with the desperation of president joe biden and the left week three bath left-wing that it becomes possible that they want to jail there is major political opponent. this should be taken away because this is conflicting. >> emily: we begin in lower manhattan with the latest on the treatment of child. >> hello emily the defense has been trying to shake stormy's story. today the testimony veered from nda to communicating with the dead. trump players who were slamming stormy daniels and her memory. challenging details of her
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recollection of that meeting with trump at this celebrity golf tournament in 2006. going to his penthouse and hotel suite she said for dinner and a tryst. they were trying to pick apart her claim said to her you made all this up and stormy daniels said no, my story has not changed. stormy daniels seen her get it back here with admitted a deal with michael cohen was signed eight days before the election day in 2016 and she was afraid of at that time that she would not get paid because she thought trump would lose. then the child ventured into the paranormal, stormy daniels admitting that she can speak with the dead including speaking with her deceased relatives. raising the work as a medium to try and portray her to the jury as well unreliable and a bit crazy. turns out the arrival came today from trump tower, and afterwards
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outside they repeated to the former presidents claimed that this case is political. >> the lead prosecutor was the number three present that joe biden had in the justice department. the judge's daughter is a political operative. raising money for democrats. you have the lead prosecutor's wife, who is a significant donor to democrats, and to joe biden. so this is just a bunch of democrats saying that we want to make sure that trump cannot t talk. >> at the district attorney has says that politics has nothing to do with this case, the judge has said there is no conflict in the new york state committee on judicial ethics that has ruled that the judge's daughters work as a democratic consultant has no bearing on this case and that he is impartial. so now that their defense has finished its cross-examination
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of stormy daniels it is time now for the prosecution to have a redirect so they will try to address some of those issues that will cause their case and problems with her trying to clean up some of what we heard this morning and we will bring you that redirect as soon as we get it. back to you. >> emily: thank you so much, so harris, tell me this guy is green or the grass is blue but -- >> harris: let me add to that risk that we just had of all the people who are having to quantify and qualify how they do not have a conflict of interest. we can now add matthew who was the lead prosecutor in this case. we know that his wife has given to democrats, and you can give to people are not necessarily lose your objectivity, however, when you would pay thousands of dollars by the democratic national committee on a couple of occasions i would like to know what they were doing for the democrats. i think that is a fair question because that is not a donation
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that is épée from the democrats to him. and it wasn't quote political consulting, it seems out of his lane but maybe not. and if they come to the point where the dnc is willing to pay, who was praised and to the color in this case? i think i was a good place for eric shawn to land on as we wait for redirect because it does bring up a lot of issues for the team, the judge, we will see how it shakes out. >> emily: kevin, as a dnc moral with us today, how do we address these questions, the very real questions about the seeming conflict of interest with everyone involved in this? the law for this seems to be an end an address but is it a farce but it's portrait of the criminal justice system right now being wielded by the democrat party in this administration to temper down with a presidential candidate. >> kevin: this case as we have
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talked about before actually helps the former president, he is able to fund raise and able to take that mantle of grievance back, this is how he was able to clear the republican primary. where attacks were not landing he was not debating them and he was in court. and now he is selling parts of his soup from when he was indicted. this all furthers the narrative and actually, i want the former president now on the campaign trail, this trial was a national embarrassment for this country, i don't want him to enter to some of these questions because it is embarrassing especially in the strategic competition. i want him on the campaign trail having to defend tax cuts for billionaires and this national abortion bed i do not want him in a courtroom i think it next he helps his cause. >> looking into that point about stormy daniels particularly, what say you about how she has been utilized or attempted to be leveraged by the prosecution and how that seems to be faring in everything
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however but the humiliation which this trial seems to be rife with. >> kaylee: people want to figure out why she is there in the first place. her testimony is completely irrelevant, but her entire testimony was filled with the salacious details about a intercourse act, the judge actually had to scold the team for putting her on the stand in the first place and having her share those things. so i think the cummings point, the reason why this has not touched the lead in any of the swing states, and i think about my home state of michigan here is because this is just a distraction and go to see that for what it is they are annoyed that the media and the democrats are constantly wanting to talk about donald trump on trial when the groceries at 30% more expensive this year than when president biden first took office. it is a distraction and a president biden donald trump continues to capitalize on that his lead will continue to grow. >> as we listen to this
