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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 9, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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crazy. really? is that allowed back? that i know of? you can't even put your dogs up there. greg joked about getting up there. okay. i like them apples. i don't know what airline it is, but anyway, i'll be on the ingram angle tonight. ooh, the angle is all right, richard, one more thing. this one is about. a wisconsin teen is being praised as a hero after his bus driver passed out on the way from taking them home. ac howard, the third noticed that his bus driver was drifting across the center lane and quickly grabbed the wheel before removing his bus. drivers put off the gas pedal and slamming on the brakes. he saved 14 kids. >> the eighth grader was four, but this is an eighth grader and he's preparing to learn. he's learning how to drive a tractor. and he saved his whole his whole class. >> that's a good one. boy. driver's license. >> all right. that's it for us, everyone.jess have a great nighte is. welcome to jesse watters.imet >> primetime tonight. there's real paiime.n.
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i mean, grocery prices are up 30%. the fact is that if you take peo a look at what the people have, they have no money to spend. r> the biden cnn disaste and the media meltdown. i'm happy to go to therapy with you any time. >>d i got to get back on the campaign trail. o be h i'm not supposed to be here. we are.eporte >> sr:o in the trump trial, stormy daniels and aat new threat, how would you close the border? you actually just have to take this out because it's actually a very serious topic. >> happy dea thursday. primetime goes to a furryo convention. >> plus, now we know why biden only does interviews with weathermen like al roker.ek
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>> last night he talked with cnn and it was a train wreck. he lied, insulted his voters and scared away. >> famous backers do not sending weapons to israel duringl duri a war while american hostages ]e americ , ostages american hostages and hostages from 22 countries are still in that. you're not sending weapons now, you dumb. i never, ever, ever thought i would say this. okay. [ but i could promise you this right now. smokin joe biden, cadaver joe biden, me, michael rapaport. i'm not voting ]. for you. you're not getting my vote. >> and plenty of us also, we. vote for you. jesse: you biden's losing the l and hamas vote. but the mideast isn't the top issue for voters. it's the economy, stupid top. i instead of empathizing with us, he tried lying his way outh of it, but he didn't get away with it this time. >>time biden falsely claimeds 9e
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that inflation was 9% when he took office h. en to was 9% when i came to office, 9%. inflation was actually 1.4%erce when biden was sworn in,nt s peaking at 9.1% in june 2022. >> what's one more lie for a black puerto rican truck driving jewish professorlight fe uncle was eaten by cannibals? >> what is new is that the media called him a liar, where biden reallyar. shot himselfd yo in the foot, though, is when he told you to shut up and spend more of the money. >> you don't shut nd have. >> there's real pain. i mean, grocery prices are up 30%, more than 30% since the beginning of the pandemic. and people are spending more on food and groceries than they have at any time, really, in the past 30 years. i mean , that's a real day to day pain that people. >> no, no deal. it really is.the fa and it's reactl. but the fact is that if you take a look at what the many people have, they have no money to spend. >> who has money to spendto
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besides gold bar spb fani willis, who keeps cash in a safe because it's a black thing. people are hurting and life is expensive. ex? n't joe read the polls >> the polling data has been wrong all along. how many of you guys do a policy and how many folkspons you have to call? >> we get one response. joe's fighting with cnn. n. this can't be good, biden tellsd factory workers. they're foolish cause a reporter, a stupid son of a and callporters you crazy if yoz groceries are pricey. >> joe was supposed to be the genteel granddad who wisely guided us back home. now he snaps, when you point out that he missed the exi youta it's always someone else's fault. >> even cne else's faultn sees . >> that sounds like somebody in washington tellingwhatev people you're wrong and whatever your party is, voters don't processerr it that way. >> they don't like that. definitely don't like being told they're wrong because it's how they're actually experiencing the economy personally. >> they don't likethey're actuan
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washington telling them they're wrong. >> and i think he's making a terrible mistake. telling them theyou know, it ma he doesn't win this race, he may notsn't be donald trump. >> that beats him. o it may be his own pride. biden is an angry recluse, obsessed with his legacy. jf he wantuse obses to be rememd like jfk, but he's going down as a mean liar dow who opened the border, botched the afghan withdrawal and destroyed the dollarthe afhdrawa. ar. the media is confused because trump's up in the pollonfused se biden trials are backfiring. >> how hard is it forbiden president biden to get attentioton even though he's the only one who's campaigning right now because all the oxygen is beincampaigng up downd in that courtroom so hard because it was did something today, right. aybiden was someplace. johnson talked about something, right? yes. infrastructure. i heard that that happened. o yes. i couldn't tell you where or couldn't tell you what it is you're lookinr is and ag o. ev i give it down. yes. and not everybody does. soerybody s how can he getthe t the attention? >> we all struggle with this on how much you should cover these trialstention?ggle witn, k
