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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 9, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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>> bret: members of the state senate assembly and the public gathered outside of the california capitol building in sacramento to see the 48th annual capitol frog jump. the event features almost 70 frog jumpers competing for the longest and shortest jump. do you win for the shortest jump? i don't know, the event serves as the unofficial kick-off to the calendar county fair popularized by the famous short story by mark twain. there you go, frog jumping in california. tomorrow on "special report." our "common ground" segment deals with bipartisan cooperation to try to rebuild baltimore's francis scott key bridge following its collapse in late march. we will talk about the issues of the day as well. remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr, 6:00 in the east. 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. thanks for inviting us into you your home tonight. that's it for "special report" fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is now. >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington. as always, thank you for joining
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us. the latest lawfare voiles on day 14 of the jury trial. judge pirro was in court today. she will be here in moments get all the good details. rewitness the regime media desperately trying to breathe life into this dead dog of a case. i'm getting a lot of laughs out of it. a big legal development today that will not thrill them so much. hunter biden is going to court. a federal judge in delaware just denied his attempt to get the felony gun charges tossed out. clearing the way for hunter's trial to start next month, yeah. we'll be watching. tonight we are bringing you a "primetime" crossover event. sean hannity is here. he is going to react to my ultimatum to the never trumpers. but, first: daniels in the lion den, that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> laura: now, despite the near orgasmic left wing to stormy daniels testimony, they are
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chooses the path of willful blindness regarding ms. daniels sketchy temperament and her credibility. now, remember, all they need -- all trump needs is one juror who votes not guilty to deliver a hung jury and a legal body blow to the pudgy alvin bragg. now, at various points in her two days on the stand and in other exhibits entered into evidence, daniels comes across as not only an angry absolutelyw extortionist. 2018 conversation between daniels' former lawyer keith davidson and michael cohen where he recalls how furious she was that the deal to buy her story before 2016 election wasn't happening fast enough stormy daniels wanted this money more than uncan ever imagine. i remember hearing her on the phone saying you [bleep] you better settle this [bleep] story because if he loses this election and is he going to
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lose, if he loses this election, we lose all [bleep] leverage. this case is worth zero. >> laura: oh, leverage, well, when pressed about this today, daniels denied ever saying that to davidson. why would i say that? what would be the motive for her own lawyer to fabricate facts about her being angry and possibly losing that leverage against trump? it doesn't make sense. hmm. does this woman, when you really think about it, sound like a sympathetic star witness to any reasonable juror? of course not. that doesn't matter to the reporters, to the anchors, to the so-called legal analysts. who themselves aren't interested in facts. certainly not interested in fairness or the rule of law. or the ramifications for all of this. the poisonous precedent it's going to create. for them, stormy is like daniel in the lo lob lion's den.
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moment genius on the stand. >> at times i felt she did a little bit of a mic drop. >> says wow with a the pause, the sex in the film is very much real just like. >> oh. >> oh my goodness. [laughter] >> laura: mic drop, really? they have obviously watched too many episodes of the voice. now, aside from the tell dramatic transcript readings all day long. our favorite biden boosters mash developed at daniel's when i will wind pr tour. >> we're hearing about stormy daniels and how she punched back at donald trump. once her private life from 2006 was forced into the public realm, she did not shrink. i'm struck by how she has had so much time to prepare for this. she was able to talk to you. she was able to write her book. she was able to talk in many forums. she is so well prepared for this moment. >> this is cnn. >> laura: yeah, that's cnn. yeah,they have gone from bernard
