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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 9, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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>> exactly at thank it's a terrible idea for him. what he could do is once the case is done and the verdict comes in, you will than be free. to talk about the witness. may be the smart thing for him to do would be to weight until a bit later than give his views and he could say i wasn't lying she was like our told the truth this was all outrageous prosecution like the other cases against him. >> neil: got it john think you so much. i can still waiting on the former president. talking about the trial call it a sham as it is and will focus on big matters i don't know if you will mention the big run-up in the down today up 331 points. that born the fact interest rates might come down after all. something tells me that might not be 1 of the issues he raises but there you have it. down up his legal future in doubt. [ ♪♪ >> hello.
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i'm dana perino. richard fowler, judge i can't 19, greg gutfeld. former president trump about to speak after another stormy day in the courtroom. the judge denying his lawyer's motion to modify the gag order which would have allowed trump to respond to stormy daniels. right now his team is arguing for the judge to declare a mistrial. it comes after stormy daniels wrapped up seven hours on the stand. his judges poked holes in her story and grilling her about attempts to make money off of her alleged affair with trump. this all comes off a devotional candle that she sold on her website which shows daniels draped in a christ-like robe.
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she says she didn't make bank but has to pay her bills. and stormy got super natural. she was asked about a show that she said she can talk to dead people and lived in a house that she believed to be haunted but it turned out to be a giant possum. the other big news prosecution telling trump lawyers that they don't plan to call karen mcdougal. hillary clinton has to weigh-in while giving therapy sessions to morning jo. >> what do you say to people when they ask you about the former president, the trials and the delays and the fear that they feel about the upcoming election? >> i'm happy to go to therapy with you any time. clearly the pressure and the stress on our system, our constitution, our future is so
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intense. >> judge, you were at the courthouse today. tell us what you saw and what you think tonight. >> it was fascinating being down there. you see stormy daniels. you know, when lawrence -- >> judge, hold on a second. the former president is about to make remarks after court today as he walks to the microphone. we'll turn it over to him. >> everybody saw what happened today. this judge is a corrupt judge. what he did and what case ruling was was a disgrace. everybody saw what happened today. he's a corrupt judge and totally conflicted. i have to get back on the campaign trail. i'm not supposed to be here. we are so innocent. there's never been anything like this. every single analyst, legal
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analyst, i'm innocent. i'm being held in this court with a corrupt judge that is totally conflicted. take a look at his conflict. it's a disgrace. thank you very much. >> dana: short and very strong comments coming from the former president as the motion to declare the trial, a mistrial was denied by the judge amongst other things. back to you, judge. >> jeanine: the most for mistrial was denied. they reuped the motion after today's testimony of stormy daniels. they also are questioning the gag order yet again since stormy daniels has already testified, she's been trashing him. why shouldn't he respond to what she said since she's no long area witness, right? it's not like he's intimidating her. she's already testified in cross, redirect and re--redirect.
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so today i saw a woman who was not all together there. you made reference to it about paranormals and talking to dead people. but stormy daniels isn't it have a life until she met president trump. she has nothing to do with why donald trump is on trial now for the 34 separate incidents of the payments going from the trump organization to michael cohen. she couldn't touch donald trump. she had no information as it related to the bookkeeping records. that's number 1. number 2, her credibility was shot. she said she had dinner with donald trump. no, i didn't really have dinner with donald trump. since it was dinner time, i meant i was having dinner. because you'd have dinner at dinner time even though i didn't eat anything. the woman made no sense at all. then she talked about the fact
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that she had the nda for 130,000. she got a book deal for 800,000. she got an interview with "in touch" around made $120,000 on some kind of tour. she did the make america horny again tour. she sold all kinds of merchandise. she goes on and on. what i found so stunning, she said i was in 200 porn films before i met him. i wrote about 150 porn stories and directed them. yeah, that's great. you can make up these stories and direct them. in fact, that's what you're doing here. the truth is that she kept saying that i wanted to get the story out. i did. you could have had a press conference immediately. monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday. in touch wanted to do an interview but they didn't offer you money. you didn't do it. this went on for hours. she's a little off this woman. to subject this jury to the
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testimony that they had to listen to that is totally irrelevant, prejudicial in this case, this is grounds for an appeal. i'll tell you something else, on the redirect, the prosecution went in and made sure that she made clear that there was no force. she was the one that yesterday talked about an imbalance of power. automatic of a sudden, the prosecution is pulling back. the reason they're pulling back, they're making an allegation of rape here. untold allegation. so they had to back it up. that is revertsable errors. finally, her testimony was -- it had nothing to do with the case. that's why he didn't call karen mcdougal. they didn't call her because they knew they went overboard on this. karen mcdougal had nothing to do with this and the payments to michael cohen. they just wanted to trash donald trump anyway they can.