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should talk about these trials. >> there's a lot of things happening in thet of world.they oh, they wanted to arrest thisd guy for a decade. ourt and now that he's in court, they're complaining like a dog chasing a car. as soon as they catch it, they don't know what to dooon a democrats aren't happy. no matter what happens. has anyone ever noticed that there's just no happinesst or the left? they're not happy. they're not happness oy people.. >> there's a lot of anger, confusion and sadness in the democratesse: th party. if anyone's read get it together, you know, they could use a therapist. >> i'd like to call the part of this segment therapypy wit with hillary, because she's now going to because she needs >> iher role therapiste need. >> well, mika, i'm happy to goo to therapy with you any timether because clearly the therapy, the pressure and the stress on our system, our country, our constitution, our futureurso is so intense for those of use f who understand what's at stake. if anybody needs therapy,
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it's hillary. she.e never got over 20 16d sh and she's married to bill. dr ci >> dr. clinton prescribed the media with a plan to takntee down trump first. you're not calling hime a dictator enougcaah. >> i don't think the press has done enoug bash to basically sa, okay, the circus is here. you can watch the circus, but let's tell you what that means. let's talk tell to people who have a real understanding of how dictatorships evolve. fo dr. hillary, not really known for her bedside manner, started insulting her patients. >> if you're a woman and vote w for trump, you're e foa. any woman who has any sense of self-respect, autonomy, agency, independence and values, freedom needs to understand there's only one choice in this election, and that's joe biden. >> only hillary can figure outay a new way to insult half the country. remember
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, crooked isn'to th the feminists she pretends to be. she ran smear campaign fes against every woman who had an affair with her husband, even women her husband allegedly. trum were called trailer trash. trump invited them all toe an the second debate and line them up at a table and it was a long table. hillary will never forgivetablem . trump not bill sh she's the one who has no self-respect. >> she's been publicly has humiliated, bottled up the humiliation, and takes her rage out on trump. >> in a way, trump reminds hillary of her husband, and deep down, she hates them bothand deeps th. what if biden doesn't excite female voters and they want to stay home? dr. hillary says, shut up and take your medicine. >> every one of us has an obligation as a citizen to try to figure out waking up the morning after the election. do i want to throw my vote i wan
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away? do i want to not vote and letot somebody who doesn't agree with me or care about me essentially fill that vacuumr that i left? ordo d io i want to feel like,tc okay, maybe i'm not ecstaticstoc about thome outcome, but i'm safe? >> what's safe about an open border? an o two proxy wars, record inflation, crime and throwing politiciansn bord o in prison for winning. joe is going to have to explain all of that at the debate. >> dear joe, now that you'vee rg committed to debate on the ratings challenged howard stern show, let's set it up right now. i'm ready to g.o anywhere that you are, anytime, anywhere, any place. >> let's go, joe. >> let's debate.>> biden says he's game jes on it . biden does show up at the debate. remember the playbook? trump's a dictator. economy is findebate raybooke. you have money to spend. migrant crime's a hoax. republican tos open the border
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and if you vote for trump,p, you have no self-respect. >> former presidential candidate,ate... the fake ramaswamy joins me now. >> all right. the big let's let's pu me know.t hillary aside for a second. >> we will get to her. let's look at the joe biden cnn interview. he gets briefed by economist. oa >> he gets told what to sayer by pollsters, but he just goess. out there and lies and denies cn and gets angry at cnn. why can't he handle an interview like that?is >> well, the fact of the matter is he is just a puppet for the managerial class underneatp him. yes. so he's not really even the president of the united states in any meaningful the ited stae. t and i long have suspected they have lost their use for him as a puppee fom ast, which t i still don't rule out the possibility that this is not going to bethe joe biden. when we get to november. but the reality is his comments about the economye econ are laughable. prices are up, wages are not up. interesty ar pr rates in mortgage rates have gone up to fight the inflation. th americans know