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shaw reporting masterly in a war zone to trying to rehabilitate a witness for the prosecution? you know they're losing ground when their most gleeful moments are completely unrelated to the case. she talked about the relationship between donald trump and his wife melania and there was one quote here that i thought was great she said there was really no one else that could put him in his place. melania. he was my boss. she was definitely the one in charge. >> fascinating. this reminds us that the prosecution's sole focus here is to use whatever happens at trial, however irrelevant, certainly irrelevant to the case itself, to in some way, i don't know, wound, humiliated, deep 6 trump's chances in november although that point wasn't at all really negative. just kind of odd. who cares. but the corporate press usually
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reference in a tweet. she says stormy damages. talked about. >> do you know anderson cooper relished saying orange turd? how many times did he say it? didn't have the drinking game going. but we might as well of. again, humiliation of trump the only goal here. the funny thing is their strategy with some witnesses seems to be backfire there trump long time assistant madeleine westerhout about the process trump used to tweet. this is someone to looks at every single word and period and exclamation point. >> i'm curious what the defense does about this. in a way this testimony unlike
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stormy daniels testimony kind of makes him look good. in a certain way is he involved in his work. is he diligently. is he hard worker. they are trying to prove trump must have directed the michael cohen payment because he knew every detail of what was happening in the oval office? is that what they are saying? one problem. for years we have heard from the media and democrats they complained that he showed up unprepared for meetings. right? didn't have any in-depth knowledge. that he golfed all the time. kind of not really there. all ceremonial. now he directs every movement in his office. okay. which is it? these people can't get their story straight about trump. it speaks to the weakness of the over all case against him. now, remember, daniels' testimony was totally unnecessary to the question at hand. whether trump approved the
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falsification of business records in order to commit another felony. in furtherance of it. but, look, we don't need to rehash why this case is a farce. you know why it's a farce. anyone who is honest with himself knows why it's a farce. to say extent that regular americans are even following, this they see this for what it is. this is a papered over political hit job, further sullied by judge merchan's overbroad and unconstitutional gag order which the president hasn't been deterred by. >> judge merchan is totally conflicted. like no judge has ever before. your problem is from the left not from the right. think from the left. it's from within. >> laura: of course he is right. we will see whether the other comments they made today about bragg and merchan's conflicts of interest will get him in more hot water. well, they were certainly accurate. and that's the angle. joining me now is judge jeanine pirro. co-host of "the five."
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judge, thank you so much for joining us. i know you were in that overflow room today, the rest of the cross of stormy daniels and then the redirect of her, what stood out. >> what stood tout me is she was a very prepared witness for direct examination i think overprepared prepared. cross she was a different person. she kept denying things that there was evidence that she was lying she would say i didn't do it for the money i wanted to get my story out. she was cross-examined. you could have had a press conference, monday, tuesday, wednesday night. you could have talked. you were negotiating with slate but you made a decision not to go 'w. slate because they weren't giving you money. so you ended up going with the nda, getting $130,000 you talked to anderson cooper and in touch
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and vogue magazine. did you all these interviews. you broke the nda. yet, she is trying to establish herself as this credible witness whoever turn on cross-examination is destroyed. she was dessem maded. at the end of her trial you realize she didn't lay a hand on donald trump. she had no personal knowledge and she said this she got money from michael cohen and that's all she knew. she nothing knew nothing about business records. she couldn't testify about it. this woman, there is something off about her. there really is, she talks with dead people she thought the house she had was haunted. she never made so much money as she made after she met donald trump. she got 130 for the nda, $800,000 for the book. 120 for some tour.
