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tv   America Reports  FOX News  May 9, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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are not any. there are no facts to support this claim and it should be dismissed. >> john: off and running another 60 minutes i am john roberts in washington it's good to spend thursday for you. >> jacqui: i'm jacqui heinrich with sandra smith this is "america reports." as the trial gets underway at starts to look like this case will be the other one president trump faces before the 2024 election. >> john: just this week a judge delaying his classified document case indefinitely and in georgia a court taking up his appeal of the fani willis ruling putting that case in limbo. i have expert analysis as we always do covering everything so far in the new testimony in the trump case as it happens. >> jacqui: but first life to nate foy for the latest for us, nate? >> hey, jackie. the cross examination of rebecca manochio junior bookkeeper is said to begin in 15 minutes but we are learning at 4:00 today the jury will be let out early and lawyers for former president
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donald trump will bring three major concerns to judge one mershon. one, they will ask for a mistrial, also they will bring up concerns about the gag order and third they will bring up concerns about possible testimony from former "playboy" model karen mcdougal. this all comes after adult film actress stormy daniels wrapped up her testimony as well with the cross-examination led by trump attorney susan
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filing bogus charges but pressing the limits of the law in evidence against him and trying to achieve an outcome in doing it in a egregiously on fairway including jack smith and his mishandling of evidence in the classified documents case. it really does look like it will wind up the biggest hurdle and i think most people watching it,
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you are dealing with 8-year-old claims. you are dealing with all kinds of irregularities in the law. it's kind of hard to see how anything serious comes of a fundamentally unserious trial. >> i feel, charlie, like we have in some ways lost the plot >> that speaks to how the media and some media -- the public are digesting this. i want to tell you what jenn's sake set on another network last night because i think it speaks to it. >> there is a character aspect here i'm not talking about the
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legal case i won't play a lawyer on tv there are plenty of good lawyers but that tells you about the character. that is also something the public and make their own decisions but i think it is important for people to understand the details of what we are learning about who he is as a person. >> do you think, charlie, this is an exercise in politicking rather than trying to, you know, bring an actual case here? i mean, jen sake said it it's about his character. not about business records. >> it is a great point. i don't think any of this has ever been about the law. it has been about sidelining the president and by the way they are succeeding in sidelining him. they are keeping them tied up in a courtroom every day. unfortunately for democrats it is also allowing him to raise enormous amounts of money and walk out of the courtroom every day and speak to the cameras but i think that is not where they were gaming for. but you are exactly right. this is -- i have always believed this trial in particular was all
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about the salacious details. they were trying to hurt him. by the way, the underlying accusations about his supposed relationship with stormy daniels, i don't even really believe that. i don't believe any of that stuff because i don't really believe anything any of these people say anymore. but even if you assume all of that is true, i think that is what they are trying to do here. the problem with that is everybody -- everybody knows who donald trump is they know his history, they know he is a famous tv/reality star actor, or reality star. so they already know all of these things. it is not working. what is really being exposed here is that they are willing to use the justice system to try to go after their opponents. to me, that is the most important thing. >> john: donald trump had some colorful language going into court today about what the prosecution is doing to try to make a case against it, listen here.
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>> this morning the top legal scholars in the country, this is a fracas time case. should be a misdemeanor they attached it to a felony to bring it alive. so actually walking the chorus because it is not a recognizable crime that any of us have seen in stone turley. >> john: the president quoting jonathan turley talking about a frankenstein case all we are missing marty feldman putting in a brain from abnormal. >> [laughs] this is one of trump's greatest gifts is to take what is obvious to everyone and boil it down to very vivid and colorful language. and find a microphone with lots of cameras on it. and tell the story and win the argument. it's funny. somebody in the media regretted giving him so much publicity in 2016 and vowed to never do it
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again. and yet with these cases, they are doing it again by having him go into court every day. you can't to look away. after report the stuff and donald trump is smart enough to take advantage of it and tell this story and push his argument. that's how you win collections. >> jacqui: charlie, thank you for coming on, great to talk to you. >> john: appreciated and see you again soon. will be back with professor turley on the other side, stay with us.