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no matter what lies he's peddling, we have an open border that's more porous than i it's been at any point in the history of the united states. >> infiltrat e our cities. with crime rising, people aren't falling for g foe. d nymor and even cnn's ability to play interference is now compromised ,which i think was a beautiful>> thing to watch. yeah, they didn't even try to was actually a decent jesthe. interview by erin burnett. surprised by it. but now that it's here d by, we'resays t grateful. hillary says they're not being mean enoughey are g meanh >> she says you have to callsa them a dictator every single second on msnbc until november. and she says, if you're a womamn who's even considering not voting for joe biden, you're a sleazebaeven cong fog who doesnw what's good for you is that the vague and effectiv e political strategy? >> i d >> well, i didn't find that toe be particularly inspiring pa thinking i about americans who might be inspired by her comments. by or hasagain, neithe anything hillary clinton's ever said. i think this is still a womanis who is toiling with her own envy of the position that joe
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biden is in. and i don't think she has wholly given up the possibilitsi that she will be the presidential nominee. if she probably had it her way, it'd be this year aroundt he. and so i think like most things from hillary clinton, it comes it ck and festering place of personal frustration projected on the country. of wha >> and that's a little bit of what you saw from her more recently. the debate still her more is debatable. people say biden shouldn't doy i it. biden says he may do it. she says set it up.w whet i don't even know whether to believe that. if you sayhe , you know, even biden might not be the nominee, let's say she's the nominet not does he debate donald trump?s >> look, i think he has no choice but to. now he's actually mayb ee pu as advisers were recoiling as he was sticking his foot,uth his mouth, but he's not committed to doing it. imagine the same shoe fitting the other foot, thoughed doing donald trump said he weren't going to debate, but joe biden were calling him out to debate. imagin.e what the media reaction and the public reaction would be. >> we should not be in we sf thes the habit of coddling one of these presidential candidates
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versus the other. >> and that's effectivelpresidem what's happening, jesse, is you've got two men running against each other for us president other f, and yet tg and the public is coddling one of them because he's effectively, unfortunately off the rocker and has lost his mental faculties. >> i don't think the president of the united states should be in a position to be coddled by the media or the public. we're talking about the commandepoeder in chief leadinge country at a moment when we are closer to world war-sr three than we've ever been in any of our lifetimes. >> this is not a momenn we'vt fi remedial treatment of that. >> us president. so you know what? if you thinks f this is elderpn abuse, maybe it is. the guy shouldn't be running for us president u.ertainly shouldn't be the us president. i'm talking about joe biden. agt in that casende, if he can't debate and face off against donald trump, he certainly cannot face off against xit at jinping. >> he can really get through what's at stak stake e in the united states. >> cnn interview. exactly. yeah. one guy is being coddled, the other one' jons being prosecuted. >> you heard donald trump say prosd donald. happy do you feel the same way?it i've seen it. >> look, i think
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they're fundamentally unhappy. y that's notis in a wa not critical, especially of younger people who think specialls as progressive. >> jesse i think what we need for some of these people is actually reak whatl sympathy. ae many of them are suffering from mental health illnesses. ment are suffering froma lo a loss of purpose in this country. so many youn of purg people showing up on this college campuses at columbia and elsewhere. they don't eves atn know, they a what they're protesting for. they are lost. they're hungry to be part of something bigger than themselves. yet they can't even answer what it meann't evens to be an american today. >> and so i do see this as an opportunity for the conservative thias movementu and i do think donald trump is going to be well positioned to do it, to say thi s is what it means to be an american. >> this is what it means to be s to a citizen of this country. and even if you've been lost and looking for something biggerhey ar, you've got itt ho right here at home in the caited states of americath. >> and i think if wet just as republicans can level up not just criticizingicizing biden,v done that. even you would have done that right now. and we've got to do some oe toof that. but to level up and also say this is who we are and what wes stand foisre andndr as americank we can give many of those depressed, unhappyse, mentally
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ill lost members of gen z and beyond on the left, a sense of conviction, a sense of self-confidenced that they'n been missing as individuals, that we've been missing as a country. have bee we do that, i think no only will we win this election in a landslide selec, i think we going to revive this country for the next generation. and that'ss countr what gets me. >> jesse yeah, i've seen g you get going on the podcast. weot going can inspire, but theo has to be a spark from within these people in order for it to connect. >> vivek ramaswamy neither of us are going to therapy with hillary clinton that we can tell you. amen. good to see you. you too. >> primetime goes to a fury convention. den 2024 >> trump or biden 2024. i'd prefer definitely biden. yeah, i'm a leftist, right?n i'm a trans man. so, you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about her
