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tv   America Reports  FOX News  May 9, 2024 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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threat to take back promised weapons. by the way there is a new fox nation limited series called "surviving a serial killer" it's the story of a brave survivor lisa mcveigh was kidnapped and tortured by a man when she was only 17 years old. she didn't realize he had killed all of his previous victims. and two people after he took her. she made it out alive at 17. the way she did is chilling. what a hero. and now she is a sheriff's deputy. i went out to tampa bay and spent some time with her. please check this out on fox nation right now, "surviving a serial killer" and i know some of you've watched more than once and i thank you for that. pray for lisa as i do every day, what a journey. now she is helping others as a cop. wow. "america reports" now. >> i just filed a major motion
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in the developed division concerning the absolutely unconstitutional gag order where i am essentially not allowed to talk to you about anything meaningful that is going on in the case. your problem is from the left, not from the right. big problem from the left. it is from within our country. after 2.5 weeks and i think you will see some relate revealing things today. >> john: that was earlier this morning and now a look from the new york state supreme court where adult film star stormy daniels finished testifying in president trump's historic criminal trial. they have been questioning rebecca my nokia they are now at lunch break beginning thursday from stormy daniels to junior bookkeeper. one side of the other. >> jacqui: whiplash, i'm jack amick sam sandra smith is off today this is "america reports" very tense exchanges as trump
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attorneys tried to poke holes at stormy's credibility dialing in on wanting to get her story out. >> john: very different from the line of questioning is where stormy was and sometimes graphic details about her alleged sexual encounter with trump. >> jacqui: expert analysis across the two hours next to cover what we parents before but eric shawn's next what do you have? >> hello, jackie, stormy is off the stand. trying to portray her as a money hungry trump hater who was lying as she testified here in court for the prosecution is saying she wanted to protect herself and she was worried she would not get paid for the election day in 2016. it was a serial cross-examination day again. really hammering away at stormy's memory trying to pick apart meetings that she said she had with the former president
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and then having sex with him in his penthouse hotel suite in 2006. just about the difference from the hotel to the door, different ways she had described trump through the years and even what the eight. trump's lawyer trying to raise inconsistencies in the jurors mind-set stormy is not believable. you made this all up, nichols accused her but stormie shot back "no" nicholas continuing at stormy for only a green she said to tell a story she was paid. stormie said she always wanted to get the truth out to protect yourself. here is stormy scene with her attorney and the witness room here in court just on tuesday. she veered during her testimony from talking about the money and the nondisclosure agreement to even the paranormal describing how she has said yes, she can talk to dead people and communicate with the dead. the defense trying to portray her as unreliable. the prosecutor susan coppinger asked at the end was telling the truth about trump the net positive or a net negative in your life? objection from the defense but
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judge overruled that objection and stormie answered negative. prosecutors did not ask stormy daniels at all a key question in this. why did michael cohen and she said former president trump, enter into that deal with her? she also did not ever say in direct testimony she ever discussed anything with the former president about this alleged arrangement, so there is a gaping hole say legal experts and some of the ceremony that she was not able to connect this to the election scheme that alleged election fraud scheme that may be sewn up with other witnesses to come particularly michael cohen but for now stormy daniels is finished and we can only wonder what the jury thought. jackie, back to you. >> eric shawn forest thank you. >> john: that's the big question. went to the jury think? because initially the testimony that occurred on tuesday the directive seemed to be a very
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sordid picture of donald trump. how would that affect the jury? but then susan necklace according to most reports i saw successfully dismantled stormy in the early cross-examination. that change the jury's mind back right away. >> jacqui: also the underlying question of how relevant is any of this testimony to the crime we are talking about which is about bookkeeping, and after the last two days i am seeing reaction across the political spectrum saying we are getting closer to certainly an appeal if he is convicted but certainly that appeal working out for him. >> john: the problem with the appeal as andy mccarthy pointed out may be of lots of grounds for an appeal but the appeal may not happen until next year. and in the meantime if it were to be convicted and no one is saying it's going to be but if it were to be convicted joe biden could hammer him as a felon all the way from here but we are waiting for who was in the courtroom to get wired up and join us in a moment but clearly oh, she is ready hey, judge, good to have you with us.