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things we will talk about today. jonathan, i was reading your column and you had made some very good points about how this was a dumpster fire as of yesterday. do you think the cross-examination was as bad as yesterday was? >> i have to tell you i thought they left her in a fine pumice at the end. there is not much left of her credibility. it was a devastating cross-examination. that is not too surprised that. what is interesting is it's not too surprising meaning the prosecutors clearly wanted to get the lurid stuff out. they clearly knew she would combust on the stand. there is no way she could withstand cross-examination. so query me this, why did they put her on the stand? why did they have such a broad series of questions?
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and the answer is because they wanted that. they wanted to play out for the cable news. they wanted to get it out there. and it really sort of reaffirms the narrative of trump that this is an extension of politics. they are less interested in winning the case as they are the election. >> imagine what would happen in the courtroom if it was actually on tv and judge mershon had allowed that. let's turn ahead. stormy daniels, if you are talking about the tour de france, slowly going up until the pedicle at the end we are probably in stage four now. and the big coal is coming in the end in the form of michael cohen. you wrote this about michael cohen. michael cohen goes on tiktok announces campaign for congress and you say who would have thought the district attorney alvin bragg calling a pornstar to the stand would be the moral high ground?
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still seeking to make money off the case. what do you expect, jonathan, one: takes the stand? >> first, john, i am shocked to thought the highlight of the last two days was the pornstar not the book he brought out the bookkeeper was riveting. it was fascinating to see that what checks came back and what didn't but that may just be me. no, obviously everyone is waiting for cohen. i think what is astonishing and what we have learned so far which we haven't learned anything so far. it is all going to be based on cohen. most of us have been saying this case appears to be entirely a bet on cohen but we didn't believe that because who would base their case on michael cohen? as stormy daniels wraps up it does appear clear no that's the
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only person who can establish whatever crime they are suggest income i'm not sure that is, would be from michael cohen? that alone is breathtaking. but the fact that michael cohen is still out there trolling for dollars counting trump really makes the judge look not just feckless but farcical. it's really embarrassing to the court. >> john: as we head toward the testimony and that he knows where the bodies are buried and was the mastermind around at all but trump knows where all the bodies were buried too and i don't know if it will be susan who does the cross or todd blanche but they will have some pretty pointed questions for mr. cohen i think. >> no, this will be a fascinating testimony. you won't be able to get your eyes off it. like watching a pc pigeon actually fly.
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it will just be bizarre to watch michael cohen get on the stand. first of all, take the oath and see if lightning strikes the courthouse. and then, to actually say i think my client should go to jail by following my legal advice. how you get your mind around that as a juror is something that will be fun to watch. 's feature really quickly because we are out of time, jonathan, do you think what we have seen in the last few days gives enough reasonable doubt to her testimony to also have jurors question whether it was actually election interference and we are talking about misdemeanors rather than felony? >> will first there was no election interference there is a reverse of polarities. he has allowed the prosecutors to keep on referring to those violations that do not exist. trump did not violate federal election laws. the department of justice declined that and it would've
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been john edwards 2.0 trial. they would not do that. now at the end of the prosecution's case the defense will stand up and ask the judge to dismiss. he should dismiss at that point but something tells me he will not. >> john: interesting. i don't think he will either. but his instruction to the jury will be very interesting because what if the federal government didn't get one, did alvin bragg find what is the underlying crime. thank you, we look forward to your next mission. speech we are continuing to watch the criminal trial as the defense cross examine the new witness. our legal powerhouse mark eiglarsh gives their analysis coming up next. no mask? no hose? just sleep. learn more, and view important safety information at this looks like an actual farm.