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fittings, go to l.a. and buy your new putter today. fox news alert.y day 14 of the trump trial,e where notrum one can namete h the crime. former trump white house aide madeline wesouset are out and tp organization junior bookkeeper rebecca monaco took the stand along with stormy daniels. stormy testimony concluded today, but not before things got a little freak y. >> and we're not talking about . we're nod under oath that she talks to dead people. stormy claims she communicates with the dead and now weg to have proof. stormy is talking to the biden campaign. she also said she's a ghost hunter. she told the court that she thought her home in new orleans was haunted and there was paranormal activity. ctivit >> turns out it's just a possum. just a powe are now i meane we are now in the toilet in the realm of paranormal activity.
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how you cannot laugh at the, nol you know, the paranormal possum. i'm not sure. but the jury also migh pretothig be annoyed because they might recognize it as admitting to do. i've been making money as a of a ghost hunting team to go into locations, daniels . ys so that clarifies things. she's parts. of a ghost huntinge team. >> the defense established that not only stormi obsessedno with science fiction, she's also obsessed with moneynf . correspondent nate foy is here to break down what happened today. nate io bring hey, jesse. >> adult film actress stormy fil daniels is officially the witness stand, and she insisted in court that she never extorted forme e inr president donald trump as his lawyers questioned her about the hundredsp as law of thousands of dollars that she made off her story of an affair that trump denies. now, daniels said that sa a bonus wasjustw daniel and that she was more motivated by telling the truth. mobut of telling her story. daniels signed an nda with michael cohen to stay quiet for $130,000 when it
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later went public. she toured the country, profitin sg off her affiliationt with trump. trump's attorneys questioned danielion withs about inconsists in her story over the years, like when she signed a statemenstort in 2018 denyinge affair happened. daniels also admitted, as you mentioned, to claiming she can speak to deaspeak d and previouy claiming that her home in new orleans was and that spirits attacked her, as you mentioned. you it was justsh a possum. now, tonight, she's speaking directly to trump, postinge isdy on this, quote, real men respond to testimony by being swornmen resp in and tn the stand in court. oh, wait. trumr mind. trump maintains that he wants to testify. what he can't do he is talk about daniels or any witness publicly. witne and tonight, judge juan merchan denied trump's request to amend the court's gag order son that he can do exactly that ando speak about daniels publicly. >> here's trump after court. everybody saw what happened today.
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>> i don't think we have to do v any extra explaining. i'm not allowed to anyway, because this judge was corrupt . he's a corrupt judge. we are so s if there's ever been anything like inocent. any >> judge merchan also denied trump's reques>>mp'st for a mis because of prejudicial testimony from danielsa mistri. trump's lawyers argued that a lot, if not all,a of her testimony, had little to nothing to do with the charges that trump actually faces in this case. the trial resumes tomorrow at 930 in the morning. >> jesse? all right, andy, thanks so muc.h .. >> trump attorney aleena haba joins me now. lena, you've bee n there most rig of the time, right in court in this kangaroo court. n cono one knows what is happeng inside. can you give us a little color about what it's really like? >> so it is actually cold? i agree with the president on that. i didn't know how cold it woul n d be. so, you know, you walk in and it's really actually something surreal. e yo feel like you're in the twilight zone today. i walked in and the first
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person that caught my eye was everybody from greg kellsye left on the right to george conway on the left. kaitlan collins sitting there. and, you know, i appreciate that they all want to act wa in those moments. i'm sitting there and i'm looking, but they're snarking and it's ver y strange feeling. >> so it's like a show trial. itg. jesse: is for the media, ? except there's no law that'sher been brokelan. >> they haven't even named the crime. it's unbelievable. and when anything salaciouss th happens, all you hear is thee clicking of the keyboards. but when actual law and factss r are discussed, it's silent. >> that that i expecet that that sums it up perfectly. >> everyone's looking at donald . is he cursing? is he sleeping? what else cap. n you whenee you're inside that room, the ruin of our justice system? to be honest, you can see everything. i'm obviously sittinstem. g in the front row pew behind the team. that'sm that doing the case. a and you can see everybody. there's a technd team. there's obviously all the people, the commentators that we see on tv sitting there all da commenty watching.