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>> hey. >> the one thing that kind of stuck with me, the one thing that kind of stuck with me through this whole ordeal with stormie on the stand was the following cross-examination. one susan necklace said to stormy daniels am i correct you hate president trump and stormy daniels said yes. necklace as you want him to go to jail, right? and stormy daniels, i want him to be held accountable. and i'm wondering what does she want him to be held accountable for? she has her own beef with him about a completely different issue but what doug does she have in this particular fight in the court here in new york city today? >> if you're asking what dog she has in this race the only dog is well over a million dollars that the defense attorney made a clear to reputed examples that the money, the american tour, as
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well as nondisclosure, this woman is doing nothing but making money since the day she met donald trump and yet she admits she hates him. she says as you say, john, he should be made accountable, but at the same time she is absolutely really dug in on the idea that she is happy, she will be dancing if he goes to jail. she is going back and forth on twitter responding to people in vicious ways. but i think most telling about the testimony today is this is a master class in cross-examination. you had an attorney that was able to question stormy daniels about what she said that the prosecution laid out very clearly, but all the prior inconsistent statements that are what we use as prosecutors to make the witness incredible. and this witness was incredible because between an interview
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with in touch, "vogue" magazine, anderson cooper as well as the nda and all the other surrounding circumstantial evidence, nothing was ever strayed on the one hand donald trump met her you're here then he met her bear then he was up then she wasn't afraid of him but he stood up over her, i mean she really was all over the c case. when i first saw her on direct it was clear to me she was well prepped as a prosecution witness. she was not prepped for cross-examination. i think she really lost any sense of credibility when she started talking about her talking to the dead, you know? she has this ability. she lived in a haunted house, somebody left her, one of her children's fathers left her because of this hunt house. she came across as pretty kooky. not at all believable. i think it was excellent cross-examination we saw. >> judge, to your earlier point if she hates him she has vowed not to pay the half million
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dollars that a judge ordered her to pay. if she won't respect a judge's order how to respect the old she is taking to give this testimony today? i want to bring out the line of questioning she was asked if she ever felt threatened by trump. hot finger says did you feel threatened by him? and daniels said not physically but there was a body guard outside the door there was an imbalance of power for a short. he was bigger and blocking the way but i mean i was not threatened verbally or physically. so how do you square that with her other testimony that she entered into this nda out of safety? >> you square or a way by coming to the conclusion that she is lying because these statements are totally inconsistent. i noticed today that she tried to make it very clear that she was not on drugs, she did not have alcohol, the president did not force her to do anything, but you know, it appeared she was trying to pull back from
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that because it was a lot of concern on direct examination about how she described this imbalance of power. on the one hand she says keith schiller the president's bodyguard was outside the room and then he wasn't outside of the room. but as i sat there in the courtroom i could not help but say to myself this is great for the defense. because we are so far into reversible error territory because it's pathetic. it's totally intrinsic whether a nondisclosure agreement and the parameters of that agreement and who signed it, the agreement, and whether or not it is as followed which is the essence of this crime that is against the president. that has nothing to do with what she said happened "many, many, many years ago." and so of course the defense kind of jumped on that and said you agree it happened many,
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many, many years ago. so this is the kind of information that is kind of interesting, it is titillating, she comes across as i said as contradicting herself over and over. and then she says i didn't do it for the money i wanted to get the story out and then cross-examination was he wanted to get the story out? you could have done a press monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, any day of the week and then from your lawyer it wasn't paying money so you decided to go with the nda and then she breaks the nda and she continues to make money. i mean, i am well over a million two, three, four, this has been her livelihood from the day she met donald trump who was not the president at that point. >> john: and susan -- >> i have to tell you one more thing. >> john: go ahead. >> this is the kind of information that is not just reversible error but it is almost entertaining.