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he had a right to be furious. i no of no defendant in any case where they would bring a woman that alleged she slept with him almost 20 years ago to talk about a crime that happened allegedly 11 years later. it was pathetic. it was salacious. it was ugly. she acts like what she is. >> dana: greg, on any of that or also on hillary clinton -- >> greg: i didn't know that stormy could talk to dead people. maybe she should hook up with the current president. it's funny how the media treats this like a porn movie. let's skip past the dialogue and get to the action. the problem is, this isn't a porno. the boring stuff is the actual charge. this action is the shiny toy to distract you and get ratings. they can't explain the charge.
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if they explained it, you'd go it's not a charge. it's about an accounting practice on an expense. you're already bored. i think the democrats are learning the lessons that you learned from junk food. it can taste really good at first, but then at the end of the day, you're sick to your stomach. stormy provides the sugar research. what do you have left? you have a president getting stronger, the challenger getting stronger. the sitting president getting weaker and looking weaker. it's a lesson in life. you can't eat away your problems, drink away your problems. the problems get bigger and so do you. >> jesse waters? >> jesse: i agree with you. he was furious after court. he was furious before he even got in to court. he said something that i thought was very significant. all they think about, biden's
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fanatical left. remember the first term. madonna, let's blow up the white house. johnny depp poison him. kathy griffin behead him. it was a hostile time in american history. we forget about that. you can feel it boiling back up again. jen psaki mentioned trump dying. the propaganda that we have to save democracy. joe biden the other day said that donald trump, if he gets back in office will seek vengeance on all of democrats. that is just enough for an unhinged man to come up and try to be the hero and try to save the country. so that word i thought was a powerful calculated word that he used today. hillary is playing in to it. hillary is in the morning on msnbc. remember, she's the one that pushed the russia hoax and now she's pushing the dictator hoax.
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if anybody needs therapy, it's hillary. she's never gotten over losing in 2016. i suggest she sit down on the couch, talk to dr. fraud who is no longer with us and just say that you haven't gotten over losing. >> greg: dr. pill. >> jesse: or phil. do what al gore did. make a lot of money hand get divorced. that's what an insensitive pundit would say. i really liked the fact that rick scott went out there today. i'm wondering where the hell have all the republicans been? this is when you come in and all of the leaders of the house and the senate hold a press conference outside the courtroom and say this is a travesty. this is un-american. this cannot stand. i expect to see that at some point. >> dana: the final word to you, richard, whatever you want to say here. keep it short. we don't have a lot of time. >> i don't know. i'll started with jesse ended. they were trying to fight off marjorie taylor green ousting the speaker. that's where they were. >> jesse: they don't work every
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day of the week. >> they were resting up after that battle. tike a lot of work to beat marjorie taylor green. i think the judge was right around the idea that this stormy daniels testimony took too long and has little to do with the case. when it comes to the only thing you needed stormy daniels for is to say there was an nda and there was money exchanged. once it happened, she could have left. that goes back to the fact pattern here. what the prosecution is trying to prove. i don't know if trump is innocent or guilty. that's for the jury. how the case boils down, after the axis hollywood tapes came out, the trump team was scared, in limbo. they were trying to tamp down any kind of stories. stormy daniels is one of those. that's how michael cohen gets involved. he's trying to hush stormy daniels. there's this transfer of $130,000. the prosecution is alleging this
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is political interference in the election and that's why there's a jury here trying to decide that. the melee that we heard about possums, did you speak to the dead person, did you buy the candle is hocus pocus when it comes to the actual case of 34 different felony counts of falsifying business records that leads to engaging with messing with the election. the star witness that we're waiting to hear from is michael cohen, the person that made these payments on behalf of the former president. we're waiting to hear from that. >> greg: that's the point. the guy that executed this thing is now against the guy that he gave advice to to do that. which again like i say, it's like suing the patient after he gets destroyed by the doctor. >> jeanine: and the judge has prevented donald trump from saying he did it on the advice of counsel. >> dana: unbelievable.
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up next, president biden enthrows one of our closest allies under the bus to apiece people on campus and elsewhere. ♪ some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. because there are people out there who aren't you. a lot of them. and you don't drive like... whoa. i don't want my child being raised by a robot!