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>> it's a very strange thing is the judge seem like jesse: he's control of the courtroom. >> he is definitely commandyou a going. you can tell that he is outspoken. you can telln h that he has ann opinion in front of a jury. do i think it's appropriate? no fry. ropriate you have a jury. you have to be very careful yo.t, much you interrup how much you condemn one side over the other. but i've seen this myself. u oveother.they don't care. they care about swaying them. and that's one way to sway a jury. justem that because you have a jury doesn't mean that the judge doesn't show control and push them the right direction. >> and the jury is engaged. they're paying attention to the facte jurygaged,s. >> sometimes i think with the last testimony i saw some gigglesometimeshe, obvious don't want to speak too much about a jury sitting on a trial ,but, you know, maybe maybe i don't know. you know, it feeds in back and forth and it's very difficult to reack-and-fdifficun and you don't even know who's testifying tomorrow. who'stifyingo you, as a defense attorney, prepare thepto cross-examine a witness n you don't know who the witness
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the next day is going to be? >> well, i think that'e xts by design. i think that's by design. and they're masking it with the unconstitutionals gag order.ths they're saying that this is to protect witnesses, but they prot no problem when their witnesses speak on tv or they're witnesses, as you showed post. theirthat's not a problem or ia problem for president trump's lega al team to even knowpare and prepare for the next witness the next day. imagin te. t they so you have to prepare for every witness that they give you a long list at the beginning of theu a longst a pr table. they give you a long list and you don't know who they're going to calyou youdon't l, who going to ask about. and you have to be prepared every day for every single witness t prepaery da len that list. >> that's absolute insanity. >> jeven i can prepare mu that much. >> i'm very well prepared as you are, too. elench e s a, you so much. >> thank you. the secret service warning about a threat from the inside right back. >> there are certain areas in american history that define us where fortunes were made, rules were broken, and legends, they were born. this was an age of outlaws
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just in the last week. >> a thousand chinese in a week ,and nearly all of them coming through san diego. that means coming more chinese citizens have been caught ca borr than the previous ten years combined, which seems strange because we don't sharead a border with china and they're not seeking asylum.a mass there's a massive national security threat. >> how many more chinese illegals have to get caught storming me il our military basn before biden realizes it? 40,000 biden migrants pourednt - into denver and built chanty towns, and now they won't leave . we've been offering time and shelter, basically just trying to get families to to lee their camps and come inside what might be something that is a feasibleht b i path path for success. it is not saying on the streets of denver, w-e tryhing to compromise. we try to figure something out. you know, at the end of the da i ,what we do noest want is families on the streets of denve denver. >> denver democrats have been trying to negotiate with the have t. >> it's not going well. look at the migrants listlo
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un demands, culturally appropriate food, unlimited showerim time, free health caree free housing, work permits, free consultations with immigration lawyers, more privacynsultati, an end toh seven monitoring and free transportation monit. ste when i stay at my mom's house,py i'm not even allowed unlimited time. takin the mayor is actually taking their demand seriously and wants you to be am good sport and let them stay at your house. spare >> a single mom with a spare her bedroom in her house felt a call hou to help. why aren't you doing something? you know, that's that justllingy in heart. >> that's what i was telling myself. y were at firstous about the idea of taking in strangers. >> some of the greatest things . that you know, that you do or inve done has been involved with some risk. we cooked meals together. wevoh somek. cleaned house toge. you know, we just wereunit a community with each other. >> former nfl player and colorado wildlife expert derek wolf joins us now. derek, why haven't
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you taken in just a couple dozen migrant families into your, i'm sure, spacious estate? because that's that's madness. it's silly to think that we'ret supposed to just open our homes to strangerssupp, completentri strangers from other countries who have come over here illegalles com y and now are making demands. they want free showers and free food sho. i i want some fresh free food, too, and i want to go take t showeraks as long as i want not to pay for it, too. i mean, it would. wouldn't that be great? thist be gre this utopia that ty think that they're coming into? i mean, most american is either don't get this stuff for free or have to for it. >> and i don't even i mean, i'm not going to speak, but actually, but i know people who don't even want their families comingeven over to their house,t alone strangers from central. america. >> i mean, where does this wh get o? ff >> i mean, it's -- it's incredible. i'm i'm all for people coming t