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then she started making moves and subsequent as a candle. this was her claim to fame. she was going to milk it for everything that she had. most significant to me, laura, as a former prosecutor, today she took back everything that she implied yesterday about an imbalance of power between her and trump in the sexual act itself. basically saying not once did i feel that i i was in physical danger and i could have run because he could never have catched me. but, yesterday, it was like i blacked out or whatever she said i don't remember. they pulled her back. she contradicted. a terrible witness. >> laura: again, we have actual former u.s. attorneys and former state prosecutors big deal lawyers on television. some on other networks actually pretty good. these lawyers in particular, this attempt to explain away
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these inconsistencies, watch. this necheles accusing her of changing her story overtime. the way we have all changed societally, we can't put that back in the bottle. it's hard form for stormy daniels recall her 2006 self. you just as memories fade memories changed as they are processed by our continued lived experiences. >> lau lawyer. >> judge jeanine: let me tell you something, laura this was not about memories changing or fading memories. she absolutely it was contradicting one thing she had said otherwise in her initial testimony. everything about this was a lie. i will tell you what was most interesting, too. she started off by saying i was in 200 porn films and i also directed and acted in another 150. and you are saying to yourself this is a star witness? but, more than that what you recognize is that he shoe she
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wrote these porn stories. she used to describe them, direct them. she could have written this as well. you know, you start going along this thread of who she really is all into the money and trump is her way to cash out. she is bulking it for all had she has got. this is not about a fading memory. >> this is a woman who is lying because you cannot have it both ways. can i go through five or six things that she totally contradicted herself on. >> laura: judge pirro, the media has indicted itself in this. the new york judicial system has indicted itself in this. there are so many people who are guilty at the end of this except the defendant. and there has to be a juror. one juror, at least, on this panel that sees this for what it is. i would assume, if the judge's instructions to the jury are real instructions, and not
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changed or altered in a way to kind of confused what is the actual rule of law here. then donald trump should be declared not guilty. this jury was information not probative, something that is basis for reversible error. they didn't want to hear this. >> laura: you bet. >> last question put to her did donald trump have any involvement in any of this, whether it's the bookkeeping, the nda, the negotiation, nothing. this was all to try to diminish donald trump and to reversible error, like the gag order. >> laura: judge, great to see you, as always. thanks so much. all right, let's check in now on how the new dominant force in the democrat party is doing. princeton university protesters went on a hunger strike after the school refused to divest from israel. but these poison ivy league students must not have realized what a hunger strike actually entails. >> this is absolutely unfair.
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my peers and i have starving. starving? did they not have an extra croissant at the coffee shop? what's starving? during a hunger strike? no. >> we are physically exhausted. i'm literally shaking right now as you can see. we are both cold and hot at the same time. >> laura: cold and hot at the same time. have you tried eating in maybe grab a blanket. >> i don't feel like i'm doing anything special. this is my voice and i would not spend my birthday doing anything other than being here and getting in solidarity with you all. >> laura: happy birthday. now, remember, in stopping that shipment of munitions to israel, biden is feverishly trying to placate in court people like that. coming up, biden claims he has got sympathy for struggling
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americans but he just proved that is a complete and total lie. that's next. ♪ i'm franklin graham. the world seems to be engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders. jesus christ understands hate. the world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he came on a rescue mission to save us from our sin. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins. he was buried, but god raised him to life.
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>> laura: now, joe biden reportedly loves, loves being referred to as the empathizer in
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chief because he wants you to think that he cares. he feels deeply. watch this exchange. >> grocery prices are up 30%, more than 30% since the beginning of the pandemic and people are spending more on food and groceries than they have at any time really in the past 30 years. that's a real day-to-day pain that people. >> no. >> feel. >> no, it really is. and it's real. but the fact is that if you take a look at what people have they have the money to spend. >> laura: what an out-of-touch insensitive boob. most of america doesn't have family members, mr. president who make millions of dollars from foreign sources and can help out every now and then. did he say that he is angry. is he angry that you have to spend more, but it's not his fault. >> the whole idea of this notion that center casey talked about