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>> greg: didn't they impeach the last guy over there? president biden vowing to withhold weapons if israel invades rafah. >> i made it clear if they go to rafah, they haven't yet -- if they go to rafah, i'm not supplying the weapons that they have used to deal with rafah, to deal with that problem.
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we're going to continue to make sure that israel is secure in terms of iron dome and willing to respond to attacks that came out of the least recently. it's just wrong. we're not going to supply the weapons and the artillery shells used that have been used -- >> artillery shells as well? >> yeah, artillery shells. >> greg: joe biden boughing to anti-faddah. the white house was trying to hit that decision from the public while joe is giving his big holocaust remembrance day speech. doug burgum knows a snake when he sees it. >> mr. president, if you do not change this policy, you will have destroyed the last best chance to deliver lasting
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stability in the mideastfor generations. >> it will also, i have to add, be grounds for impeachment under the democrat and trump standard for withholding aid. under joe biden, it's true. >> greg: it's an interesting point. i'm sure we're going to get ready for this is different defense. it is different in that it's worse than what trump supposedly did. >> dana: the death of this -- of betrail is felt across america and with israel and our allies. the big question is can -- the biden white house has to answer this. how is eliminating any strategic leverage on israel's behalf going to help get the hostages home? speaking of hostages. we bring then up. the president died -- does an
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interview and he doesn't bring it up. it takes a reporter to ask you about a hostages? we'll never do it because you don't do any different interviews. after september -- he did the one with aaron burnett. after israel's september 11th, joe biden said hamas is equal to isis. isis has to be eliminated. trump did that. israel wants to eliminate hamas. in an area this big. they're asking for strategic targeted weapons to do that work while being on the hook to provide all the food, water and humanitarian aid through the country that is harboring the terrorists. the palestinians, if you worry about them, they're being used as human shields by hamas. nobody is pressuring hamas. when i heard biden say that, i yelped. i couldn't believe that he actually did it.
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the fact that they hid it until after the holocaust speech is not to be forgotten. >> dana: it's like do they think we're that stupid? if we did this speech in the holocaust museum, they won't notice our actual deeds? >> jeanine: that's exactly what they did. i talked about this yesterday or the day before. he's nothing but a vessel that comes out and says whatever they tell him to say. when you catch him off guard, he says i condemn those that don't understand the palestinians. look, do you remember when donald trump was president and everybody ran around saying he's throwing or allies under the bus. how dare he demand our nato partners pay their way? he's destroying news the world. the truth is we just threw our closest ally under the bus to appease these grain-haired freaks and these climate wackos that stick their hands on the asphalt. the truth is that biden has to
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explain why it's okay to kill 138 americans and have five american hostages that we know of behead babies burn women, decimate them sexually and prevent our allies from going against and taking out the justified war that they have and the retaliation that they have. all of a sudden israel isn't allowed to fight the war that it should be fighting. who is he to make that decision? who is joe biden to tell the israels who live in as he calls it, a neighborhood where everybody wants him dead. how dare he do that? the palestinians, i'm tired of this. they overwhelmingly not only voted hamas in, but they overwhelmingly support hamas. to think that over, we're really protecting them and all of that nonsense. what we're trying to do is israel is trying to do is defend them against those that attacked them, that started this.
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>> greg: richard, the judge mentions the protesters. why did he do this? was this a response to the protesters? what do you think? why would he do this? why would he withhold this? >> i don't think it's a response to the protesters. the fact pattern like the last segment matters here. what you've seen is a president and defense department and state department that has been very supportive of israel to the fact that it cost many of -- it's the opposite of where most a lot of his young base is. recent harvard poll found that a majority of young people want a cease fire now -- >> dana: what do they know about protecting people? >> richard: hold on. the president has been on the opposite side of that. what the president is saying is that the israeli government can continue to do what ever they like to do to protect and defend themselves. what he won't allow is for u.s. arms to be a part of it because how he sees it is there has been a lot of civilian casualties in the gaza.