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to the us and trying to earn a livingan here. com right. and but when you come over here and you start demanding everything to be frerte, i meann we can't take off our take care of our own here. and things are things are tight for everyone, regardless of your status. you know, there'less of yours tr problem in denver is just i mean, it's run rampant. they've cut budgets on all first responders. that's policbudgets e officers, firemen, emt is the factnver is that the drugs, the drug problem in downtown denver, because the days of justs ru letting people go has run rampant. i have a great friend who is a first responder and he says he spends most of his time administering narcan spent to dg overdoses. >> oh, that's just so sad. so sad. er maybe derek, i wonder maybe they've been watching the campus detuatio beewatchin because thes have been demanding food massages. >> divestment from israel, no, s exams, no s.a.t.s, pretty much cheverything they're just doing, they're you know, they're assimilating to america than we were even giving -
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them credit for. are ge yeah, it's unbelievable. you're getting an $86,000 a year educationyear e, but youe out there whining like a baby. get over i t. plane you go, why don't you go to getg up and get on a plane, go to gaza and seeaz if you could do something about it. unbelievable. i bet they throw you off a building. wh >> i by don't you know if you wo a new if you want to go camping, seeing a lot of tents c i think you go to the wilderness, maybe pitch a tentf. out there in the woods, build a fire. that's where you camp. not in the middle of the sea. if if they're going to bantain mountain lion hunting, then it's not safe for them out ther lioennot sae. i' it's, you know what? i'm not going to make that joke. make that call it a day. derek, thank you so much thank you, jesse. the secret service has been plagued by scandal since biden's election plagu. white ho they slammed the brakes on the white house coke investigation, then destroyed the evidence an destr. naomi biden, secret service detail got carjacked right in front of her house.
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>> and of course, there's commander. t happ but the scariest incident happened just a few weeks ago when a secret servicen ks agoe agent assigned to kamala harris wigged out, attacked her colleagues and pelted them with maxi pads, which the freak out was so concerning she hadsha to be hospitalized. that agent had a checkered past before she joined the service. she was a cop with ath controversial fatality and a dismissed lawsuit on her jacket . a lot t of people were askingof how someone like that could get so closeweg ho to the secont powerful person in the country constitutehe count family. >> that's kamala. today, an anonymous groupand an of secret service agents signed a petition and sent it rervice agto congress demandingn investigation into secret service director kimon int chea specifically her dea hiring. >> cheadle promised to transform the secret service by hiring more women. only problem they say all theseg female hires aren't really being vetted multipl
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e sources say the agent and kamala's detail had a history of poor judgmente deta and wasn't, quotd held to the same rigorous standards expected t of all cani secret service agent candidates during her recruitment, trainingth and eventualas assignment. the sources also told kne petitioner'ssignnt she faild the drill, known as hogan's alley, to one of those courses where you run through simulated ambushessimulate and have to shd guys, not civilians. instead, she shot the civilians and let the bad guys live bae. t >> s you're not supposed to fail that test to be promotedsident's to protect the vice president's life. >> the petition claims the petitime director cheadle, who at that time was the special agent overseeing her exa spe if graduated her anyway. if true, that's a huge true th i the petition sayons the agencyvr is vulnerable to, quote, potential insider threats. these agents are demanding an immediate congressional investigation and want immengressioinvest dismissed. the secret service says, quote, it's evident that this
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anonymous petitioner does not embody the u.s. secret services values of service or of herself. >> our strength comee...s from our diversity in the knowledge, skills, experiencey and perspective. each employee brings former secret service agent tim milleri joins us now. tim, thims seems reckless. >> what's going on? >> yeah, so gsa, the defunde the police boat is takinpog on water. i think if you look first, itk was the irifs, it's the and now you have internal secret service agents that are raising the alarm. and if you think about it, it's pretty simplealarm an. they're concerned that our mission is the secret service agen conce t is compromised and that that should cause everybody go, whoa, wait a minute. this is the premier protection agencyotection in the world.i ha you know, i had been a marine. i've been a police mar officer.w and when i went through that training, it was challenging and quitasand quite,