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shrinkflation, for example, stickers bar they did a thing like 20% less for the same price, that's corporate greed. that's corporate greed. and we have got deal with it. and that's what i'm working on. >> laura: he has shrinkflation of the brain. proper follow up, of course, the question that should have been asked after that why didn't everyone simply raise prices under the last few presidents then? why did they start getting greedy and shrinkflation around the spring of 2021. spoken as a man who has never made a payroll in his life by the way. remember, this is the same administration that initially lied about inflation, claiming it was all transitory. blew it off. why should anyone believe them now? joining me now ben dom michigan, editor and chief. and brian brenberg both fox news contributors. ben, it was quite something that interview. i felt they felt they had to put biden out and some forum where
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someone could ask him some of these tough questions but i bet there is not going to be a lot more of those, given what happened last night it isn't even a tough question. empathy and just blaming everybody else. look, the truth is that when we look at the people who are shifting, most traumatically from having been biden voters, to considering voting for donald trump again, it's driven by people who have young families, people with children. you know, those are the people who, frankly, experience on a daily basis the consequences of the inflation that they are experiencing under joe biden. every grocery bill you react to it with horror. you react to it saying i'm buying the same things and it costs so much more than it used to. basic things like fast food are shooting through the roof. you know, you've seen more than 200 percent climb in the cost of a mcdonald's cheeseburger since the end of 2019. that's the kind of thing where
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it's like i can't take my kids to mcdonald's anymore? that's ridiculous. i think it's the kind of opportunity missed by this president through his famously supposed to be the super empathetic guy and i think it showed why, in this case, he doesn't have any empathy at all. >> well, brian, david axelrod, who obviously is a talented, very talented political strategist worked for biden, worked for obama, very close friends. he was stunned to hear what biden said last night. watch this. >> that's not the way people are experiencing the economy. they are experiencing it through the lens of the cost of living. and he is a man who has built his career on empathy. where -- why not lead with the empathy and i think he is making a terrible mistake. if he doesn't win this race, may not be donald trump that beats him. it may be his own pride. >> laura: is that it, brian, his
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pride? that would imply that joe biden is actually thinking through his answers. i mean, he was obviously coached, they preble coached him lord knows how many hours they tried to prep him for this interview. and that's what came out on the other side? >> i mean, is he that famous for his empathy? number one. let's be honest. i haven't seen him in the last three years, i don't know if i buy that claim. number two, he doesn't have to be empathetic. he just has to be honest. if he is honest, with part-time about what they are dealing with then instead of when they are drowning, throwing them a solar panel he gave them some help. but is he not honest. and here's the reason why. inflation is a feature in bidenomics. they have to make life more unaffordable for you so they can force you to change how you live. what you drive. what you cook with. where you have a home. if you have a home at all. that is the point. so, he can't face this head on
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because the whole project of the left is, in fact, to make your life unaffordable so you live the way they want you to live. this isn't about empathy. this is about denial of reality to get the project done so even if they lose in 2024, the thing keeps going. because you can't roll back all that regulation. >> laura: ben, axios is now claiming by the way that trump's immigration policies will make inflation worse. okay? this is one of the best things i have read. this is the best piece of fiction. writing in part that economists -- economists, the ones who missed inflation, believe that last year's immigration increase will have the job market to continue booming without adding inflationary pressure trump plan while supported by millions of americans could exacerbate labor shortages. reignite inflation. wages would go up, right? heaven forbid the wages of working class americans actually go up again because we kicked illegal labor out of the country.
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>> you know, you're completely right obviously this is something. this is about controlling people's lives and controlling where they live and how they live. but, this is the democratic party. it used to be the party of the working man. it's the economy, stupid. the whole thing has reversed. and that's why you see black, hispanic working class voters, middle class voters shifting so dramatically into the republican lane. and i hope that republicans are smart enough to take advantage of this situation and speak to those voters. it can't just be a message that says joe biden is bad. it should be a message we can fix this. we can turn this ship around. and we have got a better plan than the other side. >> laura: i'm thinking of people like ken langone, one of the founders of home depot. fun guy, very colorful, very smart. but i was reading back on a comment he made, brian, oh, trump is a disaster.