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let's bring in criminal defense attorneys mark eiglarsh and mercedes so rebecca manochio a junior bookkeeper on the stand now being cross-examined by susan neckalace saying we had a stormy daniels and i will bookkeeper but the bookkeeper is more connected to the case then stormy daniels. >> anyone is more than the free world in his boxers on bed with a pornstar. that has no place in a criminal trial about fraud. bring on the bookkeeper who can maybe talk about the issues when it was a campaign expense or whether it should be labeled legal fees but something that is not more prejudicial than probative. >> jacqui: a cnn analyst was
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on yesterday and sang some of the things stormy daniels said even before cross-examination made the case for the defense, let's play what was said. >> the fact that she owes him $500,000, by order of the court owes donald trump a half-million dollars and set i will never pay him i will defy a court order, the defense will say she is willing to defy a court order. she is not willing to respect and order of a judge why would she respect the oath she took? i thought it went quite poorly on cross-examination. >> and then you have today, cross-examination poking holes in her memory, poking holes in her accounting of dinners whether they ate dinner, who invited her to dinner, her intentions, her motives, where do you think this lands after today? >> great to be on, jackie, and thank you, mark, for putting an
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image in my head i can never unseat. >> i didn't do it that was stormy. stormy did that not me. >> i know, stormie started it but you definitely solidified it in my mind. >> that's true. >> one of the things, jackie, this is what defense attorneys do. obviously tremendous respect for mark, an amazing defense attorney. i've been a defense attorney for a long time. this is what we have to do. we have to attack at the witness on somebody different levels. number one what is the bias? you owe former president trump $5,000.500000 so of course you want to see former president trump in jail because maybe then you will be absolved of paying $500,000. start poking holes in her memory because on direct she was very specific about what was said and what was done to a nauseating degree because obviously she gave a lot of details that made a lot of people in the courtroom uncountable including the judge who is starting to object because the defense attorneys were not objecting.
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so all of that will certainly be most helpful for the defense. to try to do it they can. to try to diminish the value of stormy daniels' testimony. >> john: mercedes makes a great point pay what you reiterated, mark, it's him and she can never unseat. and then questions as to whether the jury can never unseat that image in their mind either. how prejudicial that will be to the outcome of this case. we were talking to done centrally a moment ago about looking forward to the star witness in all of this. michael cohen. i want to reiterate what charlie said about this. he says he goes on and announces campaign for congress customer who would've thought calling pornstar would be the moral high ground. next is a perjurer making money off the case. imagine you are his testimony would you do with getting
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michael cohen on the sand? >> i would eviscerate him. quite frankly any young lawyer could do the same. so it would start right after he raises his right hand, he swears to tell the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth, and then i would say you've taken that oath a number of times and you have sworn to tell the truth. but you didn't do that, did you? they already, by the way, don't like him because of what other witnesses have done about him before he even took the stand. so they are holding their nose before he ever takes that sacred oath. so it would be very easy for defense lawyers to crucify him on the stand. unless they have audiotapes, videotapes, and/or something in trump's own writing to corroborate what he is saying they should not believe anything that spews from his lips. >> jacqui: we got another email and from our producer in the courtroom, mercedes, and going back to the beginning of this conversation when john
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rightly asked shouldn't the testimony from the bookkeeper be more interesting than anything we hear from stormy daniels, our producer's grace rights manochio worked there 11 years and her aunt works there as well, president trump was the only person who could sign these personal checks. all checks being sent to him or her personal expenses no longer business expenses, credit card payments, daughter in college, wife's expenses she went on to say she doesn't know how long it takes for the white house to process mail or if speed was the reason, how much do you think it's going to be important to go over the transcript when it's released in parts, the testimony from this junior bookkeeper in terms of figuring out where this case is headed? >> she is such a key witness. if we are just going to focus on the payments which obviously there've been some diversions from it but we are talking about the false records that underlie the payment made to stormy daniels. bookkeeper is going to be key.
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the pattern in practice that former president trump engaged in when paying the bills, there has artie been testimony not a single bill left -- not a single check left without his signature and without knowing its purpose. well, if that is the case, $130,000 paid to stormy daniels he would know what that was for. it was denoted as a legal expense, but there is so much about those 34 different charges of falsifying business records. the more you attach president trump to those checks that were paid and the records created and the knowledge underlying those records, the more that you put more and more credence to what the prosecutor's essay. in terms of all subprime records obviously. the records i think will come. and other witnesses testify. >> jacqui: reading our producer's note from the courtroom saying trump is only one to sign personal checks, business checks were signed by
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don jr. or weisel berg. so we will have to look over the transcript of this when it comes out for the real detail so come on, john. >> john: so over tracy the part where collins is the next witness. another member of the prosecution becky mangold will be handling the direct examination. we are winding down here, mark, in terms of witnesses that we can give any explosive in testimony. what do you expect: and his impact in the jury will be when he eventually comes on the stan? >> they will listen to them carefully as they have been sworn to do, they will have difficultly accepting what he is saying, and candidly to go back to what we were saying before, if i am representing trump, i concede most of the issues at the prosecution is raising.