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when they go into that jury room she is not going to be relevant because there is nothing that she said that connected donald trump with that nda. that connected donald trump with any of the things that she was talking about other than that act that she described differently every time she talked about it. so at the end of the day, and i hate using that term, but in a deliberation room, she did not lay a finger on the essence of the crimes that are alleged against donald trump in that courtroom. >> as president biden's former press secretary jen psaki was making the case on another network this goes to character and certainly this appeared to be an attempt to assassinate president trump's character. judge, can you still hear us? we may have lost the judge a little bit there. it looks like we did lose the judge so i will tell you what. katie pavlich sitting next to us let's see if we can get the judge back and talk to her about this. i was about to say to the
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judge's point stormy daniels has been taking a ton of money off this. here is testimony they were grilling her on this is saying you have been making money by claiming you've had with president trump for over a decade, right and she said i've been making money for telling what happened to me. a neckalace that story is that you say you had sex with president trump, right? and keith she said yes. search of the judge's point she has been making bank on this for a long time and i fail to see why she wants to see trump held accountable. for what? financial accounting fraud? or is this infringement against her she is ticked off at that she wants to see in jail for something clearly different? >> in her testimony something that happened to me she was the consenting adult according to the testimony about the alleged interaction and she also has made a lot of money and gained a lot of attention over the course of the past four years as a result for coming out with the
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story after this payment was made. it is not like she has been a victim in this. of course the prosecution is trying to argue she was the victim and donald trump is the one doing all of these things and trying to disparage his character. but the point is he his being seen for falsifying business records and this is turning the courtroom into a circus. it's a waste of the judge's time and the jury's time and you are saying this not having a damaging effect a little on the periphery are here and there but i think it comes down to the fact the democrats for years have been saying donald trump is a threat to democracy. when we talk to everyday people cab drivers or people on the street interviews and we ask about all the trials, not just in new york but the barrage of what has been lost against donald trump they say it sure seems they are scared of him and
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don't want him to win my. when you have democrats arguing they are for democracy, for the american people making a choice, against fascism and weaponization of the system, and yet, it is being revised in a way that is trying to take the main player in this presidential election off the campaign trail come out of the debate, people question what the real motive is behind all of these lawsuits. >> i am struck by seeing the reaction from democrats in this trial. we had kevin at "outnumbered" earlier today and the focus is on trump's attempts to dismantle democracy as they put it. and this whole scenario we are watching play out does not let them do that. in fact it lends credibility to his claims that he has been unfairly attacked and had government weaponized against him. i wonder if democrats --
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democrat operatives don't want to see this why does alvin bragg go for it? >> the initial argument was that they wanted trump to be the nominee on the republican side because they thought they could easily beat him. now that donald trump consistently in poll after poll is beating biden in swing states and pulling away coalition voters that typically vote for democrats, they are trying other ways to take him off the campaign trail to keep them from being seen. the reason you're seeing donald trump come out every day against the gag order to speak is that people like my uncle: are on tiktok making statement about this case. donald trump can't necessarily make them. he is doing it anyway and he is not one to rely on the press to talk clearly about what is actually going on inside the courtroom and he is making the case for himself the way he can. of going forward i think people are looking at the fact the world is literally on fire and we are seeing inflation at home and the borders wide open. americans would like to get past this into the real issues of the presidential election. >> john: one might say too donald trump is getting more
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publicity by being inside the courtroom then if he were out on the campaign trail speaking to a regular audience. now this. >> our commitment to israel's security is ironclad. >> are committed to israel's security remains ironclad. >> our commitment of israel remains ironclad. >> it's ability to stay as a state is ironclad. >> john: is it really ironclad if it is threatening to uphold weapons? david friedman says the president's "siding with hamas over israel" he joins us coming up next. ther money manager) how so? (fisher investments) we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client'' best interest. (fisher investments) so we don't sell any commission-based products. (other money manager) then how do you make money? (fisher investments) we have a simple management fee, structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) your clients really come first then, huh?