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trump, i'm endorsing joe biden. and i'm thinking ken langone billionaire in the united states he is looking at this saying this is fantastic. this is what all these young couples want for their economy. this is what all small business owners want. really? people like that got to do mea culpas ridiculous comment about trump vs. biden. >> i don't know what he is thinking about when he says that i do know what regular people are thinking about. and all they are thinking about is give me somebody where things add up. where the dollars and cents make sense to me. where my budget gets a little looser. my life gets a little bit easier. my business grows a little bit faster. if you can do that, you are the guy. right now for america, you are the guy. >> all right, ben, brian, great to see both of you. all right, new details about biden's biggest political ploy yet. i'm going to explain it all, next. ♪
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it never mattered to democrats that terrorizing innocent americans. look, they were not bothered at all by the national security threats an open border posed. and if working class americans, they had to pay more for the benefits that millions of illegals would receive? too bad. but now democrats are pretending they care because they see this issue as severely damaging them in poll after poll. check this out. biden only has a 32% approval rating on the immigration issue. who were the 32% who says he does a good job in the illegal aliens themselves? how convenient then that with six months until election day the white house is proposing a new rule that is supposedly going to crack down on illegal
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aliens. joining me now is indiana congressman jim banks. we like to call them congressman undocumented democrats but dhs released this new proposed rule late tonight saying it would permit asylum officers to consider bars to asylum and hold removal screening that happens just days after an individual is encountered i thought they said, congressman, they didn't have the power to change anything. wasn't that the big pitch they gave us when we kept complaining about this for the last three and a half years? >>ier for three and a half years the president said he couldn't do anything now as democrats are crying out to the president to try to fix the obvious problem that's going to cost their jobs in november, he came up with this. laura, this is just a tweet. it doesn't do anything. these changes to the asylum claims process doesn't fix the
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fact that we have 10 million illegals in this country that joe biden let in this country. you are paying more because they are getting free healthcare. paying more in rent because illegals are getting handouts to pay for higher rent the nor jobs for illegal immigrants and for foreign born workers american people are suffering because of it. >> that's like a big chunk the job numbers that are even themselves low. they always come in under expectations. i love that, congressman. nbc news has been teasing, for months white house leaking information more action is coming, just wait on the border. and today they are saying that this is not considered make executive action that they have been previewing for months which could still materialize in the near term and santa claus is coming any day. congressman, do you think heaven
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forbid i say this heaven forbid, if joe biden becomes president for another four years, if he is reelected anything he does on the border, don't you agree, if he ever did anything, would just be wiped back anyway? taken back? >> without any doubt. donald trump won in 2016 when he promised to build the wall. he isgoing to win in 2024 becaue is promising mass deportation. that's the only way to fix it. to undo this mess that joe biden has created. all of these tweaks and this window dressing doesn't do anything to solve the bigger problem. and that mass deportation, is what it is going to take. what it's all about. what this election is all about. and only donald trump can make that happen. and is he going -- laura, is he going to need back up in congress. we can't have the squishy republicans who block building the wall in 2017 to 2018, donald trump needs fighters like me behind him in the senate. and the house to get that done. to deport the 10 million illegals who have flooded into
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this country on joe biden's watch. these tweaks aren't going to solve it. >> laura: congressman, i hope to say senator banks soon. i was going to say congratulations on your big primary win. the "new york times" and "the washington post" were pretty much freaking out that you won, thinking you are going toned up in the u.s. senate. we should be so lucky. thank you so much, congressman. >> thank you. >> laura: never trumpers, are they crawling back to trump or just kind of sick of biden? well, we're going to do a reality check. sean hannity is here. can't wait. next. ♪
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>> laura: the never trump crowd was riding high after january 6th thinking somehow in their blind disgust and contempt of donald trump that joe biden would magically become their kind of foreign policy hawk. >> what are they thinking now? >> going to rafah. i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rafah, to deal with the cities, to deal with that problem. >> laura: whoa, woe. what happened to biden saying our support for israel was ironclad? i think that was the word he used?
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the truth is he is willing to sell out israel because the radical left that dominates his party demanded he do so. and let's face it, he needs those votes in michigan, remember. so now, well, the never trumpers, horrified. liz cheney tweeted withholding aid to israel is wrong and dangerous. america must not avoid doing so mean vic toy for iran and terrorist allies. jonah goldberg admitted i have heard from a lot of reliably anti-trump people really anti-trump people who have had if with biden. john called the whole thing a shameful betrayal. we need the peggy lee song whose sorry now who is the hard truth for all these hard never trumper. accept reality do one big mea culpa all the dumb things they said about trump and biden before. biden has been nothing but a failure when it comes to make this country safe at home and abroad. and what you just heard him say is proof of that. so, there is still time.