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testimony we are reading right now she confirmed she entered into a nda over safety, but she testified that she indeed had gone into the agreement for the money and there's a lot of details that are salacious at a minimum but so irrelevant and prejudicial and we talk about how juries cannot wipe it from their ears is our memories and it seems to me that the bigger case that the democrats are trying to build that the d.a. is trying to build here is that the morey doner trouble comes out looking like the victim because he is, and this is so legally and politically. it is horrifying. >> cheryl: they've had three weeks and i'm ready to talk about the business records, let's get to the case what do you have a you will get a say to's president trump and what did he do or did not do? get to the point that if this has been the point. stormy daniels' testimony has been a distraction, but he has
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to prove that the falsification of the business records happened and it was also a second crime and that if the election interference but he has to get through all of that and he hasn't even started that you and of course there is to be the inevitable appeal at the end of all of this. i will say this, financial crimes are already difficult to prove, and a civil case this is a criminal case. so i think he has taken on more than he can chew, and that this case continues we are going to see that he does not have a case and i think the jerry zgoda have to decide. >> harris: i wonder politically what this will cost him and also letitia james that the case that has been indefinitely delayed. although the cost if she forgets to stand the case at this point with the appeal about disqualification potentially. all those cases have been delayed now while the trial is going on. and emily you have taught us this on the legal expert, the weakest of all of them, can we go back to the picture of her in the hallway taking a selfie with
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the prosecutor. look, we know what this is about. this is more of a money grab, it's a graft. and it looks like that from her perspective because she is willing to go into the hallway, and just basically put herself out there and there is so much saying that i'm this or that at trial, but this is not a selfie taking time. you are on cross examination and now redirect for two days of testimony and you are killing the prosecution's case, not a problem for trump but it let you know who she is. >> emily: what will it cost them? hopefully their jobs. we are awaiting any remarks from trump, when we see him walk out of the stores from the lunch break, plus trump warns that the far left is in far greater threat in america than any foreign adversary. we will tell you why we agree and i will be coming up next.
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>> right now stormy daniels is facing redirect after the attorney hammered the kamala harris on the nature of her actual relationship between daniels and trump however as the former president walked in this morning he took the time to one america about the far left watch this. >> >> at the problem is from the left is not from the right the big problem is from the left and within our country. in my opinion it is a bigger danger than china or russia, you have a from the outside and you hhave a from within. from within it is a bigger danger and it is coming from the left are not the right. >> harris: a reminder of the fact that on day 14 of this trial we haven't seen much on the campaign trail, so this is keeping him sequestered in the
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courtroom, however he does have a microphone and he does know how to use it. he got political there. >> kaylee: people are listening into his point, the far left in china share the exact same goal, you saw this on college campuses across the country the past couple of weeks, where you have young adults chanting, the shared goal is ultimately to destruction of america. the institution and the values that we all here cherish, the bigger threat is the far left in this situation because who controls the institutions? who has the power? the left. and we see this in a courtroom right now where donald trump is facing hundreds of charges on multiple different indictments simply because democrats are able to bring cases against them in these positions of power. all china has to do at this point is push a few dominoes down and the house of cards crumple within itself, so that is what he's pointing out, we
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nneed to stay unified and strong within and we can't do that when one side of the country is determined to bring the whole thing crashing down. >> harris: kevin, it is complicated because there's a lot of divide across the spectrum of both houses, the house, the senate, democrats, republicans. but the divide between the far left right now is driving a narrative that it is dangerous to the country. it is dangerous to hunt jewish people, if we have learned nothing in their past, and should be that. it is dangerous for all of us. it destroys us as a society. we are better than that, yet this is what we are watching for our campuses and even some of the streets of american out. and now the president says he wants to withhold the weaponry. for our greatest ally in the middle east. the far left are they the people in your party that are dragging him are easy-going willingly? >> kevin: there's so much to unpack and what you said, the extremes in our politics are so dangerous.