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>> jacqui: new york criminal trial breaking for lunch after the prosecution calls a former
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bookkeeper for the prosecution to the witness end. lydia hugh in manhattan what are we expecting when court resumes? >> when we get back to court later this afternoon at 2:15 p.m. we would learn more from this bookkeeper that has worked with the trump organization roughly since 2016 but stormy daniels really took the lion share of the morning's activity testifying on cross-examination for a lot roughly three hours. we saw experts skillful lawyering on display from the trump legal defense team as they attack stormy daniels' credibility and they did that in three main ways i identify. one is they really called into question stormy daniels' allegation she had any type of sexual contact with former president at all. you can take a look at the statement stormy daniels signed back in january of 2018 because the defense team here highlighted her own words in which she said "i recently became aware that certain news outlets are alleging i had a
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sexual and/or romantic affair with donald trump and i am saying this is absolutely fault with clarity. and was she lying then or is she lying now. delma? the problem when you don't tell the truth is we just don't know when you are telling the truth. another thing that emerged is that the defense pointing out the storm he is making money off selling or talking about her experience with donald trump alleging she has made upwards of $1 million or more, daniels was quick to push back on that saying yes but i've also had to spend a lot of money in defending myself but there is lot of evidence that came in. stormy daniels comic books, stormy daniels suites where she is celebrating trump's indictment ringing japan, wishes to shop the merch site the imprecations being if this person is making money off of talking about donald trump how can you believe what they are saying now? now finally an important theme was the defense showing that stormy daniels had an opportunity to publish this
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story before signing the nda with michael cohen but they suggested there was no money in telling that story then suggesting she has motivated to sign the nda with: because of money. again, all of this to the fence story, the defendant the defense interpretation of stormy daniels, the version of events is that she is motivated by money, not necessarily by telling the truth or her version of the events. very interesting cross-examination today that wrapped up storm he testified all about six hours, little more over the course of two days. will be back soon with more from the bookkeeper. jackie, back to you. >> lydia who for us, thank you, lydia. >> i hope i made it clear if they go into rafah, they have not gone into rafah yet. if they go into rafah i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rafah. it's just wrong. we are not going to supply the weapons and the artillery shells used. >> artillery shells as well? >> yes, artillery shells.
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>> john: biden's support for israel being questioned after he promises to withhold weapons aid if israel moves forward with the ground defense into rafah. let's bring in the former u.s. ambassador to israel and the trump administration david friedman. you posted this last night and part you said "let's be brutally clear here. israel cannot defeat hamas without entering rafah where hamas has four fully functioning battalions. biden is siding with hamas over israel. there is no other way to say it. safe to say you and a lot of the israeli leadership are stunned by what the president said yesterday. >> stunned, shocked, i think i saw this coming because it has been kind of a political process that we have seen develop with biden and his team over the last month. but it is a gut punch to israel. look, there are 4,000 armed
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terrorists in the rafah. a huge number. there is command to control and they are being led by the head of the organization, mohamed, the chief terrorist in the organization. they are all there. israel will either win this war or lose this war depending on what happens and in rafah they will eliminate hamas, they've done a great job, they've already limited to 20 battalions but this is it. this is the last stand. they either win it or they lose it. if thomas emerges with the lives of these people with these four battalions in tact with command to control they will rearm, they will regroup, they will re-collect all the terrorists that are still floating around in the north and they will come back and do exactly what they said they would do. they will slaughter more israelis. the rest of the protesters say we wish ten, 100, 1,000 more october 7ths. this is the time where the rubber hits the road. where israel needs to rely on
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its most important value of the united states and where joe biden, given that opportunity, has complete with falling down the job. >> jacqui: i'm having a little bit of deja vu because you see the administration trying to, you know, basically a piece part of its base that is asking for this and make this decision but they are arguing it based on the same hairsplitting we saw with the ukraine over a debate on what is an offensive weapon versus a defensive weapon. listen to what the president said last night. >> i have made it clear to the war cabinet they will not get our support if, in fact, they go on these population centers. we are not walking away from israel security or the ability to wage war in those areas. >> so it is not over your redline yet? >> not yet, but we have held up the weapons. >> he is saying we are going to give you all the weapons you need to survive the incoming but we will not stop the end coming coming at you. >> look you ask any military