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come home, before the election. unite. make the country safer, more pros remember per russ. it's not just to say that this was a betrayal by biden. now, we need you to say that trump is the answer. that means swallowing your pride. joining me now, sean hannity, host of sean hannity, we miss our cross talks we always say that. how are you? >> sean: everywhere i go, everybody i meet, oh, i miss you and laura when laura would make fun of you. i'm like so you if want to make fun of me, if you want to catch up, probably tonight would be the perfect night. >> laura: thanks for putting on the jacket for me. >> sean: you're very welcome. i put on a tie too just for you. here's the thing what you are saying is so true here on some levels. let me understand this that the never trumper crowd, the i guess what tipped tide for them is joe surrendering on the war on terror. that's the line in the sand. now, the same people that talk
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about january 6th, jab 6th. they ignored the 574 riots in the summer of 2020 that killed dozens of americans, injured thousands of cops property damage. they watched 10 million plus joe biden unvetted illegal immigrants coming to this country. >> laura: they didn't care. >> their silence has been deafening, from china, russia, iran, syria, yemen, you name it. they are come in. we have lived through the worst economy. they lived through defund this no bail laws. >> laura: sean, why did they do it? they think they are better than everybody else. they are incredible snobs. let's put it that way. you and i know them. >> we know them. look, i saw jonah goldberg's comments. i don't have any animosity towards them at all. i just, for whatever reason, they got this in their head, maybe they don't like donald trump's style; however,. >> laura: they don't like any of
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us, either. they don't like you or me either and that's fine by me. i wear it as a badge of honor. >> sean: they might dislike you more than me. i'm just guessing. i don't know, we can do a poll. i'm kidding, i'm kidding. >> laura: ha ha. but i will say this. it is right now it's a serious moment. you said they would have to swallow their pride. i was paying vo close attention. they will never do that i don't think they are capable of it. but, they would rather accept joe biden's open borders, horrible economy, weakness on the world stage, that is endangering our country, these immigration open border policies. geopolitical -- >> laura: so they are not going to do it? they are not going to do it. >> sean: listen, i invite them back. if you are asking me whether liberal joe and nicolle wallace and jonah goldberg and the nro crowd are ever going to support donald trump. my question to them is how do they consider themselves a conservative and support all of this. >> laura: biden. >> their silence has been
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deafening on the failures of joe biden. he is hurting our country. what i really worry about the most, the election is in 179 days. what i am most worried about is i -- i don't know how bad the damage would be if joe biden had four more years. i think it's irreparable harm that he caused so far. >> laura: i do. it's going to ramp up. >> sean: become unrecognizable. >> laura: no israel. >> sean: look at the department of justice. >> laura: israel could be gone. back in 2018 or 2019, sean, biden sang a different tune about israel. watch this. >> the idea that we would cut off military aid to an ally, our only true, true ally in the entire region, is absolutely preposterous. it's just beyond my comprehension anyone would do that. >> laura: sean? >> sean: he here is the saddest
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part. he not only has stabbed israel in the back. he has done something that america would never have done before. not only can our allies no longer trust us, but he is now also emboldened the worst actors on the world stage. is he emboldening all of these radical islamic terrorist groups. he has emboldened iran. he did that from day one when he wanted to go back to the iranian deal. he not only. >> laura: is he out of it. >> sean: the sanctions. >> laura: is he not running the show. he is not running the show though. >> sean: all right, who is running it? >> laura: sean, they are telling me and i'm very excited about this your fox nation show. >> sean: oh boy. >> laura: outlaws and law men. do you wear like a big hat? cowboy hat and boots? >> sean: have you known me for years i do wear cowboy boots on a regular basis that is the real sean hannity. i have got jeans on right now. you know that. i don't think i have put on a pair of suit pants unless
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somebody puts a gun to my head. and you know how much i love wearing a tie. i will tell you about this. you know, laura, i mean, the people that built this country were amazing. they were incredible individualists. they would go west young man meant you would leave behind everything that you knew in the hopes that you would have a better life going into unknown territory where the law did not exist the time of the civil war. out of that comes the outlaws and people took them on and some of the most incredible stories and now, you know, by the way, it debuted, one of the biggest show on fox nation ever. i'm very grateful to your audience, your support. and everybody else. >> i can't wait to watch it. i am going to watch it with my kids this weekend.