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if the internal agents are rising up and saying, we have a problem, houston, we have a problem. lawy. you know, when you become a lawyer, you have to pass the bar whene tor. you becomehat a surgeon, you have to pass whencal exams. when you become a secret service agent, if you start killing civilians during the hogan's alley drill,ldn't be you shouldn't be a secret service agent. >> how hard is that to understanice id? yeah, and i think, jesse, you know, i am not goingg to talk about my colleague. obviously, she's got some some issues that they'r colleague working through and my prayers go with her. but it does raiso with here then of, hey, who do we want aroundet the most powerful people in the world? >> who should be there? should it be a certain persowhoh or should it be the most qualified, the most fit, the person that should demonstrat moste it time and timedecisi again, they can make decisions that need to be made and splitaa second. so you bring a great point and let me just say this. having gone through the secret service training, it's the best tr world.rvi
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i still know people. they're there, they're great th great, and it's training. my concern is when again, when in toronto, agents begin raising concerns that causes to go, oh, because when they do it, they do it at great peril to themselves and their careers. >> yeah. and they've been leaking to cn n o that they're tired of getting bitten by dogs. we've haing biddd this conversa. we had we had he's gone. he's out, he's out, he's and no one had to put him down . >> they just got rid of him. all right. good luck over there . about >> we'll we'll keep america posted about the fate of cheadle. >> thank you. thank you, bro. happy dea thursday. >> we are people living with a-fib and over 400,000 of us have left blood thinners to o for life. we've cut our stroke risk
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rebuilding the francis scott key bridge. from the timeline to the crisis and th goi to be
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exceptionally stink free and smell as good as humanly possible. >> so doing this on a weekly basis design is something we must have. happy diy thursday prime times favorite day of the week in honor of reverend al sharpton. >> we're bringin in honour og you the best stories about diversity, equity and inclusion. udent >> a transgender student at a portland high school born a boy claimsat he's a girl headed t
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to the oregon state trackoreg championshipon ss. no one was shocked when a guy out ran all the girls, though. >> watch how he got that girl. >> not even close. we reached out to the school for comment. nothing. >> in toronto. the police department wasn't diverse enough. thblack were having troublethe passing the written exam. so the supervisosuper, the canan donna brazile, gave them the questions ahead of time and helped them cheat their way onto the force. this wasce exposed and the media is in canada calling the supervisor a hero. they say the toronto policet an
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force is racist and the only way to change its rulesly is to break them. , meet bambi, an irish songstress who's a finalist at the international music competition. >> you're a vision. bambi goes by. they/them pronouns. gothic is a self-described goth goblind gremlin and a wedgie pop star. >> and boy is, they them something special. >> what makes you special? ourie and what's your favorite part of your performance? do you know what makes me special? i'm i'm a eea, and i'm no dj. >> i thursday's complete with without a prime time victory. y iscomplemitt is getting rid oy becoming the most eliteuniv american university to do so. go mitero.t president saying th. >> my goals are to tap into the full scope of human talentit
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,to bring the very best to mit k and to make sure that they thrivet th here. we can build an inclusive environment in many ways, impie but compelled statements impinge on freedom of expression, and they don't. work. that's how it's done . >> speaking of the one community that's been picking up steam ovey thatr the. couple of years, the furries. well, what is a furry? s to >> it's someone who likes to dress up in a costume or fur, shoot, as they say, say a and take on an animal alter ego. nd aprimetime.ime wa i wanted to find more about them, and we sent our producernt to a furry convention, of course, in new jersey. what exactly is a furry? anybody who identifies as tly ia furry would be a furry, an internal feeling that you can't reallyeling th get in oth. i mean, it's like it's not an easy thing to explain to your parents. totallto exy. they >> but yeah, i dress up as a stuffed animal.