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expert and they will tell you if you don't have offensive weapons you don't have defensive weapons. you don't have the ability to threaten your adversary to go in there and to kill your enemy. there is only so much you can do defensively paired you can stand there and get punched and kicked, i mean that is not the way to win a war. and what biden is signaling to hamas is they will not get hit, there is nothing to worry about, no incentive for any hostages. he is telling hezbollah they can attack because again they won't face any incoming. it's a terrible signal and also it sends a broader message which is who will trust this guy? how is anybody going to deal with joe biden in a serious way when he falls down in the job? he betrays his allies. he gave a speech two days ago on holocaust remembrance day, the most somber day really on the jewish calendar and he knew then, he knew then he was cutting israel off and he said nonetheless our alliance is
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ironclad, we will never let october 7 happen again. and he knew then when he gave that speech he was cutting off israel's ability to defeat hamas. his expected people around the world to trust them? the saudis won't trust him come the israelis won't trust them, i don't think the ukrainians will trust him. he has diminished not just israel 'visibility of self-defense with the ability of the united states to read ability anywhere in the world based on how he handled himself. >> john: and it's curious that president biden and the white house would not confirm withholding the weapons shipment until after he gave the remembrance speech. this is what ilhan omar said about this confirming the progressive wing of the democratic party really has biden between a rock and a hard place. she says this is what young people across country are protesting for and finally the needle has moved in a significant way. i mean you can read that same joe biden folded in the face of opposition and hamas has to say
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it is totally big give it a pass here. why would they ever negotiate in good faith? if they think when it comes to rafah biden has their back? >> look we have a bunch of american hostages held by hamas, more israelis were suffering terribly. imagine what the families think when joe biden stands up and says you don't have to worry about israel, i've got your back. this is a callous calculating thing. by the way, you know, these people protesting against israel, they are mentioning israel less and less and focusing more on america. he is empowering not just people who hate israel but people who hate america. this is exactly the wrong signal. i don't think he gets a single vote out of it, either. i think you will lose more votes than he gets but it is political cowardice to do what he is doing. >> what is astounding to me as we went through this whole battle to get funding for the
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security supplemental and he is talking about how imperative it is to get aid over there and then he holds it back but also you look at how hard it was over time to have continued support for the ukraine just to survive periods so, if we do the same thing with israel, i mean he knows better than anyone how tough it will be to get legislation passed if he has indeed a second term. thank you for joining us. >> i think in the congress you have everybody working really hard through this very complicated bill, a lot of things about the ukraine and less so about israel, everyone puts their politics aside and moves forward because they want to get aid to israel. then he signs the bill and withholds the aid. this is just insanity. i've never seen a president act in such a disreputable way. >> he lost senator fetterman over this. senator, thank you for talking to us really, really appreciated. >> my pleasure, thank you. >> john: now this. >> i would like to call a part of this segment "therapy with hillary" if i may. [laughter]
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because she is now going to -- >> jacqui: hillary clinton still explain her failed presidential bid in 2016. what she has to say about it now and donald trump's criminal trial alina habba trump's legal spokesperson reacts. symptoms can sometimes take you out of the moment. now there's skyrizi, so you can show up with clearer skin... ...and show it off. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ with skyrizi, you could take each step with 90% clearer skin. and if you have psoriatic arthritis, skyrizi can help you get moving with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to skyrizi, there's nothing like clearer skin and less joint pain,
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>> john: now to a totally different court case an appeals court denying hunter biden's effort to get his gun case in delaware dismissed. facing three charges convicted with lying while purchasing a firearm. according to the court the ordeal was dismissed because the defendant has not shown the district court about to get his orders are appealable for a final judgment. basically you can't appeal a trial until it is underway. that currently scheduled to start in wilmington, delaware, on the 3rd of june. >> jacqui: back to the courthouse now former president trump's criminal trial is set to resume soon. let us bring in bring in alina habba, trumped legal spokeswoman and for the save america pack,