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sean, i do mills our cross talk but we will do this more often. >> i miss it more than you. >> laura: all right. i'm coming on your show next. >> sean: any time you feel the need and scratch an itch. i will sit here and all right, laura. >> laura: i will wear blue the same color as you next time. sean, great to see you. everybody watch outlaws and law men available on fox nation. >> thank you. >> coming up, the media needs therapy over trump's trial plus we will tell you who they're turning to, next. ♪ ke, heart attack or worse death. even when meeting your a1c goal. discomfort can help you act. i'm not trying to scare you. i'm empowering you... to get real with your health care provider. talk to them about lowering your risk of stroke, heart attack or death. i will bless those who bless you.
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it's almost passover here in israel and across the former soviet union. but we're fnding thousands of destitute, elderly jews who are alone and in need of basic food. ramzia is a holocaust survivor. she keeps saying my refridgerator is empty. she's embarrassed to ask for help. their need as you can see is extremely urgent. right now, you can give a gift of life of $25. the international fellowship of christians and jews will bring comfort and food to ramzia and thousands of others. ramzia has had such a hard life and to see this smile. you can save a life, just like ramzia. your special holiday gift
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will provide everything they need to celebrate the holy season of passover. ramzia saw this matzah that the fellowship brought her for passover. ramzia was so excited... it brings up memories of faith and family from her childhood. i'm partnering with the international fellowship of christians and jews. this trusted ministry has given christians like me a way to tangibly bless jewish people who are in need around the world. a life-saving $25 gift helps send a volunteer with one urgently needed survival food box. for less than one dollar a day you can say, "i will bless and comfort the jewish people". "i will save a life today". please call or go online now and say, "i will bless his people israel".
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one >> some pasties over at msnbc are already talking about how to cope with bad outcomes. >> i would like to call the part of this segment therapy with hillary how due people manage? especially people who love this democracy, these trials and these delays and the fear that
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they feel. >> i'm happy to go to therapy with you any time period justice delayed is justice denied it is a very difficult time right now. >> therapy session obviously officially over now. >> joining me know... justice delayed, justice denied coming from hillary, that really took the cake at that point charlie. they see the riding on the wall here and they will all need therapy come november. >> hillary who made -- taught the world how to go after people with the eruption's during the bill clinton and ministrations. can you imagine being therapy with hillary clinton by the way? i'm going to have nightmares about it. but think about this. these people have spun these lies and i think it's a misnomer
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to treat the media like they are intentionally doing all these lies and they realize at every step that they are still telling lies. they tend to actually start believing in them. this is -- we are in late stages of that sort of denial is him where it is starting to dawn on them you mean we're not going to be able to put donald trump in jail over an 8-year-old hush money whatever. it is all just a dawning on them of course they are going to freak out. the next six months it will be more and more of this, it will get more acute and for you and me it will be so much fun to watch. >> there are not enough therapy dogs in the world to minister to them on election night if i had my way. >> i think we need to get therapy rats for them.
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>> or spiders or cicadas since they want us to eat all of those. >> that's it. >> let them eat cicadas. new york's left-wing judicial mafia are circling the wagons for one of their own. check it out. >> the judge has so much on his mind. he's got a great temperament and is doing a great job. he has to also think about is trump going to go out in the hall and do something which has caused -- is going to cause another contempt citation. is he going to have to incarcerate him which ultimately seems fairly likely. >> we know that if leslie should be saying if the tables were turned and biden were on trial and mississippi... should think that judge had a great temperament, don't you think? >> exactly for three years now
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these people have pretended like this is about justice, it's about nobody is above the law or something like that. as this has become more and more absurd and the reality starts to become clear that this is not going to work, they just have shirked off any pretense that they care about justice. this is all about destroying and hurting donald trump, keeping him off the campaign trail. >> vengeance and control. they want to control us and wreak vengeance upon him. it's always a great time to end the show with you and your fantastic analysis. that's it for us tonight. follow me on social media. you will see what my garden is growing. it's really cool. send me your pictures of your pets watching the angle. dogs, cats, lizards, cicadas, whatever. jesse is next. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime.


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