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in other words even if he knew about the payment, even if he knew it was he didn't want the world knowing about what he allegedly did with stormy daniels, it still does not then show any guilt as to how that payment was labeled. wasn't him who did that? was it cohen? again i have said publicly that if trump had come to me and said should i label it a campaign expense or a legal expense i would say it's more of a legal expense than a campaign expense. you did not make that payment solely because of your campaign. there were many other concerns like your brand, your kids, and wife. so that is the issue. >> i want to also read you what andy mccarthy wrote earlier that sort of calls into question everything we have been talking about all day but i think he put it pretty pointedly he says
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pornstar stormy daniels and unnecessary witness about the charges in this case took the witness stand at stake. the purpose of the prosecutor the elected progressive democrat district attorney alvin bragg was patent humiliate the defendant. his party's arch nemesis and the opponent in the 22 to presidential election. but mercedes, you know, if alvin bragg is trying to do this and you are watching this case get skewered because her testimony clearly has nothing to do with the underlying charges you are seeing analysts on cnn admit that. is that effective? >> jackie i will look at it from the prosecutor's lens for a moment. they wanted the jury to believe there is so much from donald trump that all of these stories particularly storm stormy daniels stories never to let a day because we are talking august 2015 before elections from the summer of 2015 that
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they will put on a witness that will have all of these salacious allegations there. because the pressure is truly on thinking do you want to bury the story with so much salacious details that will be incentive enough to do so in light of the election. that is at least a prosecutor's view. the fact he put stormy daniels in he had to put in the context to make sure there was at least some understanding why there was this underlying motivation not to have that story break right before the election. that is with the prosecutor has to show that there was this -- i know they don't have to show motive necessarily but they have to put the whole case in con context. and not putting stormy daniels in would have been problematic with a empty chair for them. >> let me add this. >> that's of the prosecution had to keep in mind. >> let me say this i roof mercedes 100%. i don't think the prosecution did anything nefarious by
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calling her. my concern is the parameters she testified to. i mean, lifting up her leg on the witness stand to demonstrate for the jurors what position the former leader of the free world was in as he was on the bed? that's when the judge on his own should have said wait, hold on, everybody come sidebar. we need to make sure the questions are very narrow and direct so as not to elicit that very prejudicial bad character evidence. do i need to remind any lawyer here what happened with the weinstein case? and then they should have went back and narrowed their testimony. >> to your point the judge did not only stop that from happening he planed the defense for not stopping it and said, you know, ignoring the objections from the defense to have her testify in the first place. anyway. >> john: mercedes, mark, great to have you come we will see you
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likely tomorrow. appreciate it. >> sounds great, thank you so much. >> john: as you can imagine court is back in session with a criminal trial against formal president trump and as we just reported another new witness heading to the stand, tracy menzie, she will get some testimony out of the courtroom momentarily, brian kilmeade will join us with his analysis on that coming up. psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen.