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joining us outside the supreme court. alayna we had palm row on air earlier this morning and one thing he said kind of stuck with me. he said just judging from what we have been talking about which really is not the substance of the case which is, you know, a documents bookkeeping issue he said it is an exercise in dirtying up the former pres president. and i want to know from your perspective how do you undo t that? >> you cannot undo that. it's like on ringing the bell. we are all human beings. whether you give a limiting instruction in the end, whether you move for a mistrial and it is denied and then move again and it gets denied again it doesn't matter. when the jury here is something they hear it. they cannot on here it. that is the issue we are facing here. and you are right, the one thing we have not heard about is how president trump who is sitting in the white house has done anything wrong. how this has anything to do with
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books and records keeping from trump tower by a person who works in accounting that never even spoke to the president. i am still waiting to hear the case. instead all i hear is a lot of fluff and a lot of election interference, frankly. >> john: we made this point with judge jeanine pirro a moment ago but i wanted to get your take on this as well. you wondered what does the stormy daniels testimony have to do with the effort at hand in the court? susan necklace in court said this am i correct you hate president trump and stormy daniels says yes. says neckalace you want him to go to jail, right? daniels i wanted to be held accountable. neckalace you want to go to jail, correct? >> daniels come if he's found guilty absolutely. and i'm wondering is stormy daniels so concerned about the charge of accounting fraud that she wants him to go to jail or is she just a witness that has a total amount of
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animus toward this former president based on other issues that have nothing to do with the matter at hand in this court? >> as you know she is still on the stand under oath i'm an attorney for the president so i will be careful in watching my words. she will continue -- she has obviously completed her testimony and i will let it speak for itself. like i said, we are not hearing a whole lot about what they claim to be charges. probably because there aren't any. no facts to support this claim and it should be dismissed. look at all the taxpayer dollar here's one in new york is falling apart. the only thing i could tell he was the election is six months away and don't think this doesn't have something to do with that. >> jacqui: i want to ask you too because you are an attorney, right? you have 34 alleged felonies with the maximum penalty of 136 years in prison. and there is the dispute at hand whether the categorized payments
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should have been legal expenses, the difference between being inaccurate and being fraudulent. how does that factor into the criminality here and whether we might see a shift? to a lesser charge? >> i hope so. look, it's up to the jury ultimately. right now, i don't think you are saying if the prosecutors or the d.a. will bring their shift to extra charges like d.a. bragg has frankly done 250 plus percent of new yorkers he has chosen not to bring charges but i will tell you why i don't think he will do that. because the person in there is the leading candidate for the presidential election. because his name is president trump. how do we know that? because he chose not to indict president trump. actually d.a. vance also chose not to indict to trump. when? after he said he was running for office. there is no question what is going on here. they are absolutely not going to lower the charges on their own accord. i can assure you of that.
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the only hope we have is that the jury sees this for what it is. it is a sideshow. it is a show to maintain that president trump cannot be out there campaigning and guess what? he is beating them while sitting in a courtroom. that speaks volumes. >> john: when the president was entering court he spoke about a gag order he said was wholly unfair, listen to this. >> let me let you know we just filed a major motion in the division concerning the absolutely unconstitutional gag order where essentially i am not allowed to talk to you about anything meaningful that is going on in the case and the many good things going over the case it should not of been fi filed. >> john: appealing the judge's gag order to another court but here is something i guess trump supporter's would say really does buttress the underlying sense that the gag order is completely unfair. michael cohen was on tiktok last night. he was raising money sitting there in a t-shirt that had
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donald trump in jail and he announced a run for congress. how is the prosecution's star witness allowed to say anything he wants and then the former president is not allowed to respond? >> we have a dual system of justice and a very unconstitutional gag order. as his legal spokeswoman, i am nervous about what i can say and that is also unconstitutional. the fact that they will not let a defendant speak and exercise his first amendment rights, never mind the leading candidate for president, that is un-american. it violates his first amendment rights, and yes, yesterday we filed something in the division to appeal this completely ridiculous order. hopefully the division will see it is unconstitutional as we say it is and the american people definitely already do. >> alina habba we will continue to watch it and hopefully have you back with us again soon. >> john: let you get some lunch and get back in the courtroom, thank you.
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>> enke. >> john: congresswoman ilhan omar facing a censure resolution for calling some jewish students "pro genocide" why the republican filed the resolution says her remarks are dangerous. [paparazzi cameras] introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. audience: ohhh... with clearer skin, movie night is a groovy night.