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he thinks those casualties are too much. don't get me wrong, we can all agree that lazy is terrorist organization. they have inflicted sexual crimes on palestinians -- >> jeanine: they're terrorists. >> richard: i called them that. but we can also say there's a lot of civilian casualties -- >> jeanine: that's what happened in war. it happened in germany and japan. >> richard: doesn't make it right. >> jeanine: children cannot defend themselves. >> richard: he's not -- >> greg: there's knowing he can do about it when hamas is using them. >> richard: i don't deny that. doesn't mean we should bomb them when rafah is the only safe place that they can do to. >> greg: blood is on hamas' hands. >> richard: i don't deny that. >> greg: jesse, what is your fact pattern? >> jesse: can i answer the question that richard was trying to answer? this battle in rafah is going to be ugly. everybody knows it's going to be
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disgusting. by not going to rafah, it's going to get uglier. you allow hamas to reconstitute and have an october 7th.joe biden's calculation, i don't want my fingerprints on the final siege in rafah. why again? he sponsored this war. this is his proxy war. joe biden is the lead ally. he visited israel two days after the attack. he lobbied congress to get the money out of the door. he told 60 minutes, yes, the goal and i share it is the complete elimination of hamas. all of a sudden he's going to say, you know what? this is going to buy me some credit with the arab street or the college campus. >> richard: i don't think it's about them. >> jesse: there's no way he's going to buy any good will by this last second p.r. stunt. it's a stunt. they're still going to go in and finish the job.
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the worst part about this is -- >> richard: the human casualties will be too much for the american public to bear. >> jesse: i understand that. it's horrible. but what message does this send to our allies? we don't have an iron clad alliance know with the united states? as long as there's political pressure put on the commander-in-chief? horrible. our foes, now they know that they can play up civilian casualties and they can launch campus protests here domestically and that can put the heat on the commander-in-chief. terrible situation. >> jeanine: bob gaetz said joe biden has never made a policy decision that was appropriate or acc accurate. it's proof of it. he's clueless. >> greg: we have to move on. joe biden is ahead of a terrible economy. limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds)
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>> jeanine: joe biden unleashing a fire hose about his dumpster firestorm of an economy. >> since you took office, economic growth last week, far short of expectations. consumer confidence, maybe no surprise, is near a two-year low. with less than six months to go to election day, are you worried that you're running out of time to turn that around? >> we've already turned it around. the polling data has been wrong. we have the strongest economy in the world. let me say it again. in the world. >> gdp last week was far short of expectations. >> no president has had the run we've had in terms of creating jobs. it was 9% when i came to office. >> people are spending more on food and groceries than any time in 30 years. that's a day-to-day pain. >> if you take a look at what people have, they have the money to spend. >> jeanine: you know, richard,
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bidenomics has failed. it's a straight-up lie when biden says inflation was 9% when he came into office. the truth is it was 1.4%. would you let donald trump get away with that? >> well, he was -- >> jeanine: yeah? >> inflation was high. >> jeanine: 1.4. >> richard: it spiked when he came in. to be fair to the president, where he's right, mind you, i think -- i have advice for him at the back of this. where he is right, when you look at our global partners, we're doing better than the rest of the world when it comes to inflation -- when it comes to our gdp numbers. with that being said, what i think this white house could be doing in this moment is inserting a little bit of empathy and how they're having this conversation. a lot of americans while you're seeing abe increase in consumer spending which is up by 2%, most
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of that is going on credit cards. most americans are spending on credit cards and out of their savings cards. the savings rate is down. when the president talks about the economic gains being made, it's important to remember that there are americans still out there struggling. while he made this -- this interview was given while he made a 3 billion announcement on microsoft. it's important to remember a lot of americans struggling and marquee that. >> jeanine: so dana, richard won't answer whether or not he would let trump get away with it. >> dana: they already didn't. they're already saying -- the inflation is n not joe biden's. it's trumps. we should not have 72% of people saying they give you a failing grade on the economy and dig in your heels and say it's fine. this is one of the byproducts of not doing enough interviews.
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it's so rare. everyone gets sliced and diced. might be the only time you hear from the president. the last thing i'll say, david axelrod wants joe biden to win. he said on cnn after that interview and doing the analysis, he said that if biden loses, it could be because of his own pride and not being able to show empathy towards people struggling and his economy. we've been saying this for six months. now we're six months out and he still doesn't have a economic message. that's not very good for a re-election effort. >> jeanine: 65% of americans live paycheck to paycheck. biden is not empathetic. he's straight up lying. is it any surprise that he's doing so poorly? >> jesse: no. this is his move. he denies, lies and leaves. he can't leave because he's sitting down live and that's why they don't put him in situations like this. this whole joe biden empathy think is just a ruse.