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never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. >> jacqui: we are continuing to follow former president trump's criminal trial in new york, prosecution has asked a new witness harpercollins book publishing executive. let's bring in brian kilmeade cohost of "fox & friends" and host of one nation. >> john: he knows a thing or two about books, don't you? >> jacqui: you know, brian, it
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stuns me because you had senator rick scott out in front of the courthouse talking to reporters earlier today in support of the former president and i want to play for you one of the first questions he got from reporters down there, listen. >> there is nothing about stormy daniels, remember what this case is about. they are trying prosecute this president for how and expense with the records were done, that's all there was. nothing about her. >> jacqui: what is that sadie to you that that is the first question he gets? >> they are trying to get him into a spot and say one is a liar and do you want to accuse stormy daniels of being a liar and rick scott handled the brilliantly. when we talked to these lawyers and john and jackie we talk to them all day is we have to remember what the case is about. everything is getting off line. they are trying to sully the witness and the question is are they manipulate and are not manipulative are they persuading the jewelry? in detail i didn't know today we
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found out stormy daniels was a director. and that the sex in porn movies israel. that they need coaching why do we need to know that stuff? it's perhaps diminishing her. she also talks to dead people, and she thinks her house has paranormal activity in it so they are trying to diminish her as a credible witness and then she does admit she was coached. do we do anything except for trying to dirty up the president but nothing to do with the record, the checks, no idea what he knew or what he didn't know what the coo or cfo signed off on. >> john: you know, brian, if you want an objective view on all the proceedings going on in court you need to look no further than hillary clinton. here is what she said on msnbc this morning. >> justice delayed is justice denied. the one going on now currently in new york is really about election interference. it is about trying to prevent the people of our country from
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having relevant information that may have influenced how they could have voted in 2016. >> john: she seemed to leave a few things out but let me go to this point and this idea of it being all about election interference. the government the doj looked and found no election interference and no underlying crime here. >> for a second i thought i was listening to john fetterman. i thought he was about to say this case is a joke. then she talks about election interference i think conventional wisdom for people who don't want trump to win again that is that this case is not strong. this case is very confusing. this case is without moorings. this case is still not clear what they are actually charging him with and why it goes past the statute of limitations, how they get a misdemeanor to be a felony. that's just it. for donald trump for complaining four or five weeks more than three or four times is election
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interference is absolutely affecting it. no one thinks this has affected the 2016 election. my goodness let's look use logic. of the "access hollywood" tape still did not stop donald trump from one and do you think that people of stories in the inquirer would have released or swayed everyone's opinion either way? nothing to do with a. she lost, the question is why was she smashing her serve a question mark why did she not produce all the documents she could? why did she go out of her way to launch a fake russian investigation into donald trump that not only hurt his election campaign but the first 2.5 years in office customer she paid a $450,000 fine for that and thought that. that is much more egregious than this. >> jacqui: brian, one of the things she tested five to today that stuck with me is that she said she entered into this nda ? safety from what because if you are trying to be safe from getting the story out then you
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don't have to tell the story. but at the same time what the defense is doing is they are trying to poke holes in this idea that she had extorted from. we are trying to get the jury to look into that and believe that. do you think that was where that point was made affectively today with that particular line of questioning about the nda and whether she needed it to be safe? >> what we are hearing from our great reporters, absolutely. the other thing is you can't say i have this great reputation until donald trump ruined it. i'm sorry, i'm pretty sure that ship is not going to sell. number two she didn't want money and she did sign off saying nothing ever happened between them. donald trump really can't say anything either way, remember? the gag order, could be looking at jail time which is a had a legitimate threat and she is all over the place. all i can tell you is i think this is just an effort to hurt his reputation. this does not hurt the case.
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the coo, the cfo, i don't know what this harpercollins character will do but we will see how it all shakes out but it builds into michael cohen and what is left of his credibility. >> john: all right. you will be up on saturday night 8:00 for one nation and you have a very interesting guest. >> we have a bunch of them. will examine ozempic see if it works or not and joe takes on his own party so we will see. >> john: we will see you then and tomorrow morning you can't get enough of brian kilmeade. >> that's what jackie thinks. >> jacqui: and on the radio. >> john: more on the trump trial just had stay with us ring. think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space? boring does. boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start up. because it's smart, dependable, and steady.
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>> john: brand-new picture of stormy daniels today with her attorney clark brewster in the witness room. this is a very similar to a photo we showed you earlier of stormy daniels and clark brewster smiling in the jury -- witness room on tuesday as well. clearly they appear to be enjoying their time at the state supreme court. meanwhile the prosecution calling madeleine westerhout as its next witness she is the former director of global operations at the white house.