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on both sides, and i'm not doing the joe few point of view on this but what the former president said in his rhetoric is saying that china and russias the real enemy in china is slaughtering us with that now coming across the border but russia is slaughtering women and children in hospitals right at this very moment. so to describe political parties and reactionary parties in this country to that, is fundamentally -- >> harris: so they don't court some of what's going on in the streets? >> kevin: i fundamentally -- i am a democrat but i hate what i see out of the far left i am not a squad member. >> harris: so is it willingly or are they dragging him? >> kevin: that the president has said is something that we saw president reagan do with f-16 an issue in the past with the war in lebanon in 1983 with withholding support. this is a tool that presidents
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used to affect foreign policy with regards to israel. >> harris: but they impeached trump for it. >> kevin: because he tried to get a foreign government to release things about a political opponent. >> kaylee: isn't at the same thing? changing the policy to win votes? >> harris: right. >> kevin: that is not the case, he is pushing for a swift end to what we are seeing with so many -- with so many innocent people losing their lives. >> harris: why would you go back to the same thing you had when you know days after that there are p.r. leader, because they do have one, was making statements about doing it again and again and again and again and again, he could give me a new so it's not the same thing. so you are talking about a phone call and i'm talking about -- the president still gets us to talk about what is important even if he's not on the campaign
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trail emily? >> emily: adding into this i will just say on top of the pot would be the success of the massive social agitation and the poorest southern border, the efficacy of four routes that are destroying biological women in sports let's talk about the campus is being distracted, there is a chaos element that is a stated objective of our enemy such as russia and china and the communist regime all over the place. what they want to see is us implode from within that is what is happening and it's not the democrats, i am pointing out and identifying who is leaving the door open and the windows open and left everything threat there and open for our enemies to pals including intellectual property theft and the physical security in the death of americans and the list goes on but it is all at the welcome mat at the front door by the democrats and those progressive liberals. speak to the far left in particular is what i was saying, but the democrat party is the only -- where is it?
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>> k >> with the college campus protests many of my colleagues and i say follow the money was coming from and it is very hard to track but the more we dig into it the more answers we would we will get, because is it coming from overseas? many of those protesters were not members of the schools and we know they've been trained for months. going back to president biden what you brought up in what he is now doing take if he feels especially from the israelis, i think it is political and the fact that he leads from that number's perspective he needs those photos to, and november and those of the ones most angry at him because of his policies towards the israelis and palestinians in the way that is happening and so, i do believe that is a political move to try and pull back a little bit. even if those in the pentagon wanted us to get to that. >> harris: your great work that you've been doing we talked about it, there are a couple of
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other people who are really big donors to president biden, the illinois governor cousin, nick and his wife susan money that is going to some of these protesting and things. >> that money is backfiring because the monies being fronted to these groups, rockefeller is not riding -- that's what we had to work on tracing the money but when you start to uncover where it is going because they don't have to file tax returns those groups, you find out what is happening now will backfire on them because it is backfiring on president biden. if those young voters don't show up in november, that backfires on president biden. >> harris: should the money be given back? >> kevin: absolutely. >> harris: you should call and he knows you. we are still keeping our eye on the courts and those double
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doors as the redirection on stormy daniels is underway. the former president could walk out at speak at any time and when he does that will take you there life. we are all over the trial, plus top republicans are urging to investigate michael cohen after he admitted before congress again. this is a professional liar and this is the main witness for the prosecution against trump. we will be right back. iasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. mom genes. she passed them down to you.