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it was a fake move to give him an excuse to hug women and snuff their hair. because the man lets his dog bite everybody's shrugs, can't remember lincoln riley's name. now he's stopped reading the death toll when there's more deaths understood him than trump. he has briefings every day by the economic apartment political team. they tell him to be empathetic and informed. instead, he lies like nuts. you know how i know he doesn't have the brain power to defend his decisions? he never came on the factor. john kerry, hillary clinton, barack obama, the top democrats always came in to fox and did it. biden never did. because he couldn't. >> jeanine: okay. all right, greg. job openings dropped to a three-year low because people that have jobs just won't give them up. they don't have another job to
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go toe and they can't afford to retire. >> greg: that's my situation. i got to go back to what dana said. it's -- it was amazing how shell shocked he looked. it was as if he had just heard this stuff for the first time. and this is the fault of his administration and his handlers. they're handling grandpa with kid gloves. when he visits the real world, he looks like a time traveler from the 1500s. what is this thing? how does it work? that's why you have to hold your team to the fire. cut kristi noem slack. why? you think the democrats will? his gaffes almost feel like he's doing tom shalou doing joe biden. he had arresting dead face there like he was at the pharmacy aisle staring at the optionses for constipation. if you were any more
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emotionless, a hamas protester would have defaced him. no wonder lawfare is the biden re-election campaign. you don't need biden present and you can focus only on trump. the only problem is biden is still around and so are his policies. maybe it's dawning on everybody that trump has this. i think what you're seeing are dems moving through the various stages of grief towards acceptance. they add one in the end, resistance. we saw that in 2016. you look at that. there's no way he would debate trump. it will be like feeding a rabbit to a fish tank filled with piranhas. it won't happen. >> jeanine: you think the rob bit would float? >> greg: i don't know. let's find out in the break. richard, you have a rabbit. >> richard: no, i don't. >> jeanine: illegal immigrants have a list of demands.
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>> richard: illegal immigrants if denver take a page out of the anti-israel playbook by sending a list of 13 demands to the city's mayor. the illegals refuse to leave the encampment unless they get new demands fulfilled. they want fresh fruit instead of prepared meals, unlimited shower team. jesse? >> jesse: i was going to say they could use unlimited shower time. so could everybody. we could all work on our hygiene. the transcript of the trump event said jailing, not killing. so that was a mistake of the
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transcription. >> greg: we have to do the whole a block over. >> jesse: it's okay. we'll go back in time. i'll murder you. this happens to jesse jr. all the time. he's supposed to be in bed an hour ago and asking for a bottle. he's asking for more tv and then he wants a blanket and then he wants to read with me and lie with him. no, you don't get to make demands. it's way past your bedtime. >> richard: greg? >> greg: if you incentivize free stuff and disincentivize law breaking, you get more free stuff. the democrats can't say no. they're like terrible parents. because they're too scared to be called racist or claim that they lack compassion. basically the beast is choking on its own tongue. when the democrats accepted the premise that rules and law and order with oppressive, they
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opened the gates to squats, street crime, pro hamas protesters. the democratic version of compassion, richard should come with a warning label. this will kill you faster than fentanyl. >> richard: while we wait on washington to do something around the border, what is happening in denver, six months of apartment rent given out, job skills, food assistance, free legal aid, those applying for asylum already as part of the -- >> dana: that doesn't include the charitable work that many people that i know have done, which giving up their time and resources, money, taking them clothes. we don't need more clothes. we need better food. okay. think about for a second where you left. i think that biden should be under a lot more pressure from these blue city mayors because they're the ones that are going to get in trouble with the constituents if they have to
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face local government is the hashedest government. taxpayers in denver, when they realize the rec center house will be cut for this? >> greg: not the rec center. >> dana: they're important in colorado. that's the most healthy estate. did you know that? >> greg: no. >> dana: denver. >> jeanine: there's something going on. like these people, they refuse -- the illegals, they refuse to clear an encampment. on the college campus, they refuse to leave. we have squatters that are refusing to leave your home. it's a total break down of all law and order. nobody wants to listen to any rules. giving in to demands to people who are illegal to begin with is an invitation to get more demands. >> it's human nature to keep pushing and pushing until they absolutely say no. you know what i love the most? we want shower access without time limits.
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we are not in the military. we are not criminals. why don't you pay some taxes? then you can start having some standing on what you want and what you demand. that's it. >> richard: that's it. we're going to keep it pushing. coming up, dim the lights and grab the mic. we have something special for our colleague and friend, dana perino after this break. ♪ progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial auto quote online.