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they're like, okay, why are yous dressed so scary? what kind of furry are you? cary f furroh, i'm a dog. oh, you know, i'm persona is a>i pomeranian named splat. >> i'm actually a lion. you're an animal'm a. yeah, i'm not. no. yeah. it a is it a thing or. our community includes adults,he so there are adult sides of the community. adulcommunitt you go to or people dress up. >> stuff happens in the hotel room. well, listen , i got to ask. >> was i lt just kissing last night? what do you do for a living?? >> i'm an electrical engineer. i'm n electra fire paramedic, bl working my way through med school for commissary. pr have you noticed that the price of persons has gone up? yeah. really? icone upyeah. it's gone up quite a bit in thea last year with all the inflatiolln going on. all the inflation? uh huh inflati huh. >> kleptocracy and club. the guys who are the kleptocracy. . trumper. biden 2024. i would sa>> trur biden y biden.
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>> maybe biden. these are people. i pre these are animals. i'd prefer definitely biden. biden yeahfe. s ma i'm a leftist, right? i'm a trans man. so from 2024, maybe crooked joe, you're fired. get out of here. donald trump, born to be a furry. what kind would he be? mayb if dona bae a fox rottweil. >> a rottweiler. r ottweione that not many people e them. but if they're trained right, they're going to say, we're going to put a muzzle on the dogs. and i thought that was a good idea. >> but then it gets even more violent. probably a dragon. onjoe biden, where to be a furr? what kind of furry? definitely a slob. a slob why?loth? i mean, you can't really tell'tt when a slots are awake or noells like a turtle because he's old. >> how would you feel the border. i would not close borders or open borders. probably open borders. >> biden. biden is for free and open border. >> does it ever get hot in there? oh, my god.
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yes. >> it hot in there? it is a little toasty. is it hard to go to thtoastye t bathroom? >> yeah. >>ah, it's hard to lay a towel over the. >> oh, no. grace, the dog. i'm in the shower. huh? oh, that's cool. >>e. n the nos yeah, i like that. oh, it's hard. sparkly. that's nice. oh, ding. that is cool. anything you want to say to jesse waters? hi, jesse watters. i love your show. jesse wa>> i lovi watch all theg go to one of these. it's really fun. should he be a furry? >> yeaf th >> jaybe not a furry, but a flurry. >> water: maybe s goes shooting right back. so i went to experience. they actually helped lower my monthly bills, phone internet experience at the work. also subscriptions. i forgot about experian. cancel them for me help me take
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hundreds of shooters. >> our team 10th out of 27th in the morning sesh. not too shabby thanks to kevin u . >> he did promise us that we would not be lass thatt t. pectd >> i was actually better than expected. nail on a few targets. gu wy hosted the event. e all of the proceeds go into morristown medical centeventr, . the steeplechase cancer center, and the far hills. bedminster fire departmenteeples rescue squad. >> what a day. let's do. some texts. ryan from fort wayne, indiana. jesse, i have to call you out.yo you totally bust your way l through the waters window lastas night. guilty as charged, but not tonight. tim and frannie from naples, florida. we were so happy to sed frannies rick scott show up in support of trump. >> today, more prominent ro be republicans need to be there. how is senator scott the only republican that showetk to this kangaroo court? >> brody from milton,
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new hampshire. next thing you know, that kangaroo courhampshirng yom possum to the stand. >> wow stand. possum' >> the ghost of possums passed. cindy from new hope,nia, sto pennsylvania. stormy speaks to the dead. maybe she could asks tk. >> jeffrey epstein, who killed him. very good. john from meridian, idaho. >> the left is unhappy because they've been attending doctor hillary's, s therapyy se sessions and she charges a lotst . >> gary from michigan, i can't believe we got rappaport who's next? deniro. i'm not sure if they're in [ inathe same category, but i e what you're doing. oscar from texas, which furrcaty would you be, jesse? >> dinosaur t-rex. absolutely. small arms, though. i'm waters, and this is my


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