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has been discussing the case all over tiktok in last night he evn announced his plan to run for congress. we were watching the live stream, here's how he recalled it. >> one of the things that really jumps out as i happened to catch, here i am watching michael cohen to tiktok, so it's a window in my life but his tiktok last night was incredible he is wearing a t-shirt of donald trump behind bars in handcuffs. he is begging his followers to get to a million followers and he is begging for subscribers and he made a very big announcement of my estimation and he said wait for it, that he is running for congress. and you can be alarmed or amazed by that, but then consider some of the people we have in congress and anything can happen but that was a big announcement last night and i thought life that he is an earnest and the disparity between what michael cohen is doing in the gag order that they are challenging here is so stark
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that i actually think that the president might get some movement. >> kevin we have so many questions. note sent yet again the committee included on the oversight committee that they have confirmed him to the department of justice and they did so in 2019 for his repeated lies and perjury and it seems to me that there is a circus that has been created here in the additional flame is the mockery of that fire, the one: is me again and i'm now announcing for congress do we have little respect is very little respect for everything in place this machine of justice and this machine of lawmaking has been rendered this total big top ten by people like michael cohen being allowed to do this. >> kevin: is very clear that michael cohen, stormy daniels, they are all trying to make money off it is. to get my resources and note a
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on that front. this was a man who was already sentenced to jail for lying to congress and perjury in the past. now when he testified before congress part of the injuries he has a paper trail, we've seen the text, and we seen some of the financial background to this case but certainly he is not a strong legitimate witness whatsoever. >> harris: he also had client attorney privilege. -- >> harris: nobody can defend michael cohen but i have a quick question for emily, i don't understand it, can the jury watched tiktok, they have their cell phones and their kids are on tiktok on that they have any communication with families i am just wondering do they get to see at all michael cohen of these antics? >> emily: exactly, that was part of the ongoing motion exactly that the exposure that this jury has to what has not been concealed from them and
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we've heard a lot of statements being heard in court that was explicitly just take, i guess i can be impartial and none of that is going to swimming at the end of the day that is only so much trust you can have one can argue we can see it where the judge says there is appearance of such but it doesn't go to the legal threshold of such that somehow the human level is a lot lower than the legal standard. >> harris: if we can get to the financial crimes in his michael cohen and we know that. >> kaylee: they need to hang on before the investigation because it looks like he's going to be retestifying very soon but we do not know when. pivoting back to the effect that: is the one that's going to have those bank records and michael cohen is going to walk the jury through how this all play out with the payment. that is number one. number two what they going to have to do a circle back and i think that might be after the testimony that he can have to say they this was the second crime and here's why we say this
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was campaign interference, election interference. at the long live to hold. especially someone who has covered many other crimes this is a very different difficult one for him to get through. as far as michael cohen and his life to congress, that's anybody on either side of the aisle really like michael cohen at the end of the day? he's the most unpopular witness to ever fit in front of a jury. >> emily: that is the thing, the quality of the case is logical to be determined by the quality of the witnesses, and in this case we now have stormy daniels, who actually was on record today before the defense admitting that she wanted to make money off of trump, she was happy that she was part of the reason that he got indicted. and then you have michael cohen, who was a serial perjurer who no one on the democratic or republican side take seriously at this point, and he himself has admitted that he is perjured himself in court multiple times
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and to front, the only reason he is not in jenna renau is because the democrats were working this law for campaign against the former president realized that he could still be useful for them. otherwise, he should have been prosecuted for lying on multiple occasions and not just before congress, but also in court and in the past and they are recent incidents of this, and get serious testifying once again, like he did it make likely to perjure himself once again. >> emily: will see how useful he is at the conclusion of this case. the moment to moment coverage of trump criminal trial continues. trump may step up from the stores at any moment and we will keep watch for you, a former criminal defense attorney joined us next to discuss the latest in this case. ep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. veteran homeowners need cash but worried
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witness on the stand and new york versus trump, the trial we are covering for you, a junior bookkeeper at the trump organization is testifying, the prosecution has called called her rebecca, i want to bring in criminal defense attorney mike. market. mykal walker's through where they go now after the testimony from stormy daniels -- i'll be going to see more mundane and the numbers and taken us to the case now? >> they better not they need to bring the evidence that they have been holding back of some possible audiotapes or emails in trump's own words, specifically on the relevant issue that he wanted to disguise this payoff to stormy daniels and he knew he was committing fraud, absent of that this trial has become a sham. >> harris: do you think that