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latest. >> jacqui: congressman don bacon is filing a resolution to censure congresswoman ilhan omar of rhetoric he calls anti-semitic. the nebraska republican says omar of ozzfest comments calling some jewish students "pro genocide" could incite violence. aishah hasnie is at capitol hill with the latest. >> i just spoke with him early this morning and he said he has spoken with speaker johnson they are trying to figure out a timeline he says johnson is supporting this kind of nation trying to figure out when to bring this essential resolution to the floor but there may be problems with the vote count. you know house republicans at this point can only lose one republican and last night we saw speaker johnson has lost the support of at least at least three republican so we may need some democrats on board. congressman bacon says he hopes it is seen as a nonpartisan
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issue, watch. >> i don't really like sensors. i'm not into this hyperpartisanship. i don't see this as a republican or democrat issue. standing up for jewish americans and no jewish-american student should be called pro genocide, just wrong. >> after shushing us last week, representative omar finally broke her silence yesterday, jackie. she did not apologize for the comments, she did not try to explain her comments. instead she took a political shot at bacon. >> congresswoman omar, what is your reaction to the congress been bacon? >> do you think this is just republican clinical messaging here there is nothing about? >> jackie we are still waiting for if hakeem jeffries will condemn these comments. >> we will watch for that, you should >> john: we have a
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primary to win so we have to shut the door. trump's criminal trial and as witnesses are questioned we will bring you the latest from the supreme court. >> plus powerful storms kilter ago in tennessee and max burton is on the ground it looked that has been damaged. >> homes destroyed, trees being toppled over and a death toll, we have the latest coming about the break. we handcraft every stearns & foster® using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming intellicoils®, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. every single night. during our memorial day sale, bring home incredible comfort with savings up to $800 on select adjustable mattress sets. stearns & foster® what comfort should be learn more at hey. you seein' this?
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>> jacqui: all right you are watching live pictures at mit where anti-israel protests appear to be getting a little out of hand. you can see some scuffles in the crowd, a couple of days ago protesters at mit and harvard hunkered down after demonstrators tore down barricades around an encampment there. administrators c have been runng consequent as for processor still involved in these encampments but as you see on the screen it doesn't look like they want to go anywhere. >> you may remember in the original dustup about anti-semitism in college campuses it was harvard, you panic, an end what mit and the
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president of u penn and harvard had to step down but of mit definably said i'm not going anywhere and the board of mit backed her up on that. now we are seeing all of this happen. we see protesters approaching officers who did not know if those are cambridge or massachusetts police department or if they are campus police but a little bit of pushing and shoving going on there at the front of that car as that protest challenges the police area and down on the ground now, this is typically where the arrest happens. may be knowledge and officer once or twice but that behavior got that fellow in a pair of flex the cuffs and hold off. >> jacqui: signs in the crowd, they look from my view to be similar to each other. it raises the question of if this is again an organized protest how many people here are students. if they are organized by an outside entity as we see
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elsewhere across the country? >> the signs are professionally made as we see in most compasses across the country. there been reports of the dark monday funding these protests and while does appear to be a fairly small group, it is an aggressive group. as witnessed by that one takedown. we will keep watching this to see whether or not, because this -- is it on a city street? >> it looks like a regular street with traffic trying to get through. and the police doing the best they can to keep traffic flowing and protesters out of the road waving drivers through. this with the cambridge police and may be campus police too, i used to live in cambridge. right down the road from there. >> doing their best to keep it flowing and the protesters at bay we will see something else going there in the left-hand side of your screen to help with an officer. we will see if this results in an arrest or not. >> keep an eye on it for you.
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>> and it looks like they appear to not have a whole lot of tolerance for any kind of pushing and shoving of police officers. >> jacqui: we will keep an eye on that for you and tell you. former resident trump's trial is set to keep going soon. stormy's testimony is over. our all-star panel ahead with reaction. standing up... even walking was tough. my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going to get worse. i was always hiding and that's just not me. not being there for my family, that hurt. woo! i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. i'm feeling good. watch me. cosentyx helps people with psoriatic arthritis move, look, and feel better. it targets more than just joint pain and treats the multiple symptoms, like joint swelling and tenderness, back pain, helps clear skin,
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