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so you can get back to your monster to-do list. -really? -get a quote at i'm franklin graham. the world seems to be engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders. jesus christ understands hate. the world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he came on a rescue mission to save us from our sin. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins. he was buried, but god raised him to life. and if we're willing to put our faith and trust in jesus christ, god will forgive us of our sins, and he will heal our hearts. and the problem we have today is a heart problem. only god can change the human heart, and take that hate and fill it with his love. if you've never invited christ into your heart, pray this prayer with me right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him right now as my savior.
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and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. we have someone who'd like to speak with you, and pray with you. god bless you!
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♪ >> jesse: welcome back. today's dana perino's birthday. oh, so merry. "the five" will celebrate. get ready. we'll share our delight for dana's brilliance, shining bright. happy birthday, dana. do a little poetry slam to celebrate. >> dana: i wanted this instead of calories. >> jesse: i'll kick it off. dim the lights. dana holds my hand, she keeps me out of trouble, where are you at 8:00? [laughter] >> dana: love it. very good. >> jesse: greg? >> greg: i have two. one about country music. dana perino, country music is the worst. why do you like it?
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i like country music. this one, dana loves salad. she's eaten it with no fork. use a fork, weirdo. >> dana: very good. >> jeanine: mine is dana in reading. dana loves to read. she has read so many books. seven. where does she find time? i got another one. jersey shore. dana loves the beach. it is her favorite place. take us with you, dana. >> richard: i'm going to put on my poetry voice. dana loves dogs. she might also like cats, too. dana loves dogs and cats. yoo-hoo. >> dana: you did so well. >> jesse: that was your best material all show, richard. >> greg: it wasn't close. >> dana: i have one for you guys. >> jesse: okay. >> dana: 13 years on "the five." time flies when you're having
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fun. i love these people. >> jesse: thank you, dana. >> dana: a great -- see, next time, you don't know what to get someone, write a hyku. tomorrow from court, write your notes, too. it's so fun. challenging. >> greg: where is the cake. >> jesse: we may have written another hyku if you love. >> happy birthday, mom. can't wait to party with you. treats for both of us. >> dana: he has a high voice. >> greg: ever since the operation. >> jesse: happy birthday. >> dana: thanks, guys. thank you. >> jeanine: happy birthday. >> jesse: "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ootlong at subway. just buy any footlong in the app and get one free. just scan the qr code and enter promo code flbogo it only works from the other side of the screen, buddy. you still got a land line in your house. order now in the subway app.
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♪ >> dana: time now for "one more thing," jesse. >> sporting clays. five stations our team was tenth out of 27th in the morning session. very respectable.
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guy did a great job putting it on and the event benefited morristown medical center. the cancer center bedminster fire department and rescue squad. great time had by all. tonight, "jesse watters primetime" vivek, alina and derek wolf. plus we went to a furry queengs. >> daconvention. >> not going to show you the furry convention x rated. >> dana: north dakota doesn't just have doug burgum. high school students car broke down on the side of the road. stranded 30 minutes before the big event was scheduled to start. the teams were worried miss out on scheduled photos with their friends. a stroke of luck. police officer spotted them. even though they couldn't get the car running again they took very memorable photos of the couple and dropped them off safely at prom. you go, guys. greg? >> greg: that's like the beginning of a really good movie and then something terrible
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happens. tonight, this great one. jamie lissow and joe macha and kat timpf. tonight at 10:00. you want a furry convention? check out this. greg's sexy bear news. let's check out this bear, huh? his name is fin, when he gets frisky he finds himself a large piece of wood and he likes to rub his back sensially against the tree that's in knoxville, the knoxville zoo in tennessee. isn't it beautiful? >> dana: i love this. >> jesse: at the zoo. >> greg: you want a furry convention. >> dana: richard, haven't been for this before but you got see it. >> richard: sexy bear. >> judge jeanine: ever wanted to take a nap on a flight but couldn't get cozy in your seat? making next time consider taking a nap in the overhead compartment like this woman.
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crazy. >> judge jeanine: really crazy. >> dana: is that allowed? >> judge jeanine: not that i know of. you can't put your dogs up there. how do you like them apples. i don't know what airline it is. anyway, i will be on "the ingraham angle" tonight. >> oh, the angle there she is. richard, one more thing. >> this one is a wisconsin teen being praised as a hero after bus driver passed out on the way from taking them home. a.c. howard iii noticed bus driver was drifting across the center lane and grabbing the wheel before lifting the bus driver's foot off the gas pedal and slamming foot on the brakes. saved 14 kids. this is eighth grader. drive a tractor. his whole class. >> you go, boy. that's it for us. everyone. have great night. hey, bret. >> bret: hey, dana, happy birthday. >> dana: thank you.
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