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exist? that they better be bringing what they have? >> no, i do not think it exists which is why i am holding back my disdain for the full prosecution until i hear them rest but this trial has jumped the shark officially. as troubling as it was to see the water-skiing over sharks it is more troubling to hear that porn star testified any fraud trial about the leader of the free world in his boxers on a bed about to commit a extramarital affair that has no place great neck place in a fraud trial. >> harris: talk to me about my cultural: convicted or should be prison? who is brought into this case and they are looking into him on congress and on capitol hill, investigation there there so much swelling around this man yet he gets no gag order on tiktok now he wants to run for congress and has the emoji cowboy hat on his head as he
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said it last night what are your thoughts? >> number one he will be eviscerated by the defense. i teach at the law school it will take any one of my random students to go up and cross-examine him, it would absolutely show that michael cohen is a void of any credibility, but secondly it is going to hurt the prosecution. after you call porn star whose story jumped around when the defense cross-examine her and exposed her for what you was you were going to get the same if not worse for michael cohen which is why i am saying if they do not have something in the form of a audiotape or written in donald trump's words to help prove fraud then not only are they going to find a very quick not guilty, but they should be ashamed for bringing it into the case. >> harris: what did we not get to a mistrial with a few days ago with what the trip said of what we did not need to hear, he said that some things were better left unsaid that's what the judge said about the testimony but he let it stand and everyone heard it and the
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jury cannot unhear it, why didn't we see a mistrial and maybe you might be still? >> because it was the most extraordinary action a judge can take in the judge is saying on the record that it is problematic and we should not have heard about that. he went over the line that it is harmless in the scheme of things. we think that these juries can shorted out and they're not going to issue the ultimate sanction and will be an apparent issue but usually the courts are not the business of reversing convictions unless it is really egregious and a lot of times there were say it should not have happened but it is har harmless. >> harris: even with tommy weinstein? >> obviously that will be positive for these courts to consider which is by the george should have restricted even further their testimony in the defense might of objective more but you know what, it should not have been done, and i think if they are doing their job they would get up there and say -- they called stormy daniels and
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all those details look at that have to do with fraud? they are doing that to show up that they are that desperate. >> harris: how do you see cross-examination of michael cohen going? i don't think i'm getting over fonzie with the skiing thing? i do not think i am doing that i think we know with the prosecution is can it because he is a liar with michael cohen, so anything comes but with cross-examination if you need to be careful of him in any way? >> if you do because he is intelligent. but i think it is going to be very easy. first it is a unique scenario because before he even testifies in this case you've already had witnesses talk about his lack of credibility so here people are already saying listen, we will hold our nose. i don't think he's going to advance the state's case that well in the minute cross-examination starts when he
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raises his right hand and swears to tell the truth all you have to do is say you've done a number of times before you didn't actually tell the truth. >> harris: it is always great to see you and i have in on screen in a while so thank you very much. emily, let me come to you real quick with this few seconds where the audiotapes exist or not one had stuck with? >> emily: they are setting the scene it appears with the most salacious entree. so essentially the jury right now is sitting in a environment of a certain cesspool environment of disgust and things they cannot get out of their head and they've begun the salacious nature in this will help to cover an obvious gate as marcus pointed out the lack of credibility because at the end of the date the prosecutor has been dancing around but what if the crime and who's going to prove the fraudulent intent and how you're going to articulate the instructions in a specific and substantial way to make sure it passes muster if there is a
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natural conviction, when i see is them doing a lot of smoke and mirrors to get the jury emotionally into a place where they are going to go with it. not only is it not acceptable but the jury is smarter than that, so they can try all they want but they have failed on this issue and i've seen no evidence thus far that in any way shape or point, to something illegally happening. they have not yet met there written by a long shot. >> kaylee: reveal something about the motivation to the people who are bringing in this case, this isn't just happening in a manhattan curtain and this isn't the only jury in that room but they are bringing this case before the american public to the court of public opinion and by bringing all of the salacious and these details forward that are not relevant to the case they are trying to change photos opinions of donald trump. they are trying to make him uncollectible to the people who would be offended by stuff like this.