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sat just outside the oval office during the trump presidency for a little more than two years let's bring in jonathan turley, george washington university law professor and fox news contributor would you think they want from her? >> i will tell you about an atmospheric change in the courtroom it is like going from a sex pistol concert to the gregorian chant. largely administered of witnesses talking about checks and reading from trump's book and now you will have a witness who likely will talk about the operations of the white house, presumably related to the checks that were sent there. but one of the aspects of these witnesses that is most glaring is that these are witnesses from the white house. so this is part of the sort of difficult aspect of the theory. they are saying that trump denoted these payments as legal
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expenses after the election to influence the election. and it just brings home the fact that they seem a few months advanced for this theory because it is not clear how those notations really hoped. >> jacqui: no, jonathan, it's interesting the headliner of this case, stormy daniels and her testimony is the least relevant to the underlying alleged crimes, but reading from our producer in the courtroom, maria, she says talking about the testimony in october of 2016 she became aware of the "access hollywood" tape. lester had said it rattled leadership and recalls how they could replace trump as a candidate if it came to that. that's one of the more interesting things i think we have seen in the next couple of hours. >> i think that is interesting but the point here is still how tangential it is because with trump we quickly secured the
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nomination and no one was seriously going to replace him after, let me say this. when that came out many people were saying they could not survive it but when he was still standing after a couple of weeks those voices died down but also keep in mind trump was according to these witnesses killing a lot of stories including false ones by this doorman. clearly he did not want those stories to get out. he probably had a mix of motivations. he had a reality show, he was a married man, lots of reasons to have ndas. people in congress have a lot of them. i still think there is this disconnect that they have to somehow tie up. >> john: so let me come back to the premise of this case. we talked about this with mercedes cole and mark eiglarsh that the doj has looked at this and the federal government has looked at the saying there is no
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interference in the election on donald trump's part in conjunction with these payments to stormy daniels but alvin bragg insists there was. but the story about the stormy daniels payment came in january of 2018. at that time cohen said he had been reimbursed. any reimbursements to cohen or in 2017 they began. that was a long time after, if there was, election inter interference. was there any need at that point to cover up election interference? if it came out in 2017 that prompted this in order to affect the election it would affect the president wouldn't have an effect on it. maybe it would affect his personal life but it wasn't like he would be on elected. >> right. they are saying you rigged an election or a race that was already run. that's what doesn't make sense to us. the hilarious aspect of the earlier clip with
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hillary clinton is that she actually makes the case for. it was like how dare you keep information from the public when they lied about the steele dossier. how did they hide it? they said it was legal expenses with mark elias. when they were facing a fine they litigated that and said no, it really is a legal expense. so her campaign did exactly what she is suggesting here, but they did it before the election. what trump is being accused of is giving the wrong notation which he may have had nothing to do with after the election was over that somehow affected the election. the fact that judge juan merchan has continued in these elements of the theory is one of the biggest complaint i have against him. most judges would approach this case very differently and would not have had the case go to trial.
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>> jacqui: jonathan come our legal analyst kerri kupec herb on in court today says maggie lyon is both for the defense and the prosecution probably to allot in the prosecution well liked by trump and cabinet members et cetera. what is the defense going to try to get out of her specifically and what is the prosecution going to try to >> the defence has been unsuccessful in adding an element to these prosecution witnesses they've actually gotten some to talk about what it's like to work with trump. some of them have spoken highly of him back they said, you know, he was concerned about them back he was intelligent, this are that. it actually helps him packet helps the jury get insights into something other then the sort of stereotyping being presented. certainly different from what he
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was presented with an storm -- stormy daniels. is not clear how much direct evidence she can really present. it's coming down to michael cohen. it looks like that is the only card they really had in their hand all along which is just baffling. >> john: i am wondering what the potential bullet and the testimony might be. she didn't spend any direct time with trump at trump towers she was with the piracy prior to that. she sat very close to him just outside the door so the oval office for a couple of years. she left in 2019 after getting there in 2017. i'm not quite sure what she knows that would be germane to the case that the prosecution is trying to make here. >> when you start calling harpercollins editors to read from his book you really know
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this is since 2. it's almost like they feel like they have to put on a certain number of witnesses and so why not have this reading moment for the jury? it's a case that truly is 1 of the most bizarre i've ever witnessed in my career. >> john: already jonathan turley good to have you with us, sir,, we will like you -- likely cu cap -- pop up later in the network. appreciate it. the countdown now to michael cohen that stormy daniels will have on the stand. i don't know if karen mcdougall will get called. >> i don't know if we will get any more blockbusters, ethic we've seen the highlights already but i could be surprised. >> john: the cohen testimony we'll be so interesting i wish it were on tilt -- television i would love to watch. thank you for sitting in the past couple days. see you back at the white house tomorrow. thank you for joining us i'm john roberts. >> the story with martha starts now. >> martha: good afternoon


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