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so it doesn't matter if it's irrelevant to the case legally it matters politically. >> harris: that is interesting i have not heard anybody make that point and it is a big political scene, all of it, and to see the president come out with the opening remarks and talk about politics in israel and where joe biden is making a mistake it's a disaster of his policy are not giving ammunition to -- after signing a bill for israel not given them what they need to fight against the terrorists. that's where the former president started taking. we are watching the trial and we will walk you through innocent if he comes through those dumb e doors to the screen we will bring you that life, he may talk because it is almost lunchtime here in the east coast. more "outnumbered" in just a moment. the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one...
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>> i just want to let you know that we just filed a major motion and that division concerning the absolutely unconstitutional gag order, where i am essentially not allowed to talk to you about anything meaningful that is going on in the case and many good things are going on with the case that are stupid and vile. >> emily: that was him blasting the gag order against him earlier this morning, the judge has warned it donald trump that he could face jail time if he violates the gag order again. it seems like the media is rooting for that. >> this is not a mug shot this is jail, and donald trump is terrified just by his issues with odorous and smells. >> the idea that trump would want to go to jail is ridiculous he doesn't even like staying in hotels. >> he inevitably very soon is going to be ordered into jail. so heads up this is no time to
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check out. >> to make a point improvement point put them in the clink. >> i am not doing wishful thinking but which prison would be best? [laughter] >> i am okay if he goes to alcatraz or they reopen it. what about guantanamo bay. >> kevin, how is that? >> kevin: why do you come to me? >> i think that "the view" the ladies are showing that this is their super bowl and they are thrilled you saw her dancing in the chair, they love this this is what they want and it is like to backfire on them horribly. we are ready seen that in the polls, that is the department for you kevin. >> kevin: listen no one should delight in this, this is a
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national embarrassment. other leaders are watching this and this is not good for the country. anyone delighting in this is the wrong tack because that is the destruction of at the president trump like i said earlier as well, this is a good thing for him because he's able to fund raise off of it he cryptic primary field because of these cases and charges against him and he is gaining forward the potential of being sent to jail. >> harris: you think he created because of the charges against him who was close to him? >> kevin: he competes with the oxygen going to the former president and the grievances and the ability to traffic in those grievances and that is why he has that loyal base of support amongst democrat and republican primary voters. >> emily: i don't agree with the media and some of those people we are talking about. i don't think he is at all terrified or interfere in any
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way of going to jail what do you think? >> harris: for the reasons kevin has given. fund-raising maybe he can't talk about the judge in the jury but that leaves so much more on the play for him to choose from in terms of talking about what matters to the american people. he is able to use those gavel breaks in the court room to talk about what is important to the american people. this is fund-raising this is campaigning and he takes his days off and can paint i don't think he's afraid of going to jail that is more money that is more fund-raising. >> when someone holds the power because they secured the position, it is evident. the reason why there is no fear is because trump holds all the power because of the shand that this is. i see from him saying bring it on it is only going to backfire politically and number two, what can you do to me that will bring me down anyway you can? because what he did was not criminal somebody your thoughts?
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>> they are cutting the campaign act for him and solidifying his argument to the american public which he's been making really since he took office since the 2016 russia hoax which is that the entirety of the political establishment is not to get him not to sin but the values that he represents. this is why it is not having an effect because voters see it for what it is not to sign and attack us and it trump campaign but ultimately then as well. >> emily: more "outnumbered" in just a moment.
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israel and the president's threat to take back promised weapons. by the way there is a new fox nation limited series called "surviving a serial killer" it's the story of a brave survivor lisa mcveigh was kidnapped and tortured by a man when she was only 17 years old. she didn't realize he had killed all of his previous victims. and two people after he took her. she made it out alive at 17. the way she did is chilling. what a hero. and now she is a sheriff's deputy. i went out to tampa bay and spent some time with her. please check this out on fox nation right now, "surviving a serial killer" and i know some of you've watched more than once and i thank you for that. pray for lisa as i do every day, what a journey. now she is helping others as a cop. wow. "america reports" now. >> i just filed a major motion in the developed divisio


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